Unreal Engine 5 | Blueprint For Beginners

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hello guys and welcome to the unreal engine 5 blueprint beginner tutorial in this video i will explain what are blueprints why you should learn them and how to use blueprints within unreal engine 5. i will show you step by step how to create some blueprint actors such as this door this health and damage boxes this soccer goal equipping this hat and much more this video is designed for complete beginners with no experience so without further ado let's get right into the video alright so if this is your first time in unreal engine first of all make sure you obviously have the epic games launcher link in the description make sure you have unreal engine 5 downloaded you just navigate to the unreal engine tab unreal engine 5 and then download early access once you have unreal engine downloaded you can go ahead and click launch right here or you can go ahead and launch from the desktop in here we're going to click on the games tab and select third person template and we're going to make sure this is obviously blueprint and we're going to make sure we include starter content and then we can name this blueprint beginner and click create okay so first i want to explain what is blueprint blueprint is the visual scripting system of unreal engine it can be used to create really anything for example cars weapons gameplay mechanics user interface ai and much more let me show you what a blueprint looks like so right now we have our third person example project we can hit play and as you can see here we have our character we can move our camera around our character we can use wasd to move our character around and then we can use the spacebar to jump this is a really simple character and this is all made in blueprint so how does that work if we press escape here we can click on this character right click browse to asset this is going to bring up our content folder third person blueprints and our third person character blueprint right here so this is essentially a blueprint class this is where all of the logic of what we just saw there the camera rotating around the character we can move around and jump all that logic is built inside of this blueprint class so i can go ahead and double click to open that class and we're going to see here the blueprint window now i'm going to take this little tab and dock it here at the top and i'm going to start explaining everything that you see here alright so this is the default blueprint editor and we're going to start out right here with these three tabs first we have the viewport so you can see this is actually our character that we saw in our scene we could move around the viewport by using wasd just like we would in our normal viewport we can also select items by left clicking and you're going to see it highlight in this components tab so you can see we have our character this capsule component and our camera you also have your usual scaling rotating and translating so we can select our character we can so we can scale our character by pressing r scale up and down control z to undo we can move our character by pressing w and move our character around and then we can also click e to rotate our character and so we have all the basic controls that we have in the viewport we also can adjust obviously our camera speed so that we don't fly super fast around and we can also hit f to focus in on our object that we have selected so let's talk about this little components we know first so essentially a blueprint is made up of these components and it's also made up of blueprint nodes components can be physical objects like this where we have this capsule component this is supposed to be the collision for our character we have an arrow component so we know which way is going forward on our character we have our character's mesh which has its animation so we can see our character walk around run and jump then we have our camera boom which tells us where the camera should rotate around the character at what length and at what rotation point then we have the actual camera that we can see our character through then below that we have our character movement component which tells us how to move our character around our game and you might have noticed that when i select on different components we have this little details window on the right the details window tells us various details about our different components so you can see here we have our character mesh selected and we can see our character's scale rotation we can actually adjust our character scale and we can also adjust our rotation then we have our animation then we have our actual mesh model we have our materials and so on so there's a lot of different things here on each different components a lot of different details that you can tweak all right now moving on we have the event graph here the event graph is is where all the blueprint nodes are stored so a blueprint node is basically telling us to do some sort of logic for example this jump right here is an event this input action jump when the character presses a space bar our character will jump when the space bar is released it will stop jumping then over here we have our movement when we move our character by pressing w on our keyboard it's going to move our character forward and then when we press left or right it's going to move our character left or right all right there is a third tab right here which is the construction script now the construction script is a little bit different from our event graph and what i mean by that is everything on our event graph is executed well in the game so this means all of the blueprint nodes in here are executed when the game starts and is running when the game is running okay so in the event graph here you can also right click to pan around and then middle mouse button to zoom the construction script everything off of here is executed before before the game even starts alright so those are our three basic tabs our v port where we can see what our blueprint is made of our different components our event graph where we can see all of our blueprint nodes and functionality and our construction script where we can add things that happen before the game starts okay so here on the top bar i'm going to start over here from the left to the right we can have our compile button right now you see this little yellow question mark that means that our blueprint needs to be compiled and when we hit compile you can see we have a green check mark so every time that we make a change in our blueprint we have to hit that compile button and what the compile button is doing is it's running through all of our blueprint nodes and checking to see if we have any errors then we have the save button so this saves our blueprint that way we can actually see the changes happen in our game we have the browse button which is pretty standard for all classes in unreal engine if you click it it will automatically show you third person character blueprint that we're currently editing in the content browser okay so we have a couple other things we can find certain nodes within our blueprint we can hide certain nodes that we don't want to see we have our class settings we have our class defaults we have our simulation so we can simulate what's going on and then we have our play button which is just playing in a new editor window or game all right and then over on the right again is our details panel so as we select on different things we have we can pull up different details on those things so again for our components we can pull up different details on our camera our character and so on down here is the find results so we can search for different nodes in our blueprint so if we wanted to find our jump we can see click on the reference here and we can see where it is in our blueprint node so this is helpful for if we have a lot of stuff here we can search jump select it we can find it right there it will also show us here if we have any error messages it will tell us what is wrong and what we need to check out so over here on the left we have we have the my blueprint tab which shows our variables our functions and so on so up first here we have our graphs so we see we have our event graph we can see all of our different events on our event graph by hitting this little down arrow we can also add multiple graphs if we wanted to add another graph here created it here new event graph 0 and you can see here it's a new tab right here so we can actually close that and delete that compile and save so if you ever close your event graph right here you can always get back to it by selecting double clicking your event graph and it will show it right there down here we have the functions so under our functions we have the construction script which we talked about earlier we can also add a new function by hitting that plus tab we can put blueprint logic in here and call that function so i'm going to delete it real quick and then under here we have variables and i'm going to skip over macros for now and we have variables down here and essentially a variable allows us to store data and information about our character or about various different things in our blueprint so i'm going to go back to my event graph here compile save this we're going to go over all the different variable types so first to create a variable in our third person character we're going to hit this plus tab and you can see here we have new ver new 0 and it's of the type of boolean so we can go ahead and name this is dead question mark and you can see here on the right we have the details panel and so we have our variable type we can see here all of the different