Making a Game in ONE HOUR Using MY ENGINE AGAIN!!

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so two years ago i made a game in an hour using hazel my game engine this was inspired by dany making a game in one hour using unity i basically wanted to make the exact same game that he made in unity but in hazel that way i could kind of like see first of all what it would even be like making a game because back then hazel was like in its infancy i mean it had barely any features and so i kind of spent a lot of that time that i had to make the game making like the actual engine like filling in the gaps of what was missing in the engine that of course far from ideal and i mean that not only meant that i couldn't actually physically make the same game because we were missing things like audio and physics it meant that the precious time that i did have was not spent using the engine and making the game but spent like trying to trying to like implement some weird like collision detection thing to to make it playable and hack like some bloom in there by adding glow in photoshop i mean it was a disaster now however it has been two years and lots has changed in hazel and so i thought that i would do the exact same thing again so that we can see how far hazel has come however a few things are going to be different this time okay so first of all 2d nah let's make a 3d version of this game instead one hour time limit i mean i like that idea it's nice to have like a finite amount of work for yourself like i don't want this to go on forever so i think maybe something that is theoretically possible content-wise to create within an hour is a good starting point however i don't want to just set a timer start the game and then stop the timer and then make sure that's within an hour i want this to be chill and so whilst i will have a timer running and i'm going to try my best to kind of fit the actual work within that hour block i'm not really going to be counting time that i spend like thinking tweaking things playing the actual game because i might want to like play it a few times as i go to make sure everything's working i'm not really going to be timing that much i think the actual game itself is definitely something that should be possible to complete in an hour or a little bit more i'll have the original video linked up there by the way check that out so that you kind of know what i'm talking about and what the original game was so to summarize i'm going to aim for like an hour of actual work rather than an hour of time past since i begin the project and finally the third thing that is different is hazel now comes in two flavors there's hazel and there's hazel 2d now in that video two years ago i effectively used hazel 2d i use like the game engine series version of hazel that's all cool but now i want to bring out the big guns i want to actually use like the full version of hazel if you have no idea what i'm talking about why there are two versions what hazel even is then definitely check out the hazel website there's like an explanation there that explains what each version is and why we're even building a game engine speaking of which did i mention that this website is hosted by hostinger the sponsor of today's video no well it is and hosting it is by far the best web host i have ever used no matter who you are you need a website let's be honest the world revolves around the internet hostinger is a platform that provides you with a server that you can use to put something on the internet a website would be an example of something to put onto the internet there are plenty of other websites platforms companies you could go to to get your web hosting done but the thing that i really like about hostinger is the fact that it is extremely affordable for the quality that you receive this doesn't feel like a cheap web host by any means their platform is really really solid their ui is fantastic they have amazing tutorials and documentation to get you started and answer all of your questions and did i mention that it's easy to set something up i mean this literally right here is what it took for me to set up hazel and i set that up as a vps rather than a simple shared hosting server because i have special plans for that website is the link in the description to check out go ahead and sign up for one of their plans and give it a go if you use the coupon code cherno at checkout you will receive an even bigger discount it's the holiday season right now it's like the perfect time to actually sit down get a moment to set up your website and meddle with the internet so definitely give hosting a go i promise you you won't be disappointed i've been using them for the last few years and they've been amazing huge thank you to hosting it for sponsoring this video and a lot of what we do with hazel to be honest all right we've got a game to make let's get to it okay so the first step is to open hazel we actually have this great launcher that we can use now to create a new project this is kind of new we actually didn't have this up until a few months ago before that we had to basically copy an existing project and then like modify it so this is pretty cool now once we open the project it will open up in hazelnut which is the hazel engine editor we have this blank scene here and all i'm gonna do is basically set up like a basic skylight and a camera so that we can hit play and actually see something during this video i'm obviously going to speed up certain sections but i'm not going to cut anything so you guys will actually see every action taken to build this game and its assets in hazel and whatever other software i use once we've got a basic scene set up i wanted to go into blender and actually create this 3d rocket now i did have like the original rocket design that danny made and then the one that i made with the cherno logo on it as a guide so i kind of just followed that and made it out of some basic primitives like this cylinder the cone i gave it a few materials of course and then i uv unwrapped the cylinder because i wanted to position that cherno logo on it as a little signature like i did in the original 2d game i did a little bit more tweaking and then i exported it in the gltf format hazel also supports fbx and that's mostly what i've been using thus far but i've been trying to kind of switch to using gltf a lot more once we have that we can drag it in as a static mesh into hazel and here i'm just