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hi there and welcome back to my youtube channel i'm christina and today i am talking about kitchen renovations and specifically i want to talk about things that you need to avoid i just know a little bit about this because i've done a kitchen renovation and some of these mistakes i've made and some of them i got right and i want to give you just some knowledge if you're thinking about doing a renovation but don't get hung up on if you disagree i would love it if you disagree if you disagree just leave it down below and we can have a little discussion not a debate a discussion mistake number one that i see people making when they're either building a home or a home renovation is they don't take the cabinets all the way to the ceiling and i know why they do this it's because it's expensive tall cabinets or custom cabinets or in our case you can see we did one cabinet and then another smaller one and then we did crown molding on the top we could go all the way to the ceiling um i have 10 foot ceilings in this part of my house and so that was something that was important to me and my husband was to have it go all the way to the ceiling but it's expensive and that's why people don't often do that but i would urge you to splurge on that part of the kitchen personally there's also another kind of budget friendly way to go around this is to in certain sections don't have any cabinetry have it just open with the backsplash or add an open shelving there's some beautiful examples of this on pinterest it just looks very custom one of a kind you do it that way and in the places that you do have cabinets because you saved a little bit i'm not putting them in this section you just do more that go taller or double on top of each other in other sections and that's a good budget way to not increase the cost i think that actually gives you a more custom special looking kitchen i know um studio mcgee does this a lot where she'll have like the hood and then she won't have cabinets right next to the hood um so see how i have cabinets on either side should have it be empty with shelving and sometimes it's empty all the way across with open shelves and those are pretty inexpensive to do and quite stunning and then on a different wall she will have cabinets that go all the way up because you do need to have storage to put things away but it gives such a custom high-end look when they go all the way to the ceiling some exceptions would be if you have vaulted ceilings or like a loft like really high ceilings obviously that's not you're not going to be able to do that mistake number two is not taking the backsplash all the way up all the way to the side of the wall sometimes i see people stop the backsplash at like right at the edge i just want it to keep going up or people will do like a backsplash here and then not take it all the way to the hood and i'm just itching to like push it back up push it up to the top and really whereas the cabinets that's an expensive thing to go all the way to the ceiling tile unless you're choosing very high end tile most tiles are not that expensive but it gives such an impact when it goes all the way up you're already having the labor of someone installing it here it's not going to cost you that much more just to keep going and i love when it is dramatic on like a whole wall really stunning take the tile be dramatic with the title go all the way up the next mistake to avoid in a kitchen renovation is doing a double basin small dinky sink no one can wash dishes in those i don't know who's washing dishes unless you're doing like like you are the soaking in the soap and then the rinsing in the other and you don't have a dishwasher then fine but if you have a dishwasher there's no need to have how much are you soaking don't soak just use some elbow grease and get rid of the messiness and get a big old sink you can get really modern you can get stainless steel you can get black white you can get the the farmhouse ones that have the apron those are so pretty so just get a big statement sink because then you can fit a lot more dishes in it's much more functional and much more pretty you can hide more dishes in there than the two double sink so unless you are washing your dishes by hand even still i would urge you don't need the double thing so one big old sink [Music] this is one where we didn't do it and we still might fix this down the line is if you're renovating your kitchen make sure to build in the fridge that gives such a high-end look and we kind of have we have panels on one side and each side but the issue was from our old house to this house we brought our fridge and the fridge from our other house we had deeper cabinets and so this fridge sticks out much further than the cabinets we have now so here the fridge sticks out which drives me crazy so and this fridge just won't die it actually has been making crazy noises so when that fridge dies we're gonna get a fridge that sets back in more that will give it a little more of the custom look where it's built in but some people do this really well while they'll build in a fridge and i love that look it just makes your whole kitchen look professional and custom not fully custom built in you can do it semi custom so that's definitely one where we should have done the next mistake to avoid is because you didn't know what to choose or because you were trying to save on money you just went and got the ugliest granite at the granite yard sometimes i look at these houses and i'm like why did they choose that granite you're better off getting one of the manufactured stones that are really durable that look kind of like marble i would much prefer that look than just some strange puke colored marble that was discounted at the stone yard just don't do it and sometimes it's because you're like i didn't know what color to go or what to do and this one was cheap i would say either go the manufactured stone if you're going for cost effective or save up and do what you really love or decide what you love don't just throw in what's ever available because that can the stone makes a huge statement in your kitchen and choose that wisely my next mistake to avoid is opt to get the pot filler and if you look behind me we didn't get a pot filler and i'm not saying every kitchen actually needs a pot filler the mistake to avoid isn't per se the pot filler but that was something that when we did this kitchen renovation my husband wanted it more than anything and i just was like how hard is it to walk around fill up the pot with water we're out making pasta every single night we don't need a pot filler and it was going to be i think about 2 000 more to run water to this wall to put it in and i convinced him that it was unnecessary and all the time he's like we should have done the pot filler it was only two thousand dollars we should have done it so my advice to you is just choose what you love and do it and let your husband have that crazy idea or let your wife if that's if she wants these polls that are a little more expensive in the long run in the grand scheme of the project it's not going to be that much more i mean at some point you have to stop you can't do everything you want to do potentially but if that's like the one thing you really really wanted which for my husband was the pot filler and now we can't do it because the wall is here it's too late so i would urge you if there's something that you would hope and dream to do just do it and do it right the first time so i hope these mistakes weren't too controversial i don't want to be controversial too much on my channel but i just thought this was kind of fun talking about things to avoid i hope this was helpful if you are considering a home renovation and please share your mistakes to avoid and things that you would suggest for a kitchen renovation in the comments below and please consider subscribing and i'll catch you in my next video bye-bye [Music] it's okay if your cabinets don't go all the way to the ceiling i'm sure it's still a gorgeous kitchen i'm gonna get in trouble i don't want anyone to get upset with me singing okay
Channel: Christina Nelson
Views: 160,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 20E05NtSo3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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