Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix by Bl00dyBizkitz in 3:02:00 - SGDQ2017 - Part 120

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we are going to play a quick ad from one of our sponsors so stick around and we'll be back in a minute and welcome back this is Summer Games done quick coming up next Kingdom Hearts 2 final mix you are not going to want to miss this run it's gonna be so exciting it has a million great donation incentives that you will want to stick around for and also donate for us so go ahead and check that out on the website games done quick calm to see what you can put your money towards their song incentives there's other incentives there's just too many to list so check that out and be sure to stick around for that and we are just going to take a quick ad break and we will be right back [Music] [Music] humble monthly subscribers get over $100 worth of games for only $12 every month they get to keep their games just like a regular Humble Bundle also there's the humble trove which is a new collection of humble originals and other DRM free games and it's only available to humbly humble monthly subscribers so I don't know if you guys have ever used Humble Bundle I know I personally have bought tons of games from them it's always a great price and they always fill up my inventory of games with more games that I could ever play but it's great and also part of the proceeds go to charity every time so it's just a great cause if you have not checked out Humble Bundle make sure to do that I just hope people recognize this now the world harder for whatnot Earl I'm ready three legs your audience funky people gonna recognize this girl welcome back to summer games done quick 2017 do you want to read off a quick $600 anonymous donation thank you so much for that and they just say killing the animals looks too far ahead let's tighten that lead a bit and see if we can make it an actual proper race I feel the anonymous alright guys I've had fun hanging out with you but now I'm gonna throw it over to Ed oh beam and she's gonna take you through the kingdom hearts 2 final mix hello everyone and welcome back I am arrow beam I'm going to be your host today for these lovely kingdom hearts 2 final mix but I bloody biscuits I cannot wait just so that you guys know we still have the bid going up for the Kingdom Hearts songs for their Disney songs that we will be singing so just keep on donating if you want the know it'll be the top five right now Mulan I'll make a man out of you is winning we have Little Mermaid part of your world and second Beauty and the Beast with Gaston and we have a lot in a whole new world and a Latin friend like me so if you want hercules go the distance or hell fire from Hunchback of Notre Dom or I won't say I'm in love from Hercules bare necessities for Jungle Book or reflection from Milan if you want those to get into those top five go ahead and donate now also don't forget guys we are still trying to reach our bit incentive for majora's mask blindfolded fight majora blindfolded that sounds insane so we are accepting bits and right now we are at who we are a lot right now we're at a million and four hundred and five thousand six hundred and forty six but we need five million we can make it happen right I hope so I think we can make it happen so let's do that we have a $10 donation from animal blue that says hello everyone first time demo Nene and longtime viewer finally got my first job and what better way to spend part of my salary then on my favorite game of all time put this towards the Disney song Gaston because no one's NIC like Gaston Teja donates 250 dollars saying donating because cover muffin is amazing I want him to be my best friend shout out to whoever made the GDQ song please upload it to youtube yes please do so I would love to love to hear it again none in this donation of $5 saying don't eat it I have we didn't like your you have to do may the rng be with you thank you well fire for ten dollar donation I always donate during the star war games because I want to force my bad jokes on you thank you for all your hard work and sgdq this is my donation for this year thank you so much welfare I appreciate it and just for those that were wondering about the later games that are coming up we have met our incentives for the Kingdom Hearts so we will be seeing that saffron fight we will be seeing the terror lingering will and will also be doing the third bonus game as well once again you can still donate during for the Disney songs as they will be throughout the run so keep on donor if you want it to be met also we also have an incentive that has yet to reach its met it's for fall fantasy 7 Omni slash Sephiroth come on guys we want to end we want to end outrun and style but we need $20,000 and right now we're only at 4201 so if you really really want to see cloud beat up Sephiroth in the most stylish longest fashion ever please donate for that incentive 50 dollars from anonymous that says looking forward to watching the fall fantasy 7 run hoping to see the end before I need to run a 5k oh wow props to you alright and I think we all ready for kingdom hearts 2 final mix take it away alright thank you guys so this is hearts 2 final mix on the 2.5 ps4 version I want to go just over some quick introduction introductions I'm bloody biscuits you guys can introduce introduce yourselves I'm my Dax J Hobbes I'm spike vegeta this is Kingdom Hearts we're gonna be playing on critical mode and we have a timer ready alright 3 2 1 go I did it this guy runs this game every day so it's gonna be a great run trust me so right off the bat you could probably tell it by looking at the screen right there critical mode is just the highest difficulty there's the original Kingdom Hearts - you might've played for the PlayStation 2 that has just three difficulties beginner standard and proud as you go up in difficulty stuff does more damage to you you do less damage critical mode is actually an exclusive difficulty to the kingdom hearts 2 final mix version you can kind of think of final mix is almost like the Director's Cut version that was originally a Japanese exclusive but when they brought the HD ports over for ps3 and ps4 now they're they're available to everyone yeah and he's playing on ps4 which means that we're gonna be talking really fast because all the loads are gone yeah they took out they sucked all of the loads out of these games so it's really good so he's attacking it Seifer right here in a very specific set of hits to actually manipulate RNG for two dots we are doing RNG manipulation this early in the run yes you'll see it coming up here for the first dusk basically there's no way to actually kill the desk with this this foam bat that we have the struggle bats so we either want to die quickly which we're gonna prefer to do or just deal enough hits and it kind of ends the fight so he's just gonna run into the cage over here this is a death abuse it's just there are a lot of points in the game where the game will just let you get to really low health and then you can just continue the story and that's much faster especially on critical mode because go mode we're gonna be taking a lot more damage than normal yeah dude I did it so if you're completely unfamiliar with this game it's an action RPG and the kind of important things to note about you know your UI and and how the game kind of works is that in the bottom left corner you see that menu there right now it just says attack and question mark question mark question mark but will be unlocking new abilities and new magic and stuff like that that he'll be menuing with the d-pad in that bottom left corner so we'll talk about each is that come up right here on day two of this little Roxas section the character replying Ness we need to complete one of these missions and it'll let you go on this is the fastest one do we have a six yeah no that was good pretty good they actually made that harder in the ps4 version just a tad there's little pieces of tech to it it's like super applicable but to the rest of the game the app there's lots of like jumping to reduce lag for land on the ground and such a lot of people might not know that you only have to do one job to get past this day app some people might have been like stuck here for hours doing it like 30 times in a row to like farm money for the extra AP but we don't have to do it once to get through the day yeah and kind of our main point right here we're actually not playing as the main character we're playing as Roxas and your boy rocks and we just kind of have to do a lot of these basic mission things as the game is trying to tell us something going on something weird is happening and eventually we'll be out of this area and move on to our main character so this dust is also manipulated right there so he knew what pattern he was gonna give him he knew what he had to do to get the certain amount of hits can I imagine like it's got a health bar you just don't see it you're not actually picking up a shield here this going to kind of change his ability route later on the order in which she gets the abilities is he levels up and that's what's most important as well as a little bit of extra defense right here so generally you don't want to hit one of these dusts these basic enemies with a finisher unless you know what's going to kill because that's gonna knock them far away as opposed to just hitting them with a couple of air hits landing to end the animation and reset your combo and then jumping and going again now we're walking up to kind of our first boss Twilight exclusive to critical mode right here he switched some camera stuff but boom got all those one thing to note real quick the menus in this game are delicious to do fast they're very quick they respond very well you can buffer some it's they're some of the best menus and RPGs to be running in my opinion yeah but all those abilities you just got those are exclusive to critical mode criminals and interesting difficulty in that a lot of things can two three shot you even one shot you all over the place but you actually do more damage than you do on standard and proud the second and third difficulties beginner out damages you a little bit but not by much they're almost the same length in terms of a full run both just under three hours in the world record yeah it's actually insane how close it's been in the record for those have gone back and forth right and which version is actually faster and a lot of what allows critical mode to catch up to beginner is because of those exclusive abilities it just gave you a big one the kind of the major one is that they gave you finishing plus it's normally like right now you see he's got this three hit combo one cue and then the third is the finisher now he's actually gonna have a for hit combo and the third and fourth hits are both going to be old critical mode and frosene chat please what a baller that's the face of true perfection he literally just had to wait there this is your tutorial boss is teaching you about these things called reaction commands what a reaction command is when a triangle shows up in the bottom-left corner like now and you can actually use it in order to do some kind of effect or affect the boss in some way and it also happens with a lot of regular enemies as well we'll be seeing them throughout the entire run all right buddy I believe in the for combo yeah is easy so Roxas it definitely got better in the ps4 version so that's good that he knows he got kind of the maximum amount of damage to get output there now he's going to get in one combo here what we're adding in that finishing Plus now he's moving around this corner cuz you see those creepers on the floor area you just knocked them away on that combo these vines will damage them see it's the back away from them after each time audio cue for those creepers to land so he dodges them as well now he should be pretty good on this should be right here hello yeah the main goal is to stay real close to his face typically he shoots vines that you have here at a very far distance but if you're right up in his face there's a safe zone where he just doesn't shoot vines so that's the optimal way to go about it yeah I'm gonna say right off the bat just with like all these fights in addition to trying to not die he's gripping guard right there he'll be using that well actually not you'll see it later on but all throughout this game there's so many little minut details - like even he did you don't just want to generally go in front of the face you wanted to be kind of at that corner to make sure on his big finisher he was gonna hit both of the creepers and set the fight up correctly now we have to do a series of struggle fights and these are pretty obnoxious luckily crit has that finishing plus and an ability called draw to help him out with it draw helps pick up items on the screen and further away yeah good stuff got a very nice job with hanger there and he's gonna be coming up to the next struggle fight V V which is a it has a pretty nice strap it is notoriously like difficult to learn for bloody you developed this yeah there's there's a little bit of a newer strat I hopefully I nail it here so it's a kind of thing to notice what this is that he's not always finishing his combo you know he's not just mashing X to win right he's actually specifically stomping a lot of his combos here because we know when V V will retaliate the damage he took there was intentional but he had to get back on the ground very quickly finishes the fight yes that's real good struggles I'm pretty happy with that now we take a break from struggles we got two fights here to note if he dies to either one of these fights he'll have to go back to before V because it sent you back to the last time you're able to I basically get into your menu dusts suck this is a notoriously just kind of trashy fight he's gonna try to utilize the reaction that was really good though he's gonna try to utilize the reaction command the reversal to sometimes swap around and I kind of keep them stunned actually needs to get off 6 combos here Hobbes took it away yeah so he's gonna be hitting it the first two as quickly as possible because they won't kind of add to his stagger count which we'll get into later he's gonna be mashing out a guard there in order to avoid that retaliation that he knew was coming one more combo 9 there it is it looked like it was just kind of whaling on him but that is a very specific combo with very specific times that you have to do in order to prevent him from doing like a stronger move yeah they waste a lot of time it's also very easy to get to have your finishers completely miss axel sometimes you have to put all these delays everywhere or you know even fast timing in certain spots why are we dying here Dex I'm really bad ok cool Swami who's the hardest character to fire right VIN yeah that is hopefully our last death of the revive we also get a medal there that's gonna give us some one extra strength yes that normally he would give you a championship belt would you give you a bunch of resistance I like two different elemental attacks now we don't need that I don't you want to get into this a little bit right here because I'm sure it was not like a million donations is such to read as we move up to a couple of sessions here so as you guys know there are Disney songs that will be sung during this levy song during each of the gummi missions we're actually only taking the top 5 this year so during the first 5 gummi missions first ones coming up here and about maybe 15 minutes or so right now so it's going to be whichever one has the most donations will be sunk first and we'll go in descending order so if you guys want to try to scythe I get one of those like 6 7 to 8 play songs get it up there I want to see my boys M he's got the 6th and 7th play songs right now he could either do go the distance from Hercules or hell fire from Hunchback I know tree Dom no the internet loves that song so try to get those donations they're all within like a couple hundred bucks of one another yeah and will like respects that we doing this for the first five five come email all them will happen within the first hour and a half of this run right now we're kind of in our little like mission area what they call it is a seven wonders there's seven wonders of this town and they need to go kind of examine each one because the kids are I don't know starting a detective agency or something anyways so these V DS basically he just tried to pull them all to the center of the arena those initial three cuz after that the spawns are random but if generally you're in the center you had a little bit easier time to kind of pick them off as you choose coming up here we've got a shadow Roxas this fight some specifics to understand about Roxas right off about he equipped the medal right there which again it's gonna give him that plus one strength that's gonna be equipped for the rest of the game so her count shows you how important it was to just go ahead and lose that sets or fight back there the medal is gonna have an immediate effect on this fight right here we're going to be doing a little bit more damage Roxas first two hits are interchangeable based on proximity to the enemy you're fighting so there's both a lunge and there's an overhead swing combos are incredibly difficult basically the shorter or the smaller an enemy is the harder it is to get off those constant air combos they made Roxas have kind of I like to think it's intentional because otherwise but Roxas kind of menial baggy-pants attentionally more clunky to use so that way when we get Sora later and you feel instantly more powerful and because of that doing air combos with him especially is incredibly difficult to do so anyways yeah let's just go enjoy because we've got basically we're going to be doing this minigame press triangle you win and then like you walk for a while so IDO cleared out some donations no problem we have a $10 donation from earthbound Ian's saying the KS community has been like a family to me I'm honored and blessed to be here in person and experi with it with the community love you baby and good luck and have fun man your boy Ian's actually on the couch back there cheering me on so thank you and I really thought Albert in his lap he has a sweet tattoo on his arm if you guys didn't see it on Twitter it was amazing amazing we have a $50 donation from Daniel that says I love Kingdom Hearts and I love Disney I am in GDQ heaven may the rng gods be ever in your favor all so let's get her in the song mix we can go to distance I heard them sing once was pretty cool oh he's here did you sign my shirt it's breathing patterns weren't too great though no no I agree it's okay he'll work on that he's a good boy we're moving on to the end of our seventh wonder here which is just to go investigate this mansion which seems a little bit weird might be coming back later gonna investigate a little bit more sure for now we're just gonna watch cutscene and how many times we have to come back to this mansion another donation out there we actually have a $500 donation from Avenger 339 saying hey BB when's the next plaque run those are uh well there's something hopefully the game doesn't crash but yeah sure all right so we're being introduced to our second enemy of the game here as soon as he finished off the second dusk it's gonna be an assassin here it is these assassins are pretty deadly again we're on critical mode and you haven't really seen him take any damage yet but there are some things that'll one-shot him as well as a lot of things that will - shot him or three shot him so he has to actually makes sure that he avoids that opening attack that the assassin gives and catches him in a combo quickly before you can get away yeah so a lot of it is about timing when your hit goes off because a lot of them will have kind of mechanic we just call super armor where they'll take damage but they won't actually stagger from anything so we have to time stuff pretty specifically super armor brick wall I like to call it fork wall but yeah so because you've been in a few more donations or walking down here this there's not much downtime in this game no problem we have a $10 donation from anonymous that says long time watch her first time donator love the marathon every year and this goes to hell fire by far the best Disney song I don't know what health is I want to hear it yeah no they will all make it happen please now I also wanted to say real fast I would love it I know everybody out there has been donating so generously and know a lot of your watching I would love it if we could hit nine hundred thousand dollars raised for Doctors Without Borders by the end of all the Kingdom Hearts stuff yeah so get on it people yeah we've never actually hit a million on Friday the second to last day are they'd be cool if we hit 900,000 during this and then push for a million during the morrow relay I know you guys can do it let's make it happen alright so now we're investigating to mention fun yeah we're we are almost out of rocks a section it's a pretty slower section which is the well-known tutorial section but yeah first about done here so we got two waves of enemies here we've got these four dusts again he's going to be trying to angle his attacks to where he's hitting multiple dusts at once once he kills three of these dusts it will spawn the second way so once that happens he's gonna want to kill one of these assassins move over time that who doesn't go to us yeah unfortunately so now he has to played a bit safe because the second assassin could try to take him out while he's killing the first it's looking like it might happen but he's gonna be able to retaliate just in time naturally excellent guard and he should be able to take him out here now little sloppy but not too bad alright as with a lot of RPGs Fights kind of can give you a million different patterns you got to be able to adapt to any of them alright so now we're in Super Saiyan form we got two key blades you'll be seeing this more later with Sora but he's basically going to be finishing up this combo that was actually two finishers they're linking it into an air combo it's gonna push him into the wall he has to mash out this triangle to make sure he gets the reaction man let him land to kind of set up this linking the air the ground combo into