Destructible Editor Features & Guide | Live Training | Unreal Engine

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oh wow nice hey everybody welcome back to the unreal engine live stream uh i'm your host alexander paschall uh but the star of the show today is tim hobson who's going to be talking about instructables in unreal engine we are in 4 15 today so make sure that if you're gonna be following along you're in the correct version of the engine and uh tim yeah yeah take it away man okay um so like alex said we're going to be talking about destructive walls today um i know this uh it comes up quite a bit occasionally over the last few years that i've worked here um it's actually one of the first areas of the engine i started learning and just kind of messing around with so uh i i have a little fond place for it yeah i mean i mean you first got in here and we're like throwing physics questions at you left and right yeah you got pretty familiar pretty fast yeah um yeah it was that and then it fell into right into lighting so um but you know that's that's another thing about another transition destructible's lighting you know uh i was like i like these areas okay so um really uh what i'm gonna start going over is um you may notice back here i've got like this whole little project here um that looks like content examples it's not um it's actually been sitting uh around for a couple of years now um and really it's just it's it's got a bunch of uh settings overviews and things like that um it's been on my website as well um but uh before we really jump into a lot of these things i'm just gonna go over destructibles in general what is it um like uh how to create it um clint if you want to actually go back to the yeah because it's gonna be a second before i get to that okay so with uh destructibles um we actually have uh there's a couple different ways you can create them you create them in the editor using the in editor tools for the structure mesh editor um and it gives you a whole wide variety of settings and everything that that content example map that i've got uh walks through um then there's also physics labs which is um it's a plugin that you can get through nvidia's website that covers uh um creating or it's a plugin that you can use for 3ds max or maya um and it gives you a bunch of different other options that you don't get with the in editor tools that we have so it's like you can do things that uh like do cutout mask so that way you can actually have like this differing kind of like more control over your your destructibles that you create and then um then you also have the voronoi um which is kind of the standard right which is what we have in the editor right now so um and then uh let's hear so yeah that's that part sorry i got a bunch of notes here i always keep notes with me just because i i tend to forget but um okay so uh some of the limitations with creating the shuffles i really want to talk about this before we really get into everything else as well um so i've got a image here bring over so one of the bigger things you have to remember like when creating destructibles is it has to be a closed mesh this means that you can't have any open face geometry usually in like 3ds max like if i'm modeling anything i'm doing like box geometry uh modeling or box modeling and and i'm just kind of piecing things together you can't really do that with destructibles they have to be a contiguous like closed mesh um otherwise like whenever you go to fracture um the mesh you you start getting these holes here um you know for all these different uh faces because the uh like when the the fracture happens it doesn't know how to create that geometry for it so um really quick uh yeah for sure uh sorry uh chern uh schunry sorry if i got that wrong uh shinri uh was asking uh what was the plugin again and you said it oh it's um just the name of it and uh yeah if we wanted to bring the site up really fast this is nvidia's yeah it's on videos uh just want to get into that sorry i'm just gonna have to actually just google uh yeah yeah actually you know what google most answers you know what they're behind the scenes also wiki unreal destructible troubleshooting guide so you know this this is why i do things like like why i always had these guys it's like i write things down not for you guys but for me and this this is by the way this is linked in the forum post so that's a part of the promotion for this so if you go to you can also find a link to this page it's like i don't always tend to remember every little thing so um especially after years of being here so um but if we go to physics destruction here you can actually do the download you can sign up for their um their their developer network um for free and actually download the the latest plugins they even have their older ones there as well for your different versions of 3ds max or maya they also have physics labs or no they don't have the standalone tooling where they actually have the clothing or clothing tool that is the cloth editor that is its own this is a separate one yeah yeah so but uh the whole thing is here and they've actually got some some of their own little tutorials and things to show things show some of the games that it's actually been used with and what's possible the documentation which uh that image i originally had to this one is actually straight from their documentation so notice the nvidia yeah you can see a little so um but i guess to answer that part um so back to like when you're you're making your authoring your assets making sure it's a closed mesh um if you have anything that has like really long thin triangles um you're gonna tend to run into issues you won't always run into issues but it's something to be aware of because uh sometimes like the solver i guess like whenever it goes to fracture it it'll it'll create like extra geometry that's just kind of split out or it'll make a hole in the face um that you you really just don't want that um also uh planar assets so it's like if you have like a plane uh with no back face um things like that just don't really work well because it's not closed geometry um okay so and get rid of this now because i have my double images okay so um what i'm gonna do real quick before jumping into um or this stuff let me go over the destruction editor real quick so we'll create a very basic destructible um close this got like a random mesh in there okay so pull this out for a second okay so i've got my static mesh here if you right click on it and you go to create destructible mesh what's going to happen is we're going to create our new destructible asset here and then the destructible mesh editor will open up so what you get here is just your initial um base mesh that we've got um to go over to toolbar settings here we have our fracture mesh um which is controlled by the fracture settings here and we have our rna voronoi cell count which is the number of fractures that we're going to have um happen by default it's set on 25. um so whenever i hit that it's automatically going to go ahead and fracture it um and then you get some other settings down here that allow you give a much more control over your voronoi fracture so you can change the uv scale of the inside of the mesh which i'm going to expand it here um so as we explode the mesh just like some of these inside here faces that are created the uvs for there you can actually scale those you can do a uv offset you get some tangent control and i'm not gonna just read through all of these but um the one that's really interesting is like the random seed here you can just punch in any value so it's like if you don't like the fracture that does happen um whenever you do change that we can go back and it'll fracture it a different way um just using a different paranoid pattern um and can i give this number to a friend and they get the same exact thing exactly yeah exactly it's uh that's that's the power of having that random seed of value is like it doesn't matter it's like so you can try different ones and come back to it and go okay well i like the way this one looks over over another one so i can always get that same value again okay so um the next setting i'll come back to import chunks because i really want to show that one off um so when we fracture our mesh we have here the preview depth 0 which is our original base mesh with no fractures and then our pv depth one so another big difference between physics labs versus our destructible editor or in-editor tools is that we only give you a single depth of destruction so you only get the one layer here but if i were to bring something in from physics labs i can actually in physics labs i can i can create up to i think it's five different depths of destruction um so it's like you can you can if we think of like a wood plank um we could actually have it break in two and then have that break into further chunks and other and little splinters and whatnot so yeah um and then further down you go you typically want to offset that with like a particle effect so yeah of course we want to kind of mask that we're yeah breaking it like in such a right and i mean too it's like you know when you start fracturing things that much it's like you have all these little pieces floating around that are still tied to one single mesh that you know you don't really want that many pieces just kind of uh in there it's like you want to start killing off some of those chunks but we'll uh we'll get on that um and this actually answers a question that came in from chat um okay uh morelr16 was asking so all destructibles require the physics plug-in no we have now we have this destructible system exactly the physics plug-in um i do recommend checking it out if you have 3ds max or maya it does have some some really cool things um their documentation is a little uh you have to kind of dig through it it's not like a step like how to guide so a lot of it like when i learned it was just kind of going through and watching youtube tutorials or either just playing around with it myself and and trying to see what i could actually make so um okay so one other thing on this toolbar here is we have the explode amount um which depending for something like um the simple mesh uh it may not be like a necessity to have the exploded mount you know um to really see like any fine details but um like if you have something like from physics lab that has like multiple adapts it can really come in handy to to really explode that a little bit more and and see everything that you've got going on okay so um so now that we've kind of seen what the structural