Remodel Your Shower Step by Step | Reality Renovision Ep20

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oh look at that wire isn't connected to the box we've got painters tape on this joints that's my son point this is nasty it's tough is actually falling through the deal that's just so bad so don't get me wrong there's a time and a place for a book a basic installation of simple systems like this it's not the time they're putting out the big dollars doing the mother of all evil bathroom fan installations hell we got in there these folks didn't have another year away to be in about laminate vinyl plywood got two layers of peel and stick on top of quarter inch plywood and then there's another flow underneath that thank you so deftly brutal in a long time perfect every time I am standing in the middle of a DIY disaster zone I mean I've got mold I've got bad work I've got layer on layer everything about this project is wrong and it's more common than you think there are millions of homes across America they look just like this we're gonna show you why and how to get it done right I think we're gonna increase value in this kitchen this is not acceptable that isn't money in the bank this is work it's fun fire it's not the time they're putting out the big dollars Thank You hero there's another tool you won't need to buy perfect every time [Music] [Music] let's face it guys most bathrooms are pretty basic and straightforward and they all look the same toilet sink tub shower 5x7 this is not new and in the most cases these bathrooms are 30 40 50 years old and they have to be renovated and so somebody did the best they could to renovate this space but that's before YouTube came along so now here we are in a very typical house a very typical bathroom that's been renovated okay it's kind of like a remodeling program gone bad because if you don't understand how moisture works and you don't understand about ventilation and how to seal things and you're gonna have mold and you're gonna have bad structure you're gonna run into plumbing and electrical issues everything about this bathroom is worse than when they started I'll guarantee you so we're gonna have to go through tear all this out and start over again and we'll show you all the mistakes that were made just to help you protect yourself from doing the same kind of thing all over again now we got a lot of work to do I've got to change fans I've got to change the walls we've got to change every fixture in here and we got to open this floor because we've got water damage and when I see water damage on the hardwood in the hall it usually means my sub floors disaster as well it's probably gonna be going right back to structure in this job we've got a lot of work through let's get at it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so here we go we got the face plate it looks like they're really over tightened you can see here that's just crazy what's happened is there's a little wall gasket here there's another gasket here if you're like Anna sideways that gasket doesn't actually come in contact with anything it's completely useless this brand new model just doesn't get you a good seal so if you're using this kind of a system you've got a silicone around what happens is it actually was holding water the entire time and going right inside the wall that's gonna be nasty when we get there really looking forward to it you also see this isn't tile this is the this is just wall board this is that fake wall panel tile board that you see then you can use a dress-up a powder room or something like that to make it look like you have tile there's little bread line here that's not great that's why this is all molded this is not what area approved do not use this product it will fail on you every time [Music] there we go just remove this here's the most compact right now missing okay the problem is when you install this wall board right down to the tub surface any water that does sit on here will get underneath the silicone and then I'll start to soak it up like a sponge that is what you get just a black ball yes this is that cardboard wall board stuff all right I just made our job a whole lot easier I think since everything in this bathroom Matthew is gonna be a material that soaks up water and holds moisture we're just gonna get rid of all of the walls all of the floor right down to the subfloor and then we're gonna have to repair some Flug for subfloor you can tell this is just this is nasty it's the top is actually falling through the ceiling when you're dealing with wet areas you don't want to be creative don't turn your house into a science experiment well whoever did this project didn't prime their drywall mud before they painted so there's no bond to the actual mud going on there your finished paint is not designed to attach to drywall mud even if it says paint and primer in one it's not a dry ball primer sealer it's just a little additive put in there to help get coverage over other colors don't be fooled you might look at that and say well that's not that big a deal it's just a little mold here a little mold here and you're right you know you don't need to call in a hazmat team generally speaking any time you have less than 15 square feet of mold it's something you can handle yourself without a great difficulty so don't be surprised when you're during your demo you're gonna see a little bit of mold like this like this this is water that's just passing through you know it's still looking for the path of least resistance gravity still pulling it towards the drain but outside the tub this is the worst of it's gonna be right here yep that's complete dissolve floor / floor what's up peel-and-stick tile everything is lifting nothing is bonded anymore there's our plywood that's my subfloor that's my plywood just soaking right rotten note boy once we get this tub out of here it's gonna be a lot of fun we're gonna have to go right back to the choice of the structure [Music] alright so there are three ways to install your backing board around your shower wall one of them is correct way number one is right here you bring your drywall down right to the top of your integrated tile flange it's a this is part of the tub should come across and then it has a thin little piece comes up it goes right against the stud wall just like it is here in this case it's a steel tub so it has these anchors and that's perfect and this ball board should come down and just sit right on top of this the other way is you put it in front of your flange right down to the to the tub right down to the tub here this is wrong now you're so close to the tub you run the risk of moisture getting trapped by the silicone and then the wall board waking it up this is wrong as well now it's in behind the top flange so whatever you use for your finished surface here whether it's tile