Evangelising by Guest Speaker Daniel Kolenda

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Loree love you we magnify you we give you all the glory and all the honor in the name of Jesus and everybody said a mighty amen amen I greet you tonight in the wonderful name of Jesus how many of you are happy to be here praise the Lord I tell you this is I think this is the third time that I've been here at King of Kings I always say the first time I visit somewhere I'm a guest but after that we're family so I'm saying hello to all of you tonight as family I know some of you have come recently over the past two or three years so we may be seeing each other for the first time but I want you to know this is an amazing place it's a lighthouse in the world known around the world King of Kings is known as a beachhead right here in this most sacred part of the world and pastor Wayne and you have become real statesmen for Israel in the nations of the world and we honor you we love you we just put our hands together for them and we are very much looking forward to this coming week to the firm conference how many of you were blessed enough to be able to get into the firm conference can they still get in if I haven't registered yet or as it sold out he thinks so so that was a statement of faith if there's any way you can get in you need to do it because it's going to be an absolutely amazing week I also want to just say to Pastor Chad and Rebekah thank you so much we love you you're doing an amazing job and can't wait to see what the future holds for your ministry for this church amen I have to warn you I'm not a Messianic Jewish preacher I don't know a lot about Bible prophecy I don't have all the rights lingo I don't say Yeshua in the right spots and comma Shia in the right places I'm a pretty simple guy in fact Chad said to me before I got up here he said what do I call you do I talk about the fact that you're the president of the MIT Christ for all nations and these things and I said you know really I'm a simple person and I'd rather you not build it up because then everyone will be disappointed when I preach in Africa you saw you've seen the crowds and the Africans you know how many Africans are here by the way any Africans in the house where you from Kenya yes hallelujah where else were you from where Ghana West Africa how many are there any Nigerians all right Nigeria praise God did you see all those Nigerian cities I've been to more Nigerian cities than most Nigerians that is that it's actually the truth and so you know we we go around the world and we see these amazing things and and for Africans titles are very important you know African bishops they they're an apostle they're a prophet their bishop their patriarch and they've got them all in the order and you better get them all and you better get them all in the right order or you'll be in trouble we call it protocol right protocol and so whenever I arrive they say to me they say what would you like us to call you do you want to be apostle you want to be a bishop and i said no i said i'm just an usher my job is very simple my job is just to usher people into the presence of jesus that's it that's all we do and so i will probably make a lot of mistakes tonight i'll probably say a lot of things but pastor chad knows that he can always just tell people that that he didn't know he was a foreigner he would be and he'll clean up the mess right faster you'll do that for me and so before I get into it I'm not going to speak for a long time because I know that that I heard once a wise pastor told me that the mind can only absorb as much as the feet can endure and so I take that to heart but before I speak to you from the Word of God I just want to build your faith and I want to encourage you with what God is doing in the world because as you would have just seen on the video that played we are living in the greatest days of harvest in history that's the truth now I know when you turn on the news and you watch what's happening in different parts of the world you might come away with the conclusion that we are living in the worst days that the world is going to hell in a handbasket that there's very little hope and of course we know that news agencies are businesses and bad news cells so that's what they're going to put out for you but I'm an evangelist I've come with the good news and I want you to know something our God is not with his back up against the wall the kingdom of God is not in trouble it is not shaking the kingdom of God is rising our God is seated upon the throne high and lifted up we were just at Caesarea Philippi yesterday remembering that place where Jesus himself said the words upon this rock I will build my church and the very gates of Hell will not prevail against it and so no matter what you see around you you can have that promise sitting right in your heart that at the end of the day we win spoiler alert amen Jesus is coming again and he is alive today the same Jesus that healed the sick and raise the dead 2,000 years ago is doing it right now in our time and it's not coming to us in some diminished form Jesus said these things and greater will you do because I go to the Father and because the Holy Spirit has come we are more than conquerors through him they loved us can you say amen to that hallelujah these are the days of harvest these are the days of miracles these are the days of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit Oh in the last days the prophets and I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh I've seen this with my eyes I have been in meetings where without exaggeration I have seen hundreds of thousands of people filled with the Holy Spirit speaking in other tongues in a moment just like that I have been in meetings I could tell you stories how many stories am I allowed to tell Chad I know there's a quota all the true ins are that's the only kind I have faster I promise I'll tell you what can I can i play a video for you sometimes the videos do better than my my own descriptions but before I play the video I have to just give you a little backstory to what you're about to see because it's absolutely incredible and this happened in Ghana we were in the capital city Accra where are you from okay okay so we were in Accra we were having our gospel campaign in Independence Square you know this every gun and knows Independence Square this is the place where large political rallies happen these are the place where presidents are inaugurated it's a famous landmark in the nation and there was a man that was visiting town from another city he didn't live in archives visiting his brothers there that day and at the end of the day he went to catch his train his name was Muhammad you might guess from his name that he was not born into a Christian family and so when he got to the train station he discovered that he had missed his train and so he had a few hours to kill he decided that he would go walk around there in the capital city and he came to Independence Square little did he know when he arrived that there would be hundreds of thousands of people gathered listening to some American preacher talking about Jesus and when he arrived to saw the huge crowd of hundreds of thousands he didn't know what's happening because Muhammad was deaf so he couldn't hear me preaching he couldn't hear me praying for the sick he couldn't even hear me praying for the Deaf to be healed and I love this so much because you know sometimes I think we give ourselves way too much credit in this whole thing we think it's our great preaching all right our great praying but my friend Muhammad couldn't hear me preaching and he couldn't hear me praying