mesh editor is and kind of how it's working here some of the settings over here just to kind of outline the way i've broken down content examples is i have i go through the damage settings in their own little section i have the flags broken up into its own section hierarchy and depths that way it's just kind of it's progressive through these little settings because there's so many here and i try to have an example to set up for for each one um there are a few that are that are either bugged or um i just never got around to actually working correctly so um those i kind of have blogged off so um and there's not really a good example i think there's like two or three that are set up that way okay so now i'm gonna just get rid of this i'm gonna put this back over here and then all right so um what i've been doing anyway is like asking questions so it's gonna probably take me a couple minutes to go through each one of these sections so it's like if you have questions on sections i'll kind of uh catch up at the end of the section so it's like i have five sections total so at the end if you have questions i'll stop there and i'll answer each question all right so uh so since this is kind of i'll call this at the end of the yeah yeah we have a couple in here that uh we'll just want to knock out really quick um okay uh and i know these are actually these are actually ones that are sort of high level so i'm just going to try to answer these to best of our abilities guys um normally if we had mike fricker or james golding or someone who's you know doing the like hardcore side of the uh the physics or the engine we could give them yeah i'm not all specific answers i'm not on their level are we going to have physics without physx someday um like gpu open uh actually what's interesting about that question is um we have full source uh available to you and i've actually seen some people who um either disabled chunks of or stripped out chunks of the physics code we have to write in their own physics code i think i saw someone do that like with vehicles and like ripped out and like put bullet in or havoc or something like that and um it's like people have done it i think the the bounce team took out a ton of not not necessarily like all the physics and stuff but they took out a lot of the way that controls were handled because they didn't like it and uh completely rebuilt some sections of that um but that's that's the power of having the source code for you is um we're not i don't think that you're going to see that coming from our side of things but we're not going to stop you from doing it yourself um and the other one is will these nvidia tools be built into ue4 with easier workflow in the future um we're not going to be building the plug-in into the engine um it would it's better for it to be separated out as a plug-in for people that aren't going to need all those hardcore physics things for their games and you can just add it as needed same reason the paper 2d is a plug-in not everyone needs 2d elements and therefore we compartmentalize sections of the engine out and therefore you don't have to package everything in one big solid chunk that's like i mean i would definitely love to see some of the physics things like in the editor it's like there was actually a guy like a long while back like a year or more ago that um submitted a pull request uh like where he'd actually implemented physics labs like the full editor oh yeah um but it was just it's a it's an undertaking and i don't think it actually met code standards yeah that's the other thing is it was it was one of those things like where it's like uh you know it's like the guy gave me the um the link to the github i tried it out and i was like it's like there are some really cool things there it's like i was really enjoying it cool so i was like it's definitely possible it's a lot of work i'm definitely not a coder but yeah it's possible we've seen people do it um it's not going to be perfect for every game but if it's good for your game then go right for it absolutely like like i said we want you to have the accessibility and we're not going to stop you if you want to do something fun like that um let's see here um can destructible meshes be wrapped in an actor uh such as a mining node that spawn uh spawns or on damage uh when fracturing uh the mesh hold on what's the question can destructible meshes be wrapped in an actor basically can you have a destructible mesh component uh inside of your blueprint yeah and yeah yeah the answer is yeah um and then you would you would probably just do like actually i think uh i remember talking with john alcatraz like a long time ago with some destructible stuff and it's like he was hitting uh some performance issues just because it's all handled on cpu um and i think what he ended up doing is like he may correct me on this but uh um i think he ended up using like some instance meshes to kind of like fake the effect that he wanted um like he had a destructible as the base mesh so when it fractured he would then crumble those chunks so that way they just went away and destroyed and then what he would have is like he would spawn in a bunch of instances um they kind of simulated a debris and that's a yeah that's a good way of doing that yeah i mean it's like um yeah there's a bunch of different ways like i i don't always recommend like just using destructibles and like just you know use it you always use the system and you try and work with it to get your end effect but you don't always want to rely wholly on that when you have other options that can kind of fake it and make it look the same way yeah i think that's actually the key word there is end effect the end effect is what you're looking for so it's like i mean like like we have modeling tools and in ue4 but it's like um you know it's like you know with bsps but you know that's those tend to be more for prototyping right away and so it's like you know while you can ship a game with them you would want to go back and actually you know tweak some of those you know you may need to and uh like for your uvs for light maps and things like that so there's always a possibility so um any other questions are we just gonna jump right in uh one last question here okay does it work on mobile oh no it does not a destruction level destructibles work on mobile i think it was on the trello for a long time and it's always been backlogged for mobile i don't know if it's still up there or not um i know there's there's just really no destructible uh work planned for it at the moment so um but uh but yeah it's like something like that it's like i have an example like at the end of the stream um showing that's not in this content example kind of map um that i'll walk through actually just using static meshes to kind of like fake an effect with some destructibles as well so um if there's not anything else we'll just jump straight in oh sure let's just jump right into the next thing okay so this uh first little section here it's a small section of light for example so i'm not going to touch every example i've got in here that's just going to take too long but i've kind of highlighted like some of my favorites that i'll just kind of go through um so uh see here and again this this isn't a content example map it's it's just one that i i made like back in december of 2014. um originally it's like i like i said i used to do a lot of destructible work and i needed something that was just easy for me to look at um but it is on my website and it's it's publicly available and i'm sure alex put up on the forums as well so okay so with this one fbx custom meshes this one's really cool because what you can do and i've actually got some examples at the end i'll show a little bit more in detail is you can get some custom destruction going for this without uh having to use the voronoi fracture so what this is is you have your base mesh here and then we've got a second custom mesh that we import and we have it replace the destructible or the base mesh so as you see it's like it's got i think it actually spells out destruction um whenever it's going so uh see here okay so here's one thing to know about that it's like all those pieces as well um they get imported as their own materials so you drastically can increase draw calls that you have there so especially if those are using separate materials so let's open up this real quick um so this is that original bass mesh um using the import uh fbx chunks here it's like we can actually select whatever other fbx that we want it doesn't have to be anything that's similar to this it can actually just be anything um so if we look at the destruction depth one we can actually see that it's got all these little chunks here from where it just spells out destruction um and that was imported as a separate mesh so okay so close that out so oops um this one actually isn't even a destructible at all but it's animated destruction um this one fascinated me for the longest time because like i'm not an animator so i there are certain key aspects to animation that i wasn't aware of but what this one is is it's just a simulation i did in 3ds max and then i i baked that out and it's like all these are individual chunks since they all have their own physics asset and everything so it's like you can actually make them where they uh collide and do all this other stuff but it's like if we open up the animation tools here and we go to animation all this was just a animation that i had simulated as like and then imported as a skeletal mash but the biggest thing here and the only reason i'm calling this out is like if anyone's doing like this kind of simulated destruction is totally didn't know this as an animator because i'm not an animator but uh um originally when i would re or import these in they would all come as like these separate individual chunks but um and and it would be each chunk would have its own animation um not in a single skeletal mesh like this so the one thing i had to remember like was um that osmond actually had told me about was like you have to group everything and then export it um and that made my animation work perfectly for what i wanted there so just just uh anyone who's doing simulated stuff like that it's just something okay so this actually answers uh quite a few questions people were having about oh if i was going to be on mobile and uh i wanted to do destructibles like how would i do it it's like well you can pre-bake the animation out like this yeah yeah especially yeah you can pre-bake the animation um one of the examples i have it and i'll kind of