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- Well, hello, everyone, it's Barry here. Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen. I hope you are well, you're looking good. Today, we are testing some more kitchen gadgets, one of my favourite playlists. And if you've missed any of the other videos, there's quite a lot now, there's a link to the playlist up here and down below, so maybe watch it after this video. Just before we get started, as usual, please consider before putting a comment down below that some of these elements, they're not elements, are they? Some of these gadgets might be useful for people that have disabilities. So, without further ado, well let's get going. So, quite a bit of this video today randomly is gonna need boiling water to cook certain foods, so we're just getting a little pan on the go. Alright, first gadget, boom, is this amazing cookbook. Not really, it's just a little plug. If you like cooking, this is my first cookbook that came out about 18 months ago, so, little plug. Link down below if you wanna get it. And also, my new one is coming out in about two months, so that's exciting, isn't it? But there'll be an announcement on that. Anyhow, gadget. First gadget, folks, is an automatic can or tin opener. We've got our non-branded, hashtag notspon video tin now. I think it's spaghetti bolognese, just ripped the label off, could be dog food. And this is possibly the best can opener. We've had some problems in the past, had ones that weren't that great. This one potentially should do the whole thing for you. It needs AA batteries. Effortless, convenient, and durable. Touch to start, touch to stop. 50% faster opening cans. I've got this vision of a guy with a stopwatch, going go, okay, you're done! No? And that is basically it. (grunts) The only thing that is standard, you do need to bring some AA batteries along, so I've got some of those from the remote control on our television, so the kids later be, like, trying to watch TV programmes, go, (imitating child whining). I'll just leave the football on. I'm only joking, I don't get time to watch football. (sobbing) Oh, another announcement is I've got a studio on the way, so rather than filming in my kitchen all the time, soon I'm gonna have a whole, man it's huge, and it looks, you're gonna love it, so well look out for that soon. Anyhow, this is nice. This looks a bit like a computer mouse. One touch, one time, one time. One touch culinary can opener, it's got a big start stop thing on it, I wanna press, and that is basically about it. There's your little can openy thing. My water's starting to boil, that's good. And we just pop that open, yes. Oh, I'm just hoping I don't accidentally turn it on and like chew up my finger. There we go, it's on. So, hopefully, if I press this button (loud whirring) Oh, I think it just stops on its own. That's cool, 'cause then, really, it is handless, motionless. So, put it on the can like that. (whirring) Ah, there we go, sorry. (whirring) (laughing) Oh! The lid's off. Stop! It worked. (laughing) I've gotta be honest, it didn't fit on there snugly. I don't know how I've managed to turn it off there, it's very weird like that, but look it has taken the lid off really neatly. So for some people that struggle to open tins, that is phenomenally good. I really like that. This next one is more of a novelty. I went shopping with Mrs. Barry the other day, and we saw this thing, it was basically bubbles for your Prosecco. It makes it shimmer apparently. It kinda reminds me of bubble tea balls, but for your Prosecco. I keep my shape and flavour until you burst me. My shimmer will make your drink look magical. If your Prosecco is super fizzy, I will float to the top. My shell is made from seaweed extract, and I am suitable for vegans and celiacs. It's kinda like a dating website. Hi, I'm kinda suitable for vegans, I am made from seaweed, and all that stuff. Okay, some sort of tube, and there it is, Pop a Ball. Pop a Ball. Other brands are available. I'm not paid for any of this, by the way, folks. Other than the advert before this video, which of course you watched. Please? Ooh, there we go. I've opened it up like that, looks a little bit like chunky caviar. (tongue clicking) Very strong. Felt like I needed a better glass. (grunts) (cork popping) Woo! Wow! Must say, I don't mind a little bit of Prosecco. To me it's kinda like the modern day Babycham. (tongue clicks) Mm it's one of those drinks that you just enjoy, and then after you've had five or six, you're on the dance floor at someone's wedding making a complete fool of yourself. True story. So let's grab our shimmery cherry balls. Check that out amazing. In they go. Woo! Okay we got our fizz. Nope that hasn't changed the flavour to cherry. All of the balls are at the bottom, so we'll have to get to them, won't we? Arg. It's only nine o'clock in the morning, so you've got to cut me a bit of slack. So what I'm finding is, I was kinda hoping that the balls would just kind of, as I'm drinking it just go in my mouth, but basically they're just sinking, and are staying right at the bottom, like stones in a fish tank. But I've reached them now. I had quite a lot of Prosecco, and life is good. Mm, mm-hmm. Ooh, heh heh. Mm cherry burst explosion, it is just like bubble tea, or kinda like those balls that you put in the bath, that kinda texture. Just poof, I'm hitting cherry all over my mouth. But it doesn't really kind of merge in with the Prosecco 'cause you kind of drink the Prosecco. Prosecco, am I drunk? Ooh, maybe. And then the balls come along afterwards. Hmm. Actually I think I'm supposed to use this straw. That makes way much more sense. I've just drunk a glass of Prosecco unnecessarily. Hello guys, how are you doing? You enjoying this so far? Nice. The water is ready and for this