How To Make An Ugly Kitchen Beautiful On A Budget | 1880s Farm House EP6

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i've got so many issues sometimes the best plan is just to start from scratch we need to do more than just a kitchen remodel we need to complete main floor renovation exactly wow okay so i came up with another idea for this space i'm preparing myself go ahead the countertops yeah um did you tell that we were gonna have a sink yeah they didn't cut it according to the template we're not closed by a hair no no that's what i'm saying normally it would have been it should have been about an eighth all the way around difference so if it's not cut according to the template it's useless [Music] [Applause] one [Music] [Music] so [Music] so today on reality renovation we are talking about kitchens not just any kitchen this is my kitchen oh and i'm so proud to have inherited an 1880 farm house but the kitchen looks like it's remodeled maybe 30 40 years ago you know at first glance it looks okay it's functional it's got a nice island with a breakfast area but here's the issue we've been here a little over a year and we realized that there was a crazy draft in this place in the wintertime now we've been doing a lot of work on this house we've opened up the outside walls and now we know why so it's one look at this thing and you know we've had a mouse highway running up and down and in and out of these walls and when i start taking a look at all the challenges that i have to fix this kitchen up let's just face it i can't just change the countertops and backsplash maybe you swap out a cabinet or two i'm gonna have to do something maybe a little bit more dramatic so we've been researching and taking a look at all of the challenges and the pros and the cons but i've got lighting plumbing structure i've got thermal break vapor barrier air movement i've got so many issues sometimes the best plan is just to start from scratch the problem is is in real life starting from scratch means investment so we've got to find a way to fix this place up and not go so crazy out of budget we don't want to get lost having so much fun that we blow the budget so the challenge that i have is how to fix up this kitchen without going broke but still creating a look that adds value to this home to help cover the cost of the renovation so in order to do that i'm going to have a conversation with my wife we're going to go over a few different options and we're going to see what we come up with okay mitch so here's the thing we've been looking into all of the different issues that we have with the house and i've got the wrong electrical we've got illegal plumbing we have the floors are wonky the structure's a mess there's holes in all the walls i got no thermal break i have no ability to repair this without removing the kitchen right unfortunately these cabinets are very cheap they're paper wrapped trims and as soon as i start touching it it's all going to fall it's true well i mean we've had that happen already in a perfect world we could just change the countertops backsplash spruce it up a little bit yeah and we'd be done but everything here is so badly done and so backwards so you need a total gut right i mean we really we gotta find a way to renovate this without losing our shirts we gotta stay on budget yes we don't have much of a budget so bear with me if you think this is gonna work okay let's do this unfortunately because we live out in the country we don't have a lot of value right right if i remove this kitchen and put in a similar kitchen i'm i'm really spending a lot of money in order to insulate a wall so here's what i'm thinking we need to do more than just a kitchen remodel we need to complete main floor renovation exactly so we're going to rip out that wall open concept rip out that wall yeah the whole wall okay we're gonna rip out all of this division here yeah okay we're gonna close off the entrance up to the stairs so that becomes its own room and have access from the other side remove the bathroom that's over there yes for sure complete floor plan gut we got to do this in two weeks keeping in mind all load bearing walls right well of course we don't want it falling down um but i think if we create a new open concept on the whole main floor yeah and then remodel then we're going to at least get our value out okay because everything else is dry wall and flooring but over here let me know what you think of this what if we remove the ceiling and just go exposed i would love that okay but that brings surprises possibly we can start in that direction if we have to close it we will but that means we're not going to be doing pot lights we're going to have to go with pendants are we going i love pendants yeah yeah okay we need that in here all right so if we go with that direction then we just go very balanced we're going to go stove here yes no more upper cabinets no get rid of all that i'm gonna so here's i need you to start shopping because i need i need cabinet color so get rid of uppers okay and the only thing that we can afford to do because of our timeline is ikea yeah because it's in stock yes and this is not our forever i love that okay so let's just make it nice and simple we'll buy the cabinets yeah pick a color you do the shopping countertops backsplash tile got it it's going to be um almost 16 feet long fridge on that wall oh it's going to be so good and then after we remove this wall we're going to build in a pantry right so we got all of our storage there instead of on the wall okay so i need a tile probably has a little bit of character well that was where i was going to go right love the european mosaic look yeah um try to stay away from the smaller patterns but keep with larger patterns maybe good because in a big room like this exactly i don't want it to look too no no exactly sweet okay so you can do that a flooring we don't have a tile option it's got to be vinyl so we can pick a vinyl color or to match whatever is going of course all right uh other than that hardware it's all you yes pick it all out i'm thinking black yeah hardware sure depending on what i get from ikea as long as it's my color choices yeah that's so true i have three weeks to turn this around yeah i'll put in a phone call for sure so our plan is to get this done before the snow comes so it's a six week rent six