How To Use Kittl AI For Images & Vector Art | Full Demo

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today kiddo AI is officially released and I'm going to show you how to use the AI feature I'm going to walk through a couple of different prompts I'm going to show you how some of the Styles work how to select them how to use them as well as how to make Vector art with Kittle AI as well as patterns I'm going to walk you through that and then show you how you can use one of our existing templates and use a Kittle AI generated prompt let's get started right now alright over here on the left side panel we're going to go down to Kittle Ai and as you can see here here's where you can type your prompt in and here's we're going to select a style but let me click learn more because this page right here is very important I'm going to link it down for you to check out it's going to show you how you should be using different prompts with different styles because they're going to give you different things and this will save you a lot of time you don't have to explain the detail that you're trying to get we've already got all of this right here detailed for you like these ones for example work really well with simple prompts the icons and line art things like that also work well with simple prompts but let's go with a magic green potion sitting on a old desk and what I'm going to do is use one of the image styles for this one we're gonna go with digital art for the first one just because it's the first one so why not see how that works and the images the Styles up at the top generally worked better with a little bit of a longer prompt so as you can see here that's pretty good um let's tweak it a little bit because I want it to be a wooden desk I want it to be sitting on a wooden desk and I want it to be old so let's put old right here and that's enough detail I think to get something pretty clear so let's try the steampunk preset I love this preset and look at that it gives you a really nice detailed uh example like it's even created a little shelf and room there in the back which is super cool now check out all these other styles you can use and what this is doing is tacking on stylistic words to the end of your prompt so you don't have to spend a lot of time explaining it let's try and anime just for the the sake of trying it just to see a different style so again we're going for a green potion and that looks super super good if there's any Studio Ghibli fans watching this reminds me a lot of that style now I'm not sure why all of them are giving these little kind of ball things maybe they're just like bubbles or something um but another thing I want to mention is you can change it with our adjustments over here if you didn't watch that video you can change things like Hue you can change things like how vibrant it is you can even add blur to images and things like that you can increase or decrease the saturation as well as the contrast and things like that and another cool thing I want to show you about the AI images is that they are saved to your upload so you don't have to worry about deleting one and not finding it so boom I can delete all those no problem they're in my uploads now let's go with a different prompt and we're going to choose a clip art style so let's go with a falcon flying um it's pretty simple again the clipart Styles really like simple prompts okay so let's go with just Kawaii style I like this style a lot especially for t-shirts really big in t-shirt design and stickers so that's pretty cute I think that's pretty cool let's try something different let's try a different clip art style and let's go for a blue jay this time a blue jay bird I'm just gonna I'm just giving it the little bit of extra thing in case it thinks I'm talking about something else I'm talking about the bird here and let's go with detailed drawing I also love this style a lot and this could be really great for different Graphics different sticker designs things like that that's really clear I mean that did a good job I didn't even put on a perch or on a tree so you could get a little bit more detail with your prompt that way let's go for a turtle on a log and let's go to the vector Styles this is super super powerful you're now able to create AI Vector art look at that look look how amazing this is it's it's just all right there and boom you can change the color look at how awesome this is this is going to be crazy for different label designs logo designs anything and it's Vector so you can scale it up super big or super small and it's going to retain all of the detail that's there in the vector art so I already know you're going to have a ton of fun with these preset Styles right here hey real quick if you're getting value out of this Kittle AI tutorial let me know by hitting the thumbs up button and then let me know what you think of Kittle AI so far and if you haven't tried it I definitely encourage you to go ahead and go try it out right now and then join the Discord so we can see what you're creating here let's go for a silhouette and let's choose a different Turtle let's go for a silhouette of a sea turtle so let's put sea turtle here in front make sure we've got silhouette and then boom let's let's generate see what comes up boom I think that's amazing a lot of times the silhouette one is going to give you almost 100 of the time what you want if it's very clear you know sea turtle that's very clearly a sea turtle and these are also great for stickers or if you want to put words inside of a silhouette or something like that um super super easy to do now another one I want to show you we have a lot of cool Vector ones but I also love the line art one and this one is especially good for faces and flowers so let's go for line art Vector r with a sunflower that is just super cool I mean just think about all the things you could do with poster designs or even logo designs like some nice script font for this would be super cool and of course it's Vector so you can change your colors any way you want it and this is just going to totally change the game along with everything else we have for you to use in Kittle okay so what I'm going to do is just speed up this part I'm going through a couple of different prompts I'm trying at a couple different times and now I want to focus on patterns for a second okay so we can also make patterns with AI by selecting some of these presets okay so let's go for