he lay down on the ground there he decided yet a couple hours he would get a nap a few minutes later he was awakened with an explosion of sound in his ears and you're about to see him on the video as he stands before me literally shaking watch where it he's literally standing there with his hands trembling as he comes to terms as a Muslim man with what has just happened that Jesus says he'll 'don that he was healed in the name of Jesus and and he begins to reason within himself he says even the Quran says that you should believe in Jesus and you know the night that this happened I took the raw video passed away and I put it up on YouTube because I said this is so amazing people have to see it in its unedited form and and sure enough Christians came back sometimes Christians can be some of the most judgmental nasty people you know and I had Christians commenting on saying if he's if he's really a Christian why is he still talking about the Quran I said he's getting saved right before your eyes give him a second how patient has God been with us give him a minute and you are going to watch what you're about to see is you are about to watch a man right before your eyes who was not only healed but who steps out of the darkness into the light as he has that revelation as Peter had it sets a real Phillipi of who Jesus is and you'll see at the end of the video he looks into the cameras that are broadcasting to surround the nation and he tells the people his full first and last name which we edited out for his protection his full first and last name the city and the neighborhood where he lives and he says if anybody knows me if you recognize my face go and find my wife and give her this message that Jesus is the Son of God do you want to see it come on let's play that testimony of Muhammad [Music] my father my mother you hola Muslim I was born I'm smoothly [Music] I know this moment are sitting down here anybody who know me would know that after today and yesterday my life has changed a lot of things yesterday happened to me I was dead before somebody called me to give me something I have to get me Scalia I spent a lot of money because of medicine for this my ears Saturday morning I came to acquire to visit my own brothers so after visiting them I was coming back group Emma was very neat and the chin left so I just went and slept at this place right now in the name of Jesus [Music] in the name of cheetah deaf ears open in the name of Jesus wake up and hear my speak want my ears sound and I was healed that immediately I was ill I went the people as they know let me testify this and our death hi my name is Mohammed I I have a problem for my years of almost trillion by one speech I don't understand I can hear very well so I had this product for Tuesday so I are not even trying to come here I came from them I came to Canada by going to take a train I met Lee so I say let me come to the independent Felicity I can't believe the progress what our city powder that's sure I did not even praise I did not do anything so I wake up and I I can hear the years was telling me I can hear people who know me can testify that I am very happy I think where if you say this is the court the other side [Applause] I was not going to be dead I was not going to watch it go back to courtroom I'll tell you I am standing here I can hear I can be able to speak again I walk again for my work and then I will feel pretty bad man attack to God hallelujah hallelujah you know who is helium it is messenger of the Lord Almighty God what is a Jesus Jesus and I don't I know that even the Quran tells me that if you are Muslim and you do not believe in Jesus Christ you are not a movement you are not moving so I think that is like that yes I thank all right and God - I can hear I can read it I my dears is good either both I don't know Jesus hallelujah hey listen my friends I was there nobody else opens the ears of the death only Jesus yes you Pharaoh clear positive work so he is not just a messenger he is the son of the Living God yes here anyway and the truth and the life say Amen I said anybody who Norman and see my face my name is Mahmoud and I came from kumbhaka let e tell my wife that Jesus is the Son of God let me tell him I am here I have known the Christian not believe that Jesus is the only one present that man is supposed to worship if I have opportunity I could add 10 to pasta and then I open my own church or I'll be preaching in the street when demons you know the truth and the truth must solely set you free [Music] doesn't it awesome I tell it tell you if you see something like that in your heart does it stir you need to have somebody come with those paddles and shock you and bring you back to life because that is awesome and that is happening not once or twice but we are seeing this happening by the hundreds of thousands 76 million people since in 1987 that means listen to this I was I was flying back from one of our campaigns one time and I was reading a book by a Bible scholar it was a Bible commentary and actually he was a man who was very influential in the Messianic Jewish community and he was writing about the book of Acts and he was talking about how after the day of Pentecost you remember that 3,000 people were saved on the day of Pentecost but he said that wasn't the end he said that scholars have been looking into this and they have decided that for about the first three months after the day of Pentecost every day there was an average of 300 new people being added to the church every day and he said in this book could you imagine if there was such a thing happening in the world today could you imagine a church movement where 300 people were being saved and added to the kingdom every single day he said it would be world news it would be on the cover of Time magazine everybody would be talking about it and we ought to pray that this happens again in our time and I had the same reaction use it I said yes Lord amen let it happen again Lord and I was praying for revival and then I had a thought and I pulled out my phone and got the little calculator app open and I did a few calculations and what I discovered amazed me know it's true we had not been seeing 300 saved every day for three months we've been seeing more more than 500 more than a thousand more than 2,000 more than four thousand more than six thousand more than seven thousand almost 8,000 people on average had been saved every single day not for three months but four over 30 consecutive years we are living in the greatest days of harvest and people say to me all the time they say well what happens to those new converts I think that when people ask questions like that you know suddenly we could we could sit on our backside our entire Christian life doing nothing and then suddenly when we hear about somebody else who's doing something for the kingdom we become very skeptical so they asked me all the time well are they really getting say what happens to those new converts well the only ones that we count are the ones that are ushered in to local churches to be discipled and followed up on those are the only ones we count and we hear from pastors sometimes their churches triple and quadruple out of one event I had a pastor I showed up on Sunday night because our our meetings run Wednesday through Sunday evening and so Sunday morning the pastors are to get to see what's happening and so this pastor came to me and he said when I arrived at my church this morning there were so many new believers that had gathered there I had to go to my congregation and ask them to step outside let all the new believers come in we'll have a service just for them and then you can come in so he did a whole