weeks without a kitchen excuse me because here's the thing um it's gonna be three weeks for me to peel this all back and rebuild it and i'm not expecting it to go smoothly two weeks you have two weeks no no i'm gonna need six maybe eight like you said we don't know what we're gonna find so let's plan for eight okay yeah okay that makes sense all right eight weeks nothing but barbecue but where am i washing my dishes well here's what is going on with we have a bathroom that we're gonna remove well okay going to remove but could we let's switch that into a kitchenette because the plumbing's there we'll close off this wall absolutely i'll cut a hole in the other wall on the living room so we can have access to upstairs from the other side now i understand why we can seal off this half of the house you got it all in one house exactly it's not like road construction where they leave the road open the whole time so it takes all summer if they just shut the road down for three days yeah you're done but yeah no so we're going to just seal this off separate it so that we can get it done oh my mind is just going crazy right now i know so a little extra blood sweat and tears and we can turn a kitchen remodel into a whole home renovation i think it gives us the ability to also sound proof the roadside walls definitely right yes so that's a huge plus and then maybe when we're done we might actually not lose any money but lord knows we can't sell this house without changing this kitchen so yes all right uh countertops what's your idea for that uh i hate to say it um but i think we're gonna have to go stone everything in the market's going stone whether it's quartz or granite if we don't we're competing against everybody else who's selling a house who's put in stone and that's becoming the new normal so for our area we're kind of stuck right well um if if this was uh southern ontario small town we'd just go with formica but i think we're gonna have to go stone um because you're going right down to the bare walls are you doing anything with these windows what do you think yeah they're garbage so i'm throwing them out um i'm going to put in new windows same size nice and simple just order this actually the same window i can get them here in two to three weeks it's not an issue so we can actually do all of our work and then we'll swap the windows out just before we do our finishing great yeah so that's not a concern yeah um other than that other than that can i get brand new appliances new appliances we'll talk about that i know we have a budget to work with and do have a budget how about this how about let's let's open up the walls let's discover what our limitations are what our challenges are okay then we'll look at our budget that's with any renovation if we get lucky yeah and we don't have any time any unforeseen changes right then appliances is in the budget okay and then what we'll do is maybe we'll get a uh oversized fridge right yeah right doors because that'll work that would be awesome we'll get an oversized fridge instead of our standard white we'll change out the stove to something new and then we'll just order the cabinets from ikea based on our design restriction off the appliances perfect right perfect because they come in multiple sizes we'll go with uh like a double cabinet here whether it's 15 or 18 or whatever it is we'll build we'll order the kitchen according so that we got to gut it and then we'll come back and we'll finish our plan island yes what about that uh gut it remove it replace it with a larger longer one wider what do you think fridge yes yes counter counter yes symmetrical off the center line of the room right yeah pantry where that wall is now yep remove this remove this close this and then i'm thinking nine feet instead of instead of six six to nine remove the fridge because we still have the entrance door exit door we move the fridge to the corner remove that wall nine foot island breakfast for ten and keep the width the same yeah um yeah it's pretty comfortable i love the like let's keep having this um the breakfast bar overhang thing yeah and then that way we can have uh stools here sure um you want that's on budget new appliances [Laughter] so usually you know i like to know the end from the beginning in this case our direction requires us to be somewhat flexible so that's why we're choosing to go with the ikea kitchen just because it's available in stock at a moment's notice and we have the flexibility to make design changes right up to the point that we install it and even after that we can actually install these things and then take them off the wall and put something else on if we absolutely have to so before we buy and design our kitchen we just need to have a working concept we'll get the room confirm our design and then we go shopping but all the selections for color and style and everything else can be done in advance it's just a matter of the size of the island and the size of the balanced kitchen which will be dependent on the appliances right but until we know and have this all peeled open we know what our cost is going to be we don't have a budget for a fridge so one step at a time let's do it quickly um six weeks yeah and we have to rewire the whole place because it's totally illegal you definitely have to rewire the place yeah yeah yeah i mean this is nuts even the lights they're on a 40 amp circuit it's enough for a stove that's just insane well there are days where i will switch it on yeah or nothing happens you get one light bulb and then i have to do it they all light up on the second switch i think what happens is somebody has an old panel downstairs with breakers that are really hard to get a hold of and so um they just cut corners which is crazy how do you cut corners electrical i mean some of the wires down there are just so crisp and ready to just fall apart it's not even funny so the faster we do this the better well and part of this part of this renovation involves bringing in electricity he's gonna put a new panel in the corner because i can't do all i mean i can do my wiring but i don't want to have to do my own wiring and it can run at the same time you're gonna end up calling me an electrician i'll have them come in next week and do a panel switch over okay and uh then we're gonna go okay anything else just getting used to cooking on barbecue for