Baroque right here and then we're gonna go for some vintage florals and then what I'm going to do is specify so right here I'm going to put I didn't I didn't quite want to do lilies let's go with roses and then let's go with clovers and then let's go with sunflowers let's see what this gives us I think that's enough description for a pattern again the pattern styles are very strong they don't need a ton of explanation because it's already going to replicate or pick up or duplicate your pattern look at that that is super cool okay so it looks like we've got the roses in there looks like we've got the sunflowers there might be some Clover buds in there I think I can see some but again they're a very specific type of flower and this is really just meant as a pattern so boom you could scale that up again by the way you can hold shift and pretty much skew any object we can use the Hue slider this is going to be super powerful for things like book covers social posts even the backgrounds of certain designs this is a super powerful to make patterns super easily and so let's try just a couple of more I'm going to speed up through this I was making kind of a cute one with Pizza and Pasta just so you get the idea there's some vintage aesthetic with some macanthus leaves and then I wanted to do one with brick and then I specified there were cracks in it look at that super amazing you could even change the blending modes to make your own textures with some of these which is a really really cool idea then I went with some mustera leaves and then I specified some more colors here so I mean that your your options are endless with this I mean it's just so much capability now let's let's adjust a template using Vector R so let's go to t-shirts let's go to Retro and then I really like this one uh with which is called out of the box this is like a pizza brand I'm assuming um and we have this guy right here that's Vector as well very nice a guy holding a pizza box that we can change the color and do things one but let's make our own so let's delete that guy and then what I'm gonna do is just change a couple of words um to something else you know I'm gonna go with pizza and then I'm gonna put New York down here out of the box Pizza New York and then what we're gonna do is come up with our own image to put in the middle of this design and I want want it to be Vector so first let's go with a piece of pizza with cheese dripping let's see what it gives us for that so it's going to generate for just a second what we're looking for is oh wow that that did pretty good that did a pretty good job I mean that's that's almost right on the money and then we can just move it around and boom we can change the color so this is completely Vector I can scale it up scale it down move it around however I want to and that could fit I mean that could fit really well it also wouldn't have to necessarily be the the red there are some weird things happening with the bottom of those pieces of the drippings so you know you could export that as an SVG and fix it elsewhere if you wanted to but now what I'm going to do is use a technique of showing where positionally I want it so a wide shot and then I'm going to specify even more a wide angle shot of a pizza box with a piece of pizza on the front and I wanted a pizza box with Pizza on the front but this is giving me a actually a really cool illustration of pizza inside a box and it looks like a slice has been already taken out and this is really cool I think you could probably make this work with some kind of mask maybe but it's not exactly what I'm going for here although that is a really cool illustration to be Vector so let's just let's delete this and let's try to get something that's really going to fit in the middle of this design so let's try a wide angle shot of a closed pizza box because again I really want to just fill that space okay and so sometimes occasionally it's going to give you some Vector art with a word and you know that could be cool for stickers but it's not what we wanted for this so let's try just a uh let's just try a pizza let's just see what happens okay we've got Vector art still selected you could try all the other categories if you want boom look at that I mean I should have just put in a pizza okay so lesson learned a lot of times less is more okay because the style is going to do exactly what you want it to so uh you know I could keep messing around with this and make it more pristine but but I want to show you how you can take this and use our mock-up features so now we've used the AI to come up with a really really cool illustration for the middle of our design and we could keep tweaking it but I'm going to take off the background I'm going to leave everything pretty much as it is and then click mock-up okay and then in a couple of seconds boom this magic happens and now we have our design ready to be mocked up on different apparel you know shirts bags whatever and what I want to do is find somebody yeah I want to find the back of the shirt right here maybe this guy is on his way to work at out of the box and I can scale it up and what it's going to do is react to the waves and the shirt okay the Ripples and the angle of the shirt and then I can come over here and change the color of the mock-up to pretty much anything I want I mean you can see here I kind of went crazy just finding different colors but this is a super easy way to make your designs using Ai and then mock them up for whatever you need now if you want to see other tutorials using kit I have these videos here on my right that I know you're going to enjoy don't forget to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any upcoming videos and features and things like that thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Kittl
Views: 10,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kittl, kittl design, kittl tutorial, kittl print on demand, kittl app, kittl ai, what is kittl, kittl ai art, ai art, ai art generator, ai art app, ai art trend, ai art tutorial, ai art tutorial stable diffusion, how to use ai art generator, how to make vector art, how to make vector art with ai, how to make ai vector art, how to make patterns with ai, ai vector art, ai patterns, ai pattern generator, ai art for beginners, free ai art generator, ai art for print on demand
Id: Anfmj6_oGuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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