service for the new believers they laughed and by the time that first service was done there was another group of new believers outside gathered he had to have four new believer services before his regular congregation to come inside after that event in Accra I met a pastor the next year he said that out of that one event in Accra that he had planted 300 new churches in Ghana this is what God is doing and we are living in this time we are living in these days this is not something that we are talking about that happened long ago in the days of Finney or Wesley or something and this is not something we're praying will happen one day in the future it is the day that we live in Leonard Ravenhill said the opportunity of the lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity and my prayer is that our generation will rise up in faith and encourage and seize this moment for the glory of God in Jesus name say amen to that if you have your Bibles open to the book of Matthew chapter 10 I'm just going to share briefly I've got my timer here so I can make sure that I that I stick to the rules but I believe that you're going to be blessed this morning Matthew chapter 10 this was a command of Jesus how many of you know the red letters we ought to pay attention to and then in verse number seven and as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils freely you have received freely give come on we're going to do that one together okay because I want this to be burned into your heart so just repeat it after me say as you go preach the kingdom of heaven is at hand heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead freely you have received now freely give come on one more time as you go preach the kingdom of heaven is at hand heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils freely you have received now freely give in Jesus name hallelujah the first thing I just want to draw your attention to is the word you because we tend to have this idea that all of these things that we talked about the preaching of the gospel the raising of the dead the casting out of the Devils the healing of the sick this is for that guy that's preaching right now this is for the pastor this is for the Evangelist but Jesus didn't say that in fact if you look in Ephesians chapter 4 and you read about the apostle prophet pastor teacher evangelist and you see what their job is their job is not to do the work of the ministry their job is to equip the Saints to do the work of the ministry you see if we were compared to a football team the body of Christ the pastor is the evangelists the apostles we would be the water boys you know you understand our job would just be to keep you refreshed to keep you out on the field playing the game and winning the game what sense does it make if Jesus had come up with a system where where 1.000 1% of the body were doing the work and the other 99.999% were just spectators what sense would that make that was never the design that was never the intention we are the body of Christ we are the body of Christ he said as you go turn to the person next to you and just put that evangelist finger in their face and say you you go yes you in Jesus name didn't say he didn't just say you he also said go we forgotten this one in the modern church you can't go while you wait you can't go while you sit you can't go while you sleep going necessitates action in the sense it takes initiative and it dissipates taking a risk for the sake of something greater than yourself and I think I just have this impression as I said that I think this is a real word for somebody here tonight who's been waiting for a sign you need a sign here it is I'm your sign go data do something for the kingdom I had a young guy that came to me he said that the Lord had called him he said to be an evangelist he said evangelist I want to do just what you do he said I want to do great gospel meetings around the world with millions of people active man that's awesome I prayed with him and then I said now what's the next step for you he said well I'm just waiting on the Lord I'm just waiting and I said what does that mean well said I don't have any money yet I don't have any you know invitations so I'm just praying I'm just waiting I said well what does that look like for you he said why I just believe that the Lord's just going to provide you know I'll get a check in the mail I'll get a phone call and invitation and then my ministry will start I said well where do you get this kind of mentality from what why do you think this is the right thing to do he said well look at what Jesus said jesus said that he takes care of the birds and he said if you'll take care of the birds he'll also take care of me so I asked him his question I said how does he actually take care of the birds think about that for a moment does he drop the worm in their nest does does he hand them and spoon feed them every morsel no he gives them wings to fly he puts them in a world full of resources and opportunities and he says get out there and gather what I provided for you and that's for some of you you need to get up and go you need to get up and go you know the church especially in the Western world is full of what I call spiderweb evangelism you know how a spider operates right a spider creeps around looking for the most comfortable corner in the house he strings a beautiful web in in that corner and then he climbs back into the into the the most invisible spot and he sits any weights and you know what he's waiting for he's waiting for some poor unsuspecting insect to come flying along and get stuck in the web and then the spider pounces on him it sucks all the life out this is how most churches work present company excluded of course all the Christians in town these these amazing superhuman creations that literally have the power of the world's to come inside of them connection with the creator of the universe these world changers they all gathered together and look for the most comfortable corner in town a building where they can hide from the hostile world they make everything just the way that it's supposed to be the most beautiful chairs most beautiful carpets the best lights the best sound and when everything is just the way the pastor wants it or maybe I should say just the way the pastor's wife wants it then they shut the doors they begin to sing they sit in their pews and you know what they're doing they're waiting they're waiting and waiting and waiting you know what they're waiting for they're waiting for some poor sinner to walk through the door and if that happens then the pastor will pounce and all the people will shout get him pastor again and get him and in most cases the pastor will suck all the life out my friends this is never the way that it was intended to be Jesus didn't say wait in your spider webs for sinners he said I will make you fishers of men and there is a very big difference a fisherman leaves the comfort of his home he gets into a boat and he loosens it from the dock and he launches into the depth and he pulls those fish out of their world into his world and in the kingdom of God a miracle happens after the fish are caught then the fish become the finest fisherman I tell you if if Jerusalem is going to be saved it's not going to happen inside this building I promise you this building a contains some of the most evangelized real estate in all of Israel if you want to see the kingdom of God invading you're going to have to go you're going to have to go everybody say go in Jesus name now some of you say well I would go evangelist if I saw the kind of miracles that you see I would do it if I had seen people raised from the dead then I would go and