or this crap is gonna come down and then it's gonna have to curve like a bump over top of this so your bottom little tiles will be sticking out and then that's just gonna look ridiculous because now how do you finish beside it every tile can we fly and then following that curve it's gonna look really nasty so the way to do this properly is establish a tub split the difference on the gap so there's a gap on each side use some shims so that all your ball board comes down to the top of the flange and all your tile comes straight down toward the subsurface that's how you get a good job so now we know what our job is it's really simple we're going to move all the wall board we're gonna check to see if we have a vapor barrier on the ceiling if there is one then we'll remove the ceiling as well and we're gonna just start all over again but I think the biggest concern here is not the condition of the walls because that's easy to replace and usually wall studs are really easy to fix I mean if there's a little mold you can clean it up with some bleach you can stain seal it for me the concern is the floor so right now my biggest concern is let's get the tub out of here as soon as possible and identify how about the damage really is right if you don't want to take the screws out grab the board give it a jiggle and just see what happens and usually the wild boar just separates from the screws you can see that even though there is a lot of mould and a lot of nasty condition they're all still pretty good shape so it's not a concern this is so wet it's got to be the wall more issue tell you one thing these folks didn't have another year a way to do this bathroom no way at all this would have gone so moldy it would have just been unbearable to even working all right so now that we've explored the scope of work for this bathroom we're gonna switch things up and change our direction we're gonna get rid of the toilet and the vanity so we have some space to function you know Max's got a lot of gear and lights and stuff it likes to people work so now it's time you were to the toilet mmm yummy [Music] this floor isn't separating from the cocking burger it's not too often when I remove a toilet I got to take half the floor with it but there's so much silicone here this is what I'm talking about a layer on layer on layer unreal okay Maddie back it up let me just set this on the front lawn for now this you'll see that goes on at the very end okay we'll put it in that bag later hell we got in there laminate vinyl plywood I've got two layers of peeling stick on top of quarter inch plywood and then there's another flaw underneath it a lot of years of boring you know that's one of those things people are always asking could I put this on top of something else like well yeah you can a little bit like just don't be in such a hurry to have 14 layers on your floor all right here we go straight up please you get the water often you air into the lines somebody's dream taking out a sink is pretty simple [Music] going on there [Music] they just disengage the screen connection here and then anything in here is going to lift straight up and you can live all the p-trap twist it in place [Music] get my wrecking bar [Music] [Music] we're just gonna go through a real quick a little bit of explanation of all the different layers on this for now this here is the original flooring this is not a finished floor this is actually just a buildup all right the house is a hardwood 3/4 inch hardwood floor so what they've got here is they're like about a 5/8 build up and then they have a layer of quarter inch ply and then a bathroom floor and the idea behind that is that finished floor ends up around the same height as your hardwood flooring it was designed so it was a simple transition since then everybody else has been adding on top of it so yeah one layer here we've got another layer here Wow and then over here you'll see here's another layer of flooring underneath this layer of peel and stick that here this green stuff that's there is no floor then someone added a peeling stick and in some places it looks like the original floor was removed as well see this with the X's this is a more modern subfloor material this is an original blue one yeah that's what it is they actually cut the original quarter-inch around the original toilet added a new quarter inch which is why the old flooring is still underneath where the old toilet was there you go okay now it makes sense so somebody cut out the original floor and the quarter inch went back to the original subfloor and then they added a new quarter inch to put a new peeling stick on amazing that seems like an awful lot of work to put on a peel and stick floor that seems to bond just fine well and then you know the most recent renovation we'll call it a renovation I call it a remodeling or just throwing crap on crap they just put down a piece of sheet vinyl sheet Sh eet oh yeah yeah let's pretend you're a homeowner and you've got this old house and you want to sell this house and you've got a nasty paint job and this ugly peeling stick floor you wake up every morning you walk in here and you're looking at this now I want to sell my house so I throw down this I use a solid inch of silicone to close the gap and I stick on this cheap wall board now we have a brand new bathroom folks that's not a brand new bathroom okay this is just a cover up job if you want to put down sheet vinyl by all means go right ahead it's a great product but at least take time to remove the crap that's here first these things my goodness and don't ever put that board in the shower you know it's decorative use it around your your your your vanity in your toilet it's a nice surface it's easy to wipe down and it lasts a long time but we're not in a wet area [Music] the walls are also wet never seen this before [Music] that's not even anywhere near the shower oh my goodness [Music] this is where it gets exciting don't just tear them rip it [Music] okay can I ask you to me there you're gonna hit it hit it like a man please it's gonna break break the touch there we go that what's going no no no no no I'm coming in at the bottom in again okay now we'll pull it out together [Music] Oh God when you install drywall behind the tub you leave no wall cavity to roll the tub into to prove it and this is the ultimately the problem you run into these guys probably spent two or three hours trying to fit this tub in the first time unbelievable not necessary the gap between the frame is 60 and a half inch which is 5 foot with a half-inch and the tub is 5 foot so if you install the tub with a quarter-inch cap on each send then you have no problem at all because your drywall is 1/2 inch will cover that gap I can fit over top of your tile ledge everything goes smoothly both in the install tell me to rip it ok turn out to shake the junk