types of variables that we have and then down here at the very bottom we have the default value it says please compile the blueprint in order to assign any sort of value here we have to first compile and save our blueprint then you can see here we have this little checkbox you see if we check it it means true and if we uncheck it it means false so a boolean is essentially a true or false statement so we can say is our character dead true means this checkbox unchecked means false so let's go ahead and show this by creating our first blueprint node in our event graph we're going to zoom in here right click you're going to see here we have all actions for blueprint and you can see here we have a bunch of different things we have add event animation audio character cinematics all this different stuff so basically we can right click and we can add certain nodes events and functions so for example we're going to add in event begin play and you're going to see here we search at event of envy and play we can go ahead and left click this and you're going to see here this event beginplay node so what an event we can play is is every time we hit play our event begin play is going to be called everything off of this node is going to be executed and what i mean by that is if you actually drag off of this little arrow you can see here we have a little line and if we let go of that you can see we have our little search window where we can add another node so we're going to add a branch we'll go ahead and click that and you can see here we have on our event beginplay we're going to do a branch now a branch checks to see if a boolean is true or false so if we select r is dead boolean we can drag it into our blueprint node and we can either get the variable or we can set the variable now we don't want to set the variable we want to get it so we'll go ahead and click on that and you can see we can drag off of the is dead variable and hook it up to the branch so basically what we're doing here is when we hit play we're going to check and see if the player is dead if they are dead we can do another node and type in print string and our print string will print out a little message on our screen and you can see here the default message is hello i'm going to change this to character is dead and then off of our false we can drag off of here and type in print string and we're going to name this player is not dead so now if we compile and save our blueprint we can hit play and you can see here player is not dead up in the top right screen it might have been too quick so we can adjust that by selecting our node right here click this little down arrow we're going to change the duration here to 10 for 10 seconds we'll go ahead and hide that click this little down arrow and do the same thing change that to 10 seconds then we'll compile and save that so we hit play again you can see here our player is not dead and the reason why is because we select our boolean variable here or right over here you can see the default value is set to false which means that on event begin play is the player dead nope print string player is not dead so you can see here blueprint is basically a node based system so we have these different nodes that we can connect together to create a simple flow of gameplay logic now what we can go ahead and do is we can select our variable is dead we can go ahead and check this little box to make it true so we compile save hit play you can see our character is dead so as you can see here a boolean is very simple it has two values either true or false let me talk a little bit about the blueprint editor graph especially if this is your first time using the editor graph so you can select various objects by left mouse drag and you can see here we selected these objects we can move them around in a group and select more objects like so you can also disconnect these pins here by clicking alt and left clicking and then left click to drag to reconnect you can also control hold down control click right here and move it to a different pin and then we can hit alt left click to un pin that we can also select and hit delete and then ctrl z to undo all right so let's go ahead and talk about the other different types of variables that we have such as the integer string and so on so let's go ahead and add a new variable we're going to change this to integer and then we're going to name this to my int so you're going to see here at the bottom please compile the blueprint to set the default value so we're going to compile save this so an integer is a whole number you see here we can type in any number we have zero first we can do one two three hundred five thousand any whole number what an integer is not is one point zero one point three point zero point zero nine it is not a decimal it is only whole numbers like one four hundred and so on so for our integer variable type we can store information such as our player level how much ammunition our our character's weapon has and so on okay next up we'll create another variable and we'll go into the details tab and select the type we can change this to a float now we can name the variable type to my float and then we can pop compile and save that now you're going to see here we have our float value is 0.0 so a float is a decimal number so we can do 1.1 35.3 29.001 0.001 and so on we can have any sort of decimal number this is very helpful for doing stuff like health or any sort of percentages like 90 percent 100 percent okay let's go ahead and create another variable we're going to change the variable type here to string so a string is a string of either numbers letters characters and whatnot so we'll name this my string compile and save that then in our string here we can type whatever we want and then off of our event begin play we can go ahead and just delete all this and drag off of here and do print string and then we can drag my string get my string and hook it up into the print string compile save hit play you can see our string is printed off in the top left so a string is really good for storing you know text information that is numbers letters and characters let's create another variable we're going to change this of the type vector and rename this to my vector compile save that our vector here and the default value you can see is made up of three different values so we have an x a y and a z you can also hit this little down arrow and it's the same thing x y and z so a vector tells us pretty much the three points on each axis of a 3d object so if we hit to our v port here you can see here down on the bottom left we have this we have the x axis the y axis and the z-axis and you can also see this if we select our character you can see here the y the x and the z back in our event graph on our vector and to demonstrate our vector we can do something like get world location and we'll do this get world location of our capsule component so basically this is getting the location of our character in our scene and it's returning this vector so then we can go ahead and take our vector and we're going to drag it in here and instead of getting it we're actually going to use these set so setting a variable allows us to modify the variable default value to whatever we want it to be so we can go ahead and hook that up to my vector we can go ahead and delete this string up here and click alt click right there to disconnect that and then select this drag this up here and connect the event begin play into the set and then off of our vector here we're going to go ahead and actually print the string like so and hook that up so if we hit play here you can see it prints our character's location on the screen and we can actually do something else like deleting our event be in play right click and add a key so we can type in r key and you can see here we have all the different keys on our keyboard so we're going to select our r key so when we press r on our keyboard we're going to get our capsule component which is our character get its world location set our vector value and then print it to the screen so we can see what it is so we'll go ahead and compile save that hit play now every time we press r you can see our vector change on the screen because our character is moving around and it's every time we press r it's getting that variable sending it and printing it to the screen all right so let's go ahead and create another variable and lastly here we can select vector and change this to a rotator in this my rotator compile say that you're going to see here a rotator is the same as a vector but essentially it's a rotation so if we head back to our little v port here if we go to e we can rotate our character and on the right of our details you can see our rotation of our character change based on what we rotate our character you can see here this is our rotator a rotator variable is essentially just a rotation value okay now last but not least we can add another variable and change this to transform i'm going to do my trans form compile save that in the default value we hit this down arrow and you can see it is a location a rotation and a scale so it is all three of those variables plus the scale that determines a transform and if we head back over to the v port and select our mesh you're going to see that we have this transform here the location rotation and scale it's just made up of those three different variable types okay let's go ahead and delete all this stuff that we created here delete everything on the graph and delete is dead my end floats string rotator vector transform and compile save that so those are all the main variables that you need to be aware of within blueprint now let's go ahead and create our first blueprint actor