Kitchen Nightmares - Season 1 Episode 15 - Full Episode

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tonight on Kitchen Nightmares I make the best time from the world Hamas Chef Ramsay heads to Stamford Connecticut thank different town to take on Sammy by a cube you told my food sucks i--honestly got you boys an out-of-control owner who's destroying his restaurant there's only one chief and that's me Sammy is in denial about his food the food is bad yeah not bad it's disgusting to punch him in the face for talking to me like that and even the customers can't escape his rent I don't want to stick it back in a fight nobody's talked about microwave you're the one still at microwave you work for a microwave company but I just wanted to pick her up and throw her out with only one week to turn it around Kent Gordon break through to Sammy take your head out and get real with me nobody talks to me like that or is this owner beyond repair honey just tell me about how I run my business tonight it's the Battle of court versus Sammy you know you're ready for a fight they're tired Stamford Connecticut is a city that has a vast variety of restaurants smack in the center of town is Samba Telos an Italian eatery opened three years ago by its owner Sammy September a known for his once successful pizzeria Sammy has been struggling with this venture and is only months from closing guys I was eight years old when I started it worked at my brother Benny's restaurant starting at making pizza I always had a dream of a really nice restaurant everybody feel like a super Sonico myself at all because I'm a superstar and that's why my name is on de it's all about me how are you tonight I've been with say me for two and half years and restaurant was really busy all the time and it slowly declined and we need some customers I know I can't believe this usually have a couple tables we have an awesome beautiful place I think that the core is excellent I don't know why people are not eating here the food is good do you think it's something else to complain about please get me I'll be downstairs the nightmare at Saba tlo's it's Sammy it can be really nasty don't go to work it was that was about it thank God you have a microphone with you I don't want everybody to hear I think that if Sammy doesn't change I don't think it would make it another year meatballs in here why he put so many meatballs who's your friend of yours maybe you guys go falling again my restaurants a nightmare because my staff doesn't listen to me all the time why are you gonna be a big shot with my money bro be a big shot on your day off thanks pal I presently have over a million dollars in debt that his restaurant I have a house on the line and I clean out my savings everything rides on this place when Jennifer you should Sammy he's very stressed out when I look at him knowing him for so many years I can see a different person he's just not as happy as he used to be should be oh man swear to God I waited my whole life to step up to this plate which is this really nice restaurant you know and if I lose this restaurant I'll lose my life because my restaurant is my life as Gordon walks through Stanford he catches up on sabot ellos most recent food reviews right food reviews a Botelho food media kit don't get robbed the owner is most obnoxious human being over Dell with two-star food at four-star prices here we are how are you how are you yeah well deep thank you let me get you a table maybe go upstairs and a bite to eat yeah sure yes let me get a menu I wasn't really nervous when Chef Ramsay came to the restaurant because I make the best time food in the world I'm awesome and it speaks for itself I can't wait to the breath is nice and warm so if the decals nice and warm the host is nice and warm they must all about the food right my food is good my food is very good so recommend for lunch my lasagnas homemade always this fresh joint yes everything else especially at fresh one selling the Super's day is a it's a wedding soup consists of vegetables and little mini meatballs it's really nice actually the best balls in town people okay when Chef Ramsay sat down the first thing I thought man this guy's gonna be surprised just definitely do some kind of cartwheels he feeds his food he's got a few items he wants so I was thought over this soup of the day I'm gonna try the lasagna that's homemade and then finally I'll finish up with a New York Strip I think what that cooked mid-rare take with excuse me please I'd only been here three years three years wow did you put it okay did you put his order in sweet I'm talking to him does one make sure you take you yeah that's fine okay so what is it sometimes I'm in the middle I'm given like specials oh I'm sorry I got a green David I'm like damn I'm talking to the people they feel like it's a lot everything goes that's not nice that's not nice that's all Sammy he got no manners and I think somebody got a teaching he gotta be when he's working give me first l asagna and then you're gonna give me the yes sir water snake he already said make a nice please you got the wedding surprise yes yes wow that was quick this hideous like a mishmash of bits of put together and brought to the ball and anemic gray meatballs in there mmm how was your soup yeah that's a wedding suit it's to get him in the mood to get married I'd rather get divorced oh my god and that's made fresh every day is it normally our soups last two days two days how could it be super