the next next six weeks well i don't want to be ordering it all the time because you know that'll add thousands to the budget that's crazy yeah yeah we will be fine all right so you do magic i'm going to probably find a place where i can have the stove temporarily plugged in right i can leave temporary power in the other room that'd be great i can hook up our kitchenette with plumbing in the bathroom and we'll just remove the toilet and sink and switch that over okay so could you add a larger sink like a temporary one one of those basement bin yeah that's my goal i was actually going to use just a cheap 40 plastic laundry sink yeah so you can still wash pots perfect okay okay and then we'll go paper plated yeah sweet am i going to be able to get the hammer in your hands and you can help me at the demo absolutely yeah therapy i just need to get my nails redone if that happens ouch wow that's all good high maintenance okay i've been using zip ball system for years and years and years mostly for dust control [Music] get that part up there as well so for the sake of showing a few tips and helping people out you know sometimes not knowing how something is put together means you're gonna do something silly to rip it apart like oh yeah yeah yeah there's usually two to four screws in every cabinet okay just a few brad nails that go straight to the bin there we go so here's just a thought first glance this looks like hey that floor is nice it's solid wood it's salvageable but look at the size of this gap here okay that's from shrinkage over time and this this this here this is the last fill job somebody refinish this when they put all this goop it's just chipping out right so all of this that's what keeps coming up over and over and over again every time you walk all that deflection in the floor when you're walking is causing these things to break up little chunks popping out and so then every couple of years you're gonna be left with this huge gap with nothing but dirt and debris and garbage you can refinish the floor every three to five years just so you can feel your gaps up again not going to happen so this is why we're covering it all up we're going vinyl nothing i can do to save this floor we're just going to remove the sink oh yeah that's installed well there that'll love it when the drain just breaks off like that [Music] just take our laundry tub [Music] a little bit of solvent on the pipe and inside the fitting there we go and we have a kitchen closet that's good for six to eight weeks okay the next step is to remove our toilet we've already done this on camera multiple times so put a link in the description if you don't know how to remove a toilet you can watch in another video but we're gonna open up this wall get up the sawzall cut our door start removing some cabinets and reinstall them in here for a temporary kitchen okay so the plan is there's a bathroom behind here and the old tub area is about there right but i need the width of my cabinet 30 yeah here so i am going to be opening this up like a walkway 30 inches wide that'll work out so i'll remove all of this you know the funny thing is i can't even remember the condition of the old tub space behind here i don't know if it's all demoed or man i can't remember a damn thing the insurance restoration company came in here they did a cleanup because we had the toilet back up with a sewer back up so it was nasty so we had to put all new flooring so i know they ripped out the tub but i just can't remember oh i hope there's not too much to do back here let's take a look ah my old shower oh and my tub okay yeah so i've got to finish ripping all of this out before i can open up the hallway all right that's for matthew i'm heading off to max's wedding with him and i'm gonna leave my son here to finish the rest of this demolition when we come back which is in just a few seconds from now we'll show you all the finished product and we'll do a tour but the plan is to put a 30 30-inch cabinet with a countertop here and that floor-to-ceiling pantry cabinet on this wall right here so that we can have enough dry good storage and counter space and a sink to be able to function around here for the next few weeks anyway let's just uh do this and we'll see in a second tada not so glamorous i know but man is it functional listen this is separated from the construction zone by a door i got a huge sink i've got my coffee machine i got a microwave i even bought one of those little hot plates i can plug in just got to be careful usually when you do a temporary kitchen the electrical's not set up so i can't run my microwave and the hot plate at the same time close the breaker not a problem we got some storage i got my fridge i got my dog food set up and my garbage cans everything i need right here in this cute little 30 to 40 square foot area this is reason that we are not going insane because we can cook and we can keep our area clean huh doing six months without a kitchen will drive you crazy i've done it before for whatever reason you just wake up in the morning angry and you don't want to live like that so if you're going to do a major renovation consider finding a place in your house that you can make a temporary kitchen do the kitchen renovation and then come back into this space later this is just changing some flooring and remodeling you can remodel this space after you've had a temporary kitchen and easy enough that is my secret to success [Music] so the demolition's done and now we got this onion peeled back let's talk about all the surprises absolutely none bottom line when you're dealing with an old house like this balloon construction you always plan for the worst so then every time something isn't wrong it's a plus we have now is a great big open space right according to our design and we're taking a look at all the elements that we have to put back into this place i think the best plan here is to finish wire in the kitchen and then i'll tell michelle what i did okay baby let's go take a look at the new space here we go all right hold on right there what do you think wow that's a lot of life well yes and no they're all pots they're all on dimmer switch okay yeah so it's just a matter of having light in every different space that you need it really i brought you here because i need you to talk to me about your dining room the copper ceiling okay sure