out [Music] go that's what I'm talking about so I didn't one look for in and the other one begins cockroaches no I'm not kidding kidding you see if no takers handle a floor joist you're going this way we have one right underneath this place cancel this whatever this should be a 5/8 shut up 1/2 inch ply wow it's a little thinner than I would have expected if your tub is on a foot and it gets wet look at you're just you're just pushing right through the floor like I'm gonna probably jump kick right through there that's crazy this is a classic example in a bathroom especially of adding layer on layer for everyone who's asking me questions should I just build on top if you do that you don't know what's underneath going back to subfloor always exposes this situation gives you an opportunity to correct it or to rebuild it and make sure that you're you're putting something in place that's not going to have more water damage I mean layer on layer and layer and layer on layer on layer that's just a recipe for disaster hey there we go there's our fire separation solid brick that's great there's the semi like most sometimes you'll see wood frames and you'll see fire weighted drywall and sometimes you'll see solid brick in this case we don't have to worry about damaging the fire separation I'd have to be real me yeah to damage that one look at that it's amazing to me how moist everything is here I think that fan is just a real piece of junk and hasn't worked in a lot of years well I think what we're gonna do is we're just gonna finish removing all of the walls from this area to a bit of a cleanup and then we'll get rid of the rest of this nasty floor another example of people using the wrong fasteners as inch and a quarter fine thread screws they're not used for putting down flooring that is a drywall screw designed to go into metal framing it's the only place to use that screw I'll tell you why because back in the day renovators were lazy and they'd go to the store and they buy screws and a box of fine thread drywall screws was four bucks everything else cost ten so they'd buy the box of cheap screws thinking screws this screw this is how you know how many floor how many layers of pleurer everything you see here from the edge of that metal and up is floor over and above the subfloor that's what we were lifting up here we got a solid inch and a half crap that has to be ripped out of here by board and so it operates kind of like relative humidity if it gets wet over here one ounce of water here will get distributed through the entire floor and because it's covered it never gets a chance to dry so every time you go a little bit of water in it just pulls it across like a sponge that's there and sits there and sits there I'm I'm really hoping some of the subfloor will be salvageable it might be a lot worse than we think [Music] [Music] [Music] here's a teachable moment so we originally had a medicine cabinet I guess as well remember we said in the beginning we're going to have the clay and repaint that and reinstall it so you'll see where they had it hanging in these really crappy wall plugs well that's it twenty and a half inches down okay and it was also mounted this one IKEA cabinets it was very specific right that one says what one and a half and then this one is that twenty-two going this way so now it's a great time to pull out your phone and take a picture of the wall so that when tomorrow comes you don't forget to put some wooden backing in the wall before you close it up and now I got a record of my measurements mmm next time I go to install that eye cabinet I don't need to rely on plugs cuz I'm gonna be putting right into the framework okay so that's the end of day one that was a long hard-fought battle yeah usually takes a little longer on camera but sometimes when you're frustrating building material environments like this it's gonna be quite frustrating anyway looking forward to tomorrow tomorrow we're going to talk about the layout and the design and the features and benefits of all of the things we're gonna do here and how to finish an old 60s bathroom like this and get modern day technology and amazing results I'll see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] well we are back it is day two on the site for us if you're following along this kind of process at home then you're probably just having coming back from lunch reality is it takes us a lot longer to do this kind of work when we're on camera so you should expect reasonably to estimate doing a demolition about a half a day doesn't take all that much time to tear everything out if you do it methodically and have a little bit of help get it all swept up pull all the nails and that's where we are right now ready to start reworking now in this project we've got to deal with a couple of issues and not just a simple mechanical installation but we also have subfloor issues this was an older semi-detached home only has half-inch plywood and so it is squeaking like a maniac and we got to get rid of those squeaks because nobody wants to have a squeaky floor in a brand new bathroom renovation so we've got some mold and deteriorated subfloor lots of water damage we're going to go through all that process and restore it real quick so that we can rebuild on a solid foundation once we're ready to do that then it's just time to turn up the Machine and crank into production so if you're a DIY ER and you're renovating your bathroom chances are you've run into this problem your bathroom is getting renovated because it's so old that things are starting to fall apart and what happens inevitably is the water that comes down the shower wall escapes the shower area runs down the edge of the tub and a little bit of silicone that people use to try to keep things sealed up has failed and the water is getting in underneath all the flooring and is rotting out your subfloor now you can see in this particular situation we knew we had this problem when we arrived because the hardwood is actually discolored here as well and that was a sure sign that water's been getting underneath the subfloor and causing all the mold to grow and grow up through this wood whenever you see staining like this and cracking in your joints you know you're in for a treat so be prepared and don't be worried because this is not a scary thing to fix what you need to do first of all his understand that any kind of mold situation that's less than 15 square feet generally speaking isn't what they would consider to be a really hazardous environment it's a little nasty a little ugly to work with but if you expose it like we did and then let it dry out overnight once it's dry the next day it's actually quite safe to work with and is not so unpleasant so you can see that the room yesterday were our demolition we have part of the laminate here because remember plywood is layers