Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater by RaichuMGS in 1:14:00 - AGDQ2020

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I'm quick 2020 I'll be your host for this run and I believe we are now ready for Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater being run by Raichu mgs let's hear it for him Oh buddy I am right um yes I have buy me a tea tree lieutenant on free cat link and fizz it was the arcade master so number one mgs tree on new game European extreme because why wouldn't you your hands a lot of thing better than us real game like I said this is kind of lies but it's not because I've never been to gdq before so for the first time and we'll start time that first time in my whole life this point is it's a blind run all the way for the home skipping I'll just say big shoutouts and hello to mrs. right your guys hopefully everything goes really really well but it will about you but I am I mean we're a world-record pace right now yeah I mean everybody starts off on the hold up your face that's what happens in the tree so first thing I'm gonna do is change the camera because MGS tree is like really heavy on movement and requiring or even to like control the camera along with snake is just I'm not down front so we'll use the fixed comm that was included in the original version we can't leave without that backpack oh we get yell that fire snake eyes are a lot of things in that box no I wish I had a backpack like that so just it is a Metal Gear game on a shirt in any way familiar with Metal Gear Solid it's like huge cutscene lots of codecs lots of good do you like talking you'll get everything of the explains like a micro detail or out the jungle where British chillin through the jungle it's no big deal not really sure what we're doing here cuz I didn't like I didn't listen to what major zero said so I'll figure it out that's okay it wouldn't be a real blind run if you paid attention being sprung so of course we're in Florida and that's why the rolling around is a because this game is like too realistic first time and just like in real life when you run up a slope snake starts to like slow down Easter steps and whatnot so we roll up those hills just like real life just I do that in my personal life I don't know about you but whenever I leave the house it's the only way I get anywhere yeah the third time those other two were on purpose it was annoying so snake has a really really bad or really good I guess I can roll somebody in the dolly in Nevada no and I'll hit them in grozny grad so it's pretty nice sometimes it'll be ten feet away from them you still hit them somehow you know it works snake just have the gentleman's agreement going with everyone they play along so let's go off to put catch out again with these guys and the idea behind that is when I garden on the same level as I am going in the first person in stands on snakes tippy-toes I guess he just hits their head so when we've scared a guard they're like vision goes watch straight ahead of them and they go down they're really good guys oh so I'm gonna show off the quick cuts out again it's like a staple for the run if you've been keeping count that's five now roll up the hills again your movement in this area is all entirely designed to get our shots off as quickly as possible so we can keep moving and I don't know what we're doing here but stuff is happen so we fade back in and why has he done so coop you monster I'm sure somebody will do without we have to go find them citizen's arrest because that's unacceptable [Music] so some more cutscenes because Kojima just wouldn't be right something to be wrong yeah oh my problems going on there broken bones one long fall of a short bridge later just poke yourself a little bit I'm good and those injuries are actually healed in a specific order to keep using that you have to do as little menuing while you're healing them up as possible yes so like um there's six cuts and two broken bones the game the falls to the five cuts and then it goes to a broken bone but we quickly switch to the last coat because our menus are set up that way so it's a tiny optimization with a little they love simulations like that as far as job right yeah thank didn't feel like we're all in love without lava so again it starts off a little bit like the virtuous mission there's a two screens with no guards and then we'll have some enemies to deal with ideally we like fools with them before they make fools of us he really is I mean this is like it's like the bully game except it's melody herself I mean I remember in high school people rolling at me to bully me you know the other side my beliefs hitbox was ridiculous so one little thing about MDS games in general is when you menu you want to be preferably rolling because doing it while you're running and it slows down so this movement is pretty difficult we want to like take the corner as sharply as possible without bumping the scenery will demonstrate how these guards are idiots and for some reasons they can pull the pin on a grenade and that therefore he doesn't make footstep yeah on most ground types in the game you can just if you're in the middle of throwing a grade everyone will just kind of look the other way I mean if you thought that was impressive he pulls the pin on a grenade and puts it back in his pocket like so here's just movement and we're gonna stand here for a little bit and move the guards are looking away from us he's gonna catch a notice of us as we go across the bridge but it's fun he just thinks he sees someone but it's clearly just it's late at night he's tired it's fine it's far away that's why we're just making our way towards the first I guess boss it's just the ah so there's any donations get it you got a time we have $10 from plywood who says best of luck to you right you all of us in the Metal Gear speedrun community are rooting for you remember it's not just a box it's a way of life Thank You plywood time for another one no dyad all right we have $20 from Joseph Joseph 316 who says hey right you which he knew on in the mgs our discord wishing you the best on your own by the way did you know you can find Don Taylor in mgs3 using only the 360 camera on the other scene we're going to be in the Ocelot unit boss fight and I go quiet hair don't mind me yeah this is a very precise series of movements this first enemy has to be shot non-lethal II into the next room for a head shot out the window to catch someone running by a very precise leap to set up on that edge of the wall to draw two enemies over to make sure they're both stunned they'll be one-shot between two boxes here and one more at the bottom of ureña here it's very nice with a job for anyone it was like why did you close your eyes when I heard us done they can give like they're so bright they sometimes give me a headache so I don't mind that he's a method player I promise I have promised that you are at no risk of being blinded our foot sleep so we just quickly grab our book juice found our cardboard box the box is like the most important item in the game I would say yes [ __ ] love boxes like snake is just feeling a little bit hungry that's what the boat was used is about but he had a big one so just wanna go juice will do well this is Florida right so why does it just go to Waffle House so well I'm doing I don't know if you can see the controller but I'm like alternating between Circle and X and I'm Majora's wrath of German Majora's Mask runner who occasionally dabbled on mgs3 VPP founded just a couple of days ago that to kind of boost max and swimming speed if you alternate between the buttons every line frames or so which is like hard to count as a human so I just kind of go back and forth in a rhythm you can like get the maximum and please the maximum speed for your swimming cuz unfortunately like just mashing really fast doesn't do anything it just kind of slows you down a little bit so we've been like messing around trying to find like a smooth rim and then VPP he just came in and it was like now you're all doing it wrong here's the true way we're on our way to a minefield I'm gonna shoot here I need to distract the dog and that dog barking I tracked the guard like way over there who would otherwise be in our way one step to our right and into the barbed wire fence but makes a little tougher than most off our box here why it's literally the greatest thing ever invented nothing to question about that box everyone should have one yeah and of course think is so powerful he can run into an