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[Music] hey guys so welcome back to my channel thank you guys so much for tuning in today this is your guys first time here welcome you guys and thank you so much for joining me i would love it if you guys became part of the diy family by subscribing to my channel and hitting the bell so you're notified every time i upload a video so finally i think we are completely done with our kitchen remodel so in today's video i'm gonna be showing you guys some budget friendly updates and so if you guys are thinking about you know um fixing up your kitchen but you don't really have the means or the budget to do it and there's a couple of things that i'm going to share with you that are super budget friendly um obviously not the cabinets on the countertop that stuff will cost you a little bit if you go brand new rather than like painting your cabinets for the finishing touches everything i tried to do budget friendly and not hire anybody to do it because i thought that i could do it myself so we're going to go ahead and do that and i'm going to show you guys how i did my backsplash how i finished off our peninsula in the or kitchen island i guess not an island because it's not separate it's a peninsula anyways whatever i'm going to be doing some diy shelves i'm really really excited to finally share with you guys the completed look of our kitchen makeover and i'll be sure to show you guys um before pictures so all right that is it not gonna make it super long let's get on to our updated kitchen all right guys so this is what it looked like before before any of it just the planning and stuff and don't mind me pointing around here this is from a separate video so i'm just kind of showing you guys what it looked like before it was just so outdated and cluttered and dull and just dark so we went ahead and opened it up and again this was probably the most of our cost was the cabinets that were brand new the flooring and the countertops and the sink and right here is when everything's getting torn out and put back in so um this is sort of what we where we left off um as far as how it looked because i hadn't showed you guys the flooring either so let's just say you guys already have the cabinets and the countertops but you want some updates to it that are not going to cost you an arm and a leg so in this video i am going to be sharing those budget friendly updates for your kitchen and so we're going to start with our peninsula and as you can see it's just like particle board or whatever type of board this is on the back um so i did it take a little stroll through home depot and i did not expect to find this but i did find this 48 inch by 96 inch white pine panel which i completely love and i actually didn't realize it was going to be that cheap so when you go to home depot they will actually make cuts for you and it costs about two dollars and change so it made it a whole lot easier for me to do that because i only have the suv i don't have a truck um so i it made it easier for them to cut it and i could call it off what was good about it is that i actually have two large pieces left over from this for a different project so i went ahead and took it home but um i actually missed the mark by about quarter of an inch because our countertops in our floor they were not level they had to do a whole bunch of leveling when they installed them so as you can see one of them one of the sides doesn't quite touch the floor my husband actually had to take this to home depot again to get that little extra sliver cut off because i just couldn't do it at home so anyways i'll be using some liquid nails to put on the back of that and then put it against the peninsula so keep in mind that when i share the cost with you is pretty much the cost of the materials and stuff and you know some of the tools i have some of the tools i had to improvise and you may not spend as much as i did or as little as i did depending on your project and right here i am taking my stapler these are brad nails that i'm nailing in there because we do not have a nail gun um and that was just too much of a cost to buy for this project so i am putting those brad nails in there and then just kind of you know hitting them in with a hammer and at first we were gonna do the liquid nails all around the trim also but we decided against it and we just went ahead and did nails so this is my table saw that um was kind of scaring me for this project for some reason it kept like kicking back on me anyways i am going to be using some more trim and like corner trim so this is for the outside corner of that peninsula and it was five dollars and 20 cents and i used a third of it um so i'll have some left over for our next project and then okay this piece i actually don't remember how much it cost it may have been a couple of bucks and it was an eight foot piece also i believe and i just needed um i cut it into three pieces i don't remember to be honest with you and this piece was just kind of laying around in our garage i couldn't even tell you how much it cost this one however um was how much it was 9 42 when i bought it and we had to buy four pieces and i do have about half of one left over so again i'll have some extra for a different project um i feel like i'm rambling a lot so hopefully you guys are still following me [Music] i don't need that type of drama and trying to be tough for the damn time you try to make yourself feel better by taking me down [Music] i will fight no there ain't nothing all right so you guys see that we did put liquid nails on this one um but we pressed it against the peninsula with some weights and i actually had to find some nails that were going to be perfect for this job and we did use nails for the rest of the trim and then what i did was go into it with some painters caulk and then also some white flat paint afterwards to cover up any of the nail marks any gaps or anything like that between the cabinets or the base cabinets and the trim so my dog went by there and left a big old smudge so i had to clean off and repaint it so anyways this is what it looks like and honestly like it's not magnificently perfect but you can't even tell and i think i did a pretty good job you know considering we don't have all the necessary tools we made it work okay so for the bottom of our dishwasher there's this big old gap right there and i took a piece of extra flooring and i just cut it to size and made a little um slide in cover for it i think i might have some of this trim left over to create one that will match but for now that'll work so i thought it looked beautiful and then i went and looked at our old ugly um bar stools so i saved myself a couple hundred dollars and i just basically refabric them or recovered them i was gonna paint them but i know my family and my kids and i feel like these are gonna be scuffed of paint so i just left them as is and the dark color matches anyway so as you guys saw there oh look milani's coming to check my work i don't think she's happy so anyways um i just took the seat off and then i do have this fabric from joanne's that i've had for a couple of years so i didn't spend any money on it currently i don't remember how much i paid for it all i know is that i got it on clearance and i'll show you guys a little more of how it looks um so yeah i'm just taking off all the staples from the bottom and you know taking this old nasty fabric off and i feel kind of embarrassed because the foam inside of it is disgusting and i thought i had some foam in our attic but i guess i didn't and i didn't really want to add any extra cost to my project so i just left it as is because you know oh well so anyways that's all done and i'm going to take my piece of fabric and just lay it on top of my newer fabric and as you guys can see it does have like a double layer so it does have a little cushion on it as well and i'm just going to trace around the original fabric to make sure i get it sized correctly and then i'm still going to be using that stapler slash brad nailer and i'm going to attach it to the see yourself [Music] where are you looking at me [Music] [Music] you try to make yourself feel better by taking me down once [Music] no there ain't nothing stopping [Music] i will always get up again [Music] all right so even though the is looking beautiful it's still looking kind of plain-ish so we're gonna add some backsplash and they're going to either home depot or lowe's you're gonna see that backsplash is actually pretty spendy depending on the material that you get it's you know depending so i feel like the highest were like 10 12 15 for a square foot of it which is ridiculous and even like peel and stick fake backsplash is 12.19 no thank you so i always go to like the clearance and stuff so i actually did find this one um that's similar to the one i got for 333 at home depot at lowe's though i purchased it for 298 and i did buy 12 sheets um so anyways i took that one home and i'm just going to go ahead and clean my surface here and if you guys notice the handles on the cabinets also i didn't really share much of adding them on there but i will show you guys what they look like and how much they cost so right here i'm just taking off the face of the outlets which is a complete story that i will tell you guys here in a little bit and so to save some money and time instead of doing the what is that stuff called that you put not the grout but like the mortar or whatever i did not want to do that so i actually bought this adhesive sheet that is super super strong i actually used this several years ago on my bathroom backsplash and it's been perfect ever since so i trusted it i'm going to go ahead and do it so what i'm doing it's a double sided and it's really sticky so i just want to make sure that my sheets are down and i don't take the peel off from the top until i am going to put my tiles down [Music] so i thought it was perfect because if i do take the top tiles off of the mosaic sheet if it's perfectly onto my wall there's no extra cutting or anything that needs to be done so i do want to make sure that it's nice and stuck on there so i just gave it another go with my ruler and so i took the sheet off and then i just placed the mosaic sheet on there and don't press it firmly until you want until you're sure where you want it that it's placed nice and even otherwise you're going to have a really hard time getting it off so with my grout float i am just pressing it on there um you know just to make sure that it's on there firmly and so after that's done i am gonna be making some cuts and i will be having some issues with my cuts but for this one i'm just taking a dry erase