Open Concept Living Room Renovation | 1880s Farm House EP8

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i don't think this house has had a single permit since 1880 when it was built if i don't move and get it done by the time i'm done fiddling around it'll all be right at rock hard welcome to my living room um the electrical well we won't even talk about that or as we call it in my house the place we try to avoid before i can wire i need a plant i'm gonna have to open all this up and reframe it all right we have a plan deal beautiful remember how i was gonna order more flooring for the project yeah so it's discontinued i'm an idiot i mean i'm really i'm i really did myself in here [Music] [Applause] [Music] one [Music] welcome to my living room or as we call in my house the place we try to avoid this is an absolute disaster of a construction project this living room here basically is a great big space that never gets used because it's unusable it's cold it's useless the floor is sloping all over the place when you get up to walk around in this space you almost want to fall over your vertigo is so bad we've got a lot of work to do here to fix the structure turn this into a place that we want to hang out in but most of all modern rustic right this is our goal here that means ripping out all the walls turning this open to open concepts so that we can have guests and company i want to see a hundred people in this house all having one conversation stay with us we got a lot of work to do so i'm standing here in the window well of the original foundation of the house that's right this house needs a lot of help so no matter how experienced you are when you're dealing with stuff like this it's time to call the structural engineer i want to just relax take a deep breath these guys are not as expensive as you might think okay for about 800 to 1000 bucks you can get expert advice plus a stamp to go on your permit that says all this is done accordance with my brain and it's better to have his brain on the paper than your own and then that gives you the ability to follow all of his protocols fix all your structure and get out of the window wells and get on with living your life can't wait till he shows up okay so ethan we're gonna go modern rustic and in design world that means open concept that's what everyone's doing now open ceiling so we want to expose the floor joists and the tongue and groove floor from above right and have it all exposed we're going to try to move as much wiring and heating into corners and and false ceiling action as we can but we want to have a beam and since we need a structural beam in this room we'd like it because we really don't have a tall ceiling it's a really big room for exactly seven and a half feet kind of is lousy really i don't know how many layers are in the ceiling i'm guessing almost two inches maybe more i guess we'll find out once the demolition is right but so the secret for me is if i'm gonna put a beam from basically that side of the room which is that wall into this interior wall what does the building code require for me now for support for that beam so anything we do any renovations we do today have to meet today's building code so whatever was here before once we go ahead and start trying to change it right it doesn't matter how that was built or if it met the code from 20 50 there's no grandfather rule if you're making modifications that's right exactly that's exactly right so whatever we designed today any new beam uh has to be designed to today's coat okay so if we have a let's call the exterior structure an actual four inch then my beam needs to reach right to the exterior cladding because if i'm unless i'm a beam it needs to sit on at least three inches of solid material is that correct yeah that's right so they can't slip off yeah that's the idea so you don't have an accidental force shifted off and normally for beams you have a lot of pressure at each end so you need enough bearing resistance bearing area exactly to transfer that weight without crushing so an actual 2x4 beam means that i'm going to have a little bit of wiggle room up there so if i if i have let's say 12 or 16 exact feet i could get a beam at 15 11 so it's easy to install split the difference on each end i still have three and a half inches of meat on each side to carry that i'm okay yeah as long as you have that bearing okay then we're good all right and what do we need to use to tie it all together is it just nails or just gravity what are we using so normally what we like to recommend is a little above and beyond the building code requirements it's and it's still simple it's just a clip angle a little l shape something that goes on over thin piece of steel from the post to the beam yep in l shape and and you nail directly into each member okay instead of toenails how do you feel about if i have a post the same width as my beam do you want to have another two by four or something traveling up past the beam so there's no roll over that's also a great idea then that that's important when you're underneath structure what if like in this situation i'm planning on cutting all the joists out so i'm gonna need an interior wall and you're gonna spec that out for me right usually within two feet something that's measured and cut to fit right and then carry the load and then i'm going to cut it out i'm going to slide the beam up i'm going to add joyce hangers for and then jack them all in oh my god that's going to be a busy day but once i have that beam in place it there's not much risk of rollover that's what i'm saying once the new beam is in between the joists right no because you'll also probably