walk through that you know something else you can kind of fake through blueprints as well um okay so we talked briefly about destruction depth um okay so this one so as you can see here there's like larger chunks and then you have these smaller ones that are kind of breaking off they put a wireframe material on this one because this one was actually originally in the um content example map we have now so if we open it up this is one that was created in physics labs and then what you see here is we actually have two depths so we've got this one cut out depth here and then we've got another one that actually has all of our other ones and then just some of the settings over here which you'll you'll be able to explore on on your own um actually control a lot of how that that interacts so it's like um we actually have uh support depth sets so that way as it fractures it's not fracturing the whole mesh all at once um you're seeing that you know you're getting these larger chunks and then it's breaking away into these smaller ones and all it is is just um add the project here in game view so you don't see a lot of these things but uh it's just a radial force actor that applies an impulse to to fracture it so okay so if there's not any questions for this section uh we've got a couple of quick ones in here okay let me just throw this out here it might not actually be related to this section um uh cardboard katana had asked can you fracture a mesh that has tessellation and displacement going on i guess it's not related to the section but it's still a good question i think you know i've not tried it you know we'll have to get ryan brooks i mean because he loves i mean i'm seeing tessellations like a material thing it's like i'm not not sure how that would interact with the destructible chunks i'm sure that i mean i'm sure that you could put it on there but i don't know if it would always look the best right it actually breaks apart yeah yeah yeah i'm not sure exactly how that would interact yeah i i have to say um that one's probably a little bit risky for creating artifacts yeah visual artifacts with i mean uh i mean the way destructibles are anyway it's like they're they're almost uh like the subset of skeletal meshes so it's like i mean for each like you have your base mesh and then when it breaks it's like each of those get their own bones so it's like if you exported like a fractured mesh i think it was uh you actually see all the bones um and whatnot so and i guess so let's see one more question ryan 3266 asks what's the what's the difference between taking this route and using the nvidia gameworks destruction um using the in-engine stuff versus deleting the plug-in it just really just depends on what your needs are um physics labs gives you like so much more control over things if you need a very specific look um than what you can actually get in the editor here um you can actually assign uh meshes to be like um like as uh trying to think of right word like like if you think of like a wall um and it's got its um beams in between it yeah and then you want like the outer surface to break away it's like i think you can actually assign those inner beams like to be a static mesh or something like that so that way it's like again i'm not an expert on like physics labs um there's no it from where i've messed around with it but uh um it's like you can do things there it's like i mean if you were gonna do that in ue4 so you can still have the wall break away um as a destructible but you know i would just set that all up in like a blueprint and then have the wall be destroyed as i have the example i show it you know kind of make a little more sense with that yeah um okay so i guess just move right along in here to this next section so um this one's gonna go through the damage settings um uh let's see here i had like a couple in here that i was gonna show off see here so damage threshold and i'm not gonna go in as detail as i was on some of the other stuff but um so damage threshold essentially this one's um the amount of damage that can be applied to your mesh that you want to have so again it's like um this is uh i've got radial force actors here i've got the um bottom down here kind of uh outlines what the radio force damage is so in our radio force actor here um you have the option over here for destructible damage so since this one is not applying any damage at all to destructibles it doesn't fracture the mesh whereas this one applies just enough damage to fracture it um if i select that i've got that one set up to one so it applies the the the right amount of damage and obviously it's like if you go into destructive mesh editor and under damage threshold you're setting the the values at a higher value um it's going to take more force for it to to apply that damage okay so um another one here is damage thread and i haven't got these hooked up yet so it doesn't work on the button but um so what we got here is damage spread and the one on the left here has no damage spread so that means versus the one over here which or what i have the value is 0.01 has a low amount of damage spread so what this is doing is it's taking the amount of uh force that is hitting the destructible and then it's spreading along those chunks so it allows a single chunk to it's the damage that goes out to any of the surrounding chunks spreading you know that that um damaging force to break it apart yeah what happens if you like if you really crank that up if you really crank it up it's gonna it's just it's gonna be like you don't even have like any support depth or or anything to hold the mesh together so so you're breaking some very fragile glass and you want the whole thing to like shatter everywhere versus if you just want the one chunk of glass like it's got yeah like shatterproof glass you only want like one particular yeah so it's like if i hit one point let's just say in the middle of a wall it's like how much of that damage is gonna radiate out so yeah okay um okay so so your custom impact resistance is the next one we're gonna look at not that one well make sure get my numbers right two five [Applause] i'll run over here and again i don't have the thing hold up okay so custom impact resistance is a really cool one that allows you to like alex is hanging this on the previous one it's like kind of like imitating glass we can actually um for any mesh destructible that has impact damage enabled you can set this impact resistance and low values tend to act more like glass or like a surface that that is easily breakable versus a higher value um which uh it takes more force so it's like if we look at the ones here you can see how uh the the ball pendulum over here like swung right through really easily versus the one over here on the right well you can see that much how much more force it absorbs right exactly absorbed boom look at that yeah so so that could be really helpful when you're designing a nice action-packed game and you want to make sure that yeah like this thing can like whatever you have like some big cinematic-esque moment where something big comes in and collapses you can actually determine how strong the thing is it's going to hit and make sure it doesn't quite slam into the character and gives them a second to react now we'll see you probably have to get into some physics math and stuff that's oh yeah probably above my head because uh like over here i just tweaked values um on this one over here i think i just grabbed the slider and just kept sliding until i saw something that i liked um that's how i do a lot of things too um but it's like the um the physics ball here is like you know we're simulating physics um you know and probably just some of the mass and and other things um this is where it goes back to like game design type things like where you wouldn't want to just say okay i'm gonna set all these settings and expect it to work for everything it's like you know yeah you probably want to apply different damage values or something depending on the weapons that you have or different things for your game specific but you know it's uh you know these are just easy like simple examples to just kind of show off these things you can set your numbers arbitrarily until you find the right ones that you like or you know you can be already naturally good at physics math and kind of know a rough estimate of what will work with what okay so with this one on damage cap uh this one is actually just setting a um a top level that you want the damage to apply on that single hit um so what we have here is i've got a radial force damage i've got damage cap of five so like the one over here on the left it's not good it's going to fracture whereas the one on the right or that's a 0.5 um it's it's not enough damage to actually apply and i'll i'll again i'll i'll show some of these in practice like at the end of it so each time i go back and actually kind of touch that you can see the radial force actor just kind of activates them so some of that damage have zero of course means no cap e if you set it to zero yeah yeah that's not a multi multiplier because i know it's gonna yeah that one's definitely not multiplier so it's like if i have like a damage threshold of um like let's just say 200 and i have a damage cap of 50 but i also do the flag which i'll go over in just a moment in the next section for accumulate damage that means that i can hit this over and over again until it reaches that cap of 200 and actually calls it the fracture whereas like you know let's just say that i have like um a weapon that i don't want to ever like cause any damage so it's like if i have an explosion versus a pistols like bullet i don't want the bullet to cause any damage so it's like i can always set a damage cap of okay it has to at least be this amount before it can ever cause any damage so that way bullets can never affect but the explosion will sound okay so all right i got one last example for this one and then we'll take questions so 2.9 whoops okay so this one is fracture impulse scale this one's really good for just uh it this example shows how it's gonna work but if you think of like a large like wall that you have like around a castle and you're breaking chunks off it works really more in a situation like that because uh fracture impulse scale allows it to um kind of well as my example here says uh push like some of the other uh um chunks away from each other so that way you kind of get the separation between the chunks rather than just kind of like all falling around or something like that um so it's like if we look it's like the one on the right