so we can go to our content drawer here and under our content folder we can go ahead and create a brand new folder by right-clicking and add a new folder we can name this blueprints and in our blueprints folder we can go ahead and open that up right click add a new folder and we're going to call this door blueprint in our door blueprint folder we're going to right click and add a blueprint class so this is how you add blueprints to your game click on the blueprint class you're going to see we have all the different blueprint class actors off the bat we have actor pawn character then we have a couple other ones which which i'll have to explain in another separate video but basically the player controller is where you could put information to control your character gamemode base is where you'd store all the game rules down here we have all the classes so we have animation blueprints camera blueprints all sorts of different blueprints car blueprints all that sort of stuff is built right here with all the different classes so for us we're just going to create a simple door so we need a simple actor blueprint an actor is an object that can be place or spawn in the world that's exactly what we need so we'll go ahead and click actor we're going to name this bp underscore door bp because it's short for blueprint underscore is the naming convention of unreal engine it's best to adopt a naming convention that way you don't have all your files be just named whatever and you can very easily know exactly which files are which okay so we'll go ahead and double click our bp underscore door to open it up we can dock this tab at the top so you can see here we have our basic blueprint editor just like our third person character our little viewport here we have our construction script our event graph and our details panel components and so on so for our door what we're going to do is we're going to add a new component and you can see here we have all the different components so we have audio we have audio we have a sculptor mesh a skeletal mesh is like a character mesh our static mesh which is an object that is static it doesn't move or doesn't do anything we have a plane a sphere and a cube these are just basic shapes and so on what we need to do for our door is we need to add a simple door mesh so we can add a static mesh and this is going to be named door frame compile save that make sure you obviously have in your content browser here the starter content if you forgot to add this somehow when you were creating your project not to worry you can always click this little add button add feature or content pack and then on the right under content packs we can add the starter content to your project if you haven't done so already so back in our content drawer we're going to go to prompts you can see here we have this sm underscore door this sm underscore door frame sm is short for static mesh so what we're going to do is assign here this static mesh door frame so to do that we can actually drag our door frame mesh right here into the details because we have our door frame selected here we have our static mesh right here so now if we hit into the viewport you can see here we have our door frame let's go ahead and add another mesh click this add button static mesh we're going to add a door so with our door selected we can actually just go to our static mesh here and click this down arrow and we have this little search window so we can search door and you can see here we have our sm underscore door you can go ahead and click that you can see we have it assigned there we also have the materials our location rotation and so on so in our viewport we can see our door is not exactly where we want it to be and what we're going to do is move our door by hitting w to move and then we're going to select this on the y-axis and move it over like so you can see here it's not lining up the best and we can't seem to get it perfect so what we want to do is change our grid snapping value hit that little tab right there set this to one and this is going to give us more control over our snapping okay so that looks a little bit better we can go ahead and compile save that now we have our little door here and our door frame and if we click e we can rotate our door on the z axis right here okay control z to undo obviously compile save that now what we want to do here is we want to allow our character to open and close the door so what we can do is add a collision box or a box collision and so when our character runs into this box collision we can give them the ability to open and close this door let's go ahead and click r to scale this box if we hit the little cube in the middle we can scale the entire thing if we just select the z-axis or the x-axis we can scale and scale only in those directions okay and we hit w to move this up scale this up a little bit maybe make it just a little bit wider like so compile save that so now that we have our components set up let's add the blueprint nodes in our event graph so what we need to do is go to our event graph you can see here it's automatically given us these events our event be in play event begin overlap and event tick these are all greyed out but you can still use them by just dragging off and doing like a print string you can see the gray goes away because you're using them okay we are not going to actually use any of these so we can go ahead and delete and then what we want to do is select our box collision and in the details here we can scroll down all the way down until you see these events to see what these events do let's go ahead and move this little window right here by selecting that and moving that over now you can see here we have different events for different things we have on component hit and what we're interested in is this on component begin overlap so when our character overlaps we want to click this little plus button so we can add that event so whenever something like a character overlaps in our report here or box collision this event will be called in the event graph and so what we want to do is check to see if the other actor is our character so our character if you remember is our third person bp third person character so back in our door here we want to drag off of the other actor and do a cast to third person character and what the cast a third person character will do is it will check to see if the overlapped actor is a third person character and if so it will execute whatever is farther off of here and if not it will fail like so all right so of our cast the third person character we're going to do and enable input and we're going to enable input for our character that is overlapped okay so we want to do is we want to get player controller and you want to hook this up into the player controller here and so we're going to check and see if it is a third person character that is overlapped if so we want to enable input for that character for that character's controller that way they can interact with the door we also want to select our box and add an event and overlap that way we can disable input so we can do another cast to third-person character and then off of here we can drag and do disable input and we can hook up the return value instead of player controller to the target compile save that next up we have to add the actual key to open and close the door so we can right click type in e key we're going to scroll up here till you see until you find the e key click on that so off of here we're going to do what's called a flip flop and what a flip-flop allows us to do is to do an a or in b so if we press it once it's going to do the a and then when you press it again it's going to do the b so it automatically remembers which one you did last and it cycles through a or b now off the a what we want to do is we want to get the door skeletal mesh and you can see we can actually drag our door component into our blueprint so we can get the references of our components and do things with them in our blueprint and that's exactly what we want to do we want to get our door here and we want to rotate our door when we press this e key so to do that we can drag off of here and set relative rotation and what we want to set this to is to 90. and hook that up into the a select that copy ctrl c ctrl v and to hook that up to our b and we want to set this back to zero so when we press e once we want to rotate the door 90 degrees when we press again we want to rotate it back to zero so let's go back into our third person example map go to our content drawer blueprints door blueprint we can drag our blueprint into our level here so when we hit play we can go over to our door and press e you see we can open and close our door by just pressing e now it might look a bit snappy because it's just doing 90 degrees zero 90 degrees in zero and what we can actually do is add a timeline that will smooth the value between zero and ninety that way we get a nice smooth open transition so back in our blueprint door we can go ahead and delete this right here hit alt left click there select that and move that over off of our a here we're going to do a timeline and select this add a timeline we're going to name this our door time line and you can see here we have a couple different options we have play play from start stop reverse and then our output we have our update and finished so to actually modify this timeline or to use it we have to double click it to open it so right now there's nothing here and to add a track on the timeline we can click this add float track okay and a timeline essentially is exactly what it sounds so at the zero second we can set a value right here and you can see it's our timeline is currently up to five seconds