Kings & Queens of Corbet's - FULL REPLAY

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Jake Hopfinger sent a double backie literally 20 minutes earlier in the comp...

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Pilly_Bilgrim 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Don’t know if they announced but he was clearly the winner on the mens side

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
as well DC here joined alongside by Jackson Hole local 21 years to be exact yeah and former professional snowboarder Jeff Moran hidin today Jeff I'm well DC I'm stoked to have you guys Red Bull everybody back this year third year of the kings and queens here in Corbett school our that's right yeah third year here of kings and queens and Corbett's and what an amazing venue this is let's talk about Corbett's here on rendezvous Mountain one of the most iconic features at any mountain in the world yeah regularly rated and voted one of the steepest gnarliest most extreme runs and all of America possibly even the world well big shout out to the crew out here talking about rainy and arge and his crew of park and pipe members here at jackson old mountain resort that built some features up here in this cool lead to as freestyle that yes they not that cool are closed for almost two weeks and iranian and his crews been up there hand shaping features the first year back in 2018 there were no hand made features so last year and this year it's kind of new and they keep stepping up the game with what they're building up there absolutely alright well you can see the countdown clock up there in the left corner but again third year of this event last year 2019 kings and queens did not disappoint what an epic year it was with epic conditions and for more action from last year's kings and queens of Courbet's let's check out this package top the morning Travis ranch here reporting live [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] last year was Trevor Kenneth's in of course his first sis skier to ever drop in a Corp unbelievable absolutely unbelievable checking in with him later he's not competing today but he is here in the house all right well like I said third year of this event we got three members of our team as well and time to check on with the third member of our team tina dixon who's up at the top of the Coulee yeah thanks so much DC will welcome everyone to the top of Corbett's absolutely stunning up here and for anyone that has ski Jackson and you walk out of that tram you look around at the valley you look at the mountains and you're like okay I've arrived this place is absolutely breathtaking and just to be part of this event is truly special now in terms of the weather right now it is chilly it's about negative three to zero degrees with the wind chill factor in fact that wind is about 23 miles per hour now the good news is I spoke to the ski patrol and that wind is coming from the northwest so it's depositing snow into Corbet's which is actually softening some things up and the athletes got up here about 8:30 9:00 this morning kind of peeked over started assessing the conditions assessing their line throwing snowballs trying to figure out what they were gonna do and I have to tell you these athletes they were visualizing some of their tricks and if you look kind of behind me DC you see some of these run-ins they were up here timing getting their speeds right and we've got some big chunks coming off of this off of this Courbet's at the top guys thank you very much Tina Dixon definitely stay warm up there looking like an Eskimo up there Tina definitely prepared for this event though she knows what's up with the wintertime so once again we have got 24 athletes out here we're gonna break this down for you the way this is gonna go it's a two run format they don't have to take both runs if they don't want to know they laced that first run they can foul out of the second yeah so we've got a set drop order for the first run-through of all 24 athletes and then whoever wants to come back up and take a second run it'll kind of be a random drop order we've got nine women 15 men today and it's a mix of skiers and snowboarders on both sides and all of the competitors are competing together so women judge separately from the men but the skiers and snowboarders together and the way we determine the drop order this was really sweet you were there the other night for the athlete welcome you hearty there was a lottery to see who got the drop first total lottery with the full lotto machine and we had Kate gsella the two-time queen of Corbett's who threw the number one ping pong ball so she's dropping first today followed by another vet of the kings and queens Tana Beeman then we've got Veronica Paulsen sander Hadley Jake hop finger Tim derp she pawns mid Nick and Madison black lead around at the top eight or the first date that's right and then you got Lucy sack park and Costin Marissa Krawczyk Zoe Vernon Rylan Belle Cooper Branham Ariana trucco me local boy camp Fitzpatrick yeah we've got a few locals in it today it's great Steen iasts goats gift Karl Faust met another familiar face at here at kings and queens we've got King or Rob King well Forrest Jillson grant killer Sam couch Ashleigh Babcock and we'll finish off with Mikey Maroney that's right and those are all the judges for the event as well there are no judges is a rider judged event and they're gonna have the riding rider judging party out here this weekend Saturday you'll be able to find out who won but let's get underway with this let's get to the top of Corbett's here because I'm ready to kick this off the twenty20 third year here for kings and queens of Corbett's all right well look of that iconic tram here at Jackson Hole bringing it to the top of a rendezvous Mountain we'll be kicking off with Kate gsella first as we said the two-time reigning queen of kings and queens of Corbett she's hoping for a three-peat tonight or today originally from New Hampshire my old stomping grounds and I've been out in Jackson she she was a let's hear from Kate I had the luxury of competing the first Corbet's competition we had two years ago and it was my first time hopping into the cooler and from that point on I fell in love with it it's been a really special place for me the kick started my career and a lot of positive memories and that little guy there you have it some words there from our first athlete to drop two-time defending champion here your two-time Queen Kate zealous could she go for the three wall she's gonna go for the three-peat because you get the three-peat this year we will have to see as you said brutally out of New Hampshire now Colin Jackson home yeah former fist ski racer you know what I've seen is it seems as though a lot of the the skiers that grow up in ski racers end up doing really well in the big mountain scene you know what I think is really cool about the event too is that the the competitors don't have to drop at a certain moment they kind of get to work their way into it they've got their time limit or their time zone and they they get to go when they want it's not like three two won't you have to go so gives them a little bit of comfort zone up there and kind of get their head wrapped around what's about to go down and what do you think's going through the head of Kate she's getting ready to drop out here she's got the experience competed in this past two years and was the queen of this event capacity yeah I would imagine that a probably adds a little extra pressure but she's got it I mean she's done it before she knows what it feels like and you know whether whether draw on the first ball or is is the best start order or start position or not we'll see but you can see her up there getting her side stuff psyched up and I think we're getting real close right 10 seconds she is on course [Applause] [Music] stopping it oh it's just ripping and it turns right away get some better time they're one of those man-made features it looks looks pretty forgiving up there nice and soft not as deep as we would thought but it's definitely not hard back over there Kate zealot for two time defending Queen out here for kings and queens of course that's kind of her signature move there the spreader across the the final booter kicking it off now we know what it's going to look like [Music] I think she's stoked I would say yeah definitely that is a snow skate right there so checking out the replay here boosting in stomping it and then just no holds bar comes to Karen down through the Coulee got that nice Park style kicker at the bottom go pretty big off that takes a lot of effort to kind of manage that speed when you're coming off that 30 40 50 foot plus drop at the top of the nose all right next up we have hana Beeman checking her speed yeah on a beam and she's been here the last couple years from the the very first Kings in Queens she ended up on the podium in the third the first year in 2018 in the last year in second let's see if she can keep climbing the water to the ladder all right well for more from Hana Beeman who as you said it's Poti in the past two years check out this piece it's always fun to spectate so I'm really excited to watch and also excited to see what I can put together in there I mean I always love coming to Jackson so any excuse to come here and hang out and shred them out and ride with awesome people I mean count me in so getting it invite back for the third year super stoked I will always I will always take and invite to come back to Jackson it's just a great place and super fun super great people to ride with it's like a second home so it's from Hana beam in Hana who's been on the scene in snowboarding for so many years she had such a presence with the whole grenade yeah now transitioning over to Big Mountain free riding the past decade or so here gotten herself out of Bellingham Washington Collin Mountain Baker home she's a real estate agent out there in Bellingham as well no no yeah backup plan we've we see her out here in Jackson a lot though she's a familiar face for sure just like she said always always good times doing Hana town and it's it's cool if you writ you read her bio it was Travis Rice who kind of introduced her to the whole big mountain riding scene and now she comes out and you see you're hanging out with Travis and going shredding together all the time so yeah Hana is no stranger to Jackson Hole and definitely no stranger to corporate school are she said that strives to get a lap in there every time she comes back to Jackson yeah it was 2002 that she made that first trip to Jax yeah just fell in love with the place yeah big shout out the Travis Rice of course our king of this event last year for in trying not to Jackson this little slice of heaven we've been hearing some of the competitors talking over the last couple of days feeling out what the conditions are in there and some different strategies some people as we can see with Kate I'm gonna send it right off the nose and heard other people talking about how they might take it a little easier getting into the Coulee and then really take advantage of all those man-made features all along the route drop in there [Music] there's definitely the sweet spots and then sometimes there's the not so sweet spots so well once again third member of our team Tina Dix and she's up at the top of Corbett's and she's got a figure on the poles getting all the input Tina what's going on up there yeah well we all know how important the right amount of speed is especially when you're dropping into something as serious as this and you know I spoke to Hana yesterday and she wasn't quite clear on how she would drop in so she was up here this morning again packing out her line we can see her walking up just really assessing the speed and making sure that everything is right and making sure that trajectory off the lip is gonna land her where she wants to land so she can continue on her run so this is just part of the process when you're hitting features like this you're hitting something as serious as Corbet's you got to take your time it's a calculated a calculated effort and we can see that's exactly what Hana Beaman is doing right now she walks up and gets prepared for her first run we're down here at the base of the venue and it's great to get that input from Tina up at the top cuz vibe up there a total different vibe for sure and you know a big part of what our competitors are trying to do is you may have heard of the go path so you don't always have to jump into corporates you can ride in it's equally as gnarly whether you're in the air on your skis or board but when you come out of that go path it cuts right across the bottom of the cliff so you're gonna want if people are airing in most of them are gonna want to try and clear that go path and hit the sweet spot and seeing Kate jealous drop there she air it in right off the nose and it looked pretty soft it wasn't you know neck deep on our landing but it looked pretty soft and forgiving and we'll take a look here of Kate plenty forgiving the snow looks good for sending her into into corporate town yeah right back into that left side hit man made hit so we've got the west wall that's that big riders left wall they're some of our competitors may actually drop off that that's that's a line that's in the competition first year we saw Jeff Leger aka dr. Huck and stuff do the lawn dart off that it was a that definitely gained him some internet fame doing that for sure quite a few different options though and we talked about the snow that you guys got last week that helped with conditions for the landing and again buried some of the features that rain Ian and his crew had to build but they came out and busted but yeah got everything dug out and and ready again in the course of three days but winds were forecasted out of the north yesterday which really doesn't favor Corbett's but they were actually a little out of the Southwest this morning what he did give it a little bit of a fresh wind look yeah we were talking to ski patrol this morning Pete Jenkins in particular longtime patroller here and he was saying that kind of got lucky on the wind shift it blew some snow in and it's actually looking a little bit cleaner and smoother than it was yesterday especially after they all got in there and we're checking it out looks like Kaunas up in the start strapped in ready to rock envisioning that grab their front side there visualize it's all about the visualization that and the really strong quads stomping it out it's a average about a 45 degree pitch of course that headwall getting into Corbett's is a vertical there with that corner of a 90 degree but once you're in there about average of 45 degree angle there and looks like Hana really getting ready to the drop time here even though she know she's done it a couple times before I'm sure that the nerves are still on a lark peaking on a 10 right now yeah you're not seeing your landing until you're on the on the take-off yeah looking off into the abyss and looks like we are ready now for Hana Beeman one of the legends of snowboarding got the drop [Music] Oh Jackie unfortunately just shy in that rotation but so much props the Hana going for the backflip there it is turn yeah we get a true sense of how deep it really is up there it's so good coming into the the crowd-pleaser there we go Hana Beaman run one out of the way respect the Hana beaming out here she's podium the past two years and she'll have a second run if she wants to to get to stomp that yeah so much profit the Hana I was so excited when I saw her on the starchy together for this year take a look here at the replay I'm not method what do you think that is 50 feet 40-plus yeah that's it's sandy but regains yourself one for the flip but slightly under rotated but I love her go up and flip there clears the booter at the bottom and Hana beaming again one of the best ever strapped in stand sideways with her first of two goes here the kings and she's got to be creeping on twenty years or more of pro career she's up there all right well our next athlete to drop here in the start order again lottery determined they picked a ping-pong ball out of the old machine and that determine their drop order we got Veronica Paulsen [ __ ] Valley represent getting ready to drop in and we're gonna go ahead and check in for more on Veronica my name is veronica paulsen I'm 26 I'm from California but I live here in Jackson now I've been in the kings and queens competition for the last three years the last two years I've tried a backflip and haven't been able to ride out of it so this year I'm gonna give it a go again and hopefully write it up there you hear some words from Veronica Paulson [ __ ] Valley where she honed her skills but yeah calling Jackson home now she's actually a free ride coach here for a free ski team she's uh I think we might see it back II don't want to call it but I mean she's done it in the past both mm 18 and 19 former moguls competitor so she's gone she's spent some time working on that air awareness looks like she's getting ready for it yeah it looks like she is envisioning that backflip indeed at the top you see a lot of athletes do that before they drop in especially like in the whole slope style and half like riding world you see him envisioning their runs before they drop in so Veronica getting ready to drop in here to the 2020 edition of kings and queens of quartz all right looks like we've got about ten seconds till Veronica's dropping yes Veronica Paulson she's been waiting for that for two years aiming it rightfully so so much respect yes Veronica she is so fired up the stoker you must do everything right now oh my goodness I think the crowd here intensely balls pretty stoked for Veronica how could you not be now is textbook so slow get congratulated by our reigning queen Katy's LF I cannot wait to see the replay of this backflip and it is amazing out of it what do you think you think she's gonna take her second run I don't know I mean that look at look at the landing on this so slowly rotated bolts yeah Veronica has been working on that there's not many women that have backflipped into Corbitt school are you here Jess McMillan uh from Jackson Hole here seeing third time's the charm on that one yes it is yeah Veronica please - epic all right that's how we're gonna do it out here she just kind of raised the bar I'd say next to drop will be sander Hadley sander Hadley is up next yeah got a second-place finish back in 2018 have nice left 360 into the Coulee yeah definitely got some wicked style I'll be honest like people have been jumping in to Corbett's for years Lonnie ball was the first person to ski it in 67 and we had Joel arrow who sent it probably bigger than it's ever been sent back in 1979 but I never thought that we'd actually see Corbett's turned into essentially what is a slopes kind of a big mountain slope style contest it's been amazing to see people sending doubles backflips all kinds of spins sevens taking off switch pretty excited to see what the rest of this day has in store for us all right well for more on santur hadley check this out my name is Sandra Hadley I'm 27 years old from Pocatello Idaho my first year I took a second last year I took fifth and being around this many people with similar mindsets on things it's really fun to kind of compare what's going on and who's doing what you know really makes it a special event that way all right there you have some words from Zander Hadley here again second place back in 2018 it's coming over coming over from Pocatello Idaho not too far from Jackson at all sander actually ended up on the cover of the Jackson Hole skier magazine our local ski magazine it's been going for 37 years he's he's on the cover of this year's issue and it's from last year's kings and queens event yeah you'd brought a copy of that magazine in and shared it with us so we'll see if we can get it up on the screen here next time they cut to a shot of us but appreciate you bringing the magazine in here so about one minute to drop out here for sander Hadley fourth athlete to go this will be our first gentlemen we see drop in I've already seen again lottery drawing so completely random order out here but three ladies starting it off proper and Veronica Paulsen really doing a proper with that huge backflip in and so these athletes they can take as much time as they want you know there's no pressure for them to be like alright you got to go right now these guys can just do the dang thing and drop when they are ready when they're feeling it that's a really big part of the kings and queens it's for the athletes Oh coming in switch and Tanner holding on to it and then the flat spin switch five flat spin and then the bright three key there's he sets himself up to the final booter and the nice corked out 540 to wrap it up so just like you said turning this venue into like a slope style venue santur Hadley displaying that wonderfully starting off with the switch flat 5 flat 3 right 3 and then let's corked out 540 to ramp up his run oh and the backflip right before that I get the feeling that he wants to win kind of looks like it five tricks five tricks getting