Kramer Pretends To Have A Job | The Bizarro Jerry | Seinfeld

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George why couldn't I use the bathroom in that store Grandma trust me this is the best bathroom in Midtown he knows on the left Exquisite marble High ceilings and a flush like a jet engine wo this damn thing is jammed again you know what happens with these the rollers they get flat spots on them l wants everyone in the conference room right now come on let's go [Music] yeah Kramer hey budy hey it's 8:00 in the morning what the hell is going on breakfast I got to be in at Brand Leland by 9: why because I'm working there that's why how long have I been asleep what what year is it Jerry I don't know if you've noticed but lately I've been drifting aimlessly now that you mention but I finally realized what's missing in my life structure and at Brand Leland I'm getting things done and I love the people I'm working with how much are they paying you no no no no I don't want any pain I'm doing this Stu for me clearly so uh what do you do down there all day TCB no taking care of business y I got to go all right I'll see you tonight huh I forget my briefcase what do you got in there crackers he takes another home again to find he [Music] taks he takes another home again [Music] to Jan coming over later I'm going to end it uhhuh those meaty Paws I feel like I'm dating George The Animal steel yeah maybe I'll chain it to the refrigerator and sell tickets that's nice Pam put the paper down you never listen to me anymore we hardly even talk well we're talking now I see you for 20 lousy minutes in the morning and then when you come home at night you're always exhausted we never do anything anymore you starting with me for you know this is my crazy time of year it's your third day I got to go to work we'll talk about this later well call if you're going to be late what what is going on with YouTu oh I don't want to talk about it Jerry hey Jerry I'm right here you're late yeah well I got held up you know what Happ in your hand like you care work piled up I lost oh sure sure you and your work Elaine's off in the Bizarro World George only calls when he wants something and I'm left sitting here like this plate of cold chicken which by the way was for two I ordered in it's still effort jeez what's wrong it's my stomach you're probably getting an eler this job is killing you it's killing us you know what you're all right these reports they can wait a couple of hours what do you say we go out tonight any place you want the coffee shop you got it buddy I'll call George what do you want to see me about Mr Leland framer I've been reviewing your work quite frankly it stinks well I uh I've been having trouble at home and uh I mean uh you know I'll work harder nights weekends whatever it takes no no I don't think that's going to do it uh these reports you handed in it's almost as if you have no business training at all I don't know what this is supposed to be well I'm just trying to get ahead well I'm sorry there's just no way that we could keep you on but I don't even really work here that's what makes this so difficult n
Channel: Seinfeld
Views: 133,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seinfeld, seinfeld theme, seinfeld bloopers, jerry seinfeld, seinfeld full episodes, jerry seinfeld stand up, seinfeld the contest, seinfeld stand up, best of seinfeld, larry david, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Alexander, Michael Richards, Wayne Knight, seinfeld best moments, seinfeld man hands, Seinfeld soup, Seinfeld the race, seinfeld newman, seinfeld shrinkage, Kramer, Cosmo Kramer, Work, The Bizarro Jerry, Brandt-Leland, Morning Train (Nine to Five), Sheena Easton
Id: yyfDB8PO0YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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