Kitchen Remodel to Save Thousands $$$$

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if you've ever thought about renovating your own kitchen then this is gonna be a great video for you no this is not a video about me renovating my kitchen this is actually a video about our videographer max renovating his kitchen now max he's a television guy and he's got a lot of skills behind the camera and in the editing suite he's responsible for a lot of our success on this channel but he doesn't know how to use tools with a darn except for when it comes to fixing trucks i never didn't understand that max took it upon himself to renovate his house because he was expecting a baby and he wanted to finish off the kitchen renovation before the little critter came along so in this video you're going to follow along the journey of max using all the skills and tips and tricks and videos from our diy channel and trying to finish this renovation on his own no he never told me he was doing it he never called for help he tried to do it as a complete testimony to what an average person using this video channel that we've produced here can do on their own he wants to help empower you i think you're going to have a lot of fun watching this i enjoyed it thoroughly there's a lot to learn including what it's like to be a real human doing major renovations cheers we'll see you at the very end i got a message for you there too today i'm going to show you how we transformed this kitchen and saved thousands of dollars doing it ourselves now the thing is i'm not a contractor but for the last 10 years i've been the cameraman on home renovation diy youtube channel so i'm going to use all that knowledge i've gained i'm going to use the youtube channel itself home renovation and show you how powerful they are we're going to refer to the video so you can do the project yourself and at the end of the video we're going to tell you how much it all costs and get jeff's reaction to see what he thinks [Music] now the kitchen i think it's like a 90s kitchen i was told it might be an ikea it's it's in good shape um everything functions and the original plan was completely different we were actually going to rip this kitchen out and we were going to put in either a like a builder kitchen either home depot or lowe's something like that we're going to do that and then what happened kovit hit and everything went crazy so it was really difficult to do things so this just got put on the back burner everything changed and i decided well this is a nice kitchen for what it is and with the amount of work we've done this house we've done it very economically if we put like 30k into a kitchen i don't think we get much that money back we get a certain amount back but not for the amount of work we've already done we're already so far ahead just based on the diy stuff that if we drop that much money like in this neighborhood everybody has the same kitchen they have a galley kitchen maybe they've upgraded you know their countertops and cupboards and whatnot but everyone's got the same kitchen so in comparison another neighborhood i could see people's kitchens right from the window they're not all that different a lot of people still have this kitchen so putting 30k into a kitchen doesn't make much sense to me so what are we going to do we're going to do what one of our most popular videos has done actually we have this video on how to do a kitchen renovation and save thousands it's on the second season i believe it's the most popular video and in that episode jeff the only thing he does is he gets the countertops replaced by company but he paints the cupboards does his own backsplash towel over towel and put some flooring down and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna do the same thing now originally the i was thinking well you know i could do a couple things and i'll get somebody to spray the uh the cupboards and whatnot because my wife was like well i want to be pro and i was talking to her even yesterday i'm like you know what i really want to give it a shot you know if i'm doing this project let's just try i'll give it a shot and i'll i'll start with a different one we have like a scrap on the side if i do a good job with that one she said i can give it a shot she said if i screw it up then we're going to pay somebody but we'll have the countertops change for sure i think i really want to try these it is a bit of work i know we can just hire somebody to do it but i think it'd be a really fun challenge to do and since we're doing this video might as well um and then what we're going to do is we're also going to do the backsplash and doing this backslash should be a disaster because you got to rip it out and then you got to replace the drywall i'm told that you know you can't just go over top so we're going to do the trick that jeff did we're going to go right over top we're going to put some product on and then put a second layer on which i know a lot of people say is a no-no but he's done it in a lot of different places and to be honest with you it's always held up um heck he even did it in my mom's shower and a lot of people have seen that um we did like a shower we put some tile up four years ago actually almost five years ago now and then three four years later we did tile over tile with some new hexagonal tile from euro tile it looked awesome and you know what it's still there a year later hasn't moved an inch and that's a high water this area it's just really backsplash not much water so i think it'll be okay so we'll do that the last thing i'm gonna do is flooring i actually did something really creative i put lifeproof flooring all in one place we had i think three or four different types of flooring on this level what i'm going to try to do is link it from there over there so what i did is i got it all set up and hopefully i