Unlocking the Magic of Canva AI: What You NEED to Know (MUST SEE!)

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camera recently announced game-changing AI tools within their platform to help take your design experience to another level so today I'll be sharing the important ones that are necessary for creating digital products while highlighting the functionality as well as their use case scenarios also I'll be sharing some cool new features that you can apart to miss so let's Dive Right In And by the way if you are new to the channel my name is zinni and welcome to cine studio so the first set of tools I'll be talking about will be the Magic Eraser and the magic edit so these tools are used for removing images unwanted images from a picture or to a replay so let's look at the first one Magic Eraser so in this photo you could see that there was a weird looking giraffe hair cutting to have and I want to remove this so the first thing you do is to click on the image go to edit photo and this would appear at the very top you'll see Magic Eraser and Magic edit so just to mention some of the tools we'll be talking about today so my in canva Pro while some are free so if you want to try out some of these tools I in canva Pro I have a one month free cover Pro account the link is in the description you could use that so you click on Magic Eraser and you could see access you to choose a brush size so let me increase it a little bit and I'm going to brush over this because I want to eliminate that and it's going to erase that particular image okay and let's also erase this we don't like how it looks so it's done so when it's done you could click here to go back and you have your eBay's image so the next one would be edit so let's come to another copy of the image so for instance I don't want to erase this but I want to replace it with another giraffe so I'll click on the same image and go to edit photo and the next now click on would be magic edit so click on Magic edit so you could increase the brush size or you could reduce it so let's reduce the brush size a little bit and I'm going to brush over the area I want to replace the image so I'm going to brush over this entire area okay so once you're done come here and click continue so it's going to ask you to generate to put in the text or what of the image you want to generate so you want to generate you want to generate another giraffe so it's going to generate this image using their inbuilt AI so let's click on generate and see what it's going to do nice so we just brought in another one this is another one you could go through them and see if it's something you like does it make sense does it make sense so for instance if you don't like what you have you could create you could click on generate new results so let's do new results and see what it's going to generate for us hey this doesn't look bad so once you're done so let me just select this and say done and voila you have the image here placed well and this is the raised one and this is the one that was replaced this is really cool so the next we'll be talking about will be magic design so this particular one is helps you to visualize your ideas and as well as find templates that you want to create so we come to the home screen of canva and we're going to go to here that says discover the magic from canva create and then we would look for magic design so let's look for that and this is it or click on it and click on try it out so you open this bar here and it accesses you to insert an image which it would use to generate a couple of ideas for you so I'm going to click on inside media and I'm going to choose from the ones I have already so I'll just pick up this image so let's say that we want to design an inspiration or motivational template for either your Instagram or you're trying to create a digital product so let's see I like this so what you need to do is come here you'd see image so you could change the image you see the style once you click on the style you could choose the type of colors you want or that and the type of font as well then you could have a headline if you choose so let's say I choose this and CC results is going to update the pictures you have here based on the style you have chosen so this doesn't look bad so let's click into this and click on customize this template and voila you have your design and then you could go ahead to modify it and change it to anything that you want so this leads me to another tool which is called Magic right so magic right helps you to write texts or generate text based off of the prompts you have given it so now we are on this page I'm gonna show you two case scenarios on how to use magic right one would be in images like this and the other one would be in the canva dock so in images like this you select the box as you can see there's this tiny button here called canva 6 you could click on it and we are going to you could see that it's saying summarize text expand test we write Edit Magic right so just say edit so we'll change this and say motivational quotes on productivity so immediately it's going to generate a text for us as you can see so let's reduce this and it has generated the text already so if you have used um open AI charge GPT you can see similar it gives you like a quote this is cool so this is how you could use the magic right within a design so let me show you how you could use the magic right in canva Doc to generate like a lot of text depending on what you want to create so we go back to the home so we cancel this and go back to the home so at the very top of the home you would see this dock so you click on the dock and click here start writing it's going to open up to another window and open up canva doc so here we're going to be generating text for our ebook so ebook is a digital products that you could create and sell so let's say we want to generate an ebook for 20 digital products you could sell on Etsy for instance so you could come to the plus button okay and select magic right and I would say 20 digital products to sell on Etsy and press enter and it generates the text for you and the good thing is this is like it gives you like reasonable digital products some we have talked about on this channel already so let's see for instance you want to expand the printable wall art what we're going to do is select on this let's just selected printable will add and go to the plus so the good thing about the magic right is that you could summarize you could expand you could rewrite you could edit the tool is really really cool so let's say we want to expand on printable or art let's just click on it and as you can see it expands basically gives you more detail about printable wall art then let's see if we could expand the social media template and see what it's going to say so expand so you can see it gives like a detailed breakdown of each of these particular digital products and you could choose to rewrite it if you don't even like what it is right so you could select so let me just switch off this so you could select so let's say if you want to rewrite this we don't like how it sounds let's just select this and go back to the plus and save it right and it generates a different new one entirely so you could use this to build off your low your ebook without even leaving canva when you are done