do a temporary support underneath the beam before the actual before the actual post goes in wow yeah yeah okay good point all right so is there any problem this room is an actual 16 feet long is there any problem going lvl in this situation again it all depends on on how much weight we have coming from above okay is it just the floor or do we have the floor and the roof uh supported generally just the floor actually yeah yeah so in this case if it's just the floor lvl i mean lvl will definitely be acceptable you have depths up to 18 inches right obviously if you're going flush beam we want to keep it as small as possible okay so in this case if i have a 2x10 floor joist package up here which i think i do which is not acceptable no matter what's going on not not at all if i put an lvl 2x10 in is a triple enough over 16 feet or am i better to go 12 and then try to cap it all with something decorative after the fact you're probably going to be looking at 12 okay just based on my experience but again every case is different so i'd have to do the numbers on the numbers but it's good for me to be thinking don't be disappointed if we have to go 12 that's right okay so for my design then i'm going to think i'm going to i'm going to clad the beam itself anyway so i can cover all of the joist hangers and then when i'm finished i'm going to have a painted ceiling and then an exposed raw finish beam takes a little extra work but i think it's going to be pretty and better be safe than sorry i guess our goal with the reality renovation is to show show people how when you have a plan and you execute it it's not scary it's not dramatic it's just you just got to do the work like i'm so tired of tv shows with all their drama like for god's sake you make you scaredly the living daylights out of people into trying anything with all of the you know pros screwing up but they're not they're just they're just creating drama they write it into the script i mean and the amount of times i've seen guy goes well well that's gosh we didn't expect that or we framed this wrong or we ordered this wrong or yeah yeah yeah i mean you might as well just put a sign on your head i'm doing this for the first time because to those pros when we watch those shows it's just like you've got to be kidding me well and i think viewers see through all that i hope so because like when you're a pro you don't order the windows the wrong size you use a tape measure not a guess wait a minute now now what nothing no say it say it you might have to cut the hole to install the window second time the situation but i ordered the window the right size listen we all make small mistakes while we're working but the the planning and execution it should go flawless exactly yeah right have a plan stick to it don't change it everything works simple right one foot in front of the other you'll get there [Music] so here's a quick little project update for you because we did the kitchen first we were already familiar with the way the building was structured so remember ethan came by we the structural engineer we had a conversation we had a plan and and it was right because this side of the house is the same way it's a two by eight clear span over 20 feet long that's crazy the original house in this front room actually had no interior walls it was all lath and plaster and then somebody added this wall area over here to become a bathroom this ball here i added myself just to have some separation so i could have a storage area while i was working on the kitchen and with that understanding in mind we know that this is going to be carrying a lot of the load it takes a lot of the bounce out of the stair out of the floor upstairs when you're walking around so we still have to open up both ends of the wall and put in our beam just to stabilize everything and take a little bit of pressure off if you look up at this beam right above us here max you'll see there's a split in that joist that's just starting to come apart it needs something to help hold it up you always love to see a split joist you know that's just like one step away from the tub coming crashing through the floor over here remember we have a concrete pad outside and i guess at some point this had a commercial use so this used to be a front door that would have been a cold front door because it would have got all the wind in the wintertime rushing across that empty field unbelievable the window over here has had repairs done badly i don't know what's going on lots of wood rot weird things going on here so we're going to have to rip the siding off the outside of the house we're going to reframe and patch this up properly get some weather seal going on very important whenever you're working on a house if you're going to renovate the inside you've got to be ready to commit to renovating the outside especially in an older home a lot of the water diversion system on the house is not in place and so you get wet areas like yesterday rained and all underneath this window is wet again whenever you pull out insulation and and it's still stuck to the wall it's a good sign that you've got moisture penetrating the weather barrier of the house so it's just a bit of a mess um the electrical well we won't even talk about that because whoever did the electrical work here obviously never pulled a permit i don't think this house has had a single permit since 1880 when it was built it's really interesting so when you're renovating something like this as long as you're not tearing apart the structure you're just replacing the lath and plaster it's not that big of a deal it's a little more involved than you would think but it's not major work