adding a directional light playing around with it seeing what looks nice now i also added this kind of like burner area that i wanted to give an emissive material to so here i am creating that emissive material inside hazel and assigning it to the burner material so that we get this nice glow now emissive materials of course don't actually emit light they just work with the bloom effect so what i'm doing here is actually creating a point light parenting it to the rocket and then putting it in like place of the burner so that we can actually get light emitting from that burner next i'm going to add a rigid body and a capsule collider to the rocket so that we can actually get some kind of physics and collision detection now i'm actually not really planning to use the physics system to do the actual like rocket movement i'm going to basically recreate the same movement mechanics that i created in the original game that way i have a little bit more control over it and also it's a simple game it doesn't really require a physics simulation i care a lot more about the feel of the game than an actual like realistic physics simulation and here i am simulating the actual physics and then playing the actual game so that we can see that rocket fall down now next up i want to introduce some behavior and interaction into this game so i'm going to the project directory and opening up the visual studio solution that hazel generated now hazel uses c-sharp for scripting so a lot of this actual scripting is going to be a lot like unity and way less than what it was like in the original 2d game that i made a couple years ago since that was entirely written in c plus so this is another huge step forward what i'm going to do here might be slightly controversial however i'm actually going to look at the game that i made two years ago and basically steal a lot of the code from there i just kind of want to make it feel more or less like the same game or at least use that as a starting point now a lot of it of course will need to be changed because it was written in c plus plus this is now in c sharp also there was no like entity component system or any real api in that previous version two years ago so this needs to dramatically change but all of the math that is kind of the stuff that i'm interested in since that dictates the actual like logic and feel of the game rather than like the api and all of that stuff which doesn't really matter as you can see here i'm actually taking some of the values the same values that i used in that game and plugging them in here we can do this via the ui with the c public variable of course just like in unity and if we hit play there's our rocket it's moving up with the spacebar and it has its own kind of gravity that is independent of the physics system because we're actually setting the rocket's position via the script now next up i want the camera to follow the rocket i'm going to do this by creating a c-sharp script for the camera i'm duplicating the existing script just to make things a little bit faster since if i create a new c-sharp file it's going to be completely empty it's not going to there's no template with the oncreate on update function nothing like that so this is just a little bit faster now i could just parent the camera entity to the rocket entity and that would satisfy the whole like camera following the rocket requirement but the reason why i'm doing it in this script is because i might want a little bit more control over the way that the camera moves i don't want to directly associate it with the rocket so here i'm just finding the rocket getting its translation and setting up the camera's translation based on that except for the z axis because i want the camera to be of course quite far from the rocket on that axis here you can actually see how to add a new script component to an entity you actually have to type in the full kind of name so in this case as long as that class has been compiled as part of the c-sharp dll it will show up inside hazel and everything will be good that's our current workflow and to be honest i kind of like it some auto complete would be nice but i don't think there's any need to really create scripts using the editor ui if you're gonna then open them in visual studio anyway i also added this little kind of floor just so that we can actually see what's going on since the camera is moving with the rocket which means it looks like nothing is moving and as you can see the rocket is now moving forward this is beginning to feel a little bit like a tutorial so i'm probably going to speed up some of these next steps if you guys are interested what i might do is make like a full non-sped up version complete with commentary and put that up somewhere maybe on like a hazel engine channel but for this video let's just keep it concise after making the rocket rotate to kind of face a direction based on its velocity just like in the previous game we more or less have the basic mechanic done scale is always a challenging thing when it comes to making games so you'll see me kind of play around with the rocket scale and all of that throughout this video now i had an idea i thought it would be cool if the rocket would actually kind of spin around its y-axis this didn't really make sense in the 2d game of course but here why not so i quickly added that in i also wasn't too happy that the kind of emissive burner wasn't really visible since we were at like a 90 degree angle to the rocket so i also added like a little bit of x rotation so that it would kind of appear as if the rocket wobbled this i think was a cool effect regardless of that burner after some more tweaking it's time to add in those pillars now hazel does have like a default cone shape that we can use but i wanted to kind of make this one a little bit more low poly a little bit more simple and have that option to modify it if i wanted to so i made it in blender imported it and there we have it i placed a couple in the world just to see what it would look like then i wanted to give them a material i just decided on this green color for now made sure that it had a mesh collider and then i just created a prefab out of it because the plan is going to be to instantiate these via a level script now inside the level script i'm adding a public prefab field so that we can then simply go back and drag in that pillar into that c-sharp field so that we can instantiate it and speaking of which