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Well hello everyone it is barry here welcome to my virgin kitchen hope you are well today we are testing some more fun kitchen gadgets I am looking forward to this today it is part of a much bigger playlist so if you have missed any of the other kitchen gadget videos check out the link at the top of this video and at the bottom towards the end grab the popcorn as it goes on for ages and there are some really fun gadgets so far, before we get started the one point I like to make with all these videos is please consider before commenting that some of these gadgets may be useful for disabled people ok so lets get going. Alright the queen is there to help me focus my camera if you are wondering I still get tons of comments about that if you are wondering even though I have said in the past this my friends is a rainbow cupcake that my lovely wife mrs barry do you want to come and say hello this is my wife, what are you going to do to my cupcake this gadget I have had this for ages right this is a cupcake corer so I am just going to abuse your cupcake a minute. Get rid of that lovely frosting, so if you want to know how to make these there is a link in the video description too they are amazing and really simple to make and you actually did two different ways of showing that, I did yes. But I have been meaning to show this for ages as I do want me or becky who does the baking on the channel to focus on this, but what you do obviously you get a baked cupcake with no frosting on it, can I just say you better eat all this, I love how the queen is keeping her eye on you do we trust him, so this cupcake corer thing has a jagged edge thing what we do is push it in and rotate it oh I think this plug needs to be in there too right, so we rotate it through so that sits flush with the cupcake like that that is quite a cool cupcake holder you could walk around with the cupcake, eat the cupcake like that, yeah anyhow what you are supposed to do now with that is you pull and you have a little bit of cupcake see and you have cored the cake. Press down if you like so look you can fill that with Nutella buttercream some of your favourite frosting too and then you can frost your cake and go like that, yeah eat that bit too, do not get rid of that. I need to tell you about this next gadget ok I am not sure if it is going to work this is naomi ok so this is one name I would have considered calling amy our pug still kind of works though naomi, amy. This thing helps get the shell off of nuts and unfortunately I needed walnuts am I even seliing that right? Selling? I am not selling anything, well I am selling products for other people, amazing. Walnuts with a shell on it, wall, walnuts yes, so apparently you stick it in naomi and it gets the shell off but I did manage to get some monkey nuts I hope this works. I need no excuse to get some ken and jennys ice cream so my backup is this heated ice cream scoop so if this does not work we will use this if not we will do it on the next gadget video. Look at that naomi is keen and ready wagging her tail we have got the monkey nuts right here and I think these are going to work, we have quite a nice shell on it, like the walnuts anyway, oh wow haha check this out, lets just look at this oh yes, is that where you put the stand for it, oh yes that is where you put the nut, so we are going to stick a nut in there but feeling like we may need a board. Alright board thing down, nut down, lets get one that fits lets get one that fits quite snuggly on there and as you can see in there as you push there is a sort of more weighty dumb bell thing that�s gonna bash the nut, sit that down when you press down on the nut the spiral closes preventing the nutshell fragments from being scattered alright here we go, yes oh wow yes ok, that has kind of worked we have our nut out, it is a nut, but with a walnut as that shell is a bit firmer and bigger I think that would work slightly better but I am nuts about that, I am going to keep that out of the video, I may just leave that on the counter top there as it is quite soothing to look at like a fat man doing squats, up and down, yeah I am going to get fit, look at me oh yeah I feel like if I let it stop the world may stop now so I will put it to one side and let it do its thing. Excited about this one I have got more variations of this in my ever growing box of food gadgets this is my ever growing box of food gadgets every time I do a video twice as many arrive. If you are wondering mrs barry is doing a vlog this video is going up on the Sunday the same day as this we have done a vlog of our behind the scenes on our channel so maybe check that out, links in the description too, maybe check that out, alright. Did you just get that too, wow this is like two youtube videos in one, so this is the quick push food chopper so basically you just