Midjourney VECTOR ART: How to convert picture into vector using Midjourney (AI Art)

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you can create Vector images from mid-journey Simply by using a few simple tools after your image has been created so in order to do it basically you want to type in your prompt now there's a few things you want to make sure you get in order to sort of engineer a good prompt I'm going to say uh because I need things to be fairly simple and you don't have to use the exactly these exact words but keeping it simple and cartoony will make it easier for you to actually convert to a vector image otherwise you might have to find yourself doing a bit of editing okay but using the words Vector logo vector art even if I want to put in their emblem something that simplifies the idea of what that image should be will help create the right type of image that is suitable for a vector image so I hit enter and if you check out these results you can see they're pretty cartoony pretty Victory so we're going to upscale uh let's go upscale this third one and I'll show you how we can convert that into a vector now this has been upscaled I click on it I click open in browser and then I right click and save this image so I can import it into my program before I show you the free Tool uh there's some guys out there who will use illustrator I want to compare the two so we're here in order to add it in I go file place grab my image in place yeah if I want to trace this image in illustrator and still get some pretty good results by going to object image Trace and make now straight away it tends to go black and white because of the default preset but here at the top you notice there's a few different presets for example I could choose silhouette and it'll get a similar result again or sketched art but these are mostly black and white down the bottom here I want something with color so obviously not black and white logo High Fidelity logo makes it a little bit choppy but it's there low Fidelity logo that's cleaned it up pretty well I think that's pretty much what we're going to run with but if you want to do further adjustments you can click this little panel here and you can do things such as you can make it less or more parser if I crank these paths right up you'll find it might be less smooth a little Jagged so I can smooth it out by going less Parts I can add Corners if it's too smooth although that's actually turned out a bit better but if I turn the corners right down it Smooths it out a bit but we're going to keep that high because it looks best and you can basically adjust these settings until you get what it is you're after uh the color accuracy you can crank that up if you are finding it's being a bit too relaxed with the colors but that also tends to Jagger the image up bits I'm going to go back down overall that low Fidelity logo produced a pretty good profile and there's a few things here where it's not perfect but overall it's pretty pretty good uh what I'm done and I'm happy with that I click expand and now it's created a vector object I can go in I can edit so if I want to I can zoom in and I can actually start to grab points I can change the color so I can edit it like a vector image and it's actually not too bad don't get me wrong it's not perfect but considering we've spent about two minutes creating this image I think it's pretty good there's actually a free toilet that you can use to create svgs if you don't have illustrator or you simply want to get a different result it's called vectorizer dot AI so at the moment it's free because it's still in bed it's still in beta but if you upload your image it will upload process and convert uses AI to convert to vector and you see it has an original and vectorized result so if I zoom in a bit you can see how clean the vectorized image is compared to the bitmap so it's actually done a pretty good job of vectorizing this image so I'm pretty happy with that I'm going to download it let's bring it into illustrator you see we now have two different vectors the vectorized image AI one has actually done a bit of a better job with the cloud if I zoom in this is the illustrator trace this is the vectorize.ai trace so vectorized AI is actually in my opinion probably a better 2 for converting the vector it does use AI to do it so I believe it probably does a better job at identifying some things however there are some areas where it has done not as good of a job so if I look at here the poor we've got these nice simple flat color to the lines come back in over here and there's a few sort of bits and pieces in there but ultimately it comes down to preference and the cool thing about this is because it is a vector image I can just select that background and remove it and I've got a nice transparent Vector I can use I can edit I can change the color of the dog if I want to pretty cool and that vectorized AI also does a great job with some more complex files so I'm going to show you a few right now here is a more complicated image I did as a vector that I wanted to test out and if you zoom in you'll notice it's done a great job with the sunglasses the dog's hair the whiskers it's actually created a pretty high resolution Vector file that you can work with now smoothing out something like this would be a ton of work because the different objects but you can see just how useful it is so I'm going to throw a few more images at it to see what we can get so got this image from a previous video that I've done and now if I zoom in you can see how smooth everything out and done a great job creating Vector art out of that and that's a fairly simple color image with lots and lots of detail so it does handle detail very well this is another very high detail image I created a while ago as a test and you can see how well it handles the detail and the strands of hair to create this vector image so it's actually very powerful even for highly detailed vectors once again flat colors but detail this anime image it doesn't seem to handle the Fades too well because it's very difficult for auto tracers to know when to add things like gradients but it's still not bad for what it is but this is where you start to see Auto tracing starting to fall a little bit because it can't really handle these fading colors as well as you can see it goes very solid and the next one same again we've got this fade in the background you can see how much it steps out now this is not to criticize the tool as much as it gets you to understand what it's really good for it's still cool for creating something that is a vector image but you just don't quite get that nice gradient effect you do with a bitmap but you can go in and edit that and just create a gradient if you want to and finally again this Ninja image which still looks pretty cool as a vector again some of these Fades are not showing up but the overall image is actually pretty cool because it's a vector we can scale it to any size and we get these nice smooth lines when we use it so that's a pretty cool tool and a pretty cool way to convert some AI artwork into vectors now remember keeping it simple is the key to getting the best results but have a play and see what kind of results you can get with vectorizer AI along with mid Journey AR or even your own personal art to see how it looks alright thanks for watching the video I hope you have a great day
Channel: Wade McMaster
Views: 225,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney vector art, midjourney ai vector, vector ai art, how to convert picture into vector using midjourney, how to create 2d vector flaticon on midjourney, how to take a t shirt vector from midjourneymidjourney vector, ai art vector, how to convert ai file to vector art, how to finalize vector art in ai, how to convert vector art from ai, midjourney prompt for vector drawing, midjourney t shirt vector, vector art, adobe illustrator, ai art, midjourney ai
Id: OBqMU-fp8O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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