can link it all together and there'll be no transitions in the entire floor that's kind of the idea so i'm going right over the top of the ceramic and just make it all one flooring it's going to be easier to clean i'm going to stop talking now i'm going to get to work i'm not going to show you everything this is not a how-to video i'm just going to show you parts so hopefully for entertainment value you'll see me you know either have a success or a failure i'm not really sure to be honest with you i've never done a kitchen before but this would be a first for me we'll give it a shot and see what happens and you know what you're gonna come for the ride oh and one more thing i am not a professional contractor i'm not even a handyman so don't take my advice for anything this is more for just entertainment value you know you don't have to take it in my tips and tricks that's for darn sure i'm not a pro i'm just going to take all the knowledge i've learned the last 10 years and apply it here and see what i could do myself as a diy-er and not as a professional so be warned [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] right all right so project update it's going pretty well so far can't complain um as you can see through the time lapses it takes me a lot longer it takes jeff a lot of mistakes and botches and more time but you know it is getting done now originally what we're going to do is we're going to do one of those custom kitchens the ones you see at home depot or lowe's we're going to do that and show it on the home run vision channel and do a whole series about it jeff was going to explain how to do everything and when covett came all of a sudden became really difficult to everything couldn't even go in the stores so we had to wait and by time things cooled down we had to go back to filming how-to videos and we had to get jeff's farmhouse underway so we're working on that and during that time my wife got pregnant we had been trying for several months finally we got pregnant and now being october is about three four months in and honestly it's getting closer and closer and the last thing i want to be doing when the trial is here is renovating my house we got to get this thing done the last thing i want to do is renovate and have the kitchen all ripped apart and we have a child so we kind of had to do it by necessity it's time to get this this kitchen going underway and we're going to do on budget we're not doing it you know crazy budget we're gonna see how much we can do this for i'm actually gonna keep all track of all the costs and then i'm gonna show you at the end of the video how much this all cost just to give you an idea of what this would cost because it does go up pretty quickly even if you're doing it the cheap way but doesn't mean it's the wrong way all right so here are finished panels for the top box both the cupboards these are a real pain in the butt do by the way i'm a horrible carpenter so this took me forever and that really was enjoyable at all and uh i'm glad it's done but hopefully they they work well i've already kind of dry fitted them but before we put them in we got to paint them so i'll show you what we're painting stuff with first thing kill so this is jeff's secret weapon going to be using it it is an oil based primer i believe so goes uh covers things really well and it's going to work well in the cabinets too because the the sap from the oak come through comes through this is a stain blocker so it won't do it so that's what you want to use now for this it's not as important but for the cabinets is more important and then the final coat we're going to be using this rust oleum paint i use the same stuff on the desk and the garage will turn out pretty good really misleading name because it's not for rust pink that's just the name of the company but it says right there it's you know for plastic and wood and all this stuff and it works really well so those are two things we're gonna do first thing gotta do prime then you gotta paint [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so now we're at the stage where everything's dry here cabinet doors are drying in the garage if you notice i have removed everything from here i should have done that before like an idiot i didn't before and everything got an offspring so i learned that the hard way everything's a mess now so this is what happens when you don't do this for a living and you make mistakes so i'm letting you know anyways another thing is uh this spray paint not only does it give a hell of an offspring but the gases are pretty bad and the mask i had was a little it wasn't they had some holes in it so i was just not feeling great after that i got a toe so i have a better mask now it's kind of like uh hank king of the hill when he he was using the verithane on the grandfather clock bull i think i'm high you know he was painting it in a closed area so that's kind of what happened so make sure windows are open have a good mask and everything you know it can't be too safe with this stuff we don't feel like crap anyways gotta sand this down now put the final coat and i'm going to wear this this time it's going a little slow you know it takes a little more time than i thought but uh this is this is the reality of it man you got to put the hard work in so we'll just keep going and see how it goes now for sanding i am going to put a mask on right now i just want to show you i'm going to use 400 grit paper i just picked 400 seems like a good number the higher the number the more fine it is the lower the number the rougher it is so what you want to do run across yeah like that is a big difference like look at this you can probably hear it a big difference so you got to sand these down put the time in and then you paint so yeah it's going to be a lot more work a lot of people would just prime it and then paint it