Landscape Road Spline Tutorial - Unreal Engine 4

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hello guys smartpoly here welcome back to another video in this video i will show you guys how to make a simple road using the landscape layer spline tool that can be really helpful when creating any sort of road pathway or anything on your landscape it will automatically adjust the terrain to meet the height of the road and it's really easy and simple to set up so let's go ahead and get started here so basically i just created a blank third person project with starter content and i'm just going to create a new level here and delete everything lighting to movable light source is removable then we'll go ahead and create ourselves a new landscape click create and we'll go back here into select mode and then we'll just bring this player capsule up and we can delete this reflection capsule okay so basically how it works is we can go into the landscape modes here you want to make sure you're using any version of unreal past 4.24 so either 4.24 or 4.25 is when this tool was added basically how it works is you go and select your landscape go into the details panel enable edit layers click yes just save everything we'll save the map here and then we're gonna go into the landscape mode and then over here in your landscape tab you're going to see this edit layers we're going to create a new layer and we're going to rename it to splines layer basically you want to have your own separate layer for splines so that you can right click and click reserve for splines and then you'll click yes okay so now we can create our own spline basically how we do that is we just click this on the manage tab splines you can hold down control on your keyboard and then left click so just like that you just hold down control and left click on your keyboard and we're going to create a simple spline or simple road here on our landscape and you can hit control off of one of these points and add a little road part coming off of that too and if you don't want that you can delete those two alright so now what we can go ahead and do is go to select all segments and now we can add a skeletal mesh to this because right now it's just a spline with nothing on it so how we can do that is basically if we go into blender here what we're gonna do here in blender is create a little road asset so go ahead and scale this uh right about there six blocks long and then six blocks or two boxes wide or whatever units that is blender i think it's two meters okay so we can go ahead and go into edit mode by heading t control r there to make a subdivide i'm just going to go ahead and go into wireframe and delete select those delete the vertices okay and we can select these two vertices and delete those ones so now as you can see here we only have this side of our road and basically i'm just going to select these and then hit g and hit my axis x g again or z basically to create a little curve to the sides of the road that way it's just not a flat mesh g and x then i'll extrude it one more time down x then g and then c okay so just a simple little curve to the edge of the road then we can go ahead and go back into object mode go to our modifiers add a mirror apply that go back into edit mode here delete these vertices and then select these vertices by holding down shift and then click f on our keyboard to fill it just stop like that we'll go ahead and quickly unwrap this too so or just hit a on your keyboard to select all go in the uev editing tab and then we'll go view v port top click u to unwrap uh project from view we can hit down b and select all that and scale this up to right about like that g and x to transform this okay so that looks about good like that that's all good to export we can go into our layout here file export dot fbx going to put this on our desktop we can just name this road mesh selected objects and export that now we can go into our content browser and drag and drop that mesh into our content browser all right and you can see here if we open it up we have this simple little road up and it looks like i did forget to add some smoothing groups to the sides there so i'll go ahead and quickly do that let's go to object shade smooth and then file export that again as fbx road mesh now go ahead and just reimport that real quick okay so very simple road mesh nothing too fancy we're going to go ahead and add a texture to it so i'm going to use qxel mega scans here okay so if you search road up here you're gonna get a lot of different things they don't have a road mesh so that's why we're making one right now um but they do have some asphalt textures okay so i'm gonna use this one right here okay so we'll go ahead and download this okay and then our export settings will go ahead and set this to our engine version okay 4.25 i will set the installation folder here to unroll projects roads okay and then we'll also set the project location to our roads content folder okay and then we'll hit export and then we have a road material here and we can go ahead and apply it to our mesh so just go right here and search road and as you can see we have a nice little road texture here so now if we go into our level again and we go to segments make sure everything is selected here we'll go under the spline meshes add a new array element this is going to basically allow us to assign a mesh to each spline that's selected okay so we can change this to our rode mesh we're actually going to need to go ahead and rotate the mesh so we'll go back to blender r z and then 90 degrees and then file export that as fbx road mesh i'll go ahead and re-import that save that and you can see things are a little bit too wide here so we'll go ahead and adjust select all the segments okay so i just set it back everything to one i guess it was just a little bug there but as you can see we have a little road mesh on our landscape you can see that nice little curve into the ground too we can actually take one of these right here and press w to transform if you pull this up you're gonna see the landscape automatically adjusts and since our model is already kind of offsetted from the actual access right here we don't have to do anything to offset a road on our landscape it's not merging or anything but if you were to need to offset it or select all the control points and then go into the mesh vertical offset so i'll set this to like 30. the road rose a little bit from the ground so that you don't you know have clipping with the ground okay so i'm going to set that back let's find where it was so really you can start messing around with this and move this down here create whatever kind of road you want and go into the landscape create some sort of valley here and create a hill over here and add more points by hitting control and just clicking so you can also adjust the sides here like if you don't want it to be that steep you can either do it for the entire spline or you can do it for these two points shift select these two points we can go ahead and adjust the side fall off here be something like 4 000 as you can see it creates more of a wider falloff that way it's not as steep but again you can always sculpt things out in a different layer just not the splines layer because this is obviously just for splines so you can sculpt it out if you're you know creating a mountain or if you already have a pre-existing landscape it's going to carve it out automatically you can see our simple road that we made and really you can do this for any sort of pathway or something that you want for your landscape like say if you're trying to make a dirt road or like a stone pathway or something you can do the same thing that i've done here for whatever type of landscape spline you're trying to make so yeah that's pretty much it for this video um just a really quick tutorial i'm going to be using this to uh create some sort of little city level using that in kit bash neo city kit that's actually free right now so stick around maybe saturday i'll upload a video of me doing some environment art or something like that but yeah that's pretty much it i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Smart Poly
Views: 129,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8WIWuybAKj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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