long so on five seconds long we can determine we can set a certain value to create a very smooth curve so let's go ahead and right click anywhere on our timeline we can add a key you can see it added this little dot and we can see the time and the value so what we want to do is set the time to zero so at zero seconds we want our value to be zero okay then anywhere on a graph we can right click add a key and we want to change the time here to 2 seconds and the value is going to be 90 degrees you can see here we can't see our value anymore so to actually see our graph now we can hit this zoom to fit horizontal and zoom to fit vertical now one more thing we want to set our length here to the maximum of two seconds so that our timeline is only as long as our value right here and then we also want to make this curve smooth so we can select shift and left click and drag to select right click and click auto and this gives us this little curve so we can select that point and drag it like so now you can see we have this nice smooth curve and what this is doing is it's outputting a value of the variable type float so we can go back into our event graph here you can see here our new track zero outputs this value of a float what the timeline does is it says at zero seconds do nothing at 0.2 seconds output the value of 12. and 26 30 so it does this really nice smooth rotation to 90 degrees so back in our vent graph we can go ahead and hook this up what we want to do is you might notice first off this is a float and then this is a rotator so how exactly is this going to be compatible if we drag here you're going to see float is not compatible with rotator so to actually do this we can drag off of our rotation and do a make rotator you're going to see here it has these x y and z which are float variables that we can that are actually compatible with our door timeline so off our new track zero we're going to hook this up to the z because remember we want to rotate our door on the z-axis right here and the reason why you know this is the z-axis is by the color it's blue and you can see z right here is blue so back in our event craft we've hooked that up we want to plug the update into the set relative location one more thing off of our b we want to play the timeline in reverse okay so we can compile save this go back into our level we hit play we hit e you can see our door opens and closes with a really nice smooth rotation and so again the way this is possible is because we're playing this timeline that has a smooth transition between these two values 0 0 and 0 90 it's outputting that value every second to set the rotation of our door so we get that nice smooth door open animation so that's pretty much our door blueprint in a nutshell a very simple open and close made entirely from blueprints using components and blueprint nodes alright so let's do something a little bit more challenging let's go ahead and make a hat pickup actor so first of all make sure you obviously have the blueprint beginner project files downloaded i'll leave a link in the description below what we want to do is pop open our content drawer here we're going to go ahead and just dock this in our layout so that we can see our content browser at all times okay in our content we want to add a new folder and call this project files and then what we can go ahead and do is just select everything in the project files that you have downloaded and drag them right into your content browser just leave everything at the default settings and we'll just hit this import all all right now you'll see here it automatically imported the materials for our static meshes and that's fine we can leave that as is and it will compile shaders it's just going to take it's just going to take a minute all right now that our assets are finally imported here we're going to use this little hat mesh so to create our little hat pickup we want to go to our blueprints folder right click add a new folder we're going to name this hat pickup blueprint and here we're going to right click and add a new blueprint class of the type actor and we can name this bp underscore hat pickup we can double click this to open it up and in here we're going to add a component a static mesh component for our hat we're going to name this hat mesh and in our static mesh we're going to search for sm underscore hat and assign it like so and we can see here we have this nice little hat all right next up we need to add a spear collision and so this collision will allow us to when the player enters this collision we can check to see if they press e if they do then we can put the hat on the character's head so let's go ahead and scale this up a little bit and move it up like so let's actually take our hat and move it up a little bit like that and we can scale up our hats 1.5 1.5 and 1.5 just so it's a little bit bigger okay so in our event graph we're going to go ahead and delete these nodes right here and select our sphere scroll down to the very bottom and add a event begin overlap and then again an event and overlap and then very simple what we're going to do is off of here we're going to enable input and then very simple what we're going to do is drag off of our other actor cast to third person character so again we're going to check to see if the character is overlapping if so we're going to enable input and off of the player controller we're going to get player controller at index zero then off our end we're going to drag off other actor cast to third person character and then we're going to disable input and hook up the player controller to the target like so now what we want to do is we want to add our key to pick up the actor so we'll add another key so do key and we'll actually just do the e key so scroll up and select e key really you can do any key that you want and then we're going to drag off of the other actor and cast to third person character so when our character overlaps this and if they press e we're going to cast to them and now what we want to do is we want to equip this hat on the player's head and so what we need to actually do is add some blueprint nodes inside of our third person character so go back to your example map here we can select our character right click and a fast way to get to the blueprint is we can actually hit this edit third person character that takes us directly to the blueprint so what we want to do here is we want to create a new event that we can call inside of our hat pickup so what we can do is right click add custom event and a custom event allows us to do whatever we want so we can name this event equip hat and then all the logic off of here we can do to equip our hat so first of all let's go ahead and add a new component in our third person character called static mesh and this will be our hat mesh we don't want to set any static mesh here because we just want it to be empty for now we're going to drag our static mesh component onto our graph then we want to set static mesh and hook up our equip hat to our set static mesh then what we want to do is we want to set our stack mesh here to our hat mesh another way we could actually do this is we could pass we can pass the variable through the event so we can actually drag off of here and onto the event and you can see here it added a new input for our event so this is a very easy way to pass data through events back into our hat pickup we can drag off of our third person character reference and we can call that event by doing equip hat and you can see here we have that same exact node that's in our third person character and we can also set our hat mesh so in here we can actually set our static mesh to our hat the same hat that we have in here and when our character presses e it will cast to our third person character and if we double click this it will take us to that event in our character so it's going to pass that information to the set static mesh which will set our static mesh here to the hat that we have in our pickup actor now if we just do this and play this so if we drag our hat pickup into your game and hit play and press e you can see here we have our hat on our character but it's not on our character's head alright so to attach it to our character's head what we want to do is in our character class we want to drag off of here and do any attach component to component so what we want to do is take the hat mesh and attach it to our mesh which is our character drag that into our scene and hook that up to the parent so for our socket name this is going to tell us where in our character should we attach it or more specifically where in our character and our character's bones should we attach it and i'll explain this here in a second but right now we can just name this to hat socket like so make sure you have all the capitalization correct like so location rule we want to do snap the target snap the target and snap the target now we can hit compile save so now what we want to do is define this socket name in our character's mesh so if we select our mesh right here we can click this little browse icon and this will take us to our content mannequin character and mesh so if we open up our character mesh we want to move over to the skeleton tab so right now this is just our skeletal mesh and if you don't know what a skeletal mesh is let's go ahead and head over to the skeletal tab right here so just click on this little button and a skeletal mesh is essentially a static mesh but instead of being static it has all these different bones and what the bones allows our character to do is to animate and move our mesh around like so so we can select different bones and we can rotate them around and this is what allows our character to move its