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now we've talked about the malhama we've talked about the civil war we've talked about the romans on one side and the muslims on the other we've talked about uh the conquest of constantinople there's one set of of a hadith also left and that is during one of these series of wars or maybe before all of this begins because we don't know chronology is not mentioned we do not know towards the end of times the muslims and the romans will form an alliance against a third party now this is very atypical from the other hadith because all the other hadith mentioned what that the romans on one side and the muslims on the other side correct so in my humble opinion and allah knows best these a hadith apply at the beginning of the armageddon things are going to happen where muslims and romans will ally with one another and then that alliance will be destroyed only to get worse and worse until the mahdi and the isa come and allah knows best and during this time frame people will convert from the roman side to the muslim side okay what are these a hadith of this alliance and treaty and also these are authentic hadith this hadith is in abu dhabi during the battle of tabuk when he was in the battle of tabuk and his tent was made out of leather his tent was made of leather so i sat in front of the tent the prophet says he gave me permission he said come in ya'af so and this shows you how eager the sahaba were that alf was sitting outside and the processor saw him from the from the opening he saw auf he said come in alf auf said ya rasulallah all of me come in or only a part of me come in means should i just stick my head in or do you allow my full body to come in subhanallah were so particular of the permission like what are you allowing me to come in this is your private space ya rasulullah when you say come in are you saying i fully come in or do you want me just put in my head and talk to you so the process said no kuluk all of you come in your whole body come in so auf came and he said to the prophet hey sorry the process i'm said to auf au auf count six things before judgment will happen he gave a prediction count six things before judgment day number one maori my death how said as soon as i heard that i was shocked and saddened subhanallah we take obviously yani the process of not being amongst us we take it for granted we're born that way for the sahaba they could not imagine a world without the prophet they could not imagine it's something their mind could not conceive of and that's why when the news came out what happened the sahaba they reacted the way they did and that's why when the process him actually passed away medina was in groom as anna said we had never seen that sadness in our whole lives right so they could not imagine a world without so they never thought you know you may allah protect all our loved ones but we can never imagine living without our loved ones you know with our parents which we don't eat the world is there with them then when they go that's when the shock comes to us so the processor is saying count six things number one mauti i said it was a shock to me it was what my your moat before his mind can grasp number two three four five six comes out so he has to pay attention number two he said then the thought saw him shocked he said count that as number one he's emphasizing the first sign of judgment day is the death of the prophet sallallahu ii that's the first sign his death is the beginning of a shot number two he said this the conquest of has that happened yes in abu bakr's time subhanallah abu bakr's last day of khilafah was the conquest of bethulmaktis and the first day of umar he received the khilafah and the news of the conquest on the same day and when he said this it was impossible to even think of this being in muslim lands while it is one of the biggest miracles of the truth of islam that our prophet sasha predicted these things and they took place within a year after his death a year after his death by the mahdi is conquered and if you really understand history at that time this was impossible to conceive of that this small group of muslims in madina who have not yet even conquered makkah and they're going to go conquer bilateral and bilateral it's inconceivable and yet within a year that took place one of the most unexpected historical terms for western historians is the rise of islam it is inexplicable they cannot explain it how could a group from their perspective of ragtag bedouins come and disrupt human civilization destroy the sassanid empire carve out the byzantine empire create a civilization that was even more glorious than the both of those previous ones combined they don't understand how that happened so for us our process said number two it will be the conquest of jerusalem number three a plague that will come amongst you and destroy your children and your wealth and property and it will purify your good deeds our scholars say this is the plague of amwas in the eighteenth year of the hijrah there was a massive plague in the time of um it was the worst plague of early islam and they say this is that prediction number four wealth will be distributed amongst you so much that if a person is given 100 dinars he would not be happy the sahaba were very poor one dinar was a big deal a hundred dinars was a fortune to them and we are now at a time when a hundred teenagers yeah okay no big deal where at this time now number five there will be a fitnah a trial that will not leave any of your houses except that it will touch it our scholars say in all likelihood this is the fitna of the sahaba that every single household was affected that fit in that first war the civil war that took place they say this others say this might yet be another fit that will happen and then number six and this is what we're interested in number six there will be a treaty between you and the romans there will be a treaty between you and the romans and then they will betray you and march against you with 80 banners under each of which will be 12 000 troops in other words a hundred thousand people this hadith is an ibn majja another hadith mentions another hadith mentions that you will form a treaty with the romans and you will fight an enemy common to both of you you will form a treaty with the romans and you will fight an enemy common to the both of you then you will be victorious and as you are returning back one of the romans will raise the cross on a mount and say this has caused us victory and a muslim will get angry and destroy that cross say allah has caused us victory and war will break out and the romans will break their truce and then this incident of marching against you will take place so these are only two or three hadith about this that's it but they predict another genre of predictions and that is there will be a third enemy who is that third enemy but it's neither the muslim peoples nor the europeans there is another power on the rise may allah protect us from all of them as well but anyway this allah knows whether that power will be the actual one so there will be a third race a third group of people you and the romans will join hands in fighting them and there will be an alliance between you and you will be victorious once that enemy has gotten rid of been gotten rid of then the romans will essentially break their treaty with you because of this minor skirmish where a muslim said no it's not the cross and it destroys the cross and it's between two people but the romans will take that as an excuse to destroy the treaty and they will then attack you they will march against you with 80 banners now many of our modern scholars say this is must be a reference to the modern united nations or whatever i say allah but 80 flags 80 flags on one side every flag has a major 10 12 000 people that's a major war so this is another prediction of a great armageddon that will take place and allah knows best now again is this the armageddon or is it one of them again it's all cryptic allah knows best it can also be said and this is a valid interpretation i'm not denying it at all it can also be said that the final battle between the jal and erisa will be an easy battle not a difficult one and that the muslims will not die and mass in that battle and that will be a gift to allah to the believers the hadith are not explicit i'm simply saying it can be derived how can we derive this because when the the child sees issa what's going to happen he will scream a loud scream and flee away and dissolve and isa will kill him now it could be said another interpretation of all of these is the final battle is not the malhema the malhema is the one before it which is this one the romans and 80 flags on one side and the muslims on the other as for the actual final battle it will be a gift why will it be a gift there will be no resistance from the other side you understand this point right you guys following i've given you multiple interpretations [Music] allah [Music]
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 712,031
Rating: 4.9237833 out of 5
Keywords: merciful, servant, themercifulservant
Id: HvK0eOxSJSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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