David And Goliath

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Hey [Music] in a time after the passing away of musa alayhis salaam this is a very powerful account of a story from The Times of Venice there are evil and inside the story there are three characters the first character is a person known as bar loot at this time followed is am a foot soldier in the army of bani israel that are trying their best to hold back an army of giants headed up by another person who the second character the story his name is Joe loot Giroud was a giant djalu they said was so strong and so tough he himself could take on an army what happened is that Benny is very prospered for many years after musa alayhis salaam but then they began to go far away from allah they began to sin and they lost the connection with their book and then an army arose headed up by joe loot this giant infamous warrior and he began campaign against Benny's Rahil until Benny's Rahil came to their prophet they had a prophet amongst them and they said select for us a king a general and would take them to victory but what is amazing is that their prophet told them who to choose the Prophet said to them truly Allah has selected for you this man bar loot to be your king and you know what they said in response how can he be our King when he's got no money now pollute was the most qualified for the job that he was increased and expanded in knowledge and in his body he was a genius when it came to wharfing Bar Lutz he was the tallest man in Venice are you and good to be said that the tallest man in Venice Rahil would only come up to the shoulders of the lute so he had it he had the right qualifications why did Benny is thoroughly USAToday prophet he can't be our king he's got no money they didn't worry about the substance they were all about the glitz and the glamour and then they said show us a sign you want more proof you want another miracle out of Allah's mercy he showed them a miracle you see during these wars they lost a lot of land a lot of power was conceded to geralt and his army and on one such occasion they lost that her boots you know the toe booties there was a huge treasure chest inside of it they had the relics of Musa al-salaam and Haruna and what happened it got captured and so what happened is that this terrible this chest it was in the possession of Jews wherever they would place it a calamity would strike they put it there a plague is happening over there they move it to another location an earthquake and so what did they say man this chest is cursed get this out of him they put it on the back of a bull on a cart and they said this ball tell it to leave our lands don't even put a drive on it and so this bull drove that cart with the table boot all the way back to the very door of bar loot supernova angels were carrying that chest it was a miracle everyone saw a miracle and so they accepted bar loot to be their king and so bar loot now had a mission on his hands he had to put together an army an army of these type of people who would go and face a giant army Allah says when par loot and his armies see he's already showing his quality as a leader they out there in the middle of nowhere at that moment What did he say he said listen up Allah is going to try you and test you with a river he says whoever drinks from it he's not from me you drink that water go back home whoever doesn't consume of it then he's from my army except the one who takes a couple of water like this and drinks it most of the army of 80,000 did end up drinking from the river what is he left with 310 odd soldiers now those few that didn't drink they passed the test for sure but they didn't become perfect soldiers these 300 warriors along with their King they crossed the Jordan River according to someone when they cross they look at the horizon what they see some humongous army they see the cavalry kicking up dust into a cloud that emerges in the sky and then they see djalu's and you know why he stood out because he wore some very sophisticated armor they said his armor covered his whole body except for a slit for his eyes they lost their nerve they said we've got no ability to defeat these guys today then what happens is beautiful the Quran tells us that there were some that were convinced that they were going to a meeting with Allah and when they heard those other guys lose their nerve they said how many has there been a tiny group that have managed to overcome a group of many by the permission of Allah Subhan Allah and Allah is with the steadfast now they're going to war what happens a young man turns up at the scene the wood and so tiny and he has pollute of a reward pollute says whoever kills Jared are allowed to marry my daughter and I'll giving some my kingdom the wood thinks for a moment and puts up his aunt tar lute and everybody else just loved Tollywood eventually said okay show me your skills what you got he said all I've got is this a slingshot but this slingshot he goes I could knock the teeth of a wolf if it looks at my sheep a bit funny he managed to kill anything more than that he says I managed to kill a lion once he goes okay take my horse and take my weapons go ahead the wood was a believer he says I don't want any of this I want to use what Allah has given me and this will suffice me and so he moves in and around the army takes his position places a tiny rock in his slingshot takes his mark and lets it fly a hits dilute right between the eyes and he falls down dead now when his army see their leader has dropped they lose all morale and then Allah says we gave our word kingship we made him a king and we gave him jicama meaning we made him into a prophet Subhan Allah the story began where the Muslims the believers were on the brink of collapse and about to be wiped out but the story ends with the believers attaining an epic victory what happened in the middle is that they listened to their prophet followed orders from their leaders and victory was given today you'll be saved you'll be honored and you will be given this dunya as well as the earth
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 161,532
Rating: 4.9064589 out of 5
Keywords: stories from quran, dawud, jalut, talut
Id: FMWBun3oogk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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