it's just a minor repair now all this plumbing it used to go upstairs i guess at some point there's a bathroom upstairs i have no idea i don't have any pipes coming through the floor upstairs i guess they're just all cut off right in the flooring blows my mind um we got to rip all this out because there's no venting this is a this just another drain to something else that doesn't exist anymore unbelievable uh yeah very typical so we got to peel it all back clean it all up vacuum it all out we're going gonna re-nail all of these joists back to the studs in the balloon frame just to make sure that we have some structural integrity there and then we're going to just sheet it all up close it up make one great big pretty living space and maybe have a little bit of fun with some finished carpentry we'll see what happens but to be honest with you i just can't wait to get the drywall on oh one more thing this is nasty listen i don't know who came up with this idea of patching up a hole in the outside of the building with drywall that's 1944. can't treat drywall like plywood it doesn't work that way obviously the water diversion system here is not functioning this is just one great big box of mold i'm gonna have to open all this up and reframe it these are two by threes i don't even know what's going on there but that's got to be dealt with okay so now that the walls have been knocked down yeah what's your vision for the room like i mean there's the flooring we got to put up new windows because those windows have got to go they've been there for too long yeah we we need to do some sound proofing because that part of the house is close to the road absolutely so we're going to do some sound proofing we're putting in windows that don't have any function and so there's no air leaking that'll be dramatic and it gives you such a nicer view too out in the country yeah yeah i've got to screw down all of those flooring i've got a put in floor leveler everything has to be wired everything that needs new installation the floor joist package for the second floor is continuous end to end so we gotta put in a beam i know a trampoline upstairs and on the main floor is that what you're calling it yeah it's just crazy you walk in there carrying something heavy and you just feel the and it's the waves i know i'm glad nobody's broken through the floor yet um but once we're done you know it'll look normal well the room's a lot more different now i mean we've got a beam in to support the weight uh we have floor joists that go from one side of this room all the way to the other it's over 20 feet and that's a little ridiculous but uh now that we've got one great big open space it's kind of weird now you got to sit back and kind of take it all in again you know because i got to figure what we're going to do with this space um the exterior walls my goodness it's just it's a bit of a mess it's doors and windows been relocated more than once so this structure has been a little compromised i've got some repairs to do which is why i put that other wall up anyway that won't take much to get all that fixed up but uh before i can wire i need a plan so mitch are you okay to come in here for a minute yeah i need help figuring out what we're gonna do with this room like hi so it's nice and big but what are we gonna do with it like how do you want me to wire this thing like i have i have one option that's right out of the gate i can just put in the basic amount of plugs um everything can be one circuit for the lights just a basic number of pot lights maybe six for in each half i mean anything else do we care um so are you going to have like so you said six outlets well six lights on each each half of the room um i'm talking with electrical outlets though uh minimum you know probably two on each wall one over here yeah yeah just the basic code requirements okay that works yeah are we gonna have any need for are we gonna put a tv on the wall in here anywhere well i think it would be nice to have it as an option because there's you know i can picture like an l-shaped sofa here family gathering that would be the right wall to use possibly tv or even you know a couch um situated here tv on that i mean it's such a big place even i'm going to be yeah i want to raise the windows on on that side oh so we can actually put furniture underneath we could do a sectional coming off that wall so then the trap the traffic flows behind the furniture true so if i put one plug in the middle of that wall over there yeah and then if you wanted to make it a tv wall then it's easy to fish down and add the plug for the tv right okay and i do the same thing over here i can put the plug in the middle of the wall so we could fish and move it up there if we wanted to yeah exactly because i'm allowed 10 plugs the circuit's only going to have six or seven i got room to add so maybe that's a better plan let's just get it finished i agree well there are so many different options you could do with this room right now it could be a it could be a family room it could be a formal dining room um a huge dining room you know mom would be in the kitchen she can oversee her children here possibly um it's okay it's i love the the open concept is awesome so if we just went with pot lights yeah didn't put anything in the middle no then if anybody ever wanted to add to the pot lights for a pendant right they could yeah yeah all right yeah okay um we'll keep it simple now um on my on the instagram we asked if we could get some help with yeah ideas any kind of a design wall yeah well i saw a few you were thinking this wall here um i i don't know yet it all depends it could be interesting because