I would preach - I had one evangelist that came to me in a evangelism school and he said to me you know I've heard your stories about seeing the dead rais'd he said I've never seen the dead raised what's my problem and I thought you know I'll start from the beginning I didn't know this guy it's like when your grandma calls and asked why the computer isn't working just start by asking if it to plugged in right and so I said to him well how many dead people have you prayed for he said none I said I think I'd found your problem if you don't pray for dead people you'll never see when raised if you don't pray for the sick you'll never see someone healed if you don't preach the gospel you'll never see someone saved you've got to get up and go so why haven't you seen it in your life well you know I live two houses down from a man who is the second fastest Olympic runner in the world he is actually beaten the same bolt of course they're saying holds the record but this guy is number two and when he's standing in the yard having a talk with me you would look at him and you would think he's just an ordinary guy you would never know the kind of power that's inside of him when he sits at the table drinking a cup of coffee you can't see the potential that's inside of him you can't tell that he's one of the most incredible athletic human beings that has ever lived in history you can't tell that while he's sitting there drinking his coffee but if you take him down to the racetrack and you put him on the starting line and you fire the starting pistol then you will see the potential that's inside of him when he can't begin to run when he begins to go if you want to see the potential that's inside of you get out on God's racetrack begin to run begin to obey his voice and you will see there is more inside of you than you ever dreamt was possible you will see the kingdom of God happening and and being manifest right before your eyes when the disciples went out it said that God went with them the Spirit of God worked with them performing mighty signs and wonders isn't that amazing thought that God actually works with us he doesn't sit with sitters he doesn't sleep with sleepers but he goes with goers and he works with workers say Amen as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand and I want to just stop here for a moment because some of you know this but some of you don't it's amazing to me that the number one theme that Jesus taught on throughout his life the kingdom of God is one of the most misunderstood things in Christianity I grew up in a preacher's house and most of my life I thought the kingdom of God was the place you go when you die the kingdom of heaven is that place somewhere out there some ethereal cloudy world that little naked baby sit on playing harps I had no idea that the kingdom of God was not some fantasy it was a present reality that I could have access to and that I could interact with right now yes of course heaven the place where we go after this life is also part of the kingdom of God but the kingdom of God is simply the place where the Dominion of God is in charge it's like this here well I guess where is the embassy is it in Tel Aviv the u.s. embassy we're praying it moves to Jerusalem aren't we if you go to that embassy you could be in Jerusalem but when you step onto the property of the American Embassy you are no longer in Israel you are now on US property and US laws apply there and the same thing happens if you go to Washington DC and you go to the to the Israeli embassy the moment you step onto that property property that is not the United States anymore that is Israel Israeli laws apply in that place why because the Kingdom of Israel if I can use that terminology is in that place the Dominion of the Israel of Israel is in that place and that is what the kingdom of heaven is like it's it's not dependent on geography it is wherever the Dominion of the heavens being obeyed and submitted to and that is why wherever I go the kingdom is there because I bring it with me I'm not looking for it I'm not searching where is the kingdom it's inside of me it's wherever I go it goes and wherever you go it goes whether you know it or not and that's the problem as many of you didn't even know it any of you didn't even know that you are a walking Embassy of the kingdom of heaven many of you didn't even know that when you walk past demons begin to tremble in fear not knowing what might happen when you walk past they wipe their sweat off of their brow and they said that was a close one we survived another one of those Christians and if you're filled with the Holy Ghost oh my friend he'll shudders at the thought of the damage that you could do how many of you know that you are a you are a ambassador of Christ that's what the scripture literally says but here's the thing I want you to understand is that when we talk about the kingdom it's not just a theory this is what I want you to understand it is not just some ethereal concept when the kingdom of heaven comes you know it I remember when I was a boy praying for the baptism the Holy Spirit I come from a Pentecostal background I don't make apologies for that but I remember we would often pray over people to receive a baptism of the Holy Spirit and many many times I would be at the altar the people would pray for me and then afterwards I would say to my dad did I get it did I get it and he would look at me and he'd say Danny that's what he called me don't please don't call me that you'd say Danny when you get it you won't have to ask me you'll know it and I say the same thing about the kingdom when the kingdom has arrived you don't have to ask anybody if it's there you know it it is self-evident it manifests itself well what does it look like so glad you asked because that's what Jesus went on to tell us heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the lepers cast out devils why did he say those things I want you to think about this when Jesus had his earthly ministry right here in the Land of Israel the Bible says that he did two things he taught in the kingdom and then he performed miracles right everywhere he went no matter what was happening no matter what flavor it took on those two components were always present he always taught on the kingdom he always performed miracles everywhere he went now why did he do that what was the what was the meaning behind this well some people say well he performed the miracles because he was trying to prove that he was the Messiah but that cannot be true and I'll tell you why you'll remember the story where Jesus had just finished healing a multitude ascending he knew every single sick person in the multitude can you imagine can you imagine a great multitude of people where every single sickness was healed every headache was gone every leper was cleansed every crippled walked every blind guy opened every cataract disappeared I mean everything was healed that's a pretty amazing miracle I've seen a lot of things I've still not seen that one I pray I see it in my lifetime but in this meeting everyone was healed and you know what happens the very next verse the Pharisees come to Jesus and they say if you're really the Messiah give us a sign give me what's wrong with these boneheads they've just seen one of the greatest miracles that one can imagine and they're asking for a sign it's because the kind of miracles Jesus was doing was not assigned to them the kind of miracle they wanted to see was something like the Red Sea parting as Moses had done or fire coming down as Elijah had done and Jesus only performed one of those miracles you know what it was was when he rose from the dead and he said even when you see