Game Theory: FNAF, The Clue That ALMOST Solves Everything! (FNAF Security Breach)

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today we end the horror today we solve fnaf wait didn't we say this exact same thing seven years ago [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello internet welcome to game theory the show that reminds me that if you click the like button hard enough it'll summon dj music man to your neighborhood for a block party go ahead try it hit that like button didn't work have you have you tried clicking subscribe i hear that sometimes works too i guess you must not be clicking hard enough i don't know what to tell you speaking of not working hard enough aren't you tired of just plain boring merch the kind that you buy and sure it looks cool but it just sits there on your body not doing anything interesting well what if your merch was actually a puzzle introducing the world's first quest jacket i know what you're thinking a denim jacket isn't anything revolutionary and you'd largely be right except you'd also be missing one of the most crucial details those patches they're not just any old dnd style patches they're clues to help you solve a much bigger puzzle that exists inside of this thing it's not just a jacket it's the world's first arg jacket you heard that right a world first it's not every day that you create like the first of something but to all my research i don't think a product like this has ever existed we've actually been working for the past two years to make something like this happen working with garment manufacturers to sew secrets into places that they've never even thought about before obviously i don't want to give too much away because part of the fun is letting you guys solve this for yourself but we pulled out all the stops to give you a piece of clothing that you can actually experience this thing is premium to the max and if you manage to solve it you get a special final patch to show that you are truly the puzzle master so go ahead head on down to the description and be a part of history grab yourself the first ever piece of airg clothing and what will be the first in our series of quest jackets roll an investigation check to see if you've got what it takes today we finish milking i mean covering the major mysteries of security breach and you know what i think i solved it or at least i think i've solved most of it seven years ago i made this video the clue that solves five nights at freddy's where we put together all the pieces to support dream theory the concept that the first four games of the series were all a collection of nightmares happening inside the mind of a child in that episode there were lots of points of evidence but ultimately the conclusion hinged on one key design detail the alarm that brought each night to a close at six o'clock am a grandfather clock for three games and a digital clock for number four three games in the crying child's house where we see a grandfather clock the fourth in a hospital right before he dies which ironically enough is the one whose gameplay is happening in a recreation of the house oh there's a reason this series is so difficult to talk about anyway the reason i bring that video up is because today's theory works largely in the same way over the past few half episodes i've been trying to make heads or tales of security breach pulling at what to me felt like the strongest thread gregory as the crying child reborn in a robot body him reuniting with his brother michael in the form of glam rock freddy and his sister elizabeth in the form of vanessa and we've covered a lot of evidence trying to support that claim the character's design colors the ice cream the voice lines robotic eyes the satisfying narrative arc that it provides the game's three-star ending i mean it's a lot there are two episodes that are jam-packed full of discussion around exactly this but today i finally have my smoking gun the clue that takes it from just a controversial theory to at least in my mind largely proven fact just like with the clocks and the dream theory it's the one clue that is so specific so intentional that it confirms that this was the main intent of the game until of course they decided to retcon it all due to bad audience feedback to keep the franchise going for another seven years sorry guys i hate to say it but i think i'm unfortunately right this time gregory is a robot and he's the crying child reborn and by the end of today i think you're gonna be convinced and then from there we're gonna talk about how all of that factors into the game's narrative and its final mystery patient 46. it all begins here the post-it room this is unexpected after exploring the sewers to decommission chica gregory winds up here a room full of glowing staff bot heads and lots of post-it reminders on literally every surface i mean this thing is a flashing neon sign that says important lore here and yet in online discussions it's been largely overlooked because it's kind of sandwiched in the middle of the game overshadowed by the animatronic spaghetti monster ending and even though i knew that something had to be hidden in here trying to figure it out was like finding a needle in a haystack so what is this what are we looking at here i think it's pretty obvious yeah is it obvious matt what what is it you get to a certain age uh-huh and you just you got to start taking notes post-it notes yeah you just leave them around okay but also there's um robot heads so with that incredible insight i spent literal hours off camera trying to look at every single post-it note to make sure that i had the full picture and the answer i got was don't