the day when it's super yesterday and is sort of it's bland anyway hopefully hopefully the other dishes will be better thank you soup of the day said the food soup is bland is not good that soup was two days old but that doesn't mean it's garbage you know I'm saying it was you help department critic oh my god chef who says it's open it's not good but I can't throw a soups out that's the rules I want you to do is take two lasagnas up put them in the mic mini tom is my home a design in my signature item okay do the right thing Italian please man you got this one Wow here's your lasagna homemade lasagna gonna happen someone drop it here we've got like white bits of chicken or veal but there seems to be something slightly synthetic and plastic inside that tastes absolutely hideous that is homemade up-downs in this ration tonight's star Pollock naked through that is not homemade holy crap your mistake thank you please Dana that's the ground beef that's beef but it's like canned dog food ask the chef where the recipes from of his homemade recipe the lasagna which which one do you want to know if it's a homeless I know where you get the recipe my mother and where you put ground beef on now what was that because it's a timeless and it's not Chinese lasagna it's a tough steak not seasoned greasy the food is persistent consistently poor brushing okay I'm done that's full of grease where there's thanks people who buys then does something yep the food is really really bad in all aspects we've been trying to tell this Sami for a long time but of course because we are the employees they don't listen having had a good taste of some bad dishes Gordon heads to the kitchen to meet with Sami and head chef Jose guys hey yeah let's go through it together shall we yeah suit was hideous how old was that soup the soup has been like three days looming yeah three days with you yeah it tasted like it it tasted disgusting bland and everything was cooked the lasagna let's quit e onto that that was unique unique that's homemade where is it Tom rasayanas over there yeah can you get me a portion why was it trying the middle way applause sure the proportion that we cut up that's frozen says it says it's frozen how old is that that's how ya make the last week of prior to it we make three trayzell sign at a time and then we pop or something we freeze some up as we need okay so it's not fresh that's what I'm trying to say I mean it's better does it mean it's bad I'm telling me here's a guy from Scotland he know about lasagna does any chef throw food away if it's not bad yeah to that mr. Ramsay any chef yes hello are you gonna know tell me okay tell me are you getting upset now no not at all not at all a little bit maybe every chef I know it makes the Sania fresh every day when Chef Ramsay started critiquing Tom all these bad things about my food I find what is this guy Eva's mind and the biggest his point was a steak who buys the steak that's the toughest thing I've ever eaten I dropped down on the states because my business is drop choice take it's not my Black Angus you're right I love the way excuse very I couldn't do anything right I mean he was amazing it was very hard from this well I could I couldn't believe he said everything I did was wrong you're very pumped up thank you before is I believe we have good stuff yeah are you asking me or telling me I'm telling you I didn't maybe walk you walk up on the wrong side of the bed I get out the same side of bed every day I know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about and that food was bland I keep telling my food sucks I can't believe it yeah it's not the wrong I think you look too good for over good the minute you get down off your high horse and start understanding what the bond with its place then we might have something compatible to work with but you're finished you're done am I done I can't believe I've just started unbelievable okay clear my head I wanted some I need some fresh air yeah let me show you where the doors I've got three that one that he quit ticked it out of me and just like really Bookman this guy's out of control yeah I think someone needs to put him in line okay so we gotta talk like that flow to me like that I can't believe it and he's still alive and we didn't shoot killer coming up and the battles intensified is that between Chef Ramsay and Santana's chicken novella it's cooked halfway and Gordon is shocked when Sammy takes on a customer way to stick it back in a microwave put in the microwave microwave you're the ones that microwave do you work for a microwave company and later a brawl with Gordon they finally push Sammy over the edge a favor get real with me nobody talks to me like that after a night filled with Sammy's excuses gordon decides to take a closer look at the kitchen place is spotless absolutely spotless raw chicken and cooked chicken first semi bottom that why is that a call chicken novella remember they cooked Sunday we do those tickets can you get me Sammy please yeah same different town Sammy have a quick look around the kitchen the kid place is spotless sure very clean kitchens immaculate we tried unfortunately in the fridge what's this have a look at this that's not the way we cook is it oh my god chicken franchisee there yeah cooked it's out there yes what's the matter what's the matter with what's that step next step that's a grilled chicken marinade we do for sandwiches and for sounds that's raw chicken Sammy we can't put them close