Did Coraline really escape? (Coraline Theory)

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I don't know if anyone else feels this way but stop-motion movies have always had a certain charm to them and look at some of the review scores of these movies seems like I'm not the only one who loves them but I have all the stop-motion movies everyone seems to know one that one being Disney's Nightmare Before Christmas and everyone knows that story was made by Tim Burton but some forget that Tim didn't actually direct Nightmare Before Christmas know that responsibility fell on to Henry Selick now Henry is also known for directing another loved stop-motion movie in that movie also being one of my favorites is Coraline Coraline was released in 2009 and was based off a book that was released in 2002 my love for this movie also is an unpopular opinion I mean what's not to love her name has an O in it I haven't oh and my name it just makes sense so great now you guys know a movie that I really enjoy so what well to be honest I've seen this movie a lot especially since it got onto Netflix so with some research and watching the movie like a hundred times a theory has popped up and that theory is whether Coraline really escaped from the other mothers world well let's look into it well before we look into the theory I think when you look into the plot of Coraline so if you haven't seen the movie I strongly urge you to do so before watching this video I mean like I said some Netflix and now that the spoiler warning is out of the way here is the plot of the movie chronic Jones and her parents move from Pontiac Michigan to their new home in Ashland Oregon early neighbors include mr. bubinski miss Menken miss forcible due to her parents constantly working correlate frequently explores the apartment out of boredom while exploring she meets a black hat and Webby the grandson of the landlady whose twin sister who mysteriously disappeared years ago are you can scoreline a button I drag doll that resembles her the doll den lures her to a small door in the living room which is bricked up and can only be unlocked with a button key that night she goes through the door where the bricks have been replaced by a corridor to the other world and how did by button I doppelgangers of people from her world : meets the other mother and other father who gives her more attention and are more entertaining than her real parents after so trips to the other world the other parents invite Coraline to live there forever but to do so she has to sew buttons into her eyes terrify Coraline attempts to flee but the other mother sees through the planet blocks all the exits to the real world the cab he reveals the sensor truth about the other world and the other mother Coraline is then caught and imprisoned their core line meets the ghosts of the previous victims including the missing twin sister of Whitey's grandmother their bill that the other mother whom their fur - as Belle Dereham created and sent a button I drag dolls to resemble them in order to spy on their lives what the promise of a better life she lured them into the other world where she sewed buns over their eyes and consumed their lives to free their souls their realize need to be found gold mine promises to help Pauline is then suddenly rescued from her imprisonment by the other yvp hopes her escape back to the real world but coin the scores of her parents are missing she eventually deduces that they have been kidnapped by Billy I'm Corwin decides to go back in to save them and the calves i discord like to propose a game if grow and cannot find her parents and the ghosts eyes she'll let buns be sewn into her eyes if she can then they'll be set free the bottom agrees the core line goes to areas where the ghosts eyes are hidden beats the buses for lack of a better term to get all the eyes and then she confronts the Bo damn trick certain escapes releasing the souls of the missing kids and Frank or parents and like that a happy ending or so I thought after examining everything I had some questions remember how I said coral I escaped that first time when the other why be helped out well what if she never really truly escaped let me explain now the first thing I brought me to explored this theory was the scene from the movie where other why be helps Coraline escape the things I noticed was when other why he took off his glove and blew the the sand the sawdust whatever it is he blew it in it flew away this was to show Coraline why he could have come with her in her world and the other world he has life this only happened because the door to the normal world was opened doing this allowed some of the magic to escape and so he showed not only to us but the Coraline that in her world other why B would just be a rag doll like the doll real why B gave her so she has to escape without him so he bravely defies the other mothers demands and sacrifices himself to save Coraline or did he thinking about this scene creatures from the other world have entered into the normal world the circus mice who happened to be rats have been to the normal world multiple times like when they lured Coraline in for the first time or when they went to get the key for the other mother and guess what there may have the same stuff other Y B is made of as you can see when the cat kills one of them and not to mention that the doll the other Marv uses to spy on Coraline moves on its own as well we don't see it move but after began to film the dome moves on its own to lure to the door so why did other YB show that he is made of sand well let me dive deeper with a narsing to answer that later on in the movie Coraline has to face other dad but didn't beginning of the fight the other father says the other mother is making him fight Coraline the other mother is in control think about this why do all the other creatures other mother makes follow every order if she says or demands but all of a sudden these two found a way to beat her control this is her world everything is up to her she created everything from the house to the creatures she has done this for hundreds of years and now all of a sudden she is