that you still won't believe in the meantime he was not busy trying to prove anything to anybody he was not trying to prove that he was the Messiah so why was he doing miracles this is a very important question you see wherever you read about the teaching of Jesus for example in in in Acts chapter 1 it says that all these things Jesus began to do and to teach right remember that whenever Jesus did things he taught about them now we have teachers nowadays that they teach on things that not only they do they not do but they've never done when I went to the University I was a business major I went to an entrepreneurship class and the professor started the semester by saying I've never started a business but I'm going to teach you how to do it and this is the way that many of us think it's just you know we teach just out of books out of textbooks out of head knowledge without any practical experience that was not Jesus Jesus taught on the things he was doing he illuminated his own miracles so when he taught on the kingdom what he was doing is saying this is what these miracles mean and what he was doing was demonstrating what it looks like when a human being who has humbled himself and stepped down remember Jesus didn't do his miracles as God he did them as a man he didn't to show us what it looks like when a man and dude with power from on high under the influence of the Holy Spirit begins to bring the Dominion of the kingdom of heaven into the fallen world he demonstrated what we are supposed to do every single day that's why he did it so let me say it this way Jesus didn't perform miracles to prove that he could Jesus performed miracles to prove that you could he performed miracles to give you a model to give you an example to show you that you can do it and then he said not only can you do this you can do greater things because when I go away I'm going to send the Holy Spirit and when the Holy Spirit comes upon you you will receive power from on high you'll be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem follow it not many places I can pause in that spot but today I'm pausing there you'll be witnesses in Jerusalem in Judea Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world this is good news and so what he's saying is that go preach the kingdom of heaven but don't just talk about it bring it demonstrate it how do I do that heal the sick heal the sick you can heal the sick you don't have to be on a platform and you don't have to be in a church service and there doesn't have to be a great worship team playing you don't have to have all the right conditions I was up in Ghana again in another Muslim area not the same one that this man came from whenever we go to these regions we always honor the local leaders and so if it's a Muslim area its Muslim leaders for the most part and so we had to go visit a king and he was a king over a group a tribe of people in that region he they were all Muslims the king everyone there were all Muslims and so I was there with a film crew how many of you know who Darren Wilson is but you know the the father of lights finger of God all those documentaries you know this and so he had sent a film crew along with us and they were just following me around this was before the meeting said even started so we got to this hot palace I'm sorry we went in there was no electricity as our eyes adjusted it was this this round shaped hot thatched roof and there was a man sitting on an elevated chair he was the King on a throne and all around his feet were his elders his deputies they were all sitting on the ground around his feet and I was just sitting there waiting for instructions film crew was behind me and one of the representatives of the King walks up to me and he says I want to apologize on behalf of the King he would stand and greet you but he's crippled that's a gift I said with the King mind if I prayed for him and the man said no he would be very happy if he prayed I turned the film caress said you're going to want to take this I stood and I asked the King if I could pray for it he agreed and I stepped up I put my hands on his legs and I said rise and walk in Jesus name he stood off of that chair began not only begin to walk began to walk up and down the stairs but steps leading to his throne that was before the meetings had even started and can I tell you if you're in a Muslim region and the King gets healed in the name of Jesus your meetings will be well attended that's exactly what happened I tell you when the kingdom comes the sick are healed heal the sick you know when I see sick people I see them not as some and of course this is always a tragedy we hate it but I see it as a as an opportunity for God to get glory stop looking at sickness as just something to run from or to or to recoil at see it as an opportunity for Jesus to be glorified everywhere you go I tell you what if you stand on the street corner telling people they're going to go to hell you will get very little response but if you go pray for someone who's sick and they get healed they will be very open to what you have to say I promise you he'll isn't sick but don't just stop there cleanse the lepers and you know when I when I read this I thought you know that's a little bit redundant because lepers are sick people so why does he say heal the sick and cleanse a leper doesn't it seem like he's saying the same thing twice no because what you have to realize is this that lepers were more than sick people if you were a leper you were not only sick physically you are also an outcast you were barred from entry to the to the temple to religious worship you couldn't come before the Lord you couldn't even come into the normal city and have fellowship with ordinary people you were an outcast you were ostracized sent outside the camp to a place where only lepers live and so a leper was more than a sick person and under the religious system of that day you dare not come into contact with a leper else he make you unclean but when Jesus came he turned that whole thing upside down I love how Jesus turns religion on its head he didn't say run from the leper when he sucked when you see him because the leper will make you unclean he said go to the leper cleanse the leper when you touch the leper you won't get unclean the leper will become clean it works totally the opposite now because the kingdom of heaven has come can you say amen to that you know how many of you are leaders in ministry I know there's there's guests visiting you know what I pray for your ministry I pray that God would fill your church in your ministry with prostitutes and drug addicts and outcasts people that the world has rejected and turned their back on people that other pastors and other Christians want nothing to do with because they're not high society those are the very ones that God has called you to they're the very ones that he sent you to cleanse the lepers go to the lepers make them clean bring the Kingdom of Heaven wherever you go the kingdom of heaven is wonderful peace joy righteousness and the Holy Ghost heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead I've literally seen the dead raised but somehow I think there's more to it than just seeing a dead corpse coming back I think that what we call to do is bring life not just to individual dead bodies but into cities into nations we are the life of God walking on two legs we are the very body of the Messiah everywhere we go life should follow us life should come in wherever we go I can't stand Christianity it smells like a dead corpse that's one reason why I like loud churches somebody complained they said why are you why are you spirit filled people so loud in church why can't you