by each other I'll come I know you want to mouth off and tell me how wrong I am and I'm a meatball it but that's appalling what's this here it gets worse what's that and why is it cooked because we have to make it raw and bake it in the oven to take to all the customers and I can't wait they're gonna leave well customers aren't here so how can they leave me then I hate to begin with it's a nice dish people like a bit so it comes in like it doesn't stink and I was trying to be prepared but it gets my blood role in these head control feeding it favor can you get rid of the cooked meat and put them with cooked meat and the raw meat with raw meats before we kill someone is rape is right I'll be back I'm dying holy crap oh you know that bro I'll say you're killing me my kitchen stab they're not doing their job everybody wants to do something their own way and there's only one chief and that's me yes main course I got to stop female song stops with a crappy neon strip dinner service plane is gonna be outstanding and I want to show Chef Ramsay that we really do know how to make good stuff Jose I'm waiting for Table three is that's all almost ready thank God what's the soul stuff with Jose I do vegetables in imitation crowd me imitation covering yeah wine imitation crap needs to do a special I like fresh and stopping out well $7 let me do it anybody got follow what he says like readily no you don't know the crab meat space-based astronomy I gonna come up with now normally do Phil um crabby we did twenty Nigella's you taking the assembly we all make mistakes you know maybe I'm cut some corners but don't call me a liar a cheat or dishonest guy I wouldn't be this far being a liar cheating dishonest so they just take it back making me look our logo front of this guy you my number one guy right I'm sorry what's the matter with this say it's not fresh ibid not bad doll it's not bad oh he's puts it out it's not bad you're delusional it's not it's mushy it's disgusting you'll jump and down like a pig it's good I didn't meet great food if I didn't make great food I wouldn't be here so for this go tell me that I'm not doing good and really piss me off to be honest with you watching this restaurant perform is embarrassing fight grabbing inside a stole it's pretty obvious let's become the appendix of restaurants in Stanford you just want to get rid of it and get it out oh sorry I'd like to have it just a little bit more done they don't work what's the matter he said a little more a little well what's wrong on it cold in the middle okay put in the microwave splitting microwaves put in thin air aluminum with food now coming back it's a perfect opportunity for Gordon to witness Sammy's customer service skills so can we make you another one will you wait or you don't wait the thing is I don't want you to stick it back in a microwave no we're gonna throw that I'll make you new and nobody's talking on microwave you're the ones talk on microwave they came out of a microwave otherwise they won't be like exuding you do work for a microwave company you know so much about microwave on blue on blue Torchic hike taste it told me went to a microwave I'm gonna make a little weight I'm not this lady wonder a free meal or whatever I thought it was a total nightmare I kept my composure I wanted a killer and I did stuff even tools to work with of course you got a crepe food market - come on Macaulay no more chances oh my god I just wanted to pick her up and throw her out there's a right way and a wrong way of handlin something like that and she was totally wrong don't apologize I don't get it go sick of it I'm actually really embarrassed that he that he made a scene with one of the customers tonight regardless of what happened the customer is always right in a customer service business sure man sucks I'm like so upset inside after a frustrating evening in the kitchen and in the front of house Sammy has hit his breaking point it was one of the worst nights of my life and I wanted to strangle the customers tonight I wanted to strangle my guys especially in the kitchen everybody was just a total nightmare was a mess they just thinking as much thank you for being so understanding I really appreciate it I'm the person that apologizes for Sammy because he won't do it and I don't want his reputation to be any worse than I guess people already see it all the time does this the same story all the time the same problem Sammy he don't care most feel so mad I feel so hurt I can't get my staff to listen I feel like when I tell you to after an unusual evening in which Sami shut down his own restaurant Gordon has now confirmed the source of the problems at sabot ellos 58 customers we serve not hundred eight five eight I've never seen 58 covers done in such a difficult way you know that is that normal video in the kitchen like that and taught them like that if I didn't go near or forget about it we have 20 you aren't ready to come back you've got no right as an owner to be so selfish you start picking on star for blaming customers the problem is with you are you serious you agitate customers you agitate staff why so negative what am i naked I try to keep these guys happy I was in there traffic are you kidding me - you're making mistakes like you're gonna go back to school you said that all this is about me the way the place is going wrong nobody talks to me like that people come here because of me people love my food Sammy I'm here to help I say a guy that's passionate