thrown down throughout that run for Santa let's check out the replay come on with that big switch left 540 in pretty impressive that he was able to catch that first skiers right booter grabbing it up there corked out five to wrap up his run sander going ham there on his first run Willie take a second one after that see ya that's pretty solid stayed on his feet I guess you can always go bigger you can always add a rotation all right well there's a next to drop so we get a great view there of Corbett's will be Jake excuse me Jake hot finger from upstate New York originally now calling Bozeman Montana home this is his debut here for this kings and queens of Corbett's event first time competing in this event 22 years old one of our younger competitors if I'm not mistaken I don't think he's ever been in Corbett's I mean maybe yesterday for checking it out but I don't I don't think he's ever been here - actually Huck into the Coulee so monumental moment form actually quite a few of our competitors first time sending it into Corbin's Paul it's good thing they didn't draw that first position ball in the lottery the other night because they can you know assess the conditions in there based off of how other other of these athletes are landing yeah we we had four four veterans kicking it off [Music] sure yeah once again next to drop Jake hopping er well we got a special guest down here with us we're gonna go ahead and check in with veronica paulson who was just gonna join us out here Veronica aisle stoked you to get that back there's been three years in the making of been trying it practicing a lot with my buddies I'm just really glad I could ski out of it this year I heard Jessica Nolan say to you third time's the charm so appreciate all the invites coming from Jess I wouldn't do this checking out the replay this snow was just you know perfect snow perfect conditions I'm lucky I drew the third babe so I got to go early when the snow is still fresh yeah everything lined up yeah it looks pretty soft in there so not too shabby for conditions here we go Jake hot finger drop it in and the nice lincoln loop off the Buddha there Thank You Veronica Paulson coming in and checking in with us Jake hot finger right now huge backflip Oh holding on to it oh my goodness what a recovery that was I thought he was gonna pack into the take-off of the final booter there no way hanging on to it they're sending a huge backflip using uh just the run in there is like a transition got to to back ease one off the nose another one down lower in the run off one of those hand shaped features here we go replay oh the double double the double in we looked up just in time to see him coming around from the second of that so the double backflip in one of beasts and they're holding on to it almost packing in - yeah let's ice off little Corbett's no snakes grabbing his ski but you didn't let him have it Jake hopping er welcome to kings and queens of Corbett's first year competing here and mellow starting off with a double backflip in first time hugging in the Corbett's and ghosts double alright Wow take a deep breath here I wonder what the energy is like up top let's see we've got Tim derse coming up next originally from Alyeska Alaska now Colin Jackson whole home regular face in the TGR movies was this DUP in kicking horse competing on the freeride world tour and I saw him up at the top yesterday when I was checking out corporates peering down into it and he showed up and was cool just chatting with him for a little bit but then he got a phone call and one of his friends is going to go skeet Cody so last I heard from yesterday he's gonna head out there and then I saw him at the Welcome Reception last night didn't get a chance to ask him how the snow is I said oh there's so much going on there we were up here early the other morning and it was no clouds no wind beautiful morning and it was right after all that snow we had come in those storms last week and Cody ball was looking prime yeah I was looking really good yesterday saw quite a few people venturing out that way it's probably been about oh I don't know almost eight years since I've had a chance to shred it and it was looking really good so tinder she getting ready to drop in up there but let's see some of the runs we've already seen so far go down here in Corbin it's been a great start to the morning there was Kate she'll have started things off then Veronica Paulson stopped in the back lift been trying that for three years and went and big she was not holding back on that at all Sandra Hadley with that switch five Jake off finger with that double backflip right now and still managing to get some of the more some of the other features lower in the cular so there you have it five athletes of our 24 athlete roster have already dropped in for their first of two runs to run format they don't have to take their second run if they don't have to and you're not gonna see any scores today because this is a rider judged event I think that's one of the coolest parts about this whole event like it's it's as Jess McMillan said she had a whole opening statement the other night and it's all about the riders it's like they don't have to go at any certain point they can kind of take their time it's rider judge and they get a lot of content out of this too so it's really cool to see this what is already a totally unique event and it's really built around making it what the riders want and for the riders absolutely yeah there's not gonna be any grumbling about the judging out here for this event is all I hear their own judges I'm going to bribe your peers word we're about ten seconds out here Pretender she's first drop all right what do you think's going through his head right now is he's dropping in stomped and a big left three aiming for that transition there on the skiers left side looking down in that did look like a steeper transition holding good snow that's that indicator Rock the first one he hit up there in the middle of the cool are that's that's where Ski Patrol keeps an eye on to know when and the coolers ready to open they need about 70 to 80 inches of snow yeah Tim Turkey Tim Darcy having his first go out here now calling Jackson Hole home member of the team here Jackson Hole yeah he's on gh2 Mars athlete roster again I'm a regular face in T G are you not only films with them all year but then spends the offseason traveling with the movie and gonna promote the movie take a look here getting that left three and trying to find that good transition over on the skiers left side get this little hung up there with landing there [Music] the final hit here down in the kings and queens of Corbett's venue you know that little transition at the bottom of the west wall a lot of times that's the best landing that's kind of where all the snow accumulates creates this little [ __ ] ribbon right up to the wall and not that I'm gonna be the one to do it but honestly like if you you go up there and look at it it almost looks like someone could wall ride down the west wall and catch that transition at the bottom it's talking about that yesterday all right into this alright here we go Colin's been Nick getting ready to drop in and doing some last-minute adjustments but for more on Hans let's hear from Hans man Nick I think this week is gonna be very interesting the one thing that I don't think a lot of people realize is like the first year when I did this there was no features so this is my first year doing this event with features all the way down the run and coming from a slope style background I think it's going to be pretty fun and very entertaining at the bottom to say the least and they have Huntsman Nick we talked about this earlier in the show Hans his first year here two years ago there was no features that were built in it and he drew the first drop from his lottery on his birthday on his birthday so there you have yeah he was the first person to drop in the kings and queens of Corbett's event ever big shout out to Hans his brother Nils as well such very talented snowboarders and I've had a chance to ride with those guys a few times like back in the day too and yeah they're so skilled on any terrain that you put in front of them whether rails jumps or big mountain which they've been showcasing really over the past few years yeah Hans has been coming out to Jackson and filming with some of the guys here I know he was out filming with camp Fitzpatrick the other day for there they've got a project going on called this is us in and been doing some stuff out in the side country here Jackson but yeah it hans and nils those guys have been around for a while like i remember when they were the little groms out in vermont and now working their way up into the big times in snowboard industry and Hans he spent a little bit of time out in Salt Lake City but now calling Tahoe home so no shortage of freeride options out there in the not at all for Huntsman dick is looking up here at the top Hans queueing up some optic a big fan of oatmeal he was telling me that he went on a twenty day trip to Europe a few years ago and brought enough oatmeal with him to have breakfast five packs a day for all 20 tastes that's insane I do like oatmeal though it's a good practice is sixth-year bones in the morning nice and quick as well Hans uh-oh his energy yeah that's full Sun right there I like it I'm a big fan of the Sun Salutation on mornings before I drop in especially on holidays it's like he's centering himself he looks pretty calm a lot of people are up there getting themselves really stoked out mellow here we go switch frontside 540 into it there for Hans Mitnick so the goofy footer here and his regular stance with a nice front side three finding the good snow for that land and get some great turns oh it looks so good up in there Jeff yeah he took the way riders right line now keeping his speed for this the crowd-pleaser here at the bottom Hill method shifty solid run from Hans Minich starting off with that calf five yeah I can't tell if he looks relieved or just stoked on landing either way the solid run so a great first two runs again they don't have to take their second run hon stop that first one will he elect to take that second run we'll find out later but that switch 544 frontside 5 cap 5 into it landing at the bottom of that west wall finding a good transition they go in cross-court there get the front three off that side be sure there and then just the backside shifty there like I said kind of kicking it out method style I could not be get that backside grab in but a good style always displayed by Hans mimic here that was a snowboarder in the nineties I can get me head back I can back T absolutely Oh shifty still one of my safety go twos when just testing out you know I'm still one of my only tricks frontside or backside shifty oh I can go both ways all right hon saying hello to his mom down there at the bottom and it's got to feel good putting down that first run next up Madison black Lee Park City Utah raised now residing in Salt Lake City it's about 30 minutes down the hill from Park City you got 30 years old this is her first experience riding the Corvette's and competed just the Freestyle aspect of snowboarding for years did some Grand Prix events and some do tour events that I got to hear announcer in films in the streets a lot so it's pretty funny if you ask me that we got athletes at film in the streets a lot of different backgrounds on our riders out here my former racers got got pipe jocks qinger former pipe jock obviously a lot of big mountain riders and skiers yeah last year red Erin Blanca fresh off the competition circuit one of the top pipe skiers out there competing as well he was bummed to miss it this year I just was talking to him last week about that but Madison blackly much respect to Madison as she's getting ready to drop in her first year here at this event three years that it's been drowning and Madison making her debut skit goat GoPro down Madison black Lee I'm 30 years old and I'm from Park City Utah so this is my first experience in Corbet's I have not hit the cooler quite yet I have ridden Jackson before I've looked at it I've been wanting to hit it so I'm excited for this opportunity there's some words there from Madison black Lee so as he her to say there she's never hit Corvettes before first year hitting Corbett's stoked warming up those quads actually yesterday she was telling me she was really gonna try to book a massage last night she was dealing with a little bit a stiff leg there I think it was that left leg she was referring to her front leg out here as the regular footer of Madison black Lee dropping in for her first time into Corvette's here we go take over nice frontside grab off that cheese wedge high up on the riders right part of the course coming into this lower rock you see him hit it he's going for pal [Music] I was looking good in there Madison coming into the final puter there we go big front side three catching that [ __ ] right on Madison blackly there with her first time in the corvatz welcome to Corbett's Madison breaking the seal crowd here intensely bolas into that the crowd pleaser booter at the bottom it's really so cool they've incorporated all these park style heads into the natural terrain so a smooth-running here's where a look at the replay for Madison that front side three get the front side grab in there it's a little heel heavy and watch that out but it's a nice big jump to throw front three off of there nice work Madison and electing for the gopath entrance into Corbett's which that is a vertical head ball there the nose nose as its called Lucey sack Lucy sack Bower full name they're coming over from Sun Valley not too far from here yeah born and raised in Vail Colorado not too far from where I reside but Sun Valley it's home now she is an emergency and post anaesthesia nurse give it back to the piece and let's hear more from Lucy sack actually sorry we're gonna check in with the third member of our team Tina Dixon who's at the top t knees staying warm up there yeah we're staying warm trying to stay a little warm up here you know DC it's been so cold just beat and wonder if the battery in her microphone may be disaster mall the cold up there was I saw negative 15/4 the windchill actually when I clicked up on top of the rendezvous mountain here negative 15 was the windchill that I've seen in the forecast for today and we were up there this morning getting off the tram when the Sun was coming up what a beautiful sunrise that was but it was brisk up there and feeling the wind chill down here even it feels like a negative wind chill down here it's a little exposed up there at the top of Corbett's for sure some some of those smaller trees but pretty wide open looks like Lucy sack power is dropping in Wow Lucy going deep in there coming to a stop there but picking herself right up how far you think she just went there with that entrance it's gonna be I'd say 40 feet or so we got the helmet on so she seems to be good shredding some POW on the way down runs definitely not over but I mean it's hard to go anything less than 30 or 40 feet so Corbet's once again about 45-degree angle but you're saying blow that west wall it's a good spot to land a little little steeper there maybe is yeah I think that's where quite a bit of the snow accumulates on the bottom of that west wall and you know we may see people drop straight off of that it's it's been a it's been a popular feature in the past not necessarily at the kings and queens event but people have dropped it there's Lucy going big and I said 40 let's get out the tape measure that might be 50 it was huge Lucy not holding back there on that entrance here in accordance yeah it's pretty much the sustained 45 degree pitch there almost the entire cou are little steeper there on the nose where it's more of a vertical wall next athlete getting ready to drop parker costing our tenth athlete to drop 24 athletes total here Parker's only been at Corbett's twice and what Sony who's competing out here the past couple years and let's hear more from parking costing is gonna be different than the last few the conditions are definitely not quite set up like they have been before we've got a lot more kind of like firm snow and kind of everything is gonna be a bit more of a charge than it has been in the past not as much about how fast Parkton cos dane originally out of whitefish montana i grew up with maggie Voisin who's a US slopestyle team member that i announced in a lot of slopestyle competitions it's got some pretty big accomplishment series 2015 t gr Grom comp winter 2017 Quicksilver yg ski winter well we're gonna check in again with the third member of our team tina dixon who's up at the top and the elements elements write this in it's an extreme environment out here so getting some technical difficulties out here in this extreme environment that's gonna happen definitely a challenge working in these elements out here so we'll get more from tina up there I always love the insight that she brings Tina the veteran sideline reporter for all things action sports you know finger on the pulse up at the top can't wait to hear what she has for us alright well 20 year old parking cost Dane he's got the GoPro on his helmet getting ready I'm sure we'll be seeing some of that POV footage coming out in the next few days Wow under one minute before parking is gonna be dropping nice view from the top there can see the whole crew down in 10 sleep bowl Wow people people seem to be into it DC yeah that's one thing I remember from last year definitely a lot of people coming out I was an observer of this event last year and it was a good time the vibe was live down here at the bottom corbett's yeah people are definitely coming out I think it's a good day to play hooky and from school or work in Jackson Hall I also think it's really cool what if you're just here on vacation had no idea that this was going on you just decided to get off the the sublet lift and cruise over to sublet or tensely Bowl and then all of a sudden you come upon this party I would say you timed your vacation right all right here we go parking dropping in awareness from parking and another baggie this flipping his way down this cool into the left three three heads keeping his speed for the crowd-pleaser and a huge flat three with the Japan grab finding beautiful transition on the final hit parking cost day and he seems to be pretty pumped on that run how could you not be he spent more time in the air than he did in the snow all right arcane Costin doing it proper out here and i cannot wait to see the replay of that double backflip in this took is timely that was beautiful and check this out look at the air awareness this looks like it was sped up a little bit as well I feel like I was watching in slow motion live time there here's a look from the bottom of it so relaxed and just couldn't have possibly been a cleaner landing went right into the setup for this next back lift not only technical and difficult but made it look really good yeah I love the Japan grab on that flat three at the end letting that style show their parking cost and let them know I think one of my favorite parts about kings and queens is just watching the competitors come into the finish Corral and how stoked all of the other athletes are for them hugs high fives it's just such a good vibe down here I know the temptation to rip off the headset and run over and give them a huge high-five job leave you hanging in here I'm not gonna do that we'll have to pull some of those guys over here in a little bit and get their first-hand account next up Marissa Krawczyk Mount Bachelor her home mountain just outside of Bend Oregon for the past eight years she's been a wildland firefighter yeah much respect them it's a cool part of a resume studying to be studying aviation to be a fixed-wing pilot - we got a couple pilots up in the mix Greg Geller later who will be seeing drop twenty first drop he's got his pilot license yeah pretty recently right oh there is right there speaking of them all right we're without 10 seconds of the drop all she is clear for takeoff here we go Marissa Krawczyk dropping [Music] reaching back for that melon grab I really like how the park crew built that little feature right into the sidewall there right into that little kind of win-win now Bachelor organ represent Marissa coming in the final booter Jean RS looking over the Nook will get the love here from the base area I'm checking in with Madison blackly giving her some hugs down there on a demon as well taking a look at the replay here Jeff it seems like she's in the air forever Parkin there she is get the melon grab at the top down view there from Corbett's really cool perspective right there seeing all of our athletes up there looking into the Cooley get to see everybody down here at the bottom with DC and I looking on up it's nice right here on site we've got the the 3 2 1 countdown so we know exactly when all the competitors are gonna be taken off what you can't really see is we've got filmers and photographers all hidden in those nooks and crannies around Corbett's all right well we've got a special guest