legs around move its head around and so on that's basically a skeletal mesh okay so here in our skeleton tab right here we want to select our head bone so if you scroll all the way down here you're going to see head right click on there we're going to add what is called a socket now the socket is what allows us to attach meshes to our character we're going to rename this head socket to hat socket the same exact capitalization as what we had in our character save that we can close out of that close out of this and now we should have everything all set up we can also just to keep things organized select everything and press c to add a comment and we can name this hat logic just so we know what's going on so compile save we are now ready to test this out if we hit play here you can press e to equip and then you're going to see here there's an issue our hat is not lined up correctly with our head so we actually have to go ahead and adjust this so go back into your mannequin mesh your skeletal mesh right here scroll down to your hat socket and we will actually want to rotate our hat and line it up with our character's head so if we were to just move this little socket around we're not going to really get a good idea of what it's going to be so what we can do is right click the hat socket add a preview asset and search here sm underscore hat so we can see our hat here and it looks exactly like we like the issue what we had so we hit w we can move this up if we hit e we can rotate this 90 degrees then we hit w again we can move this around and if you don't like the camera speed you can always change this in the viewport and we want to do is we want to line this up perfectly like so just like that so we can go ahead and save that and now if we hit play we can press e and you see here we have our hat equipped on our player so one more thing uh we actually when we equip our hat we actually don't want this hat to still be here we want our hat to disappear so one way we could do this is in our blueprint hat pickup after we equip our hat we want to destroy actor so this will destroy the actor which in this case it is itself so that when we pick it up it will disappear just like so so now we have a simple hat actor and we also have a little door that we can open and close and again very simple logic here we're just checking to see if the player is running into the spear if so they can then enable input and that allows them to press e which in turn calls this event inside the character to set the static mesh and attach it to the character's head so that's our basic hat let's go ahead and move on and create a simple damage box some player health and a simple health bar for our character so let's go ahead and create a new folder in our blueprints and we're going to name this to damage box in here we're going to add a new blueprint class of the type actor and we're going to name this to bp underscore damage box double click it to open and we can go ahead and actually close out of all of our other blueprints so in our viewports here we're going to add a simple box collision and we're going to name this to damage box so again in our event graph we're going to delete this and go to our damage box and add an event begin overlap event and overlap and what we want to do is we actually want to damage our character in order to do that we want to drag off of our other actor and cast to our third person character and then here we can damage our character by adding a health variable inside our third person character so actually let's go back and right click our third person character edit the blueprint and in here we're going to add a new variable and change the type here to float going to change the name here to health compile save that and the default value we can give it a value of 100 for 100 hp okay so basically when our character overlaps this damage box what we want to do is get health and then we can do something like minus key or you could search subtract you want to see here subtract the health by this value i'm going to do 10 and then what we want to do is we want to set the character's health so we want to drag off of the third person character a new set health to the health value minus 10 and we want to hook up the execution pin and then we want to do a print string and we want to hook the health up into the string so that it converts from a float to a string so now if we compile save this go to our level right here and select our damage box and drag it into our scene let's go ahead and actually scale this thing up like so and if we hit play we're not going to know where it's exactly at so just so that we can see it go back into your damage box select the box collision click this little search and details and search hidden in game we're going to uncheck hidden in the game compile save that and when we hit play we're going to see it in our game so now if we go into the box you're gonna see it subtracted 90 80 70 60 and so on now this is good and all but what i actually want to create is a damage box that continues to damage our character as long as we stand in that box so what i want to do is to go back in our damage box and instead of doing all this i'm going to select and delete this what i actually want to do is to create an event that just loops over and over and over until our character stops overlapping with the cube so off of here i want to actually get our third person character and promote this to a variable and so this will promote our character to a variable that way we have this reference and we can do stuff like cast from our character reference or we can also call certain nodes just off of our variable reference there okay and then off of here we're going to do a set timer by event so a set timer by event allows us to loop a certain event over and over and over in this case we want to damage our player over and over so off of our event we'll drag here and do add custom event i'm going to name this to damage player off of our damaged player here we're going to do a ply damage and a damage actor we want to get our third person character reference hook that up to the damage actor let's go ahead and change the base damage to something like 30 and then our timer we need to set the time so this is every second so we change this to say every two seconds we'll play this event and then we obviously need to check looping so it's playing it over and over then let's go ahead and actually if we hit play here you're gonna see nothing's actually happening it's because we can't see anything actually happening to see something happen we can drag off of here and do a print string and we can print the variable that's being applied to our character so if we hit play we can see 30 30 you can see here it's just looping over and over applying 30 damage to our character so we actually need to go into our character and add the other half of this which is when our character receives damage so right now we're applying damage and in our character nothing is happening so nothing is actually affecting our health variable so we can add here an event called event any damage so if any damage is applied to us in this case the apply damage node if it's applied to this character it will call this event automatically and these are events that are built in to unreal engine off of our health we can get our health we want to do a subtract and we want to subtract our health by the amount of damage that we receive and then we want to set our health to that value and hook that up like so and then lastly we want to do a print string so that we can see what's happening compile save that and hit play now if we stand in this circle every two seconds you're going to see our health decreases 70 40 10 and you see it gets into the negatives all right so this is cool and all but let's actually set up a health bar so that we can see instead of having this print string we can actually see our health decrease on our screen so we can add here in our content browser right click add a user interface widget blueprint and we can name this health bar underscore w for widget and i will click that to open now this is the widget editor this is for user interface there's a lot of things here and i'm not going to explain everything in this video because this is just mainly blueprint but basically i'll give you i'll give you a basic rundown this is like your screen if you're looking at your player screen and basically we can add buttons and things onto our screen to create user interface so in this case we want to add a progress bar which is going to be our health bar so we scroll in here we can drag our progress bar to something like that and then we actually want to move our anchor right here so on the right anchor to the bottom left of our screen we take this little anchor and drag it like so to match it up with our health bar like so and the reason why we want to anchor it is so that if we play it in a different window or whatnot it will know where to scale this little progress bar and our progress bar is not going to be in the middle of the screen or on the side or off the screen okay so we have our little health bar here so in the details here the progress so you can scroll the percent you see our health goes from left to right so we have one percent which is completely full then we have a zero which is empty so what we can do is we can actually bind our percent to our player's health value so to bind this all we need to do is click on the percent create binding and then here you can see we actually have a blueprint editor graph so just like in our character graph here in our user interface so we can add stuff like blueprints so in this little progress bar function what we want to do is we want to