let's go back to the original game from two years ago and steal some more code now this part is actually quite different because back then of course no entity component system no prefabs nothing everything was kind of just in a data structure and then rendered inside an on render function so it really is quite different here but the stuff that isn't different is the math as i mentioned so like calculating positions for the pillars spacing them apart reusing the pillars again when the rocket gets to a different part of the level all of that stuff is more or less the same but how do we convert that into this ecs system well first of all we don't really need a container to contain all these kind of instantiated pillars because we can just instantiate them as children of this level entity that's pretty cool because we already have that kind of children data structure that list of children which you can see me using here and the rest of the code kind of translates more or less the same way now i have no idea about the scale of these things because we were just rendering them as like i think 2d quads actually in that game two years ago but we can always play around with the numbers so for now i'm keeping them as is and now if i hit play you can see we have our pillars a little bit weird position and the floor obviously is was just there for reference so i'll need to reposition some things maybe play with the scale but more or less looks pretty cool now it's feeling a little bit slow almost kind of feels like we're underwater so that definitely needs to be fixed or underwater theme maybe now if i zoom the camera out kind of hard to do while playing you can actually see that pillar reusing working which is pretty cool it kind of looked like maybe there weren't enough pillars because i could kind of see them appearing sometimes so i just added another pair and here we have our first kind of gameplay i guess looks pretty cool now the next step is to create that floor and ceiling pretty simple stuff we just need to position them in the right place make sure that they're big enough so that it looks nice give them some names and a material and then finally of course we need them to follow the player so that we never run out of them now what i'm going to do here actually is parent the ceiling to the floor that way i only need to find the one floor entity in the c-sharp script move that and then of course since the ceiling is a child it will also move and here we have endless floor and ceiling and endless pillars now one thing i'm not digging is that this channel logo is a bit kind of dark so what i'm actually going to do is add some lighting because you know you want that channel logo nice and visible there we go much better now we definitely want some kind of score obviously to see what the score is so funny thing about hazel is it doesn't actually have any like ui you could say we can rent a text but it is all kind of in world space it's like an entity part of the scene it's not going to be in screen space i mean i guess you could use some c sharp code and like you know some math and all that to actually make it effectively in screen space but hazel doesn't really quite offer that yet it's you know we're working on it but for this game i actually think that's kind of okay because what i'm gonna do is just have the score hover above the rocket we can also kind of push it back so that it's behind the pillars i think that'll look really cool besides modern ui and games you know they like to do this kind of stuff and i think it definitely works for this game now as for the score itself nothing really too complicated here the pillars are all evenly spaced apart so just like in the original game the score is really just a function of the rocket's x position i also decided to get rid of the word score so it looks cleaner now i kind of forgot to add colliders to the floor and ceiling so just quickly doing that here and now we can actually make game over happen so what i'm going to do is to the rocket at a collision begin callback which is basically a callback function that gets called when we collide with something with this given other entity we don't really care what we collide with at this point we're just going to mark collided as true and then the plan is in the on update function we can handle that game over which in this case will simply just destroy this rocket entity for certain reasons we don't want to destroy it from within the collision callback that's why i'm setting up this collided boolean but you can see that with that in place it works we can lose the game we can't really respawn but that's okay the rocket disappears when we hit something great but not exactly satisfying i feel like the rocket should like i don't know crumble or something wouldn't that be cool yeah it would so let's go back to blender and fracture this rocket i'm just using the cell fracture add-on that is included as part of blender this takes like a few goes to get right i think because it somewhat does it randomly and you might want to tweak these parameters in addition to that if geometry isn't like a certain way it might not work so for example it's like cylinder body is missing its kind of top face so i'm adding it back here so that we don't get that weird piece generating also since dynamic like mesh colliders need to be convex it's important to make sure that you don't have too much intersection of geometry happening because then things will just explode as you can see here so i'm actually going to go back to blender maybe space these out a little bit more lots of tweaking i think this is definitely going to be the part that pushes me over an hour just because this whole fracturing business you want to take some time to get it right once i'm more or less happy with it i'm going to make a prefab out of it and then we can simply instantiate that prefab with the exact same transform as the original rocket when we destroyed that original rocket so we're really just pulling the old switcheroo and hopefully no one will notice and here we go testing it boom now the pieces like just absolutely explode outwards and again i think that's probably because of the geometry intersecting itself as i mentioned lots of tweaking is necessary to get this looking right i'm going to try my best with a limited time i have available to fix this up okay there we go i basically just made some bigger pieces played with the scale that kind