down here we're gonna check in with park and costate who just had an insane run talk about that double back II in it just the whole run break it down for us been thinking about since last year I went for the dub mid slope and it was just like not quite the lip we were looking for so Jacob finger and I this morning everyone thought we were crazy but built a lip like ten feet back from the actual drop in had a little kicked your and my buddy Jake stomped it and after watching Veronica just send that down to the bottom and lay it down I was like this is gonna go so friggin stoked did how one veteran I could have been imagined nice what's the vibe like up top with all the athletes there this event is unreal like unlike any other event there's just so much stove top and bottom like everyone's hyped even though it's probably the scariest thing they've ever done I'll do something my second Ron I'm gonna leave that probably for the podium if that works so I was a bit scary it worked for us every single person down here was pumped there was anyone disappointed no one that was beautiful and just the air awareness there you're just it seemed like it was in slow motion you're very delayed with that double it felt slow dude like I spotted but then it was still I guess all hit for all the 50 feet down to the landing and like that was last year just singling off the top it was almost the same feeling kind of just floating it down there and this one just one flip before that did you have the rest of your run planned out or I had and I actually almost under-rotated just that simple backflip on the second hit I like when into it slower and I was thinking and then but stoked everything else went together it's kind of windy down low but athletes are ready to send and everyone's stoked I'll still win hold up up top little gusty we're kind of bombed on the clouds but it looks like this oh here we go next is only burn dropped we were Larkin this from the athlete perspective what's going through your head when you're getting ready to drop in you know you can't see your landing and the coolio flip yeah man this is a really intimidating event just because of how blind everything is you don't get the chance to like like walk your line out from the top down you kind of got a drop into it and see what happens [Music] really Vernon getting a little eating up in there with the some of that deeper snow she did go upside down though saw [ __ ] oh that landing sperm down there they groomed that yeah the standard Park Park here down here yeah I'm not a park skier but I made it happen so he fooled us thank you so that was Zoey Fernan all ready to solder heifers run out here coming out of Mount Baker Washington she spent her summers fishing in Alaska heard a lot of people doing that and stacked some cash and then spend your winter going to play film going for the flip there in the middle off these it was that indicator rock there different be good the one up higher is the indicator the wind definitely got her on that last it's got them down here all right well parking costume thank you so much for coming over and Jenna gonna be more hyped high-five good stuff up there all right Park accosting absolutely slaying it out here is well we've seen 12 athletes go half of our field out here so far already her first the two runs yeah and we'll be back with more action out here for the 2020 edition the third year here of kings and queens of Corbett's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and welcome back everybody here to Jackson Hole Wyoming for the 2020 edition of kings and queens of Corbin third year of this event and for our face book beers that was a scene from Michelle Parker's amazing show originated available on Red Bull TV the moose the true locals out here you're saying you live in town you get something to hang out in your front yard yeah it's pretty common some nights we'll come on our front door they'll be momma moose in there and her babies that right out in our front lawn I've seen him here on the mountain riding but yeah it's the real deal and they like to hang out together sometimes you'll see up to like nineteen moose Hank you know together yeah it's Wow I've ever seen that many moose hanging out they like the chill in my hometown back in Colorado as well but never seen that many before together all right next to drop we've seen 12 athletes go 12 more to go to take their first two runs we got Ryland Bell getting ready to drop this Ryland coming down from Alaska originally I think he's spending his time in over in Tahoe these days or at least in the winter but yeah definitely big mountain rider we'll see what he's got on the trick side of stuff yeah splits his time between Alaska and [ __ ] so [ __ ] definitely no stranger to some big mountain shredding as well Ryland Bell get ready to drop in regular footer here and Mary oh lucky number 13 violent front five and the light getting just a tiny bit flat therefore old back three tale that was solid off at one of those bottom kickers and here we go into the crowd-pleaser front side three he does have some tricks I like it yeah like the 540 in there I'd have to say the highlight of that run for me was that backside 360 with the tail grab held onto that grab proper tail grab right out there on the end nice shot of the tram there and last year we came up early this morning before the athletes last year when I came out to this event this event I got to ride up with the athletes and the vibe in there from all the athletes it was just electric in there so cool so we look at the replay for Rylan here going for that front five there with the frontside grab it's getting a little hung up on his landing but really makes up right here with this back three it's always good to see when if athletes have a bobble at the top or whatnot that they don't just throw it and throw in the towel that they keep riding keep trying to put some tricks in another shot of the tram that takes you up to the summit here of rendezvous Mountain ten thousand four hundred fifty feet elevation just over 4,000 vertical foot rise and for those of you just joining us while we're on the first runs here of kings and queens of Corbett's animal check out some of the action here Veronica Paulsen with that huge backflip in third year out here third year trying it and third time's the charm is we heard Jess McMillan say it's not switch five of sander Hadley I believe yeah you've got five hits that is run and there's the first of two double backflips we've seen out here that was Gabe hopping or with the first one and then we talked to his buddy parking cos Dane who is like yep saw Jake do it it's like yeah I'm gonna throw my own they built a take off a little bit setback I found that interesting talking about how you set back the take off a little bit mash off that transition a little bit better there's Parkins double backe and another one for you got parking with the real solid run so far in our first half here of the 2020 kings and queens of Corbett's Invitational there's no qualifying for this you got to be on the list you got to get get the shoulder top alright our next athlete to drop in will be Cooper Brandon originally out of Gig Harbor Washington and let's hear a little bit from Cooper hi I'm Cooper Branham I'm 22 years old I'm originally from Gig Harbor Washington my experiences CORBA school are is pretty light I've only been in the cular once before but I've always looked at I've looked at this event and I always wanted to hit features like this in there and it's a pretty unique experience though definitely excited Cooper's been out here a bunch this year with these buddy of camp Fitzpatrick's also filming with cam Cooper riding on the Burton deep thinker there that's next year's model of that Burton deep thinker went to school cu-boulder sponsored by satellite board shop there and drop it and switch here yeah came right out of it switch 540 therefore Cooper on the drop and ice mute grab there I'm giving Santa the movie grab in the white room getting totally inverted [Music] oh there's the park rider coming out finishing off strong with the crowd-pleaser kicker well done Cooper Brandon Cooper Breanna slaying it out here so yeah born and raised Gig Harbor Washington Crystal Mountain his home mountain great freeride mountain there the haunted train features on that bow to hone the skills on went to school at Boulder at CU and now calls Crested Butte home starting it off with that switch frontside 540 in absolutely massive you know there's a little bit of a advantage for some of our skiers with that independent suspension but falling out of the air the from that far up it's nice to have two different legs to rely on but our snowboarders are killing it too today especially right there riding that Burton deep thinker snowboard that is a bit of a brainchild of Danny Davis one of the most stylish individuals out there again that's next year's model of that board in Cooper with this first of two runs out here doing a great job next up are we got a special one getting ready to drop all these athletes special but really excited to see re Arianna Turco me just got second place finish out at kicking horse at the world freeride Tour event and we'll hear from Arianna train coming let's hear from her right now well I compete on the freeride world tour and that's such a different format of competition so when they invited me to this comp I was I was excited as a little bit scared actually but I I think it's cool to have like a different format where there's like jump built into the course that's what we don't have on the tour and the fact that it's kind of like the jury are the athletes I think it makes it super special because it's kind of real and that first part is really good so yeah why not I'm super happy to be here and we're super to have you here Ariana coming out of Italy and she didn't have all her bags to show up the other day so fortunately did have her skis in her boots and believe she said her helmets and her goggles but her gear her kit was not here yet as of last night not sure if that's her kit that showed up they were hoping there was a couple more flights to come in last night they were hoping that it was gonna show up on one of those planes but I really like her attitude sure why not let's go Huck into Corbett's North Face athletes a Rockettes of North Face gear so maybe her bags did show up out here so Ariana churko me two-time champion on the freeride world tour when all the way over from Italy cannot see for being here with us a Tiana and again fresh off that second place finish at kicking horse last week Red Bull athlete here getting ready to drop in and there's once again no rush at all for them to drop in it's not like alright you got ten seconds you got to go that's what I love about this event they're allowing these athletes to get in the right headspace and how important is that Jeff she's ready [Music] he's holding on to the landing as she enters here in the coordinates another nice straight out getting into that good snow on a cross-court there feel like a lot of our competitors maybe forget about that hard skiers right zone but there's definitely some fresh over there and really smooth interpretation of her line here in Corbett's all right on a ciccone looking real comfortable in the air solid landing right off the nose and then just going right into a rest of her run real solid good flow there through her run for our nature come--and big fan of surfing as well so I think that definitely translates into her skiing with that flow so we look at the replay for Arianna trachoma the two-time world freeride Tour champion on her first of two runs and no crazy tricks but just some good solid straight errors and looking comfortable in the air nice and quiet body language when she's in the air Jeff looks like she's having fun I'd say that's pretty signature to her riding out here for Arianna churko me the Italian throwing down on her first attacking to Tim dur she doing a little recap just try to take a sip of my redbull so cold out here it's turning into a redbull slushy and our third time or our third member of our team Tina Dix and we're gonna check in with her again up at the top of the Coulee Tina what's happening up there yeah thanks DC well it's cold and microphones obviously do not like the cold nor do the batteries but I have to say it's been so much fun hanging out up here with these athletes peeking over the nose and seeing what everyone else has been doing and you know it's been set in a tone some of these early competitors like Sandra Hadley and Jake hoppin are watching them drop so many other athletes looked at each other and went well well now what are we gonna do so it kind of just set this tote and like motivated everyone and then talking to them look is there nerves is it excitement and it's more excitement than anything and they're all before eating the tricks and it you know it's calculated up here they want to get these tricks dialed in off of this Corbitt all right well thank you very much Tina Dixon and definitely stay warm up there so much props to Tina for standing up there in the elements as we were feeling the wind down here and the windchill forecasted to be in the negatives out here today nice brisk day out here in the northern Rocky Mountains of Wyoming heat ons welcome I'm really excited about our next Rider this guy's near and dear to my heart mr. Ken Fitzpatrick has actually a snowboard coach for close to ten years he and I spent a lot of time traveling around all over the US down to Argentina and it's been really really cool to watch his career grow he's definitely been taken under the wings of all of our proshred crew here in Jackson like Travis Rice Bryan Iguchi those guys bringing him along for the big trips and the big filming he was in Travis's fourth phase movie a few years ago and now he's working on his own project that's called this is us in but yeah cam his whole family is mom and dad Mike and Lee are real close and just like such a hard-working athlete like he really really has a great work ethic and puts a hundred and ten percent into going out and making it happen yeah Jeff the first time it met you was about ten years ago here Jackson Hole this little slice of heaven that I always love to visit and cam was competing I was here announcing the free-flow tour where he was competing in slopestyle and the kid had such great style back then even I was like he's gonna be someone was working a teton tie at the time where I like to eat just about every night that I was here and I got to meet him more when I was there get to know more one of the things that really stood out to me that I loved was the story of his father how he was a member of the patrol here still is I think 30 30 years give or take that's so right is that Fitz Mike Fitzpatrick been on the ski patrol so yeah just long time Jackson Hole family very cool is dead his dad got cam into like in the summers they're both avid kayakers and they go down and surf the lunch counter wave on Snake River so super active family and just like all-around great great people and if Travis rice is gonna put you on his movie you know you gotta be good here we go cam Fitzpatrick dropping yes [Music] cam don't backe off the nose and then trying to get one of our bigger spins of the day front seven looks like the lights getting pretty good in there DC yeah it's definitely getting better and ice back free there for cam coming in switch here revert so coming in switch to the final jump crowd-pleaser super super slowed slow down too late switch front one cam is badgering hometown hometown favor we've got a few of the hometown favorites here today and kings and queens of Corbett's yeah cam looks super excited to see his a film project that he's working on this yeah they've been working on it for a couple seasons now I guess last year was more of a social media kind of edit thing and this year sounds like they're gonna be putting out some longer form films so looking at the replay here bakflip getting the melon grab in and really tweaking that one out for the good style see that ribbon right there a little training of the bottom of the west wall it can be your best friend or your worst enemy depending on how bombed out that is and you know now that we're getting even half more than halfway through the field that Corbet's is getting a little bit beat up especially on some of these more popular lines so as the luck of the draw for our competitors who are going later in the field and it's just part of the deal you know you gotta work with what you got nice aerial shot down here of the finish next up steadiest Scott's gift only Norwegian out here 22 years of age getting ready to drop in this is his first time skiing in the US it's good to have him welcome to the States yeah it's making it an international field helping make it yeah arianna here too let's hear some more fastidious Scott Scott my name is steamy achieved I'm 22 years old and from Uppsala in Norway this is my first time skiing in the States I only seen Corbett's on the internet so it's gonna be fun to check it out in real life and there's some words there from the city of Scott's gift the Norwegian thank you very much to some tuk for being out here hanging out with us Norway always a beautiful country a visit and had the pleasure being over there a few times and always love when Norwegians come over in here you got some one of the things I love about the seeing where we are is look have out here with us full we're gonna check in with Arianna trucco me and first question I got to ask you it looks like you're in your own gear did your bags show up no so my bag didn't show up yet but I'm on the mountain I am not too cold so yeah and stop I'm borrowing a stuff for my friends and it works it looks good on you fits you well yeah yeah I hope they make it today well take us through that run there you look nice and smooth nice and composed in the air was a solid run let's forget well yeah like here I I was I didn't know what to expect on the first tip and then I read in George's all the features in the face took that wide right line that's pretty rare not a lot of people going over there yeah I really like to link up more features if I can whoa through this Ariana oh yeah well that's a pretty smooth 360 I would say to seek little backflip 360 with the mute grab Bonnie nice backflip for good measure go big or go home and so they say well they say seems like it's the philosophy on this comb so we saw students get hung up a little bit in there how are the conditions up there take us through what the snow is like throughout Courbet's I have to say snow is better than expected to be honest it's not super deep but it's soft enough to like land your tricks of course I didn't go as big as the boys so my bees are to stop but yes I was pre impressed who's better the next feeling excited for a second run I do I do I I think I'm gonna plate little not not safer but maybe take the first it's kind of small and then do some trick in the rest of the place yeah yeah I'm excited so many that's why I like what should i do should I go left or right those famous like to probably do like 15 runs down here and take the heat yeah now it's cool I'm super super super happy to be part of this how much experience do you have with riding corbett's it's my first time like the iran was my first run awesome my life so yeah it was impressive to stand up to talk today for the first time be like alright gotta jump this thing today thank you I wish you a wonderful day we look forward to seeing you up there again I swear I can run and looking good in the borrowed gear there I like it good luck getting that bag from the airlines alright next to drop we got Karl phosphate crazy first place in 2018 the inaugural each year of this event had a big old left 7 into the Coulee here we go where some tomorrow goes big as I can and hope keep everyone on the livestream just fired up Stoke the ski and if you're watching this when you get done go send it let's go caryl crazy Karl he's up the nickname since he was a kid he said so second last year to Travis Rice it was kind of a showdown between Travis and Karl as we know Travis ended up on the top of the podium but Karl has been on the podium the last two years winning the king of Corbett's title in 2018 and that's not definitely wanting to keep that trend going and stay on the podium this year he put some big spins into off the nose the last couple years I know he had a switch five I believe he had a seven kind of worked out seven left seven that first year that he wanted yep he's got the like laziest coolest looking backflip like he kind of just like it's like he hits the recliner and the lazy boy and he just leans back and then this skis come around like it's it looks so good I bet we're probably gonna see one but yeah and two years ago when he won he took that really unique far skiers right line like came up over the cliffs and then somehow just Billy goaded through all those rocks well third member of our team Tina Dixon up at the top of corvatz with her figure on the post he know what's happening out there yeah so I want to show you guys these