the air combo very nice so basically what you just saw out there with rocks is having a few Keyblade so it's kind of showcasing a mechanic in this game called Drive forms that we'll be seeing in just a little bit with Sora a lot of shadowing and one mechanic of it is that you know normally again because finishers are so strong we'd like to get that to them as quickly as possible by pressing square while you're in that form you can go straight into it enjoy how quick map menus are yeah now restaura so we immediately steal all of our party members items cool man yeah we can use it a lot better we use our party members items a lot better we also set them to party attack which basically you can change how your allies will attack enemies you can change their their AI behavior and party attack will allow will make them focus on enemies that you are not attacking with Sora yeah coming up here we have the summit fight there are three different ways you can end this fight one you can either just deal enough hits to all the different enemies you can just wait an out-of-time that's obviously the slowest way always to do it or we can die because we're on critical mode we can do that pretty quickly in three hits actually and that's the other reason we took all the potions and also unequipped cure from Donald so you wouldn't stop us from taking a death abuse right here nice obviously that does cost you on getting potential experience there it is worth noting on critical mode they actually you only get 75% of the experience that you would get for any of the other difficulties so let us flow down your leveling a little bit but we have ways to get around that yeah it's kind of this dance of where do I take my death abuse and where do I actually go for some experience where do I kill something along the way that is not necessarily required in order to get a big chunk of experience it's a pretty big part of the routing of critical mode since we actually do get old the experience really doesn't matter now our friendly shadows are back hey you like these guys they're the worst one me in the game say it right now yeah the worst sending me in every game yeah they like to go underground go into 2d mode as we call it and just waste a bunch of time it's great you'll see them picking up ethers here and potions potions are just good because they're actually a lot faster in this game than they are in kh1 you pop them you get a lot of health pack ethers they actually effectively almost like nerve to the amount of ethers that were all over the place in Kingdom Hearts 2 when you go to key marks 2 final mix because they realize how powerful they were there's only like 4 or 5 chests in the game where I shouldn't be grabbing them from you're also just kind of a general theme is you're you're noticing bloody using a lot more air combos air combos are just faster because once you land on the ground it resets the animation you don't have to like wait for an entire ground combo to go off but obviously like it's pretty obnoxious having to do air combos on these tiny tiny little lemmings there we go thanks that's job Donald yes I moved from it's not for you this one's for Donald who's a physical we're gonna have another wave coming up here shortly where we're gonna be introduced to soldiers we're also returning from Kingdom Hearts 1 so soldiers have a reaction command in this game which is pretty cool yeah action commands are pretty good as cyclone it's a big swipe sweeping attack that can hit multiple enemies so he's gonna bait it out and try and bait it out by hitting the sky three times I didn't actually get at that time so we're just gonna kill him we're gonna try again when they get all via soldier responds to right here gonna try hit him three times there we go got the double nice bill get to the other one shot there we go no good job doozy alright yeah our hands are gonna be sold Oh My yes hey you top darling goopy does anything I'm gonna clap for it all right so like I said experiences pretty big part of this run so he kills that enemy right on the way yeah I come home up the stairs it's not like it really wastes any time at all and it's just free experience and money it's just kind of a cute little thing that I like to do episode I mean talk to yen SID and there's gonna jump on his table and talk to them yeah it's pretty normal oh nice you didn't talk to her yeah so our clothes are a little bit too small for us right now so we need to get some new ones and we get a new drive for a drive for our first drive form as well which is the the full-out formed valor form of what you saw with that last fight with Roxas against Axl probably fit in one quick donation no problem we have $100 donation from death puffer saying okay a thousand dimes IBB hope your run goes well and remember to be the blitzball shoutouts ff10 dude the game so that our forum is both useful I mean obviously for dealing damage but also to just move faster you'll notice one of the other weird things here is we've lost augu fee rather we've lost goofy that's because when you use a dry form you rely on the strength of one or both of your party members or sometimes none but we'll get into that later all right so start off with a reversal here to try to line this up go right into his double finisher again for me on crit and he's no samurais wants to get rid of this guy in melee because he what if he gets going he can mess up the final agro okay yeah there's a lot of like the kind of waves of enemies that come in in this game some of them based on you just kill an entire river enemies and then another wave will spawn some of them are set to like specific sets of enemies that need to go away and then they'll spawn and so bloody new right there he had to kill a second dusk and that's what would have spawned the samurai to note there's a chest in this area that bloody could pick up for safety later and this guy's such a madman he's just gonna completely we're gonna grab I'm not scared we're good all right this fights a little bit on the tough side especially early game you guys can explain it yeah this fight has dust it has creepers as assassins and the earth has Samurai and the worst enemy in this game is Leon he sucks did you want him to go so the reason why we're killing these enemies in the back is to make Leon target the enemies up at the gage we want to stay up there this is looking good because what's gonna happen is after you kill all five of these a bunch of samurai are going to spawn with creepers around them and we want to use the semis or reaction command dual stance yet dual stance is a very cool rush tremendous yield guard here I'll hit triangle and then have to look for the end command appear on either a killer all of them neither nice dual stance here could probably take out a couple dusts as well no no they were gonna just so now he's gonna just because why not at this point and now it's time to clean up some dusts you can see Leon likes to hit things and knock them up the air how do you Leon's actually towards the gate so all these guys are rounded up I need a good lock on there we go yeah trying to obviously line it up toward the blizzards are hitting everything I want that collateral damage that's one good thing about blizzard there we go we didn't really mention it but we did get magically we got a blizzard back soon it was a fast explanation of how magic works in this game our first song magic is a lot more varied than you used to be in cage one they actually kind of gave a for example like when we get fire you'll see us sort of kind of a barrier that around Sora Blizzard is sort of a projectile shotgun thing what's cool about this game is that they made magic combo in a similar way that physical hits do and you can interchange them as well so like one physical hit magic another physical hit will lead to a finisher and it won't actually sort of break it apart and you can get we get a lot of really interesting setups and combos out of it it's a lot of utility I cool uh we're gonna be getting our first song coming up here which is I'll make a man out of you from Mulan and the main reason is because well we're going to the Mulan world and you donated for and you donated yeah that too all right are we ready to go you guys gonna sing with me right yeah let's do this [Applause] thank you all right let's get down to business to defeat the Huns send me daughters when I asked for sons you're the saddest bunch I've ever met but you can bet before we're through mister I'll make a man out of you tranquil as a forest but on fire within once you find your center you are sure to win you're spineless pale pathetic lots and you haven't got a clue somehow I'll make a man out of you oh I'm never gonna catch my breath boy I was a fool in school for cutting Jim hope he doesn't see right through me no I really wish that I knew how to swim be a man must be swift as a coursing River all the force of a great typhoon oh man all the strength of a raging fire mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon time is racing toward us until the Huns arrive heed my every order and you might survive you're unsuited for the rage of war so pack up go home you through how could I make a man out of you Oh be a man you must be swift as a coursing River man with all the force of a great typhoon with all the strength of a raging fire mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon come on chat with me be a man you must be swift as a coursing River with all the force of a great typhoon with all the strength of a raging fire mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon all right now come play the video again you hit it beautiful we're doing all right all right so you saw how slow that menu went now and now we'll get to see how fast bloody doesn't it's trying to warn you oh did you guys get tripped up on that I apologize all right so we're in land of dragons now as you might have told by the song and now we're actually going to be doing this little fight before we head into a few missions and it features a lot of shadows and nightwalkers which are not very fun enemies but that went pretty quickly we're gonna be using valor a lot throughout this world because our main form of movement right now it's also so all your different drive forms watching level up as you use them from different things valor for in particular levels up from just dealing hits with it so right here instead of him just going straight to the finisher like I said you could do with it instead they tried it time you can't guard while you're in dollar form so next a little more dangerous as you saw there on the left side it just went up to level 2 meaning every time you use it after now he'll have one more kind of drive gauge to work with making it last a little bit longer swapping and Donald right there because Donald's Thunder is actually really strong yeah and once he took out the night walkers he just completely reverted from the drive form because fire is really good for AoE especially with these shadows are in the ground Zippity too on top of that he needs to actually build his drive up again and your drive builds up as you deal damage to enemies and sometimes magic really builds it up very quickly yes we got a couple waves for this fire right here we first all these shows he's just gonna wait to kind of drag them all to the middle bait them all in and then use fires now once they're all gone he'll have three nightwalkers to deal with here put one full for hit combo will take out each of them so he's a little bit worried that one of them might attack him there some went with the fire to be safe now he's got an assault Rider these enemies are very dangerous but he needs to make sure that he or he knows rather when he's going to attack and how to avoid it got to know nightwalkers and one assault rider here donald usually is gonna mess around with that other night Walker that's fine he's just gonna focus on the assault Rider right here but pushing him away from the night Walker yeah the night Walker didn't bother him says pretty good mission mission 2 is the hardest of the three and very easy to die on now the most annoying one is definitely this last one mission 3 they all of them spawned pretty much one at a time so he's got first of all see we can snipe this idiot nice that's a lot of movement time a lot harder than it looks and now he'll be using fire for most of the shadows here because fire does that does damage the entire time it's spinning around you so you can use it while they're still under the ground but about to come up to try to catch them before they go right back under again there we go the double I actually didn't know that shot through the time so I promise I run this game alright here now we got some night workers to take care of and then we're gonna be going back into valor form for some movement immediately after this mission which is why I swapped goofy back in it's like I said you need goofy for valor form also the explosion to go any dry forms when you're going super saying can kill them as well can deal damage as well so just cuts out the time having to watch and go into those forms it was much more important on the prior versions of this game like ps2 and ps3 ps4 like we said cut out all the loads now you pretty much have used the drive form you go it instantly even so alright we're climbing up this mountain there are three rock walls we have to bust through here which you have to use a reaction can in order to get through there nice that a little subtle lock on here at all nice action right there little subtle lock on Hildy right there there's lots of subtle just where you want it which enemy you want to lock on to and what angle you want to go at them from in order to catch other enemies in attacks now here is actually spawning both of these nightwalkers but not killing them because normally an assault rider will spawn right here in front of this wall but if there are two night crawlers on screen they are night crawlers yeah it's they're cool yeah there are enemies on screen I can't load it yeah he's moving into the next fight the cave fight where his party will change goofy rather will be removed from his party so he'll automatically revert from Balor form he's going to this fight without valor he'll be using quite a bit of magic on the shadows here as you can see there are a lot of them but first he's gonna take out this assault rider because he is a big pain yeah what waiting for him to bait out that attack and then jumping over the attack now he's going to try to get them in this corner once again just to keep them hitting all of them with fires he does he's trying to not use a third fire which would actually count as a finisher because it will knock them all away so he just fence a couple of hits there make sure to spawn in the rest of those shadows after he's killed enough for them and then pulled him back again and luckily it was all drop health as well so even though he got hit a couple times he's still pretty safe now he has to pay attention of which assault writer uses which attack and he's gonna take out this one while keeping a close eye on the second one and luckily he didn't get in the way very nice so we're having a pretty good fight here yeah you're given the leniency of getting in three very nice yep so now Goofy's back in our party so what do you think we're gonna do move our fast bala form now to note there will be more there'll be better options for movement later on this is just all we have access to really right now they gave you those skateboards in the Roxas section but those are gonna be almost non-existent throughout the rest of the game alright so this is probably another good place for donations what's happening here on the summit fight or up up here is that he's gonna have to just take out as many heartless as he can to get as much money and experience as he can before I think it's a minute run to note not all of these heartless are actually loaded with hit boxes and stuff even though you can see all of them so that's why he can't necessarily just take out all of them at once with was some magic or something but yeah we can get some donations in no problem we have a $10 donation from we are group that says Kingdom Hearts is and always will be my favorite franchise to see this game again brings back wonderful memories hopefully we will see the Kingdom Hearts 3 at a sgdq 2018 2020 - [Music] Thank You GU for the donation we have a $50 donation from nets monkey that says I wanted to donate during one of my favorite games of my childhood i will donate another 50 if the couch doesn't impersonation of their favorite characters from the Kingdom Hearts series Luke I have to think about it you found your first love any failed you - yeah I like Billy Zane okay yeah now ping has actually turned into a new character she has turned into Mulan so we just got a our first limit of the game her her red rocket which will see one usage of here in a little bit but once again even though we're only gonna be in valor form here for like a few screens it's still faster to use the explosion I move with it one of the nice things about the ps4 version as we mentioned they removed basically all the loads which allows us to do some cool map warps that we couldn't do but a little safe or upright there save some time gets us down to the bottom of the mountain just like that all you don't get the fire bangle there we already bought it didn't we no he did not I don't think he did I did no no I just I just hooked it okay a new bike didn't so our great commentators alright anyway there's a reason why I'm playing the video game there was singing going on I love you guys don't I look at like a minute long menu there's alright anyways here's red red rocket this is the limit that Spike was alluding to earlier limits allow you to team up with party members and generally they have a triangle action and an action at the top of your command menu there so a lot of triangle uses gets rid of all the nightwalkers and then needs to set up a face alright alright so that's the first time that two of them have survived so that's okay that's my that's never happened before there's just range miss how the fireballs will drop down so alright shun you our final boss of land of dragons right here so there's an HP gay this is like it's the first instance of a gamer overseeing HP gates where the game just wants them to you what's the player to get to see all the content to the game and see the second phase so he's actually going to slow down as combo once he gets to that point first up he's gonna bait out this reaction command deflect it and then use it because he has reaction boost on critical mode that does a big old chunk of damage so the bought the HP gay it's gonna be a and just like a few hits from now so he's going to right here slow down very very good get out of that on a potion I'm gonna go for a parry actually instead of a guard gotta watch the health bar here you'll see how much that reaction command does big chunk see you nerds that's the end of land dragons all right so what's our second dizzy song that's better about setting this one up oh these are so fast looks like it's gonna be a whole new world alright really let's the start moving well whoever's doing it alright we good to go hello hi you like to escape the palace see the world do you trust me yes I can show you the world shining shimmering splendid tell me princess now when did you last let your heart decide I can open your eyes take you wonder by wonder over sideways and under on a magic carpet ride a whole new world a new Fantastic point of view no one to tell us to know where to go or say we're only dreaming a dazzling place I never knew but when I'm Way up here it's crystal clear then now I'm in a whole new world now I'm in a whole new world with you [Music] indescribable feelings soaring tumbling freewheeling through an endless diamond sky a whole new don't you dare close your eyes it's better I'm like I've come so far I can't go back to where I knew horizons to meet I'll chase them anywhere it's time to spare let me share this whole new world with you a whole new [Music] that's where we'll be a thrilling change one dress please for you and me thank you for your donations look at you go you're gonna die and what's best is now you don't have to do any menus I was like oh I hope a whole new world ends before we get to the next week's all right so yeah we never really explained it but gummi missions are autoscrollers of the guys there are no way they're just kind of how we Traverse between worlds you see there's all these borders between the worlds right and there's usually a lot of like bad stuff going on in the worlds we need to break those down yeah because they need a lot of doctors over there yeah so we really were really just kind of opening these borders up so we can get the doctors across the borders no do we have any donations that are oh I have plenty of donations no we're done we're just gonna be walking to Haiti no problem I have a twenty five dollar donation from anonymous that says this community is one of the best good luck bloody this goes to Spike's choice I'll donate another 25 we can get spikes best impression of Kingdom huts is light Kingdom Hearts here's some real talk y'all gotta realize we never watched the customs of these games so when I was like 12 and I heard that and maybe that Adam asked me to explain the story once it didn't go so it's probably like Luther's like that three-hour lecture on the Kingdom Hearts like a serious story I thought Final Fantasy games were complicated no problem I have a 15 dollar donation from Super Saiyan 5 that says good luck buddy have loved the series from the start and always enjoyed seeing it crushed never hit a million on Friday huh all right spike I'll give my part here fifteen bucks to your choice for the inspiration 1 million hype oh my god I love that this is probably the only game in which you can say we're just walking to Hades not all that interesting you know we just want to say hi it's just a real casual strut by the way we're still walking to Haiti so keep going at over all right Prince of the universe donates $10 that says I'll donate another 10 if someone on the couch just attempts to explain the entire plot of Kingdom Hearts and no more and no less than 10 words tax go alright kid with key save the universe there you go nailed it hell yeah