"Design T-shirts Easier Than EVER With Kittl: Tutorial Crash Course!"

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so I did a video on Kittle and I got a really good response and in that video I asked some people I said do you want to see a full tutorial and I got an answer yes please do a tutorial for kiddo thanks for the helpful info I really need this something something something something something so I'm begging you for a full tutorial so I can get to design it and send it to Super Color please do a full tutorial on kiddo I am so glad I found your Channel channel is one of the best one capture Quest on this subject hello tutorial please well Gary and t-shirt help desk are at your service you asked for it you got it here is a quick and dirty crash course on how to use Kittle let's make some T-shirts okay guys this is kiddo all right you can go up to the card and you can see my first video but this is going to be a crash course on Kittle okay first of all as you should know there's a whole bunch of different um categories that you can go to all logos labels t-shirts posters cards and social right most of these things you're going to use in your t-shirt business and you can go down and just start looking um you can go right into these hashtags or you can put in something specifically uh to find right I'm just going to go right here to all and I'm gonna do all because here's the great thing is that although something may be a logo something maybe for social you never know it could be used for a t-shirt now the benefit of Kittle is that everything that you see here right it's this is it you can turn it into a T-shirt and you can customize everything everything you see you can customize it so I'm just going through here we're going to find one and uh you know what let's go right here this one is kind of cool and you can see this right and then you double click on it again and this brings up the actual program another great thing about Kittle is that this works in your browser okay you don't have to download anything you don't have to do anything you just go straight to it from a desktop and you can get busy so guys you don't have to use one of the pre-made Graphics you can start from a fresh clean slate it's really easy but to me the benefit of kiddo is using those pre-made templates right but of course don't bite Styles don't use them as is the great thing is to customize them to make them exactly how you so first things first you're gonna see the first thing you're going to use is your selector right um if you go around you'll see that it looks pretty much like a mouse once you get on top of the artwork you can see that if you hover over anything you see it looks like a little cross with arrows and you can select right select right and you see all these things are selected okay so that's your selector that's the thing you're going to be using the most I'm gonna click off here next thing you go let's go you're gonna see you're gonna click and you gotta go and that is your background okay now your background has a color all right you see this right here this is your color for your background you don't click on that and you can go in and you can boom look at that you can change the background colors right so let's just say you know what I like that but you know I want the original you can do just like on anything you can undo it by pressing Ctrl Z okay and that puts us right back to square one all right now I'm gonna click on the background again because I want to show you something else right you can see right here because I'm going to get into this later this is a texture so I want to get rid of that texture we're going to come back to that later don't worry right but we're just gonna get rid of that so we can really really work all right cool there we go so I'm going to click back on that background again now this is really important for you guys to do print on demand you're going to see that not only can you change that background color you can go right here you see this opacity you can bring that down all the way down to the point where it is transparent really important if you do something and you want to take it and bring it into any of the print on demands they wanted to have a transparent background and always guys make sure that it's at zero okay if it's a little bit right that is still a little bit of color and that's going to show up so you want to make sure that it is 100 at zero and you can always just just go and and uh put in you're going to delete and just put in the number zero press enter and it's at zero so guys that transparent background is really important and there are other places that will actually charge you extra for um exporting with the transparent background not here okay the next thing that we're going to cover is um we already call it selector your fonts you can go right here oh you know what we're gonna we're gonna do something else right are you going to click and you're going to see that once I click on it it clicks a whole bunch of stuff at once see click off click whole bunch of stuff at once you can right click on artwork right and you can see right here that this is uh uh grouped so you want to ungroup right so now if I click off and I click back some of it's still group so we want to ungroup again now boom you can see everything is separate right now I showed you the color in the background but if you go down here right you're going to see these colors at the bottom these are all the colors that are in your artwork and the great thing about it is that this is General so let's just say you didn't like that brown I can click on this brown and I could change it to that right I'm going to control Z that okay but if I go down here and I click right here and I change that to it changes every you see all that brown all that brown changes so that's like your master colorway for the entire artwork all right so we're going to control Z that okay and we're gonna keep control Zing so we're going to get all the way back to our hopefully our black there we go now we're gonna get our black background but we're gonna get rid of that uh texture again right the next thing that we're going to cover is fonts actually we're going to cover selecting and uh copy and paste it so anything that you see right here oh I I put all that stuff together ungroup improve so anything right here you're gonna um you're gonna go right here you see that right there you can copy press Ctrl C and then press Ctrl V and paste you see it says object paste it now you don't see it where is it where is it it's right exactly on top see that is right on top of where it was before so that is how you would copy and paste it we're just gonna I'm just gonna put that down here we might come back to that later and yeah we're gonna come back to that later I'm just going to put it down here or if you wanted to delete it you simply press your delete button on the key on your keyboard hey goes away Ctrl Z it comes back or you can right click on it um right click on it and press delete all right well we we want that there right so now we're going to go right here we're going to play with our fonts all right let's move this over when you click on anything that has like a font over on the right side you get all of this goodness right here right and you're gonna see right here that this typeface right well first of all you can change the color you click on the color and you can go in and manually do that or you can go down