here has a higher fracture impulse scale yeah so everything just kind of pushes away from each other and it allows it to just kind of not just fall right in this one area so that can make it uh really nice like if you have um like some some walls that you're just you know shooting a hole into and the chunks just kind of fall down and they're just kind of blocking the the walkway still if you have that fracture in full scale it can give you that little extra push without having to do anything it also seems to add a little bit of stylization to your world like if you really want to have that that um the last action hero kind of like arnold schwarzenegger movie like effect it's like yeah just crank that crate that impulse scale way up high so every time you touch anything it just flies off don't don't listen to him don't do it you crank it up that high it's just you're gonna have like meteor shooting it's gonna be a michael bay movie okay so is there any questions for this section no yes so we have a couple of questions here about importing exporting and performance and whatnot okay could you export the fpx from blender and import the fbx chunks that way um yes well okay so you wouldn't import the chunks themselves um they would just go back to doing the um so let's just look at an example here let me come back to this so we have our destructible cube that i had made so um in blender what you would do or or any modeling application i mean can be um you can do this with max my emoto anything that can export um fbx or um so we have our our base mesh here if i just go to import chunks and then on the desktop i have my folder parking meter and then if i just do i won't show that one i'll show the parking meter one um now i've imported just uh it's just using that fbx chunk and you still get all the controls that you have over here um and it can be multiple meshes um as well so it's like if i just want to do another one i can do the sphere damage one that i've got oh i shouldn't have done that one that one's gonna take a minute um i'll come back to this in just one second uh if you have another question we can sure yeah we can uh hop onto these other questions um so you actually mentioned i think i answered this one before but uh janice q7 uh or januscu i should say um uh asked how about dropping a glass with different features like normal glass and tempered glass and actually i think that there's an example in um uh in the content examples for destructibles where it's like you drop someone destructible and actually it shows the new shape is inside of it or something like that but oh yeah that's the uh the custom fracture oh is there a yeah okay so but that's that's different than i guess because yeah he's wondering cause you were talking about also the uh the you know having support beams inside of a wall that's destructible and stuff and even those that would just be um something that was not fracturable um which once this finishes um the chunk parameters actually allow you to have some of that control as well so awesome sorry about this i'm going to take just a moment um all right so yeah i've got other questions for you okay yeah sure um any tips for baked destruction that turns into simulated debris so you've got like a bunch of chunks that we animated like your one that you have there and then you turn on simulator physics or something like that okay so with the animated one um those are just uh like any skeletal mesh um so it's like i didn't actually actually rig it or do anything like that that was just um chunks of simulated imported as a skeletal mesh so um it creates its own root and then it just links out to the bones or for the chunks and creates the the links there um but with that they're they you can have your own physics assets for each of those chunks um but uh i mean you get the options of spheres fills um boxes it's like i don't think depending on how the chunk is and and everything it um i don't i don't think you would get the control necessarily that you would probably want um um but it's like you can always like switch things out in blueprints yeah there's there's some definitely ones that they've done that and um some really talented artists i've seen that have made some really cool things all right um at least gives them i think they put some at least in the right direction there um i actually i really wish i hadn't done that one okay um so performance wise because on my computer oh no yeah it was just a lot of chunks to it or something yeah yeah that one did because i had imported that one earlier so in the final little demo thing that i've got um i don't want to take too much time so performance wise uh can destructibles be used instead of static mesh or is it best to swap out the component to limit the amount of destructibles in the world so i guess it's if you have like a like a rock in the world before it's a destructible should just be like a static mesh and then when they come in to hit it like just hot swap it like we're talking about with the destructible i think some people have done that um yeah or it shouldn't be an issue to swap them out um or even just you know do the uh hit before or was it having the static mesh there and then swapping it out to a destructible on hit oh like on hit have it convert itself into but even then it's like um yeah so it's like i mean i've seen some interesting things done so yeah okay so that sounds like a solution just hot that you have oops wrong way do your um live convert at run time there you go well there's a much larger content examples map oh same same always the same one yeah the same one i told you it's just a lot of sections um i told you i made this for myself i thought this was the actual examples at this point i was like yeah that's no that's not because there's so many sections this is when i get like i got tired of always having to like make different projects and examples so it's like i just made this mostly for myself just so i had to have a reference all the time yep um and then i blame lauren ridge for any additional work that i did on it lauren's in chat she's going to get you man oh she'll always get me all right cool cool that answers those questions for now okay cool um i think i abandoned the the um guy who asked about blunder but you know what uh your question will be answered by the end i said i promise if not um okay so go on to the next section real quick oops okay so this one we're gonna look at accumulate damage which is uh what i talked about uh briefly before this whole like derailed thing so this one is like i have um did it not work gotta you gotta hit it a couple times yeah just slam the ball into it wow there you go i just walked i walked into it boom there okay so so essentially this one is like um i guess i didn't tweak the values low enough on this machine or whatever but um essentially this one was set up to take a damage cap but um so it's like we have a damage threshold of five then there's impact damage is enabled um so as the ball collides uh it's got a damage cap of one and then it's got a humidity um damage to true so um as the ball is like swinging and hitting it if it doesn't hit hard enough the first time it's going to take a little bit of damage and then that accumulate flag is going to allow it to take on more damage and just keep compounding until it fractures what it needs to okay so yeah i think actually this is kind of funny that this this one feature alone feels like a whole game mechanic oh actually like like you've just kind of set up like a really nice game jam game mechanic that i've seen a lot of times with like yeah we just we miss you have to like beat up a building really hard and stuff so everyone take note that's a good one okay so um here this one's asset defined support so this one really quickly is just we've assigned some of the chunks over here to actually just uh be as support so if it's making contact with anything in the static world um it's it's used to hold on to rather than just you know as the whole thing fractures you know if that wasn't enabled it would just drop those pieces so quickly next one uh next we have world support which is similar um and i'm blinking on so this one is environmentally supported so these are with things in the environment versus this one which was adjacent uh so this one was overlapping static geometry this is why i make examples that way um trying to think hand and brain is fizzing about the difference between like the world yeah it's like these uh um so this one has what world support support depth and debris out true so it's like this one i think is uh still chunks are labeled as support mm-hmm that's like i'd have to the other one where you you mark them and the other one is where they overlap with right right objects in the world yeah we can just check it out and yeah sorry for my blanking there we can just select the mesh and then like take a look inside of it right see if that's the one that's set up and then we'll know which one's which for sure oh let's here i know we're running a little bit longer no no we're good on time we're good okay don't worry it's all good man i'm a nervous wreck always okay so yeah we can check out the stuff with this one put that away you don't care about that so we got world support here and then that's enabled and then we got our chunk parameters so whenever you uh make sure you have them selected so you can see yeah whenever you select these so it's like this is um preview depth zero so if we get a previewed up one as like you'll see it's still got little blue it's hard to see in this editor but the little blue outline box is our base but as we start selecting the chunks yeah and if you have a bunch of small chunks or you have a weird camera angle you may not be able to like select some of these so this is really helpful where the explode slider comes in handy to be able to select some of those um so let's look at the ones that side you know what i think i think the environmental support i think that was originally we didn't have to select them but and then the other one that we had in the world and the environment the environment or the yeah down there yeah this one this one where we where you select the chunks that you want manually make them yep there we go okay that was the difference there sorry about that so to clarify everybody at home who was probably like what just happened there like man this guy doesn't know anything no we got the two i know enough to get in trouble that's about it yeah that's i like that comment you left on here it's like no no i know just enough about distractions to