marker to make my lines and then i use this blue hawk tile cutter that i had from when i did my bathroom several years ago i went ahead and took it out and it's really easy to use when you know how to use it so what you do is you just place your tile where you want the cut and you score it and you just snap it right at the center and it comes out nice and clean or at least it should unless the tiles or unless the cuts are too small so as you can see there i am actually um doing single tiles also and so i'm going to be coming up on some issues and you guys uh we'll see so i do actually have these spacers that came with the mosaic tile which actually really really helped [Music] so here's the start of the issues that i had i needed to make some thin cuts for the tile like uh horizontal and not vertical i guess yeah no vertical not horizontal so anyways i cut it and you can see it's not evenly cut at all so what i did was score it like twice and then instead of cut instead of snapping it right on the center i actually place the little foot towards the top and then press down at the bottom so you guys will see instead of doing it right in the center go up to the top press down at the bottom with my fingers and then just snap it okay super close but new it was still a little jagged so we tried and tried again until we got it and this is about as thin of a piece of tile that we're gonna get um trust me i tried going smaller and i just could not so here's my dilemma with this piece right here i was gonna put the tile underneath the outlet but then it turns out that this is gonna be out too much and that's gonna be inverted so this is actually kind of sticking out anyways um and i thought maybe because it's sticking out it might kind of be flush once this was pulled out but it's not i already kind of tried it and yeah this is definitely going to be way too high and that's going to be inside too much so the other option was to completely take this off so i'll show you over here on this one because i did the same thing on here and it was such a pain in the butt to try and cut these smaller slivers of the of the tile um and i ended up breaking every single one of them so i thought that once i put the grout this is going to catch some of the growl i'm pretty sure so if it does i'm just gonna go have to go in there and paint it a little bit with white and this is just the stuff that happens when you're new at stuff like this the only only other option that i saw was to take this out and i'm not to touch it because it's still live and that's one thing that i'm scared of i do not deal with electrical at all whatsoever never ever the one option was to pull the face out a little bit but again that constitutes me messing with the electrical which i'm not and then you put like a shim in between so it pushes it out and because i don't want to do that i'm not i'm just gonna leave that in there and what i'm gonna what i'm gonna end up doing is actually create a frame like um for you know more like a decor type of thing that i'm gonna put right over um that you can take on and off and it won't look too bad but i guess this is what i'm gonna have to do for now because i don't know i actually really really hate this right now i'm i don't know i'm gonna stare at it for a little bit and i'm gonna have you guys stare at it with me because i'm at a loss i really wish i could put it underneath all right well i'm gonna have to deal with it and then one more piece right here it's like the tiniest piece that i need to cut um like tiny tiny and this thing is not working for it look at how many pieces i've broken already trying to figure out different cuts and it's not working so i don't know i'll figure it out when i do i'll show you all right so i'm gonna be using some pre-mixed grout because it just saves a whole bunch of time the last time i used grout i had to mix it but i didn't have a grout mixer so i ended up using like a mixer mixer like that you used for baking so that wasn't good so taking my grout float i'm really just going in there like at an angle and just pressing it down and with the same um when i press it i also kind of clean it up so if you see that i like press it onto the tile and then i clean it up with the side of it and then just go back and forth into it again at an angle this part seems prim pretty intimidating but it's actually not that bad and so now taking one of these big sponges just squeeze out all the water like just let it be very subtly wet i don't know what i'm saying you guys are the later it gets the crazier i get and the more tongue-tied i get so anyways i'm going with it in circles because when you go around in circles it kind of like molds the grout into the creases so um yeah just kind of follow along and you guys can you believe what the heck i'm doing right here i am literally molding the grout into the outlet um because that was the only option that i had and i know it looks ridiculous and i know i'm probably gonna get roasted for what i'm doing but you know what i'm just a girl trying to do home stuff and i gotta do what i gotta do so anyways it's gonna leave a haze but you don't wanna clean that until it's dry maybe several hours and then you do wanna go into it with some sealer and i actually didn't show that part i just forgot and if you guys can see here i'm still trying to mold that