but you know what if you've seen a lot of jeff's videos you actually see that he actually sands between coats on any type of surface and there's a reason for that because if you sand between coats you get a much smoother look so that's why he does it people ask wonder why well you can see now you know he's got a lot of experience in this field so that kind of knowledge that's where the channel goes a long way because you learn these little tidbits that you wouldn't know and makes all the difference it goes from kind of a crappy diy job to more of a professional job well as professionals you can get with very little experience so it's been a couple days now it's now the fallen weekend and for the past five days we've had absolutely no use of this kitchen as you can see it's pretty much a war zone and it's like this in every single room i don't want to show you this just so you can see what a mess the whole house is just the realities of renovating this is what you're going to go through if you're going to be renovating your house and you don't have that much space it's going to look like this and this is actually pretty horrible because this is more like it's like drywall dust the offspring is just everywhere and it's just made the whole house a complete and utter mess so during this point you can see now why i didn't want to do this while we have a baby because you just can't use this room and then if you're working during the week like i am you just don't have any time to to work on this so weekends is pretty much the only time i have and that's why i've been doing like 14 hour days because you know unless you do this for a living and you're just doing the weekends you don't really have that much luxury unless you have a massive house with multiple kitchens and stuff but who's got one of those right if you're buying an old house and you want to make some money you can do it and it's just going to be not the most enjoyable experience living there so you know if you have kids or young children or something like that and lack of space and it's gonna be much more difficult for you so really think about what you're doing there you you can make a good plan you can make it happen but you're gonna have to put something on the line right there's gonna have to be sacrifice made and it's gonna be comfort in this case right it's been four years of this working during the week and then on the weekends doing this so you know haven't really relaxed in in almost four years which is crazy because you can't really live like this but at the same time the house has been transformed you'll see more of that later but anyways we're just gonna keep it going now now this spring like i said i was gonna have somebody to do it and they claim they do this in one day which i find really hard to believe because it's a hell of a lot of work even with a big crew you need this stuff to dry and cure properly before you sand it so i don't know but you know so far it's only cost me a couple hundred bucks in spray paint so can't really complain [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so the cabinets are finally finished we're making some progress they're all on i'm pretty happy with how they turned out i think they look good for you know a couple hundred dollars worth of spray paint it's actually pretty amazing where it can go and a little bit of hardware anyways next we have to move on the countertops have been ordered we've ordered the quartz you'll see that at the end however we have to wait about two weeks for them to get installed so in the meantime we have to keep busy and do something else now we can't do the backsplash because that goes on last and we can't do any finishing carpentry because that's like completely like last but what we can do is the floor this is what we're using this is the lifeproof brand from home depot really good stuff this is not sponsor just what i like to use it's really convenient easy to find great stuff looks good really really durable now i'm not a flooring expert but i'm actually pretty excited for the stage because this is one of the things i've actually done quite a bit so i have a decent amount of experience so hopefully some of these tips will actually help you when doing a vinyl flooring i think it's the easiest type because laminate when you're doing that you're cutting it there's lots of dust produced it's just it's a really nasty product to work everything goes in the air this one you cut there's no dust at all which is awesome that's why i like it it's waterproof which is awesome uh it's really really scratch resistant unlike a lot of laminates or even the cheaper ones actually to be honest with you so you do have to buy like a little better one you can't go the cheapest but at the same time this is like uh i think it's like 250 square foot you know almost three bucks canadian that's that's not bad you know and it's really really good stuff the rest of the house it's had a one year life cycle so far and no gaps came up everything's still good we've beat the hell out of it and it's not scratched up so the thing i like about this product if you scratch it it does almost nothing like this is just a pen i know you can do something much harder but honestly with the cheaper ones if you cheap out and you scratch it like that it'll actually turn white you can't scratch this obviously it's not invincible but what i'll do is it'll just leave a mark it won't turn white my parents house they used a cheaper brand and we moved a fridge that had wheels honestly it just went across and it scratched the hell out of the whole floor it looks horrible because that's what happens when you go with the cheaper brand so just don't do it you know even if it's like 50 cents less it's just not worth it you know even if to pay the extra bucket i think it's worth it to go for something like this and i like