do not do that learn from my mistakes it took me so long so long only to discover that the game files had been dug up and the post-it textures were just there in three simple images thanks to just x fought for uploading these to github flush those hours of my life down the toilet when you study these posted textures you actually realize that there are three phases to the post-it notes one that's barely legible another where the spelling and drawing improve slightly and the final where they become nearly perfect it looks like someone is trying to learn how to write and draw slowly getting better over time and it all begins here with a note written in binary when you first enter the room there's a cardboard box in the middle which if i were to guess is steel wool trying to draw our attention to the most important post-it clues in what otherwise is a very crowded and busy looking room on it we get this binary string which translates to why is i that's it the grammar i think is intentionally bad because this is a computer coming into consciousness asking the question why am i alive and doing it written in binary the language of machines computers robots elsewhere in the room is more binary that translates to hide whatever this thing is it's scared and it's confused it hides until it can better understand what or who it's meant to be the other illegible phase 1 notes here are random flashing thoughts the sky kids love random glimpses of memories coming into focus the phrase i can feel it is this creature coming into consciousness and this right here you are something family which looks like afton family but it's pretty unclear in short it appears to be a machine that started speaking in binary but as more and more memories start to take hold it begins to write in normal alphabetic characters when you dive into the notes from phases 2 and 3 though things start to get much clearer it's mainly images and text revolving around birthday parties happy place birthday time family a pile of presents some cake let's get snack fun fun fun friends forever pizza time nothing particularly earth shattering for a series about pizza restaurants but then there's one posted in the phase three notes that really stands out the one clue that truly brings together the last two months of research this thing is the linchpin it's our smoking gun my friends and it all boils down to a present alongside three simple words all for me the party was all for me does that mean anything to you because it certainly does for me you see in the fnaf survival logbook a seemingly innocuous workbook full of pizzeria-themed activities you have three voices speaking through the pages michael afton writing his answers in red pen the vengeful spirit cassidy using lightly faded text and the crying child altering the physical text of the book one conversation that happens between cassidy and the crying child plays out like this cassidy says the party was for you and the crying child responds it was for me all for me suddenly all the party imagery makes sense the balloons the cake the kids this is the bite victim the crying child coming into consciousness and remembering the birthday party that took his life and using this context suddenly everything in these notes takes on a whole new meaning in the first phase of notes we see a crudely drawn house with a set of arrows pointing towards what looks to be a strange set of doors maybe another building which admittedly doesn't make much sense unless this is the crying child who in fnf4 would walk down and to the right and then back up to go to freddy's with his brother every single day in the phase three notes we see this close-up of a bear which would have been the last thing that the crying child saw before his head got chomped blue yellow green and red those are the flashing lights above the fredbear stage as he gets bit or you know maybe it's the balloons on the nearby table for someone who can't tell the difference between blue and purple even things like hide and know hide relate to the crying child's behavior throughout fnaf 4. he hides under tables and he is constantly made fun of for it throughout the game we also see a lot of dialogue about running away just like on the post-its digging deeper we also start to see other patterns emerging the number 7 shows up repeatedly as both a set of tally marks as well as a set of six faces with a smaller seventh one off to the side this ties us directly back to fnaf vr where we had a glitching purple gravestone for afton in the middle of seven normal gravestones five missing children charlie the puppet and the smaller face watching on the crying child as he says in other notes all my friends there's also repeated use of the number three three faces three kids words repeated three times like home home home and fun fun fun three slices of pizza three presents even just counting to the number three so what would that mean well think about it we've seen a lot of references to a house and family throughout these post-its seems to me like it's a reference to the three afton kids michael elizabeth and the crying child himself and the thing that brings all of it together isn't a post-it note but instead the table higher up in the room where we see the staff bots arranged like a family at dinner a mother and a father alongside their three kids one red-headed pigtail girl one boy and a kid with his head bit off and just to hammer it all home in the middle of the table the collectible is a poster for fredbear's family diner the place of the bite the place where all of this began it looks like the robot finally figured out who he was and he started to recreate his family the