slam it down and chops things easily so we have 3 different images here on to slice so it is slatted dicing small squares and chopping slightly larger squares, I have some vegetables here, see what I did there half an onion sliced like that, some yellow peppers and some mushrooms I do not know why I put this on my head but lets see if this works, check that out, check it out that is futuristic love the green flap makes it look a little like a crocodile lets just lift that up oh yeah and we can see we have that plate in there that grid the other replacement ones are in the bottom I am going to give it a wash because it smells very plastic like. So we have given it a wash and these are the slots we put in, as you can see there is quite a big difference there we have got rows there for strips really fine squares and I think we will go for the butcher one like that so you can see it has some little slots there I have black from red onion by the way not digging in my garden, there we go boom, press that right in there, that is locked in place, it also came with this cleaning brush thing if you are interested but I guess that is to just get vegetables out. So lift up the crocodiles mouth and this fits securely in there like so. So we are just trying to think what is the best angle about there I am happy with that, cool lets start with an onion we sit it on the square like so you can see it has a ridge thing on the top to help push it down, and I am going to put some pressure on it, lets go. Oh my gosh I am astonished, mrs barry wow I am going to be using that gadget that is amazing um ok so the onion has passed the test would you like to have a go with a pepper this is a pepper slice just been deseeded ok so just a pepper strip kind of like the cheek I was going to say buttock of a pepper but one of the cheeks oh chloe is here do you want a go, can I have a go with the mushroom yeah you can do the mushroom right mummy you do the pepper right ok bit harder than that look at that that is amazing it looks like salad it does lets get you your step, she needs a little step as she is the size of an oompa loompa excuse the chocolate around her face she has been eating a cookie, stick the mushroom in there right go for it mate, that is it go, oh wow, happy with that chloe alright so that is an awesome little gadget so lets open it up and get this out see that and do not forget folks you can also do it with a little grid thing you have a mask on it looks like a cage it does you are a wrestler in a cage match weigihing 10 pounds and that looks like a grill for a fan or something so actually lets try that remember this is sharp folks do not let your children use it, down you go, big, big, push, whoah I have about 4 different variations of this down there all different styles and sizes so we will work our way through it oh you want to do more oh this is a hard one does not want to go that one watch out let me push there we go oh no that has not worked as we did not get the pepper fully over it we missed it, right do your mushroom then mate, yes. There we go little bit caught on there, here is the tool to brush that in, oh wow look at that, oh my gosh I am not even getting paid to do this a brand has not got in touch although other brands are getting in touch, none of this is sponsored by the way. So with the mushroom with the strip one you have like a perfect slice now do you know what without even knowing it you have helped prepare dinner tonight. I am really excited about this next gadget it is one I have had ages it is a stuffed burger thing, over there in the pan right now I have some of those onions peppers and mushrooms chopped up with a teeny bit of bacon it is cooking up for our burger filling. Alright so we are just pushing in that onion chunky mixture there we have beef mince here but this stufz efast make stuffed burgers like a pro they have some awesome ideas on the back like mac and cheese one, mushroom swiss jalapeno all that stuff so you basically shape it stuff it and then does that say eat it, seal it, yeah remember to cook it. There it is it looks like one of the things when you play air hockey. Pull latch lightly until the top releases alright actually I need to wash this, now we cannot keep the thing back together brilliant. Place ball of meat into stufz, close to lock. Ok so in that goes, I hope that is a big enough bowl or maybe too big, close to lock, push handle down firmly to flatten the ball pull up handle until it clicks proper pushing that down pull up handle until it clicks, I think that clicked. Uh, yes. I think I need more that is a big ball now so lets push that down it is doing the opposite that bit right there in the middle is higher than that. I am going to be back, we will do this. There we go I do not know what I did differently there I just tried it again and we have got a little bit of a crevis there it is not that