yeah all right come on in here so i finished the basic framing of the box right so we're gonna have the pot lights in sort of a recessed box around the perimeter of the room beam across the middle yeah we'll crown everything up right the way we discussed yeah i've got three lights down the middle yes i don't really have lights in the main body of the room yeah do you want me to put more pot lights in here or you know what i like the fact that you've got pots on both sides and then in the middle here the option to put a central light in there i'm not sure if you wanted to like a fixture exactly um okay well what yeah because if we put a box it's on the same switch though yes but then at least we could put a fixture with like maybe a flush mount something that has three or four hundred watt bulbs in it yes so we can have a room light and then the rest of this ends up accent i love it okay yes all right yeah we can make that work and then over here what about over here well this is just a simple wall right i'm closing this up hanging on the tv but what we talked about to have the uh an accent wall yeah we can tile put some maybe like a stone veneer or something floor to ceiling i love that okay pots cascading over it i've got those set up all right characters yeah okay now hello okay so i came up with another idea for this space i'm preparing myself go ahead um come on you can do anything yes but we have a timeline and a budget right no no no no electric fireplace right here yeah actually that's real easy because we haven't used up the circuit for all the plugs so we can just tie it into here and drop a loop nice that was painless thank you i was thinking you're going to go for gas i'm like no no no no good yeah electric we can do just so we have a little ambience a little heat exactly and if you know we choose to have a you know a tv a flat screen here yeah sitting on the couch leather couches okay beautiful lighting on a dimmer right yeah just the whole ambiance instead okay so then there's really nothing else to change i can just get closing up um you're forgetting something the windows gotta go it's gotta go yeah you don't like the bay window style no no um i want you to replace all of that with a huge window um raise up raise it up a bit as well okay and you know what that's for right yeah yeah i get it can we do that next year no it's got to be done this year because see next year i'm changing the facade on that side of the house and all of this build-up is all structural i see where you're going so if i touch this right now then i got yes i don't have time to do this side of the house as well yes okay see where you're going so if we wait till next year we'll open it up we'll take this right down to the foundation from the outside and then we'll rebuild the whole inside of this and put in a window that you like okay i'm forgetting you're the structure guy so for now we'll just finish right up to the window and then we'll just resize all that resize the window because honestly i think the way they built this there's a little bit of rot it'd be nice to remove all of that when we do the resizing okay yes i love that idea okay thanks we're all ready to close oh one more thing i almost forgot the island yes we can go nine feet we can squeeze it in but i have to round off the outside corners yes i would okay i gotta go down to three chairs not four yeah i know that i know that nine feet is great and i talked to the inspector we can do the wine fridge awesome but we got to just put the second plug somewhere on the island so it's gonna be tucked in underneath the sitting area right we'll probably put in a plug with one of those a couple usb chargers for phones good yeah i love that idea all right beautiful now get out i gotta work [Music] [Applause] [Music] walking along these endless tracks hoping for something to bring you back she couldn't ease my restless mind [Music] [Music] me is there where it sings make me feel like you're here again [Applause] here again here again [Music] is huh [Music] [Applause] make me feel like you're here again [Music] nice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] perfect every time [Music] like you're here again here again here again here again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] welcome back to my kitchen renovation we've got a beautiful sunny morning here so don't mind me i'm just trying to get my quick set mud ready to go here when i have this much sunshine beaming through a window i'd take advantage of it for my prime check like i was running around with this thing last night you know before i did my first coat of paint and i came down here this morning and lo and behold the sunshine has revealed all kinds of sins on my wall that sounds almost poetic doesn't it hey good morning hey mitch what's going on i know a nice color i love it you got a couple let's take a look at the selections yeah of course let me just finish rolling this wall out okay perfect i'll be right there oh okay there okay so you know how we'd like to do this right we've got the cabinets we've got the counter picks they came and measured yesterday yes so now i just wanted to get your feeling on a few things because i know we went to the store and picked out this tile wait a second i forgot to mention to you yeah the countertops yeah um did you tell that we were gonna have a sink in the island yeah yeah sure well the guy that measured took the measurements and has a center line because i'm hearing something different but okay should we be getting a phone call yeah okay absolutely so when is that coming asap the phone call thank you anyways i just thought i'd drop that nice bomb yeah it's never as simple as you want eh oh no you got to keep on these things that's the thing you get comfortable with people and they stop sending you the the approval for significance okay i mean we're happy with service so far it's just stuff that's gonna be awesome we'll deal with it so what i wanted to do with this oh it's never boring is it i wanted to lay this out on the floor yes show you a couple different patterns so you can see it on the wallish yeah how is the tone i love it it's just perfect all right and then let me just do this real quick i absolutely love it works for me oh yes you know and add of the all the choices that we had for the paints um swatching yeah yeah so glad