get myself in trouble yeah all right so um so what's the difference here between environmental and world okay so oh so we know but yeah yeah yeah so them at home so with this one we're going back to our flanks which is the asset defined support not environmental world those were the same the asset defined support um what we're doing is we're selecting the chunks that we want to be labeled as support yes um and then any chunk that's not labeled to support is not going to be supported um when it's in contact with any other geometry so uh where's the world support will so uh see here go ahead and get back to our examples and fly through some more all right so the next one is debris max separation so three five this one's a really good one too for like especially if you have like um multiple depths if you're using anything with physical slabs um i'm going through um and you have like all these chunks that are flying way on out okay so i have this volume here just as a reference just to kind of set way anyone looking at it can kind of get an idea and i just like i've set the the um distance away to be at that bounce so as we go it's like anything that hits that that bounding edge of our debris will uh separation box values um will automatically just be killed and destroyed so it's it's just like a slaughter mad house so jeez it's just like he was like yeah we don't need you anymore you can go away so um those settings um can be found in debris and then you get the max separation here which so little my eyes are not so good i think it says what 400 but regardless um and then there's another one here for valid bounds um which is another example it's it's a similar one but you can actually specify much um get a little bit more control on your x y and z and you know and uh you can actually move where that bounds is uh going to be for the min values and the max values um but that's a whole other example and it's just kind of gets repetitive if i just keep showing that again so um all right next one's gonna be we kind of covered this already but uh support chunks um so use valid bounds on whoops uh crumble smallers i mislabeled one 310 okay so support chunks so these are going back to like um uh the the one before like where we talked about uh actually just assigning chunks and selecting them and then uh labeling them as support um that just shows that here as uh the one over here had no support whereas this one uh this last little minor chunk um just holds on for dear life of course so poor thing um and then another one that was always like a really big one like when i first started i think that's like one of the first things i ever did with destructibles was um someone i asked uh is like how do i make a hole in a wall and keep certain chunks like from being destroyed so you have this option here for do not fracture um which goes back to chunk parameters so um which is this little window here so it's like i know i didn't probably give it the dedicated explanation it needed so the chunk parameters here uh there's four different things uh one is support chunk which we covered uh do not fracture which is one we're gonna cover now um do not damage um and then uh do not crumble uh that's really useful to have that much kind of control over each individual chunk so yeah exactly so it's like here um so what i've done is like in this example for do not fracture this means that these can never take any damage and um they're never going to get destroyed or break apart so it's like these outer edges ones you just enable do not fracture and then um yeah that's all yeah nothing here sorry all my all the settings it's like there's a lot to try and remember it's all good okay so that was the last one i was gonna show for for this one um uh so if there's any questions sweet kind of build up yeah i think i think we've got quite a few questions built up for a lot of these uh okay and uh and mostly people again wants to reiterate um can they get a hold of this map somewhere oh yeah absolutely um alex what you'll make it available on the forums for the longest time it's lived on my uh on the on my personal website tim helps in uefa just because it it fell in like this dark abyss of maps that just weren't going to be released because if they've never been finished and it's like there's probably spelling mistakes in here um there's some some that are just you know bugs that haven't been addressed and it just doesn't make sense to you know have some of the settings explained and then just it's like hey this one that i really want isn't explained at all because it was because it was just like you said a series of one-offs created through your answer hub work when you were doing a support tech work and people kept coming with the same questions yeah i think the biggest chunk of work i got done on was december 2014 when when everyone was on christmas break and i was like okay you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna clean this up because it's and it got pretty much a little bit of overhaul yeah and uh and so to reiterate the name of your site oh it's uh tim hopson ue4 at snap at snap pages or snap pages uh snap pages here i'll just we'll bring it up here and also this website will be located in the description on youtube and also on the forum posts at the forums on under the events section i always like to make sure that there's lots of links everywhere and then we see anything that we're going to be visiting sideways here we go yeah this this thing here i've got a new e4 i gotta sorry tim hopson yeah so if you go to the tutorial section and then i've had it down here for the longest time yep and then it just kind of breaks everything out like uh and it lists my known issues which is those two that i think aren't worked and then i think there's been a couple other things that just aren't even added to it at the moment um because majority of the work on this was done back in 2014 so yeah so there's uh there's a lot of older work in there and uh we have people posting it in chat of course thank you for that um cool so uh question wise um oh boy this is a name okay dimitri okay dimitro popov dimitra pop-off sure yeah dimitro pop-off asks uh any hint on how this would all work in multiplayer destructibles in in replication you know that was that was one thing i tried tackling for a while and ian actually tried helping me on that um but networking is definitely not a forte of mine at the moment um yeah well we'll have to it's like i've seen some people actually do it and it's like they've done it through blueprints i think there's actually something on the content or the uh the marketplace where someone set it up for um or at least i at least saw it in the um the forums talking about they wanted to release it so cool uh we'll have to get some money i know replication's been a hot topic and uh we'll have to get someone on to do like some replication specifically that's that's one of the areas of the engine i've just never really messed with so okay um let's see uh uh greg blast c5 asks is it all good in the hood now regarding extended structures as long as i've tried to use them um uh they've been kind of buggy um but that's a physics feature i think okay so um yeah we're talking about uh form extended structures uh sorry clint put you on the spot if you want to go back to the editor and show this one real quick um form extended structures um so what this allows you to do is take two destructibles and as long as they're butted together they actually act as one um and i really don't like talking about bugs necessarily because like it's but it's um but the problem is okay so it's like they work together but they can never be fractured again so that's that's the bug that's in right now and that's uh that's that's that's the issue that's been with this one for for a long while known issue yeah it's a known issue unfortunately all right i think ian actually reported it the first time that's how i came across it because like i entered another bug and then um he was like oh yeah i entered that one a long time ago cool so um so the very least that one's something we're aware of and hey maybe we'll start with fire under that one because it's being brought up again um let's see uh non-value user that's a it's not kind of a harsh way to call yourself non-value user asks um i think you have value but okay um if i have a blueprint let's say a car can i apply a destructible mesh on my car on the fly are there destructible mesh support for blueprint components and we kind of covered that a little bit yeah yeah i mean you can add them in blueprints and yeah it's like um yeah you can you can do uh add destructible mesh i mean just like you can add static meshers and add destructible mesh node as well so um so yeah that should be possible i mean it just depends on your game and like to what point you know you're gonna go with it um but yeah this is funny um uh vazwc asks uh can we have a stream just like this but for lighting we did yes we did yes actually if anyone here is interested in learning more um i thought this is a good opportunity to bring up that we actually do live streams every tuesday and thursday um we do training on tuesdays we do thursdays we have like news and like other updates and features um but also if you go to our youtube channel you'll see that there's a large archive of these and in fact one of them was we had tim here on previously to do lighting guides and troubleshooting um and he's bringing it up there so you can actually see what it looks like but yes um that's actually a good question we have that one under control there and people are now linking him to uh where you can find that okay cool so i don't have to worry about it yeah you don't have to worry okay cool but uh if any of you are at home are watching this archive and are wondering about it yes you can just you know search through youtube and you'll you should be pretty easy to find that was a good overview so that's like i want to come back no more so um let's see and also you can go to our forums our forum posts always have a post for each of our live streams where there's ongoing discussions about stuff that had happened and we even come back and answer questions we couldn't get to on the live stream and that's my spiel okay all right uh next question on here um uh how costly can some of these different destructible methods get i guess the best thing to say is like what is the most expensive thing you've ever created uh performance uh don't crank the fractures up to like a thousand i mean i mean because you have to remember you're just simulating physics