Jerry Dates Newman's Ex | The Big Salad | Seinfeld

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look I got to go bye that's that's a long story hello Newman hello Jerry I was wondering if you knew where Kramer was no I don't why you know genderson this is something isn't it I suppose what did kram say I don't know nothing come on Jerry you know something tell me tell me ooh chunky Margaret hello you two know each other you might say that we used to go out to nice seeing you again Margaret bye Jerry have fun you went out with Newman just a few times why I liked him you liked Newman look I'm a little uncomfortable talking about this okay no I'm sorry I'm just a little curious I mean why did you stop seeing him he ended it he ended it yes yes it was a couple of years ago why does it matter no no of course not num she went out with Newman must be a mistake no it isn't and the most distressing part about it is not that she went out with him but that he stopped seeing her do you understand he Newman Newman stops seeing her Newman never stops seeing anybody Newman will see whoever is willing to see him so the question then is not so much why did she see him as disturbing as that is but why did he Newman stop seeing her perhaps there's more to Newman than meion no there's less it's possible no it isn't I've looked into his eyes he's pure evil maybe he's an enigma a mystery wrapped in a riddle yeah he he's a mystery wrapped in a twink who is it it's Jerry it's kind of a bad time now could you come back later come on nman open the door hello Jerry what a rare treat what brings you down to the east Wing okay pudy let's stop playing games now what happened with Margaret there's no need to get excited can't we discuss this like gentlemen no we can't my skin is crawling just being inside your little r now what happened no you want to know what happened I'll tell you what happened she wasn't my type not your type not really well how come oh she just didn't do it for me what what is wrong with her well if you're happy with her that's all that matters you don't think she's attractive no I need a really pretty face but hey that's me okay Newman thanks a lot care for some lemonade no thank you drop by anytime Jerry I mean they found a te and he played golf that day nobody walks into a dry cleaners with the tea circumstantial evidence is overwhelming he had how many BS with him three around three I don't know and I told you he stopped calling me I moved on I'm not hung up on him what are you looking at what I'm not looking nothing why are you looking at my face where am I going to look kiss me I can't [Music] man
Channel: Seinfeld
Views: 124,546
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Keywords: seinfeld, seinfeld theme, seinfeld bloopers, jerry seinfeld, seinfeld full episodes, jerry seinfeld stand up, seinfeld the contest, seinfeld stand up, best of seinfeld, larry david, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jason Alexander, Michael Richards, Wayne Knight, Patrick Warburton, Heidi Swedberg, seinfeld best moments, seinfeld man hands, Seinfeld soup, Seinfeld the race, seinfeld newman, seinfeld shrinkage, Newman, The Big Salad, Marita Geraghty, Margaret, ex, dumped
Id: ZmDUOEqgxYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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