lifeproof because it has a hell of a lot of choices like there's so many different styles and looks and whatnot and it's easy to get let's say you buy one box like too short you can just go to the store and buy one that's really really convenient so yeah it's a convenience store thing but in this case i think it's actually worth it so we'll put that and the last thing is if you're putting this down one thing i noticed it says you know it has underpad or whatever like a layer you really should actually put down your own underpad uh and jeff recommended not using the lowe's or or home depot stuff like go to a like a flooring supplier store and get that there because they're much higher quality and they're cheaper in price but they're actually higher in quality so that's what we did so we're going to use that but honestly this is like one of the easiest projects i think you do if you're just starting out this is a what i did when i started out oh and i probably should mention this weird looking transition this is putting temporary the reason this was put in was to protect the edge of the rest of the floor so i have this crazy idea i'm going to start the other side of the room i'm going to keep the floor going and then hopefully if i did everything correctly i could actually link it under here we're going to fix this afterwards anyways but take a look you see the stair pattern there's a reason for that the reason for the stair pattern was so that we can actually link them because they have to go like this you can't have them come out it's going to be very difficult to link so i'm going to keep going i'm going to jump in here and hopefully if i line everything up everything should line up perfectly here and connect if i did it right so but first we need the underpad so we'll we're going to clean under the counter cupboards first because it's really nasty in there get rid of all the spiders and then put the flooring down [Music] it's kind of holding it needs a little love tap that's the way you want to do that i take a piece of scrap 2x4 this is from my wonderful desk and i just tap it in and go down as you go now it's it's almost there it's pretty tight but in some areas i can still need i see it still needs a little bit of improvement so do it till you're totally happy with it if it's not tight it's not going to work the reason i use a 2x4 is because it just gives you a much bigger surface area to impact [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right so it's actually going pretty quick a lot quicker than i expected even with a few hiccups it's been going really well but now is the defining moment of truth whether or not my idea actually worked or not whether this will connect this because i would do the same pattern on that side the hallway as i did here but the thing is they can go different directions so i have no idea but um we'll see if it works out uh that'd be really cool if it doesn't i'm not really sure what i'll do but we'll figure it out from there so um there is one more piece that goes here but it has to be cut so i can't actually put that in right now but what i'm going to do is put the next one in and see if i align this one up here if it'll work i'm not sure if that makes sense i'm just going to do it all right so let's see so eventually we'll have a piece here this is what i was hoping for right so if this worked that means yeah it looks a little looks a little tight between here but i don't know maybe we'll be able to make it work i don't know let's take another piece let's put it here yeah i don't know we'll see okay so we'll lay this one in this is going to be really tight and if this works out i could actually try to move the whole floor back a little bit if that makes sense or not and then this has to go on top like here oh yeah dude look at that i can make that work see that's that's a great idea i was able to link this and this because the lengths are the same here yeah the angles are slightly different a little bit but it's really not that bad um this is so cool you know what this means it means we have absolutely zero transitions in this entire floor it's just one big chunk well not yet but it will be in a few minutes but anyways you can tell i'm excited because i actually worked out i've been thinking about this for almost a year this is great anyway so we'll put that together now we are covering three different types of flooring on this entire floor everything was the same height we just went over ceramic i think it was like a laminate type flooring and the third one was sticky tile so now we got one continuous surface nice and easy to clean uh i'm gonna get back to it and finish this off but i'm super excited because it actually worked so some of these days you get lucky hey guys jeff here welcome to my renovation well we're not on tv but we do a tv show it's called reality renovation 800 square feet outdoor living space oh wow all right guys today's the big day countertops coming in it's the week so i'm doing what i normally do i'm editing reality renovation and homer individual all that fun stuff so i thought i'd give you a little behind the scenes this is kind of where uh where we at the show and do all the episodes and whatnot right now we're doing a promotional video for reality renovation the series you're watching right now this will be for the fourth season which is the uh the season this episode will be in so this is where we work we do all the episodes here all the editing all the mixing all the sound everything's done down here and everything you see on on youtube this is this is where it's done anyways today's kind of interesting day because during the work day i'm gonna get this ready do a little export here and while that's going i'm gonna go upstairs take out the sink take out the countertop and just make room for a make room for the countertop