i'm thinking the door i want to get rid of right yes because it's a little tight here for moving furniture up there so no door so if i clean all this back to maybe here i'll bring the light switch to the other side of the stud yes and then it'll just be a little bit of an open one or two steps open wrap around yeah it's less than 24 inches i don't need any railing mm-hmm so it's just nice and big and open there's not a lot of wall left here not a little while left if you put a tv on that wall accenting it isn't going to matter i know i know that's why i'm not too sure what to do and that's a really big that's a 16 foot wall right yeah anyways i had suggestions for shiplap or this art deco stuff that's not gonna go because we're still trying to stick with the modern rustic look okay um what do you think of shiplap what if we did a woodwork i would love to get some shiplap in here yeah yeah well if we're gonna do that i'd probably do the outside wall oh really yeah what's the length on that wall 20 feet yeah it's big wow but it's big enough that it would accent the whole room no matter how it's used yeah but i'm thinking of when you're entering into the room from the kitchen when you're entering into the room from the main entrance everybody sees that's gonna be standing out like i get this one would be but so will this one right because you've opened it past here i don't know what do you think okay i'm thinking the shiplap can go anywhere afterwards we'll we'll deal with that later okay okay yeah yeah sorry that's nice let's get it drywalled and primed i like the whole decor part okay okay i'll let you do the building and then we can talk further let me get it closed yeah and then we'll worry about how to finish it afterwards we have a plan deal beautiful sweet oh boy it feels really good to be finally taping and closing all this up there's a so many weird things going on with this old house oh we're going to show you a few tips and tricks now but doing drywall when you're blending old and new houses together because uh there's always a surprise that you can solve with a little creativity and years and years of watching guys on the job site and learning all their hacks number one if you have a hole and you've got to repair it it's kind of like a hollow point bullet and you want to just run a couple of passes [Music] until you're all the way through [Music] this is such a great technique it's worth revisiting and i'm going to score the brown paper from the back side both sides we're going to do the same here [Music] break it and then hold the and then peel it from the paper leaving the paper on the front one of the most amazing benefits is that the white paper on the front of the drywall is thinner than the drywall tape that you would buy to patch it with so it actually creates a lot less work when you go to finish you're going to take your drywall compound leave it on the inside of that framing of the cut okay take it and we're going to put a little bit on the inside edges of all of our patch as well and we're just going to press it in you're just embedding the drywall tape and you want to do this just once okay if you work it too much it's going to wrinkle because of the moisture and it'll cause you all kinds of paint you can come back and do another coat and it should be done with a 4x10 knife like this the second situation i see a lot of people commenting about is they need to check and do an inspection on their valve or they want to change the valve from the backside you can buy one of these spring loaded trapdoor okay they work great put pressure on the single tab first because it will slide and you push it over and you rest this in and it snaps back in place the next the next trick i'm going to show you is actually it answers a few different questions what do i do to fill big gaps what about if i'm going from a new wall to an old wall and there's lots of damage or it's lath and plaster and there's lots of damage okay or if the old wall is a different thickness these situations are all taken care of if you own one of these guns having a foam gun gives you lots of control this becomes the backing it also is an adhesive between the different materials so you don't get cracks you don't need to apply any paper that's amazing and don't worry about how much of a mess it makes remember the goal here is that when that's done drying it's expanded in behind got solid so you can trim off the face and have a backing to do your taping so i'm just gonna tape out the joint here a little bit real quick i made it a nasty mess on purpose to show you how easy it is to fix there we go run your mud off the side of this knife here flat taping is the process of just going on one surface and not going around the corner and you can push that up as nice and tight as you want and then we'll press it in now that we've got that pressed in ah you don't have to wait until tomorrow to come back to fix it and i'm going to measure off a piece of tape and get a nice straight edge pre-fold it here we go we have a nice flat surface up top so i'm going to use that to trust my line gentle pressure all the way across hold the knife flat against the wall there we go so here we go i've got tape let's get this out of here okay oh the tape's gone but i still got that red stuff left i've got brown paper showing i got dark pencil i don't care even if it's marker there is one solution for all your problems and if you're taping your house you've got to have this can on you at all times yeah if you're a fan of the channel you've seen me use it before i put this on everything okay brown paper no problem oil-based primer red tape no problem oil-based primer