are some of the run-ins as you head off this nose right there in the red jacket working on his take off that's Carl so he's got some big plans for us still working on that run in making sure everything is perfect and he's been eyeing up this this run in and eyeing up his drop so I'm expecting some big things from him and you can see he's still working it out well Tina standing up there at the top who's really stood out to you what have you been most impressed with out there you know I have to say that double backflip that slow double backflip from parkin the way he took off from up here I didn't even think he was gonna get it all the way around he just did that so smooth and then Cooper was really worried about that cap 540 so he took a lot of time on that run and just to make sure everything was dialed up perfect but it's been fun to watch these guys get set and ready to go how's that with the athletes up there they all being loose and talking joke and having a good time up there to some seem really focused and concentrated I say it is a combination you see Carl right now I mean he seems super super focused but for the most part everyone's been really supportive of each other and it's been motivating each other as well watching watching these guys drop but focused but also having a really good time I mean this is such a special event there's so much history with Corbett's that to be part of this and be up here and and to be able to drop in for these athletes is huge well thank you very much Tina Dixon it was a pleasure catching up with her and we'll continue to do so she's got some very valuable insight up there at the top of Corvettes but let's check out here from Carl interpretation I think we're just gonna see a ton of progression men women skiing snowboarding everyone's out here to just have fun and send it some people are here to win but most everyone is here to just have fun stack shots and go big send it you you he's feeling it send it indeed crazy Carl loves to send it can't wait to see what he's got for us this year what do you think got a nation's as far as what is dropping the course is gonna be here Jeff if I was gonna predict I'd say we're probably gonna see a at least a five maybe or seven off the top I don't know I mean he had that winning run two years ago I'd almost guarantee we're gonna see a back flip I'm hoping we do I really really dig his style on those but there's so many hits now and there's so many options I mean once you get into the cooler you can go left or right you know we haven't seen anyone actually go into Coombes cave yet there's a many people may not know there's a cave halfway down on the left side the skiers left dedicated to the big mountain pioneer Doug Coombs and there's a plaque in there for him so I don't know some people you know tend to go in there and jump out of the cave but so many options this year it's really really cool to see how much of a slopestyle influences has been combined with this big mountain cop big shout-out Doug Coombs our original King of course out here here we go crazy Carl drop it in for his first run didn't do it nine hundred into that I'm gonna have to look at the replay there to count I saw three and a half rotations of us might have been a 10 a 10 going or you took off forward I think making the seven look way too easy I can't wait to see this replay here for crazy paint roll I need to see the replay there were so many rotations we've got that we've got some snowboarding or some ski math to do right here yeah I was looking up into the Coulee to see with my naked eye to get the overall impression of his ham platoon as he went in and I lost him in there on his landing so we'll take a look at the replay here big shout out to our whole camera staff all the staff all the production staff behind the scenes working out here in these elements and yet going for the 10 there and then he gets bounced around reverted cut it around though so the left hand three four rotations there with 1080 nice big left seven there for crazy Carl another unique line one less tooth and all our other competitors out here we got to pay to play absolutely true yeah Carl boss bet first place in 2018 the first year here of kings and queens Corbett's second place last year behind Travis Rice yeah you can tell the crowd down here at the bottom of 10th fleet ball is stoked they were really really waiting and anticipating some beautiful scenic shots out here look who that is mr. Rob King well aka King er qinger we shut off the NT Caldwell flying a drone out there getting some beautiful shots Rob King well qinger cater wizard he was just at the lbs at Mount Baker a like he literally hauled back on a flight last night that's the one we're talking about earlier honestly so looking at it right now it's lookers right a lot of people drop it I think you could wall ride it too I'm just kind of putting that out there I don't know that that's ever been done I've asked around but yeah sounds like qinger might be taking a really unique line off the top and with a little bit of Sun right there you can see kind of where that snow piles up it's just below the go pop a lot of the snow gets pushed down into the bottom of the west wall also gets blown in there so it's it's kind of this it's the sweet spot but like we were talking about earlier if it's 2 feet up it can it can be your worst enemy see what qinger decides to do like I said he's just getting back from the lbs he's actually won the the pro masters division there a couple years and I know he's really good friends with Seth Seth Wescott who just took the protovision this past weekend a big shout out to the lbs legendary bank solemn out there at Mount Baker and everybody out there at Baker beautiful place qinger went in the the US Open halfpipe title back in 1998 that's when I first actually met him and he's still going like real strong real strong you and I he and I started a rail Jam series here together about 13 years ago and he he comes out like all the time and films the kids I mean he is like he has got to be one of the most stoked dudes in all of professional snowboarding her first dropped into Corvettes in 88 that what he said here you first drop into Corbin's oh good question it was probably like 2003 or for something like that 1988 I was still skateboarding now there's a nice shot of that west wall again first year that's where dr. Huck and stuff Jeff Leger did that lawn dart off of it it's not not one of the more popular lines but it's definitely unique you know and if he stomps it it could set him up real well to go right across the cular and hit that first cheese wedge kicker on the upper right skiers right riders right side shot there of big red see the cave a little bit down there and you heard qinger calling out some of the shots out there they're calling out to some of the crew out there where he was planning on heading to yeah qinger might be one of our if not the oldest competitor I mean he just has so much heart for snowboarding it is so cool like any day that you get to spend on the mountain with qinger is going to be an awesome day of skiing or snowboarding he's just like the dude knows this mountain like the back of his hand and he is so just open and happy to share it with you and like no matter what's going on the guys always in a good mood it's like it's so infectious he's turned that into a really cool event for the last about six or seven years he's got the shaper summit that he does here in Jackson Hole and he invites out all of these all these freeride and pow pow board brands some of them are really small you know maybe only making a few boards a year or you invite now like the big brands like burton and lid and having them come out with their with their freeride models but yeah the shapers summit has been really cool I mean talk about like the heart and soul of snowboarder you just get a bunch of your friends together and you get to go and ride the coolest boards like handshape and you know you see you've never seen so many swallowtails on Jackson Hole at one time but yeah qinger is just dealing to so many things in a professional snowboarding still riding he runs his company Avalon 7 he's into it looks like qinger is ready to go so here we go Rob King well first run here first of two here for King er eyeing up the west wall this is going to be radical dropping the west wall coming in hot but able to shut it down in time for it looks like the first riders right wedge in the timeless style Washington King er just rips and turns here and Corbett's [Music] you know and again this is just to remind everyone this is the first time a lot of these riders are are hitting these features and Rob hasn't even been here the last few days so he didn't even go check them out there we go solid solid showing from hometown hero mr. Rob King whoa aka King definitely knocking on legend status in the snowboard world doing it forever what a G hanger so so stoked to have him out here in this 2020 edition of kings and queens of Corbett's checking out the replay here on the entrance up on the west wall yeah so we kind of kind of got west wall into the go path pretty unique line right there locking in that front thigh grab and boning that one out for style measure yes King er hanger and Hans reviewing maybe talking strategy for the next round down here at the base of 10 sleep Bowl Jacksonville mountain resort it is so good to have everybody out here with us today all right well we have our next athlete to go 5 athletes left to take their first of two runs out here and we got another local getting ready to drop force Jillson let's hear from Forrest I'm Forrest Johnson I'm 33 years old and I'm from Jackson way I mean Corbett's I don't know what the big deal of the things pretty chill skeet it with coffee in my hand the other day on the way everybody's freaking out about thing Boris is a free mellow about it he grew up he's grew up here in Jackson his dad was a patroller is a patroller I believe and so yeah he's pretty familiar with Corbett's it seems like that's true story Jeff I think it's a true story I just don't know if he had a lid on it or not alright well getting ready to see the first of two runs out here before his Jillson once again the athletes can elect to not take their first and also one thing we must know for their second run we're not going to stick to the same start order out here as they can decide get up there and go as soon as they are ready so four skills in the local yeah it's pretty much first-come first-serve for second runs [Music] cheering on in oh that's Forrest Jillson catching a little that rock there got a gobble all right unfortunately kick to kick the shoe but yeah I mean that is that is one of the like for everyone taking off the nose it's a big air you're gonna kind of going out and down but if you head over to the west wall it's just a straight drop over a rock face all the way down and as we may as we just saw you could hear it here too Forrest kind of catching a little bit at the end of that rock and trying to ride right into that powder apron that blows in at the bottom but looks like it unfortunately kept one of his skis sometimes the coulee gives and sometimes it takes away give it take it he's gonna hike back up we've got some ninjas up there to help retreat here as well but it looks like horses gonna hike back up and I got the replay here drop it what do you know what do you think something that house your house your bath house your ski math on the I try to be good at estimating but I feel like I'm not the most accurate but I'd say that was a good 40-foot freefall I'd have to agree with you back in the the good old days seem like yourself always a little overestimated if you're doing it yourself but I mean forty feet that's a four-story building just jumping straight off the side of a four-story building not for the faint of heart all right got a ski back on thanks to our ninjas out there on course helping to retrieve any drop gear but ripping some turns in and coming to the bottom here to the beautiful sunshine it's nice right move over that last booter there the local horse Jillson so for athletes left to take their first of two runs and then again it's whoever gets up there first you can drop in as soon as they get back up we'll just mix up the start order it's up to the athletes who gets the drop yeah we've got or next we've got grant killer we'll be on deck here followed by Sam couch Ashley Babcock and then Mikey Marone we'll round out our field of 24 athletes today I know a lot of the athletes have been hanging out here at the bottom a tensley Bowl watching their fellow competitors take their runs but once we get through everyone everyone's got to go there's no other way back to the top and to go all the way down to the bottom with Jackson all Mountain Resort and jump back on big red grab the [ __ ] yeah and it's a lap that I've done quite a bit but when I come here I'm a visitor and so I'm kind of losing track of time and just enjoying it but how long would you say that lap takes because it seems like that's a good healthy hour plus long left back to the top you know I think for these guys and girls if they're there put putting their a-game into getting down it's it's not as long as you think especially if you know the quick way coming back up I don't know what's the the [ __ ] takes about maybe 12 minutes or so 10 minutes down there I'm not exactly sure but I don't think it'll be a full hour but you know we'll probably give him a solid half hour on that roundtrip all right well Frank killer you hear him calling his shot both grant killer and myself were just out at do tore Copper Mountain in Colorado this past weekend grant killer was competing in the street style event there and he and I both had to rush out of there and haul up here this little road warrior action to get up here in time so going from a rail event to a big mountain come why wouldn't you check out the grant Giller much respect grant just got his commercial pilot's license so now fly around I was talking about that when he can fly people he can fly me yeah he's like about 70 bucks an hour to rent small little plane here we go grant killer drop it in for his first look here yes grant going for the cab five switch frontside 540 in and a big old backflip backflip look real easy oh oh the good snow in the landing there but this guy hung up there and they're leaning in the front three pop it and switch for the final jump switchback seven grant killer finishing strong for hit first showing out here at kings and queens of Corbett's grant killer with the the honor he won the super park stand out at snowboarder mags super park 22 22 that is no small feat you know a little bit about that you want to tell us about the stand out how that gets ya off the snowboarder magazine they have super Park every year where they fight different Park crews as we look at the replay here for the switch frontside 540 from grant in go it nice and big not holding back at all but super Park they invite different Park crews in to come build features usually it's about 4 to 15 4 different mountains that have progressive grain parks and then it's invite-only event for a lot of the you know you get a lot of legends there but a lot of up-and-coming riders to and the standout award is a rider judge just like this event his rider judge stand out as a rider judged award so grant voted by his peers and stand out of that event last year alright we've got mr. Sam couch coming our way from Nelson BC up in Canada a hub of some amazing terrain he is 22 years old and dropping 22nd in our roster today and let's hear some more from Sam couch Sam who's 22 years old I'm from Dustin BC Canada I have zero experience with Corbett school I've I've just recently invited here super stoked to try it out it's it's obviously a legendary run and I'm excited to see if I can if I can handle it their experience at Korvettes Nelson BC represent if you want to see more from Sam check out matchstick productions return to sender he got Best Male performance award or is vide video part they're getting word that matchstick is out here doing some filming right now big shout out to Murray and everyone at matchstick productions based out of Crested Butte Colorado Sarge we're in the ten-second countdown for Sam's run beautiful sunny skies here in Jackson here comes Kate oh my goodness [Music] just getting hung up there on the landing coming back strong is that it ee court tennis Oh at the top at the top [Music] so is that for your first time drop it into Corbett's coming never been in Corbett's as we just heard and he decides to kick it off with a double cork 10 indie I mean little little tough times on the landing as we'll see here in a second but didn't flow them down not at all big shout out to Sam huge their first time choppin it the Corbett's going for it look at that replay there look like you kind of had it for a minute I thought we were I thought he was gonna get two he was gonna pull it out but that second little zone after the gopath got him pretty good that 540 that's coming up well Shai getting over that knuckle there but he's stoked you gotta love the energy from Sam Kuchar Nelson BC represent the energy and energy in general right now down here intensely Bowl is so amazing it's really really positive to athletes left to go take their first of two drops here in to Corbett's to see if they can be crowned as the king or queen of Corbett's and this is Ashley Babcock Ashley Babcock originally from Vail Colorado that's where she grew up now local here she's a member of the Patrol I think that is absolutely amazing she got a third-place finish out here last year you know where that she's gonna go over to the west wall for her drop in Ashley like you're just saying two years second year on the ski patrol here at Jacksonville Mountain Resort and this Corbett school R is actually her route route 4 so this is when she's up here Patrol and that's what she's doing the Avalanche mitigation on and so she's pretty familiar with Corvettes I'd say that experience will lend to helping her to find the nice soft land and a good transition here in the Corvette's you know another one of our athletes today with a heavy ski racing background she was n-c-double-a racer and then got more into the big mountain scene she's also in an academic she's a teacher and she's our student athlete Support Director at the local Jacksonville ski and snowboard club so she's come on doing a bunch of different stuff it's an all-around amazing individual as you see Mikey maroon last guy to drop local as well standing up there talking to her here she comes over the west wall really just incredibly positive all the time she's really fun to be around a little bit bucks she was taking the similar line to what Rob King well did and then it looked like once he dropped off the west wall into the go path she had a second bump in it grabbed her ski but going right to her they'll be right back obedience key but much respect what an amazing human being with everything that she is involved in climate she can hear the crowd down here intensely cheering for all right look here at the replay of Ashley Babcock it looks like the goat path just kind of threw her off a little bit there yeah there was that that second error that I don't think she was anticipating you never know what the goat paths gonna be - it's different every single year some years it's actually been pretty mellow relative to Corbett's oh nice hair there and I love just the smooth skin you can tell she's very familiar with this new zone for us today we haven't seen any skiers or riders heading over to that zone kind of behind that rock buttress right now popping out you know she's gonna get the local love when she comes down a nice little nose butter three over the knuckle there Ashley Babcock taking the third place spot last year here kings and queens of Corbett's Invitational and then there was one there was just one fleet left to drop Mikey maroon he got a third place finish in 2018 he had a nice big backside 360 with the tail grab in that year from Casper Wyoming originally but moved out here to Jackson Hole when he was 14 yep I had a chance to get a really fun run-in with him yesterday met up with one of my friends locals onder's Burling and oh yeah riding with him and had a really good time following them down the mountain it's always nice coming in and getting a local perspective and not having to think about where to go and just following them around some of the natural hits yeah my keys my keys kind of like flies under the radar he is a he's a really really solid rider actually guy coached him for a little while when he was younger he's on our snowboard team here in Jackson Hole and just recently there was a little clip that got put out by Blue Bird wax on Willy's Instagram there but then it got picked up by snowboarder mag with Mikey doing this really really creative frontside tail tap on this tall standing pole and then turning it into a back seven it was I've never seen anything like it so yeah I mean I don't know if underrated the word like he's well-known but you know he's one of these guys he's sort of a sleeper