alright so Hades escape this is one of the most punishing potential deaths he can have in the run is gonna be working with Oren here who has a limit himself we're going to try to not use that try to kind of conservative limit it completely depletes your MP and MP is a great way to deal damage stay safe so the first thing he's doing is he locked on to that shadow on the ground and then he used the fire on all of those hook bats because their reaction command is also very powerful that hook bat or a bat cry in order to just hit everything around you so we got three different tiers we have to work for here going into the second tier he's gonna get into this corner Hades is being a jerk and there's nothing you can do - he's having a tap - here normally he would have liked to do some Blizzard spam on these enemies but because of Hades position he's having to make this up on the fly Oh taking one hit there but he's got a Lancet ugh RC now so we should be good there takes out the second Lance soldier those are really the more difficult enemies on this platform he was able to pop off a quick potion there so we're going into the final tier but there's actually two waves of heartless here he's first gonna move off to the right side hit a hook that drop to the ground that will bait out his back cry and hopefully be able to just about kill each of these Lancers Hades just keeps coming right up to him and he's really not letting okay how many of you warren kind of deflecting so we got once get like you can kind of see how quickly that health is going down he's only working with two second wave of enemies now he's gonna again use bat cry but he's gonna try to make sure their kids all of the enemies in this especially that large body there and that was safe play it safe go straight into orange limit I don't like Hades position right there anytime you use a limit that uh just like the Milan limit we use earlier you're completely invulnerable while the limit is still going on but as soon as it ends you could be hit I've seen this before a very very difficult thing to do on protocol mode I'm sure if you've tried it at home you probably died there several hundred times I died once walking into that loading zone while a fireball night to be in the back cold blooded that's a great fight lost two minutes it was great Hado you got a donation yes I do I actually have $100 donation from Bizkit zero four seven I says bloody it's the other biscuit my brother everyone is catching on a butter secret about being brothers I blame aces Christmas card photo anyway I'm donating ten dollars per death don't make me homeless just good luck on your run donation goes to runners all right turn back there are a few more enemies that can kill you my god well if you're owing us $10 per death I got some bad news cuz here comes Cerberus oh no yes I am counting that I'm holding you to that one so there's this weird mouse creature on screen Mickey Mouse is a mechanic in the game where any time you die on certain certain boss battles certain fights Mickey has a chance to show up and Mickey just happens to do a lot more damage dancer than Sora kind of service quickly and is a lot safer and on top of that we know 100% that Mickey will show up in this fight there are only I think in fact seven or eight specific fights that Mickey can show up in the first time you die in one of those fights in this instance service he knows he's going to severe the first time you die in one of those fights Mickey will show up 100% of the time like the second time don't you drop like 85% or something I know the exact numbers but ideally that is the only time we're gonna see Mickey called the entire run you might use him as a backup if he dies somewhere but other than that he's not guaranteed so we don't rely on him the other thing about Mickey is that like really early on in the game his damage scales like dramatically so that he does a lot more damage than anything else that I could have done right there so that's why that's like super fast later on in the game his pearl damage is pretty bad it doesn't scale well so we're just not gonna be hopefully not seeing him much later on and now we're in a more familiar part of Olympus Coliseum which is kind of the actual Coliseum itself the entire time before this we've been in the underworld we got to do some urn training yeah we're gonna have to kill a bunch of urns here we need to pick up 20 orbs for this first mission and then the second one we have to pick up a hundred and other than that it's really just kind of combo them and try to form them into large groups and wait for the bigger and B spawn in the second one so you could probably throw in about two more donations no problem we have $100 donation from Beckworth that says hey guys back here missing all of you guys generate can't get here fast enough good luck BB I know you're gonna do well I'll see you at agdq thank all of my money is going towards Hellfire because I can only imagine how good it will sound with Zen's voice yo so what's like the standings right now of Disney songs third place log and we're doing on in descending order it's a very very close match actually right now with Little Mermaid part of your world and actually Wow Beauty and the Beast guests on there like just about like $100 like difference yeah and then you have Hellfire right after a guest on that it's also like only like ten dollar difference from those twos so I make it happen between Hellfire and the six songs free between a Hellfire and guests on it's like a ten dollar okay again we are doing the top five songs guys I think water you put like twelve songs in there may be yours in ten I put ten tens the top five let show up pretty quickly so get those donations in fast right there he just put he just picked up and equipped the power you rather use the power boost that's the only power boost we're gonna see in the entire game so yeah so it gives you a power boost believe it or not crypt a couple of abilities and also switched the customize of Donald and Goofy there to Sora attack which what is Sora attack so sore attacks actually like a really unique AI and mechanic in this game where it turns them off from doing any attacks they'll only heal you and give you items goofy that was sick that was pretty good his shields is a giant it just running blind nail picked up another ether on his way he's gonna be meeting another one of the organization members the evil crew of bad guys he's going to be meeting another one of the members just like axel earlier on this is gonna be demyx yeah and so we're actually not really fighting gimmicks himself he's going one of his gimmicks is gonna spawn a hundred water 100 yeah sure a hundred water clones right here and the basic idea is when you hit them they go from this kind of more like human life form into a musical note form then you can use a ration command from them called wild dance the hardest part about it is that Sora's auto lock on is constantly changing to just like whatever is closest to him or whatever specific angle you might be standing at so it's really hard to control it considering it jumps in three phases like that you want to stay close to demux because that's where the other water clones will spawn from on top of that if you ever don't catch a reaction command in time it will one shot you yes because so they'll turn into note form and then you got a handful of seconds to use them and then they'll yeah critical mogul one-shot they do a lot of damage even on big dinner for whatever reason they really punish you yeah probably one of the most oddly that enemy in particular is one of the most damaging enemies in the entire game yeah we also haven't really been explained I don't know if we explained it or not but we couldn't use valor form all throughout Olympus Coliseum when we're in the underworld verse it's just something you're locked out of it's a story thing but now beating Denix there now we can use it which is denoted by if you look at the UI look at Sora's UI in the bottom right corner his icon that drive the max since it's there that means we can use our drive forms now yeah and he's into the peep fight now the reason he's not really going up in attacking Pete right now is Peters two phases the first phase is completely timed it's just you need to survive now I'm gonna make him orb there and you should spawn them right here there we go so all he's trying to do right now is kill off the waves of enemies as fast as he possibly done because if he's very quick then Pete will actually summon a third wave of enemies it's also important to note that Meg she's got her damage meter in the top-left corner if she can also die in that would end the fight shoutouts to my friend Andre who actually had Meg died in here because of the bats just destroyed her with that crowd his face Oh baby but when that happened was pretty poor oh we got one extra we got one right so now into the real Pete fight in this fight is really awful you die you go all the way back to before the timed fight alright nice so he's going to dodge those those go Sammy's those dose enemies are very very powerful no try to looks like he only used one that cry right there you could see those little missiles just following and falling and we were hoping it wouldn't hit him that little ghost fart was following you the whole time so there was blood he was kind of using a technique where he was never using the finisher which would have caused a lot of recovery time a lot of recovery animation and making sure he was just constantly using those quick air hits one two one two one two one two and then dropping down to reset them over and over again so that people wouldn't potentially go into his pinball and after beating Pete you actually get access to an ability called Trinity limit which is incredibly useful and does this it's the it's the perfect tool for this sort of fight yeah the way it works says three different types the attack that you can see in the bottom left corner that you can use for it that all add up to this hit counter and then once you finish the the attack once you use try to hit you know triangle square X again you can it will use a finisher which will do more damage the more hits that you got an hour on his back and then use the RC which will knock these three heads down instead of having to fight them while they're up in the air he also equipped a Thurs into his actual inventory earlier because we he's been picking them up but he hasn't really been using them yet they're gonna be pretty useful in this fight there is the potential he might not have to use the ether so he used Trinity limit back there once he's definitely gonna have to use the second time you see it's just some time to where as NP recharged right there now he's going to lock onto a specific head and use and use two more phases of Trinity hopefully bring a quick fill here a lot of it is kind of love depending here on what a head pattern I get so we're just gonna have to see what happens so if you guess I'm also in a weird position so it gets the quick kill this is gonna be his last Trinity you see in this one okay that's a good pet pattern okay so [Music] okay so now having to alternate between these heads as they swing around and while you're still trying to dodge all of these purple orbs flying at you very close right now good job good stuff that saves an ether and also potentially like 15 seconds yes instead of having to use another Trinity limit ethers are pretty tight in this route they're just they took most of them out of the original Kingdom arts too so we have to be pretty careful with not just spamming them all the time plus the more you pick up the more time it takes so you really got to try to use less if you can all right so now instead of actually jumping right into an excavation and going to beast castle this is forced after you beat two of these Disney worlds they come back and they want to show you the Hundred Acre Wood we don't have to actually go here and like collect pages and go into the mini-games but once they force us in here technically twice this is where we're gonna get our first summon of the run and Chicken Little is quite useful throughout the run you're gonna see him used a lot I'm gonna do a little Keyblade change here that's a big reason why we went to olympus call us and was to get Hiro's crest has a good ability our combo boost to boost our air combos what a surprise and does a little bit more damage so good stuff all right soldiers are strong so you know those fights we can death abuse through again all those fights can end in one of three ways you either just waste enough time you deal enough hits that one you can just end the fight by killing all of them or you can just take enough damage so now that he's done with that we're gonna be coming up to the next coming mission which also means the next song so arrow what's it gonna be oh my goodness it was such a close one but we are doing Hunchback of Notre Dom with Hellfire thank God we don't have to do a kill mission yes bloody can take care of that one alright so again guys we're gonna be doing five total of these this is number three you only got two left [Music] Sam I love you check okay cool click-clack alright since I'm way less professional than these two dude I'll string you over the phone as well you know I am a righteous man of my virtue I am justly proud they are huh Maria you know I'm so much purer than the common Volga week licensure why I see her dancing there why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul I feel her I see her the Sun caught in her raven hair is blazing in me out of all the control like fire hell fire this fire in my skin this burning desire is turning me to sin it's not my fault I'm not to blame it is the gypsy girl law which was sent this flame it's not my fault if it God's plan he made the devil so much stronger than a man protect me Maria don't let this siren cast a spell don't let her fire sear my flesh and moon destroy Esmeralda and let her taste the fires of hell or as let her be mine and mine alone Hellfire dark fire now gypsy it's your turn choose me or your pyre be mine or you will burn and God have mercy on her God have mercy on me but she will be mine unbelievable did we are rockin the Houston lab that donation total it's getting pretty close I 842 thousand guys 900,000 by the end of all the Kingdom Hearts stuff you got a few hours left let's make it happen beast castle what is happening so beast castle were introduced to the beasts yeah yeah yeah he cool but the very beginning cameron ii have to fight some shadows or just use some fire on some shadows you could again die to this one but it's pretty quick to just use some fires into that valor explosion there to take them out going to be buying a sardonyx ring here that's gonna give them some extra AP and interests ring yes plus one strength plus one AP we're gonna get an extra accessory slot later on so we needed some extra strength strength is probably the most important stat in the entire run we also didn't really explain this at the very beginning of the game but another benefit of critical mode in addition to all these extra abilities you gay and that your damage is actually increased is that you also get 50 bonus AP right at the start of the run ability points in order to equip all of your abilities so that allows us to not have to pick up ap boosts all around the area so that's the only like additional ap we'll be getting ourselves through equips now we get a fun little minigame here where you try for a two-cycle and never get it do never decide if this is like actually I think or not it always looks like it it doesn't it look like it and right after this we're gonna be fighting the next Vash the boss the first boss of this world which is threshold er threshold er is one of those fights that actually surprisingly is a lot nicer on crit on runners anyways because in every other version of the run you can actually one cycle the boss but in and it's usually very difficult and you lose a ton of time if you miss it but luckily in this version you actually can't but instead we get to use Chicken Little our first summon chicken with us a cool property where help pull enemies that are far away from you closer in and group them together and stun them and so he does that to get rid of the gargoyles then again to take out the gargoyles sorry I said that already but then again to finish off the boss first but you're the first phase of the boss yeah he's the perfect crowd control all right good stuff so a lot of this fight thank you it was pretty hard a lot of this fight is dictated around getting a lot of experience so that's why I went after a lot of a heartless we're gonna be needing that experience in the next world so and we're not gonna be seeing any other heartless so I get it now there's a lot of little centage to how Chicken Little works but we'll get into that more in the next world one thing if you want to go ahead and point out what's nice about walking in here a Chicken Little out oh yes so anytime the game changes your party members forcibly like anytime it puts Donald and Goofy walking around here instead of their [ __ ] actors right now exactly instead of actually helping you fight or anything like that and anytime it does that the game it has to you know stop your use of a summon or a dry form anything like that and as long as you have that out the game will automatically give you maximum Drive because they didn't want to you know have you just immediately use valor form then immediately lose it lose all your drive so it's actually a mechanic that we're gonna abused quite a bit in order to make sure that we have maximum Drive at the ends of certain areas yak is using valor form and other forms later on we'll use up three or four total drive points right now we only have three that we're working with also using summons those summons will also use up your drive bars all summons will use up 3/2 note all right now we are making our way over to beast who is possessed by like anger and stuff like that whatever we needed knock some sense into him so not a lot to this fight you do need to use Cogsworth suri action command to initially stun him and if bloody does this right he should be able to get in a one cycle here yep yep there we go right as faeces retaliate and he finished him off so then another reaction man from Cogsworth he finishes off the fight Oh God so now we're gonna be putting beast into the fight again he also has a specific I worlds we are a character a specific limit to I'm called howling Ming yeah and even before that we're gonna you know just kind of mess with him here so he doesn't really attack the enemy way there we go okay and then we're gonna put on upper slash which is a combo modifier we'll get into in a little bit also taking beasts items just like with every party member and now we get to feel like gonna be a little safe this marathon but yeah yeah nice ps4 save warp in order to move over to bells room when we find out she's not there and then safe we're immediately back out and go to the parlor again this is how fast the load times here we get to utilize this a lot more it is actually roughly the same speed from what I understand whether you use that save warp or not what's nice about it is we can use valor form to have to move less of a distance we're gonna we're gonna have to use a two in two fights so we're gonna need as much of it as possible little subtle thing right here at the beginning if you move towards him he'll do a certain attack but if you just move backwards instead that'll make him go into the ground now he's going to dodge this attack now bother attacking him yet I'm gonna go up in the chandelier this shock wave does not hurt you by the way what for whatever reason now he's going to try to actually attack him in a specific direction shooting him back out there now we're gonna go for windowless do we get it dude that is a lot harder than it looks by the way and that's just one of two fights that are chained together here so you see that he has about one and a half bars of a dry form there that's going to carry over into this next fight he's gonna start in Balor for Nia so he's gonna start off with a bunch of Orbis it's gonna make it really really difficult to actually hit him and it's also very dangerous to me I can only take three of these so he does quick double right through there reverts and then he's going to jump onto a beast limit twin how it's gonna use some damage from beast limit and this also just gonna help manipulate the the Boston not you know kind of move around and go into a very long time wasting attack then he uses upper slash that ability that combo modifier we talked about before knock him into the air finish remark [Applause] that fight gets incredibly obnoxious if you don't do that very for us specifically because they'll start jumping up engine into the chandelier swinging around all the pillars and everything it's really not a fun time it's kind of a common theme in Kingdom Hearts where if you damage them out quite a bit they're gonna start using their more powerful attacks they're crazier attacks to guard and just survive in general so a lot of times we'll try to get them trace very specific HP level like he was there right before Meis limit no that was dope you can walk on two worlds and unlike warp right in front of them so to be pretty tight tag but yeah so we'll be trying to like get them to a specific bar and then just try to melt all of it and kind of one hyper-extended combo law of the time now we're at Disney Castle we're just you know things have gone bad tents happened when the Kings way yeah so it what ends up happening here is we're orange you lose valour because once again we're gonna lose Donald and Goofy and then we're actually after you do to escort missions here with many now many it might be an escrow mission but she's the one doing all the work in these these fights or whatever you want to call them if you stand right next to her and use her pearl reaction command she does this this got'em right past you told me you work done do that yes it's in the next one oh I'm sorry I messed that for you all right you deserve that I think ideally Minnie never gets hit and you can keep constantly bringing her over and having her yes her getting hit at the end of the dash isn't nearly that bad because she gets the full distance