of grain plywood and opposite directions glued together and this is only half inch so it's already quite thin to begin with just check for what I call structural integrity if you taking the claw and you're giving it a good shot it's just making a dent it's actually dry and it's solid right even over here where that laminate has gone it's nice and dry so although it looked like a big rotten mess most of what you see here is this wet floor that got moldy and the actual strength of the floor is still intact so realize that when you're gonna repair something like this maybe it's not necessary to cut it all out if I find that this is strong enough and I'm able to put the new floor on top of this then that's what I'm gonna do and here's the super weapon kill spray this is a shellac aerosol spray and what this does give it a good mix and you can just spray the area that was black where the water damage was and you're gonna do two things you're going to make it not so ugly but you're gonna seal up any mold spores that are here Wow there we go it's not that tricky now we have to do is screw down the existing subfloor before we put our next layer on so here's my choice line [Music] so we are using an actual flooring school now listen don't just go into that little jar you have in your workshop and grab whatever screws are handy there's a reason we use what we use now when you're gonna cut your plywood I suggest having one of these around I think every homeowner should have one of these it's a handy handy tool we'll just put this up here and this self squaring right [Music] I'm gonna have a piece of subfloor here and a piece here and there's small and large for reason because they pull everything together this is just a quick easy way to make it from four ply and six ply to a ten ply sheet of plywood that's about as strong as anything you're ever gonna need perfect I'm never gonna have another squeak again so that's pretty much everything you need to know to repair your subfloor from water damage and mold damage remember just because it's ugly doesn't mean it won't work there you go go away okay my lift up lift it up you're doing that again come on okay so we're installing a Maryland tub it's Canadian manufacturer they do have distribution in the states although they're a little difficult to get hold of it's just a molded tab with armrests it's a great construction it's got a sprayed fiberglass reinforced base with feet so it handles really really really up performs a lot of tubs on the market when it comes time to fill it full of water because it's acrylic if you don't have all that extra support underneath it'll pull away at the wall you'll see a lot of tubs doing that breaking the seals and then this is just why I love this company it's really in a really nice quality here we go [Music] there that's the spot now you gonna start pulling it forward as I write them that's it stay off that damn you got it that's the money [Music] [Music] so real quick before we go any further we've got our tubs in place now and I supply what it's cut in place I wanted to show you something really important and this is I think probably one of the biggest DIY and professional mistakes that is out there I think it's because acrylic tubs even though they've been around for a while are still relatively new on the marketplace in the grand scheme of things and so because there's so many different kinds of installations there's a it takes a lot of years for guys to get all that grand scope of experience to know how to do this this looks fine you know the plywood's in place you can stand here and move around you don't hear any noise everything seems to be good but inevitably what happens is this because we have a joist and then a joist and they're spaces when this tub is full of water when you're walking in this bathroom with a tub full of water you're going to have a brand-new amount of pressure on your subfloor in different locations from the weight being transferred down and then you're gonna be walking here any deflection in this floor at all when this is full of water is going to rub against your acrylic here and here up against the skirt and there's one little point of contact is all it takes from when this whole job is done and the client goes have a tub for the first time and they hear that squeaking it's going to be a service call they're going to call you up and say come back there's a squeak in my floor inevitably what happens is a lot of contractors are like well that's normal because they don't want to have to deal with the fact that there's a squeak and they don't know where it is so they don't know how to fix it and they're thinking in the back of their head I've got tile I've got heated floor I got subfloor we never heard any squeaks if there's a squeak it's your house it's your problem but here's what the squeak is it's the contact of the subfloor with the acrylic tub when it's full of water bottom line and it doesn't even have to be full of water it could just be when you're standing in the tub so if you have this problem at home and your bathroom is fully renovated remember this most tile is not installed up against the edge of your tub it's always installed with the grout line gap okay and when you're finishing your bathroom never groped that gap either because you'll cause the same rubbing leave that gap and if you have tile and you have a squeak take your silicone out and in a lot of cases you can look down and see the grout get a small grabber remover tool or just replace these tiles of cloth across the edge possibly get a chisel and get your plywood and cut it back away from your tub all you need to do is get that plywood and the grout off the tub surface so it can move independently of the floor and that's how you have a successful installation it seen it a thousand times somebody will be just in too much of a hurry not be paying attention or just not have the understanding and this squeak will drive new clients crazy because the old tub never squeak because it didn't move when it was full of water but these new tubs do and they will cause squeaks if you don't build it properly so today's world everybody's built building a shower and they all want to have a shower neat here's how we do it [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go so the material we're using in the bathroom here is the water-resistant and mold treated drywall this is good for wet areas and it's funny because you know back in the old days the green drywall came out first late seventies early eighties I think and it was just designed to be one more water-resistant later they added blue drywall and that one was mold resistant now they've gotten rid of most of that product you know it's all green and we're back to mold and water-resistant one so if it seems a little confusing so for the vanity we're gonna be using