and it's like everybody in Jackson knows that mikey is a solid Ripper and you know one of those guys that has not only all the tricks but makes them look really good so Mikey the last one to drop and you know we can talk about strategy a little bit right here with this one Jeff you know what do you think is it better to go first there later on once you can size up the competition and see what the conditions are like see how the snow is tossing everybody around what are your thoughts on it you know I mean from the riders perspective they're not necessarily seeing what everybody's hating down here so I would say that judging just simply from how our weather's been and now we're getting a little bit more Sun now that might be a little bit of a pro if you're going later in the field right now but we've got some you know plenty of light on the course and I think there's I would imagine that the nerves at the front of the pack I've got to be a little bit different than at the back right like it's been done he's seen people taking off from different zones you know I'm sure he's been up there by the lip watching where they're gonna go he's got a good idea of what he's going to be doing so you know that first drop it there's not a ton of space up there and between the west wall and the East Rock so that might be a little bit chewed up but honestly once you get past that if you can hang on from that first drop there's tons of options still and a lot of really good landings out there it's just from our perspective down here at the bottom it looks like there's still plenty of good snow and plenty of good landings up there to be had just got to watch out for some of the bomb holes out there but tell you one thing about Mikey that really stood out for me he came on my radar last year when I was here observing the event and he had that when you're looking up at the Coulee it was a hit to the lookers right and he threw a huge goofy footer so it's facing that that west wall if you will of the lower part of the Coulee and he had a huge back three that he drifted so close to the wall and I was talking oh yeah yes yeah I was like ah that blew my mind I started falling him on insta immediately after that and I was very impressed and just wanted to see what other kind of content he puts out there yeah with the tail grab right yeah he made it only me good was trying to touch the wall indeed really yes I did not know that about him yeah looks like he's ready again this is our 24th competitor 24th athlete this will round out our first runs and so now we're gonna start getting into after Mikey second runs there we go Mikey Marone [Applause] [Music] with the double backflip into the back three going massive oh and a snow snake autumn yeah I got him for a tomahawk but regains himself a little bit low for this the crowd pleaser but I don't think he needs that last jump to please the crowd Wow Mikey Barone waving to the crowd getting some of these freshies down here before coming through the red bull arch doubled back he have we seen a telefax I don't think we've seen the double back he from a snowboarder yeah I'm late not today and not to my recollection last year or from the year before getting props from all the boys down here Mikey maroon the last one to go for his first of two runs and I wonder what he got hung up there in the middle middle of the sentence car over how about this double baggie [Music] kind of coconut out the outdoor Hogenson style does get a bit of a tummy in especially on that second one just a quick little butt check but he was right back up on his feet quick enough to make it to that that first wedge on the right that was amazing much respect to Mikey Barone for what a way to finish out our first runs michael barone our twenty fourth twenty fourth and final Ryder for first runs and now we're gonna send our athletes all the way to the bottom and get them back up here again not every athlete has to take their second run well there you have it first runs in the books for our 20 for a fleet is out here the 2020 kings and queens of Corbett's and we got run two and more action coming up for you next [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] well welcome back everybody and for our Facebook the earth out scene from Michelle Parker's amazing show originated available on Red Bull TV well we just saw all of our athletes get there first of two goes out here in Corbett's who they are here in Jackson Hole Wyoming what an amazing event it is great conditions out here as the Sun is coming out and the action has been non-stop but again we've got a third member of our team that we've been checking in with throughout this event tina dixon up at the top and Tina's got a special guest up there Tina how's it going up at the top of the Coulee yeah thanks DC well one of the highlights last year was Trevor Kennison like absolutely launching off of course cool are the first guy on a sit ski to do that just tell us about your experience no I was very very fortunate to come up here last year and you know sitting right behind us you know my first drop in but you know everyone was super helpful with Travis you know and running me through just where where I want to you know jump into the sky and you know executing it and knowing I needed to stick that double bounce but yeah man it was my adrenaline was pumping what was it like when you got down to the bottom and looked back up there's awesome such a good feeling just like looking up and down at the crowds like the whole Coogler are was roaring and honestly just couldn't stop smiling when I got to the bottom stuff we hear the sound of the crowd because it was they were roaring I mean and you can go back and watch footage of it and it is so impressive to hear that support what was that like you know it's a team effort you know and it's like having the support when I got down there my buddy Matt Doherty just come and gives me the biggest hug and Buddha gave me a Jackson Air Force whole patch and it was just awesome man did you ever anticipate dropping it and dropping it that big I guess I didn't know when you landed you also took another drop though kind of walk us through that yeah the day before I took like a 25 foot cliff 20 foot Kliff mybinding of one whole Forge so I got that double bounce from the day before so I was like coming into this I was like alright I'm gonna get a double bounce you know especially if I don't go over the go path got the double bounce I was like alright just try to ride that one out and I went probably bigger on the second one the first it was so great to see and then just talking to you earlier you've got some really big goals you set out for yourself what's next for you I'm actually next is trying to pull a road back at flip sorry road gap backflip and then the first ever dub soon so let's see wow that road gap of you have you chosen a location yes I have yeah I have one in mind right around where I broke my back so go back up there and get that road yeah the Vail Pass some big things ahead for Trevor Kennison thanks so much for hanging out up here what do you think of the competition so far oh these guys are doing dub tends axis and Veronica stomped a first ever backflip so sick I love to see the progression and these athletes are killing this character cheer you guys on yeah thanks so much for hanging out with us again so great to see you DC I'm gonna back down to you right on thank you so much here Tina Dixon and Trevor B shout out to our Kennison what an amazing guy he is so cool I had a good chance to catch up with him at dinner last night he's got some awesome points awesome things going on yeah for sure there's a heavy run that he put down last year is really cool to see absolutely yeah big shout out well like I said we've already seen it one run go down so let's go ahead and take a recap take a look back at some of the action we've already seen out here in Corbin there's Keith jellify reigning queen veronica paulson on her stomp backflip couple angles on that one and we've kind of seen the light go in and out but nice and sunny out here looks like we've got all their big old Jay cop finger big cop finger yeah we saw and we saw a parking casa throw a big double backflip as well and then Mikey maroon the last guy to drop doing the big old double backflip with the tuck knee as well that was stylee yeah I mean did you ever think you'd see so many people throwing backflips double backflips double corks off of Corbett's I mean I don't think this cross anyone's mind except maybe just McMillan who three years ago decided hey I've got an idea for a contest it's unbelievable what we're seeing today she's been down here cheering him on and definitely shout out suggesting villain yeah absolutely everybody in the JH more events and marketing department and on top of that they're their race crew and their Ski Patrol everybody everybody here is putting in a ton of hours to get this together it this this these features and Corbett's do not build themselves like we've been talking about the race crew or the park crews been out here but again Jason Moore and his whole race crew like you mentioned the ninjas they're all how hiding up there and the rocks ready to grab bits and pieces if anybody leaves a little equipment behind but yeah huge thanks to everybody here at Jacksonville Mountain Resort this is just like I mean what an amazing event at first years ago people thought no one would even ski Courbet's then they skied it then you have guys like Joel arrow sending 80 feet all the way to the cave back in the late 70s and now we've got an actual contest happening into corporate school for the third year in a row and it's only getting better and better yeah it's absolutely amazing in Corbett again one of the most iconic features on any mountain of world renowned Corvettes is and for more history on Corbett's let's learn a little more history on Corbett's [Applause] my name's Jess McMillan I'm the events in partnership manager Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and a professional skier we started dreaming of a competition at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort we really thought and it would be so cool to have a competition in Corvettes Horvitz as a venue is a perfect place for birds just like a stadium because you can ski a really easy route around right to the bottom and look back up to it Doug Coombs there's always the king of Corvettes and I really thought this would be a really neat way to honor Doug's spirit as a female well shoot we can't just have kings we're gonna have kings we better have queens so there it was kings and queens of Corvettes Jackson Hole invited top skiers and snowboarders from around the world to have this ultimate session I really wanted to create an event that was pretty athletes so I wanted to put the judging in their hands I didn't separate the athletes from male female or spirit snowboarder it was everyone going at once we needed a perfect venue so we ended up closing Corvettes and let the snow pile in it was a little bit of shaping done to enhance a couple features throughout the couloir the fact that we get this opportunity to ski it in perfect conditions is outstanding I don't usually do competitions but this one seemed different with the whole athlete judge their children some jumps inside the Corbett's as well I think the boys are gonna get a bit mental and I think the girls are gonna push their boundaries and I'm just really excited to be a part of it the athlete judge component is awesome it turns it more into a session or a photo shoot rather than a contest I think it's pretty sick that everything is like skewers know where to combine I pick number one today going on Thursday will be on the first February which is also my birthday so yeah we'll see how this goes first the truck the morning of competition day there was this incredible amount of energy 25 athletes that know they're about to send it into Corvettes standing at the top just heads looking in and and then it got really really quiet [Music] no one knew what to expect and as soon as Hans dropped in he set the tone [Music] most beautiful things I'd ever seen and everyone knew that it was time to throw down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] love that peace there and we're joined now by a very special guest the senior and of events and partnerships manager Jessamine milling out here just how you doing this morning I'm speechless really I am doing absolutely incredible we got the weather we got the snow and the athletes are throwing down I mean it couldn't be a better day here at Corbett's how does it feel to see that your dream child come to fruition a third year in a row gosh I mean to think about you know drawing this out on a napkin and then to see it in year three it's it's really special I don't know a house to say that I mean it's it's something that you envision and without the athletes without all of our partners everything it all came together and it's it's just magic and talked to you last night a little bit about the history of this event you said this kind of came about over couple beers one night yeah I competed for a long time and for me I really wanted to create an event that was about the athletes for the athletes and let them decide you know hey this is what's rad and skiing and snowboarding so yeah I had a few beers did a little brainstorming and here we are kings and queens of Corbett's I think it's really amazing like the the entry or the welcome speech you gave the other night at the athlete meeting about how much thought and effort goes into making this for and about the athletes like it's so cool a lot of contests are just about like putting on the contest and they're just the talent but here it's for them to have fun I mean it's about bringing everyone together men women skiers snowboarders and celebrating being in the mountains and kind of pushing the limits together it's not you know you won or you lost or anything like that it's celebrating the sport and being in the mountains so I was super bummed not to be on the athlete trim this morning to just get that whole vibe from them came up early though I was really happy to see a beautiful sunrise one of the reasons why I really wanted to be on that stream as well was to hear your speech to the athletes and last night you're talking about you weren't sure exactly what to say how did that speech go out and what you tell the athletes coming up that athletes it went really well I mean what I told them is have a blast support each other high fives Courbet's is one of the most special places in the world you get this an amazing energy and feeling in there and enjoy it have fun yeah I'd say they're having a pretty darn good time out here yeah having fun is not not a hard thing for them to accomplish and it's legit because this isn't like just some like corporate person decided to put on a contest just as it was a competitor for years two-time world freeride champion I mean this comes from the heart of someone who has done this and wants to see it happen more so it's it's truly a special event that you can put together well thank you thank you thank you couldn't do without the athletes it's all about them all right well let's talk about the athletes first run we just saw go down we saw all 24 athletes get a first run and some of the standout moments from those first runs for you Jess I think for me it's that that very first drop we talked with the athletes do we want something to go in test the snow give a course report and that's when I have the most anxiety I'll remember every single first drop of kings and queens hansmann Derek is the very first one watchin him float into it today Cates Elif just off the nose and stomping I mean that that for me it's it's that initial okay here we go and talk about some of the other moments we saw off court wall down here when Veronica stomped that backflip you were just over here to our right and we heard you yelling like first time sorry third time's the charm you're super excited for her yeah she's one of that backflip so badly and she's tried it the last two years and she nailed it this year that was insane watching her lay that out and put it right to her feet it's beautiful do you have any sense of how you've been milling around any sense of how many of our athletes are gonna take second runs have you talked to anyone about that sounds like most athletes do want to take a second run obviously we're watching whether my weatherman's been on the phone it's gonna be in and out a little bit but so far I think most people want to take a second right on well just me get on thank you so much and it's a beautiful thing to see your dream come true here in the third year of kings and queens of Corvettes and again just thank you so much for everything that you have done and your whole staff out yeah nice work yes thanks Cheers all right well we have already seen one run go down one more run to go out here and here and just say that most athletes want to take their second run that's exciting news I'm stoked to hear that I was hoping that like we wouldn't have you know half of them fall off and Sam good well we don't know exactly what's gonna happen but that is good news to hear that a lot of them really want to get back up there and I mean we know some of them still have some room to improve so hopefully we'll see most of the field that's not all of them yeah well second runs coming your way that means a lot more action coming your way here at the 2020 kings and queens of Koretz [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well welcome back and if you are on Facebook you just want to see from Bobby Brown's latest film dynamic medium available in full on red ball TV but we're ready for the second runs out here for the kings and queens of Corbett we got a special guest out here in the booth while this wide-open booth Bobby Brown out here in the house Bobby how you doing man I'm doing great this is this is wild there's a good good show so far for sure all right on well coming out of Colorado but spending the season out here in Jackson for your first time ever how's that been treating you yeah I mean this season's been crazy January was insane like didn't see much Sun but saw a ton of snow and skied some of the deepest snow I've ever skied in my life so it's been a change in a good change for sure deepest January on record yeah yeah it was heavy well it got pretty epic being part of that and you're residing over by the base of storm king and living in town everybody's been nice nice and hospitable - yeah yeah Jackson's been amazing spent three months out here last year and we're just like let's just try and make this full-time so we've kind of made the switch and really going for it and it's been an amazing season so far so is this your first time seeing kings and queens of course go down were yeah yeah no first time and it's probably the gnarliest live event I've ever seen in my life so I'm just blown away right now I'm just like kind of tripping anything that's standing out from those first ones that you saw the Sam couch going for the dub ten I'd have to say that was the highlight for me just because I went to the top and I saw the little kicker and it's like 20 feet back from the takeoff so dub 10 off like a three foot tall lip seems pretty gnarly and then also Carl going for the ten reverting and then end up coming in switch and doing a switch cork five perfect off the left side so I mean every single person is kind of just charging who's ever hitting that thing it's pretty amazing and you're such an accomplished slopestyle and big air athlete so many accolades to to your name and I've seen you ski in the big mountains as well and you absolutely rip out there but would you ever think of throwing double corks into corvatz you knew that question was no no and like that's why I'm standing right here it's all the all the praise and respect to these guys doing it I don't think my knees could handle it so I'm just gonna be viewing viewing this event but it's been a fun watch so far all right well let's go ahead and have a look at a teaser for your video project dynamic medium that you just had come out this year and you had all the premieres for it earlier on in the season would really love to pick your brain more about that video project but I think we're gonna take a look here at a teaser for your video project done in Bobby Brown doesn't need an introduction [Music] the free skiing sensation searches for the ultimate line on skis around the globe together with his friends [Music] dynamic medium [Music] yeah such an amazing project there with dynamic medium and how's the response been to that film yeah that was that was fun it was awesome yeah I don't I don't really know this Franz just kind of moved on to this next season but everyone seemed excited about the project and it was just a dream come true to be able to make our own movie so one thing I always like to ask friends whenever they're filming a project was I love the back sores there's so many back stories to any film project out there what were some of the highlights for making that movie I mean just being with my brother