and you can still use the reaction command pretty quickly it's if she gets hit like as I'm going right here like if she gets it before she moves we're good so she can only move every time you call her she only moves a certain distance so it's actually faster just to move then up to her and use the Pearl reaction command to sort of reset her and then be able to call her again immediately yeah we get a second escort mission here where we're gonna let Etta talk for a little bit just before that I want to point out that at the end of this mission he's also going to get that extra accessory slot and equipped that sardonyx ring he bought earlier so I gotta go for it at all all right oh my goodness we have a 15 dollar donation from suzushiro that says now i want to buy the official soundtrack to games done quick the musical which is a really weird hodgepodge of Disney songs apparently and one Aria and one we have a one thousand dollar donation through anonymous thank you a nominee I says Kingdom Hearts is one of my favorite video game series so I had to donate during it the runners commentator singers and announcer are doing a great job making this an awesome run to watch 900 k hype 846 let's go up 7000 since I looked back there like five minutes ago so let's go guys we we also got a thirteen hundred dollar donation from Vans gamer that is a number saying hey it's fangamer these live performances of Disney songs are amazing keep up the good work you're melting our hearts oh I'll take all the credit because we have $100 donation from anonymous that says here's my favorite game growing up is singing part of your world if it wins no let's make it happen yet yeah you want to see my song guess it's on you may be perfect anyways timeless rivers so this is where you're gonna check your speakers or headphones and wonder what went on with the game audio they just kind of you know went with this old timey look and old-time you feel with the sound they're going for the aesthetics yeah it's it's pretty cool this is an old-timey Pete on top of that that was pretty easy once again there kind of a another usage of that getting in so many hits with the automatic air hits and then dropping to reset the combo and then going for it cuz once he like it gets hit with a finisher and he falls to the ground he'll a lot of times jump up and run around you can't control yeah alright so chicken little this is chicken little world there's a lot of specifics out chicken little work the main ideas you need chicken little be right next to you and all the enemies on screen to be far away that's what will kind of get him to pull them back in so you saw you hit him with those thunder with that thunder knocking up in the air and then he sucked them right back down now we're gonna be using the middle for the reaction fans as all the new waves of enemies spawn so let's gonna do a cheeky little fire here on top of the direction I mean I don't think it quite landed on the knows he's got to drop back down not bad not bad at all now there are the best that could have gone without actually getting all of the RCS to kill yeah and there are four of these windows will be used in Chicken Little and three out of the four of them mm-hmm a lot of specifics to this fire right here oh yeah bloody you probably know more a little more than yes we're gonna suck these guys in at the very beginning and then we want Chicken Little to be very precisely positioned so that as these guys spawn they also get sucked in like while they're in midair so right here perfect all right get the double fire here we're in a position chicken little over here so that he'll whistle okay he might do that it's okay not the end of the world gonna go for a combo all right he pulled them right back in I just do some cleanup now I want all four of these guys to be sucked in here we go that's what I'm looking for there's gonna be one more random hammer anime that pops in after these guys their last resort all right next time honestly it's that if I can go just like a myriad of ways and you can just easily die to to like the airplane so I'm okay with that and the Hammers have a ground shake attack once they hit the ground they shock wave once again Chicken Little comes out and the enemies come in all right need him to whistle these guys in well most of them a couple of them went underground so you might have to do a little bit of cleanup here at this guy days so now we have hot rods which are some of the more frustrating frustrating enemies in this game especially casually they have this a kind of big super armored attack when they get really low which is unfortunately really hard to deal with casually but with chicken little he'll actually throw a firecracker Adam a baseball Adam and knock him up in the air which lets us steal them top of that he could just kind of pull him in he can finish him off with physical combos okay and he's done that one with the baseball I get the feeling we're gonna get berserk here yeah we are okay now I'm looking for baseball I think there we go my boy take them littles got my back yeah yeah that hot rod while it was kind of sitting there dancing stuff it was completely and vulnerable from attacks from surah so have to wait on Chicken Little to use the baseball yeah so we're not gonna actually use Chicken Little this time around because we aren't gonna get that drive refill that those guys we're talking about so instead we're gonna be using a Trinity limit on these guys but in a really weird way yeah he's gonna kill off the second wave and then he's going to just move into the wall and shoot it with the mega overdrive portion yeah there's a minimum amount of damage that train limit will do when it hits the finisher and that will kill all of these rapid thrusters so he just wants to get to that finisher as quickly as possible you have to always use one at least one of those three phases up to all three in order to actually get that finisher and now we get to go back into valor form we're gonna go fight both Pete on about and yeah so valor actually even increases the damage along with reaction boost for these attacks right here just hitting the trash back at him now with bloody is actually Wally's kind of waiting to get on this hook he's going to open up his chest giving him a synth item and we'll get to that later in the game in a few hours so yeah that synth item is really not gonna be useful until the very end now yeah at any random time that reaction command will pop up that will fling you over if you do not press triangle comes over yeah that's extremely unlucky unfortunately pretty bad luck normally almost always he's gonna let you get in to fall combos which is important because that finisher does a lot of damage yeah the problem is that when you're using a finisher you're locked out from using the robot man so that's why bloody wasn't able to hit it there yeah so he'll a lot of times do to focus and then switch to one twos so does recovery time is better but now we're coming up to the first fight where we want to really explain a pretty crucial concept in this game called revenge value a lot of important boss mechanics this is probably the most important one yeah we're gonna be fighting Pete for the second and final time here and revenge value is this weird concept in the game that determines win enemies will retaliate like when they'll attack you back otherwise you know if you just kept hitting them over and over they would never retaliate and every boss to be completely easy so you need to let them break out in some manner it turns out that the way that they did that is they have a value in the game that is just a number it says like 14 or something when Pete hits number 14 for revenge value can see four point five twelve point five every single attack in the game does different amounts of ads different amounts to that counter to that revenge value so a single hit might only add one but a fire might add three or something or my dad too so he's actually doing all of his combo specifically to manipulate the revenge value so that he knows exactly when Pete will be retaliating so he doesn't accidentally die in this fight and here in the final phase boy he's gonna try to get a slide - in a second hit in here because then that's going to allow him to only have to use two reaction commands to kill this nerd if you didn't quite understand revenge value from that quick explanation don't worry we'll bring it up again and again especially later at the like near the end of this run we are right here at our fourth out of our five busy signs our instincts are IDO what are going to be doing cool boy this was a really close one but it looks like we are gonna be singing guest song okay all right you don't have to do the gummi mission again we get to just sit here guys awesome how you doing buddy we're heading over to Port Royal by the way or the or the Pirates of the Caribbean world I love how this is a year and a half later and we still don't know the words I can't memorize lines all right okay anyway hold on give me give me like two sides spike we leave one step to your right what move one step to your right my technology here all right we're doing the dialogue beforehand all right who does this girl think she is that girl has tangled with the wrong man yeah darn right no one says no to Gaston dismiss rejected publicly humiliated why it's more than I can bear more beer what's the use nothing helps I'm disgraced who you never Gaston you've got to pull yourself together - it disturbs me to see you guest on looking so down in the dumps every guy here loved to be you cast on even when taking your lumps there's no man in town as admired as you you're everyone's favorite guy everyone's awed and inspired by you and it's not very hard to see why no one slickest Gaston no one's quick cos Gaston no one's neck is incredibly thick as Gaston for this no man in town half as manly these parts - I forgot perfect up here Perry down you can ask any Tom Dick or Stanley and they'll tell you who's been like no guest on douses life's like that song you know wrestling match nobody [ __ ] like Gaston there's no one as burly and brawny as you see I've got biceps to spare my god not a bit of him straggly or stir ani that's right and every last inch of me is covered in hair no it's like that's done not just wits like nobodies it's like Gaston I'm especially good at expand - raiding yo ten points for Gaston that was dope dude right Zig oh when I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large and now that I've grown ate five dozen eggs so I'm roughly the size of whoo my water guy Gaston no one shoots like Gaston makes those boots like Gaston thing goes dropping around wearing boots like Gaston I use antlers in all of my decorating my water guy Gaston [Music] fantastic so over here we're playing a video game so uh well we'll get back to I guess how the Pirates work later but right now this is a very cool fight in the town Chicken Little again being used to no end now one of the things we talked about before with dry forms spike touched on is that dry forms level up in different ways and summons actually level up as well which increases the amount of time that they come out the way that summons level up is basically by using summons by having the the bar tick down a point every time you use a summit so that was usually an entire limit and that's like three experience for the summon exactly and we do want that someone to hit a couple of higher levels so now we're gonna be fighting this ambush here you can actually run away from this fight but it turns to that we want the experience and it's very quick to fight as you can see already over yeah there's another specific more specifics that were utilizing Chicken Little moving back in that corner locking onto the pirate just because that's going to be the most central place when you shoot those blizzards to hit all of the enemies we're walking up to a eyelet on Isla de Muerta we shouldn't try this anyway so here we want to survive this fight for a minute but we also want to get a pirate just give a ton of experience good money they drop NP bubbles so we can refill our magic he wants to stay at this specific distance cuz you see there's two different types of pirates in this fight there are the regular kind of stronger enemies there's also the snipers and if you're too far away you can use these reaction commands to sort of guard their shots but if you're too far away you actually can't use the rash command but they can still hit yeah we didn't get to talk about it before but the way that these pirates work is that they're actually invulnerable when they're in shadows but when they're in moonlight they're they're completely vulnerable and they're very susceptible to magic so the combos he's using here because magic is so effective on them he's going to be using blizzard blizzard and then go into physical attacks after that because those will be finishers and they'll deal basically his mouth as much damage as it would have been had it been like a blizzard finisher yeah kind of maximizing no damage it's going pretty well so far so should be able to take out an entire another wave here and again we just want more money and more experience and we have to burn the time around yeah that was actually really good granular I thought that was a lot of pirates that's also can be it can be a real terrifying fight just getting to shot there so we have another and ambushed fight here that's actually going to link directly into kind of a biggest fight of this world the boat fight he moves all the way to the left side there once again to line up this chicken little whistle right here there's three pirates right here and then one more bomb pirate will spawn ha thank you nice vault thank you ocean there would have liked it to have been an ether but a potion works as well yeah now finding out that image is a bit slower but we need the experience and there is the potential for ether drops and now Chicken Little remains out as we move into this actual fight that you have to fight you can't run away from we fighting out most of it in the bottom portion of this uh of this boat but we'll later move on yeah we've got three waves of pirates right here we got these first like mostly just kind of the bigger stronger enemies we're gonna have to take out because of how they get whistled you let you don't want to use a full four hit combo you just want to use three because the fourth will pretty much always will after he clears out all these enemies down here it looks like he got some potentially early spawns this guy can get really trashy very easily so he's got one more here he's gonna actually try to get them over here on these stairs I'm [ __ ] little suck them in with his whistle you can tell he's being very cautious to about making sure that Chicken Little pulls them in before he starts attacking them it's incredibly easy to die in this fight it's a common place to get first death of the run so we really want to avoid that if at all possible yeah chicken a little uphill err chicken little also as a health bar even though you can't see it and it's kind of it kind of shares with the some engage so if he gets hit then that summon gauge will shrink down real fast but you can see you can also potentially get it back from certain attacks and certain magic we should be able to save it right here very nice yeah I really want to end that fight with Chicken Little still out because of that drive recovery mechanic we were talking about earlier because it changes your your party we get all that drive back we're gonna be using it pretty shortly time for the you were fighting the run it actually so it's very random how these heartless are under reaction if any of these five barrels explode then you die so you want to make sure you're dodging them while you're doing these very slow animations getting in place to knock them off yes having to use up dollar early and dodge around okay come on no you save is ten bucks not it's thirty that is like I'd like it might see in the moat like the most little mundane minigame it's actually like a pretty decent place where you could die you either kill all of the enemies and hit them all for free or you just kind of like hope they don't hit you and just go for it we're running up to the boss fight of this world Barbosa and while we are I just want to mention we hit eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars to work that's about 25k raised during this run so far let's get up to nine hundred people we can make it happen I want to see a million by the end of Mario so nine hundred by the end of this a million by the end of the mario really this is a hype night guys let's make it happen now we got this heartless up here we actually need to kill it before Barbosa will spawn there's a handful of different places that this heartless can spawn and that will actually dictate where Barbosa is Barbosa is the same moon light and shadow mechanic that all the pirates do on this world so we need to make sure that we attack him very quickly and freeze him and instantly get into another combo where we do it again and repeat this process over the over and over in the fight because otherwise he's actually pretty dangerous yeah he can kill you very quickly and you can also die from him killing Jack as well so you can't even just play it safe bloody is also being careful about keeping him away from the shadows the whole time so he likes to keep on in that corner moving into that load in his own good stuff did alright that means we're gonna be going up to another gummi mission here so there's our last one here we go what's it gonna be and let's make sure we close that off it's going to be part of your world [Laughter] [Music] you doing okay back there nevermind no no she never never mind I real you'll see okay let's go comfort hello hey all right guess what we'll get going look at this stuff isn't it neat wouldn't you think my collections complete wouldn't you think I'm the girl the girl who has everything look at this trove treasures untold how many wonders can one cavern hold looking around here you think sure she's got everything i've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty i've got whozits and whatzits galore you want thingamabobs I've got twenty but who cares no big deal I want more I wanna be where the people are I wanna see wanna see him dancing walking around on those oh wait what do you think thank you spike all right flippin your fins you don't get too far legs are required for jumping dancing strolling along down the wait what's the word again I got Street up where they walk up where they run up where they stay all day in the Sun wandering free wish I could be part of that world what would I give if I could live out of these waters what would I say to spend a day warm on the sand that's you on land they'd understand but they don't reprimand their daughters bright young women sick of swimmin ready to stand and ready to know what the people know ask em my questions and get some answers what is a fire and why does it what's the word burn when's in my turn wouldn't I love love to explore a world of Oh out of the sea wish I could be part of that [Music] I know I funk thank you again for all your donations folks yeah shoutouts to kungfu fruit cup and Zim and spike just everybody volunteering just saying it was student you as well thank you max and I said be a man who's the biggest menu in the game there we go nice very nice we're not even need to explain it Yeah right so here's wisdom form we just got this form it's the next one in addition to dollar actually we've got a few warps got over just not using it I'm actually what he was doing there is he's not getting necessarily experience for himself although you get it as well he was killing those heartless because wisdom at form actually levels up by killing heartless like each individual heartless is one experience point so right now he's spawning more enemies and then using the silver rocks reaction command called a shift shot or whatever it is I'm getting in seven total kills between those two rooms and are a long time wisdom form wasn't really used it was a form grinding wasn't used in the run because just thought where are we gonna kill this many heartless like where are we gonna be able to level this up but it's actually turns out that in Agrabah we can level up all the way to level three by the end of it which is all we need and that is just so that we can get this quick run movement ability that you're seeing unlocked on Sora by default instead of just on wisdom farm yeah are than just jogging around and and using a lot of drives as well using a lot of drives would eventually lead us to getting into an C form or it would make routing hard so much more convenient and fast doing it this way yeah have we explained an T formula no I think probably yeah but yeah so each of so leveling up each of the drive forms once you get each of them to level three will give you a specific growth which is a movement ability so getting valor to level three a couple of worlds ago actually netted us high jump which he equipped earlier we also knew magic recently called reflect and yes using that a lot throughout the best mattress luck is the best magic in the game one of the most broken things in this game already saw it once with the silver ox but we'll be using it again pretty quickly here he's gonna bait out an attack from this enemy hit use reflector as soon as the enemy attacks that barrier it'll reflect a lot of damage and it's not based on the damage that the enemy did to you it's actually based on your magic power which makes it incredibly strong it was actually buffed in the final mix version because it hasn't is I think each version of this game they gradually buffed it more and more going from the original Japanese version were to ship damage to now where it's like your main tool this enemy you have to hit from the back so that's all its really doing there and now we're gonna get a little bit more intermediate course to using reflects here yes stunning this guy it's faded out yep and then that hits everything in the area there's lots and lots of damage luckily it just so happens that the little mini fire Lord things the fire dudes yeah now the advanced course to using reflect we're actually going to get over with us if we do this correctly he's gonna time this correctly