electric fence and not get hurt don't think that puppy wants to be petted you cannot pet the dog yourself they're not friendly I sent a letter to Kojima and see what happened so here is just in fact if there's a donation the read now is a pretty good time to do it yeah we have plenty we have forty five dollars from platonic guy who says hey ride choose what sonic here watching the run from the mgs our discord with everyone else best was lots of the run I know you're absolutely dismantle it so that guy's a very intelligent soul all right this could it be a quiet section wearing a Ocelot bossfight this is a very precise series of movements involving grenades and then attempting to get headshots with our silenced pistol just quickly as possible the goat kita shot in the background is used to try to distract Ocelot again ideally we would wanted to keep him in the center of the arena and the entirety of the time but if you see the small bar underneath his primary white health bar that's the stamina bar and once we drain that will have completed despite not lethally unfortunately Ocelot wouldn't loop that's fine it's just typical but we got we got so a grabber his camouflage and interest from the Ocelot is one of the bosses that doesn't count as a kill if we defeat it I'm not lethally and but we need that out on this camera so we always go fur non-lethal a New Game+ you can go lethal and it can be faster but it's really really hard together to be faster so apologies if you guys can't see anything right now don't worry nobody bit right you can right she's got this TV turned way way up and it's still I can't see anything I've got those contrasts don't worry about it this is actually another element this is another portion we're using the default camera is helpful because the camera will actually gently orient you in the direction that you need to go dark I was listening when I was teaching on this stuff boy he paid attention in mgs3 college so the caves is pretty quiet nice if there's a donation you might as well yeah definitely we have five dollars from iridescent who says hey Raichu you're wasting your ammo I'm glad to see the Irish Postal Service got you over to Orlando if I don't see a white brush I'm watching an inquisition best of luck to you buddy glad to see you over there showing us off also praised that kijima pillow [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] so for the pain and no pun intended he's a real pain we need to troll a smoke immediately because it keeps his bees calm I guess just like real life yeah put a shield backup will launch another smoke and we're just trying to catch head shots as much as we can though the pain in you is difficult because his head box his head box his hip box first is like the mouth area so it's like right around the nose fantastic I was pretty good that made up for night awful awful but um yes well his hitbox is like from his mouth to his chin so it's really stupid so you might hit the top of his head no damage but yes that's the pain is incredibly picky it's like I don't know what they did and one thing I actually didn't mention is in phase 2 he launches like bullet B's at you and on the HD collection when you're in first person they just don't hurt you it's really weird but it RBS to is a whole different thing you have to get in the water and all store but again we're in a bit of a quiet section so work away but any donation certainly can we have twenty-five dollars from daily May who says I love how a Pokemon is running mgs3 my donation goes towards my closest friend who went through cancer and beats it you go right you thanks Baily Oh Oh did you just what okay you know you said you weren't sure how swag you were feeling earlier yeah I'm glad you went for it he just wanted to go straight through the rocks and you're gonna adventure so again I did mention earlier while you're swimming and alternating buttons can speed you up unfortunately in this section it sort of doesn't matter because it's kind of time with the search like dudes on weird futuristic over platforms this is 1964 by I'm I didn't know they had that technology but I like flying segways or whatever it's like it sounds like alien spaceships flying around you know so if we were to fast we just have to wait for that guy to move anyway so there was no point and that's the going as fast as possible in this woman's action we might as well just do what we usually do we're coming up to what pretty much one of the hardest rooms in the game that we have to visit a couple times unfortunately and the docs here isn't too bad we just find another quick headshot that's fixed that doesn't count as a kill honestly I didn't do it the barrel did the barrel the important part of that is we cleared off the dock which means we've just got free roam of the place and we've hurt the end so when we get to him we'll be able to destroy him now I usually wouldn't grab that ammo just there but I was a little bit low after Ocelot and whatnot so I just pick it up just for safety yeah there's a section later where we'll be needing to count our ammo very carefully yeah so coming into the warehouse and I'm not even going to explain I'm just gonna let you see how about the hitbox could be but that happens very rarely but it does happen in this and it might have been because I didn't get over the railing quite right but let's try again should be a little better you're off is a difficulty if an enemy confirms that you were there you immediately game over so a lot of these rooms become moving through it at exactly the right time to make sure that enemies aren't looking where you will be fortunately a lot of them are pretty generous with the checkpointing though you saw it there he didn't he didn't really lose a whole lot of time for that that pick little check it so far like the whole section is really awkward with your movement and whatnot so you just kind of have to roll with the punches I guess and just hope that they look where they need to look roll with the punches I see what you did there you explain the joke that now is not funny anymore dude why'd you do that the trick will use a couple of times we're gonna head shot right out of the box it helps cancel some animations and it makes sure that snake is at the right height to get the head shot off quickly and you might have seen a couple of times when I'm standing up from a prone I'm a quickly snap on the box on and off that just cancels out the animation of us standing up it's a like half a second this is a very minor thing that I've gotten the hammer really the uses of a cardboard box or endless you should get inside the box and then you'll know what I mean gives me those kind of powers I mean you're a cat I mean if you fit this right I did that did he just tell me not to go fast he know what I'm doing bro the enemy what do you expect so we're disguises we are now dr. snake PhD hmm the guards don't pay it any attention to the fact that there's a scientist with a bandana that's fine the scientists are definitely a little more intelligent they know we don't belong here but it's fine because while they're intelligent on one end they're idiots on the other so under attack by a man viciously love tapping everyone so don't let their side this coats fool you these guys are not much more intelligent the guards and which I'll show off like right now I mean this is a science lab I'm sure they get deliveries all the time not sure this is like a scientific marvel at a science box so they have no concerns man I'm really far behind the time if they were doing this in the 60s we'll see we'll see the old school Amazon drones again later though we're gonna see like the only useful out of bounds in the game there is another one on ps2 but this is a ps2 so we can't use it so we're gonna go now walls are no object I will not be contained by mere mortal walls we're outside again I don't know how that happened sorry but I don't have time to talk we're in a box you might know this my stamina is getting kind of low one of the afflictions that tackle a snake when his stamina gets low is his aim kind of goes a bit weird so equipping the animals , was just remove that entirely yeah play this game casually there are a lot of different survivalist elements your stamina being one of them and the main thing that affects is your aim we just took the opportunity to switch camos so some of the boss camels have all of them did they have their own like special abilities I guess are there little perks and ocelots animals panel