about running a restaurant but clueless you're the hardest individual to work with my friend and each and every one of your staff are scared to tell you that you handicap the kitchen and menu far too big with two cooks in there and you've got such imitation material on here they can't cook it will immune imitation maturity that steaks not black angus 18:55 we used to carry like anchors it's what you're charging for now Sammy's what about you used to twenty eight dollars for a stuffed rolled fill it yourself with fake crab a you know yeah I made some mistakes I cut a couple corners why I'm a tough spot right now what you would do it to knock look at the level of false advertising on your menu and stop taking the piss out of you and Stanford did you forget anything that's it it's all this is about me of course it is I've got a rethink I've got some ideas and some plans I gotta get going quickly but I want you to do one thing and what sir take your head out you get real with me I've seen the morning good night stubborn I don't you just tell me about how I run my business I'll tell me they're all this is because of me he's full I didn't like that and next time that I see in the person don't it's a new day and Gordon has come up with a plan to get Sammy back on track I'm here to fight no I think you have good intentions you are a tough guy to get through to you know I know you've got this defense mechanism that no one seems to break down I came in early this morning to sort of talk to you to sort of try to get through so I want you to take me back to the beginning I need to know more about Sammy ten years ago you ready yes holy mackerel how did you get this picture because I had these on the under locking key that's the belt like at the bottom owning my own business succeeding by 35 I always loved the restaurant business working for my brother since I was small nine years old makeup doll - making sandwiches and eventually making pizza which brings me into this oh my god my brother Benny passed away seven years ago I should give me all choked up this man's a hero in your life right he's the one that really got me motivated I loved him he was like more of a father I mean I would do anything for him he was awesome Jamieson totally cuz it's like like now I could I would love to call him and ask for some advice it's like I know where to turn all has to come for me I'm like a mom Bart everywhere I can't believe it at that picture there you go this was a huge success this thing that's how I made my mother so I I bought my house and Greenidge that's how I I got this now I feel like everything is uh draining me I'm trying to keep us afloat it's not a little place anymore over there was small overhead and less people maybe had more control over now it's like I don't know look at you remember that day like it was yesterday right yes ration to give students a taste of a career in the kitchen you like that's you in your mentoring tutoring prolific position now look at the way you were dealing with your stuff and your customers last night and you know it's night and day and that's where I need to connect in there that Sammy not today Sammy I need your support but more importantly I need to get you back in love with the restaurant listen you got my word 900 tempers I will you be 220 percent I want that same feeling back I want to be that same Sam it's sad that I wait this long thank you please oh thank you Chef Ramsay and what he did really open up my eyes I feel like something's brewing something's going something's moving it's the best thing I've thought in a long time to be honest with you now that Sammy is focused once again Gordon has begun to make some menu changes for tonight's dinner service straightforward lasagna first off a small amount hollandaise sauce you know it's laughs no bit of mozzarella in the middle heavy ricotta on top nothing gets put in the freezer any other now okay so do a grilled filet mignon tableside a little bit of time on there and we were roasted now in the oven she goes some potatoes and Brussels fast now that Gordon has shown them how to prepare tonight's specials he is looking for the front of the house to create some excitement in the dining room here we go - knife slices not thin slices oh lift bank and away and present great this is just one small measure of you personally reaching out and doing something different here so the towels has never done tableside so we're excited about it actually I'm very excited I got my confidence back I got my back I got my lasagna back on track it's gonna be great tonight with news that Gordon Ramsay is in town sabot ellos is busier than it has been in years but only time will tell if we'll see the volatile Sammy or the personable friendly Sammy I'm gonna totally have an awesome light tonight when people walk out tonight they're gonna be thinking wow is that sin what a difference we got two specials for tonight we got a nice baked lasagna also I got a nice black anguish filet mignon you don't even in a state like oh by the way I tried the phenomena okay I'm very excited for tonight I feel comfortable to go to the tables and sell before you do that thirteen table thirteen and what about 15 you had 115 which is three don't rush me forgets to take Wow when you're rushed nothing is good thank you bro please all right come on come on behind already watch a medium let's see what does it sound the ticket so medium just read the ticket felt very simple although dinner