robot is the crying child which by proxy then has to be gregory and if you need further proof of humanoid robots in the game ili becky and reddit caught this detail from sister location humanoid heads ones that look very similar to gregory's face oh and a last thing much to everyone's excitement there's actually a new book series coming out later this year a new season of fazbear frights called tales from the pizzaplex obviously referencing the location and security breach the cover of the first book in the new series robot kid there it is which leads us then to the last puzzle of security breach the retro cds for those of you don't know there are 16 cds around the map that you can only find once you've upgraded freddie's eyes from there you take the cds to a hidden room designed to look exactly like mike's room from sister location these cds seem to be recordings of the therapy sessions for two patients patient 71 who we mentioned last time is clearly vanessa and patient 46 who we never get to hear speak and over the course of the various sessions 46 and 71 are set up to be direct opposites of each other vanessa likes flowers patient 46 does not oh you like those the janitor on this floor has a garden and has been putting bouquets in the offices here for years what's the problem oh the flowers i'll move them vanessa likes blue skies and doesn't like dark basements 46 prefers it dark i like the blue sky i don't like dark basements oh right too bright when the shades pulled it feels like we're in a cubby hole or a cave yeah vanessa doesn't like candy 46 does would you like a candy no thank you those have 35 calories a piece sure you can have a candy clearly we're meant to see these characters as opposites which is why so many people online consider that patient 46 might actually be vani vanessa's alter ego possessed by glitch trap or even more extreme vanessa's evil twin sister considering the fire ending shows us a dead vani on the ground and vanessa looking down from the burning building's roof but let's quickly talk about those two interpretations first of all vanessa and vani are the same person they have to be all the evidence leading up to this game in places like fnaf special delivery have pointed to a woman named vanessa a getting mind hacked by afton and reluctantly following his orders and in this game we still have pieces of evidence for instance in the cds we learned that vanessa is buying fake fur to make the vanity costume on your brakes it looks like you were shopping for a costume you purchased some fake fur material what are you gonna make if she's not the one wearing it why would she be making it to me the fire ending here is meant to be symbolic we haven't beaten princess quest yet so vanessa's spirit is still trapped inside that burning building but her body has died she is one person but could the persona of vani actually be patient 46. again the evidence just doesn't seem to add up to that throughout their sessions we get multiple indications that the therapist is speaking to a child the way they speak to patient 46 here you don't want me to get in trouble do you i could be put in the corner for a time out yeah you think that's funny huh and again here tragedy always leads to a feeling of loss it's a hole that feels funny right the way they explain simple words and i'm surprised by your knowledge of computers you're something of a phenom do you know what that word means it means you have unusual skill like haka the way they point out that 46 doesn't fit into the chair that chair doesn't really fit you does it they even mention the fact that they specifically work with children you know i work with people of all ages from little kids to the very elderly i understand that therapists would want to treat alters as they see themselves but this just doesn't seem to fit at no point do we get an indication that vani sees herself as a child but now let's go back to what we assume we know about 46. they're a kid they like the dark they like candy they're really good with computers in fact they're a bit robotic themselves answering questions in cold detached ways when i read your account of what happened it came across as well more of an objective rather than a subjective narrative oh sorry you don't know what that means do you here again we get another example of the therapist having to explain a relatively simple word now look at our post-it room it's a dark cave underground outright labeled as this is my home on the central cardboard box is a drawing of candy and a robot would be emotionally detached and would also be great at hacking heck the therapist does tell patient 46 to write down their feelings i suggested you write down exactly what made you so sad and scared and if this room isn't an example of that i don't know what is taking it one step further if i'm right in saying that gregory is indeed the robot that came into consciousness here that's why he doesn't fit into the chair he's a kid that's also the reason steel wool couldn't let us hear 46's voice throughout these therapists tapes it would give away the game it would immediately take away the mystery of who 46 is since we hear gregory talk so much but why would gregory a robot kid hiding out in the pizzaplex actively be seeking out therapy he's not in a school of any kind and he's not employed so it wouldn't be mandated what is going on here well over the course of the 16 cds we listen as both patient 46 and vanessa visit a total of five therapists all of whom are implied to have been mangled to death by machinery but the deaths here aren't arbitrary if you track the tapes each therapist ends up getting killed off immediately