marker no problem oil-based primer with the pigment look at that this just disappearing i'm doing an infomercial here oil-based primer works on everything they even have an odorless formula of an oil primer just for transitioning from oil to latex so that you don't have your paint peeling off over time and before anybody starts putting it in the comments section no kills did not sponsor this video i just love the stuff now we're going to get away from the traditional drywall compound we're going to get into the quick set mud we're going to show you everything that it can do we're going to make a little volcano on the hock there we go and here we go ready now we're going to go for it we're going to go for it making a mess that's okay we're not going to worry about it because this reaction happens so fast that if i don't move and get it done by the time i'm done fiddling around it'll all be rock hard [Applause] here we go and bill [Applause] [Music] call me the joker [Music] [Music] it's okay [Music] love of you is a dream all attributes [Music] so the living room space it's almost a multi-functional you can design it however like i'm talking about because of the space and how the size of it it's a big room it's a big room with the bathroom removed it's a big space oh exactly um i don't know why they put a bathroom there is it just a dumb spot i know made the whole house feel tiny so with with the removal of the bathroom it's created a very large space right where you can situate your sectional however you want it to there's three different walls there's three different design options to make that room functional yeah so we're we're putting in the new big picture window but we're gonna put it high enough up that it'll put a sectional underneath it if you want to yes and then it'll still provide a certain degree of privacy from the street because the house is raised up off the road exactly yeah that'd be nice um i think it's going to change the personality of the home when we've done that like really dramatically absolutely i don't think people will be able to even recognize the before and afters no everything changes when you make that space pig so it's like one of those rip out a couple walls put in a little bit extra shoring and support next thing you know it's like wow right yep and then with you opening up all the walls between the kitchen and the living rooms yes yeah everything's gonna change everything's gonna change i mean you could be cooking you could be washing the dishes and have a full view exactly what's going on in the living room if you're entertaining at the time yep you're watching your kids watching you know when they're playing in that room it's funny because when i first walked into that house it was just like that stupid that's stupid that has to go that has to go mechanical can stuffed here we'll put in a pantry hide it in the wall done exactly and here we are and yeah we're doing it all in yep go team hey job yo baby i brought the color deck nice all right let's have a peek oh so wow together i know it's starting to feel like a house not like a job site right great job you were only here for like 48 hours i mean it was already drywalled right i just had to trim out the windows and i'm on second coat beautiful great job okay let's have a look at the wheel i'm just gonna put this away yeah couch i'll go right there right here oh you'd pref oh yeah right sorry my bad yeah how big is this bad boy anyway because i feel like it's gonna be off the wall in the middle of the room no matter what we do probably have a hole hi matthew traffic are you there bubble all right smarty let's see what we got you got any original thoughts oh i have your initial thoughts um so i want to build off of the kitchen okay i want to change the front room oh i didn't know it came with an index yeah the back of the deck you got all the names right tell you what tells you page awesome page 21 well leaf 21. so we can start by pulling that color out and see what the recommendations are because every one of these leaves are six colors that all go together right not necessarily the same base paint yeah yeah so this is like designing for dummies right so there's your whirlwind so did you want to go a darker color in here like super dark something lighter um do we have the flooring around somewhere yes let's pull that in here right here it's a big room yeah exactly so this guy because we have tons of sunlight in here the point is yeah if you if you don't go dark enough it's gonna look like the same color exactly okay so you want to go that's personality plus oh yeah and that one is called and can you imagine when the lights are all kind of like bouncing off of it well like in the morning yeah it'd be really awesome yeah okay victoria victorian peter i love it so we have whirlwind in the kitchen that's on page 21 as well i'd love to see what silver charm looks like in the front and then we can carry and then carry it into the bathroom maybe upstairs yeah right up to the loft and do that on the window wall and leave the rest of it kind of off-white yeah so i would paint upstairs radisson okay okay call that the loft why not spring thaw that one yeah here yes right silver charm i said here silver charm sorry silver charm we can do the spring thaw upstairs not this one you find it too great yeah don't forget the um the texture on the ceiling upstairs yeah if you start adding gray and there's texture you're going to get shadows it's going to look really dark oh and it's really going to show all the imperfections of our texture even though we have tons of window no we don't have tons of windows unlocked well two little ones