here and play with it like that or if you have your hex code you can go and put that in or you can put in your RGB really doesn't matter okay so that right there we change that to that blue kind of like that together so let's click on that again right and you have something called a oh by the way this has a um a drop shadow on it so you can change that like that right so when you see something right here you can change the colors but we're gonna go we're gonna go back I like that other color right also you can see right here it says border you see underneath right here border right that's the Border weight in other programs that will be called The Stroke right so you can see that has an X because it has no color in it so we're going to click right there and let's just uh uh let's uh this yeah something like that so now you can see that but we stroke I don't see anything if you go right here you can move that now can you see that and the thicker I go it gets it gets thicker can you see that so that controls you can also do it like right here okay and you can also go right here you can make it to the left Center right top you can go crazy I'm not going to go through everything you see what it is okay now guys under please understand something I'm control seeing this when you do this I'm showing you this as a crash course I suggest you go right now go to kiddo get an account start playing with this right now it'll change your life okay so we're going all the way back right these are the basics guys if you go through this video you're going to learn how to use this thing like that so user friendly okay so let's go back right here so now underneath that is your type of face this is pretty much your fine and you can go through and you can go crazy all right choose Fontana the crazy thing is that kiddo originally was Heritage fonts and they are like fine savants okay fonts crazy they're they're a fonts company originally I believe um so you can go through and change the font and just you know do something really cool right so now we have something that looks like that cool so let's click back on it and this is where things get really crazy okay this is where things get amazing you can go right here and no matter what you can play with you can hit custom and that changes everything and now you can go and use these anchor points and go crazy so when you see all those like different t-shirts and the fonts are going all crazy right they've made it so easy you can go right here to the store you can do the same thing again you can do from the bottom look look at how awesome this is you can change the top I mean you can go crazy okay let's control Z that let's go back Circle put in a circle you can hit angle right and when you hit oh let's go back to Circle and you go back to Circle you can go down a hand and play with the size of the circle can go crazy right and also hit angle and you can hit one of these little points right here circular points and you can make it go anywhere Arch look at this and of course as you know when you see those anchor points right in in these levers you can go in and and do all type of silliness and just go crazy just be silly right look at this rise wave flag these pretty much all are the same they're different versions of the same thing and you can go crazy and you can go right here and play around with it man um with it like according to like a little algorithm here but I like to go in I like to go in and go crazy manually okay so that is how you can rock out with just gonna go back to the store that is how you can rock out with the fonts okay now there's something else right here we're gonna let's let's change this file let's change this to Alpha something a little bit thicker okay now this is something crazy you can go in that that's your type and you can go right over here to your effects boom and you can go in right here and there's so much really cool stuff right here and it already has it on it because it had a drop shadow and you can see right there but you can go in and you can begin hold on you know what you can go down here and come in and zoom in a little bit look at what you can do by simply clicking right there this is what we had you can also click right here and also click right there okay and you can play sequence you can play with that offset look at how awesome that is you know what so you really can see that let's go back ground I hit zero enter come back go to effects because I just want you to see this right you can go to offset and change that angle look at that and blur you can make a really bad look how awesome that is now we're not done we're not done I went through all of these right so let's go back and let's go down here to decoration oh my look at that so you might not be able to see that too good so let's uh Let's uh all right you see the lines in it and you could take the weight and make that a little bit heavier you can also add a little bit more distance look at that you can go right here pick along the second one and it's like half and half you can also go right here look at that look at how cool that is guys you play with the distance right and it's you can go right here where it's like created play with the weight and also play with the distance and what's really cool is when you can buy look at that okay guys this is how you can go crazy once again I suggest you go and practice this okay so let's let's uh let's zoom out a little bit and the crazy thing is let's just say you know what I want the original again you can go down here because I made a copy and you could put it back and it's just how it originally was and you can just delete that but I'm gonna bring it back guys not only do they have really great fonts but you can also upload your own how you can go right here you can click right here right and you can go let's just say to Define and let's just say that you like this font Ricks okay you can go in download it let's go back and go right here to where you downloaded it you can go to our downloads folder and you can get that uh that Rick's font and you can go right here you're gonna get the bold and you can open it right and it'll go right into it and you can go right here and put in I think it's Rick so TT Ricks TT Rick's trial and Bam look at that foreign all right so let's change that to oh no we don't want do we want yeah oh this is how you this just right uh t 's Rock for t-shirts and look at that right so you can add your own fonts right so here's something else let's just say that let's just go back and you say you know I don't want this guy this guy I don't want this guy I want to add something else over here right you can delete him and you can go over here right and you can go to elements and you could find something okay so let's find something you know let's find uh flag let's put in flag and see if they have a victory flag oh checkered flag legs I saw one but I was just looking to see if there was another one okay I like this one that was waving boom look at that so we have our checkered flag now here's the deal if you can see this right you can go in you see these little squares you can go in and you can make the bigger or smaller and you can also go right here uh-huh see that okay and of course you can go in and I didn't show you this you can click see that blue that blue doesn't go with anything so we're gonna go right here see that that is our eyedropper and we're gonna eye drop right boom right there look at that look at how