and he shot the whole film and was really fundamental in that and just skiing again I didn't really hurt my knee super bad and didn't know I'd be back skiing at that level so just felt good to be back in the mountains and going deeper in trying new zones love it alright Bobby you might hang out for a couple of minutes here we got a we got our athletes get ready to drop here for their second of two runs and it's gonna be sinner Hadley dropping in first here he got second place back in 2018 had five tricks talking about the slopestyle played here Bobby Brown santur treated that like a slopestyle course yeah that was crazy to switch five and then into the the mega flat off the hit he's just flowing Santa's got amazing style and just can ride the mountain so naturally so I'm excited for the second run alright well I'm gonna keep you here for a minute if you have with that I want to hear your call your interpretation of one area down here a little bit of snow coming down but not too bad the visibility is still really good somes blasting through so hopefully that holds up for our second round of runs here Trevor Kennison coming down here now making a guest appearance here at the base that's ever good are you yeah Javon so looks like visibility well looking up the Coulee from here doesn't look too bad so again these second runs are totally random order just based on when our athletes got back up to the start a lot of them hung around down here at the base intensely Bowl watching all their fellow competitors runs and so now we're getting them all back up at the top and they'll be letting us know who's gonna be dropping I know as we said we've got sander Hadley in the gate there and then he'll be followed by Madison blackly and then Zoe Vernon for our first three of the second run all right sander looking like he is ready to go and Bobby go ahead take us through it [Music] xander huge switch five of the top coming in straight airboats just blowing alright he's gonna boost this one [Music] the crowds pumped for sander Sarah Hadley with his first run out here he had five tricks in not as many this time around but still a very impressive performance out there for City Hall has everything to do with that first hit that was huge that one was way bigger than his first hit and the fact that he just keeps the ability to get it back on his feet and get out of the bottom kind of blows my mind so and hitting that thing twice same day after 25 people it takes it takes a lot so that puts it in perspective yeah for sure Oh heavy all right next up we're gonna be having Madison blackly dropping in Madison coming up from Park City Utah films in the streets a lot you've been filming in the streets at all about no street filming yeah that's cool alright she's got some rail riding and now some big mountain what do we even call this big mountain slope style it just is the kings and queens of Corbett's it's an it's in its own classification there really isn't anything else like this so Bobby what's been one of your more memorable powder days out here in Jackson this year the other day was crazy I think it was Friday and just went out of the gates and it was just like blower like people would hit hit you hit a little popper and you disappeared over the head and went out with Ja see my brother Coby Ward pretty amazing day out there for sure Josie well yeah Josie Wells tornado Wallace all the boys are out here getting into the BC so it's been a good time I don't know if you know this but Jackson's kind of a big deal people like coming here and Bobby just from your competitive experience how important is it to give the athletes just the time that they need to get the mental headspace they need to be in before they drop in here yeah you got to collect yourself especially into something like this where the consequences are this high finding your close end moment is definitely important smooth entrance there keep it in a little conservative coming into the go path you know something that we haven't really talked a lot of obviously the jumps all the hits are a big deal of it a big part of it but it's also just the flow like keeping it together right we don't want to see people just stopping in the middle of the run and trying to figure out where they're gonna go so there's a lot of pressure on the athletes today to just find their line holding on to that front three [Music] Madison blackly finishing off with a nice front side three on the crowd-pleaser getting the reggae air horn at the finish when you know you've done a good job the Madison two runs completed here for her first time in to Corbett's here for kings and queens of Corbett's taking a look at the replay here from Madison good smooth interpretation here the Coulee and then the nice big front three it's a man-made booter here at the bottom all right we've got Zoe burning coming up next third of our second runs here today at kings and queens of Corbett's Invitational can't just go out and qualify for this Zoe Vernon coming out about Baker Washington she's been doing a lot of Bank slaloms yeah and doing really well on them too you're so he drop it in second run for Zoey there we go Zoey staying on her feet on that first riders right wedge look like she's getting a little method there I think we're seeing a little bit a little bit more conservative runs here for some of our second runs today some nice PAL turns there in the middle Bobby what do you think would weigh more heavily amongst these riders what's more important completed smooth top-to-bottom run or just boosting off the top Corbet's I mean from my point of view I think just like keeping the speed no matter like if the landings are clean or not and just continuing your run I think to me that's the gnarliest like when I said the guys launch off the cornice land and like maybe it's a little sketchy but still hold it together and make all the other features like that's the craziest stuff to me and you know like I said earlier just like the flow of the whole run in this the continuous speed and just the charging is like I mean I think that encompasses what this events all about so I don't know it will be interesting to see kind of what the what the results look like but top to bottom is always nice but a little extra charge and some risk I think he'd go a long way do you think it's more or less pressure that it's peer judged yeah I think I think it's less because I think the real writing comes out and there's not the guy you know the the writers know what each guy's going through so it's like they hit the corner as they go down they know how gnarly it is so they get a kind of assess the situation right they're like in person so I think it's pretty cool that way yeah it's definitely a really rad format so growing up in Colorado how many times did you get to come a road trip up here to Jackson when you're young ya never know just like in the last three years we've spent so much time a couple months each season and then more you know it's been a longer and longer each time until we finally decided like let's make this our home base so yeah so close yet so far away it's so you know I don't know just kind of out there it's a little extra to get here so I kind of kind of missed some good years growing up not coming out here but Colorado had some goods to my first trip here I think was about 15 years ago and with Corbett's being as iconic as it is it was like one of the first things to check off had to drop in when I first made my trip here my first pilgrimage here well because it is such a special place what about you come in here when was your first dropping into Corbett's a couple years ago but when you come up the tram and you see it for the first time like you just trip out and you see you know all the sentence that have happened in that and it just blows your mind each time you kind of go up and I've never really you know gone for a hard so it's just like I said like I'm just tripping at how crazy everyone's going on this thing and you know I'm sitting here at the bottom just talking about it but those guys you know are the real warriors today it's pretty amazing so no tricks in the Corbett's for you no tricks yet but you know maybe down the road I could you know just get ready and get get on these guys as level and maybe get out there seen some giant double backflips from you into some I love that some of our athletes today we're like you know what we really need is to build a bigger take off at the top of Corbett it's like building up their own lips and that's like Sam SANNs dub-dub cork ten Marissa Krawczyk Mount Bachelor local dropping in going for the nice big drop and that's yes you really hug that left left riders left west wall kinda took a different line off the nose like a little bit of a setback cause she aired out over the go path and was trying to land right there in that pocket at the bottom of the west wall again it can be your best friend or your worst neighbor if there's good snow in there and it's not to beat up you've got a nice soft landing but if there's been a bunch of people in there already or if it just blew in a little too firm you never know what you're gonna get but [Music] blasting it over the final jump out here and that Bobby Brown here in our booth if you will here at the base keep going in a booth but we are nice and open there but Bobby thank you so much for stopping by and catching up with us appreciate it awesome I'm moving up here to Jackson and continue to enjoy the rest of the season up here sounds good cool good to see you yeah make sure you guys definitely check out there take care of you dynamic medium if you guys have not done so yet you can catch it in full on a Red Bull TV so just seeing Marissa Krawczyk coming out of Oregon Mount Bachelor to be specific her home mountain this there with the lovely town of Bend in its shadows you spent much time and been you've ridden bachelor I have not never ridden bachelor I've always wanted to have a lot of good friends from there if so many legendary riders come from that mountain yeah and then you got legendary surfers that now choose to call that mountain home yeah absolutely but he speaking of Gerry Lopez he has a really cool event big wave challenge that he does there that it always like to go check out but I heard it's a really fun Mountain you know it's 360 degrees around that mountain it's a volcano right a lot of cool wind drifts on it yeah a lot of fun transitions for playing and Hana Beeman getting ready to drop in for her second of two runs and let's hear from Hana Beeman as she gets ready to take her second the two runs my name is Hana Beeman I'm 37 years old and I'm from Bellingham Washington I first got to ride Corbet's here then maybe 2002 every year I come back we we take a run through it check it out hit some of the natty hips and stuff in there and it's always really fun kind of a classic must must do when you get here there you have some words Hana beenen living out in Bellingham Washington now selling real estate out there it's about about a little over of hour drive up to Mount Baker where she calls home now her home mountain free riding mecca out there just like this place and yeah it just blows me away every time I come here looking around at the Train and all the options you're so lucky to be able to call this place home Jeff in 20 plus years there's still pockets on this mountain that I haven't I haven't written to it's not that I don't want to go find it was just there's so many other things that you get drawn to you know you get coming in here in your little routine but yeah Hana is a very familiar face here in Jackson she comes out literally every winners good buddies with Travis and so I'm filming with him and as we know she's been a familiar face here at kings and queens the last two years ended up on the podium both years 3rd in 2018 and 2nd last year what a diverse athlete field week here just the backgrounds of all these athletes Han alone we could spend an hour of this show talking about her background and all her accomplishments but we got patrollers people involved in the local shredding community world champions Olympians teacher she's also the patroller Wow a real estate agent real estate agent pilots there's such a diverse field I love it so much shippers here we go hana Beeman dropping in [Music] [Music] it's like [ __ ] here onna there you go cruising down kind of hard to get up his ability from our perspective up here right now she had a backside three off that first wedge looked like she went for a little bit more of a conservative line in took the go path nice up and over that second rocket is a little bit tougher visibility right now for sure coming here did the final pooter kidnap mute grab in owning that one out on a beam and a student of style knows how to do it right and first second of two goes and awesome having Hannah Beeman out here total legend and snowboard world for sure yeah working on what twenty plus years of pro career coming from the X Games transitioning more into the backcountry filming career and doing really well with it taking a look here at the replay replay it you grab on the crowd-pleaser it is wild it I love I love being here at Kings and Queens it is such a big production all right next up get where we're gonna have Karl phosphate who was your winner back in 2018 second place finish last year he wasn't the king last year it was Travis Rice who was awarded that crown but crazy Karl crazy Karl won one less tooth this year it looks like as you were saying earlier you got to pay the dues sometimes that is a given well let's go ahead and take a look back at Karl's first run crazy Carlson first run for the ten in I love it getting bounced around there and then coming off switch for that switch vibe invisibility a little better for Karl on his first goes we've got a little bit of snow coming in here nice 720 there from Karl that's some sauna on the course earlier like we're still getting some Sun but it's pushing through it's pushing through a little bit of a snow squall here so it'll be interesting to see if crazy Karl decides to send off the nose as big as he did last run something tells me that he's going to he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that likes to hold back so getting some maintenance up there on the take-off and that's what these athletes were encouraged to do to come out here this morning and shape those takeoffs however they see fit love that DIY aspect out here for kings and queens and Corbett's yeah it really puts a lot on on the athletes or for the athletes they want a new lip a different lip go for it set it up the way you want I mean it's bad a vision if their vision is to go double back Ian to Corbett's who are we to stand in their way let them build that lip do you ever get a chance to watch a Red Bull Rampage I've seen it yeah it's wild I'll get back to more on that with the DIY aspect but the third member of our team who is such a trooper hanging out at the top and the elements Tina Dix and Tina what's happening up there it's really about redemption for a lot of them Carl you can see again behind me he's working on his takeoff Carl you know he did that massive 1080 but didn't get the landing he wanted he wanted to land forward he kept doing the run he kept going but he definitely wants some Redemption as some other names up here Tim dur she Cooper Branham so there's some other big names up here looking for some redemption in that second run and also there's I took a peek over the nose still some pockets so some some pockets to be landed in and then of course those fresh powder turns at the bottom DC thanks Tina Tina who would you say is one of the more colorful characters that you've seen up there at the top who's kind of taking the charge of keeping the mood light up there and joking around the most Greg killer yeah they're just you know they've been practicing their speeds and warming up to the lips but yeah they're all having a good time up here for sure Tina how excited are you to get back to the continuum later this afternoon and try out the hot tub there what I'm warm what are you talking about it's nice and toasty up here all right on Tina thank you so much and definitely continue to stay warm up there Tina it's always pleasure having her on thanks Tina sideline reporter for the whole action sports world she's been on her hustle she was just out in Hawaii like two weeks ago for the Volcom Pipe Pro out there then you guys were just in Copper fur do together right yeah so if she knows what time zone she's in right now getting word that Rylan Bell is dropping in right now well that's great killer that you just saw doing a slip there so getting word that it's actually gonna be Rylan Bell dropping in because I think crazy Karl's still working on his take off and again just distress to you guys first run we had an order an athlete start sheet that these athletes were gonna be dropping in this second run it's pretty much a free-for-all up there to ever gets up there and is ready to go and they don't have to take their second round if they don't want to as well Rylan given the sign and looks like he's getting close to being ready it looks pretty pretty calm cool and collected I get the sense that once they've done it once it's still gonna scary but a little bit easier to put yourself into it then there was the first time here we go Riley Bell looking like he is dropping in Rylan coming in to go path and there we go getting some POW at the bottom of that west wall [Music] let's get that back three and again kind of gonna cross court there that was a little bit of a fresh line people haven't been shredding that apron at the bottom of the cliffs right there nice front side three a little bit of luck and often not to err in taking that go path in but it was very smooth navigation of that go path is he had a nice fluid line in getting the high five from just McMillan here at the base area yeah that's got to be cool I mean just getting back to Jessa McMillan right I mean sitting around one night having a couple pops and thinking wow what if we did a contest in the Corbett's and then here we are third year of kings and queens of Corbett's Invitational really impressive that she made that dream come to fruition and it's a really big production here we've got I've heard we've got over 60 people or something just working on the GoPro crew or the redbull crew big shout out to everybody out here all the behind the scenes production staff coming out putting it down in these elements this morning when we got up here the cameramen we're all geared up bundled up getting ready to head out there and they're perched up on top and some precarious positions up in some precarious positions so next up could you get the three-peat this year this is gonna be kate zell off' originally hailing out of New Hampshire New Hampshire we used to call ourselves well the dirt crew so I guess that makes her a derp she's one of us so much accent hole hopeful now time Queen of Corvettes here it's you circuit and see her University of New Hampshire and then like so many of us New Englanders do jumped on that Underground Railroad quite a few people from out here in Jackson and which is good we got those that nice gritty New England personalities out here it's good to have some of that that piece of home yeah when you're stomping grounds are on the ice coast you know you get that edge control you learn you control your equipment you get out here to some soft condition absolutely yeah grow up learning how to Huck your chick tricks and on the East Coast parks and it's like wait wait a minute Jackson Hole has softer landings all right I might stick around for a year or twenty alright so getting word that Kate is taking a shorter run in which we can interpret into what Jeff well I think she had a pretty salt you you you all right why are you dropping in hmm [Music] it's worth it just for the vibe down here in the finished Corral like people are so into it I mean it's understandable why this is one of the coolest events in the world not not to mention I mean not only is it unique that we've got this total like Big Mountain freeride slope style event in Corbet's but we also we also have skiers and snowboarders we also have skiers and snowboarders competing for the same title which is so cool right it doesn't come down to like specific snowboard tricks or specific ski tricks it's like who's putting down the most impressive run from the top to the bottom and Corbet's and that's hopefully staying on their feet so really really unique event format here today it's also as we've talked about with it being rider judge it's just like it's a breath of fresh air in the ski and snowboard industry you know it's like it's really nice and thanks to Jay HMR well those for those of you viewing at home I think you guys this lost us for a second there and we apologize for those technical difficulties we're in some extreme elements out here and I challenge anyone they're at home viewing to try to produce event outside in these elements you know you're gonna run into some hiccups here this is a live event so apologize for that hiccup there but just to bring you up to speed with