it only gets afternoon sun well i mean it's tall i mean it does get a lot of afternoon sun the more color you put in there the more you're gonna see the the mud work and the texture work okay so less is more okay less is more better to stay wet white silver charm window wall right front silver charm in the front hall right into the bathroom that's gonna look really really good in the bathroom yeah like you said character okay well we've got lots of lighting so i know there's grappling that's why we got that all right and then you come into here you got the dark yes and we got all the pot lights and then we're back into the whirlwind going into the kitchen that comes right to here the whirlwind you see how blue that looks yeah does that look good amazing eh it is amazing because we're using the led lights right i'm actually really kind of freaked out about that that's that's the right color okay that's freaky all right so this is spring thaw so i got the main stairs i got this room yep i got kitchen front hall i got bathroom like a wall into the loft so then that is all continuous exactly it gives the loft an accent wall because it's a little white okay trim out of the can white out of the can white you're good with that okay cool all right all right so i'll put that order in and i'll pick that up we'll have it here for the painters i think we'll order it on monday pick it up on tuesday so that it comes shook it's ready to go all shook because i don't want it sitting over the weekend no because then it'll be separated and then you know what painters do they'll just work with it and then every wall will have a different sheen so let me just go through this one more time cleaners come on monday yes painters come on wednesday right right yep i'm thinking they're here three days i agree they'll probably bring three of them okay well that's nice and the cleaners commercial cleaners yeah while they're doing post construction so i have to have the rest of this taped and sanded and primed by the end of the weekend totally doable totally turned into a ball totally doable okay cool and then that was to be just about ready to live in after that all we gotta do is put the rest of the flooring in and then yeah oh main floor is done in like a week instead of three if i had to paint all this for myself it'd take me a couple of weeks which is why right i'm rusty we're getting a little help yes that's good cool thank you matt thanks you too i just like to keep things simple simple if we keep it simple keep it keep it really clean simple i i i don't know how to say it i love the fact that i don't have to sit there and let a client pick something out that i know is going to look atrocious yes and you know every piece of material that we use all the material that we use in the videos are positively jeff approved um we get contacted on a daily basis stop calling tons of emails yeah um yeah we actually sift through each email uh talk to the company you know we we receive the samples of it well we used to get a lot of samples and i just i don't end up using their stuff down sometimes sometimes we do man most of the time it's like why are you wasting everyone's time with this i ask myself that question why do we waste our time with all that so anyway now i'm just like building my own house i just get to do what i want to do and you know it just makes life simpler from a planning phase because i already have all my systems and all the materials that i like to work with and i know how they work together and there's never any question i'm never disappointed with the result because i knew exactly what was going to happen it takes the whole what ifs just right out of the equation you know being in charge of it yourself i don't need to do up 3d designs and model it and all that other junk and it's just all sitting right here in the old noggin right so it's like when i first walked through that house seven years ago max i walked through the house the first time i looked around i saw all the interior walls i checked out the layout and i said this is what it should look like yeah we saw the potential in it and that's what i'm building right now what i saw seven years ago [Music] all right so yesterday i was in here and i sanded the whole place and did the ceilings and primed them and sanded and primed all the walls and i've already done my touch-ups in my prime check and then rolled the ceilings and now i'm ready to finish my floor all my trim and all my prepping of the trims and walls and door casings and baseboards and start painting the walls we've got painting crew in here because they're giving us a hand i got brad here my gas guy and he's hooking me up with the new propane hot water tank we were gonna go with the tankless but at the end of the day he talked me out of it because of the whole problems with maintenance and warranty and parts and repairs the industry has got some issues with sorting all that out in a timely manner so we're just going with a good old-fashioned hot water tank with the gas supply nice anyway i'm just going to jump through here i've got a bunch of finishing to do i'm going to finish the flooring and some trim and i'm just going to go real quick through all the steps that need to be done to finish off room in order so you guys got a bit of a template you can always renovate any room yourselves noise [Music] [Music] [Music] perfect every time [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] if you can feel it it needs to be sanded all right never paint until you're actually happy with the work my system i always paint the casings of my doors and windows first especially on the sides and don't be afraid to