freaking grout into the um tile and if you guys notice this side of the countertop is actually lower than the previous one that i did and that's why it did not fit like that one sheet didn't fit and i couldn't get the tile small enough to fit in there so this is what i'm doing and you know what that's what we got to live with so to cover up the you know not so pretty um outlets i did take this little piece of trim and i think it was like a dollar ten at either lowe's or home depot and it's about three feet long so i just cut off the pieces that are gonna fit exactly right above the outlet and i just use little nails and i nailed the corners and i'm using some stain it's a special walnut or something like that that i purchased at home depot and i'm just going to stain it and then use some super glue double sided tape to glue them on not glue them on but like attach them to the outlets [Music] i long for you so much i can find my way [Music] now on to the painting i am going to be using some spackling and i think this tub was about eight bucks so i'm just going to take a putty knife and then fill in all the holes in the wall which there is a ton of holes on the walls so this dries in about an hour to where you can sand it down and it does turn white so you know when it's dry so once it's all dry i'm gonna start painting and again you know just whatever tools you have i had some in my stockpile and some i had to buy so these are actually perfect for like edges like the window or the trim and then the bear paint that i bought is in cotton gray and it was about 22 dollars for this gallon and i used a fraction of it just for the kitchen so i am gonna have plenty to go around for the rest of the house so yeah just pour it in there like you pour paint and then just start rolling away and i saw you walking the line and the truth may come [Music] [Applause] [Music] you'll be the last one to think about [Music] we got time on our side we're in a state of is [Music] so the finishing touch to all of this are my farmhouse style shelves so i bought this piece of wood at lowe's for about 9 18 and it's six feet long i did cut it in half and i'm just gonna sand it down really well you know what a really weird um like fear of mine is that when i'm sanding my hair is gonna get stuck in the sander for some reason so i always make sure to have my hair up in a bun um yeah it's a weird weird thought that i that crosses my mind every time i'm using either power tools or a sander or whatever um so yeah just be really really careful so i am gonna sand it down really well and i'm gonna round out the edges just so they're not like you know pointy or sharp so after i'm done i am gonna be using that same um special walnut stain to stain it [Music] [Applause] you will [Applause] [Music] these brackets are from amazon they do come in a pack of four and they were about 35 dollars and i will make sure to link that and then everything else i can down below so the only thing about these brackets is that they didn't come with any screws or anchors or anything like that so i had luckily i did have those on hand and then these are about five inches long from end to end on each side so i'm just kind of trying to measure out where i want them and i felt that about six inches from the edge was a good distance and i think it worked out perfectly perfectly so yeah i'm just going to screw them in there and then i didn't show how i drilled in the holes in the wall and added the anchors but you know that's pretty easy to figure out so after that i'm just going to hang them up and we're all done oh before i forget this step i did use some chalkboard paint to paint the silver screws and it does fit the color and texture of the [Music] brackets [Music] here [Music] and the truth may god wish that i could stay wish for this moment to never go away [Music] but it's all in my mind and though i know that there is nothing to find your beautiful sight in the sun and you can't put up a fight in the [Music] [Music] misty [Music] see how you're wrong while you're roaming the streets all alone [Music] all you can see thinking about what your life came to [Music] and you can't put up a fight in the misty light [Applause] [Music] all right you guys so that is going to be it for the final look of our remodeled kitchen let me know um what you guys think of the before and after if you do have any questions or comments make sure you leave them down below and if you did enjoy this video make sure you guys give me a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe and i'll see you guys on the next one bye [Music] but you're the most beautiful i've ever known your beautiful sight in the summer night and you can't put up
Channel: Araceli Chan DIY
Views: 482,042
Rating: 4.8747344 out of 5
Keywords: $300 DIY KITCHEN MAKEOVER, BUDGET DIY KITCHEN UPDATES, before and after kitchen makeover, diy kitchen updates, farmhouse diy kitchen makeover, how to update a kitchen for cheap, inexpensive kitchen update, diy makeover kitchen ideas, doy dollar tree, araceli chan diy, diy kitchen backsplash easy, how to install backsplash the easy way, diy farmhouse kitchen island, modern farmhouse kitchen ideas, how to update a new kitchen, on a budget room makeover
Id: hhaOS4uhmRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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