of course being like a gun a gun fanatic is he has a steady aim at all times so snakes posture will continue to deteriorate as he gets hungrier and hungrier but so keep it together so the fear is really scary and it it's actually I think is this giving snake a heart attack oh oh so we're gonna have to play doctor snake here real quick he might be there but we've got the power to revive him okay's back we all got towed out to Donna's retaliation and I'm gonna beat this boss without touching them good night I didn't do it wasn't me only slightly less scary than advertised oh I only brought up I'll be blamed for that so we quickly grab some so a lot of incidental deaths that right you will not be taking the blame for in this round barrels swinging things from trees so the reason for actually I know that won't you guys explain that while I do the warehouse why the fear works like that I'll do the warehouse and then although we're gonna have to do everything around here so there's another box hedge huh faster heart like this is the part that scared me the most so I'm glad I got through that first try well basically it's pretty well known even amongst like casual players that when you stun the fear with a stun grenade you're a lethal damage is just Molly foe for some reason so we kind of lure them over to us at the trap show us done and when we stand up and be just something happen he dies I guess so coming up - everybody's to watch probably the most famous boss in the game and the end not the end of the game its Polly's call and luckily I won't be partaking in a two-week sniper bottle or any of that nonsense and I won't be fast forward in the clock we're gonna shoot the cause we need to roll there because that guy will hear our footsteps and if he hears my footsteps it's kind of funny sometimes he'll see me sometimes he won't I'm not gonna take the risk though so we just roll my stomach is growing snakes hungry but he's also a bit busy he doesn't have time to eat right now no radio call explaining who's in front of me as if I don't already know which I don't of course I've never played this game before I'm gonna try smoke that seems like a good idea now we can't see us so I basically just morph into John Cena everyone say hello to the end he's up there he can probably hear you we do have a bit of time for one or two donations because this is just fine no wait to the end alright sounds good to me we have five dollars from mini-14 four he says hey Reiji remember I promised let me see that faint clip everyone in MTS our wants to see it well you've got your wish many we have $100 from knockouts lakhs who says at the end we're gonna use the footstep console again and and we'll end up right on top of him because his a year he's here and for an old man is incredible so we're gonna stink spray twice alright back to our stick spray did you when his Mosin touches the floor we can go again right to the body we have to hit him with the stone we look up cuz I don't want to get blinded he's already dead oh no he's surprisingly Hardy for an old man and I got a stick spray and there's three grenades here and they all have to be right to the body because hitting them in the body with the grenade like resets is a I I'm gonna weightless nice coughs and then are all the way basically you want to keep them in a constant loop all right we let him come to us I say affairs if you have any of those cough drops I think snake needs one he's good yeah if snake is in the middle of an action which is what we had this thing spray out then he won't coughs oh yes it's important I want to get rid of those funds they don't need them anymore and yeah it's important that when I'm standing still waiting for him to come to me I don't keep hold of square I have a six-way in my mouth and because they will won't cough you won't coffee if he's moving or holding a gun up or whatever and that was just mean that one I'm trying to like punch the end and sink spray and whatnot he's just gonna coffin me he's gonna run away somebody like over a hundred years old he can he can move to one section and then all of a sudden he's got so obviously everyone's sing along if you know the word donations perfect time we got two more than true all right [Music] one hundred dollars from precious Roy who says yo right you the Mulcair community is stoked to be run even Don's hailer is watching now let the legend come to life and bring some of that Irish Thunder here's a donation for runners choice mg SR is behind you we have $25 from big no-no who says whoa this host is amazing thank you hope we'll be seeing a lot more of her whoever she is 25 more bucks if she sings the chorus to Snake Eater just the I'm still in the dream bit donation goes towards the bonus game because the more drums the better I don't know if I'll be doing that I'm I know I don't want to talk [ __ ] chat with that believe it if you don't we have a we have something coming up after we have yeah definitely just scratch the itch you can keep going if you want yeah definitely all right we have $10 from metal gladden solid who says gotta support my boy riichi I know you'll do great since snake eater singing was already met this is for the legend of animals to continue MGS our wit is here behind you PS shoutouts to kojima out there in the crowd oh god kojima came that's cool that's the ladder holdin up on the analyst leg for like two minutes like perfect IL so the mountains i hate them and i think every runner of this game shows that emotion yeah so it's a lot of movement and make them the guards look like idiots which is basically like that's MGS tree in a nutshell yeah cut some attention sticks braids that guys on his way here's an RPG which is kind of terrifying what's funny is they give him or PGs on you e^x but like if you get an alert it doesn't actually came over they'll never touch you with it so it just looks menacing let's run to the next area snake is an expert mountain climber he's also hungry if you're wondering if that noises yeah isn't his stomach is rumbling you need some ramen noodles i don't know about you if any of you guys out there I've ever climbed the mountain but if you haven't done it donning a cardboard box you're doing it wrong so the next time you're out there just make sure you bring your box yeah the reason we use that so much especially going up inclines is because when you're in the box there isn't a separate animation for going up strenuous terrain as there is on foot so the run speed is basically the say or like the animation speed is essentially the same so it doesn't slow down we've got just up ahead you're the most intelligent guard so we have to be really careful there now we're gonna make I collect a little bit nervous on purpose you just wanted this to mention how if you're not in the box you can hang on to the edges of ledges yes so in the Box likes tracks to thank plummets to his debt regardless and but without the box I can run off there it's no problem he doesn't care he'll catch just prove that my snake is just at the big old bully so he was our box just a little bit here we don't use it too much on this green possibly want to get off yeah we actually need that guy to hear our footsteps so I'm going quite cuz this is this is hard to make this cycle you actually have to flip up that terrain and then book it as quickly over here as you can I keep hearing the grumbles and now I'm just I'm sorry guys I'm sorry I really should have eaten before told everybody to eat beforehand so I don't know what we were doing up here but I think we met with you fess her name I've never heard of her before I've never seen her in my life and we should have some noodles for a civil grab a pack and funnily enough snakes not even gonna want him eats them but it was a gift for me but I believe very simplistic gift but it's the thought that counts yeah I would be gifting doodles right now I mean if someone gave me noodles I'd be like okay thank you I'll eat that right now I don't know how you guys climb stairs or descend stairs but this is how I like to do it personally I think it's probably the most optimal way to do so and so we're going towards what's probably the hardest boss the memories so even like the casual affairs know this one yep ideally this should be a very tight loop but there's some things that are just gonna be out of your control she's gone left which is ideal and here's another fun property of the cardboard box it is fireproof is that just fireproof it will put out fire on you your cycles here are