bind our character's health to the percent so what we can do is right click get owning player pawn we want to cast to third person character and then off of there we can go ahead and get health and instead of directly plugging this into our value right here we actually need to convert this to a percentage because the output value is only a value between 1 and 0 and this is a value between 100 and 0. so we need to multiply this by .01 hook that up to the return value and hook up the execution into the return node compile and save that now in our third person character we need to actually create this widget on our screen so we can add a event begin play and what we want to do is to create widget and this will create the widget that we just created and added to our screen so let's go ahead and select our health bar widget for the owning player we drag off of here and get player controller and then after this we need to drag off the return value and do add to viewport so this will create our widget and add it to our viewport compile and save that so hit play here you can see here we have our little health bar on our screen and you're going to notice it's full at 100 hp because that's our default value in our character so if i move into here you're going to see our health is decreasing by 30 40 10 and negative 20 and so on so you can see here our health is updating because we bound the progress bar percentage if we go back to the graph here to our character's health so we can go ahead and close that i'm going to select this press c to add a comment and do health bar stuff okay and we can move this around like so all right so one thing you might notice is if we hit play here and if we just go on this once and get out going to see it's actually still damaging us even if we're outside of the collision box so we need to add our logic here to stop this timer which is looping and applying damage over and over so in order to do that we need to drag off our other actor pass to third person character and we need to stop this timer so the way that we have to stop this is we actually need to get a reference to our timer so we can drag off the return value promote that to a variable we can name this variable timer ref for timer reference then we can drag our reference get it and then we can do invalidate clear and validate timer by handle hook that up to the execution and basically when we leave the collision box or the damage box it will stop the timer and it will stop applying damage to our character so we can test this out damaged we can walk out of here you see it stopped damaging our character right so let's actually add some particle effects because because say we want to have like a little fire on here so that instead of having this little ugly box we can actually have a fire particle effect that looks nice and actually damages our character open up your epic games launcher and on the marketplace tab here we can go ahead and search fx and then you want to filter by free you're going to see this fx variety pack and of course you can always search fx variety pack in the search bar but once you click on it here you want to go ahead and add this to your project or get it it's 100 free so once you click add a project and we might have to close our project here first i'm not finding here i'll just restart my launcher real quick exit the epic games launcher restart this and then back in our fx variety pack we can go ahead and add a project show all projects and search blueprint beginner select that you're going to see here asset not compatible we can go ahead and hit this drop down and select the latest version that's closest to five so we can do 4.26 and click add a project so this will add the effects that we need here for a little damage actor to our unreal engine 5 project and then you're going to see here this new folder fx variety pack and then we can go to particles here and you can see we have all sorts of stuff so we actually want to use this magic circle which is this little fire effect to damage our character so we can go ahead and right click edit our damage box and we're going to add an event again play spawn emitter allocation so this will spawn that particle effect and with the location we want to get after location and hook up the vector into the location and now all we need to do is to go back select our magic circle and assign it in there and again we can actually select and access our content browser within the blueprint that's actually a new feature of unreal engine 5. but anyways we can go ahead compile say that hit play you can see our fire effect you can see it actually damaging our character so another thing that i want to mention is we can obviously select our damage box and do hide make that hidden in game and now we hit play we can see a little particle effect here damaging our character over time and of course we can move out so now let's go ahead and add a health or a healing actor that will heal our character's hp back to normal so back in our content blueprints damage box we'll go ahead and add another blueprint class actor bp underscore health box open that up in here we'll go ahead and add the same thing a collision box box collision name this heal box in our event graph here we can go ahead and delete this and select our heal box scroll down add our eventbn overlap and our event end overlap then off the other actor cast to third person character then same thing we want to set timer by event so we want to loop healing our character so off the event we'll go ahead and add a custom event name this heel player and what we want to do for this event is we want to take our character reference and get health and you want to check and see if the health is equal to 100 hp okay so is our health variable equal to 100 hp and if so we return this boolean and if you remember the boolean is true or false so if we drag off our boolean we can do a branch and hook that up to our heel player so before we can heal our character we're going to check to see if our health is equal to 100 if so we don't want to heal our character because they're already at full hp but if not what we want to do is we want to get health and you want to add so we want to add say 10 hp and they want to again drag off our character and set health and hook up the ad to our health variable and hook up the false into the health so again we want to heal our player when they overlap if they have less than 100 we want to heal our character 10 hp and of course we need to set the time here so we'll set this to every 1.5 seconds looping we want to heal our character 10 hp so go ahead and drag this box in here scale this thing up and we actually need to add our particle effect and all that good stuff so do another event begin play spawn emitter at location for our emitter template we can just search heal aura and then for our location we can get after location and hook that up to the location like so i'll say that if we hit play we can now damage our character and then we can start healing our character by standing in here and you're going to see if i walk out it's still healing our character because we forgot to add the event on end overlap so again what we want to do is we want to stop this timer and again to do that we want to get a reference of our timer so we'll go ahead and turn off off of the return value promote that to a variable name this timer ref and then off of our end overlap passed to third person and we want to drag off our timer ref and clear and invalidate timer by handle compile save that and now everything should be working if we go into our damage we can damage our character if we go into our heel we can heal our character and if we step out it's going to stop step back in it's going to start just like so so very simple way for damaging and healing your character and also binding that event to your user interface so hopefully you've learned a little bit about communicating between blueprints alright so next up let's go ahead and create a soccer goal and a soccer ball actor go to your blueprints again right click add a new folder we're going to name this soccer blueprints and there we're going to add a blueprint class of the type actor and we're going to name this bp underscore soccer goal go ahead and open this up and in here we're going to add a static mesh name this soccer goal compile and save that and back in our content browser here and in the project files remember to download the project files link in description and if you haven't already import them by dragging and dropping them into your project files we have this soccer goal right here and right now you can see there's no material on this net so let's go ahead and fix that real quick in our content browser we have this net material double click that and in this material here we want to actually add this little texture node this mask so we can go ahead and drag that into our net into our graph change this net type to right here to mask and hook up the rgb into the opacity mask now this will give us this little mask for the net and we can also select this net and make sure it's two-sided that way we can see from the back in front save that and now our little soccer goal has this net material so now we can go ahead and go back to our soccer goal blueprint with our soccer goal static mesh we can change this to sm underscore soccer goal all right so right off the bat it might look big and what we can go ahead and do is actually go to our blueprints soccer blueprints soccer goal and drag this into our scene and what i'm going to do is actually delete all this third person stuff to make room and we can go ahead and move this rotate it around so it's facing us you see it's huge so we're going to