The History Of Al-Andulus

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Hey [Music] [Music] Landrus Spain in fact is the largest country in the entirety of Europe and if you think of it like this therefore the Muslims had a very long-lasting civilization in al-andalus in Spain their presence was about for about seven three hundred years in the largest country in Europe we had enough a system of Islam running civilization in the largest country in Europe why did the Muslims have an interest to go to Europe to Spain to Landorus in the year 711 a man called Musa - no sale who was the governor of Africa took a young man called para Quincy ad was around 1920 years old and he made him the general of his army and also pointed him as governor of Tanja's this was part of the Umayyad enough our decision-making to go to al-andalus one thing that Muslim historians write about is a popularized story in this story you have a person called Julian Julian is the count of Quetta Quetta is the north east the furthest north east of modern morocco is quite a first northwest is two tangents what happened the story goes that the count of Quetta Julian had friction had a problem with the king of Spain of al-andalus called Rodrick and the alleged story goes that the count Julian of Coweta the daughter and the daughter was sent to Spain to study one of the schools of King Rodrick and when she was there she was a mistreated in a bad way and so out of his sense of vengeance or revenge he wanted to exact against King Rodrick off of Spain he allied with the Muslims or he assisted the Muslims in arriving in - and this is a very popular story she herself is popularized as sophronia she figures prominently in that early episode of the arrival of the Muslims and so in the year 711 Bartok Lindsay and takes an army he has about 500 infantry 500 cavalry and they crossed the Straits of Gibraltar and they arrive into al-andalus Gibraltar you might know is named after him it's giovanna Tareq the amount of Tareq we stained named Gibraltar named after him when he arrives what does he see who's there in Spain Spain is ruled by the Visigothic people and so when the muslims arrived these Visigoths many of them - many of them embraced islam accepted islam because they saw the similarity between arianism and islam and others who didn't accept muslim rule they fled northwards and this was mostly the Visigothic nobility and when they fled north they arrived right to the top of the landless a place called Asturias - places a stories in Galicia and these are mountains and so the Muslims therefore when they're sending army they're sending the armies you know different districts seville and granada for Taba all these places some are accepting like Toledo Falls quite quickly to the Muslims October there was a long siege they didn't accept very easily but they they didn't go as far as these Visigothic nobility went right to the top but the Pope the point was that the Muslims had a very strong cavalry very strong horsemen and the horsemen struggled to go all the way up to the mountains and this is why they thought well it's only a few of them they can't cause them damage because we shouldn't trouble ourselves too much but it was a mistake this initial small band of Christians India stories and Galician mountains would grow and they became you know and it was more power unto themselves they refused to pay taxes they were kind of independent autonomous small independent autonomous rule and so when the Muslims said this mall you know contingent to try and engage with them they were the surprise attack now Christians they they depict this battle as a spark of the Inquisition depicted as the first victory of Christianity against Islam in that land the Muslims they say is more like a skirmish but the point is as a presence they remained in the mountains of historian's Muslims a consolidated power and rule when they first arrived into al-andalus the next year 712 July musa vilnius air met him with a big continuum 7,000 people who else was there so who were the Christians were also Jews they were Jews living in Spain how were they treated the treated very badly so before the Muslims are arrived what was happening with the Jews the Jews were persecuted and so when the Muslims arrived they saw this minority of the Jews and they gave them rights the Jews will not allow to have synagogues so Muslims allowed to rebuild their synagogues and the Muslims made a very famous treaty called the Treaty of Theodore mur this is why you have Jewish historians like as I'm Zohar says that when the Muslims cross the Straits of Gibraltar they the Jews welcome them as liberators from Christian rule now in the Treaty of Theodore that they made with Visigoths you know the Catholics they had rules not to destroy churches was one of them not to break crucifixes was another one of them not to disrupt them on their national holidays like increased your Christmas time with one of them and it was really welcomed welcomed by the Christians because they thought well that is actually a great deal for us they could worship in their own ways in their in their own places but of course under the rule of Islam the Jews had their right really it seemed quite a good deal for people except of course for the Christians of the north and they would grow and they would grow now we come to the 720's the Muslim ruler was a Mentalist some even malecon Collodi they took his army and they went to Toulouse France they they take him Spain now they're going pushing further north into front they get to Toulouse I didn't Toulouse they meet and humming fighting under you odo of Aquitaine and they and they have a victory they defeated the army of Dakota