Coraline was Going to be the Other Mother! | Coraline Beldam Theory 2/3 - The Fangirl

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you guys I think Coraline might be the next beldam stay tuned the idea may be more feasible than you think hey there family members you probably already know this but I'm McGann this is the fangirl and we're about to cover Coraline for the bajillion 'the time in my last Coraline video I responded to this letter I got that sent me off into a whole different tangent and it ultimately brought me to a place where there are multiple other mothers if you didn't see that video I'd highly recommend you do that before continuing here but the gist is that the beldam has a certain set of traits that she gets when she transforms so it could very well be a situation where the Belle Damelin gets one shot to catch a child and then she can't change into anybody else's mother the creature either gets a child and creates a new other mother or it just weathers away and dies it's kind of like a battery a battery can sit for a really long time in a package and still keep all of its energy but once you use it the powers gone it's not coming back up same idea with Belle diem magic once you pick a child you can only morph into one person and you spend all of your energy trying to catch that one kid then you have a baby and die off cycle complete if you fail and you don't get your meal or whatever it is a beldam needs to have a baby then the line ends and that would help explain how the Bella dam went 49 years without a child but then suddenly she'll die without Coraline so the sweet ghost girl was the Belle dams mother's victim and now the movie Belle dam has expended all of her energy trying to catch Coraline which she presumably failed at if you want to do a with the grain reading of the movie so going off that theory I wonder if this whole Belle damn reproduction process might be a little bit more intricate than that one thing I wasn't comfortable with in that theory is that getting a child equals reproduction it just feels dirty like think about that in human context I need to trap a child in my house so that I can make a baby you call the police it just sounds all kinds of wrong but I really do think it's more like an energy transference kind of situation and by that I mean that the beldam either eats enough or she drains enough energy out of something else so that she can physically make a baby a little tiny version of herself you know something more like that unless pet oe but the more I thought about it the more I started to question why a kid why is that pivotal to the plan just learn in anyone or anything you can a free production is the goal and I do believe that the beldam has done that to obtain miss pink miss forcible and mr. bubinski but this is a counter theory so my older ideas may or may not apply here so then I wondered what if a child has more significance than just being a source of food to paint this full picture why does the Bell dam have button eyes as I have shown many many many times before the other mother is perfectly capable of displaying human eyes so why bother with buttons wouldn't it be easier to keep a child in your grasp if you looked perfectly like the real mother and it would make things so much more confusing for the kids really the only logical reason for the other mother to have button eyes is to normalize them for the children see I'm wonderful and fun and give you everything you ever wanted and I have button eyes so they're good try on these buttons and stay with me forever but if we take another step back from this why would the Bell diem even need to sew buttons in the eyes of children I mean she seems to be saving the physical eyes to power the other world for reasons but if that's all she wants the kids for it would be so much easier to just snatch out their eyes and give them nothing in return and that's especially true if she's killing the children because why put in all this effort just to eat them again I've had other thoughts about the ghost kids being puppets and the building I'm not actually eating children and that may still apply here it's implied that the Bell dam can see through the buttons and that's how she spies on people to set up the other world to their preferences however once the bell dam gets what she wants which is supposedly the eyes of tweens shouldn't she be done with that person the only reason to give them button eyes is to either control them or to see through their perspective I mean maybe you could go a step further and say she's trying to manipulate how the kids see with button eyes which is really useless to do if you're already at mission accomplished I got them always you've already succeeded in the plan so why keep going so what all adds up to the buttons having really zero purpose in the movie they're useless to the other mother and to use on the children that she abducts even the cat doesn't know what the other mother is after maybe she wants something to love or something to eat who knows who cares not me I'm a cat well what if there's another option what if the beldam isn't hurting the children but she gives them the buttons because they really do become her children her air the next bell damn who waits patiently in the other world until another kid comes by so to accept the button eyes is to become the next bell damned because you're actually her child now okay I expect you guys will have some issues with this theory but fear not I have another part written up and ready but this script is already about six and a half pages long if I don't cut anything out so I'm gonna do myself a favor and split this video into two parts sorry if you find that annoying but the true true is I can't seem to give you guys enough coralline videos so hopefully most of you will be happy with the series continuing it also gives me a chance to absorb any feedback and kind of work that into the theory if it needs to be tweaked anywhere and I'm still taking letters to answer your Coraline questions so be sure to check out my About tab on the channel page if you'd like to send me your question in the mail like I said before I will answer everything I can to the best of my ability and if nothing else hey you'll get a shout out which is cool right cool I don't know I don't know what these days it might not be a reality but theories are more fun so for today's derp switch if you don't know the theories over we're just kind of having some fun now I do want to give a shout out to I'm gonna say this wrong I think jarred R I think I'm putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable but I'm not sure who sent me some really cool fan art from Norway I don't know how well this is showing up it's a really cool like almost a rice paper which is neat because it's kind of hard to find this in the United States you have to go to like really specialty art stores and a super super sweet note that he sent along with what he calls a Persian accessory from Iran and again I don't know how well this will focus but it is one of the iranian kings and i need to find a little necklace loop that i can put in there and wear it because i think it's really pretty my uncle is actually from Turkey so I know a little bit about a little bit but I just wanted to say thank you so much for the art and the gift and the letter and for sending that way way way across international borders love you jarred are and hopefully by the time you see this you will have gotten the little packet of love I sent back but I'm not sure because sometimes my international mail doesn't get there so let me know if you've seen it yet ooo and before we go there has been a big scuffle in my household and we need to sort this out okay so this is a cat my daughter got at VidCon it's a small something like that op mal something like that I know it's related to minecraft in some way but the cat's technically aren't but it's just a nice cushy thing my daughter wants to call this cat strawberry of all things it's not even like pink or red I said she would make a lovely Ava Peron and we have been at odds with each other over what this imaginary plush cat's name is gonna be so please vote for me in the comments if you would if this looks like an Ava Peron or if this is a strawberry for you these derps you never know what you're gonna get thanks for watching everybody and we'll see you next time family members well family members we're almost done but I want to invite you to hang out with me in some other places I'm on Twitter and Instagram as my own personal self and I have a Facebook page too but I mostly just post photos over there and sometimes people say hang again I want to mail you something how do I do that easy just click the About tab on my channel page and my most current p.o box info will be right there I also run another channel the family it's really a hodge podge channel where we might post anything oh yeah and I also sell shirts and stickers and stuff with the family and the fangirl logos if that is your cup of tea I have a link in every description of every video finally if you want to help out the fangirl channel and make sure I'm putting out video essays for years to come the best you can help is by subscribing and watching more of my videos whether they're new old whatever maybe even share one or two on social media help spread the word people who watch to the end of videos like you helps to tell the site hey this is a good video we should recommend it to other people so if you made it this far leave me a comment of something like hey I made it to the end love ya see you next time family members [Music]
Channel: The Fangirl
Views: 51,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coraline explained, coraline movie, coraline theory, other mother, beldam, the fangirl, the fangirl coraline, coraline is the next beldam, coraline is the next other mother, coraline beldam, coraline other mother, coraline cat, coraline black cat, coraline analysis, coraline theories, the theorizer coraline, coraline video essay, film studies, button eyes, coraline ghost kids, looper, screenrant, the things, coraline, what does the beldam want, video essay, cartoon conspiracy
Id: U4qRfRi8wAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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