three shots than two because you don't want to knock them down too early so you want to just basically keep them in a constant loop in there you go hard as possible made it look easy just go ahead drew it up what you do I feel like I'm uh putting us to shame on his first place roof I feel like I'm making a big lawyer myself like you know this is the hardest part with us now so more cotton cotton like a coating of snake climbing up a ladder look at me I know you're back there listening to me Cody my you know what you did it's all in the name of realism right you so we need to roll here so that guy he'll notice us but if we just run across it's gonna catch us and more than most areas it's really important to use the fix camera here because the treaty camera adds like tons of lag it's ridiculous I believe this will be our eight quick headshot a or night well I'm sorry I meant that was gonna be our ninth look um so as I say these guys are very intelligent beyond it's ridiculous I mean I don't know how yeah if they're not in alert mode your number they heard you talking about them yeah wow that's really impressive technology I mean it's Kojima what do you expect like it's very important to note that like cycles who are like really tight and obviously it took me a bit longer to hit that first guard than it should have so I just totally recycle so one extra shot and basically it throws off everything cuz he's now looking towards me when I get there it's a terrible chirp am I'm gonna shoot this guy I don't know who he is but he seems important and so I'm gonna go make friends with him and we shot him to get him to notice us now he's coming towards us and a very common aid was to cover because there's an enemy down that hallway kinda hate when people see me and they just drop like that it's like he means in real life that happens to him a lot I think it might be these week maybe their stimulus just well I'm just dragging this man over here just gonna drag him over maybe there's a doctor around or something cuz oh I think what have you done put him in that locker that he's safe there no one can no one's gonna steal his a wallet or anything while he sleeps but we stole his clothes and his face and apparently his face okay right in how you doing so we're now we are in our right cause it's just that simple I'm we're on our way to God I love the way he runs and just because this area is kind of quiet you might have noticed I'm always rolling into like load zones and doors and whatnot it saves a bit of time because you just kind of get there a bit faster and from this point for the next couple of minutes donations are welcome because it's very very quiet perfect we have five hundred dollars from new Riza who says he's five hundred for the crowd to give me their best well you can do better than that we have $10 from Nora seasick Rwanda says Nora see here first time watching agdq it's making me go by so much faster shoutout to ride she drew is killing this game thanks for the last section save the cardboard boxes to kill the animals if you've got more load em up game yeah no worries hundred dollars from sponge snake who says hey agdq thank you to all the runners staff and everyone who makes this possible keep fighting the good fight can't wait for the lighter section donation goes to runner's choice incentive plenty of time all right we have $5 from Brandon Jimenez 8 CTU says in loving memory of my grandma nanny may she rest in peace let's beat cancer let's take a look at your body no just please don't listen to this $200 from McHale 30-60 says preventing cancer is the most important part this week but the ocarina of time glitch exhibition is the second most important let's meet this goal and that is runner's choice and central so and anything runner's choice will also go to that glitch exhibition no Ashley Volta my target is to have more donations for to prevent cancer foundation and there's plenty of time still I think you could probably get another one or two it gotcha gotcha we have $10 from WKU 1992 who says hey right um GS and extra $10 if you get the único snake thanks to GDC for all good they do long time watcher thank you for your donation I don't know what was hopping in there cuz I don't think anyone knows always happen in there we've really been through it together for the last couple of minutes there yeah was getting beat up newborn babies I don't know all I know about he missing thanks for Deema Thanks oh and so snake we really got hurt and he's I think he's died again this is becoming a bit of a habit now [Applause] oh you help them believe sorry Johnny heck of an arm but you push him right into the corner so you can collect the contents of his pockets just as fast as possible so we're also gonna have us a guy we need to count let's think these it's kind of bad after what happened to dying twice like that it's just it's stressful so we're gonna try our noodles we're gonna get our grenade out sure yes I've got a footstep can't fell again he's just I guess we'll climb under here this looks like a good place to be is I mean it's completely opposite of where the old guys are we're gonna run along the wall there's always safety when you run along a wall anyone wants to come in the doors open come on in do we have time for a very quick donation all right we have drumroll please we have a massive 10,000 fiery foxes what a thrill loving this amazing run let's go I'm not even sure I can't like anything I say is this like nothing compared to watch this happen well ok I need to know what's going on even though it's your blind playthrough you know it needs to know so I'm gonna take this life medicine and for safety's sake I'm gonna break snakes like again I'm sorry snake occupational hazard I understand why snakes such a bully man because we can return basically in the stores here we're just gonna make our way to the other side so it's a lot of true vents yeah we have time for a donation I think we have time for a couple honestly yeah we have $500 from cow fast no message no problem thank you my goodness don't you wonder it rolling in thank you guys so much they're over there rolling is faster this guy yeah we have $100 from kirbymastah and no message no problem thank you so much one more in no it's a Kojima game you can't pet the dog because the dog can't have dialogue so again he's got a really bad habit of like all this dying carry on a fur I mean I don't know what is what his problem is so I'm gonna help him with this this time we don't have a fake that pill so we'll just throw a grenade in the water sorry snake it's hard to speedran you understand I'm sure so the sorrow is like an anti boss [Applause] there we go the sorrow is an anti boss so instead of trying to defeat him we actually have to defeat ourselves really makes you think ya know you can drown yourself if you want you can scroll you can crawl to the end of the river or whatever suits you the grenade is the fastest way to do it by like one second if your menus are perfect yes we have the cigar out earlier which slowly drains your health of course obviously my novels are perfect and the more people you kill the more people you actually see floating down the river with you I you want to do so in a non-lethal play to like mine the only ones you'll see are at the bosses and because they all just die even when it's not lethal so we go behind this waterfall you will jealous you could probably fit more donation than black screen a little weight we have $1,000 no matter we have $100 from a who a who garnished my apologies 1 4 5 who says we must hunk you know I was waiting for that for exuse they its first time of your run though so so we're just gonna pick up another box because if one box is good two must be better that work I remember em just to your box would wear down so eventually you'd have to get a new one so you know collect boxes turns out boxes were built sturdier back in these days apparently I don't know what happened later down the road but Amazon got cheap things yes that's it hey another letter probably a metaphor like a good Jima metaphor I mean everything in kijima games are a metaphor let's be honest they get that in the game for seeing just how interesting the enemy AI is you took out exactly one of them and you're good to go so let's spin move they're very about you nice 360 orangey Minette yeah trust me I'm an expert magic so one little thing that I actually haven't mentioned before is when you want to climb a Ledge the best way to do it is to like roll into the