to push this enemy into the center of the arena lock onto this guy reflect and recall that reflect up to him with the Trinity which will always move you to the enemy because the reflects gonna stay on top of Sora so by using journey which will snap you up to him your reflect actually goes off from that attack hitting it and it's also because Trinity behaves differently when you have Donald and Goofy with you as opposed to if you only have one or none of them yeah it gives you like a solo Trinity ability of you'll be able to use something now we're gonna be getting to level 3 while killing these enemies off he's going to be baiting out attacks the ice cubes when they land on the ground you didn't tell that's when they're about to attack you so he throws out the reflect so this might look simple you can't just spam out reflect and get reflect damage there's the level 3 which as you can see also give quick run level 1 to Sora that's exactly what we need we're gonna finish off the last bit of these fire dudes here which we're gonna send up three heartless switch from oh oh no oh and then wow what you did to switch Aladdin to goofy accidentally switch Donald to goofy the first time then had to fix it we'll see how well this goes in order to be able to raise this Trinity and now hopefully it'll kill everything because if not this is gonna go pretty oh my Lanta what that is a a menu mistake of one input he simply just didn't go to aladdin he and said went to Donald and recovery for that is absolutely insane because you do not a lot of time at the end of that fight all right so he just gave Donald his first limit of the game comet and we also gave ourselves quick run which again we got from getting wisdom to its level three four so now that's going to be our main motive movement throughout the rest of the game so if nothing else is something we can fall back on when we don't have better things to move with well so now we're going to using comet yeah we're gonna see comments usefulness immediately again you're invulnerable during the use of any limits so he doesn't have to worry about landing on these you know fire patches on the ground and on top of that you can use comet rain the ending of that limit the finisher of it in order to okay blow up a lot of the the smaller enemies immediately and by using dollar from right there that explosion got rid of all the small fire and ice' dude that's okay I would prefer him not to bounce around like that but we can still make it work the twin Lords are very tricky fight because they aren't necessarily the hardest to you know avoid dying in or anything like that Wow but you can lose a lot of time very quickly if you don't know how to manage taking out these smaller guys with the bigger yeah I like the fire swag at the end for the kill so yeah that was cool now we've got one final gummi mission we're not sending during this one yeah we actually will be one well a while but yeah this is kind of where the run really picks up after he goes through this gummi mission he doesn't have another one breaking it up and because they hit this when this game got ported to ps4 the load times are good so just the pace of it is crazy from here but yeah during the one that oh oh go ahead yeah one thing though I mean just can I get some sour please in chat cuz this music I don't know what they decided to do with this gummy music but they were just like guitar dude you just want to rock out and there's just like okay and they just decided to let them go for it man is some good music now IDO if you could I have $100 donation from Bongo 102 that says an extra $50 if spike will do his best guess Tom flex pose I've got about 12 hairs in there I don't think you know what the definition of flex is not enough so he does in the movie do we actually have a twenty five hundred dollar donation Wow from the dopefish that says I've been watching gdq's for seven years now and it's always a great time really looking forward to the mario relay race and sorry animals gotta go fast $5.00 from I Christina says I don't have much to donate but if everyone donates a little bit we can hit that 900k before kingdom hearts is over 852 right now let's make the guys we're starting to get there we have a $20 donation from arc razor that says show those animals a whole new world by saving them from hellfire referencing those pretty good we have a hundred and fifty dollar donation from de hem that says for a header beam and her super cute voice thank you keep the boys on the couch online if you can I don't know if I can announce their choice of how to spend this we also have a 15 dollar donation from our PD 234 that says more speedruns should be musicals remember you can buy your soundtrack later today super metroid the musical hey zoast would you please sing during phantom he was singing the other night he was pretty good angle I I'm an idiot just keeps reading donations you're fine you have a $25 donation from a meal it says I'll make a man of you was amazing good luck on the rest of the run oh edobean is the best announcer also greetings from Finland thank you appreciate it [Music] we have a $10 donation from analysis says for the 900k hype we can do it before the run ends one Abby's donates $50 it says that stellar performance of Gaston was the best birthday gift anyone could ever want happy birthday feels birthday men we have a $50 donation from Rhine Hill that says lovegame thumbs Creek first time donating Keenan March 2 is one of my favorite RPGs of all time and the live singing makes it even better I see sgdq only getting bigger and better from here don't forget to donate for the blindfolded run and let's receive those bits oh yeah y'all should also in addition to dollars throw down some bits if you want to cheer a little bit because we'd like to get to 5 million bits to get that blindfolded Majora's Mask bite Rev travel and the best majora's mask players in the world make that happen please probably get one more fast one yep no problem we have a hundred and fifty dollar donation firm mining for fish that says if the entire chat donates $5 we can make it way past 900 k easy so let's do our part and shadow shattered those borders awesome so now we took the items from Jack again and then we put on an ability called finishing leap which we'll see in a just a moment but before that we've got a new summon Genie and the really great property genie is that he's not gonna do anything yeah thanks genie that fight is obnoxiously long there's so many waves they spawn all over the place much faster even on beginner where they're taking chip damage they'll take a death use through that fight yeah and the main reason we summoned Genie there he doesn't do anything and Donald would heal you and on top of that um Genie like actually all of your summons will heal you if you get low enough but you take the damage so quickly that with Genie you don't have to worry right so that's gonna get a little bit scary yeah experience he's gonna wait a split second to keep to manipulate the position move in reflect the first few attacks killing off the mole enemies then take damage as you can see he's well below half health putting him into experience boost territory when you're below half health and you kill anything while experienced boost is on you will get double the experience so by setting that up very specifically then spawning into dance call the spawns of the enemies came in and got caught by it giving him an extra 218 experience absolutely crazy mm-hmm they were actually a little bit over leveled I got level 18 off of the first guy not even though yeah I noticed that that's a lot there's a lot of variance with just how many enemies you kill and all the different just kind of waiting a minute fights it's almost impossible to be over leveled in this category so that's good news honestly yeah and level 18 there is very specific because it gives us a strength increase cutting out a lot of the extra combos we have to do on this next fight in particular the the prison keeper there's a little bit orangey right here at the beginning of prison keeper there's one of three three kids he can eat he's gonna eat them all in some order but it's gonna be locked shotgun barrels so depending on which one he eats but he's gonna have to react accordingly with a different technique yeah ideally he would like to be able to reflect into a Trinity I believe not quite able dude here we're gonna be doing combos here to get to this HP gate right around here okay that's what I want I want them to do that man stall is incredibly powerful yeah once again it's Jax limit and it sucks enemies in as well as deals a lot of damage even when you're not using downbeat or synchronization its steal deal deals quite a bit of damage just while he's spinning there there is a finisher to it but it does take quite a bit of time and the DPS isn't great so bloody likes to just drop out of it right there so because he waited for the specific HP barriers he was able to skip one of the kids being eaten I believe or skip a small little invulnerability phase yeah bloody could tell just kind of he hit the HP getting an unfortunate time but he's got enough time there to drop down and get off the potion and you see this like really wild looking attack the aerial finish it has a lot of stun properties to it so he wants to kind of tie in his attack during the invaders to get that aerial finish now dance call should be able to kill right here yeah that's about like a bar and a half of damage so it's quite good yeah the finisher very easy to die I mean we're gonna keep saying it but very easy die in any fight that one especially if you aren't really you know confident if you aren't doing everything properly you'll die in one or two hits pretty quickly I was a little scared too there towards the end cuz he was pretty high and when he starts biting that's a two shot yeah you just get hit by a stray hit while you're in the air it makes things a little bit scary so back left baby back left another safe warp right here this one safe so again ps4 load times are crazy good that's just across like one loading zone and that still saves three seconds it's old it's crazy yeah now we're into the main boss fight of the world OD buggy this is actually uh okie always throughout the Kingdom Hearts games has some kind of gimmick fight this is that gimmick fight he's up on this platform we need to knock him down the only way to do that is to use our golf swing to get a bunch of presence up there and overload the platform I have never heard a call to golf swing but I mean it's a golf it says for ya I've never give me I read alright anyways all swinging and he's gonna lay it he's gonna delay because he listens for certain audio cues and that punch is a one shot if it hits him don't him to punch okey all the way back into the spikes that would make things pretty slow so yeah because at the ends of these conveyor belts are indeed spikes that will deal a lot of damage mm-hmm so the entire you know point of this fight or the entire time of this fight is going to be listening for audio cues that I'm gonna keep talking over because this is where things get a little scary we get little bags we'll open up a heartless that's why he's getting chicken that's good that's good too alright I'm happy with that emerald blues the guys that cast wins oh wait there's one more alright now that's actually that's an interesting case actually is a good thing because it's gonna prevent him from someone more bags as long as he's alive so it's gonna keep him alive he's just gonna you know hang out with Chicken Little he needs a friend yeah you have to get 12 boxes up there each time you knock him down but progressively like the first time he'll just let you get all 12 and one things then it's gonna be eight and four and then I'll break it up four four four you see the basic combos there because the because he was able to leave that enemy alive otherwise some more enemies would be spawned you might have danced all that is an actually frame-perfect trick to catch that right there and be able to move over and so it just wastes a few second I haven't set up like a timing for that so like just instead of mashing so I just kind of mash forward and hope I get it no big deal if I don't again put on that slightly because he could hear that the guys was gonna fall down so we waited until he had the iframes from the golf swing now bloody also has to react to which side he OD is going to move to and in which side you know the blue windows are gonna be able to spit you out in also never get caught by one of those lightning attacks because they like you basically just combo you all the way to the back hit the spikes and kill you now we're gonna move either once or twice here we wanted to move just once nice and that's what he did again all working off of audio keys here and Counting the number of boxes that he's gonna be very careful about this lightning I get iframes for using the RC so I just get to stand on the lightning and do that and again RC standing for reaction command all these times he's pressing triangle on these boxes now we're pretty much home free here hi goodbye goodbye that is one of the worst fights to die in in the entire game it's terrifying and there's really not much interactivity to it so it's one of the worst fights in the run for sure easy to kind of you know start muscle memory you know Mustang your the way through it and just not really paying announcer this is a tougher world warp so we'll just see what I can do here good luck hey what's up we're not going there if someone donates a million can I get a million dollars yeah not a million total I want a million additional right now and we'll go to Atlantica all right so we get in magnet now that's one of the that's also one of the best spells in the game it has a lot of utility you're gonna see it here we were talking about finishing leap earlier it's one of our best finisher modifiers we're gonna have to have the entire game so we're me going into a magnet and then comboing that into the finishing with that ground slam that you're seeing right there now he's going to reflect this going directly into a magnet and then into that form grabbing this Claymore with this RC getting all of the enemies stuff I don't think the berserkers gonna die we're gonna see what happens oh we did okay that's really good now the Claymore remains on the ground for just a little bit so he picked it up again and luckily the other guy jumped to him so he's able to catch all three these RC should be able to use one when I catch this guy and then I'm gonna get right in the middle these guys are gonna be zerk but they're still gonna get hit by this RC probably they were very nice that was played so well because it was unfortunate like it's pretty much all I do half damage each time that they spread out to all the corners a lot of people would have probably got me I probably would've run around trying to catch all of them but he just got in a position where he knew that they were going to come in because they're still gonna take damage they have that super armor like that brick wall as you call it so just having that correct positioning those slam attacks that they do once they get into their desperation moves it's extremely powerful and they're easily can kill you so you don't want to drop that we also just got a new drive form on top of valor and limit farms and farm called limit form limit form is insanely useful but will probably explain it a bit more once we first see its use yeah it's a new addition to final mix there's some added content and that's a new Drive form it's pretty much a callback to Kingdom Hearts 1 and its abilities so you'll see that later on before that we got to go back to Halle Bastian where we're gonna use wisdom form for some faster movement because we have to run quite a while for now you get some super swag movement with wisdom form because you can menu you can talk to your menu to use stuff like fire and reflect you're gonna see later on to skip over stuff like ballot form jumps higher wisdom pretty much always we have to grab ledges but now you're not gonna have to see that because of using fire to kind of extend your set up here's a little bit difficult trying to skip that ledge crevice yeah it's uh it's pretty precise but now we're heading our way to this computer so we can go over to Tron world while we're going over there there's a little bit of a maze and stuff but nothing really is going on so then you've got some time for some donations that are no problem we have a $10 donation from cat 2 3 5 that says Gaston was on point we also have a $20 donation from flux dog and uh Saluda that says we're convinced now we're fans of Gaston donation goes to spike vegeta and is gossamer like voice have fun we have a three hundred and thirty three dollars and 33 cents on a ssin from anonymous that just says heart that's specific inflection we have a hundred dollar donation from anonymous that says god I love watching my favorite speedrunner run of my favorite games now praise your boy Yvonne and this goes to naming cloud after the man the miss the voice spike vegeta are now we're in a Tron world or space paranoids that is my favorite video game right there sucking the mike water so uh yeah you have to do a very very quick minigame there now a short menu and he's going to move on to another mini game it's weird you kind of have to go into space paranoids and back out like very quick two times it's it's a little weird that they kind of did it that we gotta talk something icky yeah but instead we have to do this minigame first box is gonna appear in a random permutation then you need to move near the box to get the thing to start spinning and then it'll turn about to point I think it's like four or so on ps4 and and you just have to follow the box and use a drive explosion in order to great mini get rid of stuff like all right now we're gonna be using whisper form to note wisdom form as you saw in Hollow Bastion they're a little bit faster than just doing the regular quick run that we have but we don't want to overuse it I think this is no time okay time for us to actually talk about Auntie form because we're actually about to get another form right here master form which probably is the last form will be getting yes so the way Auntie form works is that the game you know like the developers knew that dry forms were incredibly powerful so they want to give you a punishment for just spamming drive forms everywhere and that punishment is Auntie form that's a form where Sora you know turns it into this you know dark creature and kind of has all these weird abilities things that were not really can in control of and supposed to represent like the chaos of power or something like that I don't know yeah every time you use a dry form you add an T points to this invisible counter and if you add too many than you have a chance of getting an T form in a fight all right so we took a hit there we can't take any more hits for the rest of light cycle otherwise we were for sure dead but let's just see how well we can do I believe dude yeah as you can see he got nicked once by one enemy and that was ninety percent of his health it can be easy to forget four players at a high level that there's a ton of damage like in the galton one hit he hasn't been hit a lot in this run so it's kind of a it's gonna nicely at least get to see what the critical helps yeah exactly okay here we go I'm trying to set up this little boost right here off of that guy right there that is so cool you throw your Keyblade off of their shield which will just boost you normally I'll boost you into a wall and he could have died right there but he time to ride to work just shot him down the corridor there is another one he's gonna potentially be able to do ya later if right here so we're gonna take care of this guy he's gonna come to me and then that green guy's gonna give me the shield and we're good all right now this is the hard part all right a bunch of enemies in this corridor these got to worry about and the color of the enemy determines what abilities they have the white enemies have the abilities of all three of the other colors so they can use any of their attacks randomly despite the fact that the what types of enemies spawn where is actually completely set there we go right so now he should be pretty safe again to the end now there's 2 devastators at the end here make sure you dodge them I'm waiting for the one day that's somehow one of those status leaders like type someone yeah all right so now we've got a stitch earlier actually and he's gonna have his one use right here yeah this is the only time so this is you kind of notice like little minor points of grinding we kill an enemy here and there for different things right now we're actually going to get back into critical health which very conveniently you do that aerial dive right there yeah guys puts you once again at like 10% health anything below 50% will activate experience boost which that means every enemy you kill while you're under 50% will give you double the experience so the reason why stitch is good is because he occasionally can now making this up he occasionally can just lick you and give you your MP back so hopefully he does that like being higher time hey there's one oh nice ok what they want you to do in this minigame is freeze each of these 3 computer screens by killing the enemies and instead of them dropping HP orbs or anything they drop these little orbs that just are used for the minigames there we go okay not too slow now that he's taken out two monitors the enemies will spawn in a lot faster and with a lot more of them so he's gonna constantly use these magnet finishing leap combos and again that's because that good finishing plus attack that Fernet finishing + ability that allows them to use two finishers and magnet counts as a finisher so I'll do this over and over again as long as such will keep licking him which he's doing a bad job of right now we have to back up ethers just in case stitches and the nicest guys feel pretty good right now yeah I want to keep doing this until we hit about 20 or about a 1,500 level 24 so work that's my last both ethers typically you're expected to use both of them so now it's up to stitch this is the one big ryan session of the running everything else here on out is pretty quick double 23 