of Aquitaine Samuel Malekith colony is celebrated as this great you know fight general but Duke odo of Aquitaine was present in the in the battle but then he he just he went he vanished she just went away and the secrecy and they thought he had left he had not left he had gone to receive help from man called Charles Martel and Charles Martel was the living the Prince of the Franks that he wasn't interested so odo Aquitaine is telling him that he knew whither the Muslims are just coming because they've taken the whole of Spain and they're coming north they're gonna take France also it wasn't interest because you thought they're not that powerful they can't do that because remember that France was the Christian based the Pope lived in France the church was very strong in France I'm so not interested and sajuuk oder then returns and when he returns a price attack against some people Medical Corps Danny and he's martyred there in 730 is a new Muslim you know governor called up the manual of a-15 him Allah he takes his army and they go to Aquitaine itself so that the power base of Duke odo of Aquitaine he went straight there to Aquitaine itself and and when he gets there again this this defeat all of you Oh Duke odo is not there that goes far as Bordeaux this is France you know it's just like they're going further north and they and there's a victory now Luke odo what does he do he goes back to the same person that he told him not interested goes back to Charles Martel and he says look you told me that they're not strong enough but they've just defeated us all over again in my power base of Aquitaine so please send us help reinforcements do something as Charles Martel now he listens carefully and he agrees a date to engage the Muslims in battle in the year 732 in a very famous battle for the Battle of Tours this is mid France so what happens in this Battle of Tours this is the most decisive battle the Muslims will have with the French in France which like it's winter it's like October November time it's is cold in France and the Muslims when they go there they don't know where Charles Martel has arranged the battle they don't know the location so Altamont l had been preparing for the Muslims since 7 21 now it's 732 he knows who they are he knows the way that they find he knows the armament that they have he knows the weapons that they have and so what he does is he chooses the location of the battle ok when a he'll stop moeslem have a very strong cavalry he has a very strong infantry and so the horses of course would struggle to come up hill he arranges his army on the top under the cover of trees so the Muslims of the mind of thinking is army they they they're you know with the horses are looking up and that's where Charles Martel's army is but under the cover of the trees that they can't see exactly where they are second thing is when Charles Martel approached the battle scene he went small roads not the big roads the small roads under cover of darkness so they couldn't see what route they would take to the battle site number three they were preparing for the winter it's prepared for the winter they put clothing they could last the siege but the Muslims they're struggling because you don't have the right clothes this is very cool and one day is 2 day 3 day 4 5 6 7 8 days and it's too long now they have to make a move they have to break that deadlock and so of Monica Vicky says let's just much upward josma hotel he arranges his battle in what's called a Flags rectangular mass of infantry the idea is therefore that is always reinforcements in the Phalanx when the Muslims marched upwards to get to the top in a way they are the men just marched downwards and the horses of course struggled to come upwards and so they were really outmaneuvered by the Christians it was very decisive victory for Charles Martel and he was really lauded you know by the Christian world as Charles Martellus Charles de hammer they called him Charles Prince of the Franks they called him and that is the furthest point Muslims would ever get in France so you know they they tried Bordeaux Aquitaine and blues but not further than towards this is 732 in the 700s there just worked on consolidating their rule they're building their army strong so as soon as they capture a place their point a governor and then within six eight months a month define a new governor in any government and it's too many governors so they can't therefore stabilized and rule because it's just a sequence of quick succession of governance but they're they're doing good things and so the first capital for the Muslims Allen Dulles was with Seville not for long until they moved to Papa and remember that Muslims when they went there they never seen something so beautiful but when they saw Spain I mean is this a while what on earth is that and they fell in love with it what happens in 750 something very big happens in 750 you had the Abbasid revolution and so the Umayyad caliph was based in Damascus the Abbasids had a revolt and they took power and he had to beginning to ambassador Khalifa but there was one boy who was 19 20 years old who survived the quote him suffer flesh the Falcon of Quraysh and he he fled together with his brother and his son and his two sisters they fled together and the plan was to fall follow the Euphrates River he's a purpose so he has like orange hair you know so easy recognizable and so the ambassadors and mercenaries al to try and track him find him going from Damascus Palestine Sinai until they get to Egypt well the mercenaries catch up with them and so they they kind of throw themselves in Euphrates River and they try to swim to safety but his brother couldn't swim too well and so