people to install so i'm really excited to see that all right time to do the deed of removing these guys now when removing these there's usually a caulking joint not that there's one much there and then these are actually put on with screws from underneath so you got to remove these things [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] all right now all those hours in the gym might finally pay off [Music] [Applause] lorenzo come here lorenzo come here come here lorenzo come on in this guy just hangs out here all the time look at him pretty cool all right back to work so these are the countertops it is a quartz and they look really good i didn't realize that this back piece doesn't come with it that's just my inexperience i guess but that didn't come with it so now i got to make the backsplash start from the bottom the other surprise was there's they didn't put the sink in um i just when i heard two hour install and all this i figured maybe they'd do it at first i thought they wouldn't do it but then when they told me how long it takes to install i figure that's included i guess not i probably should have asked so max has to do some plumbing for the first time ever i guess it's probably good for the video because they put on wedges it's not actually sitting on the top here so i'm actually just gonna add some silicone in there all right put some heavy down oh the only heavy thing i could find is car battery this is really turning into max's redneck repair here not really what i wanted to demonstrate but i guess it doesn't get any more real than this double check good perfect there we go see sometimes it's just good to double check really important to do can't always trust people even if their professionals do this kind of stuff all right drop in our beast of a sink i know all the range is undermount these days but i don't want to under mount sink i honestly think that looks nice i like the the low profile i think it looks pretty cool why not show it i like it i like it a lot all right now let's put this thing in so i had to remove a couple of the lines in order to get that piece off lesson learned there what i also did another jeff hack is i remove the there's like a plate that looks like this it's really nasty i don't think it's necessary anymore this is just much cleaner look it looks so much neater and nicer and why would we throw away this nice tap the faucet looks good so yeah i could attach that stuff just probably shouldn't connect the water [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hey how's it going yeah come on in hi sweetie yes oh no it's on her face what's on her face oh my gosh she's full of paint or something yeah damn looks good pretty slim shady eh yeah you like it look oh no that's the polyurethane damn it how did she get that on ah i don't know damn it the day's just coming to a close here but my day's just begun it's friday night tomorrow morning we're tackling the backsplash but before we do that there's a couple things we got to do we can't just go and start putting tile on because as you can see there's a couple issues here this is just regular drywall no problem can you know start doing this putting it on but can't do that with this because first of all two issues one there's tile and here it's actually not the same depth so what i'm going to do is i'm going to fill that in i have a couple ideas i'm going to do that we'll do that and then after that we're going to go over the tile we're going to prime it because if we just put the cement on i'm not sure how long it would hold so we're going to put primer on there i'll show you guys how to do that another one of jeff's little tricks so we'll get started let's get this going [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right time to prime our walls we're going to be using eco prime grip this is a primer that gives you maximum grip as well we're going to be using a little foam roller over here just cheap stuff this stuff's pretty expensive it's like over 75 dollars so just so you know factor that in the uh the back here it all needs to be primed that's why i did this first i put it all the same height i know this looks pretty kind of like it looks a little ghetto i'll be honestly but you know what it's gonna work it doesn't really matter what's behind there as long as it's strong so i put a heck of a lot of nails in there we're just going to prime it up it's going to look good we're going to cover it up and we're going to move on because this is this is it man we're almost there [Music] this is what we're putting on the backsplash it is glass and stone little mosaic should look pretty cool i think it's going to be a bit of a challenge cutting this because you can't cut glass very easily so you actually have to flip it upside down and cut the back end or which is the better option is using a wet saw so this is just a cheap wet saw we've used before we're using that to put everything on we're going to be using mappi ultralight this is a really good bonding agent for the cement we put on the backsplash and it's really strong stuff so you can just put the towel there you don't have to hold it up with anything i'm gonna mix it with mixing blade and finally any other cuts we have for like plugs and stuff we have a grinder with a this is a porcelain bit i believe the diamond bit for cutting the tile so those are things i'm not really going to be doing any demonstrations today just going to be going into it i'm going to time lapse the whole thing so you can see it because today's all about production and since i'm not a teacher that's not the plan here [Music] i'm super happy right now because we finished the kitchen almost like 90 we got one day of just final things to do and then it's finished and not only is the kitchen finish but the whole house is done so i'm like really pumped right now last weekend was