after they start asking vanessa about encrypted messages that she's been receiving from a mysterious figure your performance reviews are good but a routine check of your online history has revealed that you spent quite a bit of time with someone in an encrypted conversation we have transcripts and i've read them dead the next session the messages you're getting seem very manipulative in nature you know who i'm talking about why won't you open up about it these files are full of details about your life again dead the next session when the encrypted messages get brought up to 46 same thing when i saw some of your recent encrypted conversation logs at first i thought i was looking at more examples of you just talking with yourself then i realized it was different when i study this it sounds like there is someone else responding to you a third therapist bites the dust the therapists cover all sorts of topics bad childhoods work history one therapist even confronts patient 46 with all the other dead therapists nothing no response it's only once the encrypted messages come up that they're suddenly marked for death we also know that it's 46 doing the killing here the dead therapists are a complete surprise to vanessa hi go ahead sit down i don't know you what happened to oh we'll get to know each other in no time but to 46 just business as usual why did you lie why don't we come back to this another day you're shaking your head as though that's not going to happen he's shaking his head because he knows that now she is also marked for death to me all of this screams of 46 keeping tabs on vanessa he's going to therapy not for himself but rather to follow her actions making sure that she's not saying anything that she shouldn't about these encrypted messages and when the therapists do get too close to the truth they're bumped off we learn in one of the last cds that patient 46 isn't being manipulated but is instead the one doing the manipulation i don't think you're being manipulated here i think you're the one doing the manipulating no comment huh putting two and two together would tell us that patient 46 is the one communicating with vanessa he's controlling her life for some reason in fact 46 appears to be the reason vanessa is working at the pizzaplex in the first place one odd detail of the in-game messages is that vanessa was not supposed to get the security job in the message marked for deletion we see that vanessa's lack of security experience gets the interviewer to not recommend her for the job and yet she's hired anyway despite as it says in another message no prior qualifications in both messages we're told that it's an internal reference coming from the top that got her the job someone has brought vanessa here for a specific purpose and who better than a hacker that's clearly established to be in the pizzaplex's emails patient 46 gregory in short it looks like gregory is manipulating the situation determined to get vanessa to work at the pizzaplex following her to all her mandated therapy sessions and ultimately killing off anyone that gets too close to the truth i mean after all gregory is not opposed to using a bit of violence to get what he wants we have to get these we can upgrade you he's also not opposed to lying about it this upgrade it was chicas please be honest how did you get it when i was in the kitchen earlier she fell into some sort of garbage smasher is she okay well she's still functional but why why is he going to all of this effort well combine it with what we saw in the post-it room there's a family reunion scene multiple post-its referring to family the three siblings their house remember what i said earlier a robot has come into consciousness and is trying to reclaim what he lost his family he wants the family back together and so he's doing everything in his power to make that happen using his hacking skills he's managed to break into staff files so he knows that there's something off about vanessa maybe he even knows that his dad's consciousness is inside of her he's also got his brother and freddie and his dad in the basement the family in this game is truly coming together again reclaiming what crying child once lost and that's it that's the whole theory done there are definitely no holes or flaws to anything i just said don't look any deeper than everything i just told you all right fine there might be a few itty-bitty holes to all of this explanation namely some of the info that we get from the last two cds if patient 46 is gregory then why is he glitching the system to make all the animatronics scarier if he lured vanessa to the pizzaplex then why would he then be avoiding her throughout the game why would he be surprised to see afton in the basement if he's trying to bring the family all together there's also the mystery of the whole parent story 46 is said to have good parents none of what you said in your file about your parents was true the truth is you had great parents a great childhood why did you lie but how would records of good parenting exist for a robot who presumably had no parents or the crying child whose records presumably would say that he was dead or even if you don't believe those theories if 46 is gregory and gregory's just a homeless kid that doesn't sound like he would have had a great childhood or any sort of home life but the kicker the one to me that makes this really difficult to explain is this email that i had long forgotten about from fnaf ar strap in for this one friends hey ness i hope things are good i saw you ordered three lifelike human male rubber masks and i was dying to ask what they're for sounds to me like a robot kid is confirmed but it