another one of these IKEA cabinets these are awesome now if you've seen the video before where we did a retrofit on a finished space you'll understand the reason why you want to have this made ahead of time gets your box out make the box frame bring it on over to your area and then by doing so you can set it roughly the height off the floor that you're going to be installing it make sure that all your supply lines and drain lines are in the right sort of position for doing this okay and then you want to double-check your distance from the wall now add a half inch for drywall a little bit for the sink overhang and this is roughly where this is going to sit and you'll see that the mounting brackets there's no meat but if we were to add just a little bit of 2x4 on each side before we close the wall up we save ourselves a whole lot of problem by just checking out in advance so this is one of these situations where having everything you're going to be using on-site before you build is beneficial I call this back framing I've got framing in the wall up here to hold my medicine cabinet I've got framing now that's going to go in the wall to hold the sink so when I go to do my installation I'm not gonna have any hiccups or any problems and I'm not gonna throw a screw into something I don't want it [Music] [Music] just a quick tip when you're drywalling if you have these old wing style valves and release the screw pull the handle off and then you only have to cut the hole big enough to get over that shaft instead of the entire handle assembly that way when you're done you can use there's a special cap that you snaps on the pipe around the base of the fitting and you can close up the hole that you have cut in the drywall if you leave the handle on the hole will be too big and then you'll have to use mudding and taping you can drive yourself crazy [Music] all right well we're just gonna finish off the drywall in this room I'm gonna catch it start doing some finishing all right well it's day three back on our bathroom job and we are going to be doing our plumbing today this is the last piece of wall that we have to install the rest of this bathrooms been closed up and taped we have all of our mechanical in place now so our plan today is to do the plumbing finish the clothes finish constructing our shower milk in a water proof our shower area and then we're gonna get on with putting the tile on on the bathroom floor and this is important because if we have a tiled bathroom floor then tomorrow we have the ability to work on every aspect of this bathroom and we're not going to have to kick ourselves off the job early if we do our tile at the end of the day so what I like to do is I like to finish my afternoon with a bathroom floor that way tomorrow I can tile the shower I can do some painting I can do the finish trim I can put on the tile baseboard and I can work as long as I want tomorrow with no interruption and believe me when you can get a full day like that that is money in the bank so this shower is going to be converted from a traditional two-piece where they had a tub spout and just a showerhead sticking out of the wall to a 3-way shower valve and the awesome part about that is is we're gonna be able to use pecs to run all of our fixture because our shower valve has the ability it has a mixer so you turn it to the function that you want so you don't have to worry about if the supply line is be enough to the tub because we don't have a physical diverter here everything is done in the handle so you have complete control of the water you can mix two of the other functions together and it's a dream shower because we're gonna have a tub spout we're gonna have a shower wand on a five foot hose plus we're installing a rain showerhead so you get to set this up to have the water pouring down your head massage on the back of the neck oh man this is limit oh so the first step is to get rid of the old shower so we're gonna just get rid of our copper line [Music] [Music] all right [Music] now if your screws are too long like ours are here you just take your electrical pliers cut it down just to start make this make sense here the best part of pecks coming you eyeball measurement all right couldn't you go a little bit longer so here we are we got our pecks we have a solid solid copper rings okay and they just slide over top and then you push it in place solid ring tools we're running two to four hundred dollars this one here now you can get these two things from about thirty to forty dollars so you just set it on the ring and squeeze demonstrate you how this works put that ring in here you go to squeeze it it doesn't close all right then you squeeze it and it compresses it into a smaller diameter and that compress of the tax tubing over top of the ribs that are on the brass spinning [Music] all right once you learn how easy it is to put this together you'll become your own favorite planner don't get me wrong there's a time and a place for a basic installation of simple systems like this it's not the time you're putting out the big dollars okay okay really the only secret is get the rings in place before you put the fitting you can always slide them up and down afterwards okay now this is the really cool part because it's longer house while we're down all you do is bring that in place all right like that their supply lines okay we've got a couple of situations here where the crimping isn't just gonna work that's normal we're just gonna back out our screws a little bit pull it off the wall because you can see the crimper goes in behind the pink look at the flexibility you have here okay we have successfully roughed in an entire freeway system of 15 minutes now that our shower valve is installed we're going to just focus on getting a few odds and ends taken care of so that we can get to tiling our Florida after lunch [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what we have left to do now is we're just going to cap all of our wood with drywall and then we're gonna add our waterproof membrane now the reason we're putting drywall on is because you don't want to attach membrane directly to it [Music] look star look like [Music] [Music] [Music] this is not read yard back don't worry about your eyesight this is actually a product from map I called Aqua defense now one of the benefits of this of course is with the simplicity that you apply it and it goes on the same as any other painted on membrane now when I go do the second application this product which is required that I'm gonna have one hell of a seal so I say build your own build it custom build it to match your tile waterproof like this and anybody can have a gorgeous shower niche in the middle of the bathroom so now you get to see how this water proofing system is coming together we have a remembe rain all over and then everywhere we have a joint