Kittl AI Unveiled: The Unstoppable AI Vector Graphics Powerhouse!

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the ability to create AI Vector images is what some AI tools currently lack or what if I tell you that there's a tool that could generate Vector images just with the click of a button so today I'll be introducing to you kittel AI it's a design platform that seamlessly integrates AI powered vector image generation which allows you to effortlessly design digital products like logos stickers in the perfect format and with ease I'll be exploring the ins and outs of a2ai I show you how it works while creating some digital products you could sell online so let's get started and by the way if you are new to the channel my name is zinni and welcome to zini Studio to assess K2 AI come to and once you sign into your account it brings you to this page that shows you different templates of what people are creating under the different types of design logos labeled be interested in k2ai today but just to give you a bit of over if you could see people are using this to design very crazy designs that are very stunning I've used this in the past to design stickers you could check out that video on the channel also um let's click on Kettle AI just to see a bit of templates of what people are creating you could see people are making very cute designs and I'll be showing you how to generate the images and make designs like this today just to get a bit of in-depth understanding of Keto AI at the very top we click on create Magic it opens up to this page that gives you a overview of what ghetto AI is it helps explain to you um how to derate Vector logo icons which is what we'll be doing today match designs for those who do print on demand AI back background removal mock-ups the thing I want to show as well is it gives you a bit of explanation of you know how to write the prompt how to choose the style and how to generate the image this is one thing I like about keto they are very simple terms of the explanation and this site is very clean and easy to understand let's go to the base which is something that is very critical how do you use the images you generate from keto commercially so the set here you can use their AI generated content for commercial purposes or commercial projects as long as you follow our terms of use and Licensing so it's very straightforward you could use anything to generate from keto or commercial purposes so now let's get into you know generating these images and testing out K2 AI at the very top you click on new project it's going to open up a new page and once it loads it's going to give you the option to choose the size of your project so I'm going to use standard and another good thing is it gives you the control of your DPI in terms of print quality so we change the DPI to 300 and we'll leave orientation the way it is and click on create and once we have that it gives you a blank canvas just a little bit of walk through so at the very top you could see mock-up download and here is where you have couple of buttons you could see project template text elements upload photos textures and key tool AI so let's go over here where it says k2ai once you click on it it opens up a tab by the left now just to give a bit of in-depth understanding it gives you different styles you could see here image Styles so you say show all it tells you the type of images you could generate this is um psychedelic this is like oil or acrylic oil painting we have styles like clip arts we have Vector Styles and we have patterns recently talked about patterns on this channel using another tool but you also generate patterns with keto AI so just to get more insight of how these Styles work here you could click on learn more it's going to open another page that he explains in depth each of the Styles so let's get back to creating the designs but one thing I need to mention is keto AI works with credit as you can see I have 7 out of 20 because I've been testing it out so for every image you generate it takes out of your credits I'll explain that in detail so for this particular tutorial we'll be creating logo so I want to create a logo for a coffee shop and I want to generate a vector image so I would say I want to generate the vector art so I'll click on it and come in here I'm going to type in like I want to generate a coffee mug that is you know steaming so I would say teacup with steaming coffee and we would click on generate image and see what happens it's gonna take a bit of time I need to generate the ad for us okay so it generates this which is interesting and for a vector image means you can stretch it out and it will lose its quality you could see as I'm stretching it out it doesn't lose its quality then it gives you the ability to change the color of the image right away and play around with it increase the butter this is something that I really like so you could play around with it and let's take it back to black okay and once you generate any of this image you might ask where is this house so once you come to uploads and click on it you could see the image you generated here this is where it houses all your images and these are some of the ones I generated so now that we have generated our coffee mug let's use this to generate a logo and there are two ways you could generate logos within keto so you could use an existing template or you could create from scratch so let's go to here you say templates and you could say logos so here I will just type in coffee just to see if there are templates that I like and let's just scroll okay so this looks good so I like this so let's click on this and let's just replace let's replace it doesn't replace the images images is saved already but you could see what it gave us so let's use this template to modify our logos using the image you have generated so I'm gonna get rid of this guy and get rid of this and this okay so we'll go back to our uploads again and I uploaded a couple of logos you can see the one we generated but let me use this one that I generated before so I'll move this up I like how it looks and I would like to be put to put some coffee beans here so I will come to the left here you would come to elements then here you could search for coffee beans so let's do that so it gives you different coffee beans but I want to choose some so I'll click here and bring this to the side click this as well bring to this to the side and I would start arranging it the way I want the yellow background is too much so I'm just gonna get rid of the yellow background and use a different color but this so here I'll click on the background and I'm gonna change it to something in quiche here about this okay yeah I prefer this so right so we keep on reducing this so you could change the color or the the image you have generated so I'll just change this a little bit I like how the coffee sits then let's change the text so I'll just change it to zinni and then so if you want to change the transformation of how this looks so once you click on the text you can see the transformation of Arc it could change it to anything you like so just to edit how this looks the flow you can click on edit transformation and you could use this rows to move things around move the letters up and down depending on what you want so I'll just leave it the way it is then you could also click on this and come to effects and decide to change the effects to offset the angle and play around with it so the color that is popping at the background like the brown you could decide to change it to something else so for instance if I want to change it to dislike color it changes it goes away but let's mix up with that as you could see it gives it another color so you could play around with your text you get what you like so French toast coffee I like this or the quality I like to change this to a different font so when you click on this you come here text settings you click on the drop down and we're going to be changing this to another one I like this you could expand reduce it a little bit let's reduce it a bit Yeah so I like