so it's like you have now a thousand simulating objects um that's all being run on the cpu and it's like i know there's uh some other performance things like async destructible something in the physx stuff and it's like that's something i'm not messed with too much so um i i don't know if i'd be 100 help there um okay so mind if i just move on oh yeah okay if you've got more sections then yeah yeah yeah there's two more sections then only covering a couple in these and then on the right uh then some more practical examples cool okay so oh uh yeah there we go waiting for the explosion okay so this one's support this one actually comes up quite a bit um this year so um what you're seeing here is the radial force actually just applying damage um but where support depth actually comes in handy is it allows you to set the depth of destruction um or the depth layer here so we have our two depths we have uh def zero and up one um and then come back up here nope not there sorry um under hierarchy uh depth we have our support depth which you can enable here and so what this does is says that whenever destruction happens it has to apply the damage to that depth um or at least starting at that depth um for it to accurately work if if we do it at zero then as soon as the mesh receives any damage is automatically going to crumble because all the destruction all the damage is being applied to that that single depth um support depth just allows your trunks to start sticking together and holding and keeping its form and breaking pieces off which is super helpful when trying to create like a very stylized or a very specific look okay so next one we're gonna look at is um fracture effects and particle sounds i did disable sounds on my editor because i didn't wanna have to you know keep going back in and out of the play mode and having to hear that but um um fracture effect sounds and then uh particle ones over here yeah if you wanted so like shattering glass versus uh yeah right so it's like what this looks like we had um so whenever a chunk breaks off you can have a particle um assigned that'll play uh through so if we come over here and then under hierarchy depth expand the options here you get all these depth framers and then for depth zero and then depth one you can actually uh go through and assign these uh different things uh and then we got effects same thing where we can assign a particle and a sound and all these are you know you can just go through the editor and find one that works for you or if you have a specific one same with particle effects um really easy stuff and then another one too because i've seen this one with uh gonna be a little bit of lighting so um so cast shadow i noticed this happening uh with stuff i was bringing in from physics labs um like where it wasn't casting a shadow and this one um like eluded me for a while i was like oh this has to be a bug or something like that but it was actually um there's a check box of course there's a check box yep nope and of course it's do you have to have the box selected and maybe it's like one of those like small things you didn't think about oh man it's gonna be in here somewhere and you know what it's in this list somewhere and for whatever reason it's not bringing up but um uh seer but yeah there's there was it was essentially just a check box that was not enabled on import for the mesh itself to cast shadows um and i was just like that was just kind of like oh this is a major bug for me not for anyone else okay so all right any questions on this section otherwise i'm gonna start out here the particle systems on there gotta cause someone to uh perk up so the particle system implemented um uh it's air attack okay but i think that i think it was just confused because yeah it's it's when you break something it has an effect and i actually have it assigned and like um you'll you'll see a little bit more in like uh the example i have at the end um yeah it's uh because i assigned the same particle effect it's gonna look really weird because it's gonna be all orange on a white wall but you may be able to see it a little easier okay so and then um all right so we're just gonna jump in this last section before i go into practical stuff real quick all right so um [Laughter] lewis was just very impressed he got a he got a shout out hey louis oh yeah we were aware all the time yes i see you okay so um so with this one this one's actually a setting inside the level itself not inside the destructive mesh editor large chunk threshold just like i talked a little bit earlier about like you know shooting a hole in the wall and you have these chucks and maybe it blocks your character from being able to progress or walk on by so what you can do is large chunk threshold in your details panel allows you to set a value for what should be considered a minimum size bounds for like a chunk to actually have collision um with your player so while it still collides with the world and works we have here it's like okay so it's like i can collide into that chunk but these smaller ones it's like you know i may not want to have to like step up on or collide with each one of those so small large chunk threshold allows me to set a value a minimum value so that way i can just walk through some of these chunks without having to worry about like constantly bouncing up and down or you know going around them or getting stopped by them so um let's hear and that was just a little setting here and it's like this one is like i think it says 57.5 it was just the value i ended up using um but it's like if i were to tweak that and let's just say 25 i think is the default yeah um and when it fractures it's like i now collide with all these pieces it's like i can get hung up like there's right now it's like i can collision in physics yeah um oh and uh i guess we can show you a little console command here pxbiz pxvids i thought you were going to be like px vis space collision um if you have a lot of chunks in your scene it's going to really kill the fps because it it shows you all these uh collision assets um so it's like we can actually see the convex holes um that are created for all these chunks and everything and just all collision in the level um but yeah it's like uh sometimes that's a good way to kind of like just look and see you know debug some of your stuff or um and there's there's like a whole physics debugging tools as well but this one's uh let's break some stuff and see how it all looks like as it's breaking up in front of the guys all right so that's this one let me go back and enter that again oh yeah that's a fascinating view okay px viz collision all right so it's like uh here's our original mesh and it's like you notice you don't see all the fractures because it's got that base mesh and then as soon as we fracture everything breaks um so yeah they can give you a really good idea yeah that's really cool okay so and i've got two more actually in this little section okay so this one's one that uh used to come up quite a bit um uh sleep family i've never i've sorry this is a really strange setup of like moderation like what is this okay come on before we have a little context here okay so it's like i've got two it's like the cube falls down it fractures and then i have my yellow one and i have my red one and what happens with the one on the left is that one is actually set to sleep family normal versus sleep family sensitive so what this is determining is how quickly something goes to sleep that is simulating physics so so whenever uh so if i haven't set the sensitive it's gonna be woken up more easily it's gonna go back to sleep more easily or take longer to go back to sleep um and stop simulating physics um the one thing i did want to talk about in here because this was added well after um i had uh set up this map is we have custom sleep threshold oh and actually you know what let me just get onto the physics section probably easier if i can read it which one are you looking for physics there we are okay so there's under the advanced rollout here no not there that's custom step on all right it's in here somewhere there's a you know what okay so sleep family here good that gives me everything i need uh sorry about that all right we have the two default options of normal and then sensitive and then we have custom so if i select custom and let's just say um i did test this with a value let's just try 750. that's a really high value what's going to happen is you're going to notice that the destructible once it fractures this can go back to sleep much more quickly and then often it's going to leave because it's such a high threshold you actually get these chunks that are left awake but that that can be a good way to kind of tweak really quickly and and get a sleep value that fits your range if the sensitive and normal ones do not work for you um and then one last thing and i think alex will appreciate this one um go on go on yes um because this one was added after the fact as well so we have nash mesh bounds volume oh really yes really yes you have my you have my interest okay so we got it looks we already have one in the area oh do we yeah because that that one's smaller than you can already have nav message you know what i'll get rid of that one there you go okay so if we go to our cube over here you've actually got a setting notice how it's got no um it's not blocking any there thing there for um the nav mesh you have the can ever effect nav and then effect navigation you have to have both oh you have that both okay i know you can have it be like can ever and then okay the other one is like turn it on and off as needed there you go so now our destructible can affect that okay so um that's pretty much all i had for this section um i'm gonna take some questions and then i'm gonna show a really quick level what happens if you blow it up and like how's the nav mesh effect well you can't see that mesh when i'm playing you have to simulate but i have to be able to okay yeah you can still set it up all right you know what all right all right you just really want to see this in action dude i really want to see it in action all right put that on simulate physics put it up here and just hit simulate and then you're making me have to change a bunch of stuff it's just the one little thing just the one little thing okay okay all right make sure it fractures save that cool uh what are you trying to say oh it's because i got that other instant open that was trying to import all those chunks i couldn't close out okay whatever it'll use it for this moment okay so yep simulate ah interesting so when