of stuff and i really like this effect of not really exploding outwards but just kind of crumbling i think it looks really cool all right time for everyone's favorite thing particles hazel still doesn't have a particle system though but that's okay because it's actually really easy to write your own quick and dirty particle system with this current setup especially because we have instanced rendering which means that we can render a lot of an identical mesh what i'm going to do is just create this kind of empty particle emitter entity and put it right where i want the particles to come out of that way we can more or less just instantiate the particles right at that entity's transform now the first thing that i wanted to do with my particle system is set up like a little timer so that i could basically emit a particle that little smoke particle that's supposed to pop out every now and then i wanted to emit it basically every half second so that's why i set the emit rate to 0.5 i'm just going to write some simple code here to basically instantiate the particle and give it some kind of transform what i'm going to do here is obviously not parent the particle to the rocket because i don't want it to move with the rocket i'm going to add it to like a smoke particle container just so i can like keep track of it and all of that and of course i need to make sure that i instantiate it like in world space not relative to this rocket entity of course so that's why i'm using the world transform of this particle emitter entity i'm adding a little bit of an impulse force in a random direction just to give it some movement and adding it to that smoke particle container now let's actually create the particle prefabs so that we can instantiate them the original game had square particles so it only makes sense to make these cubes now i added a box collider here to be honest i don't know why i did that and i'll remove it later but yeah just thought that would be cool i guess so i hit play rocket immediately explodes because it's emitting the smoke particle which is colliding with the rocket which is causing it to explode so again instead of removing that box collider i decided to go into the project settings and add another physics layer for the particles because i guess for some reason i wanted the particles to collide with each other but not with like the default layer which is the layer that the rocket is on again not sure what happened to me here but yeah and so now finally whoa why are there so many there's supposed to be only one every half second what is going on but hey they're colliding with each other so there's that and to be honest this looks kind of cool especially with the lighting coming from the burner i decided to log the smoke timer to see if anything was wrong and instead i was greeted with a lot of null reference exceptions now our debugging isn't the greatest but it's pretty easy to see where the null reference exception is coming from and of course if your script crashes then the rest of that script is kind of more or less ignored or at least that function exits of course so therefore the smoke timer was just always you know zero i guess and we were emitting them every frame so once we've fixed that up by actually creating a smoke particle container you can see we're emitting these lovely smoke particles which i think look pretty cool now let's make them spin a little bit because they're kind of still so we're going to add some angular velocity to the rigid body and there we go now they kind of spin cool now let's do the same but for those kind of glowing fire particles which i think will look really cool for this i actually want to get the rocket entity get the rocket script so that we can actually get the velocity of the rocket and then emit those particles into the opposite direction of the velocity that way they'll basically be emitted out of that burner which is the intention now the reason i'm checking for rocket entity being null a lot you may have noticed that everywhere is because we do actually destroy the rocket if we die so it's possible for the rocket not to exist and we just want to protect our code from that so that it doesn't crash i'm not going to bother making the rocket actually emit the particles right here in the emitter i'm just going to check for the spacebar being pressed and we will emit those particles of course if the rocket is dead and null then no particles will be emitted now let's create that fire particle prefab give it a nice emissive material and hey that looks a little bit weird i mean i guess it's working but they're like spinning a lot why is that happening oh yeah it's because they're literally being emitted like on top of each other and they're colliding and they're going crazy because cherno added that box collider for some reason before i abandoned my box collider however i decided to tweak some values because maybe that's the reason i don't even know why i did that to be honest always fun watching these as like a little postmortem reflection seeing yourself being a comedian and now finally removing the box collider from the smoke particle and from the fire particle there we go that looks much better now although they are kind of still so let's maybe give them a bit more force maybe i misjudged that yeah there we go that looks much better now the other thing that i'm noticing here is it kind of looks cool when they get close to the pillars because they're emissive but they're not actually emitting light as i mentioned so let's just add point lights to them that'll be cool now you might be thinking every particle with a point light that is kind of expensive however thanks to hazel using four plus rendering it's actually pretty cheap depends how many you have of course and if they're overlapping but i think we've only got a couple hundred at most here so it should be fine i also decided to change the pillar material to be metallic because that way the specular highlight from those fire particle lights will just look a lot better all right more tweaking that i'm definitely not going to be too stressed about thanks to the rules looking pretty good however i think it would look even cooler if the scene was a lot darker since we have a lot of kind of emissive stuff going on and based on the original game the pillars are also well supposed to glow i guess so maybe like a night theme would suit this better now the next thing that we really should do