we took a step up and had the uh darker tone well yeah i mean it works the palette because i put like 400 pot lights in the ceiling i know um it will never be too dark in here right but at the same time it's nice to be able to have a little depth absolutely makes the kitchen work we also have our sink and faucet came in so this is from our bag of tricks friends over it's stylish okay oh my god so so this is a restaurant style faucet this is kind of fun yeah so it's a pull down handle uh-huh right once the weight goes on there that'll just sit really nicely absolutely single mm-hmm it's kind of cool because the island is huge solid it's a really good quality solid brush yeah so we got a nine-foot island with no bells and whistles so this would be a nice little yeah okay and the sink is here as well it's almost gonna be its own focal point well yeah but you know what i'm really excited about is this the new sink okay this is gorgeous this is going to fit right in here all right oh don't slide that let's go like that yeah um so cutting board strainer for the vegetables right and then so this is under mount and then the counter cutting board slides back and forth so everything's multi-functional yeah and this funky thing this is cool actually i was at the trade show and i found this company yeah i know good fine this is stainless steel i love it right encapsulated in rubber or silicone sorry silicone that's right for hot or hot for hot pots and well you can put that on the counter but it's also a drying rack in your sink as well that's right brilliant okay so all of this is ready to roll happy happy i love it yeah i gave them the template for the sink when the countertop got and that's why i'm a little spun that they're asking do we have a sink in there yeah oh well we'll get that sorted out it's all good we love the challenge yeah we'll get that started okay let me just uh pull a bunch of these out yeah let's do that you guys okay yeah so here's one of the cool things not quite heavy now the cool thing about this tile look at this is ceramic right i know i know but this is from spain and this is high quality if you only get good stuff at euro whenever i buy a ceramic tile depending on the country comes from yes they're all different sizes yeah so you have to install it as a brick pattern because you need the flexibility of a thicker grout line to make adjustments perfect this stuff is so perfect we could actually stack it if you want to so i'm going to lay it out on the floor let you have a look yeah it's an option okay okay we'll see anyway that 3d print is going to cause me a lit you know the raised edge right it's going to cause me a little bit of grief now the windows are going to be a bit of a challenge all right you just take a look at this so we're going to do the entire wall absolutely because originally yeah remember we were going to just do the accent around the hood yeah above the range right and because of this lovely tile we decided on doing the whole wall right right so we're gonna do the whole wall which means all around the window which usually when i'm doing something like that i like to put the tile on first yes that's right and then and then do the casing afterwards so what i like to do is uh here's the hopper series that i picked up okay so i have to build out the window trim this is an old house and then we're going to stick this on but i want to install it over the tile i love that idea okay that'll give me a nice clean line but on the sides i'm going to have this detail yes so i'm going to i don't know exactly what i'm going to take care of that don't worry about it it's going to look perfect okay because the only other option is to go into the side of it and then the trim looks really cheap and thin again yes i agree with you now my question is do you want to have a sill on these windows or just case it i definitely want to sell okay well still as it is all right uh the only thing left for us to pick out right now actually then is the flooring okay so here we go these are the samples for the flooring not the browns this time around absolutely not we have a few options so we have a toss up here right we were thinking of this one with the with more green in it or this one here it's also just this textured but i'm leaning towards this one here yeah i like it clean right because we're not doing the accent on the wall here yeah so you were talking about wanting to do something on the back possibly yes wood stone whatever yes it's like a rustic wood so if we're to go with something that has pop on the back of the island let's keep the floor clean and simple and i like that nice warm tone i love it too i think this one's going to be the perfect selection right here right okay so what needs to be done now so you can call our friends over at hardwood global yes give them that code yep spc 007 perfect 400 square feet okay and have them send that over to us right away and for everybody at home if you're looking for flooring then check out our link in our website under our affiliates for hardwood global they've arranged a special discount it can ship anywhere in north america awesome okay so just from the top so i can get this in my mind yeah we got our counters our island which we have to call and make arrangements make sure they know what the heck's going on yes we know what's our trim our tile yes we didn't want to discuss stack we're just going to go with a traditional brick pattern we're going to go with the brick pattern okay um matt's already on the way out to pick up the trim i'll give him a call and tell him to get me a couple sills you're going to call the flooring people we have all of our other fixtures we have our pendant lights i've got to swing out and pick up our pot lights tomorrow is there anything else i'm missing what size and diameter for those led lights we're just going to go with four yeah okay yep nice and the slimline ones right absolutely the only thing i need from you then is to tell me how you want your cabinets to work you want double doors you want the three door system ikea's got a few options for us so i need you to figure out how and what you want yes so we can order all that and i can send matt to pick all that up tomorrow good and then that means we're going to have a kitchen by the end of the week so always the countertop people get that to us with a