ledge and then press triangle you like clip on to it it's a very small thing that's like not really that important but you we do it anyway so here we're gonna have our March 22 we're gonna shoot this and it's gonna scare everyone I mean that's a fuel tank a fuel canister if you're using the wrong guns you just immediately blow it up just if you use a lethal weapon on that is to continue the game over these engineers are just reskin scientists who are just as stupid I was really good music it's know where you get together you get another chance right here like the cost of music is like next-level it's a champ it's really unfortunate because we don't hear it all that often in a speedrun now like this is probably the area we're here at the longest so that's all those bombs planted I don't know what that was about but we just did it anyway I guess those things looked important and I had see tree so I guess some more cutscenes as mgs3 and we've we got to meet Volgin so bogo we're gonna kill lethal light fight because a crop yes technique here is very because he didn't actually dead he'll show up later Oh parties as much about your aim as anything because you have to watch we're gonna do a quick weapons which and finish them off with what we have left I ran out of SPD ammo so I just quickly switch to where you're amy is the little questionable yeah it is like the last thing I want to do is I'm trying to keep it just a name so we just shoot a minute like the SPD de suggestion and if I can ask someone who handles the audio to lower the game audio because this section is really loud exactly this is most definitely intentional because it does chip damage and oh no dear that's good yeah you see the technique he's using is when he's firing off the RPG it's unequipping and equipping it as quickly as possible because in this section and for the several sections that follow you have unlimited ammo yeah so you're really just dumping yeah you just unload as much as you'd like like your rocket launcher and in a best-case scenario you're going to do the equivalent of about one or two hits during the actual fight section yeah but yeah you'll see when we get there that that portion of the game is really based on how Eve is feeling on any given day so every piece of damage we can do so there are less cycles later is good yeah this whole section is just some grenades left and right and yeah there are a few groups of enemies that have to go down the rest are just to protect your life for later Eva like we said if there's some guys that we have to knock out because Eva just refuses to move otherwise here it just because I don't want those guys should taking away all my house and she'll just be in his pants bill you know until you shoot those guys and then okay fine we'll move now I mean she told you they had did that you're there she kind of has expectations but I mean she's she's a badass on a motorcycle I'm sure she can move around I got a dirty her hands in a game point that's part we could just enjoy the dramatic camera angles there's nowhere I could get a clear shot at the shot go out anyway so this is like definitive proof that Kojima wanted to make movies not videogames and he just settled queuing mgs4 if you're playing through this game casually if you go through your codec conversations and talk to some of these characters like one character is an absolute movie fanatic oh yeah bond gets mentioned like yeah paramedic is a big fan of movies and you think hundred Jima is projecting yeah I'm pop-culture so Okajima is a huge movie we have a shot up in the top of the building yeah that group was one of our mandatory checkpoints so if evil wouldn't have moved on until we took them down we're some grenades are placed like deliberately we're not just trolling them randomly and we want to get him as close to like their feet as we can because the closer we are the more chance of the means to them yeah if they're if I'm not close enough it just kind of blinds them a bit and they just found they're rubbing their eyes like they just woke up especially we just want to like stun everybody right so we went ahead and put on our life medicine okay everyone gets one yeah that was another just like later time hey will we got him it's okay oh yeah yep this section is a long chase camera it's just gonna be enemies on bikes driving at you for the length of this area shooter basically there are things you can do like she's not killing any of these people that's true pavement the lack of talent lack of helmet a lack of foresight on their part they didn't have their safety precautions yeah I can't be held responsible for yep are you decided to get on that bike this morning and because everyone's in motion for this and several other sections still to come you'll notice that Rhys having to lead his shots there there is bullet drop and there is motion between you and the other riders yes there are there's physics effectively drive and I mean this from here on it's mostly the same for the next couple of minutes though you get it on streets nations circle we have five dollars from froze who says this one get read Oh contraire we just read it we have $25 from Ian 30 who says you're all gray very impressed with all the runs and I appreciate the gaming for good parks and hearts oh we're honking again it will cause some fireworks to celebrate that $10,000 donation huh so we're gonna try and deal as much damage to the Saiga hard as possible we can get about about a stamina bar and a bit worth of damage before it caps out the important part is to shoot as fast as we can but be accurate because if we hit his threat those guys there if you don't know what threads are he slows down like that yeah so we're it's we want to shoot fast and accurate which is easier said than done but we'll do our best so it's very like a timing base part of mashing right it also has the side benefit as you've seen if making him really annoyed yeah but you know it's fine he didn't feel a thing oh he's got a hell what on earth or something I think I think the tank is built out of cardboard boxes that might be in you're onto something here we go they're gonna go a bit take it off that's fine I'm loo fireproof rocket proof boxes where can I get one patent pending anybody got time machine could you've had in the audience you could just ask Jimmy got a time machine this is a very simple little section we're setting up for the shag ohad to come across this bridge we've already taken care of three of our four targets get rid of all the ammo who needs it yeah we're spending on below one shot one kill no I'm busy right now even no kills Colby I'll get our RPG and we're gonna shoot the shreds and hope that Eva goes behind them quickly I'm not sure that I was back cuz this is where he's vulnerable right and will preferably get two shots off per cycle but that's not always a guarantee yeah essentially your timing for as soon as the shock Ahad starts moving again and if you get a shot off and you still aim that the generator on the back you'll be able to take a second head yeah if not then you have to like wait a while and then it all over again Eva's angles of approach are largely unpredictable so you're really just hoping to see head-on or you know if you have even the slightest amount of reactor in sight take the shot and see what happens yeah I mean it's worth it you're your infinite ammo so you have the shots to take yeah you're not worried about it no you missed every rocket launcher shot you don't take in this entire section on o is of no concern to me all wasted if I want voting so we can catch him on the side of his like back plate or whatever that's just a bit tricky and we really like this is more or less just hoping it gets around behind them as quickly as possible right there we go thanks for the vote of confidence IVA and as you would expect from giant armored tanks this thing does have weaponry we just don't intend to see any of it yeah cuz shooting them in the treads basically stunlock them entirely so we can't do anything yeah a good fire on you just put the Box down oh yeah just put on the Box inside especially if you don't shoot the treads and you just keep moving around he'll actually shoot at you and it's a whole mess though then it's a fight yeah it's an actual fight yeah this is a ring around the rosey wait a minute yeah part food we now have to defeat Bouldin for what now we just shoot the guy on the tank Mardon that's fine to his name whatever yeah it's principally the same you'll be shooting the