he swims back to shore the ambassador the marshals are waiting for them but he has no choice except to carry on going and so it carries on going now he has a slave with him above all a v' called vada he leaves his sisters behind in a caravan because they less likely to be harmed they get to Egypt in Egypt there is a Berber there's a basset governor nearly appointed who used to be Romanian loyalist but now he's a bastard supporter and he sends his merciless try and find these two of the man and his servant and they escape him and they arrive in in in Morocco in via 755 this is five year two to five years as a battered revolution to get to inaudible now the great bulk of Muslims in and under laws are Syrians that's what your made that clear for was you not even made a dynasty based in Damascus and so what he does is he sends you know his servant butter to go to Damascus and find out like a reconnaissance mission will they accept him if he comes into the landless and so he goes there and he says you know it's good ground free because they're waiting for someone like you to lead them and so when he he goes their crosses they welcome him and they appoint him and he becomes the Umayyad ruler so now it's odd because you have the Ambassador falafel dynasty we have the birth now of the Umayyad caliph in any other another one which is the ultimate shear without their only relief these three kind of power bases at the same time but it was a beautiful thing of the man because he deals with the people with with justice and they love him because he's from them meaning the most important ruler was not other man the first a corporation it was in fact a black man the third he was the most celebrated Muslim ruler he was a relief and he really transformed al-andalus after month 1/3 worked with Jewish people as well as Christians you made in that time who came to be known as controversial which is the coexistence of Muslim Jews and Christians together building this amazing civilization a Jewish diplomat coolants diamond shepherd he would send him to major centers like Constantinople Rome to bring them in and see the splendor of the lenders who was happening landless the Muslims reminded third to great idea great thinking one of the first things in Darius was he reduced the taxes upon the people and so therefore he dealt with them with with a lot of mercy with a lot of kindness and goodness and they really began to love him he sought to do away with divisions so rather than having independent rulers think about once one single rule he did that work table was the capital of al-andalus so seville for a short time and then Cordoba was a main city city and quarterback became known as the city of lights portable was the first lighted lamp city 10,000 lamps in the city of Cordoba and that one city you had 300 libraries 300 libraries in one city 600 messages 50 hospitals in corto averman the third reef has a personal library of 300,000 books putting the emphasis on learning he sets up Makati macadam for blind students Makati for disabled students in was that the method that was in Spain was a Mallika madam yeah yeah I mean he lathe II was the Malik Imam of all the landless he studied the Malta at the feet of imam malik himself there were beautiful homes and houses irrigations from Seville you had about here about headwater this key table fella for that had the book of farming even a while militia Billy he wrote a book describing more than 568 types of plants these people were geniuses I mean they were scholars in their own fields you know in Seville Locke but he had women Vlado and she worked on manuscript illumination she was a poetess yet so many others like her you know you had great people working in those land quilt over for example you had science as a rally the master of surgery of science you had even Cena again philosophy science the work on ethics for example even rushed evolution Evans Oh are these were from al-andalus a mammoth ought to be the amount of portable great scholars are emerging scientist luminaries and so all these great personalities Muslims are emerging you know at the same time in dr. Dodd what's happening is you have the double jicama Dada jicama is another place that's a land of wisdom as a place of learning so you had a la cama is me a little algorithms are named after him I also from him is algebra because of his book eatable Java so what's happening therefore is when the Muslims are creating all these amazing things in the Western world they don't have anything you know of no focus on sciences or not as much as what the Muslims have and so you have Westerners who are now traveling all the way to Angeles and they're learning from the Muslims famous names like Petrus Alphonse II and then he traveled north was went to England he became the surgeon I think for King Henry and he introduced to the Western world what the Muslims are learning of science of mathematics Michael Scott was the one I think who translated the astronomical tables of alka what is me so the Muslims therefore for this period are really focused on learning on learning and building the civilization of the from under 30 builds a new city called or Dimity cetera and it builds a city from scratch in one year an entire new city and this whole city was there for to show the Western world they would bring in these diplomats and dignitaries to see the splendor of al-andalus a new city just for the purpose of of pomp is quite sad actually to be honest with you is quite a sad thing because although a lot of the achievements being made and a lot of things are happening and people is trying to reflect back on it and I say well what was it where were things going wrong but at one point