service started out with a very cool calm Sami problems in the kitchen have brought out the old Sammy he's doing the middle like it's everything out I'm tired of excuses I'm taking all the blame here I look at him this whole town I'm tired of it closed egg he's not communicating try and do everything to insult and turn slow on the restaurant down and making me look bad and making me go under I am I let that happen Jose just make the food damn it close a just make the fool dammit although Sammy may have been the main cause of the problems last night you know lose I lose I lose everything here tonight head chef Jose on the kitchen staff have dug a hole for the restaurant that is virtually impossible to get out of you guys are not communicating asking what are you working on yes Amen god I don't know you listen it was just a total nightmare was a mess it's a real mess nobody had their act together nobody knew what they were doing we kept getting in the weeds we kept getting behind out in the dining room the customers continue to feel the effects of the problems in the kitchen right now listen if you don't listen to me now it's not good enough ours I may gem request states no more excuses come on you gotta communicate boys almost like everything I've ever worked for is being shot down the tube and been laughingstock Stanford who wants that damn it man you don't let Jose do all the work cuz it's too slow we're losing everything here Steve speaks Spanish talking in Spanish I don't care 61 I can't 63 for you don't even grab these tickets 63 yeah we need it now Jose we can keep these people wait it was a disaster this is one of the worst nights I read acida another night another rough service and Sabbat ellos is clearly running out of time the big issue here is the kitchen you have had a relationship with that guy for 13 or 14 years it's like a married couple yeah you've switched off from each other you bark he ignores I'm not happy with him you know something I had been too lazy let him do everything and not checking up on me I'm really stumped on my eyes I can't count this guy anymore well - I can't count on and tonight I told this one is so easy what stakes you sent a medium came back rare and cook steaks I'm glad you say it I gotta do something different you're absolutely wrong more comfortable I get with this the more the more they take advantage of me but I'll be honest with you he doesn't step up to the plate tomorrow let him go get some of the places it breaks my heart tired of it this means exactly why one in the hair in the middle of service I'm not gonna count Jose doing the job anymore just sit back and let this guy don't even want it happen get to that make changes now or I fail I don't want to fail after witnessing two failed dinner services Gordon spent the night devising a plan to alleviate the problems in the kitchen let's discuss menu okay there we are well now the secret behind this is we're going to streamline the menu we've increased the meat we've brought down the appetizers the Greens our size desserts look at the size of the menu Jose that is done to the maximum ability of what we've got to cook out off from downstairs this new menu is gonna be more better for us to knock all the food out it could be easy for me come on we're gonna relaunch this restaurant as a unique the Italian steakhouse Sammy what do you think I'm blown away by it we're an awesome menu it's so much nicer it's smaller it's more attractive there's some really nice entrees they're really awesome change it to an Italian steakhouse totally made a lot of sense because I have too much competition I think now we have something to show people with using quality freshness grace tanks great wine happy I make stuff I don't it excited okay yes I was very nervous had a lot of doubts but after seeing the menu I'm not so nervous anymore I feel more confident and so prepare down to do something different that's good coming up everybody make that fool like that if not it's not acceptable with the relaunch upon them will the kitchen be able to handle the new Steakhouse menu I'm not on that side tonight can't see me keep his cool under pressure will Jose step up or could this be the night that finally sinks Sammy's ship right now I don't know with the relaunch dinner just hours away Gordon meets Sammy and the staff to introduce the new dishes on the menu okay entrees this is a selling point Libous Dekker we've seen that it flew out the kitchen okay they're 14 ounce bone-in New York steak look at it six sounds filet mignon grilled lobster tail that for me is a heartbeat of this restaurant if we can establish that kind of excitement with Italian steakhouse everything else will follow suit that's how jewel dig in have a taste get familiar with it and push it I'm believe alright right Chef Ramsay's menu compared to my menu is totally different mine was old-school look at what it's perfectly cooked Chef Ramsay's menu is sold so innovative so different so new I like and I should have changed in a long time I'll tell you right now I want you everybody makes a fool like that if not it's not an acceptable she waits over there yeah I want to be the same all the time yeah all right in the appetizer so I'm gonna be the same I told me any - I'm telling you cuz you know something man I can't be nervous anymore where if I'm gonna keep this place I'm not gonna keep it I'm gonna lose it hear me my antenna this week with this guy unbelievable man really open up my