treads to stop the tank now you're aiming at bull give himself since he's powering the tank at this point and this time you actually have like a limited amount of ammo but there are ammo droughts that happen bro especially you just don't want to move okay so hopefully now he'll he'll pay attention to me and we can get rid of them that's really not good right incoming Oh where's the box to the leg we got oh yeah definitely not perfectly did you buy it that's more important wheeze provides together with the Box Metal Gear survived no that's it no please no not even as a man not even as a mean no we don't talk about that off the couch you're fired business like Hello so we're back to another bike chase and honestly if you want to read some donations it's more of the same I guess all right no problem we have $100 from no name who says snake goose both hide in boxes to sneak into places I don't see the difference [Music] I got it done yeah I'll see myself out got time for another month we have $25 from all zero traps who says cut cut pong yeah oh gee incentive please $5 per person I've lost the cancer I love this community thanks for keeping this up for 10 years here's to 10 more [Applause] so just as before it's just a lot of stone underneath time in them trying to get rid of them as quickly as we can we're gonna take a decent amount of damage what cuz we're just using stuns and we have to wait for them to explode and whatnot and the checkpoint after this we need a really well placed one because there's a garden or PG we need to eat her blind or stun him right about here man he done or he's blinded but that's good enough so he won't be able to shoot at us now we're coming into what is literally the worst area because these platform dude they're they're a pain and they could just get above your head so I can't hit them but they can continue to hit me yeah it's similar to the pain where their hitbox and their head box are differently shaped but also they can fly over you not the right place right this is very this is very sixties bond though I love this oh yeah yeah like this I'm jazz trees like James Bond the video and like a good James Bond game because there's been plenty of Jane games made after a James Bond none of them are any good oh wow big words yeah I thinks the men's fix before and if aficionados might disagree with you oh yeah Goldeneye oh yeah [Music] yeah that looks to compare chemistry by the way so it's the main thing is I want to get rid of the guy who's coming sent her to me like ASAP because he's the real trouble the rest of them are trouble for sure like a bail dude they'll do their fair share of damage but I just don't want somebody right above me who I can't hit and we better leave it because that log will do a lot more damage than a piece of wood has any right to do hit buck what are you unless wolf I must have hurt so we're on the last screen of bike chase and in fact we're almost finished altogether it's just the same idea we'll just my 22 the guys on the bikes and wait till they get to the end what do you say right time for some donations I think so sounds good to me we have $10 from crash who says I'll donate an additional $10 if the crowd goes snake snake snake and an additional $10 if the crowd also goes honk honk hog well we already did that one oh there we go let's see that $10 I mean to spoil that did you send that no wrong we have $100 from Alex rain one who says this run is pretty solid no I like it thank you come on now baby we have five dollars from two to seven who says mgs are led to go right you and you on you t my friends my apologies how about I don't usually our time to hit these guys yeah I just keep hearing a gun going off and then I look back and I'm like oh yes hip-hop somehow I did it a two and one there but all right everybody's favorite part pretty nice ass pretty that's even better whatever makkad it up but I don't want to everyone's a critic [Laughter] oh so one little thing that I picked up or I found out while I was learning the game of one on practicing for GDQ was wondering I did I wasn't really fully paying attention to what I was doing um and I fed either on this screen when usually we don't feed her till a little later on um and it turns out if you do that Eva will make it to the end no problem so it's it saves us like about five seconds typically you do it later when she starts complaining on her own and you'll see her slow down because we don't have to open the menu a second time which is all that because ideally we'll open the menu as few times as we can get away with so since it's forced on us due to the fact that we have to heal her we can just do it there and that last area we didn't have to call free of our signal for her to follow us from Iran we will she's a little slow you know my tree will do that to ya I think at one point I just had eventually knocked her out and dragged her across the wakes but when you're too slow let's joke about you than I'm impatient I can't help it so while we're in this section we're moving fairly deliberately like we don't want to go too far away from Eva but we can't let her get too close to either if she gets too far away from us she just kind of goes to hide somewhere it's like were you and if she gets too close he just stops moving so we have to beckon her again and we don't want to either those two things to happen so we'll keep a steady distance but not too far not too close this is this is kind of like what walking around gtq with fizz is like every every 30 seconds or so he stops and sees something shiny and you gotta come on CQC practice oh I need a for the boss later on come on Eva for God's sake and just like the other times where they've introduced a new mechanic we had with one or two rooms to practice without the enemies and now for the real thing now we have to really be careful I'm gonna quick headshot and we're moving along here we're gonna shoot this guy so he doesn't see us we're gonna stalk here because he can hear us he has a year's that work unlike the rest of these guys sure once he's out of my arms or once I've made that mistake before he's out of our sight I had a decided account when we can start running again and and we're just talking here because again our movement here is synced to their their cycles and we're gonna do a couple of sounds coming up to make sure they're looking in the direction we want them to we got a carrot on right here that's that's Astra it's not even a mean yeah that'll make sure that when they come around the other side of this rock outcropping they're not looking at us yeah we should that guy first because he just kind of gets up a bit confused but if we go that side to that side and he gets like scared and somehow find the tree I'm surprised she hasn't stopped and shot everybody yet so once he touches the grass we can drop down because if we drop down too early she's like and then you have to go all the way back around to get her little beckon her again again we'll have to stalk through the grass because there's a guy there very well camouflaged like he's probably the most intelligent guard in the game honestly the only one who'd like he they're burning you basically yeah but they don't there is no other right shoe there's a campaign right you yeah me too hurry up I mean right you a Pokemon right so for the boss surfing one coming up we're gonna looper sure which means I'm gonna be quiet you know this is very precise we're listening for an audio cue so we can CQC counter so what I need to do is shoot her twice with the moles on the gun show or to the ground yes you would you don't want to approach you from the front all right in the air it's gonna stand up she's gonna be blinded do we need to wait a second we don't want to get our eye frames each other in the arm that's fine yeah our frames are pretty intense for this okay calm down a little a little overbearing a bit much so we'll quickly catch the Rosses on the ground we need to get her to a bar of stamina and so she'll chase us oh oh she did not like any of what you just did is the RPG honestly oh let's just hide behind the tree and she'll run away again she is not happy so we need her to hide on us oh there she is there she goes when she's ready she'll start just again yeah hey whatever no I happened I'm not sure if you fell on water if you activate oh come on boss you're wasting my time now and you're making me look stupid you're gonna go one second there we go hit her in the arm kara time for luck we're just gonna let that echo to