it actually goes into destruction mode it stops like affecting navigation there's there is a check box i remember that was see you're making me test things out it's like i just knew there was a checkbox there okay okay so but actually that's what i thought it was because i used to use that previously when i wanted to cut off areas until someone blew up in something so i actually have like a village of ai guys and i want to say that one of them will blow up in a destructible mesh and when it does that it changes out so there's got to be something somewhere else because i remember like being chunks like spreading imparting and actually still updating the mesh i guess okay so if there's any question i can take those real quick before i move into the other oh um and then i got one final thing i'm gonna show and this one won't take near as long as everything else um let's see here um uh can the chunks that we've put to sleep there wake back up if we hit him with force should be able to okay okay um let's see here and uh does ue4 support all features from physics lab uh example retime fracturing and it's not all of them but it's no no yeah there's um it okay so like there's a lot of set of settings in uh physics that's like you can't do cutout meshes you can't do use like mask um for those cutouts um you can't do like a custom slice um it's pretty much limited to voronoi a single depth um yeah there's no real-time fracturing that would be amazing though um but procedural mesh that's like that was that was one thing they showed it's like that's not destructible but that's you know slicy slice oh yeah the procedural like slicing and all that that's that's still a really impressive feature yes yeah awesome is a little table man like when you're sitting there just holding it and it's just like slicing in vr it's like yeah i was like oh that's that's really cool if you if you guys aren't familiar already out there um check out uh the instant static mesh slicing feature um you can just kind of google ue4 instant static mesh slicing and i trust you uh trust me there's like a bunch of people making awesome stuff yeah and trump uh chopping it up we actually do a couple of live streams where we show you how to make them yourself it's a lot of fun i think there's even a content example with it too yeah i think so there should be quite a few things that use it um sorry if there's not and i just confused much people uh there's some sort of example there's always an example out there um let's see here uh okay i think that's about it for right now okay so in this last little bit um i'll show these first these are uh um using the okay so i briefly or not so briefly talked about fbx chunks and being able to import like you know the power of that earlier yes um and why it's just really cool uh and and i'm gonna cite a game here that is like a game that dumped a lot of hours in like grand theft auto as like if anyone ever plays it you'll notice this right out um so and a practical example for fbx chunks um it's gonna be like my little parking meter that i have here um because the way they do it from just looking at their their content is like i don't know that they actually use physics labs or nvidia's tech or anything like that it's just um but you can create a similar effect and oh let me get out of simulate mode here all right so i've got my parking meter and then it's like if i shoot it um like yeah there it goes actually i don't want set up on like um accumulating damage so that one actually is uh it's got like an accumulated damage or a damage threshold of 200 you have to shoot it four times um a damage cap of 50 so that means 50 divided by 200 and then you get hey i did math um hey i just want to show i can do a little math good work simple math gold star for you okay oh i better get a gold star okay so it's like i shoot it once twice three times and then the fourth time's a charm and then all it's doing is just like i have these particle effects and then it's just swapping out the mesh and then it's falling over it's like you'll notice that like gta did it a lot so it's like you had a light bulb it hits and then it immediately changes to this damaged version and then it falls and it changes to another damaged version it's not like it's actually you know this whole like real-time damage thing or anything but uh i think these are like really cool kind of practical effects that you can do with it um just some other like uh goofball ones i had um like this one's uh sphere and it's like if i shoot it it just has a bunch of spheres inside of it um so it's like it it's just what is this even yeah so i talked about earlier it's like you know it's like you get a material for each one of these so um there's a lot of chunks what is again i was just this is the one that took so long to import earlier and when i was like whoops i shouldn't have done that um but um so so but that's how you could do like that that the parking meter that you had there yeah yeah once it explodes yeah you set up the lod where one was like full of change and so like explosion change goes everywhere yeah yeah you can totally have just like a well or change where you can just do like a particle effect that has like little change just kind of like spouting out um but like with this one it's like um the reason i set this up is like one just to show off is like um you know that you need to be mindful of the number of like assets that you do import like these chunks like because you're importing a single chunk for each one of these and unlike our voronoi fracture and it you know all those chunks getting the same interior material or using the same material for the base mesh is you're getting material for each one of these so um that's just something to be aware of and when you go to author like any of these types of things as well it's like if you're gonna do multiple ones these these have to be individual objects inside of your your 3d modeling program that get exported um to the fbx um otherwise like uh it's like if i did like just say like these top three um spheres here if i just imported those or all these chunks and i left those as a single attached asset inside of my modeling program before i exported they would import as a single chunk so those three spheres would be a single chunk right so like when all the individual balls blow up they'd be like these weird three that are just yeah yeah oddly stuck together exactly so um um but the explode slider and then yeah this year so but yeah it's like i mean you can just like this one i had like a teapot inside so there was a tea pot in there the whole time so what's in the box it was the tea pot yeah um but okay and so for the last thing i'm gonna show here before we just kind of finish up with questions is um uh this is one that i did um i saw someone on youtube and someone on the forums was just talking about this and i think like one of my free learning fridays i i spent like maybe an hour or two or something like that on this and it was just kind of like trying out different settings and what worked and it's like so i made a brick wall and or i made a brick asset and then i assembled like a wall here and then i've got the only destructible part is this white wall here and then everything else is static mesh so it's like if i shoot it and i can shoot like a hole through and then it's just like i just have these chunks that just kind of like are these static meshes that now simulate bricks um and it's like the reason i showed this one is just that you know even though the majority of the stream has been about destructibles in the editor it's like there's ways to accomplish by yeah yeah yeah go ahead i just wanted to no i just can't oh you want to shoot once there you go and right click and you can shoot explosions yes that's all the power but i mean the the thing here is like the the outer wall is a destructible the inside is just a blueprint with like all these uh static mesh um uh um bricks that i've made uh that are just simulating physics as soon as they're woken um and and that's all it is and it's like the only thing was is that the outside bricks i i didn't have those simulating physics that way you don't those aren't um but uh that's too much fun but there's take that away from me one thing i'll i'll show with the setup so it's like if we okay so i'm just going to drag a copy of this out actually so again this is just a blueprint with a bunch of bricks and it's it's not even a destructible but it's just these are just simulating physics but this right here the the wall itself is actually destructible so um but with this right here as i shoot it's like those are just again they're just object simulating physics but the destructible walls there kind of help contain a lot of that so that way it's like you know that force like you don't get the bricks like shooting all the way up or anything like that so it's like i just think it's a really neat example that kind of shows like things you can accomplish you know by using destructibles as an add-on to kind of help facilitate your your in-game like structural needs yeah and then kind of playing the role of sheetrock in a way now there's with the static mesh thing i'm going to show one thing that that i kind of learned like while i was doing it um i really learned just kind of like example playing around with so if i look at my brick here um i'm gonna go to a top view i'm gonna zoom in and this is gonna be so hard to see actually you know what i'm gonna close that for a second let me top view oh i don't have a collision okay so oh good i can see the collision really well so let me zoom back out okay so you'll see my collision box here i've got it scaled down just a little bit so that way it sits inside um and the reason for that is like um if i actually had those and you know what i'll just show it as a practical example um collision at a sphere box or collision box so i've got the box and actually matches the geometry for my brick and yeah continue okay if i i don't get the effect i really wanted like you see how everything just kind of clumps together and just kind of it's not as fluid like with the the bricks kind of falling out that was one thing that i just kind of learned like while i was messing around with this was just like you know if i scale that down just a little bit it's just enough that it can allow it to look a lot better with the the result that i get that one still looks awesome but um that's pretty much what i had to show so if there's any questions we can kind of cool we have a couple questions here um just to reiterate to everybody