crazy it was really really nuts doing that tile i knew it would take all weekend i didn't think it'd take that much time the tile took about 10 hours it went really well to be honest with you doing the towel over towel system worked great the next day was the grout the grout was a disaster it took 12 hours it took so long to do the grout that the drill literally caught fire so that was crazy we had to do the grout three times before it looked good so i picked two different colors before neither of them looked good we did one side i finished it and i was talking to my mom and i was just like man it looks like crap i absolutely hate it and thank god she was just like you know what max let's just get rid of it so we went and we literally scraped out all the grout with screwdrivers for like two hours thank god we did uh we went with a darker color didn't look good it looked brown so we got rid of that and then finally we found the color that we needed so we did that got through it thank god she was there had she not been there i don't think i would have pushed through that day because honestly i was really tired and discouraged and mad at myself but we got it finished the grout's on all that's ready to go so all that we got to do now is just a couple final touches right cleaning up and things like plugs i gotta put the lights back on because we did the tile over towel which is a great system honestly it's a genius system there's a few things we got to do to kind of fix it first thing is the window itself i'm gonna add a little piece of wood to make it complete just have it stick out i think that's gonna look really good we'll put the plugs on we'll put the under cabinet lighting back on we just have to do some adjustments and because it's tile over tile you have a nasty edge on the sides of the front so the way we're going to fix that is with this outside corner aluminum it's like uh if it looks about an inch maybe half inch something like that put that on the corners finish it off so now what we're gonna do we're just gonna finish everything off we'll get into the before and afters [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so the project's all complete it took six weeks complete but it's finished okay we're done awesome yes now i think it's time to go through the cost breakdown which is what everyone's pretty much here for so let's start with the flooring 520 that's not bad i love the flooring it's doesn't show any scratches doesn't show any dog paws it's pretty much always looking clean so that's good yeah it's kind of got like a matte finish too it's really easy to keep it clean so it looks good love it all right next part we got the stove and what we changed the stove this was early on actually we did before the video but we also did we had a hookup in the back so we had a technician come and actually do a hookup so all that cost we sold the old stove we bought a new stove and we had the upgrade for the gas and that cost 900 that's so bad yeah so you like the gas better right oh my god it's night and day with an electrical stove so i prefer gas over what we had before yeah 100 burn all our food on the old one so uh next part is the sink the sink was 430 dollars i love the sink it's big sink and uh i can't wait to wash the baby in it i don't know how i feel about that one but i like washing the dishes in it you know it's nice having the bigger sink because i actually didn't think it was gonna be that much of a difference but it's just awesome putting way more dishes in there it doesn't splash as much because it's so deep so great upgrade uh the faucet uh we kept it from last time but the faucet costs 120 so yeah it works so why not keep it yeah i just factored that in there because you will have to buy a new faucet uh the countertop was the most expensive part obviously and that was thirty two hundred dollars but it's so nice stone is ah it's awesome yeah i love it yeah it looks really good it's really easy to clean that's my favorite part i think it looks looks great yeah feels great and moving on the cabinets what should it cost you didn't see yeah it said 300 uh i said 30 100 yeah oh i missed it yeah it happens it's okay and this thing's all the time all right next moving on cabinets 370 dollars three paint them that's where we are winners yeah winners danielle we saved the most amount of money in that for sure uh i don't even know how much it would cost to get all the new ones but i can't believe we're almost gonna throw these out i actually feel really stupid for even considering that because they're in good shape all right so it's crazy how much a little bit of paint will go and uh hardware exactly and like they i couldn't even you know i this this is a part that you can really only know until you live in it for a while so it's been a few months so i didn't realize how much i was being careful with them before because they kept falling apart until we glued them together so i was like so gingerly opening them all now like gluing them that made a big difference oh yeah that's awesome love it it's like brand new all right next moving on we have what we got here backsplash so you picked the most expensive backsplash obviously uh 720 yeah well it's it was hard to find navy blue backsplash so i just honestly was looking for the color i wanted and that's what i picked and i love it yeah actually it does almost have kind of a blue tint to it certain times of day so it looks really good um honestly i really like it too i was gonna go for a bigger one but bigger one doesn't make sense with this backsplash because there's not much space so smaller is better for sure and it was easier to install so awesome uh next part we have the trim and the crown all that stuff so um you know finishing the top and everything that was 240 paint included and honestly it's so worth um capping off capping up or