next batch we need some ingredients. So the first thing is some jasmine rice. That's going in. Jasmine rice is kind of like a nice sticky rice it's gonna be perfect for the gadget we need. But to help bring it to life slightly we're gonna use some peas as well. We're just gonna cook up some peas. Rice and pea! I also need a cabbage, and I started peeling the leaves off going this is quite a bad cabbage. And obviously it's a cauliflower, isn't it? So while that's got 50 minutes to cook the rice, I'm gonna turn the heat down, leave my house and go get some cabbage. The fresh air has hit me hard since I've just left the house. I think that Prosecco has really done its job. Yay, we've got a cabbage. I've come back to what smells like a curry house. My rice is cooking away. My peas are like I don't need to be cooked this long. But it's fine, I've got me cabbage. So we need to just carefully put some leaves into the boiling water so it'll wilt, probably about three to five minutes. We still want it a little bit manoeuvrable. But as I say, it will make sense! Don't know what's happened to Lizzy while I've been out as well. She just fainted. She's had enough. What's the matter with you mate? Oh, god. We've got time to do one more innuendo fueled gadget for the moment. This is the banana guard. It's freakin' enormous! Look at the size of it. I've never seen bananas that big before. But basically, yes, the banana guard. No more squashed bananas. Especially designed to fit the vast majority of bananas. Multiple small perforations prevent premature ripening. Sturdy lock mechanism gives you perfect bananas anytime anywhere. So basically it's a freaking big ass banana. Check out that kink! Huh? Check out that kink. It's like a banana gun. This thing's, I've never seen bananas this big before. Okay open this up. Wow! All of your banana paradise in one case. So I have a banana. Yes, I'll call you back. I choose you banana. This is interesting with the holes in it, isn't it? Because like they said they don't want to over ripen it. So you just want it to just be protected. So it's kinda like, why would you do that? Is it like you're working in an office where people tramping? Do you like rush with your bag in the morning on your commute? Does your banana get that pulverised? Maybe you work in a building site and rocks are gonna fall on it. Protection for your banana. Banana goes in like so. Ooh! This one is. Yeah, to be fair, that is a big ass banana I've got right there. I'm gonna put this in. Hopefully not cut anything. Lock that, lock that. Ain't fitting! My banana's too big! There's a bit too much girth on that one. But as always, we wanna make it work. So let's try a different one. This one goes in. Again, quite girthy! Let's tighten it on the small end first. Yes, there we go, she's in! Locked in. Boom! So how am I gonna test if it works? Yeah? Yeah. Okay, it's opened up. That's defeated the point of it. Ooh, that's proper in now. Let's chuck it down the stairs. Alright dogs, you stay down there. I've got a banana, alright? Now get out of the way when this comes down, alright? Well that didn't work. Alright, let's give it credit where it's due. You're not gonna generally throw this down the stairs are you? You're gonna have it in your bag on the way to work, all that stuff. And yes it does work. Don't throw it down the stairs. You'll be fine. Protect your banana. I've taken my rice and pea and cabbage mixture off of the heat. And so I'll need that in just a moment. Because of the first gadget is something called a rice cube. A lot of you have asked me to look at this thing. You can model rice into any shape once it's cooked and cooling down and put it in a glass. You can make an epic tower. But this is basically the same way. And there are some really cool quirky suggestions there. I'm gonna see if this works, and I might try it on a future video and really pimp it up. So that's what my rice and peas are for. Isn't Ice Cube the guy from Deep Blue Sea? (hip hop music) Used to love that song back in the day. Not the best cooking I've ever done. So it's kind of like this really funky modular thing. I think it feels like it should more like one of those toy mazes that you get. And it, yeah. It helps to make a cube out of rice. I'm not sure how, looking at that, that's gonna make a cube, but we'll go with it. Okay, so although that bit comes apart, it stays generally together, and you lift this bit, and that reveals a square. So apparently my starting position has to be (grunts) like that. And then it says add just enough filling to fill the ♫ Well well, with food. So we get our cooked rice in here. Put our rice in. I might put some peas as well. There you go, got some peas in there as well. Rice and pea, rice and pea! Okay, gotta lift up. You see it there, like that? Our rice and pea is in there. We close the top to seal it in. Keep the top down gently and press inwards. So I use my thumb there, watch. It's like a magic trick. Here we go. (grunts) Come on! I want this to rise. It wants to rise. Okay. Yes, yes we are there. Little bit of rice residue coming out the sides. It's in! So because this rice isn't completely cold yet I'm just gonna leave it for the moment and we'll do a little reveal in a bit. But we just basically take it out and it should be a cube of rice! I got sent this. Thank you to whoever sent me this apparatus for wrapping Dolma or stuffed cabbage, hence me needing to go get cabbage. You could also get, is it grape leaves? Something like that. It's a delicacy in some countries where you serve something wrapped in the cabbage leaves which we just cooked, because you need them to be a bit more manoeuvrable. So we're just gonna shove the ♫ Rice and pea in there with this. Now Dolma, I actually thought was the name of somebody that lives in America way out west. Hey, Dolma! (spits) Would you mind getting me some chickens on that ranch right there? I kid you not, it actually came bent like that. Look at that packaging. Amazing! But it's all good. Thank you so much to all of you that are sending me gadgets. I have got loads upstairs still to get through. I love it when there's no instructions. (sighs) It's got like a tongue on it. Look at that, it's a conveyor belt! I've got a super market shelf! That's perfect for my mini food. I can do a mini super market. This goes like that. I'll just show you exactly what I'm gonna do. This is all the instructions. Put in the grape or cabbage leaf into the dome. So we sit it in here. Let's get it. 