behave I said well you know cemeteries are very quiet but there's noise in a maternity ward that's where I want to be where life is being birthed where the kingdom of heaven is invading I love to hear that sound give me some Holy Ghost chaos over your ordered death any day of the week and the world knows the difference - I'll tell you what can I be honest with you Jerusalem doesn't want your dead religious traditions they don't care about that but if you would bring life it is irresistible because the world is crying out to live while they're alive the world is crying out for something that's real and we have it and we can bring it as you go preach the kingdom of heaven is at hand heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead and then at the very end he says cast out devils and I thought you know that's anticlimactic isn't it he just said raise the dead why did he go back and say cast out Devils it would seem like raising of the Dead would be the ultimate but instead he says cast out the devils at the very end I wonder why that was and then I realized something you know if you go for example to Rome and you go and you visit some of the great churches you'll discover that many of those churches were actually pagan temples did you know that and and and some you'll even see the places where they used to have the idols to these gods set up there well what happened was these many of these early Christians this was the mentality that they had they went and they took the very places that were being used for idol worship and they they they took them over and they quote unquote exorcise them that's the very word that they used they would exorcise them and then they would begin to use them as places of worship now whether or not you agree with that methodology I will tell you one thing that we as the body of Christ are called not just to cast out one devil out of one person we are called to exorcise the world wherever that we go we cast the devil out of it we cast the devil out of cultures we cast the devil out of people we cast the devil out of nations we cast the devil out of cities a church that isn't casting out Devils is not bringing the kingdom everywhere that we go the devil should be afraid and fleeing in Jesus name I was I was in Nigeria where's my Nigerian friend I was in Nigeria when I was preaching in the bush you know in a very remote place and there was a lady that had come she was a famous witch doctor in the area now some of you I know this is going to be a little bit much for some of you okay somebody said I don't believe in witchcraft I don't believe in demon possession just come on one trip with me I won't even try to convince you see it for yourself and so I was I was preaching and this lady had come I didn't know she was there at the beginning but she was famous in the region because she was witch doctor that you would go to not just for like some special blessing or something this was a woman who was a black magic witch doctor when she would curse people they would die that's what I was told by the pastor's one pastor told me he said I personally know ten people that died after she cursed him and so even the pastors were afraid of this this woman and so I don't know if you realize this or not but I'm not very popular with witch doctors because after we come to town they kind of go out of business everybody becomes Christians everybody gets saved they don't believe in it anymore and they go out of business in fact sometimes even their witchcraft doesn't work anymore I had one witch doctor that came to me and he had in his in his property he had these stones these ancient stones I guess for hundreds and hundreds of years this had been passed down through the generations where people would come they would pay money to the family of this witch doctor and then they would go stand on these stones and they would begin to hear voices they believed it was the voices of their ancestors well of course we know it was just demons but these the stones they said would speak when they would pay money for this witch doctor what we Came we preach the gospel hundreds of thousands of people got saved and then the witch doctor came to us very very angry and he said what have you done my stones don't speak anymore and we said thank God they witchcraft never work again in this region and so they don't like us very much so this lady had come sent by contingent of other witch doctors in the region and she was there to curse me and kill me right on the platform so she stood there she had brought all kinds of they call it juju it's like it's like little trinkets talismans charms amulets I don't know what they do it that it all looks silly to me but they think it's really important so she was over there conjuring up evil spirits getting ready to put a curse on me I didn't even know she was there I was just preaching the gospel like I am to you some of some of you are so discerning that you can sniff out a devil in every corner walking down the aisle in the grocery store you sniff him out in the Kellogg's you know frosted flakes box everywhere I don't have that gift and so there's a witch doctor about to try to kill me I didn't know she was there I was having a wonderful meeting in the presence of God it was a wonderful day and she gets ready to cast this curse at me and all of a sudden this is when I knew she was there I hear this blood-curdling scream and I look over and I see a woman fly on the ground and she starts writhing on the ground like a snake with white foam coming out of her mouth what did I do at that point did I spend the next 30 minutes exercising the demon no I didn't even stop preaching I didn't even skip a sentence I just kept going because there are local pastors they can handle it let me tell you something the devil is very small if you have a big God you have a small devil that's what Smith Wigglesworth SiC if you have a big devil then you have a small guy and so the local pastors cast the devil out we have a tent behind the stage where we do all the exorcisms it's called the snake pit and so they came and grabbed her they pulled her into the snake pit they cast the devils out when she came to her senses she got saved right there in the in the tent they brought her up to me on the platform at the end and this is how she introduced herself to me she said I came here tonight to kill you I said it's nice to meet you too what an introduction she said I came here to kill you tonight but instead I've become a Christian because tonight I have discovered that your Jesus is more powerful than my witchcraft why because the kingdom of heaven had come as you go preach the kingdom of heaven is at hand heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out Devils freely you have received now freely give I tell you in Jesus name freely give it from this moment on don't hold anything back all around you day tomorrow through the week there is a dying world desperately in need - for the experience of the kingdom of heaven that you bring give it away in Jesus name would you stand with me tonight can the worship team come back thank you Jesus the kingdom of heaven is right here in this place how many of you are sick in your body and you need a miracle could I see your hands you came to the right place Jesus is here if you came because Daniel kolenda is here you might be disappointed but if you came for Jesus every request will be over fulfilled but before we pray for the sick I just want with every head bowed and every eye closed i I have to ask this question is there anybody here tonight that would say I need to surrender my life to Jesus Christ maybe you're away from him maybe you've never done it if you