we have under three thousand ago one more should do it that's good it is nice excellent ending with over 30 seconds left that's pretty good there so yeah just kinda be just the perfect spot to get grinding in right that's about like four and a half levels in the span of like a minute it's it's pretty good now incredibly important if I'm not mistaken we're completely done with stitch yes that's it yeah so if you remember the run from agdq2015 or any other kind of you know runs from around that time you'll know that we use used to use every single summon and quite a few times we relied on stitch completely eliminated from the run now other than that one use are a lot of improvements now this is one of my personal favorite strats actually the hostile program it's so good so right there he just picked up the Gaia belt that's gonna be different for defense but he's not gonna equip until later it's not gonna make a difference right now so going into the fight he's going to start off with quick running into the middle of the arena to close the gap and then you go into Donald's Comet he wants to use the finisher from Donald's Comet on a hospital program because he also has a bunch of HP gates that are determined by when you kind of break off pieces of them so he's it's sores positioning is very specific to keep in the net you can see a big chunk of him just fell off similar to that previous minigame this boss has clusters and they're used to freeze him like that master form is that that a new dry form that we got that uses both of your allies and he does a lot of damage with these crazy combos need to get to about 1.9 bars right here to hit that last get there is he just hit it so that all my orbs and then we wait and right as he comes straight over to main well freeze them calm it again one more time this will just let it let them do a lot of damage while also doing beause he's having to hit triangle while also doing these combos it's not as easy as it might look there it goes you really at this point again you're seeing all these different techniques and tools that bloody has as he's bringing them together to make first time incredibly sexy fights yeah this fight this game is all about ball strats and beating waves of enemies so just using the right tool for the right fight is all this game is about and you might think you know okay well once you get an upgraded version of a tool you're just gonna stick to that the whole time there's a lot of strategies that involve everything that arrives well like even right here you see there's one specific enemy there the dancer he wants to lock onto that answer specifically in order to like just have it in the best position and as you see his drive form is filling up very quickly from using these magnets yet chicken a little out or flex for extra damage getting kind of a double magnet effect here that was really good yeah I'm saying and now he ended the fight with chicken little out our party members are gonna be walking around here so he's gonna have his driver refunded next fight we got a bunch of dancers dancers are very scary they're one of the first enemies in the game that can straight-up one-shot you you hit them like one time and they grab you they kill you so he needs to get Chicken Little out and keep these guys just stone - the entire fight ideally now he's gonna be walking around these enemies here on I drop MP bubbles and he wants to pick those up to extend to be able to use one more usage of magnet magnet uses up a lot of MP that's gonna get us into the final wave you know throw an ether get this up drop out chicken little so we can now start building it back up his Drive watch that drive gauge nice all the way out for from - instantly good fight and that is very crucial because he's going to be using limit form our first instance of limit form is gonna be in this next boss fight Phenix and you need for Drive in order to use limit this is a pretty notable boss from a lot of people's childhood this sucks yes but it's pretty interesting the stress that we use to take care of this guy especially the clones in it for instance you guys want to talk about that yes we got 50 water clones out he used to get them under between like 30 and 35 now he's gonna use a two-faced Trinity stand right in the middle here once he gets them under five forms you can now go into the finish and watch that health bar yeah Trinity has are really good easy use here does an unbelievable amount damage now he's going to be going into limit form after popping him into the air he's going to use zantetsuken which is just the main finisher into an arse Arcanum combo you might be familiar with this walk around the stripe page this now he's gonna reflect immediately after reverting from limit form going to comment for a lot of invulnerability and extra damage and I was going to wait for a retaliation and go into comet rain for some extra damage that was beautiful a little subtle thing right there is bloody tried to make sure he pushed Denix into his revenge value Tory was doing that attack to where Donald's comet wouldn't knock him up in the air or anything he had that brick wall effect effect essentially so that he wasn't moving around and still getting all that damage in and now we're thrown on that Gaia belt we just picked up in addition to setting up some more potions and ethers now we've got probably just the scariest chunk of the game he's for final fantasy fights Calma final fantasy fights because the different final fantasy character joins us for each of them in this case yuffie yeah and the worst part about the final fantasy fights it's not only are they difficult and have a lot of enemies that are very hard to control but on top of it if you die at any point in the final fantasy fights you get sent back to before demux so you have to do that fight again this is one of the like okie one of the bigger chunks of the potential time loss in the run eupbs platform isn't too bad but we use a limit form again on top of it now so we're gonna try to use limit form by the end of the final fantasy fight so we're also going to be watching our drive gauge building that back up over these platforms nice magnet into Trinity usage here because every time an enemy moves in and out of a magnet they take extra damage so whenever you use a Trinity and a magnet together you're getting a lot of extra damage that large enemy you saw right there the big blue one the Morningstar they're some of the scariest they are these scariest enemies in these fights right now he's gonna have a ton of them right here in this Tifa fight so he's using a setup by using a magnet finishing leap which the magnet is still on screen having these different these the soldier enemies spawn into it and you can use their Rising Sun commands now he's going to be using a lot of magnet to try to keep these morning stars incapacitate as long as possible he was actually doing a lot also by the way the Final Fantasy editors are generally very useful come on there we go yeah okay you need a tea for this stun that guy because oh wow she went after the shadows that's a one shot all right there we go all right yo she got that shadow though okay alright so now we're going into the last platform with just clouds platform and we used to kind of just let the cloud do most of the work here but we do want to level up the limit form throughout this run and the way limit form levels up is by using these limits like the sonic rave that he's using here thank you get hit intentionally in order to have MP rage fill up his MP bar again this is gonna get you and luckily every time that you use one you know triangle press of a limit in in limit form you get healed so it works out really well so that he can hit level three threw off right in this fighter sorry level two in this right yo cloud Omni slash B baby nope donate for Omni slash yeah alright so we got through that was great by the way yeah alright nutsacks this fight coming up sucks does yeah tell me about it who's about a thousand heartless on the screen okay what do they call the fight doesn't heartless wait wait really yeah okay cool do that you've got what else with the fight there are these what century dudes yeah century dudes the ideas that we're gonna try to grab a bunch of these and use these laser cafetaria like the help a a lot of these around like you're seeing right here the other guys give you Rising Sun and it's not very strong with us because he's my baby not really clearing a lot enemies sometimes so this is much more ideal and what he's gonna be trying to throw this particular one in a certain direction he's off to the side I'm gonna stick with him I'm loyal here we go you might be looking around and seeing like all these other the robot enemies and thing like oh I didn't just go grab one of them a lot of those are not really um thank you ps2 so a lot of those background in these aren't actually really there there's only a certain area that they're actually gonna spawn into so those are left over you know graphical assets because it's do can render well part with it once yeah you seem use thunder occasionally that's because the the surveillance robots can use one of two attacks and if they use a longer attack you can't snag them right away so you use thunder to immediately push them into the better attack for us now this fights not going too bad so far it's really awful because of how random it is and start off very rocky yeah it's still very easy break you abandoned your dude switch to a different alright there are a lot of cities right now which is good but also scary oh man it's hairy yeah you want to have those iframes through those yeah luckily we have an ability now called once more which means that if he gets combo'd in if he gets combo'd by an enemy it won't get killed it will only take him to one health maximum or minimum rather he can however die from a one shot still yes something does enough damage to completely take away his health bar he can do that it's probably the last surveillance robot we got we only need one more usage of it likely thanks alright here we go finish off the last guy and there it is that is definitely a very scary stretch of the run lots of randomness to it deaths are very punching especially if you die somewhere in the Final Fantasy five sending you back before Denix so yeah with that we're about two-thirds of the way through the run remember folks let's hit 900,000 as soon as we possibly can yep for that donation total so get him in yeah so now what the game wants us to do it's you probably do there's a little bit of filler but it wants you to unlock the path the ability to go to any of the Disney worlds in the game so on the right side of worlds we have to defeat land of dragons and beasts castle and on the left side we have to be portroyal Agrabah and Halloweentown so you have to do five worlds of clean up right now we're taking a quick pit stop over here we're not actually going to defeat Zeldin right now we're just here for the keyblade but we'll be back later and the reason why he dipped into the parlor there was so he could save war back into there later on cool little fight here this is actually one that bloody started on back in agdq2015 he started his leg of the journey on and had to recover in the middle of it nice faster way of doing it this time we get a magnet into trendy and again every time enemies move in and out of that mag now they take damage better so it's not actually that overdrive phase of Trinity that's dealing damage it's like cops and it just keeps bouncing them in and out of it over and over and over again also on top of that adding to your hit counter yes or the as we found that out yesterday all right now we're gonna do a bit of manipulation here so I'm gonna go back and forth between these rooms seemingly for no reason but the reason we're doing it is because this is a bulky vendor spawn if there are no bulky vendors here then what you can do is you can go back and forth between that bulky vendor room and in all the other worlds there are also other bulk even responds they will then be triggered to activate so I can get bulky vendors over there and what pokey vendors are are these just little enemies that give you prizes that give you synth items and a few other things for the experience they mainly give you a lot of experience and they are very easy you don't have to kill them you just use a reaction command on them even though we're leaving we're taking beasts out of the party just to set that up for when we come back because each world will kind of memorize that we're gonna have to come back there we could finish it now but the main is that we just wanted the rumbling Rose Keyblade from there because as we mentioned at the beginning of this game bloody on critical mode starts with a finishing plus which allows him do to finishers rumbling Rose has an additional finishing plus on it so now he can do three finishers on any enemy and it provides a lot of cool strategies yeah this fight obviously pretty straightforward you can I notice this is one cobble he used three big strong blizzards there so I don't know if we mentioned that necessarily but magic also can be comboed it can be slipped into your combos along with your physical attacks and if they're used at the end then they are applied finisher damage as well right there so every time that you want to move somewhere in Port Royal you'll get ambushed by a fight the first time we came to Port Royal the first two times we just went ahead and took the fights kill them got the experience it's fast enough these two times here we're just going to enter the boat accident and then we can move again yeah but before that we have grim reaper this is the heartless boss of this this world and he behaves like the Pirates just like Barbosa did so you can freeze him with blizzard and we know how is a revenge value will you know what revenge value is at and how he'll react so everything in this fight is you know scripted out very strongly to be able to hopefully tell him with one usage of master form ideally without a teleport but we'll take one and hopefully we can finish him off here look at how much damage master master form is just swag so right now he's actually got the hero's crest which again remember give us that air combo boost so that is why you're in addition to getting all these big finishers you're also getting an air combo who's just making all this it's okay honestly the damage was pretty bad and so I bet me getting that much damage is already pretty good alright you might have also noticed that that he kind of reset the combo there with master wrong and he's using a bunch of reflects that was to kind of replace the weaker attacks of master form quick animations we grabbed Peter Pan will you seize every summon in this run now we don't Peter Pan is now not used nearly so much and the reason for that is we're gonna get the the reason that we don't need it at the end of this world a big reward known as a duck flare yeah we'll get more to that later for now we need to collect some medallions from these gamblers and in order to do that you got to kill so they are all usually timed and some of them are actually harder to get than others some of them are pretty difficult to do quickly but now that we deal you know quite a bit of damage we have that third finishing that third finisher on all of our attacks we can use a lot of magnet finishing leap into full combos as well as magnet is just stronger in the ps4 version than some of the others there are actually multiple of these multiples of these nobodies these enemies that you can go around and find you just have to kill any four of them so by going to this island we can find three quick runs that's the hardest one to get you only have ten seconds to do it but not a problem for bloody yeah so we have triple finisher here so magnet is counted as a finisher and then from there we do magnet guard break finishing leap and we need some more slashes when you use finishing leap you can then you're automatically put in the air and then you can go into your air combo so you make it makes for these really long extended combos you can do where you do a bunch of stuff on the ground use finishing left finishing leap to pop you up in the air and then use a whole air combo whatever you want to do and now I can see his MP is pretty low right now and you actually don't get a refill before the next boss so he throws an ether right before picking up that medallion alright Grim Reaper Kuh there is the gimmick of this fight is that there is a chest in the middle with the 882 medallions we need to get all of those and put it back in otherwise we can't actually damage this guy he is once again just like the pirate sent himself earlier he is very weak to magic so he starts off with using a blizzard knocking 30 coins out and just freezing him Thunder is the best because it will get you 50 coins knocked out but it will not stun him in any way you'll force him to retaliate in fact which is why you use the reflect me now we go into some more basic combos and I guess still at Donald yeah after not about that it's okay yeah just goes Donald I mean you guys know this from playing the game cash Donald dies very quickly on top of that if he's set to attack enemies he uses magic which could affect these strats for this boss so he's hit the first HP gate now we're going to the second face it's gonna guard this initial attack and then go right into the reaction command this is very specific he's actually going to lock on to him after this reaction command let's soar laying on the ground and then use two thunders which hits him from all the up in the air and there's all our coins if not all of them off the boss we're gonna have to freeze him again so we can put them all back in the chest and we're gonna do a lot of combos to push him back into his third phase and final phase getting blizzard is freezing him and allowing him to really get a lot of these round damage off I wanted a reflects there he wants to make sure he didn't use all of his MP sorry bloody go for I don't know I just didn't want to teleport but just one little love tap and we'll be good to go now we're going into the third phase most important pressure he needs to keep his party members alive so he's gonna go into true Neil in it right here just using it right in front of that chest because of its invulnerability now he's gonna use master form and that explosion gives him some involve military this now we get to use a lot of thunder look at how quickly those numbers are decreasing for that boss counter in the top right triple thunder baby everything's gone we're gonna run around and pick up all the medallions and freeze him put them all into that chest nice now we get to finish him off with some good old combos come here there we go he waited for him to kind of get lower to the ground there when he's near the chest he can kind of raise up in the air and it can just make it harder to hit those ground combos one more we have to wait for one more teleport he's a little mean today one of the things we've noted in past runs too that we haven't really touched on yet here is that in order to finish any boss you need to use an attack that will count as a a finishing attack which a lot of times can just be the end of your combo you know just a basic finisher or it can be magic magic actually acts as a finisher for bosses as well or we can use certain attacks like retaliate or I'm sorry like horizontal slash which is that move reads moving back and forth side to side in the air so that's why you'll see that a lot on a lot of the bosses from here on out and now we just got the best limit in the game there we go flare force really hadn't took comet out just so it doesn't clutter up our menu we're done with it now we're gonna be using a duck flare for quite a few fights throughout the rest of the run it duck flare just got completely broken in the ps4 English version that is actually the reason we didn't mention this earlier I'm not sure if we did or playing on the English version because duck flare is only as good as it is on the English version and it's the fastest version because of that yeah yeah I used to be Japanese was just a few seconds faster there's not a ton of notes in this game hey what's up there you go yeah whilst make sure he knots all three these kids out so though they're not moving around it's very hard to aim these see that one's called capture it is gotcha have you ever played golf it looks exactly like that that's exactly it a lot of presents right so moving on so right here we talked about the RNG manipulation we did earlier for the bulky bender so we should have two right here this is where things get a bit scary what we're actually going to do is we're gonna try and experience boost to this other vendor over here okay well well your boy stitch is not gonna let us do that I think that actually might have been a better that he actually saved me because I was in the wrong position there but it's gonna be okay we we did manipulate the other vendor in Agrabah so we'll just be able to pick that one up instead alright we finally get access to some skateboards here they throw them in a couple of the later world a lot faster than quick running I know this is a pretty scary fight each of these 4 white knights has a present when you collect all four them you're done with the fight but much stronger enemies will spawn in after these after three of these four died so we have to make sure we kind of pull these guys over here to the loading zone and then start taking care of them and if your Xetra sore me you crash they're not crashing the game they've actually patched this game a couple of times so hopefully that one's gone right yeah this ps4 version used to have a lot of crashing issues so their current patch they fixed most things there's a few there's one fight towards the very end that's gonna be quite problematic because of a a change that they made that quite broke the fight but before that we got some presents to collect this is completely random we want big presents not small presents at oh I think you know what randomness and Auto swirly time things means no problem um Sarah stardew donates $500 Zana oh here we are saying we're rooting for you baby make us proud oh thank you Sarah is probably one of my most well known viewers of my stream so thank you so much appreciate