is actually set up a particle system so to speak because the problem is we are spawning especially the fire particles as we spawn a lot more of them than the smoke particles they're kind of just being spawned and never killed off additionally we kind of lose the ability to control them over time which is something we might want to do we could give each particle a c-sharp script but let's be honest that's not great so instead what i'm going to do is write this little particle system script i've actually set it up as an entity here which isn't like strictly necessary but the point is we're going to be able to add each particle that we emit or at least each fire particle that we emit into this list which we can then like manage and maybe scale down over time and then once the life runs out then we can destroy the particle entity and of course nothing works the first time this time though i'm going to actually check the log to see what's going on and of course another null reference exception same problem i forgot the fire particle container i should really just add them both to like the particle system entity but whatever guess we're doing containers now that that's all fixed we can see the particles getting smaller over time and then dying and to be honest i really love the effect of the fire particle light on the smoke particles i think that looks really cool now back to the environment i don't really dig this kind of generated sky with the sunset or whatever is going on here so i'm actually going to use this environment map which you can download for free from poly haven blurring it looks very cool of course and we get something slightly more interesting i think let's make those pillars change their colors i'm going to go back to the original game and grab this hsv to rgb little conversion function and adapt it into our c-sharp script getting those default values as well from the original game and then modifying the material now because they all have the same material i can actually just get like the first child because they're all instantiated under this level class the first child which is the first pillar get its mesh component and get the first material from that mesh component now materials are also a little bit interesting in hazel in the sense that if you modify them whilst playing the game then that state it kind of remains so you'll see me like stop this at times later on and whatever the material was like when the game ended when i hit the stop button it kind of remains the same this is completely okay for us here though because of course we're actually setting these parameters every time we play the game so it's fine now about that pillar glow we talked about that both danny's game and my game from two years back had as well let's make the pillar material emissive however i had this idea of progressively making it more and more emissive so every 10 score that we get basically i wanted to suddenly jump up in brightness i don't want this to be like a smooth thing and i don't want them to remain the same level of emission throughout the game and of course as with the other emissive material objects that we have in the scene i also want this to emit light so i'm going to add a point light to each pillar now this also means that the color of the point light and its intensity should probably go hand in hand with the pillar color and the pillar's emission so i'm also going to set that up through the c-sharp script the floor and ceiling is kind of looking all dark and depressing so i'm also going to add the pillow material to those and there we have it we basically have a more or less finished game here's some beautiful sped up gameplay going as far as i can i really wanted to kind of test the emission here to see just how bright it would get but i think it's pretty manageable and i got all the way up to 102 i think it looks really cool until we disable bloom that is there are those materials persisting as i mentioned now as i played this and i got all the way up to 102 i realized that it the game is kind of very repetitive obviously and there's no real challenge you could just probably keep doing that forever so i wanted to add some kind of speed up to the rocket because of course if the rocket gets faster over time eventually you will just die my first test of this proved that it just it just sped up way too quickly i wanted to look at the actual velocity value here and i did and i realized it was just too much so i went back to the script and just made it 10 times slower and to be honest the game's feeling kind of nice now two years ago hazel didn't have any audio system whatsoever and now we actually have quite a good one so whilst i'm not going to pull a dany and somehow manage to write music within the one hour i would love to do that by the way for an extended version of this game but definitely not now sound effects however using bfxr let's make that happen the first one i wanted was some kind of explosion for when the rocket hits something putting that into hazel is pretty straightforward and we actually have quite a lot of parameters to play with i'm not going to bother with any of that here though we're really quite tight on time let's just make it play and the simplest way i can think of to make it play is just play on awake for the fractured rocket because of course that's what we instantiate when we hit something beautiful now we have no way of restarting the game from within the game but it's okay we're gonna just shove that under the rug i also thought it would be cool to have a little spawn sound yep definitely cool [Music] i think it's nice having these kind of 8-bit sound effects with these kind of graphics speaking of which the font is really not doing it for me either for the score so i went on to try and find some free font to use slapping that into hazel and playing around with the color and the size and all of that i think we have a pretty cool result one of the reasons why i decided to make it black by the way is because obviously it gets very bright with all of that emission later on in the game so i wanted to always make that font visible the text by the way is not affected by lighting or anything like that because it's kind of 2d and it's actually rendered on a separate layer you could say in a separate render pass so nothing to worry about there we also had this one little null reference exception as a result of again something trying to use the rocket