need to surrender your life to Jesus Christ sign wherever you are - slipped your hand I want to see where you are I want to pray with you I see that hand anyone else I see your hand sir I see your hand man this is a holy moment right now I see your hand in the back wherever you are just lift your hand yes I want to pray with you I believe that tonight is going to be the beginning of a whole new life for you those of you that lifted your hand would you do me a favor get out of your seat and come stand right here I want to pray with you wherever you are ma'am in the back sir come stand right here stand right here in the front I want to pray with you stay right here stay right here my friend thank you Jesus thank you Jesus bless you I'm going to pray with you in just a second okay buddy come on those of you that are coming continue to come you know I was reading the story of the prodigal son and it said that this Jewish boy had found himself in a place where he was living in the pigsty and he was actually eating the very food of the pigs and it says that no matter how much food he ate he couldn't satisfy his belly and he would think about home he would think about his father and the feasts that his father would put on even for the servants and he dreamt many times of going home but he couldn't bear the thought of facing his father and looking his father in the eye and admitting that he had squandered his father's wealth and he lived such an unrighteous life and that very thought that shame kept him in the pigsty day after day after day and finally he reached a point he couldn't take it anymore and the Bible says he he had this idea he said I'll go home and I'll I'll just become a servant of my father and that was the thought that gave him the courage to get out of that pigsty and begin that long journey home he said maybe my father will take me as a slave as a servant maybe he'll give me a scrap of bread anything is better than this pigsty I'm in so he as he's making that journey home he comes up over the horizon his father is sitting on the front porch he looks up and he sees the silhouette of his son on the horizon and the Bible says that he gets out of his chair and this old man begins to run how many of you know old men don't like to run but this old man he began to run when he saw his son and he threw himself on his son and hugged him and kissed him he never even asked the son what he had been doing and I began to think how long did that prodigal son sit there in the pigsty for no reason at all the father wasn't angry the father wasn't judging he was longing and waiting every day for that boy to come home my friend listened to me I just have the sense of my heart that I'm talking right now to pray why are you waiting what are you waiting for what is holding you back why are you wasting precious moments of your life don't spend one more day in that pigsty this is what we're going to do right now this is almost like what's about to happen is almost like an illustration of the mercy of God he's about to reach to you one more time do not take this lightly my friend the mercy of God is not something to be taken lightly there comes a day when the hand of God no longer stretches out to you that's why he says today if you hear my voice harden not your heart and so today I want you to respond I'm giving you one last chance this is what's going to happen in just a moment not now but when I tell you I want every person to turn to the one on their right in their left and I just want to want you to ask them a simple question say do you need to be down at that altar if they say yes take them by the hand and bring them do it right now turn to the one on your right here left I don't care if they're they sing in the worship team I don't care if they're the nicest person you know say do you need to be down there if they say yes just take them by the hand bring them with you come here stand before the Lord we're gonna pray together can we just sing we have who's singing who's the what leader can we just sing a song of surrender before we pray would you they Oh [Music] [Music] get us Riddler whoa hi [Music] to me [Music] those of you guys here I'm gonna pray with you okay I'm just going to lead you in the prayer I want you to understand something this prayer is not something I'm reading out of a book not even getting it out of the Bible I'm just going to make it up you say well why should we repeat a prayer that you made up well it's not even the words really that matter what you have to understand is that the Bible says that everyone that calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved you see God is looking beyond the words now he's looking right into your heart I'm just gonna put my arm around you in a sense and help you to call upon his name but you have his promise that is you call upon him he will hear and he will answer and this is what's going to happen you're not joining a church by this prayer you're not becoming part of a religion even what's happening is that you are about to be born again by the Spirit of God into the family of God the scripture says that he'll take away that old heart that's stony hard calloused heart and it'll give you a brand new heart a heart of flesh If any man be in Christ he is a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new that's what's about to happen a creative miracle you're going to turn from darkness to the light from the power of Satan to the power of God and you're going to be saved so right now just lift your hands those of you that are here in the front that I'm asking everyone in the whole place to also pray this with me in support of those that are here and I don't want you to whisper this I don't want you to mumble it under your breath this is a defining moment in your life I want you to shout this out are you ready say dear Lord Jesus Christ I come to you tonight a sinner needing salvation Lord Jesus I cannot save myself but I throw myself at your feet Jesus Christ Son of the Living God save me now have mercy upon me I confess with my mouth what I believe in my heart that Jesus is my Savior that jesus is my lord and that Jesus is the Son of the Living God as of this day I belong to Jesus and Jesus belongs to me I believe it I receive it and I confess it in the name of Jesus and everybody said amen amen amen do we have altar workers for their altar workers could you just give instructions and then I would like to pray for the sick raise the lone pair team we're going to need you right now be quick about it come down quickly community group leaders as well prayer tower team members come and face that direction so we can see who you are praise the Lord come quickly thank you pastor vehicle Thank You Hilda Sam Melissa Mike thank you those that came up just take one step back I promise you're not going to miss anything thank you Greg thank you ringing and any others prayer team be quick we need you Thank You Anita Thank You Tanya if you're available as well hallelujah okay our team is now facing you we're going to begin to pray perching fan out a little bit Thank You Susan Kumi thank you so much begin to fan out all of our friends need prayer Daniel's going to give us a few instructions as the spirit leads hallelujah [Music] this young man here I need to pray for him first okay Mike Pastor Mike what's his name what's your name you shy be shy how old are you in 14 years old the Lord gave me a word for you can I just deliver the word for you today the Lord says to you because you came first you're going to get a double anointing tonight you came first [Applause] you didn't you didn't some of us get courage by watching others go first but the Lord saw your heart he