how this looks so another thing is if you're designing and you want to move things in terms of layers you always come to the bottom um right and click on layers it shows you the layers here and you could move things around or hide it so for instance I want to make this larger I'll just click and drag over all the elements then you could enlarge it as you didn't fit so let's see or you could select everything and group just use Ctrl G if you're using Windows or command C for Mac okay when you click on it now you could move it all together as a single design yeah so this is a coffee shop logo you could just make it in basically minute so once this is done how do you um offer it or how do you export it so you could operate in two ways so you could click here on the download and you could choose make sure this is um 300 DPI so you could download it as a PNG or as a JPEG or even as a CSV depending on what you want if you want the background to be removed you click on remove background and this will be on a transparent background if you want that so that is um the first option of what you could do another option is if you want to offer this as a template that people could come in and change what they like so you could use here the share so once you click on the share you could say share a copy of this project and it could generate and for you a link that you could share um on your it's a listing or any other place you're selling your logos and people could access this and make changes and download as they didn't fit so that would this would be for the logo design One More Design I'll be showing you today would be if you want to create things like SVG files that you want to sell on Etsy this is another perfect way to use the vector to generate the images so let's go back to the home we click on new project and then we will select the same standard change this to 300 DPI and click create and it opens up all right so now we want to generate um butterflies and things like for summer but let's use kitu AI so we click on that and I want to generate things like butterflies and I'll be using the vector art and as well as the silhouette style so I'll click here and say butterflies and I'll select Vector art and click on generate image so you could on your spare time you could also try out other um image generation type but I just wanted to show this specifically for keto okay so you could see that it generated a very clean um butterfly for us so click on this let's see if we expand it like I said is a vector it Remains the Same and clean this is good so I'll just move this around to the side now I want to generate one for as a silhouette so I'll click on this and I'll click on generate image again and like I said be aware that each image you generates it takes your credit this is a really stunning so let's move this aside this is nice these are really nice so let's try one more let's see if we're gonna get another Style I'll still use the silhouette and generate email so this is another one um I'm not too sure about what is in the middle but you could always regenerate the image if you don't like it so now we've created a couple of images I'm gonna delete this I don't want to use this I like this too and I have some other ones that generated I will be using so I'll go to upload and this is the ones we generated I have this one I have this one these are really cool so you could put this here put this here because on Etsy on other platforms people buy this SVG files they use it for things like t-shirt designs they use it for things like morgues and other things so you could decide to offer this as black and white or you could decide to play around and change it to any color you want like I said you can modify the colors of this so once you come here object color you can change it to any color you decide so you could decide to offer different colors in different packs and package it that way so for this instance I could use something this is red and I could make this a different color just to show you let's say we want it in pink like the hot dark pink something like this yeah so let me show you how you could offer this or how this works on a mock-up for instance so let me just copy this particular pink one that I like I'll just say copy so let me just open a new project entirely I'll use the same settings make sure this is and create so I'm gonna just paste that image and reduce it a little bit okay so assuming I want to show this in mock-ups you just come at the very top here and click on mock-up and he's going to open up different types of mock-up by the left and you could chuck it would showcase how you want it to look like so for instance I want to put it on a hoodie or depending on what you want to put it on so let's just say I want to put it on the hoodie so let's say show all okay these are different styles let's choose this and immediately it shows up and one good thing about Kittle is if you're moving this around it takes the shape like folded the clothes are it follows that pattern so let's look at this so you see how it is so for the mock-up you could change the color of the shirt yourself just if you want to make this to stand out this is black let's just use black you see how clean this is and you and this is how people will use it and you know use designs around it this is really cool so let's go back to what we were creating so how do you offer this as a test so for you to offer this there are two ways you could offer it as well you could offer it as a link or you could apply it as a PNG and I recommend you offer it as a PNG but what you need to do is you don't need to offer this as a you could use this as a picture in terms of your listings but if you want to offer this it has to be individually so let's go back to what we the button we use and go back to editor so you need to offer the files individually like a single image like this then you click on the download make sure you have the correct settings and you click on transparent background so you switch this on and download PNG so let's download one so let's click on it and see how it looks as you can see it has a transparent background so you download each of these in designs individually one after the other and then you could zip them up and offer them as a as a package on your listing and this is how to use or create the SVG files that you could sell so the last thing I'll be talking about would be how much does it really cost to use keto AI so let's go to their pricing okay so in terms of their pricing so they have um of replan which you could try out today so in that free plan it gives you the 48 um K2 AI it gives you 15 credit for single use and then you can work on 20 projects in terms of the commercial license it requires you using attribution so you have to mention that you are using it all I'm currently using Pro which gives you from k2ai 20 gram 20 credits per month and obviously you have the full commercial license so if you're selling on any of these designs you might want to use the pro license for this and then if you want more access you could try out um the expat future I have a link to um this tool in the description box so you could click on it today and check it out for free and if it's something that you like and you want to continue using all your commercial production then you could you know think of upgrading to the Pro or the expert account yeah so check this out for yourself tell me how it is and let me know in the comment section how you feel about using kitu AI to generate your digital products so there you have it be sure to like subscribe and put on your bell notification to know when I post a new video thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: The Zinny Studio
Views: 4,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kittl tutorial, kittl design, kittl ai credits, kittl ai, kittl tutorial ai, digital products to sell on etsy, digital products to sell online, make money online, how to make money online, ai
Id: P_TAklE-UmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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