when the rocket had already been destroyed so i rearranged this script a little bit to be easier to read and make more sense and also fix that bug i also realized that in the fractured rocket i never actually set up that burner material so i went through all of those fractured pieces and added in that material so yeah game looks pretty dope i think especially with that font here's some beautiful gameplay [Music] now the one thing that i kind of didn't like is that the score was sometimes way hidden behind a pillar and it was like impossible to see this is obviously a problem so i had this idea of just animating it to go into like the center of the screen or around about that area so that after you die you could actually see the score since there's that huge gap in the middle adding that was pretty straightforward and after some tweaking i think it looks pretty cool and that's it i'm gonna leave this game here i really would love to take some more time and extend this all in all what i've done right here took me around an hour and 25 minutes well that was pretty easy that's because i didn't actually make the game now i made it like before i recorded the first part of the video is that cheating this is youtube let's get real so i think the cool part about the video that you guys just watched is that whilst it of course is sped up in certain areas i actually didn't cut anything every single action that i took whether that be code that i wrote or changed or buttons that i clicked inside hazel's editor every single action was actually shown in that video so theoretically if you slow it down that's a full-on tutorial that being said what i think i'm going to do is on a separate like hazel engine channel i will actually play the real time version of this video and i might kind of talk about everything that i'm doing and effectively turn that into a tutorial that might be interesting for people who want to make games in hazel or just see like what hazel is like because i think that's quite interesting it's almost like a director's commentary considering it's my engine as you can see hazel has come a long way in the last two years and i'm even more excited for the future if you want to support hazel and get access to all of the source code the actual engine that i use to make this game then head over to if you sign up with at least a 10 per month tier you will get access to all of this source code and you will be able to make this same game and also see all the source code behind the engine patreon is the platform that we use to fund this project if we didn't have you patreon supporters then i wouldn't be able to hire people i wouldn't be able to support myself and my family i wouldn't be able to make all of these videos so basically i'm saying that hazel would not exist if it wasn't for you guys and for that i am eternally grateful i really want to release this game for you guys but hazel doesn't exactly have a way to release games at the moment we can play games in the runtime so in other words we can actually play it as a standalone application but the problem is there is no packaging of assets there is like a lot of the engine internals are kind of exposed it's a little bit messy to actually distribute games i guess my point is we can play games standalone but we can't really distribute games in the way that i would like to so what i'm going to do is this i have a final patron tier called partner there are around 50 generous supporters sitting in that tier who have not received any rewards other than the ones they would have gotten if they were at the 10 tier the supporter 3 tier but they've been there they've been there supporting hazel so what i'm going to do is initially i'm going to release this entire game for those partners so if you are a partner patreon supporter send me a message on patreon and i'll hook you up i'll give you this game and you'll be able to open it up in hazel and play it right now and that's kind of going to be the reward for partner supporters from now on any games that we make in hazel you guys will get the full source access to the games the assets all of that stuff and you'll be able to open up that project within hazel however i do still obviously want to release the game for free for you guys to play just for fun but as i mentioned we're just not quite there yet with hazel so what i'm going to be doing over the next like couple months or so it might be difficult because of like the holiday season but i'm going to be basically working as hard as i can to create this kind of distribution side of hazel so that we can actually shift this game once that is done i'm going to upload it for free onto like hio or something like that so my point is you guys will be able to play this game for free but just not right now and believe me i'm super excited to actually officially ship like the first game made in hazel i mean to be honest this is the first you could say complete game that i've made in hazel but before i do that i had so much fun making this game and there's still so many ideas that i actually have that i think i might just keep working on it let me know if you guys want to see me continue working on this game and just make it better i mean like i really want to make like a main menu screen maybe a way to submit high scores or something like that christmas is coming up so maybe we want like a bit of a christmas themed version if you guys want to see that then definitely drop a comment below and let me know but other than that i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you are new it's been an amazing year and i'm so proud of all of the work that we've done and as i mentioned i can't wait for the next year and the year after that and all the amazing stuff we're going to be able to create don't forget to check out hosting using the link below have an absolutely fantastic holiday season and i will see you guys next time goodbye [Music] you
Channel: The Cherno
Views: 28,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Making a Game in ONE HOUR Using MY ENGINE, one hour game, making a game in one hour, cherno, gamedev, hazel, game engine, making a game engine, custom game engine, unity, dani, danidev, making a game, game making, flappy bird, farty rocket, rocket game, how to make a game, how to to make a game in hazel, hazel engine
Id: 1TwBMgPbuOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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