saw your courage first come here get this double anointing the name of yeshua hallelujah hallelujah father release your power and your presence of each eye right now in the name of your Shore Holy Spirit begins to invade his space coming through his heart kick out anything that does not belong of you and your kingdom take Dominion here this is your house this is your body this is your shell this is now your tool to do miracles through Yishai fathering the courage that he displayed in coming up here not waiting for anyone else breaking through whatever in a insecurities may be there any fears that tonight might his very presence he confessed with his mouth he did better than that he confessed with his body tonight that you sure you were the son of the Living God release your fire and your anointing upon him heal his family saying his whole family tonight in the name of Yeshua let him be a better preacher than all of us tonight because you just touched him you introduced yourself to him in a new way release a double anointing double power double presents over his life in Yeshua's name receive this gift God is trying to deliver this gift to you you shot from heaven today receive it today Yeshua's holy name hallelujah [Music] Oh Lord I surrender [Music] me [Music] you see a wall dr. Manson [Music] all I Oh [Music] let me see your hands once more how many of you need healing in your body we see wonderful we're going to pray for the sick now this is not going to take a long time I know maybe some of you been to our long healing services so if I but I often tell people that miracles are the easiest part of my job because I don't do them at all I am an innocent bystander I don't take any glory I don't take any blame I just obey and trust and rest and the rest is him Amen so this is what we're going to do today I just preached as you go now if I do all the work here I'm going to be undercutting my own message with my actions so you're going to help me okay raise your hand again if you have sickness in your body okay now everybody I want everybody even if you have your hand up just to turn to somebody else that has their hand up it just asked them what's wrong just ask them and tell that person what they need prayer for in one word if maybe it's something you don't want to mention just say it's unspoken that's okay - don't worry Jesus knows okay you got it okay you can stop now that's enough you can stop now you don't need to know the whole medical history you're not a doctor anyway I just wanted you to get something to latch your face onto okay now this is what I want you to do take your hand and put it on their forehead but don't begin to pray yet don't begin to pray because I don't want you to begin to ask God to heal them and tell God all about their problem God knows what's wrong with them you're not telling God anything new I just told you you are an ambassador of heaven you have authority the kingdom of heaven is inside of you SWAT what I want you to do is rather than telling God about their problem tell the problem about God take authority over that sickness take authority over that disease curse it in the name of Yeshua and tell it to get out in Jesus name do it right now get out right now the name of Jesus sickness go in Jesus name infirmity go in Jesus name paralysis leave I curse that shoulder pain I curse that chest pain those migraine headaches get out in the name of Jesus I command those blind eyes to open the name of Jesus deaf ears open in the name of Jesus crippled legs walk in the name of Jesus I command your your back pain to leave you right now in Jesus name be healed of every sickness of every infirmity buried wombs open right now in the name of Jesus lungs be healed in Jesus name kidney stones get out in Jesus name somebody that's got pain in their right kidney on the back that pain is leaving you right now in the name of Jesus those shoulders that you had limited mobility in that torn rotator cuff be healed whatever it is be healed right now in the name of Jesus all right stop praying stop stop I cut you short because I don't want you to think it's your eloquent prayer that heals people nor the length thereof it's the one that you prayed to that's who heals it's Jesus and there are many of you even right now you feel like a heat or an electricity on your body where are you I know you're there who is it who feels heat and electricity on their body feel heat electricity go through your body did you a pain in your back check it is the pain gone the pain is gone thank you Jesus this is what I want you to do right now I know you think this is still easy good I want that to be your lasting impression if you leave this place thinking I did something super cool you're you just totally missed the point this is Jesus not me or you or anybody else so this is what I want you to do listen to me don't ever pray for somebody and then turn around and walk away without first telling them to check themselves so do it right now just turn to that person and say test yourself this is where you need faith test yourself do something you couldn't do before if you couldn't bend down try it if you had a cancerous lump to check for right now if there was pain in your neck or your back or your shoulders just check for it now you'll make an amazing discovery all over this place Jesus is healing all over this place miracles are happening I can see by the joy and some of your faces Jesus has done wonderful things if you have just been healed I want you to weigh both of your hands over your head so we can see where you are look at this all over this place what happened what happened sister just tell me your knees in your back you had pain and the pain is gone what was wrong with you your hands were trembling Wow and no more so you had Parkinson's how long has it been since your hands we're not trembling a year and it just stopped out for the first time isn't that incredible who else who else I saw some right here what was wrong knee and back pain and it's completely gone isn't that amazing who else who else come on somebody else his hands all over the place what was wrong your hand could your arm couldn't go up all the way so it's the shoulder the right shoulder the left shoulder the left shoulder and do it do that move it around so you couldn't do that before nice amazing come on this is what I want you to worship team we got we got to rejoice okay I like the slow worshipable stuff but we got to dance we got to rejoice I know you Israelis know how to do that but before we do that come on just lift your hands and begin to thank the Lord Lord we thank you we thank you because you are good lowly thank you because you died to bring the kingdom Lord as we go we go with you and we go through you to a lost and dying world to heal the sick to cleanse the leper to raise the dead to cast out Devils to freely give what you have freely given into our lives in the name of Jesus and everybody said I'm mighty [Music] you
Channel: King of Kings Community Jerusalem
Views: 24,476
Rating: 4.8810067 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Christ, Lion of Judah, Lord, God, Jerusalem, Israel, Gospel, Word, Truth, Faith, Salvation, Holy Spirit, Holy, Prophecy, Preaching, Ministry, Ministries, Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Believer, Christian, Church, Messianic, Congregation, King of Kings, KKCJ, KOKA, Pavilion, Pastor, Wayne Hilsden, Sermon, Message, Preacher, Daniel Kolenda, Guest Speaker, Evangelist, Christ For All Nations, CFAN
Id: riSlso1sQ2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 14sec (4454 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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