what you may have just missed your two-time defending Queen out here for kings and queens of Corvettes Katie's Elif just had an amazing second of two runs there and really really impressed us especially not only with the control and speed that she approached her line here but coming in and coming in so hot to that final booter and landing way at the bottom the landing so much props gates Elif who you have magazine with her on the cover oh I do yeah keep sell if she's she's actually on the jacks the 2020 Jackson Hole dining guide it's not even a ski mag there she is presenting some food so it this mag is produced by the same people who produced the Jackson Hole skier weight McCoy and and all those guys so yeah it's cool to see Kate oh here we go share that with the car yeah you get the max here's that other one we were talking about this is cover 37th annual Jackson Hole skier with sander on the cover there so a couple local max all right I love it all right well back to the action here we got crazy Carl getting ready to drop in Carl phosphate we saw him up there working on his takeoff what's he gonna do I imagine give him the work that he's putting in there we might see something different we saw the left hand from him that was big I don't know there with that 1080 I wonder if he's gonna go a little more conservative I mean conservative for him though is still a 7 off the nose as we've seen before here we go crazy Carl either Tiger taking a few steps up higher maybe waiting for a little bit of a weather window we do have this moving through pretty quickly here we go he dropped in [Music] going for the lefthand again losing a ski crazy Karl living up to the namesake there how many people have tried a 1080 into Corbett's if I'd have to guess I'd say maybe one person twice I've never heard of someone else doing at ten but you know there might be someone out there I am NOT the encyclopedia on Corbett's history but it's definitely a very very short list of people who've tried to throw a 1080 into Corbett school are crazy Karl phosphate on that very short list we thought maybe he would possibly take the the conservative route for a second run but not at all turned it right up there we go got it around clean is just a bit of a chewed up landing at this point in the day I reach it back for that tail grab as well good to see him get in the blunt there on that left 10 fortunately losing a ski we got our ninjas up there to help retrieve equipment though big shout out for them and just there's some tape ninjas up there too I heard five cave ninjas it's pretty big cave up there the old the old Coombs cave it's a fun little place to hang out kind of it's kind of it's part of the reward if you if you are willing to drop into Courbet's whether it's via the go path or or errand once you get in it's a it's a little bit of a reward you get to take that hard left and hang out in the cave and then getting out of the case of fun - it's like a another drop right back into the gut of the Coulee good spot for a party in that cave you could you could throw a party in the cave for sure I you know what I'm pretty sure it's happened all right that's tinder she now at the top getting himself set to drop her she another familiar face around these parts here in Jackson Hall as we talked about filming with TGR big part of not only their films with the whole tour and helping promote that in the off seasons sure she originally out of Alaska Alyeska the town of Girdwood at the base really fun mountain up there just south of Anchorage so fun just trying to see what the best way for us to watch it is you know we have our monitor here but obviously with Corbett's right behind us you want to turn around and watch it live action it's really grasp the magnitude of how big these athletes are going wonder what Lonnie ball thinks of kings and queens of Corbett's I know he there was an edit that came out not too long ago with him in Blaine Gallivan Blaine a local guy here and a former competitor while getting word that Tina Dixon at the tops got a report for us at ena what's happening yeah just a quick update on the weather up here actually we've got some snow coming in and some the visibility starting to get a little bit tougher for these guys you know you can still see the takeoffs in the lips but weather is starting to approach Tim's now dropping in for his second run and when he came up here he's like where do I sign up for my second run so he was motivated for this one thank you very much Tina Dixon with the weather update up there as we just saw crazy car hold cruiser and have a good lower half is Ron gone for the switch seven off that final booter and lost the ski on that one but he powered through and just skied away cleanly we've got Tim dur she's in the Coulee there is way over skiers right still fresh tracks on the outside of the car for sure Timm dare she coming over the final crowd-pleaser [Music] kind of a in the ski of Karl phosphate as well at the same time they've had a cool line there he kind of cut back and forth went first hard skiers right way farther than that most of the fields been going and then went all the way back skiers left and kind of got that cross-court pop off the second bottom cliff there so in a big shout-out to Tim thanks again for joining us he hauled down here after the freeride world tour event at kicking horse last week where he was competing there in the freeride world tour and yeah Tim what an animal all right next to dropped we are going to see Jake Jake hopping er who had the double backflip on his first go out here this is his first time competing out here at kings and queens of quartz there's out upstate New York now Bozeman Montana his home mount or his home town this is north of Big Sky and well we're switching things up live action Jenner again it's a whoever's ready can drop so getting word that it's actually gonna be grant killer who's gonna be dropping in grant killer originally out of Golden Colorado spent some time over in Europe doing his thing over there really blowing up on the international scene so again with this second run there is no specific start order that we got to stick with first run there was which again was really cool the way they determine the start order it was a complete lottery where the total lottery didn't pick the ping-pong ball and you were there for that they could have just thrown some names in a hat but no no no they went out and got like the real deal lotto mixer up or whatever you want to call it it made the athlete's party the other night really fun cool component grant Geller they're asking is this line still there yeah I drew some lines so yeah you know common practice whenever you're out there filming are riding out in the backcountry you know you want to draw a line and kind of get a visual reference for your takeoff trajectory yeah as soon as they step back from that lip it's totally blind they got to just trust their gut and hope that that line that they drew or the the memory that they have of the take-off is where they're gonna go and you know it the the cool are obviously opens up quite a bit after that left the nose and the the west wall there but in that first zone it's pretty tight you know we've seen quite a few of the athletes of the competitors landing you know real close to the bottom of that west wall which is a gamble because it's like that's where the good snow is but it's also your land and high speed coming 30 40 sometimes 50 feet out of the air and right at the bottom of the wall so a lot a lot of strategic going into figuring out where they want to land and it's crazy when you have a pinpoint landing like that where you're landing so close to a rock wall or something like that and the landing is blind because you're not seeing the land when you're coming off of it until you're coming off of that lip there of the cornice and those rocks look a lot closer than what you're probably landing are as close as you are landing to them but yeah sudden those come into view and Grant Giller yeah possibly looking to land over there by that west wall so big shout outs the grant killer once again just uh was it two nights ago we were announcing them in a rail competition down at Colorado at the Dew Tour and then he be lined it up here for Jackson as we get a look at the replay of grants first run it was really cool he actually he got to leave a few hours before me he's back he there he got to leave a few hours before me and he was giving me a call and keeping me updated on broke conditions because we left Colorado in a huge snowstorm and it was slow going leaving bullets got up into Wyoming where North with the storm in it was smooth sailing and that's switch back seven there off that final jump for grant Giller so accomplished in the park but bringing those park skills out to the big mountain gee Gil's great killer big shout-out to his girlfriend summer Fenton professional pipe rider who is out here as well here's grant killer dropping in home for the big front three and yeah landing over by that west wall kind of lost him there in the snow but just uh nice backside shifty good little hip off that rock back three going down a little bit but still regaining himself and coming in forward now into the final jump with the big old freedom flip for us at the end always a crowd-pleaser Lana would you call the freedom flip yeah just I'm a good friend of mine he used to throw those laid out back flips and yell freedom kinda I liked it Mel Gibson style I wonder what's our tally I'm a Braveheart a we've got quite a few if you count the doubles really bumps up the the backflip tally a lot of upside down this going on today kings and queens the Corvette's hearing Jackson Hole Wyoming at the top of beautiful a Jackson amount resort so looking at the replay there for great yellow or nickel that front three in trying to find that good snow and that good landing over there by the west wall and just kind of got bounced off his landing there but they shout out to grant Giller first time competing out here at kings and queens of Corbett's got a shot back up there at the top I think we've got a potentially j-jake pop finger somewhere on deck maybe next Jake's first run definitely set the bar high with that double backflip riding away pretty clean so Jeff Moran I got to ask you 21 years of living here if anyone was gonna come to visit Jackson who is one of the most legendary tour guides they could have of this mountain well I mean you know everybody's got their favorite spots and they're there places to go but I'd have to say that if you were gonna come here and you could have your pick of the litter I mean there's the big names like Travis and Gooch and those guys but someone who really really knows this place is mr. Lance Pittman growing up here in Jackson I mean one of the guys that you know Travis attributes is one of his his big influences but yeah Lance is still still got it he's he's been a coach at the Jacksonville ski and snowboard club for a bunch of years now iLook doing a little bit of less of that now but Lance Lance is really really fun if you could get like maybe Lance and qinger together and have them tour year-round that would be that'd be a fun day for sure in the team well look in the screen here we're seeing replays from Jake hot fingers first run again that double backflip in so nasty originally out of upstate New York ain't gonna move out to Montana see the shot at the top there Yancy Caldwell piloting the drone out here to get the great perspective from the drone footage and what do you think you think Jake's gonna go for a repeat on that line you think he's gonna mix it up variety the spice the lifestyle out here I don't get the sense that he's gonna hold back throwing a double backflip into Corbett's the first time he ever goes in he's gonna walk keep it on that same level what an animal here he comes dropping in stomping it the double back en then hopping er is uh after taking a tumble yeah I'm not holding back whatsoever another solid solid stomp on that huge double backe there's a big left three on the crowd-pleaser and it's working we can hear right behind us drifting that left three at the end but Hawk finger two for two with the double back in to Corbett's [Applause] what an animal alright let's enjoy this replay Wow there's that lift that they built up I believe parking and he were talking about build not lift and make sure they can get the double around it's a little milky up there he didn't take too many speed checks before going right into that top right wedge riders right good we are getting some wind gusts down here at the base just to keep you informed with what the weather is doing out here and next up we're gonna be seeing Cooper Cooper Branham so we've had about 11 looks like we've got 11 riders take their second run so far Cooper OB number 12 which if all of our athletes decide to take a second run that'll post about halfway through the field and for more info a little background insight into Cooper let's go ahead hear from Cooper Branham hi I'm Cooper Branham I'm 22 years old I'm originally from Gig Harbor Washington my experience with Corbis cular is a pretty light I've only been in the cular once before but I've always looked at I've looked at this event and I always wanted to hit features like this in there and it's a pretty unique experience so definitely excited Brandon now residing in Crested Butte Colorado they're the shadows of the elk mountains yeah Cooper we were talking about this earlier he's starting to show face here in Jackson a little bit more and more it's been riding with with camp Fitzpatrick and in that whole crew doing their own film project this year last year it was just a kind of more of a social media thing and now they're actually going for it and cam tells me they're gonna try and put out a film for next year so Cooper oh you'll see Cooper in that this is this is us in but imagine the crew from satellite boards off in Boulder tuning in for this one of Cooper sponsors out here a nice big cat5 in losing them a little bit there in the snow but Oh way off access with that backside 360 goober keeping his speed [Music] not afraid to hop definitely in front seven Kelly's got the park riding skills in his bag again Cooper one of our younger riders is 22 years old today you're kings and queens switch frontside 540 aka the cap 540 big shot on this TV that terminology you know even see it people go pretty big off the nose and the reality is is in order to do any kind of trick in order to have enough speed to get any sort of rotations around like you're committing to a solid 30 feet minimum if not up to 50 feet I mean just to bring that momentum into the lip is a big commitment alright well for those of you tuning in thank you so much for being with us out here for the kings and queens of Corvettes we got second runs here right now and more action coming your way right after this here from Jackson Hole Wyoming [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well welcome back everybody here to kick the queens of Corvettes second run second of two runs action and if you're on Facebook you just watch the scene from Bobby Brown's latest film dynamic medium available in full on a red ball TV well we got a special guest down here in our nice open air booth and crazy Carl in the house Carl fossa how you doing doing great and heard you mentioned Bobby Brown dynamic medium that movie kicks ass definitely check that one out a lot of a lot of big sense for my boy Bobby and man that guy knows how to go big well you just had two runs out here so your work is done for the day out here went for that left hand both times Aaron into Corvettes talked about that was a game playing coming in the whole time game plans all over the place got to be flexible out here the Mannings changing every hit so we try to get four or five good hits going and up until like one two people for you run plans always changing but had that trick in mind the whole time and thankfully saw a little pocket to try to snipe and first run did the 10 it's still out a little bit of momentum and end up kind of landing and washing around a switch and then from there is just all impromptu and I ended up going and switch to that second booter hit a couple of more tricks down low and then second run that 10 Blount just came so close had it capped by like the one of the best I've ever done thought I was going to stop it and hit a little snow steak and yeah so captain capping that blump proper there and holding onto a good yes sir alright so Hans minute getting ready to drop in and we see him get in the zone up there Carl what's going through your head when you're getting ready to drop in you know there's kind of like this moment of uh of just calmness and relaxation like you're pretty stressed all morning long real nervous and then when you're standing up there and you get your one-minute call you're like she's gotta breathe and sand alright it's gotta be good haunches got some insane style and goes so big oh god yeah buddy Hans what that's what I'm talking about one of my favorite snowboarders right here yeah came in switched out a little bit of a butter coming around into that cat5 as well Hans Minich hopefully his bro Nils is tuning in cheering them on their behinds men Nick with two great runs there his first run Hans have cab five in and stop the heck out of it and this time see on the replay but looked like he was throwing a little butter variation there and as yeah that was wild then we saw that butter off the lip last year with Blaine galavant but I want our year 1 yep yep yeah that's a hard thing with the butter you said it's low enough cuz you got so much fallout it you don't see butters that off and takes a true Jedi to be able to pull it off like that I can watch the replay of that of Hans multiple times alright next up we're gonna be seeing the local boy cam Fitzpatrick getting ready to drop Jackson Hole local born and raised here took a mountain Travis from Bryce's project fourth phase that he got a guest appearance in Carl's phosphate down here hyping up Hans giving them props where it's due yeah Hans and again we got Carl phosphate crazy Carl down here hanging out with us and he says check it in with some of the boys down here get some so it's from grant killer and Huntsman dick out here in the house Hans what's up well done dude good to see you as well Hans good stuff up there buddy two great runs there do you how do you feel about your Iran's decent I mean I've to me like just riding away is momentous I feel like these so like this course definitely had a bit more of like I'll hold it together challenge towards the bottom we're like the top was pretty Duffy and if you got through is like alright keep it together and then like get to the bottom both times really yeah but yeah it's always fun being here I gotta ask you Hans I love high you you're like getting in the zone when you're up there looks like you're practicing some breathing kind of yeah state I still get crazy crazy like anxiety when I'm at the drop in like the only thing that I've found that helps is just like a little bit just relax for like two seconds and it's it's nice to see seems to be working for you it's worked in the past I try to keep on it well here's our boy cam Fitzpatrick I know you guys are homies he's dropping in right now cam is a G's Jackson local here and watch out for this guy haha free Jaeger cam going switch attitude hands down [ __ ] Bailey tribute rest in peace Jagger Bailey legend oh I gotta put you on the spot buddy this is a rider judged event can you vote for yourself I forget if you can vote for yourself actually I did this the first year I remember we sit down in auditorium and like watch it on a movie screen everyone has like very untraditional but very cool in the same way just in the same fitters like the whole event is not something really even freeride tours and stuff like that they I feel like this one's very like rider directed as Jess was saying you off like fur for the boys and the girls you know like have fun ride Corbett's yeah it's all about you guys how do you feel now that your runs are done like do you want more are you content uh if it was like how it was the first run dude I would just laugh that thing right now it's it's really good there's still some really sick side hits like up lookers left and stuff and the snow in there is really good like kind of like has a good compactness - it kind of sturdy and yeah yeah I think it's good God Sam couch coming up next Sam couch who had a very impressive showing on his first go out here originally out of Nelson BC and as we talked about on his first run you can check them out and mastic productions return to sender Hans Ben Nick here hanging out in the booth with us what's up mom all right we saw Sam go absolutely nuts on his first run double cork ten dude that was insane it was so close here he comes [Music] and again the left dub ten there she got through shoes backe is this your fire run in the zone right now cap the tail there on the straight air well great posture okay say about that that's gonna be up there that's a that's a one or two in my book [Music] [Applause] history