let it get on the wall because then when that's all finished it's so much easier to cut against that semi gloss paint with your wall paint do this with all of our doors and windows then it's time to paint the [Music] walls all right so now we got everything sanded and primed all of the window trims have been painted so now it's time to cut and roll all right and we're going to just uh jump in for a coffee break come back for the before and afters [Music] [Music] okay well it's been a couple weeks since the painters have been here and uh to be totally honest with you i am completely screwed yeah it's been one of those years right 20 20 20 20 20 20 20. there's no supply chain consistency anymore folks so if you follow the channel you know that we have this awesome floors vinyl we did the whole main floor and our supplier gave us more than we needed so i had this brilliant idea wow it'd be a great floor we'll use it at my daughter's house by doing that and because of the way that the floor ended up going down there was so much waste i tried reaching out and ordering more to finish off the room put in the order we're waiting to hear we're waiting to hear waiting to hear next thing we know bomb drops that discontinued the flooring i'm an idiot i mean i really i really did myself in here so there's really not a whole lot of options i've been racking my brains i have a solution i've gotta break the news to michelle she's gonna be really happy to hear this of course um but just for your own personal record like moving forward when there's disruption to supply chains for whatever reason make sure you have everything on site first don't be like me this will be the first time we do a video we can't show you the after because we've got to move on right yeah i can't finish one room at a time anymore i feel like i just got to keep starting and starting and starting and starting and as things are available we can finish it's very confusing anyway oh i think michelle's here come on in baby hi hi so remember how i was gonna order more flooring for the project yeah so it's discontinued oh my gosh um it's okay i got a plan yeah it with me so do you remember how we discussed earlier but we were gonna put a fireplace or not yeah i hope that's not gonna change now well i definitely need a fireplace now okay it's just even more so yeah bigger oh bring it out more yeah i called christina i'm going to actually end up stealing all of the flooring we put under her house and taking it really she agreed to that she's a real real sport and then i of course have to put new flooring in yeah but that's obviously you know but at least we can get it because it's discontinued there's not any more anywhere in the world right so i'm gonna take her kitchen area over there and then the eden kitchen area yeah and put it over here and i'm going to build a fireplace in the middle with some tile in front yeah of course and that's how we're going to solve this problem oh my gosh but with all that going on i can't even move forward until i have my fireplace listen it's not a big deal um we were going to put the fireplace in anyways we're just changing the size of it exactly and it's going to be a big one okay yeah well i think it looked look really great here being the centerpiece as soon as you walk in the front door it'll tuck the house together nice i know nothing wrong with this oh well hey you know so anyway welcome to renovations um i contacted my gas guy and uh he's gonna get a fireplace for us but until i have one and it's actually here i can't even start building this thing because i can't trust the supply chain this year to go off the drawings offline because if they call up and say oh that's not available this model instead i have to rebuild going to leave the project and come back to this part later it's time for me to start working outside yeah and oh yeah and it's this time it's the perfect time to do it i know take advantage of the nice weather it's okay i mean we don't live here anyway so it's not it's not a huge deal you know one room at a time or switch over to another room i've always been a great starter and you know uh now i'm really not finishing it's not just a punch list now it's like oh i hope you can deal with that i am i'm trying to keep it together keep it together in with the good air over the back look at it we got lots of we got this all right guys so we're going to be doing things a little bit differently here obviously we're not doing before and after shots on these projects anymore the channel is going to be morphing into more of a chronology as we go you know journey in time kind of thing so you're going to have to bear with us we're going to be doing a lot of bouncing around giving you updates on the project so if you'd like to join us on this crazy ride click the link way over here make sure you subscribe to the channel and you're not going to want to miss this because it's going to get really interesting from here
Views: 51,453
Rating: 4.9551153 out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, renovation reality show, michelle thorman, discontinued flooring, flooring problems, flooring disaster, i can't finish my flooring, vinyl flooring discontinued, discontinued flooring solution, How do i fix my flooring problem, 2021 supply chain problems, lving room renovation, home renovation reality show, blog, renovation blog, lifestyle blog, blogger, luxury vinyl plank flooring, vinyl plank flooring, installing vinyl plank flooring
Id: tPa-yUa28ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 54sec (2814 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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