sinkhole all right cheers go team yeah i know it's been a bit of a challenge but all good no worries yeah yeah we're almost done barbecue season [Music] now watch what happens put it in the [Music] corner so let me work it up a little bit [Music] so snaps it right into place [Music] we're just nailing down the flange [Music] seven eight [Music] [Music] all right so wife doesn't know about this we're gonna find out what she thinks but she wanted to have a mosaic pattern behind the stove but we just couldn't find the tiles to work at the tile store so i bumped into this while i'm picking my electrical stuff today i'm going to lay it out see if she likes to do the herringbone pattern instead of a mosaic because that was kind of what we were looking for but maybe the herringbone will work right in okay baby let's go take a peek oh my god did you figure it out yeah okay i love it two feet by three feet green bone over the stove i love it does this work this is fantastic this absolutely works okay are we going with it or is this a joke no if you like it it's good so here's the funny part oh the pencil tile looks like so awesome so originally michelle wanted to do a mosaic pattern around the stove right we just couldn't find anything that worked with the tile options yeah so i'm picking up some electrical up today you won't believe this they're selling this at home depot oh fantastic so i grabbed a bunch of them yeah and i thought i'd lay this out and see what you thought so that works i love it cool so we're going to go with a herringbone over top of the stove before the hood fan uh-huh and then we'll just do the brick pattern and the rest of the wall yes all right absolutely awesome okay so get this done in an hour or so yeah it'll be the rest of the day this is a great surprise thank you welcome love it good there you go home depot to the rescue who figures here we go okay that sound is terrible whatever [Music] so [Music] [Music] and [Music] here we go just across the front [Music] [Applause] here we go [Music] done and i'm going to finish assembling that drawer all together this is going to work it's going to feel really clunky here force it all in it assembles all the track system done did you know about all these well the dude came i gave him the template right out of the box showed what was going on for me it's pretty simple here's the template for the sink so you cut the hole part of the template using the template yeah normally what happens normally is always about an eighth reveal eight positive reveal or negative reveal which means that the countertop is usually about an eighth over the steel rougher so the hole is 29 and a quarter yeah i think it's actually 17 30. so hold that [Music] that's what i'm saying normally it would have been it should have been about an eighth all the way around difference should have been so it's three quarters short and five eighths too narrow when i supplied a template it says right there cut out using the template i mean i didn't hand it to these guys just to say hey throw this in the corner don't pay attention to it how do they how they cut the boat based on what what information they use they just take a nine foot slab accord so you cut a square hole in it for the helmet that looks about right what's the thinking process there or they just measure this and say that's the third so we're going to cut 29 and a quarter so normally what happens okay so like the word normally bothers the hell out of me i know so in the construction business because there's no normally if you normally don't deal with stylers then you normally check the instructions yeah that's normal yeah exactly that's what i'm saying so in this usually all of this to help there we go we can take the template and tell them to cut it exactly according to the template and bring it back as soon as it can be ready because now my whole production is about a week behind schedule that's supposed to be in the material yeah you normally get them they're a little flawed in the material there's not much we could do about it when the slabs come in right and the worst thing is trying to polish it up because we'll never get the same color of the material but they polish this differently than we do by hand on a regular scenario regular i've been doing this for 30 years i normally and this is my procedure i know i don't like to worry about my procedure as i come in i ask the customer this is the template how i do it is i take this template and then make it an eighth small all the way around that's it great hold on hello yeah um he wanted to sing according to the template exactly so now because it's smaller he's got these cutting boards that don't fit in this cut yeah so now that it's bringing it back to the shop or if you want it uh an eight all the way around yeah because oh i get that i opened the box with them and pulled up a template and showed them the operational i checked the template with the sink because sometimes the templates are always wrong we sat there and laid this in the sink talk about the program it's up to him to make notes yeah because i always like i said i take a name and i say like that's how you like it can you make a note on that yeah remove the h yeah yeah exactly i told you i told them on the phone exactly right yeah so that's something that should have been just dealt with here again yeah so obviously that bothers me for right side let me just recap you know because normally when something like this happens i uh i like to take a step back and think about it find out hey you know is there anything i could have done to make the situation less volatile you know did i have a role to play in that confusion i don't know i'm having a hard time seeing is my problem so in the industry there are standards they're somewhat unwritten the industry standard is that you have someone from the company that's going to cut your stone they come to the site they measure they get all the details they're responsible for communicating to the cutting exactly what's supposed to happen the customers are completely erased from that scenario except for one detail all of that information needs to be signed off okay normally the client signs off and agrees to the measurements and that puts the responsibility back on the client side to make sure that that they're getting exactly what they asked for so then all the