KitBash3D to Unreal Engine 4

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hello guys smart paula here welcome back to another video in this video i will be showcasing kit bash 3d what it is and how you can get it an unreal engine as well as this free neo city kit which i'll show you guys how to get so first of all if you've never heard about kit bash 3d it's basically a website where you can buy these various kits to build your levels they have many different kits to buy ranging from medieval fantasy game themes to destroyed city futuristic cities roman empire industrial steampunk and many more themes basically a kit consists of a bunch of different 3d assets as you can see here this is the steampunk kit and you can see there's a ton of different buildings and building pieces that you can actually use recently they actually just announced that it is game engine ready which basically means that you can actually go ahead and download this gonna import it right into unreal engine without having to do any extra work um i will show you guys the process and how it all works but first we're going to go ahead and go to and go ahead and pick up this free neocity minikit right now it's completely free i don't know how long this offer is going to be but go ahead and pick this up basically i'll do a review here at the end of the video showing you guys some of these assets here in the engine but basically what you want to do is go ahead and click the login button or create an account if you're new just click sign up basically you're gonna put your first name last name email and all that stuff once you verify your email you can go ahead and sign in and then just go to the neo city kit add to the cart you just want to select the format unreal and then for the renderer unreal engine 4 add to cart and then just check out okay i've already done this before so in my account here i have the neocity and then you can choose what format you want it download as unreal e4 and download the kit okay so basically it's going to download it as a zip show up as a now i've already done this it's here on my desktop right here go ahead and extract the file all right once you extracted the project you can go ahead and open it up here and it's this kit bash 3d neocities go ahead and open up the unreal project all right once you open up the project you're going to see here in this main level here uh for some reason it didn't load any of the content in here i'm assuming this is supposed to be like a showcase of all assets but anyways if you go into your content folder kit bash 3d neocities you're going to see here you have a bunch of different folders so in the geometries basically these are all the different static meshes that the kit comes with and then the actors um basically these are like geometry collections of all the different buildings grouped together in blueprints so what i'm actually going to go ahead and do is just migrate this content over to a empty third-person blueprint project okay so i have this empty third person project here just named kit bashed go ahead and migrate these so go into the kit bash cd right click click migrate and then we're just going to click ok go to our documents folder unreal projects kit bashed content and just select there and basically you just do this for whatever project that you're working on you want to get your kit bash assets right into your game you can go ahead and do that so i'm going to go ahead and create a new default level then just set our lighting here to moveable and create ourselves a new landscape okay and then i'm just going to drag in these actors here alright so i can go ahead and pull these out here all right so you can see there are these uh different building collections basically they're just blueprints that have all the geometries placed and grouped into them so we can go ahead and start here and give you kind of a zoomed out view of everything so you can see there's a lot of tall buildings here so if we just hit play from here go ahead and check things out so it looks like the collisions aren't set up here but let me go ahead and change that so i go back into our okay so we're in here it's going to use complex collision as simple so i'll just do this here for the floor as well okay so now if we hit play here we can run up here and it looks like everything is pretty much at scale um okay so this building kind of just looks like some sort of office complex or something not too sure what's going on here i can run out here and show you uh the whole thing okay and you can obviously customize the billboards here that says kit bash 3d you can change that change your texture on that and put whatever logo whatever you want for it okay all right and then next up here we're gonna go check out uh this building right here so it looks like there's just a lot of detail on the ground as well there's trash cans and like these little like signs and stuff right here so we can walk around here kind of looks like some sort of restaurant entrance and then we can just go around the whole building so yeah i mean pretty basic if i give you flyby of everything on the outside you can see also has another billboard right there a lot of little details too like these uh satellite dishes here on the side and you can see the textures and everything are pretty high quality i want to say and i forgot to show you kind of the top-down view of this one [Music] so you can see so pretty cool all right and then we have these geometry collections here which are basically it's just a blueprint that has all of these buildings put into it so really you can use these buildings again in your level so you got kind of this smaller building two trees another office building um some curved corner buildings here and some more office buildings okay so the roofs of these are pretty detailed here with a lot of fans and electrical devices or equipment or whatever so if i go ahead and play from here okay so you can see here i'm running around the roof just a lot of different details okay stairs don't work but it's fine you can fix that later um so yeah i mean i could make some sort of parkour game or something i don't know okay on this building you can see these stairways here staircase little cool detail all right moving on we have like this apartment building complex you can see there's different balconies here each with their little air conditioning unit very nice so basically all building it's pretty symmetrical okay on the top this nice detailed rooftop here has little grass up here water tower and everything pretty standard uh the base doesn't look like there's anything special about it down here okay all right as for one of our last buildings here the tallest one the skyscraper now this thing is enormous basically it's just a massive skyscraper you can see the details here on the windows everything is looking pretty good um there's not much on the base not much going on in the base but on the top here i think it's pretty simple too yep and yeah okay up next we have this little i want to say kind of looks like a police station or something i don't know like some sort of just a little building okay so if we hit play from here can run up to the door just little nice details around the building okay let's go ahead and check out the last items here okay and last up we have here some sort of uh street vendor shop or something okay so they got a little grill a little umbrella here with just tons of different equipment it's supposed to be a futuristic um cyberpunk i guess theme okay and then over here we have a little shop chinese medicine see they have a bunch of different bottles here and you got like this little hollow projector or something okay and we go around you can see these little crates and stuff on the back so and you can see here all the wiring and stuff on the side okay so here in the geometries folder you can see all the different little pieces that you actually get now you get like some of these assets that you can use like the concrete barrier okay so i just placed some of these in the scene here you can see this concrete barrier right there and then we got this little lamp post which is the same lamppost using that okay and then we've got these little banners here in this little building piece so really you can take out some of these pieces in these geometry collections and just use it to populate and build your world and again this is like a mini kit so you really only have i mean you still have like a lot of different geometry pieces but in some of the other kit bash kits you can see here there are just a lot more different pieces to build with and different props that you can use but overall i'm going to say this is a pretty good kit you can do a lot with just a few building assets really you can rotate them and transform them and change the color and materials really build your own city so this will probably do in the next video in a future video i'll probably make something out of this and yeah guys go ahead and make sure you pick this up on because it is a limited time that they're probably doing this and you definitely don't want to miss out and i'll leave a link for that in the description below but yeah that's pretty much it for this video i hope you guys enjoyed the the quick review and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Smart Poly
Views: 17,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GwXP9GkgtzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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