being made right in front of our eyes I know it's crazy because I was on here the first year I feel like I saw a lot of attempts of double backflips double corks but it's it's crazy watching like some of these guys that are all getting close and stomping so check out this replay left up 10lakhs in the safety grab gets off access two times as he gets the 1080 degree of rotation around not a boy couch big ol backe in there crowd going Bob down here are you you're rocking out the music oh yeah I see your earbuds hanging out what are you looking to drop it in G I'm out to a little bit of like flowy French just go kind of like poppy but not like I'm not like an EDM electronic guy but sometimes I'll throw on some Fleetwood Mac's some rumors or sometimes turn it up a little bit polo paint it out it's about to say French discos [Applause] feels loose but fun so you're not hearing the crowd when you're coming here into the bottom I can hear him at the bottom for sure I always ride like only one plug just in case that was trying to hold me is the crowd down here intensely Bowl getting all the athletes pumped up top like are you guys feeding off that good I feel like anytime you're at an event like this you definitely feed off anyone's energy you know like the hype is people are just juice no matter what and like as long as you're not ending up in the helicopter dude everyone's having a good time looks like we got care getting ready to drop did you get a chance to talk to the G oh yeah I was really stuck to see he made it back from Baker cuz I knew that was a bit of a tight squeeze that both of us played that game last year he won I lost didn't hear but I'm stoked to see him here again man King hears is a legend and a really really genuine person probably were the nicest people I know in the snowboard game that is awesome yeah stoked to have him out here glad he made it back from Baker in time and here we go qinger strapping in at the top getting ready to rock come okay you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who didn't like hanging around with qinger the guy is all time yeah he is nothing but good energy literally coming off the mountain and that's what his whole brand is all about - he's got Avalon seven and it's like he's a creative outlet he's got some really cool gear I think I'm wearing one of his face masks right now and it's just everything's about positivity yeah and like it's six seek someone who's been in the game for so dang long and having that like still holding that bad attitude having so much something that I feel like a lot of riders and skiers in this industry kind of lose that passion alright here comes King er heading over towards that west wall again finger gun like he's going for the same line he took first run off the west wall kind of dropping back into the go pack second jump calling three did yeah Rob King while growing up in Jackson Hole that could be the method of the day right there one of our hor athletes yeah into the circle turn qinger two for two out here get love from the crowd out here for the local legend Hans what do you got coming up after this you gonna stick around Jackson for a little bit um yeah I think I'm kicking it around here for a little bit I was actually everything about going out the Saudi milk and a few jumps before heading up north I think long term shoot up north about a week to PC wherever the boys are at and you're gonna link up with the Absinthe crew and my brother Nils in the Nick Roy Bates on teenie and Nicholas Muller and go hit some pillows and [ __ ] finish up February not a bad plan yeah you should come back for King uh board test event the shape or summit you dig that would be really it's early March maybe March 5th around there oh yeah sick cuz I think I'm going back to Stowe for like the International ride day no I guess like they have like 12 mountains locked in for like everyone does a group ride on like I forget how it works but I think they give you like a free pass for a free run and everyone goes up collects at the top and I was gonna take a run for Jake on the March 14th I think Party wave yeah already wave for Jake there's a few mountains and Japan Wow Stowe and then I forget the rest but it's pretty rad that like that many mountains around the world or that down to give out that many free passes for such a cause yeah and yeah it'd be nice to go back home and see the family part of that all right good for you homey getting ready to drop in for her second or two runs out here two-time freeride world tour champion just got a second place finish out in kicking horse the freeride world tour stopped there last week she was such a strong composure or skiers and saying well Hans thanks for hanging out with us in here we'll let you cruise and you socialize mingle with the boys and ladies out there but yeah appreciate you and way to kill it out here at kings and queens Corbet's it's fun just to ride guys a lie that's kind of what it's all about then good to see you back here in Jackson it's always good to be back here yeah stock up on your oatmeal sticks to the bones [Music] so yeah Ariana's her call me getting ready to drop in here and we'll take a look at her first run there is uh if there is a conservative approach to this she kept it a little conservative just opting for some straight errors in there but had a good time just flowing on down through here yeah it'll be interesting to see like when we talked to her you know she said this was pretty much her first time in the Corbett's and putting a line like this together so now she's got a better idea of what's going on once you make it over the nose my she had a solid run there stayed on her feet the whole way but uh I have a feeling we might see her open it up a little bit we've got pretty good visibility up there right now so excited to see what we get out of Ariana Chico me right now that is just always to me like this angle of the nose right now is so wild right I mean Pete it's just people standing on the edge of a cliff and we're sending people off it in skis and snowboards it's so cool that this event even exists it's just amazing so on some borrowed outerwear there bags did not show up out here and here which is two-time freeride World Tour champion re-edits for combing dropping in great control on her entry here in the Corbett's yes Arianna getting some good air they're playing it nice and smooth here love the control similar line to what she took last time but turning it up a bit for sure yeah boost in the last one nice and spread eagle style there and now that you're calling me of two great runs here in Corbett's and again you know she loves surfing and I think that really shows through through riding out there just nice and flowy fun approach air for Mari yeah it's cool to see how everyone reads the mountain there are a lot of options out there and everybody's got their own personal individual approach to it I am impressed with thee I'm impressed with the athlete to who go that to that hard right zone there's some still some good snow over there but you really got to be thinking about the fact that it's a hard right turn I mean it'd be easy to get kind of drawn down into the gut of the cular and there's some hits right in front of you so it's cool to see the mentality of some of our athletes and really putting their strategy together alright well once again third member of our team she has been battling it out in the elements hanging out at the top and Tina Dickson what do you got going on up there and now Oh battling the elements it's great up here you know it's interesting a lot of these athletes took their time debating whether or not to take that second run they peaked over the nose checked out the landings one of those was Ashley Babcock remember she hit that west wall and she was joking around she's like you know I'm on the ski patrol I have to work tomorrow I got to be really careful so she said if she is gonna go again she'll probably most likely take that gothe path but if you look behind me it's crazy DC there's so many launch pads off of the nose and to see that up here heading into Corbett's it's pretty impressive stuff impressive indeed an impressive the job that you've been doing out there Tina thank you so much for keeping us informed such a valuable insight from the top and again just hats off to Tina it's he's been hanging out there holding it down all morning love the insight were getting from her up there next up we got Mikey Marone getting ready to drop he yet to drop last on the first run order due to the lottery pick that he had received but now getting the drop kind of in the middle of the pack Jackson Hole local local now from Casper Wyoming originally moved here when he was 14 though got a third place in 2018 and last year just a really good impressive showing here as well yeah Mikey just all-around super solid rider another one of the one of our closet ninjas here in Jackson there's a lot of them and it's good to see Mikey kind of getting some spotlight put on him here at kings and queens the Corbett's this is definitely his type of event and as we've seen over the last couple years he fits right in with the rest of this field yeah and he's got great style great control and really just aesthetically pleasing watching this guy interpret the mountain the way he does Mikey maroon you're riding for never summer have a nice shot of the flyby from the bird up there whenever I'm dropping into something and get a bird that flies bioconservative good omen it's kind of like surfing with dolphins absolutely Mikey's got a really kind of calm cool demeanor when it comes to shredding like he approaches it really even-keeled and then sends it like we saw in the previous run where he did the double backflip with the tuck knee will we see that again we'll find out here in just a second Mikey maroon dropping in and Mikey Marone an absolute animal going for it again [Music] there we go a little Redemption another kind of Wildcat there at the end yeah it's gonna say almost like a backside rodeo setting backflip there but Mikey Marone you're an animal [Music] that was so close to you that double wacky geeky put it down you could tell he was fighting so so hard to stay on his feet it's a little bit of that chunder up hi I'm the COO are right now kind of bobble them around but what a crowd-pleaser and it is the double backflip again getting the tuck me in [Music] bring killer coming in to check out our monitor for the replay here and here it is again the double backflip with the tuck knee I'll do her Hauge sit would be definitely proud of that one if he's watching and just a couple few feet from that west wall that's so sick and last year like I said he drifted that back three close to the wall and he was like it was trying to touch it what an animal slings pizza down in town in the off time huh Thank You Mikey you've got Stinney s up next yeah the Norwegian yep our only Norwegian out here in the mix something in the fjords over there lot of talent that comes out of Norway making it that international field yeah yeah this tinniest we'll see how he fares here on his second at two goes skinniest will be our 19th athlete he ran for second run so quite a few and getting word that Stennis Scott's gift will be our last rider of the day so this 22-year old Norwegian will be our last athlete to drop and again riders obviously can elect to not take their second of two runs and conditions aren't deteriorating just a little bit out here as the wind has picked up in the visibility a little trickier but you gotta just again hats off to all these athletes for doing what they do out here and just we just were wowed by Mike him around there unbelievable go meet Jackie real short list of people in the world who've double flipped of any type in to Corbett's likes tennis is hiking back up is just checking out the lip again our last rider of the day 19 of our 24 riders taken the the option to have a second run well for more on Sidious let's hear from Sidious himself this competition is like a legendary competition it's always been a dream to compete in it I think it's gonna be a lot of crazy thing happening and the carpets this year we saw Travis Rice and it's huge last year so it's probably gonna be some sick things this year's - I'm gonna do my best to make a show Jeff Murray never try speaking any Norwegian have you ever had any friends try to help you with your Norwegian I can honestly say I've never tried I just love the way they accent everything like we would say his name is Scott skip but over there they yeah in his first little clip there that we saw of him on his first run he he pronounces it a little bit differently than we do it sounds cooler you know as we're winding down here with our final Rider I'm sure like just the level of excitement is through the roof down here at the bottom and it's got to feel so good for all of our athletes to be like alright we did it it worked we had fun high-fives hugs and now they've got another wooly it's only Tuesday you got four more days until the awards party and they just get to hang out in Jackson go shred some pal and like really celebrate this amazing event it's not just this one day it's like an entire week celebration of skiing and snowboarding here in Jackson yeah I'm really looking forward to the opéra event down at the base of the mountain here at the continuum hotel here this afternoon with your kin kings and queens beer and just catching up with all these athletes uh it's gonna be a good time down there it's gonna be the vibe we'll be live you could just kind of hear in the background here probably but just the buzz down here is all the athletes are hanging out mingling about just stoked believed to have throwing down citius scott's gift our final athlete drop it in big left three with the mute crap Oh super slow with the rotation there into the backflip getting back a little bit but holding onto it and the Norwegian there with the flat three into our final jump a nice big looking to wrap it up so oh there's City Region tinea scott's gift treating it like a slopestyle run out here he's got to be pumped on that that quick little bobble a little little front flip there but like back on his feet immediately and don't even miss Abby went right back into another trick and I just love again the replay it looks like it's almost sped up because when we're watching it live time that left free mute just seems so slows in slow motion just easy letting that one hang out there he's got a lot of time in the air [Music] down setting with the sideways flip more than the flat three there yes Dennis Wow alright well if that is indeed our final athlete I'm blown away that's what we're a stout here we did it we did it high five they did it big shout out to all our athletes out there much respect and thanks again to our whole production staff hanging with us here in these elements and pulling off such an amazing event but as the Jackson Hole local you got to be pretty proud of having this event here at your home Mountain it's amazing it's so I mean it's so cool to be able to just like come out your back to your front door and this is uh what's going on in our like home mountain you know I mean I didn't grow up in Jackson and I kind of ended up here accidentally but yeah I've been here for quite a while and it's just so rad to see that kind of support for the ski and snowboard industry like who would have ever thought that we would see something like this go down not not just once but three years in a row this is now the annual event right I mean I don't think we're stopping now so yeah proud to be a Jackson resident and to be a part of the whole event it's very cool well that was absolutely amazing and we saw a lot of crazy actually go down 24 athletes in that first run so that was 24 amazing runs and then the second run we didn't see everyone take all their runs from still some crazy stuff that went down but think about what your favorite was in tina dixon up at the top you got to get a great perspective from up there what was your favorite or some of the highlights for you from today well there's a lot of highlights especially standing up here because those guys were so close to you as they launched off this nose but I have to say Jake Huff finger with that double backflip I mean he just threw that into corporates who are landed it just it just overall so so impressive in that style too I also got to give it up to Carl I'd say he spent the most time working on his run in seems really focused today and the fact that he did ten eighty and went for that ten eighty twice and then on the first run the fact that he did the ten eighty over rotate it and then kept on with his run and hit that next feature switch pretty impressive stuff and then camp Fitzpatrick the local he did a handstand dropping into Corbett school are at least from up here in our point of view so some really impressive stuff this definitely took the event to another level and I was just truly honored to be up here and be able to witness it in person DC all right ah well thank you so much Tina Dixon and way to be a trooper up there at the top of Corbett's here you're an animal and getting that hot tub as soon as you get down to the bottom and warm up all right well what about to you Jeff Moran go ahead you have so many favorites like Tina was just talking about cams handstand I mean that's not easy and it was so like fun and playful in such a cool way to kick off his second run but you know I gotta say I was really impressed with parking cos teens run his double backflip was so pumped and I feel like part of it was just the energy that he brought down here afterwards but like in the way he talked about getting stoked on his buddy Jake doing a double backflip and then he was like I'm going for two and they built their whole take off so yeah I'm gonna say like I'm gonna I'm gonna step over into the ski world I'm traditionally a snowboarder but for today I really am into parking cost Danes run right on yeah well some of my highlights is really hard to pick just like one in particular favorite but I'm gonna go ahead and start off with Veronica paulsen big shout out to her with that huge backflip in on her first run that was such an exciting way I mean that was she was what the third athlete to drop so such an exciting way to kick off this event out here and really set the tone out here and congrats to Veronica it was a third time was the charm out they were that big backflip and let's see Hans min Nick his first run was full of style and kind of treated it like a slope style of course and as well as sander Hadley his first run he had five tricks in that run solid at times through so I've saw like a slope style event as well and my key Marone with the double back II tuck knee Mike my key maroon much love and respect buddy wait out there and the double backflips by parking as well as you were saying and then Jake hop finger I can't narrow it down to one there was so much riding out there that I was so impressed by but all the athletes out here very very proud of you guys way to kill it well we're not gonna know any results for a few days here still once again this is a rider judged event so we're gonna have a viewing party that I saw on the schedule the viewing party was slated for Friday you know viewing party here this Friday we're all the rider judging party yeah hang around and judge it and pick their favorites and then Saturday you guys can find out and there you have it right there on the screen at Jackson Hole on Instagram that's where we're gonna release the results out here for the third King and queens of Corbett's here at Jackson Hole Wyoming little slice of heaven thank you so much for having us Jackson and also guys just wanted to have have you made sure that you have the Burton US Open on your radar that's going off here real soon I gotta be over there in a couple weeks for the Burton US Open so make sure you guys tune in to that on Red Bull TV Burton US Open is going to be going down here in just two weeks in Vail Colorado so thank you all so much on behalf of tina dixon up at the top Jeff Moran hold it down with me here at the bottom of Corbett's and everybody here in Jackson Hole we love you thank you so much much respect thanks to our production staff as well thank you all for viewing and being part of kings and queens the Courbet's 2020 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you you
Channel: Red Bull Snow
Views: 366,655
Rating: 4.8055868 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, red bull snow, wintersports, red bull winter, extreme sports, kings & queens of corbet's, corbets, corbet's couloir, corbet's couloir 2020, corbet's couloir jackson hole, jackson hole skiing, jackson hole wyoming, wyoming skiing, arianna tricomi, tricomi, parkin costain corbets, parkin costain, karl fostvedt, karl fostvedt corbets, skiing, snowboarding, jackson hole, powder, snowboard, travis rice, red bull skiing, king and queens of corbet's 2020
Id: L7HqrzUGwMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 38sec (13478 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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