beaten from a young girl and two of her own creations so here is what I am proposing the reason why other why we showed that he wouldn't survive in the normal world is is because the other mother want her to think that what if other why he wasn't doing something valiant but the other mother was making him save Coraline to trick her into believing she was safe I'm proposing that when Coraline is pulled from her imprisonment she is now permanently trapped in the other mothers world so when she escapes from the other world she is still in the other world and the other mother has recreated the normal world to trick Coraline I mean think about when Coraline returns things seem normal but also seem different you can see Coraline is clearly distraught that her parents are missing when she returns but she doesn't call the cops I mean I know she's young but she's 11 I knew to call the police if there was an emergency when I was 5 she is a smart and capable young girl this is what she would do as long as she immediately knew that the other mother took her parents she only figures this out later that night when the cat shows her in the mirror that she took him and before that she goes to misspeak and this forceable for help and I know she called those two [Music] but they're still adults that should know to call the police for help or try to help her find her parents and yet these two adults don't they just give her an iron that may help her and she goes off how many adults do you know that would let an 11-year old whose parents are missing just go off alone this is very odd in very unrealistic and then I realized that this is how the other mother portrays those two so this is how she creates them to appear to Coraline instead of helping they just complain about not to going to see a play that night the other Marv knows this is how Coraline views these two and not to mention that at the end of the movie when her parents returned home a day would have passed since their disappearance even though they act like nothing happened when they notice a whole day had gone by especially when they keep referring to an important project they need to turn in to their boss and plus miss Spink and miss forcible never mentioned the reappearance of the parents after they returned no this makes sense why would otherwise show Coraline he can't survive in her world when we see plenty of other mothers creation surviving in Coraline swirled how can other Y be and other Dada go against the other mother because they aren't she's tricking Coraline in believing they are to make her feel safe why doesn't Coraline miss Spink and miss forcible call the authorities when the parents go missing or why doesn't miss speaka miss forcible help her find her parents because things aren't right in this world and by that it means that the other mother has switched things around a trick Coraline into believe she has escaped from the other world everything isn't normal and that is because the other mother has recreated the normal world than normal people to trick Coraline into believing she is safe Coraline isn't safe though unaware to her she is still trapped and by accepting the world she is in and believing Israel and why is other mother doing this think about it Coraline refuses the buttons so what is the best way to make a strong willed and smart person accept you by tricking them to believing they are safe when in reality you are still in control of everything and by doing this the other mother is indoctrinating her and gain control over her until it is too late think of it like the ending of the Krampus movie Eve though the family has been taken they are together just trapped together inside a small world but unlike Krampus for the mean time in Coraline she is unaware of the other mothers trickery and her imprisonment for now I imagine like the other children she'll soon learn of it and will eventually face the facts that she is trapped as she fell through the other mothers tricks and that trick is fooling calling to believing that she is in her world when reality is trapped in the world created by other mother and as she is trapped there the other mother will get what she wants with Coraline as who will join the other ghosts hiding under the covers and the cherry on top of that is the cat at the end of the movie you see the cat and it walks through referencing earlier in the film when he could disappear in the other world so what does this mean as he's in the normal world well it seems to me that he is not in the normal world even though Coraline is out of view I think this is a hint to the viewer that they are still in the other world and that's why the cat still has the ability to disappear like this after all in the normal world the cat can't talk and the cat does not have supernatural powers but in the other world he can talk and he does have these powers so like I said earlier this is just the movie ending to us that Coraline had not escaped looks like in the end the other mother truly won the game the mind game with Coraline and now with Coraline XY's she can eat up her life as well but hey who knows after all this is just a theory so we can all guess and discuss what was the real ending decor line so please tell me where your thoughts on this theory in the comments below I would love to see your guys's thoughts if you like what you watch please leave a like and subscribe if you haven't and if you'd like to support me I now have a patreon so if you're feeling generous please feel free to visit it but again thank you all so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed it I will see you the next time [Music]
Channel: TheBigOReview
Views: 937,025
Rating: 4.8683677 out of 5
Keywords: Did Coraline really escape?, Did Coraline really escape? (Coraline Theory), Coraline Theory, TheBigOReview, Coraline, Coraline film, coraline movie, film, movie, film theory, theory, theories, game theory, nightmare before christmas, tim burton, henry selick, coraline theories, thebigoreview theory, movie theory
Id: WC-wV0cjfPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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