cutters have to do is deliver the product as exactly as been signed off to do it's pretty simple so the story goes like this the uh the guy comes he makes an appointment it was a thursday i think it was nine o'clock he was supposed to be here and he didn't come didn't come we didn't hear from him no communication around 11 o'clock we're told that he's gonna he's been delayed and he's going to be coming uh a little bit later on something like three o'clock in the afternoon and i'm like okay but you know usually normally you make the first appointment of the day and if you're running late you might be a little late but all of a sudden i was bumped to three o'clock in the afternoon and i'm starting to think that uh they had a situation like this happen on that day and they had to run back to the shop and cut someone else's stone the second time just to guess but i think i'm pretty pretty solid on this so the three o'clock comes and the guy isn't here any guy isn't here you know what i'm like okay forget it we'll have to pick this up for another day i'm going out for dinner with my wife then we take off we get ready 5 30 i'm walking out the door and it wasn't just any dinner all right it was a birthday dinner like it's we're leaving and this guy is walking around my property looking for a door not sure why people have a hard time finding a front door but i'm like hey who are you and he goes i'm here to measure the countertop i'm like all right i'm leaving but since it took a whole day to get you here i'm going to let you in i'm going to give you five minutes let's get this done he walks in and i say it's a rectangle i want a 10 inch overhang it's a standard depth boom i gave them the measurement i said here's the center line i have my laser line out there's the sink here's open the box unpacked the box showed them how the sink functions gave them the template and said it's a little bit bigger than the sink because it needs to be use the template i hand it to him off he goes boom somewhere the next day first thing in the morning i called up to the shop and i said hey by the way we were just taking a look at our dimensions here last night we were a little rushed last night i didn't get a chance to communicate that i wanted a radius on the corners on the overhang little six inch radius and that just basically means you've got a square corner and they're gonna measure back six and measure over six and they're going to round that off right just because my area is a little tight and i don't want to have traffic restriction she's well i'll see because usually when they normally when they get the measurements they go straight to the cutter with it she had to check to see if they'd done that yet and no they hadn't and uh that was good so then they wanted to confirm the location of the sink because they didn't have the center line in the information so i'm i'm like why are you guys moving forward am i not getting an email to sign off on the measurements and she says that's not how they usually operate and i'm like maybe you should consider it so i'm already frustrated and a little concerned about the lack of communication about the professionalism and the fact that they're cutting a few thousand dollars worth of courts you know by i i don't know what what they're doing so am i all right so it took a whole week to get the communication nailed down and get me to sign off on the exact measurements finally i'm like comfortable oh hey i got paperwork i got something signed they know exactly what they're doing it takes about a week to get the courts at the end of the next week it's now been six business days i call up i'm like are you coming are you going to call to make a delivery what's the schedule no one in the office had any clue and the person in charge of course is on holidays and they said best of email your best answer for a paying customer is to email someone on holidays to get an answer about the countertop wow so we did we got we heard back on on the following tuesday and they made arrangements to deliver today and now you saw what happened they show up he walks in the door and all of a sudden he's like whoa i wonder if it's going to fit i'm like well i better like i mean nothing has changed on my hand so they lift the countertop in and they send the guy who's got a destroyed rotator cuff you can barely lift the stone my wife says to me you're going to give them a hand and i'm like no that's not my business if i throw my back out lifting up the courts there's nothing for me in that right i mean you know people make decisions they follow their own course in life he's comfortable continuing to rip his shoulder apart that's his business i'm not going to interrupt he's a grown man anyway they lift it up and they measure it when they stick it in place everything looks pretty you know and he starts measuring the the hole for the counter the sink sorry and he's going back and forth and back and forth and instantly i'm like wow that's great there's a problem and the young lad pulls out the template and he sticks it on the counter and so i open the template and i slide it over the hole and the hole is way too small so i go and grab my own tape measure i'm like i don't know what all this messing around is about so i measure it off i'm like it's three quarters of an inch too narrow and 5 8 of an inch not deep enough now my sink it's fancy right i've got cutting boards and other things features and benefits that that sit in a second recessed lip so if it's not cut according to the template it's useless it's a 700 sink and i like to be able to enjoy all those benefits so i say to the guy i mean you saw on the tape i said you know how did they cut the hole what system of measurement are they using because all they had in my my my drawings was the center line of the sink apparently they must have used the template to some degree and then they just shaved off 3 8 of an inch all the way around i don't know like it's completely foreign to me how they figure that out i said you know the template says right on the template cut the hole the size of the template anyway you saw the the exchange i was getting irritated because he's like trying to explain to me how normally things are done and i'm like you know in a world of design changing materials constantly being developed everything new hitting the market every season you