that we're worried about expansion attraction and the membrane being compromised we're using this two-in-one sealant it has a caulking sealant so that we guarantee ourselves a nice waterproof system over the long term and having that kind of guarantee is really peace of mind so we seal all the joints of drywall to drywall inside corners that enables you to not have to worry about using any drywall compound and if you and we also seal drywall to tub very important what you'll find is if you have a waterproofing system water that gets behind the grill will build up because it'll be stuck there because we use a silicone on the wall as well so if you have a gap that's too big for the cocky to fill which is our situation right here this is the system just use a little bit of this fiberglass mission that gives the sealant a backing and then you can just fill over top of that here we go snug as a bug in a rug so the plan today once we're finished sealing this up is to tile the wall tile the floor finish off any of our last bit of mud mud touch-up so that we have two days the sand prime paint grout and install all our fixtures now it's time to start setting your title and the way we do that is we take our laser level and we check all our quarters for the high and low point three and seven eighths three and three quarters three and a half over here once you get the first row down the rest of us just like Lego and it's rather simple I'm gonna show you this little clip system big wedges designed to close up all the tile lippisch okay when you're installing wall tile because there's this scoop we have a little bit of flexibility but you'll notice my line doesn't have to be on the edge it's just there as a visual aid really I need to do this take your little clips knowing that your half offset put one just to the each side of the center line [Music] now we got the cut line going into the corner all right make sure everything is just the way you want [Music] okay mother we have got just enough time left today to get our floor down in the bathroom which is perfect I love the finish my day putting down the tile floor that means that I am able to start the next day finish the rest of my wall tile and then I've got the ability to sand and prime and paint and just keep on going through the production cycle because once I have a floor down then I can keep working if we wait till tomorrow to do the floor that adds it another whole day to the production cycle so we're gonna squeeze it in probably work a little late today get this done but once the heating system is down and the tile goes in probably takes about two hours it's gonna be worth the effort one of the coolest things that we've got now is electric cable heated flooring systems that operate on about the power of a single incandescent light bulb [Music] now we're gonna come across a little bit creative something about this it's like designing on this on the flyer [Music] the one thing that nobody ever does when they tiled and that is wipe down the floor now the adhesive that we're using in our cement works really well with clean wood that's a really nice civility get some ink on the back of the tile clean it up it's kind of like buttering toast and I'm going to lay my tile in and when I collapse the ridges right there like that today we're gonna use the perfect level mastered tea lock system put your level clip underneath is that easy set it and then we'll use this tool it caused all that compression that's what gets rid of the lipid [Music] the next day when this is all set it's really easy to clean it you can just use a sponge once you've taken the clips out well today was a very productive day we're almost done few more a few more tiles left to go when the floor is down tomorrow we're gonna be sanding priming painting tile in the shower a lot of things going on and this job is coming together I think another three days and we're going to have this all wrapped up so whoo that was back friggin I'm getting too old for this so we have been working in this bathroom for a few days we're at a point where we've got the tile and the grout work pretty much finished we have some touch-ups to do and silicone to put on but we're going to go through the finishing trim at this point because I just had a few cuts that I had to get done and I don't want to have to wait but I'm going to show you how to get this trim installed on finished tile and in what order because you don't want to go I'll do all your grout and all your silicone and then install your finished trim because we do have to drill a couple holes and that dust that comes from the back of that ceramic tile is going to get down into your uncured silicone and it's going to stain it forever so there is an order of doing things you want to get all your finishing trim on before your silicone your showers that way you'll be happy you got a nice clean surface when you silicone and you're not going to be dragging dirt into it okay so you got an interior gasket and an exterior gasket and what that does is it provides a perfect seal all around your fixture up against your time a secret here is to take these two mounting screws which are designed for two-way six construction so they're extra long and they've got little cut-off places there and you simply put the head in first all the way to the back to the wood which has the deepest that that can go and then you pick which point right at the edge of the tile cut these things off is simple you just take a pair of square head linesman pliers we want to take our cartridge hot and cold hots always on the left we slide that in perfect every time now you take this here now this is solid brass it's the machine at the factory and it has two flat spots on before a wrench okay you need to be really careful when you're tightening this on and you want to basically go hand tight and then grab a wrench set it on those flat spots into the quarter turn so now we have our screws cut you slide this over top push it back to the wall not too snug just enough pressure on these on these screws to put compression on this plate nice and tight to the tile now this is really awesome it snaps in place done here's your name function one two and three so the handles that come with this are your main handle which is your selection this will pick which function you're going with and then the little one here this is actually your thermostatic valve now this is how we do this now when it comes to the tub spindle now this is threaded half inch to go into my drop here and half inch to go into my tub spout you know so what we're gonna do is we're gonna line this up nice and easy like make sure you're not cross threading cuz it's plastic inside the secret here just to know if you're putting too much pressure that you're gonna break the tile so now we've got the shower arm we've got the tub