deep so I am going to make it a little deeper I am going to do stuff with it, fill the cavity with toppings so this is the bacon onions peppers mushrooms and I also have some cheese so we cram this in this is really finely grated cheese which should hopefully melt a whole lot better close and lock press handle down firmly to seal top to bottom yeah so that does need to be gone now so I guess by doing that oh yeah ok so this bit must seal around the edge there open it and press the disc up from the bottom ejecting I am loving that work ejecting your burger right ok looks more like a pie I am just going to give it a little bit of loving just shape it and work with this feel like I am caressing a brain, I am trying to remedy the sides because there is some cheese trying to escape there want to seal that up. I think that is the best I am going to get it, the steps were clear but this felt a little naff, but anyhow lets see if it works. Oh no it is starting to fall out. Right that other one clearly is not working so I am doing one with a load of cheese in it. I have just rolled this one in breadcrumbs, to help it hold but I am really not confident to be honest. Alright I have just whacked that in the oven as I want it cooked through but fingers crossed it is looking ok, randomly some kitchen gadgets have just arrived from Colombia from ian webb he sent me this I have not opened it that much yet but from the outside it looks like this gadget again. There we go folks straight from the oven get that hot tray out the way a minute and hopefully this should be a stuffed burger ok yeah look at that oh the cheese bulging out more cheese action there, we made it work, but it did need breadcrumbs to help hold them in together. I am gutted the first one did not work because of the filling but the cheese worked a charm stonking. Well that was a little bit intense this one I am super excited about but I don�t wow that sounded Scottish but I do not really know where it comes from tomatera tommy which sounds like a cartoon character really, for me the picture on this sums it up you have your huge tomato funnel thing, shove the tomatoes in and you get wow can you see how pure that looks if it looks like that I will be amazed it may look chunky but kind of a way of grinding up tomatoes. Alright so that is obviously the bottom bit that is a suction plate, wow that is not moving, hello so this slides on this way, haha I am going to have to move you back a minute, it has got to be said this is an impressive bit of kit already but lets clamp it down, my handle yes it has a thread on it, that turns that in there, so does that need to be wound by that, oh yes it does it is going to pulverise it by rotating that can you see that oh yeah the dogs are freaking out down there right that is not moving, mrs barry just dropped chloe at school hello come check this out this is so weird this is going to push our tomatoes in, what is this it looks like sort of, oh what I just clamped that down, honestly I just clamped it down and it is so hard to try and move that, oh yeah you just came along and knocked it over, oh yeah. So what is this bit for then is that some sort of secret escape fun slide for the tomatoes to be grounded up do you want to go for a ride or for a laugh this goes there, this, tomatoes. Tomatoes go in, are you sure it is safe to do more than one at a time well yeah the diagram had loads in it like that Tomatina Spanish festival there are going to be tomatoes flying everywhere nothing is happening am I moving it the right way go on press down I am just bursting the tomato I am scared it is going to go I think you only need to do one at a time though oh look it is coming out, oh you knocked the queen down oh it stinks, so all the flesh is there like that and it is making tomato juice yes it is I am trying to work out where the, right there, we have a bit in there but this has got jammed has it, I cannot see I need to stand on a stool, but then we are getting all that stuff in there we do not want in there. I think this was clogging it up, lets try again. Ah that is the problem yeah but the problem is what it is supposed to do we have got and taken this out, oh no the handle has sheared off that is why look at that the handle has sheared off of it. What is it with us and breaking gadgets, that is awful. That is not very well made, oh you do not like tomatoes. I have been looking forward to this one this is our last gadget today for a very long time it is called a peipi and there are loads of different versions of it and as you can see this one is based on micheal Jackson it is not it is elvis but there is loads of different versions of these you can get, the only problem is the instructions are completely in German incidentally I am going to Germany in berlin on the 26 to 28 so if you are there come say hi wherever that is just shout and I will appear and I do