with the text you could always move it into the designs that you like so the next one I'll be talking about would be magic presentation this one is really interesting so let's go back to the home okay I'll go to for you so for from the home let's look at Magic presentation we look for red here so this is it we click on it and try it out so this particular one helps you to create stunning presentation in seconds like literally in seconds so let's just type in that we want like 10 popular desserts so let's say and we just hit enter and let's see what it's going to do and immediately gives me 10 slides based off of a color template I have already this is nice let it finish loading and it gives you different styles and you could go ahead and you know choose to edit it the way you like but I like this this looks cool this test is a little bit dull so you could change it so yeah let's choose this and you just click on create presentation if you don't like any of these you could just say start again and it generates new more templates or you could see the style so you can see click here and see more styles that it has but we have chosen this so let's return click on create my presentation and this is it guys this is turning then I can go ahead and make any um changes that I want but let's just go through the presentation wow it picks up the images according to the 10. that I actually that I eat listed without making mistakes this is really cool I'm sure I'm gonna use this to create some presentations definitely okay so that is it for magic presentation so the next one I'll be talking about would be translate so for instance you have a different orders from different parts of the world that you want to translate in the text to another language this is where these two comes handy so you could select this you could come here for instance on this select this and come to the sidebar here you could see the word translate the eye is missing so let me select it again yeah with the I and say Translate it automatically is going to automatically detect which language it is or if you want you could select the language it is so let's just leave it automatically and see what it's going to do and say we're going to want to translate to French and select that and for instance we want to apply to all the pages or just to the selected option so let's just do this on just page eight alone and click on translate so just to make sure you could see that even for pro users it gives you the number of um translations you could use before on your next subscription so let's just click on Translate and he's doing that and it translated it to French who means just got way way easier so you could do this for your different slides like I said only one page but I could change so let's see if I change it to um page this is page nine no page 10 so let's go let's select page 10 and say Translate yeah this is really cool so if you're enjoying this video so far and finding value please be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to join this community so the last one that I'll be looking at in terms of the tools before I show you some of those cool features would be text to image so let's go to the design we had here just click on the blank canvas so for example we want to create let's just say another full giraffe not as a replacement and we would come to the sidebar and you could go to your apps and at the very top you'll see text to image and say use okay so let's try so you could choose the different styles of what you want to create so it has photography digital ad it has Fine Art so let's choose like in paint and let's say our giraffe and it gives you the different aspirations but we have an aspiracy already so we click on the create image and it's going to generate based on the style that we have chosen so depending on what you're looking for you might need to try a couple of times just to get what you you want so let's just say create again let's see if it's going to give us something interesting so as you mean I like this so I'll just click on this and it gives me that image depending on what you're using it for so you could use this to generate endless and countless images for your design while you're working within canva so now that we have discussed some of these tools let's look at some of the cool features that they have so I'm gonna go into the text that we generated so the first one I'll be talking about would be canva assist so once you click here this is like almost like a shortcut it helps you to find anything within canva and it gives you access to things like magic right right away or right from the bad and you could see layers draw translate precise so this is a very handy one that you might need to you know check out instead of going to the left bar to start searching for things you could always use the canva assist to find what you're looking for so that's the first feature the next one would be layers I think this one um takes it up a notch for me because when I'm designing I need to move things around so for example if you want to bring this forward you could just right click and say layers and bring it forward but the way it becomes school is they have added show layers which is not which is what cover did have a very long time so you could basically drag anything you want so I want the blue to be on top of the red of the orange so I'll just click here and drag and voila you could see it brings it forward without you scrambling to see how the layouts play out so for instance I want to drag it to the very top I will drag this in and there you have it or drag it back because I want my design the way it is yeah so this is very important in you know moving images based off of layers and the last one that I'll be showing you would be color gradient so let's click on this for instance I want to change this color I'll go to color and commit to the Plus and now we have something called gradient here so you click on it and what you could do is for instance I want to have a gradient of black and another color so you click on the second color and say for instance I want to make it this color and it gives you different styles so you could switch to see what works for you based on your design and if you want the light blue color to come first you just drag and drop at the front or drag the black to the back of the blue and it changes how it looks entirely so this is another cool feature you could use to create color gradient within your design without having just block of colors in your designs yeah so there you have it you know try out all these features and let me know in the comment sections which one has helped your workflow and don't forget there's a free um Pro account link in the description you could use that to try out majority of these features and if you like these videos be sure to like subscribe and turn on your belt notification to know when I post a new video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: The Zinny Studio
Views: 4,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canva ai image generator, canva ai, canva, canva tutorial for beginners, canva pro free, canva pro, canva ai generator, canva ai art, digital products to sell on etsy
Id: dgi1T6m1c_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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