that now we're hopping right from there into the final boss of this world this will be your introduction to duck flare just how good it is yeah this is the experiment fight we used to use Peter Pan on this fight and because duck flare is so good we don't have to anymore immediately you can use stuff player and just go right into the finisher pretty quickly because it does a lot of damage it's gonna push him past his first face gonna be able to break him now you have to pull combo just like that it's gonna guard an attack here and throw this piece into the other to try to connect them I wasn't sure if that was kind of work so glad it did it had to go into a specific piece and it's based on source position which way you'll throw him Donald Donald I'm oh my god all right well that's unfortunate it almost had died the sick and he came back $10 biz all right we'll give that another try having the first death of the run an experiment is not 2 1 2 hours and 16 minutes into the run pretty good an unfortunate requirement of limits is that the characters that they're based on need to be alive so and it's that's what makes unfortunate that Donald has such good limits because he obviously dies very easily Sam's goal here is to use the summon to make it so that when they come out of the summon they will come back with some health yeah he doesn't actually really care about chicken there you go area back in the duck flare we're gonna be seeing this with the rest of this fight there's also that top right corner you see that limit gauge he makes sure that he wants to use the finisher before that runs out and kind of hold it in different positions knows he's gonna get a retaliation there so he's already planning that reflect the entire time was able to throw an ether alright so we get this size of pumpkin as a result of that that's probably the best Keyblade that we're gonna get and we're going to be using that for the rest of the run that is the Ohio strength set that we can get and combo boost enhancing our ground finishers we're gonna be using a lot of those as we go along yeah so him swapping out those key blades they're putting the rumbling rose on I'll be was masterful master form and putting decisive pumpkin on his just to be safe yeah here's the other bulky vendor he was talking about earlier he's gonna pick him up Chicken Little will take care of these guys trying to hit me um actually you know what here come here I'm not sure if I'm over leveled or under leveled in this situation so I'm just gonna kill these guys just for a safety yeah the number he's trying to hit is by the end of all the heartless he's about to go out and fight here in the desert he wants to be level 30 because that is a strength increase making it much much safer and much easier to get a quick kill on Genie Jafar the final boss of this world fighting on the carpet year without your other characters Donald and Goofy and Aladdin flat man oh so you're without a lot of tools you also control the carpet with a bright analog stick which means even the - the the most minor movements of the camera yeah effect where your carpet position is how to use an extra ether they're just uh to kind of patch things up that this fights the worst it's in croquet so mmm I think it was a good idea that I killed those extra guys now we have to chase Jafar through this entire area and he's gonna stop at three different spots each spot you just need to give him a little love tap like that and this is not you know actually Jafar at some creation of blossom sort and but at the last one you need to make sure you use a finisher which is why he bloody is made sure that he has MP left because he's gonna be using thunder on it instead of attacking it because you'd have to get all the way to the end of your combo those are just a lot of nuance and moving this carpet without ever like stopping in place making sure you always had that good movement to catch up to them each time now we have our next carpet fight a few more waves the the basic idea of this it sucks but you want to move back to the wall to kind of hit that barrier so the enemies will all gather with you and then throw up your magnet it'll go to whichever enemy Sora is tarted onto so that's what you're seeing water here he has the preference just go up to the top so that they're not constantly going up and down yeah now yeah the traps those in a magnet in order to force this retaliation and move them down a little bit ahead through an ether while the next couple got picked up the magnet finishing off the crimson jazz the end of that fight nice yeah it's it's kind of this beautiful combo where you are throwing up a magnet catching the enemies that are spawning and reflecting them through the magnet which kills them and then the next enemies that spawn in they get caught in that last Magnus you can kind of loop it together so one of those fights that can either be beautiful or it can suck if just things just go a little bit wrong you get a little bit off now we've got these three locks we need to hit with all our three kind of basic magics fire blizzard and thunder so well so a couple years ago was to get the fire one first we're actually gonna get at last just so happens that the routing is a bit better this time around on top that we used to de-spawn those enemies before the Thunder one but turns out if you just move pretty quickly you don't have to worry about yeah but I'm going to de-spawn these guys because or at least make it so that there are less enemies just to get this fires which makes it a little bit easier and then only have to do is get up here and we're good to go yeah nice you made it alright so for this last bit it's kind of one more autoscroller of sorts where we're going to be flying around on the carpet and there's no way to speed this up one thing that I find really quirky about is that you actually can't use experience boost here by getting below half health is just a property of this minigame or fight so again what we're looking for here is level 30 oh you're fine yeah Sora is always going to be the way you can know as soar as always the last one to reach a level the others will get there first so we saw goofy got level 30 there boy you should be able to get like 6500 experience or so from all this yeah I didn't mention earlier but level 30 is a strength increase and an FM when you get a a stat increase and increases by two and just by the way the game scales your damage since we're so close to the battle level any tiny level up any small change in our stats is gonna make a dramatic difference in our damage output so level 30 is like I make or break you have to get it right now so but anyways yeah while he's finishing this up adèle if you want to read off a couple donations no problem I have a hundred and fifty dollar donation from Sparta that says always been a big fan of Kingdom Hearts kill the animals we have a fifty dollar donation from page a that says how to donate during Kingdom Hearts as it's my favorite series great singing everyone really excited for that data org run good luck bloody Thank You Kiki manatee done his twenty dollars saying been playing the Kingdom Hearts games since the first one was released easily one of my favorite game series of all times Cheers the sgdq the staff the runners and the Disney songs also double Cheers the bloody for making critical mode look effortless thank you we have a $50 donation from San to 4:8 that says songs strats spike vegeta surah he sounds so sweet and warm sorry how to throw that one in there we have a $500 donation from anonymous sane I've never seen this game played before and it looks like so much fun but this means there but this money is for your amazing singing if I don't need to Omni slash will you sing along with one winged angel no guarantees so cool little save warp again ps4 just makes those fast now he's going to be moving into this Genie fight which as what he was saying you really wanted that level up for it's he's gonna be looking to skip his desperation move this big dark attack where he's invulnerable for a while just waste a ton of time but he's gotta start off first by hitting him in the ABS don't know why but that's where you know now the weird kind of the main property about this fight the easiest way to try to get this game skip is that the carpet has this natural you know sliding - move and it actually can hit enemies more than once so you actually intentionally move partially away from Genie right here and then like let the sliding - hit him multiple times before continuing on into combo so you're not just mashing X again you're actually putting on specific delays bloodied put up that reflector to avoid a hole to move that Genie Jafar would have used yeah the Thunder usage there passed in HP gate so that way you could just get in the max amount of damage possible now hopefully yeah he's got plenty of damage after this roll up he should be able to finish him off in just a couple short combos [Music] there we go he didn't skip the DM you would've wasted like 30-something second and it's it's quite dangerous once you get out of the DM - so as I said what the game is checking for at this point is that you have access to all of the different worlds so you can see now that opens up the path you could go to pride Lance after you did the gummi mission right there so the left side is completely covered now on the right side we just have land of dragons to go to and finishing up beast castle now you might remember beast castle is where you fought salton like here we here Chippendales yeah I talked about that earlier I don't know what it's very I'm not sure if it's the game or like audio bug but either way okay that's not we hear them my few times but yeah before we find salton we do have these dragoons they'll Telegraph they're attacked by that little shine right there that means they're gonna teleport so you know you can put up a reflect go right into magnet and do your thing come here alright that these two Dusk's right now and then we're going to three more dragoons this ground attack that you right there will kill so bloody make sure to stay away from it we're gonna go and Toto fly into the magnet and gut flare very quick end of the fight duck flare again anytime that you don't really have to worry about your MP or something you'll probably use it to finish off fights now we're going into one of the cooler strats of the run if you played this game casually if you played it as a kid you probably remember is Alden not a fun guy to fight yes perform in critical mode as well as some very precise routing makes this really cool with being in master form and having those two key blades with the two reaction boosts we have right now we're doing a ton of damage on each of these jumps you can stock up to nine jumps each time and then it goes straight in duct flare again completely buffed in this ps4 English version and that's all it's gonna be for the fight unbelievable the speed at which bloodiest to mash to in order to get nine jumps out of pressing that triangle button for the reaction man is just absolutely insane yeah pretty tiny window to do it in so that we just have landed dragons that wants me to feat that that will open up the path to embolus Coliseum and we'll be done so going to our first fight is with spoiler alert it's Rico it's gonna be a solo fight sword versus him so we're gonna be utilizing those solo strats having stuff like limit form and Trinity limit mm-hmm those are pretty much your only tools that you have your disposal besides also magic and combos mm-hmm yeah one of the ways that they kind of vary up the gameplay instead of just always sticking to one thing is by taking away your party members of various points and we see that a lot in the final world - again using that technique where he baited out an attack from Riku reflecting that and snapping back over to him with using Trinity so there were flood damage then goes off so now we'll try to get in a couple combos here then immediately go into the limit form get his ansatsuken here into a sonic wave he used a sonic wave because wow it was actually really fast he use a sonic wave because we could kind of move around randomly and it'll easily catch up to him as opposed to something like ours I always mess this up it's ok um there we go so I'm looking for now instead of safe warping we we actually use wisdom form here we can't really save work because we haven't been over there right yeah it resets it now that we're kind of the second trip of worlds as you can see once again utilizing fire just to skip out that to skip out on that ledge grab right there there is another bow key vendor here to know that we also manipulated but we don't need them at level 30 is like the last real really important level in the run so now that we've got oh we don't have to worry about experience dismisses a revert rather out of wisdom form there because I was gonna use a limit here yeah we used a magnet + major drive but we're gonna use Altima this time around actually it's a really I don't know what it is I think it has to do with the bolt towers and how big they are and how they just kind of collide together and be magnet but uh does an insane amount of fits unbelievable 283 hits from pressing one button yeah and that's also because of that magnet being there I saw her introduced to our next each of the nobodies this like different type of enemy we've been seeing the second part of the game they're based on a different data organization member or a different organization member these being the snipers based on xigbar that could be very dangerous as well they have a lot of shots second one and two shot you so good we're gonna make sure we keep them all close again with these magnets again magnet and reflect are just really good tools for that they got so fast my god Mangan was like being really good tools just for crowd control we're not done yet though the kind of theme of these revisits are very fast very fast very fast yeah so we're going straight into the final boss of when dragons here you need to see some genie some in use we haven't really seen much of it but now we're actually gonna get to use them Genie actually has a different form based on each of your drive forms that you have right now he's in master form a he doesn't want that so while we're waiting in this cutscene you can actually set them to valor form so as you can see it allows you to have a frames and also just get in damage while you're kind of waiting for those lightning attacks to go I want to go down good damage now normally bloody could have grabbed back onto the horn and not get thrown off right there but it's faster just to go ahead and over damage him and just getting as much damage as you can okay it's a little bit low on damage but duct flare is really good so it's gonna just take care of the slop throw up a reflect cuz that actually works on this as you can see a huge chunk of help to shut off right there and now straighten duck - duck flare and it's gonna be using megiddo flare the finisher of it almost immediately and there it is as you can see us duck player really really strong strong we're not even close to being done with it by any means and that does it for our revisits we're actually going into our final gunning mission here they randomly want you to go through one to get back to Twilight town again which will then send you there to the world I never was the final dungeon yeah so with that this is one of our last really good spots to read donations so eddo you got like three and a half minutes just go for it alright we have a hundred dollar donation from pop punk game time that says so glad I have the opportunity to donate to sgdq this year even better that I can donate during my favorite game great job with the Kingdom Hearts to run so far we have a hundred and fifty dollar donation from selim us 39 saying I've been watching gdq for six years now I've always used to look forward to spikes runs but having him on the couch is almost as good luv you all keep up the good work we have a $20 donation from ex laws that says good luck on the run bloody biscuits made the goofy be with you thank you we have a $50 donation from Annie man 3 that says hey I should eq any man here i want to apologize for my bad english it's my birthday today and my favorite game is running right now and the voice spike vegeta giving the commentary how can this day get better well we are doing something for charity thank you very much for the event and the entertainment you give us you guys Rock we have a $50 donation from calculus that says I'm not heartless or anything but kill the animals the Rickster donates ten dollars saying hey Kage community may be here what's up Ricky hope to see you all again next agdq I for sure will be going to see you all there this community is so supportive and hard-working when it comes to optimizing these games also loving the charisma on the couch keep it up guys [Music] we have a $10 donation from Nintendo be be I've been super hyped to watch this all week and you guys are doing amazing so far good luck on the rest and shout outs to the KH community yeah Newton is the current greatest of all time player of Kingdom Hearts yeah he is the goat one of the all-time at least his smarts in every single category of every single like mainline category of kh2 he has world record he's in pretty incredible dude that is insane dude we have a lot of categories yeah we have a $50 donation of oz' that says I remember leveling all the forms to max for an unnecessary amount of time in Kingdom Hearts 2 so definitely something to see bloody biscuits go through it with all without the grind thanks you all for bringing the nostalgia and keep up the amazing run the exhausted donates $15 saying guests on and Hellfire were incredible good luck on the rest of run and let Sora to 900k sorry this run needed more puns I so just died in the back boy there's a zombie that did it that was the one we had $10 donation Catherine 54 that says Gaston and Lefou were amazing many goes to love I mean spikes choice we have a $50 donation from not myself that says how to donate again during one of my all-time favorite games to let the couch know that that was an amazing rendition of hellfire although it doesn't hold a candle to the desolate tones of my favorite commentator spike vegeta said this - spikes choice what is your choice spike dude I'm super vain I'm naming cloud me which let me check real quick you are in the lead right now so let's if you guys want to keep those already an option before she I put it there everybody else was like save/kill animals' get creative people we have a $20 donation from anonymous SSD Jake right here with my first ever gdq donation good luck - bloody on the run thank you Chris Nick Kroll donating $5 saying doing my $5 part chats should do the same yeah they should we're at 860 I know we can get tonight on a board I've got this final dungeon then we have all the incentive bosses the Remy throwing out for you guys exactly 15 that we're gonna be thrown out so you got a little bit which goes my faster you think I reach it a minute so like get your donations in now donate donate donate and cheer us some bits want that 5 million for majora's mask ok so hidden into our last time in Twilight town we got a couple of fights before we get out of here taking a little detour here because we see some skateboard action helping us out with some movement moving up here we're going to be using Master Jeannie I don't know how this video work so I'm gonna let bloody explain how it works well first we have to get through what I'll go the forest the forest of death every single shot here one shots you so I have to be pretty careful dodge of that shutouts the muffin cutie get behind that thing just pass straight through me there's no way you do that one let's go no I did okay so while you are summoning things objects like that just phase through just like the trees so anyway we actually get to the fight using magnet combined with master genies infinity alright I think it's uh let me see the Arcana limit it'll suck them in and when these two are separated they do like some pretty measly damage but when they're together they do a lot of hits he's always just racks up damage he's also specifically moving away from the enemies when using the magnet except for the samurais here because for most of them you want genie to suck them into the magnet yeah as to do with my weird invisible weight property that each of these enemies have yeah for some reason the samurais you just want to do it right on top of them they're kind of spreading out a little bit which isn't exactly what you want to see but I think we're should still be fine yeah your boy Mickey is a little not cool we're good there we go here we go how about Mickey yeah yeah good genie damage with magnet is just absolutely insane in the 60fps version of this game shallots to patch 1.14 because if we didn't have that come out a couple weeks ago that whole thing would yeah works every other patch isn't coming out as being kind of messing up things she'll sit square enix not really known but the call-outs we're close though we're almost rying I'm trying really hard you should be something to them I'm sorry I see you get to hear the opening of this music like five times that's the one thing I wish they would have just straight obtained from the previous versions now that they removed a load to string it together man okay so we have this little pre-fight with just all these dusts there's gonna be getting a lot of reflects in the magnets to take care of them and then Dalton goop you're gonna be taken out for axle and axle can be a big issue because then we're just we don't want just like Mickey in that last fight where he can't knocked them away we want to keep all the enemies close so we can kill them as quickly as possible so was having to run around and catch them so for these nobody waves he's gonna be more or less the same thing he just did there it's gonna bait out an attack first and then he's going to reflect magnet into finishing leaf and use some aerial attack there for chip damage as well now we have assassins of an assassin does a suicide a boy blow up okay it will kill you it was one shot territory right now hops into limits from there just to get his MP refilled yeah so he needs to reflect out of that because that actually will deflect