not have any elvis glasses so will just have to go with this. Now there is a diagram where it has eggs in a pan and sitting elvis alongside it then it should start to sing then there is a picture of a chicken eating an egg which is a little bit bizarre as it is possibly eating something that came out of its own bum a slightly more detailed diagram and all it says is melodie viva las vegas (speaks bad german) then it has hound dog and jail house rock three different melodies, eggs in, when it simmers it will sing, then it has a chicken with a tap for its nose can you see that, so we are just going to stick this in the water with 3 eggs actually so hopefully we can get all the different tunes and yeah viva las eggness, viva las vegas. This water is stone cold at the moment our 3 eggs are going in there, our excellent elvis is going in there too, right lets bring this up to a simmer and see what happens. Uh huh. I have just had a thought I genuinely do not know if that needed batteries on the pack it had no diagram for batteries so hopefully it will be alright. The water is starting to get little bubbles, but nothing to report at the moment. And there is the chicken with the tap on its nose, amazing. Just replying to some emails. It beeped, no no that is not going to be elvis, one single beep, maybe it is for copyright beep, oh yeah that is for elvis. Hello darkness my old friend, I am starting to see some bubbling action it is going to bubble more than bubbles the monkey, this is currently my life folks waiting for elvis to sing to these eggs, this has been going for 8 minutes now so my hard drive is going to love elvis. Going to get a plunge pool actually so rather look at what we are doing it is elvis, elvis is alive, so rather than using a chicken with a tap on its nose we are going to use a bowl full of cold water elvis is just treading water in there, just bobbing around, we are close to boiling point now, what, no, that is not elvis beep beep, elvis did not do a song called beep beep we are going to keep going unless it gets too dangerous then we are going to stop just going to turn that heat down it is getting a little uh, oh right yeah that was viva las vegas, viva las vegas, amazing, now hound dog is the next on the egg one more time, I do not know if elvis has left the building but we will see if he gives us one more song really trying to push the sales of viva las vegas, anyhow while that is going I am just going to just getting my catalogue you aint nothing but a hound dog, yes, tsss again. You aint nothing but a hound dog crying all the time, so it does it three times for every song ran out of egg cups so using a shot glass normally have vodka in that for jailhouse rock which is the final one in our set, once threw a party in the county jail that is jailhouse rock right, lets rock everybody lets rock, that is hound dog still, 4 times my glasses are getting steamed up and have no lenses in them yes the jailhouse rock I was kind of hoping that would be a bit of the song I do not know I thought I knew elvis pretty well but lets get the egg out that had a good old session that one, tssss, we are ready to go. First egg, there we go oh yeah look at that yolk, yes, shut up elvis, god sake, had to bash that quite hard, medium sort of one, ok yeah a little bit of yolk in that teeny bit, which means this one which is still a bit hot is a hard boiled egg ah yes it is if I have ever seen one. Eggscellent, the kitchen now has an amazing smell of egg, hmmm ok break that open like that, hate the taste of egg I do not know why I did that but just wanted to prove it worked, So here I am folks with the pug yin yang sign there loved this gadget they do loads of others elvis was the most well known as far as I know, cannot believe he did not do blue suede shoes though, that is it please check out the rest of the gadget videos do not forget we do 2 recipe videos a week send in any recipes you have got for those check out social media for behind the scenes bits and bobs and our other spin off channel which we mentioned in the video, hope you enjoy the video, see you next time, eggscellent.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 985,076
Rating: 4.803843 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen gadget testing, kitchen gadgets, food gadgets, food gadget testing, testing kitchen gadgets, testing food gadgets, weird gadgets, weird cooking gadgets, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, test, tested, testing, kitchen, food, weird, odd, gadgets, tools, gift ideas, cooking, gadget, haul, kitchen tools, life, hack, kitchen hacks, food hacks, experiment, DIY, science experiments, you need, inventions, compilation, review, food chopper, stuffed burger, PiepEi Egg, cupcake corer, tomato grinder
Id: Cs50kKAdBO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2016
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