do is with our soccer goal here we're going to snap this window like so go back to our third person and we're going to adjust our scale right here to be something like 0.5 0.5 4.5 that looks a lot better so now we can go ahead and compile save that now let's go ahead and add another component which is a box collision so we can go ahead and scale this box collision to be inside of this goal so go ahead and move this up e to scale something like so now what we want to do is we want to with our box selected scroll down add an event begin overlap and right now what we want to do is when a ball overlaps our box collision we want to spawn a explosion or particle effect to show that we scored our ball in the goal so of course we need to actually create the ball so let's go ahead and go back to our soccer blueprints folder right click add another blueprint class of the type actor you want to name this to bp underscore soccer ball double click and open it i'm going to add a static a static mesh component name this to ball mesh in our static mesh we can search sm under sm underscore ball we see this little soccer ball and of course this one is also really big if we hit this browse we can drag this into our scene you see it's massive so we'll go ahead and size this down by going in there soccer ball compiles save that you see that it is a lot more smaller and much better maybe it's a little bit too big but for this purpose it'll be absolutely fine so now we have our ball blueprint so we go back into the goal event graph we can go off of our other actor and cast to bp underscore soccer ball so if a ball has overlapped and entered into our goal what we want to do is spawn emitter at location and for our location get our soccer goal and get world location and then we'll just plug this into our location we'll add maybe a little explosion maybe this little p k y hit compile save that and so if we hit play here you're gonna notice one of two things our ball does not move around so to actually let our ball simulate physics and move around we need to go back to our soccer ball scroll down to the physics tab with the mesh selected and then you want to hit this simulate physics and for our mass in kg we want to check box that and change this to 20 compile save that if we hit play here see our actor moves we can hit it into our goal you see here it's not going inside of our goal this is because we need to also mess around with the collision settings on our soccer goal go to your soccer goal blueprint go to your soccer goal mesh and in this static mesh here we want to scroll down to the collision and under the collision complexity we want to just use complex collision as simple okay now if we save that i'm gonna go ahead and move this back a little bit move this like so and then if i hit play here i can kick our ball into the goal and you see it play that particle effect now i also want the ball to actually disappear when i do that and i also want my particle effect to be much larger and more visible to the character so back in the soccer goal bp first destroy our soccer ball after it's scored so off of here we can do destroy after the target being the bp underscore soccer ball hook that up and then for the emitter location we can alt click there and instead of doing this we can drag off of here and do make vector and then off of here we can do break vector hook up obviously the x and the y and for the z we can do this like 300 units higher than the location of the goal that way just spawns a little bit higher if we hit play we can run it into our goal just like that and now the soccer ball actually isn't the smoothest when it's rolling around and it actually needs a better collision on the model so if we go into our project files soccer ball go to our collision we can go ahead and remove the current collision that it has and add a spear simplified collision you see here it's this little green line you can't really see it but if we hit play now it's going to roll around nice and smooth just like that so now we can score a ball and see it explode just like that but right now we don't have our ball spawning back in and so the game is pretty boring here we could only score once and the ball is gone so to respawn the ball it's actually really easy we go back into our soccer goal blueprint and then off our destroyer actor we're going to do an ad a delay and so we're gonna wait for about two seconds after they scored it and then we're going to spawn actor from class and so the spawn actor from class spawns a blueprint or an actor so in this case we're going to search for our bp underscore ball underscore soccer ball for our spawn transform what we actually want to do is we want to right click and split this so that we have the vectors and rotator and of our spawn transform location we want to drag off of here and promote this to a variable and we can just name this to wall spawn location like so so compile and save that and so now we can set the ball spawn location default value here but instead of doing this this would actually require me to look in the viewport and define the location and copy and paste it back into here and if i actually wanted to move the ball around to a different spawn location it's just not the best way alright so what we want to do is create a new variable and we're going to name this soccer ball ref we're going to change the variable type to bp underscore soccer ball object reference so we can actually have a reference of our soccer ball actor and now what we can do is off the event begin play we can get our soccer ball check to see is valid so this is just double checking to see if our soccer ball actually exists if it's not actually deleted if it is valid we can get the after location and then we can set our ball spawn location like so and now what we can do is we can actually set our ball soccer ball reference to instance editable and expose on spawn doing those check marks allow us to do and so if we head over back over to our level we select our goal you can see we under the default we have this soccer ball reference so what we can do is we can actually hit this little we can hit this little uh selection right here and we can actually select our soccer ball actor so that allows us to set a reference to an the soccer ball in our scene so now we can move our goal around whatever we move our soccer ball around wherever first remove it like that for now hit play and i can go ahead and run that into there and you see two seconds later it spawns in the same exact position let's see if i didn't like that position i can move it over here throw it in there it's going to update the position of where it spawn so you can see here by exposing variables we can very easily select references and change it in real time so that's partially the power of blueprint is you can expose certain variables so that you can tweak things while you're messing around in the editor that way you don't have to do a lot of back and forth all right so that's pretty much our soccer blueprint right there we score and it spawns a little particle effect respawns our little ball just like so all right so we've created a simple door a hat pickup a little health bar a soccer goal lastly let's go ahead and create something a little bit more advanced like a little hit actor something that you see in a fall guys game where you're running around the map and you have little spinny things that will hit you and make your character ragdoll and all that stuff so let's go ahead and make that real quick i'm gonna go ahead and close all of these blueprints that i have open and in our contact browser we can add a final folder called hit actor blueprint and in here we can add a new blueprint class the type actor name this bp underscore hit after so we can go ahead and double click this to open it up what we can go ahead and do is first add a static mesh and name this hit actor mesh and you want to use the project files that i have included the sm hit actor so we can search static mesh underscore hit actor like so and basically this thing is going to rotate around over and over and when it hits the player it's going to make our player ragdoll so we also need to add a capsule collision around this little hit part so we can go ahead and rotate this 90 degrees on x and r to scale this up move this up like so just around like that i actually need to scale this a little bit larger and a little bit less like so then two more things where you need to add a arrow and so we'll go ahead and move this arrow like so and rotate it 90 degrees position it right in front of this and the arrow will help us determine which way is forward for this little hit actor and then lastly we're going to add a rotating movement component so the rotating movement component will automatically rotate our actor around and around so if we compile and save this we can actually drag this into our game here and hit play and you can see it's automatically rotating right off the bat now what we want to do is we want to add an event for when this object hits us we want it to ragdoll our character and send our character flying so we can go ahead and go into our hit actor here and in our event graph we're going to delete all this select our capsule scroll down and we're going to add an event on begin overlap for the capsule we're going to cast to third person character and what we want to do is we want to call an event in the character that will do our hit actor event so go to your character select your character edit the blueprint we're going to add a new event right click add custom event i'm going to name this hit by hit actor so this event is going to have one input which is this variable we're going to change this to a vector