an attack okay well alright so Axl kind of mess with things so he's gonna have to improvise here there I am there we go okay magnet into Trinity again every time an enemy gets hit out of the magnet and then pulled back in it does more damage so even though magnet itself doesn't do a lot of damage when you're doing it 900 times what does quite a bit okay we're coming up on the only changed part you could say like in terms of a fight for the final mix version we're gonna actually fight Rochester it's not just a cut soon and oh that sucks that's okay the cool movement tech man didn't like you today I will mostly just let this fight free speak for itself the way these combos work together it's absolutely beautiful a lot of what we're using here is abusing that revenge value getting him to attack back at the right times everything about this is centered around having him retaliate exactly when we're expecting it so that we can reflect every time he retaliates just listen to music okay now the hard part okay that's really good door he knew that was gonna happen using the limit form to get that deflection off him right there now he's gonna be using ours Arcanum there is one more hit after that he's not using it and that strat has changed very slightly over the years it's unbelievably using ragnarok see into that too on top of on top of some of the changes he did to you yeah Alice Blizzard early on safe EMP yeah it was to cut out having to use Trinity limit at one point just to kind of link to go that damage then under two bars you might notice that he's pretty much almost out of ethers he's gonna do one more shopping trip we have just enough ethers to make a past Roxas and now we mentioned anti formless a little while ago here is yep that anti form is land we always know that will either get an T form or final form there there's a very small percentage in their way all of his anti points are gone now and so we can safely use our dry forms again in battle without having to worry about it we're getting our drive back right here using that and then we're doing that specifically to go into anti form again go into this room this will give us a driver cover e because it's one of those special rooms and that's kind of takes care of things here is the next absolutely beautiful fight we have got xigbar it changed a lot with how much more damage duck flyer has done so getting the last part ethers yeah we get an elixir because of that item we picked up way back in timeless river yeah one synth item swapping heroes crest there that we got from lumbus calcium because xigbar is gonna be in the air pretty much the entire time so we want to have air combo boost coming up right here so he's going to be attacking and staggering him at very specific times first of all he needs to go ahead use the reaction command and then Ziggler is gonna come down and use three sets of lasers he wants to reflect the first one just yet a little bit of chip damage in to balance out this damage now he's gonna let him go a third time and then go into death player holding this watch off that limit gauge up there it's gonna just about run out and then he's going to time it the number he's looking for is to get him to a just right under three bars of health so he's gonna get him one more combo here once he gets under three then he's gonna get actually using dollar form we're getting nostalgic and bringing it back so he's going to use that to iframe through one of these giving him that health refill now he's gonna go up he's going to go into a double finisher cancelling out before the last one going into an air combo into fire hyperextending this combo to go into the duck player and go for the kill right now this should be able to get him see a nerd when he teleports away like that he could have just DM but instead who was good the like not only the just number of precise inputs cuz I'll be the first to say that fight is impossible that is still one of the absolute hardest fights in the game even beginner mode I tried to learn that fight and it's just absolutely insane and it's not only the the preciseness was with all of your inputs but the variety in there he Rio had the point where he went into valor form did two finishers had to then revert from valor form to then use a fire to then use a limit to then keep using air combos all without touching the ground so it's absolutely insane there we go he just react with the decisive pumpkin there cuz again he's going back to now mostly ground combos and he put the Oblivion Keyblade which he just got onto dollar form that would oh yeah I remember what it's for this is for something later on don't worry about all right luck sir this is square you're doing great all the pads is a great man please fix this fight yeah we used to be able to loop this fight pretty well unfortunately now that's impossible I'm patch 1.09 bug alright so he was in that guy's form he just wanted to get through that guy's form as quickly as possible if we see the minigame over and over we're gonna be super happy because there we actually have the ability to continue this loop a slap shot into a flat into finisher allows us to make this happen he's gonna keep using it for us right now which is great we want to see this there's one of two attacks he could use okay this is where we unfortunately can no longer I didn't want him to chase me that one card but you did anyway we really can't have a reliably stable fight anymore after some of the changes they made if he uses this card not liking the fact that he's using these attacks okay now in this case hopefully that'll those courts can do a ton of damage so it's nice to get them caught in that reflect damage so there's a specific health barrier that he's looking for if you look at the top that like the gimmick of this fight is that we're getting that time gauge down as opposed to just health you can lose health as well and you'll die but you need to lower his time gauge use you see the time gauge actual word at the top you need to get it to where it's like just past that black bar that's kind of on the line with it so he's very close and then he should be able to link together a combo to make this war and luxord has a very long desperation move at the end of it we want to skip that we're gonna start that right now using the solo Trinity just for extra damage as well as you know keeping him stunned then gonna go straight in the limit for him the explosion knocked him up in the air go right into an ARS Arcanum again we're not going to use the finishing move that ours Arcanum will explain a little bit why but he's going to then poke him a couple more times get him down to the right health value just has the perfect amount of stagger and see perfect besides I'm breaking out that one time that actually was a pretty good fight yeah he kept giving me a minigame which is fantastic it's exactly what we want to see and as we mentioned a couple times every time he's using ours Arcanum he's going all the way up until the last hit but not used right that's because of that revenge value mechanic ours our kingdom does a lot of damage so it adds a lot of revenge value it's like 9 or something so this is probably the most technical fight I heard it on the end in the run with the addition of duck flare it's pretty crazy that this shred yes I remember this used to be a Peter Pan fight now it's yeah much more complicated alright one good thing is that Donald is dead that makes things easier it ages the media music yeah main idea is he wants to keep him up against the wall right here so that he isn't dashing all around the arena and more of these reflects actually did that's a triple reflect right there three or three individual reflects hitting him all right good now going into limit form here again more of that since chicken into ours Arcanum if he drops any bit of this he'll go into his berserk phase now right into the red and land you want to let them land because if you don't they'll just get popped up in the air and a lot of stuff will with [Applause] dr. Troy is just crazy yeah really yes a lot of these dark flare shots are relatively new with the addition of it was powered up on the ps3 version but the load times were so bad for that we save literally like an hour and 40 minutes on load screen the other crazy thing about that fight with how technically demanding it is is he also wind a limit for him so he used his drive gauge but he built all the way back up to three Drive because he wants to be able to use wisdom for him right here for movement yes extra quick you really get up to three Drive while also having to keep track of everything else that's going on no let's hear to donations while reclining this alright we have a $10 donation from ASA that says be be good luck my boy you hope you have an awesome time wish I could have made it this year but the grind has got me on lock I'll see you at agdq dude shoutouts to the goon yeah shoutouts to the goon squad and good luck at a evo dude and then we also got a $10 donation from red roses that says go BB go do it for best girl all right now we're into our first fight with xemnas and this fight is gonna have this long building RC that we're gonna do here hit the star for good luck so this building RC is you can I mean just watch it it takes a long time it's it's does quite a bit of damage yeah but it's really not worth it all the time so hopefully this will be the only time we see this in this fight there are actually three different reaction commands he could have used there one that just dodges him second that does a little bit of damage and this third one which is a ton of damage now he's gonna land here jump back into the air and do an aerial combo this is the strat that bloody learned right before the run at agdq2015 so I'm glad that he was able to to completely destroy this time so with these reflect combos if you spam a bunch of flights that will only do one it'll only give yourself one edition of reflect but by using reflect slap shot which that Keyblade attack and then going into another reflect and then going with the garb red after that it makes each of those different reflects do individual damage making for some crazy combos xemnas can use either a shorter combo a longer combo this is the this being the shorter or he can put up a barrier call and say guard and so bloody has to react to all of them and he wants to try to get the short combo a lot and now we're going for the skip on that second building RC nice he actually then this could have possibly gotten out of that but what do you ask Wow assume this is one of those fights that has a lot of recovery so the arse loop isn't nearly as effective on him you have to be very very precise yeah or you got a match real hard which is what I do alright so final stretch now final battles alright alright first place is best place definitely the best phase got to slice up some buildings oh nice so the boys in chat who know about the emote you can go ahead and start spamming it all right now we're just basically making our way to that large ship there to try to take out these engines that are powering it first we have to go through some more buildings get more reaction commands iso coming up here kind of the this is all linking into one fight which is the core fight we're gonna have to defeat a lot of nobodies to get to the next phases on this so he's gonna be using up magnet to actually kill these different enemies which will knock them into the background and gradually hit these different these left and right cylinders yes you could tell by the health bars at the top right and the top left there is a charge meter in the middle too that would fire a laser but we're not really worried about that as long as we use all these magnets properly you know saving ether here bodies gonna get one more magnet usage here and then for the second set of enemies is actually gonna jump and use a news master form which the explosion from that will also make all these enemies fall you only have to hit each of them once to get them to fall into the background now I'll get to use one more magnet here cuz again go in a dry form will refill your MP I think you can just hit one more and that'll get more than Zoe I forgot magnet form or magnet also just lasts longer in master form alright so here's the Korra fight he's gonna be using magnet on it which with a series of combos will also just make the enemy spawn a lot faster now master form has been reverted we're going to be at just doing some more magnet into Trinity combos here on this on these first wave of enemies and hopefully the second yeah there are two waves of no bodies here and normally you have to run the health bar of this core down pretty far but by utilizing magnet for whatever reason it just they spawn a lot faster now we're good palette genies back out we're gonna switch them over to master form again and do those same and magnet into genie limit combos that we were seeing outside of the mansion with Mickey to note if bloody had gotten final form when he got aunty form got fan upon instead he could have used final genie here saves like 15 seconds but it's extremely rare to get it and again all these assassins like you they will one-shot you if they go for their death animation getting rid of Cheney we're gonna have to build up our drive again and on top of that you just want to use stock flare on the core here because it's still really powerful now he's built up to the Valor and this is probably why he has oblivion the AoE finisher right there deal Sean okay I'm gonna get in the air so there yeah that building a dike that's a one shot if that shoots and hits you now he'll also use valor coming in here right at the beginning of xemnas using this little slide - effect to close in he's also gonna try to get off this finisher which would give them some iframes every times it correctly to not get hit by that off time did a little poorly there so you didn't recover from it that swipe attack is also a one-shot that's only half health yeah unfortunately bad timing unfortunately that's right definitely to no one get hit yeah it's a real quick death no big deal rights try that again huh little blade on that one overcompensating again if he does not reflect those he will die like Donald just standing there looking around he is ready dude are now back in duck flare our favorite Limit gonna get as much damage as possible and going to the mega duck flare there we go very pretty fight when it goes to ugly now we gotta go into a bit of a slow Friday just why did why did they put why is this in the game this is blue-eyes White Dragon there are five phases to killing them you gotta break the tail the two little engines on the side and then both of those wings the basic idea behind this is that you can absorb the energy from those different lasers the enemies are shooting at you and you can also just shoot the enemies which they will then fall into these different pieces and break them as well I'm using a technique here called finisher cancelling where I'm able to use infinite finishers by cancelling the finisher with a Rinku laser so that allows me to hit these bombs into the body parts a lot faster speeds things up he also has to absorb the energy in order to get at the same time which makes this actually a pretty scary fight for me because if I get hit like once then I'm down to like pretty much one health yet that's the worst part about this fight it's long boring and not safe right it's very easy to die they hit two or three times be a little late on absorbing those lasers there's a lot of routing that actually goes into this fight it's not just all right go like with when you'll use your mega laser or not right here since you're right up in its business last couple enemies finish it off he did specifically wait to finish it off until he could get some more energy there so that way he'll be able to charge up another mega laser for this next piece right so now for the wings these are the last two pieces and this face will start shooting off homing missiles there really is no you can't absorb them the only way is to just avoid them and hopefully parry them sometimes you'll just get hit though I like right there there's just kind of no waiting for me to escape again 1/4 of his health just from one missile there now now we should be able to this is the scariest part right here this wing in particular ya bloody likes to save this last mega laser for the fifth phase is going to try to just take out the health bar with killing the enemies instead should be safe ok now he's gonna put on a slight delay before this fit I have to go careful because the bomb is still alive and he's actually going to home in on me right there yep all right now I got missiles again again using that finish its line to keep going my finisher to hopefully reflect them right that missile like you did now we're just gonna blow up this wing all we have to do is get through the first wave of bombs and then just let them mega laser rock and we'll take care of it right there two fights left we just saw armored feminists or thrones Emma sitting now we now have to face him again this time he's broken up into three phases which thankfully down one phase from the original Kingdom Hearts to where after you hit him to a specific HP gauge he'll then knock you out then that slide - and then the reflect again pulling hit you into him to get that reflect damage now he needs to be very careful because again those swipe attacks will one-shot you so bloody has to pay a lot a lot of attention to revenge value and just once you stagger them enough that's the first HP gate you jump up and just take it now he's really looking for specific buildings in order to use these reaction commands they'll spawn consistently immediately after this building RC is finished he's gonna do in a double jump of an aerial dodge and then glide over that's actually skipping an attack that the enemy can use here that called or these smoke big snowflake lasers that you've seen a few times which just makes it a lot nicer than having to try to yeah through those bloody put on a subtle little delay there right at the start just so he wouldn't have to deal with the brick wall animation make sure that slide - is gonna stagger them again those snowflake lasers you're seeing now that's what he's skipping at the end of this filing phase there we go right down here okay I think I may have flew over it a little bit there I was like that it's bomb like as you were pressing triangle all right so once again aerial dodge and then fly flying over the trigger for it right about here so covert job all right good he's gonna there we go letting each reflect actually do damage I'm gonna be a little safe there we go it's good thing I was making sure to throw that ether before the fight was over cuz okay yeah very nice alright so here he is here is the final boss of this game final xemnas for the longest time every HD version of this game had broken the reaction command for this boss now they finally fix it yeah alright this is an absolutely beautiful and using reflect at very specific spots to get it to go off and do damage he's not just throwing it out whenever he's timing all right you've gotta have like two reversals here then throw a reflect sometimes we'll do a double reflect yeah lots of damage though then again pushing out to the pad hold it up good now if the number he's looking I'm gonna say yeah okay that's good the number you're looking for here is four bars so he's gonna try to get him right below right above there cuz that's the point where he's gonna want to go into his laser his face so he's just using air combos to get in close now limit for him to have the iframes through that go into his ground combo into the arse once again stopping one hit short now a little cord about this fight is that you can actually push finals on this out of bounds and you can't go out there yourself so you used to make sure he kind of angles him in certain ways to keep him in the arena now we're actually going into the throw animation again that sometimes can happen but bloody I mean he just went through it who popped that elixir getting all of his MP back soon as he gets to about point six point seven bars oh hell yeah then the fights over alright so time is not coming up quite yet we have to go through this entire section right here where we deflect the laser dome as it's well known and then we have to go through another 42nd cutscene and then we can feel finally deal the final blow what is your PB in this game boy it's a 300 21 I want to say so pretty darn good I'm seeing my time right down below it's actually pretty good wrong very very very happy with it you're just getting countless pogchamp sand yeah that's a really really solid marathon run of this only two deaths of course of it two deaths pretty pretty fast deaths too but I was I'm really happy how I played want to know that coming up right after this we have mostly every super boss who walked in this game we're actually gonna be going right into the bonus game first yeah which is the first I believe when fighting data org and that's purely because it's he's already on the profile for data org and he'll have to actually you know blow to save for it and stuff right and for the others he'll have to switch to a different profile as well as it's just kind of fun to end up end on the boss fight right time is coming up here in just a second just go ahead and mash we're gonna be using session to kill them time alright yeah but it was if it was a 301 because he started he didn't write back at the beginning of the run he didn't like start at the raw yeah you didn't stop regardless now let's go ahead and get set up for day torgussen yeah you know want to save as much time as possible so what we're gonna do is we're going to close the application first yeah that's not only there's no soft reset for Kingdom Arts too but even if there were like the closing application is actually required because at the very beginning of the data work
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 1,624,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summer Games Done Quick 2017, SGDQ2017, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: PVjf3bc3Noo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 9sec (11589 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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