spout now we're putting the rain shower in you can see this little blue thing was awesome it helps to facilitate measuring this stone to a perfect hole love these we're gonna be putting in a rain showerhead this is the extension rod that comes with it you know the secret just place it in the hole [Music] and go really careful they don't cross thread it into the position that you want knowing that those three screws that meant that drop here in the wall aren't gonna break and give up time for your sexy showerhead you know it's funny I actually had somebody get in the comment section telling me I shouldn't use the word sexy anyway I said never hit it up here [Music] the showerhead itself isn't going to be level so you can't you can't do it in standing underneath all right grab a little bit of the bubble wrap that came with the packaging put it on here with the wrench adjusted for the right size and give it a nice quarter turn past what you can do with your fingers now we'll install our adjustable shower rod and I'm going to show you the secret clip and I was gonna put this green line here turn on my laser bring that over to my tape way all right now we're in business for the purpose of our demonstration I'm using a cheap and easy glass entitlement by Ryobi don't put them to it [Music] and I know that since I found wood all my plumbing is to the rainbow one of the reasons I love the systems look at this [Music] there's no strength in those fingers anybody can move this up and down to make the work young people old people are Earth's for the condition doesn't matter this system is really optimal for that this might take more than one try you only get one screw in the box now we have a beautiful little shower one here that comes in the kit thank you here all week set this up bow them turn this on the back your neck mix it with the rain showerhead now you're standing underneath the waterfall with a massage going on don't ever call me until the hot water water runs out that's living okay well let's give this a try and I'm gonna step out of the tub in case the rain shower comes on first that's the tub tub is in position number two I'm gonna guess rain showers number one now that is pretty alright so one of the biggest pet peeves we have in renovations is people trying to renovate a space to brand-new and they want to keep the door why you'd want to keep a door to a bathroom that's had a moisture problem I don't know but usually they don't function well there delaminating they've got oil and latex paints they scratch easy they're just a joke throw them out get them to handle but now you're forced to deal with this issue paint after pain after paint layer house settling this door barely sneaks in here if I throw hinges on this thing I'm guaranteed to have a horrible result I'm not gonna be able to swing it open and close even though the door has got a little bit of beveling on it so what we're gonna do to show you the tips and tricks not just how to create a space where this will fit but how to markeson your hinges how to drill your holes and line it all up and how to have a successful new door installation space the first thing we need to see is that the door has got a bevel and what happens is when you're swinging the door open and closed the shorter side of the door okay that's the interior of the jamb and the wider side of the door that's the exterior of the jamb so that will help you to set this up if you're putting it in backwards you're in for one heck of a challenge we only need a quarter inch off the bottom and a solid eight up side this is my planer has one wheel with a couple plates alright and then all we do is just drive it down the street [Music] [Applause] [Music] love this too then we're gonna take a quarter inch off the bottom [Music] perfect you know now we're back in with their plane doors once again we're just going to stick it in the space it gets about a full quarter away from the camp [Music] all right now we're nice and flush we're going to [Music] take the hinge pin out take the other side and go in and stall that in the door jamb alright alright alright [Music] [Music] let's see how the door closes perfect every time I'm going to do is I just set my pencil here and close the door on it the sound of my pencil breaking is actually how it leaves a mark okay that's the mark of the middle of latch and that'll set the center up for the whole door and this comes with a pilot hole right there in the middle of the door over here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yep come through on the other side that way I finish with a nice clean edge here here we go done that's perfect for parental emergency access to the bathroom that goes on the other side of the door and you just go a little bit of each time and then let's take our hammer and set this right into the wood before we tighten up the screws that'll give us the maximum amount of space that we can have for our door oh nice perfect man that is just nasty so before we can go and change this fan out we've got to get into the attic and change the ducting so like every house is gonna have access through the attic there one of these old manholes well not a lot of space but listen it's really simple process we've got some insulated duct line here for the moisture barrier on it I've got a gear clamp some TUC tape my drill a couple of hand tools in case it's a mess up there alright max is gonna follow me right into the hole here and we'll see what we got I see she's a warm one up here max let's take a look at this we've got a wrapped up piece of insulation held on with the baler wire thank God yeah that's what happens condensation oh look at that it's not even connected [Music] it's just placed in the same region as the fan it explains everything around here Wow yeah [Music] [Laughter] so deadly brutal in a long time that's just so bad oh my god max what the hell have we found here yeah cuz it's not okay Wow hiiii alright now we're gonna get rid of this duct tape cuz that's just not gonna do us any favors I'm trying to salvage this elbow I'm screwing through the plywood that's inside the diameter the water comes down in the rain it'll settle in this kind of like a pea trap and you're not gonna get a lot of water we're talking about a few drips every once in a while and then when you use the fan in a daily basis that'll dry that out and it's all your system requirements so that's what I figured I was doing here didn't realize I was gonna be didn't leave the mother of all evil bathroom fan installations we're gonna just tighten that gear clip on so it's not moving and that's about all we have to do up here the rest we can do from the bathroom so here's our fan really quick and simple [Music] [Music] it's nice to have lots of extra wine here because it's so easy to work you can pull it through and the where it's