you run the risk of turning the elegance into excess elegance into extravagance who's heard of must have Cordoba at that time it was the most grand mosque in the world must have Cordoba right now it's a chapel and so you know after this great period of of strength this great period of of wonder and science and maths and astronomy and learning and reading and literature all of this soon enough the Muslims they descended into inter division and so all these major city centers Sevilla portable Granada had autonomous rule now who is really most happy with this of course it's the Christians of Galicia and historians it's the one who are just a few in the beginning the Visigothic nobility now they've grown hundreds of years have passed they've grown in power and strength and so now they're coming down and they're fighting against these rule and they fighting some against the others the Muslim rollers are so concerned that they stay in power and every year they're paying an annual tribute you know to stay protected and safe that's like the beginning of the downfall division that's the beginning of the downfall for the Muslims there were efforts alhamdulillah by people like usually able to Fein from the Maghreb this is like in the eleven twelve such a big into all century they would invite him from the more Muslim to alumnus to fight the Christians with the help and then on three occasions they would say to him you know go back home now we don't want you here with us on the third time however he stayed there and he he defeated to you look at the wife and he brought back a semblance of the previous unity that existed and that lasted for a while until the Muslims had a one very crushing defeat in the year twelve twelve in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa and they never recovered really from that defeat was the the gave the Christians that the biggest the biggest stronghold against the Muslims and I really what followed in the next centuries or so is the Muslims were losing their lands you know they're lost Seville 12:46 1247 even before the I mean James the first of Aragon expels one hundred thousand Muslims from Aragon Muslims have to wear different colored clothing to be recognized as Muslims Muslims are charged higher taxes was allowed to live in the city centers of live outside you had walled compounds they lose Seville Aragon are cross all these pieces and they're finding the last place of refuge in Granada and then you know you get to like fifteen a one this is even before the Muslims get to Granada to make it their base there was a big fire in Granada 1501 the Great Fire of Granada in the cap in the city center of Granada where they burn all the books so all the books were speaking about in a grand fire they burn every all the quran hadith books of tips here books of science except the ones that were gold and silver binded because they could use that to make money but they just blend everything and then began the process of of Muslims living in secrecy this is a remarkable episode in the history history of the Moriscos the Moriscos were the muslims who outwardly catholics were inwardly they were Muslims everything was prohibited now they get to a stage where Arabic and so they sought to ban Arabic for all people and so you had this great period of the Moriscos so 1501 all the books are banned they all get to granada one one good thing was the fact they take all their skills with them right so all these scientists and scholars they all go to one city called granada and they make a beautiful city they build the alhambra palace you might noticed all around the number of austin was written everywhere leg or limb in the law there's no victory except allah no vic except allah everywhere in the whole of a lumber but of course this where they got to was a consequence of some things you know in this whole period the crusades happened this is another reason why the greek christian became so strong lot of evidence that the the first crusading front was spain not the courts and so in a way they couldn't survive very long you know at the NDA date they made terms you know with the christians and that was really the end of the muslim existence in in Angeles Alana Quran says these are days we alter among two people there was a very famous poets : : d wrote a poem at the fall of Seville he says everything you know nothing reaches his perfection write everything as a fault as a defect nothing will last forever everything will come down and these lands he says we're not supposed to last forever a wound that Allah mentioned in the Quran where is all of his gold today where is hard and moody's great terrible tyrannical civilization were they today how many scholars passed through Cordoba once upon a time where is it today she says for all of them came something that they could not return from until they passed on it's as if they didn't exist there in the first place meaning death came to everything one of them and then we will pass as if we were never there at the first place and this was a reminder therefore not to lament not to feel defeated no to learn lessons from from Spain really is the only place in the world where I think Islam was established in full and removed in full established in full fill Africa leave civilization all of his learning scholars and then removed in full so a lot of lessons for us to learn you know about this place you you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 119,279
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Keywords: the golden age, al-andalus, tariq ibn ziyad, jabal tariq
Id: _e0spaElD08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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