close it out yeah all right finished yet we still have gameplay to do we still have gameplay to do this cutscene else I can make it go faster so we'll just all be very sad for the boss together so I guess if there's a donation that was a pretty nice time to do as well yeah definitely we have $50 from no-name who says greetings to to you all from Island Congrats on the event and the really great mgs3 run it's okay buddy it hadn't happened this way so effing the chat boys oh yeah nobody gets in the top for the boss this is obviously a very sad moment I have seen it so many times I don't care anymore we get some donations we need some we need our spirits lifted a bit here Oh should we lift our spirits with it with another honk we have $100 from a chain rxn who says hog we have $10 from a Buddha sandwich who says honk saw this decades vuvuzela x' but twice a deafening don't at me we are coming pretty close to callin time and so whoever is handling that wants to get ready about less than a minute at this point so we grabbed the left 2 revolver because it's the one with the bullet in it austell also ocelots shoots a lot slower than we do so we want the one with the bullet because the first to fire a shot wins worse women let obviously and therefore the cook CNN boys that what I've been doing wrong yeah so yeah a couple of cutscenes to skip done we'll call time in about two seconds soon as I could scoop them as fast as possible I hear the music and that's time there we go that respective yes you know we're gonna get free here right have some shadow if you want to do that so obviously the first person I have to cut out will be mrs. right - who's watching at home um all the way back in Ireland obviously mgs or the community the Metal Gear speedrunners who have helped me for the last like two and a half years and we have a website if you want to find out I want to get involved with Metal Gear speedrun this game Ronnie overcame its metal gear speed intercom hey we have our wiki our discord everything's there and I'm right um Jess you can find me on twitter twitter twitter whatever else well only those two actually don't you can look for me l swear I won't be there - but of course you were all very generous and donated $10,000 - here sue me anything mgs3 so whenever she is ready she's gonna come up and I'm gonna go really quiet before maybe it's another 10,000 for our working microphone for the songs just ten thousand for the you know for her to come up and now another ten wait we did get we did get the Yeti cover does this yeah they want to shut off the game audio first name I think but they know what they're doing better than I do I thought we were just doing buffer strats yeah I guess if geek wants a reader [Music] you so much to the tech team because right you actually came up and asked me yesterday if I would do this and I haven't done this for I haven't sang the song in about two years so they're actually because he asked yesterday we're actually gonna do a soundcheck a while I'm singing the song so if you see me doing like hand motions it's because uh they're going to be adjusting the audio on the fly so thank you very much for donating thank you so much for supporting thank you so much for Aitu for a fantastic run so let's get started with some snake eater [Music] what a thrill with darkness and silence through the night what a thrill I'm searching and I'm melting to you what a fear in my heart buddy you're so supreme [Music] [Music] in my time there'll be no [Music] [Music] I'm stayin [Music] some days you go through the rain and some day you feed on a tree frog its ordeal but try to survive [Music] in my time there'll be no [Music] [Music] I'm still in a dream Snake [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you everybody oh my god thank you thank you again right you for a fantastic run all right guys we're gonna throw it over to the host [Applause] Wow thank you so much for that awesome rendition of Snake Eater and thank you right you mgs4 that awesome run we're just gonna play a very quick twitch ad and then we'll be right back and read some donations [Music] [Music] alright welcome back to agdq 2020 I'm gonna read a couple of donations while we get set up for the next round of interviews and the next run which we do have an incentive for Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time some vid was to choose the filename currently banjo is winning with 2335 and hunk is just behind if you would like to see the file name of your choice then please donate towards the name alright we're just gonna run a very quick ad and then we'll be right back [Music] [Music] welcome everyone there's just joined this is agdq 2020 I'm gonna read a couple of donations while we get sir for the interview we have $500 from 19-day who says banjo when we have $20 from Karuna man who says had to donate during awesome songs done quick 2020 that Snake Eater performance was nothing short of beautiful and I completely agree we have $25 from HMS lf2 who says I don't usually metal with puns because they really grind my gears but some have been solid during this run alright and I believe we are now ready for the interview so take it away what's that BG TQ 2020 it's easier on here yeah hey yeah crowd come on yeah it's Keys drawn here and I'm here with both booty biscuit and goof how are you two doing tonight I'm doing pretty well pretty great yeah I'm super excited for this run in general so we got cadence of hyrule coming up in a little bit obviously and my personal experience is I'm awful at it but um this is a little bit of a sidetrack here this is your first gdq experience so far yes yeah how do you like it so far it's awesome yeah pretty excited to do a run I'm pretty sure yes and then you're like at this point I'm a seasoned veteran of this you've been doing runs with us too for awhile you actually did cadence of hyrule at gdq express so what should we expect different this time around compared to what we thought gdq x okay so gdq x we it was the eaves double time run which is like pretty close to the hardest possible category in the game so there's a lot of safety play because eve only has one heart you can't upgrade that so with one heart container a lot of stuff just kills you one hit so you got a you know play within those limitations play with certain safety in mind but this boat in this run we're gonna be running story mode which is which is you know we're gonna be playing as zelda most of the time we get lots of extra heart containers which means we can play super aggressively go for a lot more dangerous of straps of pushes it's gonna result in a much faster run and also you know thanks to all the donations you guys put in we are going to be running in on double time so you know twice the speed twice the fun twice the that's possibly and then uh you and I were talking about this before the interview so you were actually super interested in speedrunning before you caught a gdq but then you actually watch one of foodies runs at gdq and I kind of like picked up interest I'll talk about that a little bit yes I started playing there for a dancer around August of 2015 and there's few speedruns here and there it was but it was an agdq 2016 when I watched booty biscuit sakoda all zones run where I was like I really wanted to you know keep pursuing that because it was very fun I wanted to get really good at it so and now here you are sharing the stage with foodie it's gonna be a super exciting run guys be sure to check it out let's go ahead and switch off to some social media huh so let's start with at old iron eyes what are the biggest differences between cadence of Hyrule and Krypton and necrodancer um well the the main primary difference in tyrol a competitive necromancer is that you have this open world layout where you kind of gotta find the dungeons and do them in whatever order you want and there's a lot of exploration whereas necromancer was a very linear experience there's also like a narrow narrower item pool so you can kind of you can kinda guess what items you're looking for and what items you can expect to find in most runs so yeah it's mostly it comes down to the overworld exploration there's also boss fights are quite a bit are designed quite a bit differently necromancer a lot of it is just to be kind of going with a preset strat and you do the same set of movements every time but in cannes if I roll the Boston's all have a lot of RAM do this to them look requires a lot of on-the-fly reactions especially when we're running