yes these uh all of this stuff is available on tim's website for you guys to download um tim hopson it's on the tutorial section to scroll on into the tutorials and yes the links will be up in places like people are uh are in need of this pretty badly it's a really awesome example here by the way um does so they want to know and just to reiterate on on this wall that you've built yeah uh so that's like 100 plus a static mesh component oh yeah there's a lot of physics so it's not it's not the necessary the way you would do it if you wanted to be performing like a ton of stuff going on in a single player game this isn't going to kill anything like in the modern world where we have you know pretty decent hardware these days okay so with those being static meshes too um like the one thing just to kind of get into this like some rendering side of things like um yeah so is there one performance of this thing yeah um like for our machines for what i was testing on it was not so bad um so it's just something to show off um uh sears that fbs because i know you guys like that like this scene in general just because i got a bunch of stuff in here that get rid of those i might grab me a little something extra back maybe not um so i think it's what's sitting at 67 right now yeah and it's like i mean as i'm shooting it's like i'm really not i mean it goes down quite a bit so it's like i mean there's there's things there you can do like um again these are all just simulating objects that are set to with start awake isn't enabled so um as soon as they're hit they just uh automatically are woken up so it's like depending on the amount you know people with more blueprints have it than i um could go through and you know set only the objects to actually uh receiving damage in an area to to wake up or um or you know something more specific than what i've i've got um again this was just a simple exercise that i had to just trying to recreate something that i saw uh someone on youtube have or the forums yeah i remember the first time i ever played a game that had this kind of feature too and it's always an impressive feature to see but even back back in the ps2 x original xbox there it was it's always like a balance of performance and uh how much you can actually destroy in a scene and the game by the way i was um it's called black i don't remember here yeah yeah i remember that game yeah like you shoot off yeah it was a different individual bricks and mortar to kill zones right yeah yeah yeah it was it was from way back with all that yep um and and i remember it being like like in any game where you have like a lot of destruction you always inevitably find those things where they actually make the walls that are indestructible and all those things too so it is always a trade-off yeah definitely it's like i know the battlefield games do that hopefully too so you know they have some really really cool kind of destruction things like you know if you just start breaking apart the effects that you start seeing in these different games you can see how they're kind of like manipulated to to work and it's not always just like one system that is doing the brunt of the work it's you know these these whole like different sets of features you know that kind of combined create this effect that's really cool it's like um particle effects i think are really uh something good to have as well you know for these types of things you know because they can mask like um so particle effects can be straight up like yeah it's like so for instance if we go back to particles like the wood plank example you know it's like i wouldn't you know have like little splinters as like a really low down construction you know like chunks of yeah it's like i would actually just you know do a mesh particle there and and and have those interact with the world and they fade and they go away and you don't have to worry about them anymore yeah so um a lot of people in chat are also asking um questions about i think we can kind of wrap all a couple of these questions as far as um how do i um when i do destroy chunks and they get small enough and they get blown up enough like how do i get rid of them make them fade away can i just make them scale down at the end of their lifetime how to cover these kinds of things up i don't think there's that type of control for it uh the you can use some of the time out um debris timeout features uh there's an example that's got that in my little level um for debris timeout whereas like it receives damage and then chunks will start to um they won't fade out but they'll pop out so all right so um and yeah i guess the way to kind of take control over those sort of things are particle effects and trying to trying to make it so the one thing when you get the damage they do there is an option for something takes enough damage it will just eventually like yeah so crumble smallest chunks yeah that's what i was gonna talk about it's like i got an example for that one as well that uh um so essentially whenever you shoot the wall so instead of having those chunks fall off you could actually just spawn in other chunks uh which i think it actually said john alcatraz i think he he did something like that um where he was spawning in instances so it's like you're just destroying all those chunks and crumbling them um like on hit so already um let's see here next question um would it be possible shoot bullet holes through a wall destructible up until a fracture threshold or would it need to be done with a mask and i think this is actually probably a combination of one the threshold and two you can actually set up the material um the material to actually uh do offsets there's actually a couple of good examples now of bullet holes where it actually does like a like um a vertex based offset i don't know how that looks on a destructible method yeah i don't know either um i would say if you need that specific effect and you can't achieve it with a destructible i'd say that's probably a good example where you could do like have your your um static mesh where you're actually doing those type of effects with the material work yeah and then when you actually need to fracture it you're swapping in the mesh that you want to use um i've not set up any kind of practical example like that um but that would be the way i would start investigating at least to look at it that makes the most sense if you look on there's actually a couple examples of people doing um basic little offset techniques that they think they're using the uh the the blueprint uh render targets um so they know exactly where they hit and then they can do like little bump offsets like we were using it for water flows and stuff and someone just straight up made bullet holes looks like the system is so powerful and uh yeah it looks really really really good actually and i'm sure that if you did a combination of that plus when you hit a certain threshold you convert it to the static i'm sorry the destructor mesh and just let that fly everywhere it would look really good in the end game especially if you throw a couple of particle effects in there too um cool so next question in here um sorry we've got a couple of questions coming in through chat and actually we're running a little bit uh um tight on time so we're gonna do one more question and then we're gonna have to defer everything back to the forum so that we can answer them there um let's see here when you get more chunks can you uh get uh can you come up with more with problems with lighting with them i guess if the more chunks you have do you get more any problems with lighting what kind of lighting problems can we expect with destructible meshes you can probably see uh i think it's like this one tends to come up sometimes like uh where if you don't have like a good like like if you have like a very base color surface you usually see some of that kind of light fades um and like uh these artifact patterns um um i never really messed with them to the point oh so there is one as well so okay so i remember this one happening a lot on um and i covered some of this in my lighting stream that i did previously with pre-computed lighting and the volume lighting samples so when destructible fractures and if pieces get far away from far away enough from each other some of those chunks because once it fractures it's essentially it's like um all the pieces are tied together so as the root gets away from where the other chunks are even if they're sitting on a surface they'll be pulled with it and if they're pulled into a different lighting sample area they will light differently than um what they were previously so like for instance like if someone has like a a floor and you shoot a hole into it and you've built lighting for this level um like the area below it has um really dark lighting samples as the chunks break away and fall and that root hits the bottom where those darker samples are it's going to blacken that whole mesh or darken that whole mesh um and not make it look exactly the way you want so all right yeah um so we're coming up on about our 30 mark yeah i ran a little longer no no it's good it's a good amount of knowledge um so we're going to call it dave for right now but uh as always please come to so that we can uh answer any questions that we didn't get to on here i'm going to try to gather the ones that i have out of chat to hand over to you um you can all see these examples that we've shown off here either by following the links below on the youtube archive once i have the full description and information up or by going to the forums again uh and finally please make sure to hit subscribe follow like whatever format you're watching us and hit all those little social buttons that they add around the corners so that next time that we come online you'll know and everything will alert you and all that so um we will see you all next time on thursday 2 p.m eastern time chance iv my lead is going to be here as a guest for once not actually to co-host but as a guest to talk about robo recalls so that should be a lot of fun and i'll also do like a brief gdc recap because it was really exciting and a great deal of fun and uh by the way if anyone from gdc is watching hi guys and we'll see you all next time you
Channel: Unreal Engine
Views: 43,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Development, UE4, Unreal Engine, Gamedev, Video Games, Physics, Destruction
Id: QyuvmZvsLdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 13sec (5173 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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