also sounds to me like vanessa built it or gave rise to this robot kid if so then i ask again why would gregory be avoiding her throughout the game i mean the best i could come up with is that somehow gregory escaped and is now convinced that vanessa is trying to shut him down because of his rogue programming i mean it's not a bad idea but then why would he be luring her to the pizza plex it's like one half of each explanation works but then when you try to connect it back with like the other half of the theory they end up contradicting each other which is really frustrating there are two other options first the robot kit from the post-it room is entirely brand new or the second option is it's someone that we never see in the game baby now the first option of a brand new character yeah it's cool i guess i can't really speculate about that it could literally go anywhere and solve everything as for option two baby just like with gregory there are certain things that fit and other things that just don't baby like gregory could want to put the family back together baby has always wanted to make daddy proud so she'd be quite happy to kill off therapists that got too close to the truth just like we see with 46 and she would willingly spread the afton virus to make the animatronics scary in order to bring daddy back if she's using illusion discs or if she acts like she does in the books then it's possible that she'd be able to take the form of a child and make up a backstory she's also a character that canonically loves disguises just like patient 46. it reminds you of a mask like a disguise yeah i can see that you like the idea of being disguised disguises let you be sort of invisible don't they there's also a line about the therapist being able to see patient 46's eyes that's better on this side of the desk i can see your eyes and we know that baby's eye color has always been an important detail in the past but as with gregory there are still a number of holes with this line of thinking baby slash elizabeth likes flowers patient 46 doesn't we also know baby hates being in the basement of sister location so then why as patient 46 would she prefer to live in a cave rather than blue sky in short as i wrap up my overall coverage of security breach i guess i gotta summarize it like this this game is frustrating from a lore standpoint smaller questions like glam rock bonnie and golden freddy yeah those are pretty easy to answer but when it comes to what this game was actually about no one theory actually solves it all in a clean way there are references to every corner of the fnaf universe in here but as a result nothing fits cleanly together to solve everything there are pieces that always dangle or always contradict something else do i think the crying child is here based on the post-it room yes absolutely is he gregory i mean right now i think that he's our best option is he also patient 46 seems like he's trying to be but there are just a lot of holes there and there are holes in the baby theory too and that honestly just leaves the option of a mysterious third party pulling the strings behind the scenes which on one hand would be welcome i'd love to see a new character inserted into this lore but on the other hand it also feels unsatisfying because it's like well that came out of nowhere this franchise has never operated like that so it feels weird for it to start acting that way now individually small pieces of the mystery make sense but when you take a step back and look at the wider lore of the series how it connects to other games how it connects to the wider story arc that's been created that's when things start to fall apart and i think that is what is so frustrating with this title so that's what i'm left with let me know what your thoughts are are you seeing things that i'm not hopefully at least sparked some ideas in your head and hey if it did you can let me know live right now i am officially live with other members of team theorists other fnaf tubers all of us covering things about this game my hot takes on the security breach lore other theories that we haven't covered yet and of course just generally chatting about what we thought of the game where we think the franchise is going and what we predict will be the upcoming dlc nothing is off the table friends so if you have fnaf theories yourself throw them out there and we can discuss them live link is down in the description right now stop on by join us for some good old-fashioned live theory crafting and while you're down there just one last reminder to head on over to our merch store to get your hands on the first of its kind quest jacket there's a very limited number of these available because it was very costly to make them so if you want your hands on the first ever puzzle jacket make sure you're checking it out in the description below see you over on the live stream and as always remember it's all just a theory a game theory thanks for watching
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 11,668,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FNAF, Five Nights at Freddys, fnaf security breach, Security Breach, vanessa, vanny, fnaf security breach vanny, fnaf security breach glamrock bonnietapes, fnaf security breach explained, fnaf security breach ending, fnaf security breach endings, fnaf security breach theory, fnaf security breach lore, security breach theory, fnaf security breach ending explained, fnaf gregory, glamrock freddy, springtrap, freddy, matpat fnaf, game theory, matpat, game theorists, fnaf sb
Id: wBEAjjioZFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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