capping off the top of the cupboards yeah that's awesome um you don't have dust being collecting up there spiders and all that stuff so it just finishes the look of the kitchen real nicely yeah i like the part that there's actually there usually spiders every single day now there's we almost never see them anymore so it made a difference uh and then the lighting was pretty it was fairly expensive because we didn't buy anything on sale which kind of sucks but because the pandemic it's just it was really hard to get stuff so lighting was 750 ah jesus well that's okay though but you know i think the lights were good because we picked the big lights their leds are gonna last [Music] i don't know how many years lots of years so yeah i think it's gonna be good too i like having the under cabinet lighting too oh the under cabinet lighting is a must honestly because you don't have to open all the lights you literally just swipe and the lights will go on wherever you are and i think it's very yeah functional it is functional yeah and we don't use the big light almost ever we just use the under cabinet lighting because it's enough at night they're honestly enough like this is like when you're cooking a big meal or something but you don't really need it like you should get it but it's good to have options that's what she's basically saying and then the last thing what we did is we added storage in the back uh we bought two of these things and that was 350 so that's like extra uh cabinetry to put stuff away how do you like those things back there that's awesome and then that's pretty much it and the final price all this together six hundred dollars canadian that's not bad it's like fifty five hundred dollars american that's not bad for what it looked like before and honestly yeah so like now that it's done and that you lived in it uh you know how much it cost obviously and now living in a few months was it worth doing this or should we just have kept the old one ah no okay that was it was worth all the blood sweat and tears for sure yes on your part oh that's great i'm really happy you know it turned out great it's finished and all the renovation is done that's awesome well max that was awesome buddy thanks now listen i know before covet started we had talked about plans to work together to make videos at your kitchen because i'd be more than happy to help you renovate that space that's right yeah i had no idea you were moving ahead without me so it kind of blew my mind to see the video yeah it was kind of a surprise i just decided to do it and tell you about it and it was meant to be a surprise which yeah well it was you just showed me there like a few minutes ago and i'm like okay this is awesome i haven't been to max's house in almost two years right uh because of covid and because our lack of understanding for the first year of what was going on we didn't want to take any chances no and so it was a matter of just constantly adapting to whatever we had and that meant day by day right the plans changed so much like that original plan that we had of doing the custom kitchen that was a really good plan we really wanted to do that yeah it just couldn't happen so this was out of desperation so that's a great plan b you got you got to go with the times you can't just how long did it take from start to finish buddy uh i believe it took eight weekends eight weekends eight weekends yeah okay because you know you work like i got you working yeah like you don't sleep no no so i couldn't work during the week i think there was one day when the countertop actually came yeah because they came i think was like on a wednesday or something so i had to get it ready yeah uh so i just i watched the video of the laundry room of you removing the sink and all that stuff literally that morning and then i did what what you did in that video right they installed it and then and then you had the big surprise you're like oh they're not gonna put the sink and there was no plumbing so i had to finish the day with that so that was kind of a surprise but i think that's that's what you kind of get these renovations you get the surprises and that's why i want to do this video yeah yeah well congratulations buddy you did a great job thanks man so listen if you're wondering max is not a renovation pro no he's a regular guy you did eight weekends and you renovated your whole kitchen and i've never done any kitchen before i've never assisted on anything so like all that was completely new and i really was i lost a couple nights of sleep to be honest that's not even like joking exaggerating i was actually very intimidated of doing this right but now you're on the other side so what does it feel like do you think you can handle another project i do like that i think that's the point of this stuff is that it does empower you you know i filmed for so many years with you and it's one thing to film and watch and uh and learn from you but to do something it takes a lot of you know it takes some cajones right to do it and doing that and uh and just invest in yourself to do do such a project any sort of project for that matter but but to take the first step once you take the leap off you know off the cliff you'll you know you're kind of going and you just gotta go with it you know that's awesome and that was the hardest part about it nice after that it kind of went you know so well listen max is the only guy i know that works harder than i do seriously like there might be the odd doctor in the in the birth ward at the hospital puts in some long hours but honestly the guy is a machine we have a lot of fun with what we do we do and that's the whole point so if max can do it you can do it absolutely right like don't be afraid because the whole idea about doing diy renovations is is to try you're going to make mistakes you're going to fail you're going to go