comfortable okay ah the duct line is actually attached here we go and it will click into place and there we go when you push up it goes like that he pulls it nice and tight so it's attached and just hanging nice on this there we go one thing we have to do we have to turn on and try it though right just too big now there you go that's one sewn sounds like a fan in the distance but it's not that loud alright it's not distracting it's not squeaking isn't that screeching but it is pulling 110 cubic feet per minute out of this room well that's it for us today it is after five o'clock on a Friday and we have hit our goal this bathroom is functional this family can have showers in tubs and use the bathroom in the safe this weekend whoo I mean I think we might have only two hours of work left a little silicone a couple of paint touch-ups there's just no time in the day to do it today so we'll come back on Monday and make sure everything is perfect before we leave the house but at least they're able to use the space and that is going to help them enjoy their weekend so stay tuned because in just a few seconds you'll be able to enjoy all the before-and-afters as you can see what was a DIY disaster has been completely restored back to normal now this bathroom is not spectacular and yet it's amazing this is really simple you know new fixtures waterproofing system basic tile nice new paint job quality materials quality at work a great 3-piece shower system of course a couple of little upgrades make all the difference in a bathroom like this so now we have a bathroom that is gonna be beautiful for 40 years and it's going to function way above the standard for the rest of this neighborhood which increases the value of this house so some of the things we were able to accomplish here is we repaired their fan which was installed wrong so used to rain down on people when when it was raining outside we have an awesome shower look that we were able to build into the wall and we compliment that design tile over the backsplash on the sink and of course the area where the floor was destroyed with the rot no more squeaks so important if you're gonna have a floor with noise in it people are not gonna be happy with the final result so make sure you take time to fix things before you move forward now we first got in touch with Deo and Rachael because they were working on a little powder room downstairs and they were following the videos from our YouTube channel to help them get through the process and I was actually kind of amazed when they brought me in the house the first time he showed me the finished product and he did a pretty decent job for DIY but he knew he was in a little over his head when it came to this bathroom mostly because it wasn't just removing and replacing things he knew he had water damage and other issues going on and he wanted to make sure it got tackled properly so we sat down we talked about their budget and we put a plan together to hopefully make all of their dreams come true so now we're going to introduce our couple and have a quick chat and find out how they feel about what they got in the final result first of all thanks for inviting us in oh yeah it was nice to be able to come and help I mean obviously you're turning in a pretty handy guy but this is a little bit more than you can handle yes so how do we do with performing on your budget well it looks amazing by the way and it's on budget yes it's on budget everything looks beautiful floor tiles and I knew I couldn't do it without your help because there's some stuff that I could hear squeaking water coming from the fan different things that I knew would be beyond my expertise as a deal DIY yeah because there's a difference when something gets old and broken yeah someone wasn't done right the first time yes see it's hard to diagnose a problem yes yeah totally agree diagnosing is the key Rachel honestly how did that shower not turn out for you beautiful the niches gorgeous the tiles I love it thank you awesome and the three-way shower system did you figure out how to operate that yeah yeah beautiful the kids enjoy it so pulling at it now so but something that we have to figure out how bill not touch it right right well now that you've seen the process yeah you know how much more conference do you have as a homeowner to do your own renovations ah quite a bit quite a bit and from our discussions that we've had before they've been talking some other stuff around the house a little bit see projects listen I gotta be honest in video is the most efficient guy on the earth I'm here for a week and he knows it so he took extra time off work to come in and pick my brain he tackled a dozen projects while we were in this I was just so that when he ran into problems I'm gonna have this smart smart smart you know you must be a manager as a profession because just trying to do the same thing yeah yeah it's worked out well so so you didn't have any problem with the concept of being your own project manager then nope right well this is something we need to get people to get involved with because if they are able to manage the room project then they can renovate for almost half the price even if they can't hire qualified trades right that's right so that's definitely an option something to think about for the future for everybody at home yes all right well listen thank you for inviting me in your house it's been awesome being here it's been I do be able to sneak another project in next year we'll see yes I like to work for people who like to feed me so you know that's definitely in your corner all right so thanks again okay all right there's my pleasure in future all right enjoy this guy's and we will see you next time so I hope you enjoyed this episode of reality Rena vision if you're new to our channel then I suggest you subscribe to the channel over here don't forget to hit the bell icon for notifications so you'll be told every time a new video comes up and if you'd like you can click the link right here and you can binge watch all the episodes that we have on our playlist amazing information everything DIY and de car and renovation and remodeling thanks for joining us
Views: 1,162,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, home renovision, home renovision diy, renovation reality show, remodel reality show, renovation show, home reno, home remodel, bathroom reno, bathroom renovation, bathroom remodel, diy bathroom, how to fix your bathroom, how to replace a shower, how to replace a tub, how to repair water damage, shower waterproofing, shower valve install, copper to pex install, how to install shower tile, heated floor install, bathroom tile install
Id: hCLl-YVr_eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 2sec (4322 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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