can't take 30 years of experience and say and i'm refusing to budge with normal like seriously that's like going to mechanic who only puts bias ply tires on your car normally i've been doing it all my life that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard in my life anytime somebody tells you this and listen carefully if they ever say normally it's an excuse for their incompetence it means they're not paying attention they don't give a damn about their job so listen if all you want to do is carry heavy stuff and stick it in place fine but don't try to put on some act like i'm the reason there's a problem because i ordered a nice sink and they haven't seen it before it's not my problem i gave you the template do your job measure read it's only three steps right measure read cut wow welcome to renovating101 hi it's jeff here hey how are you we're doing okay we uh just had an attempt to install the island the um something about the sink yeah they didn't cut it according to the template okay um just wanted to give you a call and see if you have an idea on our expectation for turnaround on that he says he's coming back they're on their way back there he's going to cut it right away and they'll be on their way back so they're going to try to do the install this today later on yeah for sure oh wow okay all right well i appreciate that thank you very much no problem okay talk to you later changes i'll let you know yeah no that'd be great thanks okay okay appreciate it okay bye-bye well at least we're getting some service on that end all right so just to bring you all up to speed with what's going on in the process here i had my plug installed here originally i knew it was kind of temporary because we hadn't really very finalized the design as far as which hood fan we were going with we had a few options available i knew i needed power up here i knew it would have to be a plug but i didn't know location so this fan is a z-line snow white stainless steel finish it's designed to go with my dual fuel stove and as a result of that i had to upgrade the power of this up to 760 instead of your traditional 400 cfm just because whenever you're dealing with gas appliances you want a little bit better exhaust [Music] okay that's way too much easy in it okay that's very discreet boom nice so our sink and our faucet are supplied by stylish this is a company i met at a toronto home show two years ago uh it's kind of brilliant they're they're a canadian company that got into the designer sink and faucet market but they're bringing a really high quality product at a much more affordable price so most homeowners can afford to go delve into that lapa luxury as far as quality is concerned without buying plastic and really cheap stainless steel through the standard one and a quarter inch hole that gets drilled by the quartz guy right okay this is the style let's think uh if you can reach in [Music] and we'll just close it together [Music] alrighty brilliant sexy little machine now this the machine here has a customized panel for the front so you can go stainless steel like we are or you can actually get a door that's the same as the cabinetry in the kitchen and you can make a hidden dishwasher oh yeah wow that's awesome okay so let's just quick recap we got our hood fan installed we got our dishwasher installed and you know what that was pretty painless considering and now we're just going to assemble the rest of the stove so like most oven doors goes in right there as far as you can now remember when you're renovating your house and you do it yourself you're saving a fortune so buy nice appliances get good flooring and good fixtures don't be afraid to invest money on things that stay valuable as a part of the house so you increase the value of your home all right wow i can't wait to cook dinner on this thing because it's been a long time since i've cooked on gas [Music] right wow welcome to our kitchen it's finally done oh no more little kitchenette in the old bathroom yeah this would be fun i know i know it's been a lot of work it's been interesting well you know it's funny because where do we begin we had a kitchen yeah this is a lot nicer but yeah it's not how it's nicer it's like there's no more drafts it's quiet it's clean it's fresh it's functional well i know the functionality is so much improved you know everything is at arm's length here it's wonderful it's coming together yeah so we only got another year and a half to go on this house now that's good no i mean we got you know this was a huge project though right yeah one room at a time kitchen's done yeah next is the pantry then we go on to the next thing i know so now the front of the room's house is done yes the kitchen's done mm-hmm we're working our way through the main floor and then we got to move upstairs yep we gotta do the outside still oh uh-huh i know that's okay it'll be a year and a half yeah i know it's all right good to set expectations now you guys listen i know this has been a crazy journey and this project is a lot of fun i know max is taking a bunch of great shots to show you but i want to encourage you hit the like button if you like what we did to this kitchen all right don't forget to subscribe to the channel because the rest of this renovation is coming your way every few weeks we've got another part of the project all completed exciting we're going to update you as we go and if you'd like to see the renovation of this house then click the link over here okay we have a playlist that's all set up and it'll update as these videos keep coming up thanks a lot for joining us we'll see you again soon great job honey thank you
Views: 911,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic kitchen renovation, jeff thorman kitchen, jeff thorman kitchen renovation, kitchen renovation on a budget, kitchen renovation diy, kitchen renovation ikea, kitchen renovation open concept, how to remodel a kitchen, kitchen remodel steps, how to renovate a kitchen, remodeling kitchen diy, diy kitchen remodels on a budget, how to renovate a kitchen yourself, how to renovate a kitchen diy, kitchen renovation, kitchen remodel, old house kitchen renovation before and after
Id: gXYg4Q6lCkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 18sec (3978 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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