eyes you know just do the same thing over and over and look what we got nobody give me fresh ideas nobody humping me huh listen what this guy did thank god this guy okay god bless this guy you know that it's my fault you know that sit on my ass not joining us to change yeah tonight I'm counting on Jose the kitchen has to function better has to happen in the kitchen I wanted to work with a brand new menu and a community willing to give Sam Vitello's another shot some awesome specials tonight homemade lasagna it's now up to Sammy to show what he's made of okay also the filet mignon is really good I am so excited about tonight actually I'm nervous and excited what's a good nervous it's like having a little butterflies before you go onstage what I recommend from the Greyjoy's theatre bistecca it's delicious with the restaurant now focused on being an Italian steakhouse Jose's ability to cook meat is put to the test come on Jose State to the cookie to order yes show me you can be done yet signai doctor talk okay big big big night tonight is relaunch night and a cup of questions unanswered can family run the Russian the way it should be run and can Jose deliver on the menu that can possibly save discretion right now I don't know welcome to silver Terrace this is so good it's like Eminem's gonna not reign him out enjoy sir guys enjoy I told the guys this is our last hurrah if we don't do it tonight I lose everything that I work hard for my family responsibility to the community everything all right play as orders pile in rostov says the tables out for us we're gonna be in the weeds the kitchen is about to be put to the test and so is Sammy's patience it's a lot of pasta make me another one we need to get this kitchen up and running get the food to the table not quick I feel like I'm babysitting I hate babysit I gotta babysit the staff I gotta babysit the kitchen doctor listen to me now I'm getting really nervous I wanna keep the customer happy please used to be good God used to be fast as hell I don't wanna happen you know it'll days night doing the work we kept getting the weeds we kept getting behind here's my worry 58 covers in second Turner service cables coming through yes yes service to slow this is not normal this is worse than spaghetti house is that what you're doing no no I think there's a kind of lost it is his sense of Drive you know I guess me being too hard on them I finally realized we need to go help them out show me a can be done yeah with everything at stake Sammy decides to jump behind the line to help Jose but will he make it better or worse myself just give me two when I'm over there I need you no no this long time with 1200 dollars in my pocket watch on what y'all taught it's relaunch night and knowing it's do-or-die for sabit ellos Sammy has jumped behind the line to help oh thanks dummy five thank God that my kitchen guys are not involved in any bombs or rockets or decisions because we won't be in danger put the meat back up you can't take all your Superman come on waste of time Jose get it done why'd you kill me damn it I'll double-check on the time but I would give it about 25 or 30 minutes exactly two minutes after you in the kitchen which one do I give you too many rare bro they confused now talk to me spiders you understand what you're saying does he understand what he said Chinese it's all gonna die you I'm not on that side tonight so organize if they need you back there you should know what you're doing it's a comment they're just they just went to me shortly it was really frustrating for the six people at the bar and they were sitting at the bar waiting for their food and such and it happened there comes after a long wait by many of the customers gordon hopes the new dishes will be worth the wait really good but this is absolutely delicious I can't believe the change sabot ellos relaunch ended successfully primarily because when the kitchen struggled early on Sammy jumped behind the line and helped instead of spinning out of control store shopper these guys do seven on the fly hey hey to ability XO Bertos tonight making these changes to an Italian steakhouse it was a step in the right direction that moves a new menu was our first time doing it there was a few mistakes but we're moving forward I think I think it's gonna it's gonna only get better how the restaurant I'm leaving here with the salmon I've always wanted a look at me seriously Big Boy and manners back in control he knows exactly what to do move forward and make those changes and wasn't my very best yeah thank you when I first met Chef Ramsay I thought he was an arrogant jerk yes it is and then I kind of saw the way he comes about it he really does care and he made me realize I have a purpose and he got something out of me that I haven't had come out a long time and that's hunger creativity it's the will of doing good again take care my god finally - he thought have to wait for a lunar eclipse before that guy seriously got the message and who knows sometimes miracles can happen
Channel: Kitchen Nightmares - Full Episodes
Views: 453,551
Rating: 4.878027 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay, Cooking, Food, Food Competition, Restaurants, Fine Dining, Dining, Chef, Reality TV, Classic TV, Television, Reality, FilmRise, Free, Free TV
Id: SqmypOuhelI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 42sec (2622 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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