'Cause you kinda get a facial with it, because it's nice and hot and steamy, a bit more manoeuvrable, okay? So we place it in like right in there. Like so. Put on a sheet or other stuffing and put all two together. I'm really confused. This might be a trial run. So I'm putting that in there. Part of me thinks I need to wrap this and then we just roll it. Or my other vision is that we just roll it. And when it says put all two together, I'm kinda feeling I need to at least roll in the sides. So let's just do that. And then that. You know so it's kinda got like a clean run of it. And then, we just go like this? Well that didn't work. (speaking in foreign language) I found a video on it. - [Phone] Where there are wheels. Okay, there's my colour yeah eh. Should you colour it, then stable it-- - If I just push it, it's just like moving it along. That's not working. I really want this to work. Do you know what? I think I'm making it too big. There's actually a divot in it. The hell is that? (coughs) (laughs) Ooh! I tell you what, that felt so wrong, but so right. It's actually worked, and I mean, it's not the prettiest looking Dolma, but the rice is in there. I haven't done that perfectly, so you guys love putting comments on how I've done these wrong. Let me know down below the best way to do that, and I'll re-test it. Just keep finding random bits of rice on my arms. So anyhow, speaking of rice, let's see how that square's gotten. Very much enjoying the halo present of the pug, Amy in the background. She's loving it. Open the top. Okay, that's optional, or slide back to the start line. Pull back to start only. Okay so that's there. (gasps) Do you see it's moved? Close the lid and pull the side piece upwards. Okay so we go down with this. Okay and then we go up? Upwards? Oh my gosh. Lift the top. Oh my, this is amazing! Look at that. Can you see it? Look! I've got a perfect cube. Well that's a bit boring that side isn't it? But look! Cha-ching! ♫ Rice and pea ♫ Rice and pea Amazing! I am gonna eat you. A bit bland. But the potential for this is incredible. I'm gonna do a dedicated video recipe where I just pimp up loads of different ideas using the rice. But any suggestions you've got for that, for fillings and stuff, let me know down below, and I'll include them. If you've got a sweet tooth. Apparently I do say that wrong, but I don't care. That's how I say it. Somebody will be like toof in the comments with an F. I just, that's how I say it, okay? You know what it is. You know that I'm not talking about a hat. A teeth. Tooth. This, if you have a sweet tooth, is a mini ice cream sandwich maker. I've done a food hack on something very similar to this using a tub of Ken and Jenny's ice cream, but this makes it easier for you, okay? So we can do different shapes. It's like a plunger thing. We need ice cream, which I've got. We need cookie, which I've got. So let's do it. Alright, three in the box. Ooh, we've got a heart shaped one. We've got a star and we've got just a circle. Circles are boring, let's do a star. (moaning) (laughs) Halo pug! Ahh! But I need to get in the freezer. Come on, thanks mate. Haagen-Dazs Salted Caramel ice cream, amazing. Alright, so we have got ourselves a gorgeous double chocolate chip cookie. Mm. We're gonna plunge the cookie, okay? Okay. Ooh, that's amazing! This is the bit I'm not sure of. It just says scoop the ice cream. Yeah, you just scoop it and then I guess the compression will push it all together. (growls) Scoop it in. Got a bit excited, sorry. That's bloomin' nice. We then stamp again. So I've run out of area on that cookie, so we'll get another one. Press it right in the middle. Okay. We're in. Get rid of excess cookie. So if you can see that at the moment there's a cookie, ice cream in a random place and another cookie that's actually quite wonky. But if we twist this. Here we go. (gasps) Yes, yes, yes, yes! (gasps) Yes! Oh my gosh! Look! It's formed a perfect star ice cream. Look at that, folks. I mean I went a bit overboard on the ice cream, but it's freaking amazing. (slow sensual music) Stonking. There we go, folks. Another kitchen gadget testing video done and in the bag. If you've seen any quirky ones, get in touch by the contact form. Alright, my favourite one was that ice cream sandwich. So, so good. Check out the playlist if you want to see more. (grunts) And I'll see you again next time.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 483,789
Rating: 4.8501468 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen gadget testing, kitchen gadgets, food gadgets, food gadget testing, testing kitchen gadgets, testing food gadgets, weird gadgets, weird cooking gadgets, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, test, tested, testing, kitchen, food, weird, odd, gadgets, tools, gadget, haul, kitchen tools, life, hack, kitchen hacks, food hacks, experiment, science experiments, you need, inventions, compilation, review, gift ideas, cooking, novelty, rice cube, banana guard, can opener, ice cream maker
Id: Jz1h3mArNuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2017
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