beautiful it is we're gonna go right here we're gonna click on that one go to I dropper I'm gonna hit one of these this uh this gray this dark brownish Gray now look at how that matches up look how cool that is right okay guys this is how this is how you make graphics guys now this is awesome you can also with all that great clip art and all those elements you can also add your also guys not only can you add their elements but you can add your own elements and clip art okay let me show you you want to go over here to the left side right you see where it says uploads you want to click on that right and then you want to click and you go to your to wherever you keep your stuff at first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to get a ping file right so I'm gonna we're gonna click on that we're gonna bring it in to the artwork and it's cool you can take it you can play with it it comes up right pops up right there and it's cool you could take it you can play with it you can play with the uh you know slider and do stuff to it but let me show you something else let's go back and let's add in an SVG file all right this is a vector file and the great thing about adding SVG files is that you can go right over here click we're going to use our water dropper right eyedropper and you can change the color all right and SVG files are vector files and pretty much any uh illustrator file you can save it as an SVG all right let's get back into this video um so another thing that you can do let's just say you wanted to spell something uh you wanted to change something around you can go right here and you can go to text you can click on there and you can you can use something that's already here right you can also go to add headline right there and you can go in and start to hold on close that out all right racing a couple of R Racing that's it I'm just gonna play racing okay and you can go in same like before and you know find you a nice little something okay that's that works foreign oh you can make the font bigger like that you can also go right here and stretch that out right just gonna put racing right there and we're gonna click right there and eyedropper we're gonna add that in a nice little orange and then we're going to go right here and we're gonna add a little drop shadow and then like that racing right there oh how beautiful that is right and that is a whole lot of this program guys I mean that is all that is a that's the basics of most of the things that you're going to be using in this program okay you can also add photos you can go in and find photos I really don't use this I mean this is pretty much I use it for graphics but just showing you how you can do that and um that is it guys now there is something else that I want to show you but I'm going to go back to the beginning and start from scratch because uh we're gonna play with the background now this part is really important this is where we get down into textures and backgrounds and all of this stuff and distressing because these are the things that really give your t-shirts that real character that professional look that looks like the stuff that you see in store okay we're back on this bad boy we're gonna click on him again and I want to show you guys something uh we're gonna go down here right I showed you all this other stuff in this we're going to go down here to uh layers now this it layers is something that's in a lot of design programs I don't really use them a lot but they are a great way to keep things organized right so you can you're gonna you can look down here and see uh well the if I click right here if I click right here you can see all of this stuff that shows you before but now if you go down here it shows you everything individually you know the background the main graphic the signature which is this down here uh each race is new every every everything like this is those words the number 24 right this well Maurizio right everything is right here in this layers and I also see something right here see texture right the texture Leia that's that background remember I said before I was going to get to that we're going to click on that we're going to click on that background okay hold on where is it where is it oh I've already clicked on it right and you're gonna see this right here okay this is the texture Okay so um you can go to detection you could take it and you could go to this opacity and you can take that all the way down to nothing see how you can't see it and you can go all the way back up also textures let's go in you can go right here you can go in closer you can see that this texture has a um um I don't even know like an effect on it right so if we click right here see it's the effect is normal right but if we click I'm sorry the effect is color we click normal that shows the actual texture we don't want that we want to go right here to color burn right and if you click Down You're Gonna and then you go down this color burn and then there's multiply overlay soft light Alpha Mass right and I like I like the color burn better and you can play with like this but let's just say right let's just say you know what I don't really like that I don't want that texture so let's Zoom back out go down here you can go right here to release texture that's where you can kind of see it um and you can also go come on now and you can you can move it around right and click on that background and you can delete it you can also go let's go all the way back to where we were and you can just hit delete and it's gone all together now you can go over here you can go down to texture right and you're gonna see all of these different textures and you can just click on them and now it gives you an idea of the other things that you can do so many of these look at all these look at that crazy and guys you can go through and just go crazy again like bricks I mean it's just crazy but I'm gonna go back up here to one of these first one I like that one or do I like that one I like that one right so we're gonna go come on come on close back so we're gonna go back and we are going to make the gonna do that caliber and we're going to change the old capacity and that's how you can make some really really cool graphics right and of course you can delete it go to this right here make that a zero and you can have something you know that you can put possibly on print on demand and the last thing I'm going to show you is something really important is you can go right here see this and you can download you can download as a ping you can download as a JPEG you can download as a PDF okay and you can also download as an SBG by the way svgs can be opened up and manipulated in illustrator all right so anyway guys that was my quick and dirty crash course on Kittle so guys I hope you learned something in the link for kiddo is going to be down in the description box in the original video it's going to be in a card up here guys so that's it check it out go get yourself a Kittle account right now after to put some butter on my shoes and slide on out the dough until next time God bless and I'm a senior peace t-shirt help Rusk
Channel: Tshirt Help Desk
Views: 11,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kittl tutorial, kittl, kittl design, how to design t shirts, kittl vs canva, kittl vs vexels, kittl vs placeit, t-shirt design, t-shirt designer app
Id: 5RhbefsZRb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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