double time like we are so I should make for a lot of exciting fights now we have from at - near the best thong and cadence of Hyrule I'd say the best overworld spawn would be Gerudo desert and then the best dungeons Phong would be lost one I am very partial to the Future Hyrule dungeon theme myself I'm a sucker for Gerudo like that was probably my favorite part when I played it so country ham here outside of tons of practice what are some pointers are tips to a better each run much like with Zelda a lot of it comes down to remembering to push that hard button Saburo ability gets you out of a lot of sticky situations and if my you might be a little averse for doing it because it feels like you're just doing nothing while your parrot but it can keep you alive in situations where you wouldn't otherwise other than that it's just a matter of getting used to fighting every enemy type on close-range on minimum damage and also just making sure you collect those safety items those damage up items to make things as smooth as possible so you ain't get swarmed well it's a couple more social media questions and then we're gonna do a little bit of a plugin for the community so we're gonna skip down to at thin spitter X so with the seed for this run being an incentive and therefore randomize how do you prepare for a race like this well I'm I mean it basically just comes down to practice yeah there's practice yeah you um you just you just play a lot and you kind of get used to the kinds of curveballs the game could throw at you and it often times finds new ones but with maturation like logic behind what's going on - yeah there is there are some consistent rule sets to the overall world generation that's probably the most helpful thing you could do and then don't get hit don't ya and then this is from at easiest potato when will bench become plot relevant next update we're hoping so next update thanks something you were telling me before the interview that there's a bit of a tournament that's being planned for chance of Hyrule would you like to plug that in yeah Condor is about to which is a stands for crypt of the necrodancer online racing league and they also run something called Kahoot which is a I try to remember what it stands for Kate cadence of Hyrule like open during a blank right now but um it's Beth the Kane's of Hyrule equivalent they're gonna be starting up a major tournament major season season 9 for both necrodancer and kings of hyrule it's an all skill levels welcome we've had people who litter really beat necrodancer one time uh and then jump right in to the tournament just sign up and there's like different skill divisions and stuff so you know it accommodate to that if these kinds of games look like something you'd like to try speedrunning try racing it's a great opportunity to jump in on that well awesome thank you guys very much for giving up your time to talk to me of all people once they're sorry and I believe cent is making something right now don't don't worry you'll eventually hear me maybe or maybe but uh you know I I am actually making something real quick you know I figured make some tea well I told you guys about one of the bonus games we have coming up here we have bonus game at 3 coming up shortly on the schedule which is Animorphs run by a certain certain interviewer here keys are on you know we're about $45,000 or so of making that a reality but if you guys just want to make this guy's life absolutely miserable tonight I highly recommend putting some money towards that incentive happening just set that down here for a minute and get back to it in a second so we do have a bunch of absolutely amazing prizes to talk about open from now until the end of Megaman the 46 real a super excited for that 5 is my personal favorite loved it playing it love playing it as a kid but hey you know whatever you're into now first off here if this worked hey it didn't work okay we'll come back to it don't worry about it we have some beautiful cadence of Hyrule parlors to us it was from big Franklin you know you the applicators $10 minimum donation its payments she's good good character I think she's good in the speedrun I don't know I've never done the speedrun they're shaking their head no so I will assume she's terrible moving on we have us some lovely prints from our good friend studio pen pen we have a Mega Man 2 title screen print that I will figure out the correct direction for eventually but one of these one of these is probably there we go let's throw on that one the crowd loves it $10 vinum of the day should we also have a a Wiley's castle print form I believe Mega Man 3 super cool prints both of them are $10 they're individual prizes but a single $10 donation will get you entered for both of them now from our good friend Joey Phillips we have a set of Legend of Zelda themed wood burned coasters you got a Triforce which is hey something I actually can do we have this Majora's Mask which again one of these directions up for it there we go figured it out eventually we got the highly impressed which is now behind majora's mask don't worry about it and of course we have via the sheet guy everyone got it right the first time got one of them that they I believe a $10 minimum donation for all four of them you get the wonderful set together super cool now over on the main set we have an amazing cabbage of Hyrule Triforce cross dish that was five I love Mahalo that is super nice excellent cross stitch work there it's a $20 minimum donation guys make sure to get those donations in you want that cross stitch I want that cross stitch I'm not allowed to have that cross stitch but you guys certainly are so $20 minimum donation hey going back to it now I think this finally works so for a $10 minimum of the nation you get this absolutely beautiful Legend of Zelda chloric revealing mug it reveals itself when you have enough hot water in there the water I added was not very hot but you know what oh no no that's just raw tea not bad though anyway guys get a couple of other super great prizes to talk about we have the beautiful Triforce blankets in to us by Doug Rachel I'm gonna need a hand hope they don't go quick as Kizer on dies of laughter it's not an absolutely amazing blanket it's $25 minimum donation make sure to get in here we'll each take an end and this is not the way the Triforce goes but it's super cool I believe it is a full like queen-size blanket for you amazing $25 minimum donation from now until the end of Megaman relay make sure to get it in guys we have so many absolutely amazing prizes for you tonight you're gonna need to head over to games turn quick that comm check out the tracker cuz it's got all the information you need on upcoming speedruns prizes and incentives you can put those donations towards like the amazing Animorphs around Mikey's Ron but for now let's go back to the front and let's get hyped as we get ready for the legend of zelda ocarina of time with zfg [Applause] alright well thank you just sent and keys lovely tea tasting and interview time that was great guys i'm sorry that didn't taste very good but the mug was very cute hey everyone its kungfu fruit cut back here very very excited for zfg's run and coming up I know we just talked a moment ago but while we are waiting for that to be all ready let's get a few donations in speaking of Animorphs we have a $25 donation from cat black and white who says honk-honk agdq I had to donate four keys around front animorphs because I love hot garbage and I love supporting any and all awful or secretly awesome games the guy next to me on the bus this morning was watching gdq and we got into a conversation about how great the community behind this lovely event is thanks for being so inclusive warm and one of the things that makes me feel proud to call myself a gamer XOXO we also have a fifteen dollar donation from scotty 167 he says just want to say that if you haven't seen the Animorphs 125 percent run you're missing a treat big shout out to keys wow that was being nice two keys my goodness seriously though get those donations then but for now it looks like we are ready to start this 100% no source requirement run with zfg take it away coz good luck [Applause]
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 341,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Games Done Quick 2020, AGDQ2020, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 47sec (5927 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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