backwards but that's part of learning and then once you've accomplished a major task like that you're going to be so i mean you know we get people messaging hey i feel empowered i feel encouraged but be competent right do it and then the next time you have to face a major challenge in your life you're like big deal i've done a kitchen yeah like come on well and i can do anything in your house now that's the most difficult system in the house is the kitchen it is and and that was another thing one of the reasons that inspired me to do this project um it feels really weird being on this side of the camera i absolutely don't like it but what i want to do is you know i see the comments i see you guys are posting people write thank you you know you helped us with the we did this because you but there's a lot of people write this is awesome but i can't do this i see that comment all the time yeah and you know what the truth is you can you really really can and you can do a lot more than you think it doesn't mean that you have to do such an extravagant project right but but there's so much more they could you know i started with flooring that was the first thing i ever did didn't know a damn thing about flooring yeah now you know i know something about flooring i feel confident put down my flooring there you go that's what it started worst case scenario you can install flooring for a little bit exactly yeah yeah i'll have knees of steel right well listen we um we we're glad to be able to bring this information for you max saved a ton of money from his renovation so make sure you subscribe to this channel because in the next video we're going to show you what he did with the rest of that money it's another renovation project in his house that's right i want you to be successful don't screw up your house don't turn it into a do yourself in disaster do it right be like max and have a brand new kitchen great idea yeah listen cheers buddy all right thanks man so the kitchen remodel turned out awesome and i couldn't be happier i couldn't be prouder but what i'm actually prouder of is my wife for this room that i'm standing in right now this used to be a plain bedroom and with a little bit of care my wife took care of it and made it the nursery for our son lex this is an awesome place it's made it so homey and i couldn't be more proud of her so this is our son lex and we couldn't be happier with him he's an amazing young boy and he's absolutely transformed our lives and as amazing as this whole renovation of this house and his kitchen is there's nothing amazing as you know becoming a parent and we're just so thankful and honestly this is what matters most so you can do your renovation but what matters most is always family so keep that first and everything else second [Music] so if you guys made it this far in the video i just want to thank you for watching and not just watching this video but watching all the other reality renovation episodes you know we've been making these episodes for over 11 years now and we've created over 50 episodes and every time you guys watch and comment it it means the world to us and having the ability to to film edit direct and do all this has been absolute dream come true for me so i'm very thankful jeff give me that opportunity to be able to tell the story and tell the story how it is and not you know hiding anything showing everything that happened you know the good times the bad times the highs the lows and i think that's really amazing so especially this farmhouse series it has been for me personally a dream come true uh to kind of make something you'd see on like a discovery channel or something i love watching shows there so it's been awesome to share that adventure with you and thank you for joining us on that so unfortunately this is the end of reality renovation we have one more episode coming of this house and we will be changing the style but that's not a bad thing that's a good thing we're actually going to be doing more of a real-time update so you guys can kind of get a almost a real-time update behind the scenes um what's going on in jeff's life and all the renovations and whatnot so it will make this channel a little more more interesting but to have all these episodes done and have your guys support and watching us means the world to us so thank you so much now guys i encourage you to like and subscribe if you like this video and other videos like it we got lots more to come um otherwise we have some cool stuff to show you so i'm not sure if you've seen it but jeff's finale for his 1880s farmhouse is probably our best video we're really proud of it it's an amazing story we'd love to share with the world so check it out here you can watch the whole story and at the same time next week we have over here you can watch the rest of this house being remodeled from everything i learned from jeff and if you're really bored you can watch these two movies where jeff actually appeared in them right over here and if for some reason you want to watch some of my other stuff i have one more channel here with some other content thank you for watching we really appreciate your support
Views: 90,015
Rating: 4.9505186 out of 5
Keywords: kitchen renovation, kitchen remodel, how to install flooring, how to install lifeproof, lifeproof vinyl flooring, how to remodel a kitchen, how to renovate a kitchen, diy kitchen renovation, how to install tile over tile, tile over tile install, diy backsplash, how to install tile backsplash, how to install tile, diy sink install, kitchen sink plumbing, quartz countertop install, how to paint kitchen cabinets, cheap kitchen remodel, vinyl plank flooring, kitchen cabinets
Id: fuRardCTz8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 56sec (3176 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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