i'm going to name this to hit location and we're going to go back to our bp hit actor and now we should be able to call it by hit actor and we want to get our arrow now for that we want to get forward vector of our arrow and put it into our variable like so and we're getting this warning because we actually need to compile our third person character bp first before we call the hit by hit actor function like that and we can hook that up compile that and we're not getting any errors so now back in our third person character we need to add obviously all the logic for getting hit by the hit actor the first thing that we need to do is when we get hit by it we need to set simulate physics mesh so we need to simulate our character ragdolling and then we're going to add an impulse so here we're going to do add and pulse the target is going to be our character's mesh and for the impulse location vector we're going to make a vector and we want to draw off the hit actor and do a break vector and hook up the break vector into the make vector and then for the z what we want to do is put a really large number 50 000 and actually off of here we want to multiply this and then we'll right click convert pin to float and you want to name this to 5000 like so so right now we can go ahead and test this out by going over here and we see our character goes flying in the air and what we actually need to do is set our character mesh scroll down to the collision and want to set the collision presets to instead of character mesh you want to set this to ragdoll compile and save that and back in here we're going to hit play if we get hit now you see it's a little bit more realistic but as you can see here it's still hitting our actual capsule component which is sending our character flying in the air over and over you also see here we still have a capsule component which you can run around and there's a lot of stuff that is wrong so let's go ahead and fix all that so when our character is hit we actually don't want them to be able to move around we'll go ahead and get our character movement stable movement that way they can't move around then we're going to do a delay for about five seconds so they can't move for about five seconds and then after five seconds we can go ahead and set simulate physics we can change this back to do not simulate you'll see this little node here looks really annoying it's not all straightened out you can actually add reroute nodes by double clicking and then double click again just like so so it's a little bit more neat and then off of here we want to attach component to component we want to attach our mesh our character mesh back to our capsule component so that our character gets reattached to our capsule component the one that we control and move around i want to keep this to snap the target snap the target and keep relative scale drag off of the mesh set relative location relative location will be 0 0 and then negative 95. the reason why we're doing this is because if we were to just attach our mesh back to our component after ragdolling it would be in a weird rotation all that stuff and so we need to reset the rotation to what it is in the viewport if you select the viewport you see here our rotation that's exactly what we're doing here and then off of the mesh we want to do set relative rotation as well hook that up and set the z to negative 90 and last but not least we need to let them move their character around so we'll do get the character movement and set movement mode walking so that will basically undo everything that happens here so we're setting the physics adding an impulse so they go flying stopping the movement waiting for five seconds and then we're undoing all that by undo simulate physics attach the mesh back to our component set its location rotation back to normal and then allow the character to move around freely so now if we compile save i'm going to go ahead and move this soccer stuff out of the way and move this like so hit play we can run into there and see our character fly and you can see we're still getting hit by this mesh we can't move around though and so let's go ahead and fix that real quick and so what exactly is happening is our capsule collision is still there and it's still hitting it over and over and over which keeps adding an impulse and sends our character flying a little bit so instead of doing that what we can do is we can add a new variable we'll type boolean you can say is knocked out question mark and so before we do everything here and again i'm just going to select everything and move it over before we hit our character we want to check and see get our is knocked out do a branch so check and see if our character is knocked out because if it is knocked out then we don't want to do anything because it's already waiting on the ground if not we want to set the variable to is knocked out and then at the very end we want to set our variable back to normal so that they aren't knocked out and another thing is actually back in the hit actor i want to go to the hit actor mesh and under the collisions here i want to custom and let the camera ignore the camera so that's again for the hit actor hit after mesh collision settings custom camera camera ignore that way we don't have that thing running in our camera so look at that only does it once and it's not colliding with our camera we respawn we can run hits our character like that so that's cool and all but let's go ahead and actually adjust the value for how much it hits our character for so let's actually change this to something like [Applause] 50 000 so now when we do this add impulse we should send our character flying a lot more there we go so now we can respawn here if we run into this let's send our character flying in the air then we respawn okay so let's say you wanted to add actually more of these hit actors by just alt dragging them out like so if we hit play they're all spinning in the same direction let's say we want to have them spin in different directions that way they're all not spinning at the same at the same rotation so one way we could do that is if we go into our hit actor blueprint in our rotating movement we see our rotation rate and it's rotating 180 degrees on the z-axis and we can actually change that variable we don't want to change it in here but what we want to do is we want to create a new variable and we want to change this to the vector type and change this to rotation rate and save that i want to instance editable expose on spawn and in our event begin play and our event graph will add a event begin play and what we'll do is we'll get our rotating roommate new set rotation rate and it looks like we actually need to change this vector to a rotator type variable so we can click change variable type compile save that get our rotator rate and set that in like so so this will allow us to change this rotator movement value to this value that we set and what we set it and expose it on spawn so let's go ahead and give this a default value of 180 on the z-axis that way just has a default spin so now if we go into our editor we can actually select these and you can see we have this node rotation rate so we can do something like negative 180 and then negative once 140 maybe save that play you can see these are rotating at different rates and we can actually even change this even more if we do this like negative 50 100 they're going to be rotating at all different rates actually you can see that's a little bit too slow for us so actually we'll go ahead and do this negative 180 again i want 80 like so and so they're all rotating at different lengths it makes it a little bit trickier to run in and we can define these variables in our viewport and in our scene instead of duplicating our actor multiple times to have different values and so on we can just use the power blueprint to expose a variable and have it be different for each actor in our scene one more fix also if you equip your hat and if you get hit by a hit actor you're gonna notice you start bugging out and that's because the collision on our hat mesh right here needs to actually be set to nothing so if you go underneath third person character hat mesh we want to set the collision from block all to no collision now if we hit play we can equip our hat and hit by actor and it will look all normal like usual alright so that's pretty much going to be a wrap for this video we've learned how to create a simple open and closed door to a hat pickup to then adding damage to our character having health bar also healing our character creating a little soccer goal blueprint that respawns the soccer ball to then creating a little hit actor that hits our character and stimulates physics hope you guys learned a lot in this blueprint beginner tutorial i'm going to make another tutorial following this one up called blueprint intermediate and then another tutorial called blueprint advanced so in the intermediate we're going to talk about more common things that you can create in blueprint and then in the advanced we're going to take things a bit further and talk about some advanced topics in blueprint so anyways guys if you enjoyed the video make sure you hit the like button and subscribe button i put a lot of effort into these tutorials and videos and you guys do not want to miss out in any future tutorials so anyways that's it for this video hope you guys enjoyed and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Smart Poly
Views: 344,889
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Id: bY6Nl-OEhSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 29sec (6449 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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