Kindergarten Mathematics

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Well, all right mathematicians are we ready to get started today? - Yes! - Well let's see, what have we been talking about this week? If you'll raise your hand if you can remember what we've been talking about this week. Joseph. - Decomposing. - Decomposing. Boy, that's a big word isn't it? I want you to turn to your learning partner, wait just a minute I'm gonna give you some instructions first. And I want you to tell your learning partner what we've learned about decomposing this week. And I want you to use gestures and I want you to take a turn and then I want your partner to take a turn. So if you'll turn right now to your learning partner and I want you to tell them what decomposing means. [Children talking to each other] - Use those gestures. [Children talking to each other] All right, class. - Yes. - Faith, what did you and Brantley talk about when you were talking about decomposing? - We were talking about start with a whole, part, part. - A whole, part, part. Um, Tyler, what did you and Jordan talk about? - They're not the same numbers. - They're not the same number. So did you talk about they were different parts? Different parts. Isabella and Molly what did you talk about? - We talked about breaking stuff down by putting it in parts and breaking it. - Good job. Decompose, decompose, break it on down, break it on down. Decompose, decompose, break it on down, break it on down. Start with a whole, part, part. Start with a whole, part, part. Decompose, decompose, break it on down, break it on down. Decompose, decompose, break it on down, break it on down. All right, mirror with words. I can, I can, you can, you can, we can, we can, take the whole number five, take the whole number five, and break it into part, part, and break it into part, part. I can, I can, you can, you can, we can, we can, use objects, use objects, to show the part, part, to show the part, part. - All right, well this week let's talk a little because we've got to rewind. Good mathematicians always think about what they've been doing. So we're going to do some thinking back to what we found out this week. All right, let's see when we talked about one, and remember we only had one person to go to the movie that day with our movie passes, how many ways could we break down or decompose that one? Show me with your fingers. And then, great job. And then when we talked about two; how many ways could we decompose two? And when we talked about three, what did we find out Elle? - That we can decompose, um, that to four and that it's kind of like a pattern and because,um, it's not in the exact number. Like one's two, um, and two's three, and three's four, and four's five. And I think five is going to be six. - She's made a prediction for today. Elle's predicting that when we get this up here today how many did you say? That we're going to find how many ways to get to five? - Um, six. - Give her a thumb's up. She did a great job. Great job explaining that. Good job. All right, well we've got those movie passes today and I need five chairs. Let's see I need one, two, three, four, and five. I think that would be enough. You can go back to where your chair would be. And let's see who is going to go to the movies today. And I need one, two, three, four and Benjamin I'm gonna need yours too. Your chair, I'm gonna need your chair. All right, and I'm probably gonna need you to move over a little bit because we've got five chairs today. So if you'll move over just a little bit and Miss Kennedy, and Miss Kennedy, can you move on down Isaiah? All right, let's see who's going to go to the movie today. Can you move over just a little bit Kennedy, and Isaiah, and Logan if you could slide down just a little bit. - Let's see, yesterday we had boys to go to the movies. I think it's time for the girls again. Let's see Isabella, Molly, Elle, Tyler, and Faith. All right, so what is my whole that I'm starting with here? - Five. - Five, all right. Do you think they should go see a thriller? A superhero movie? - Yes! - Or a mystery? - Yes! - All right. All right. Well they're going into the theater and we have parts with seats over here and a part over here with seats. So Miss Elle, will you lead our ladies in? All right, my other moviegoer's let's see what is my part over here? - Zero. - How many people are sitting in this part of the theater? - Zero. - Zero. So I'm going to put that zero right here. And Riley, how many is on this part over here? - Five. - Five. Did you have to count to get that number or did you just look up here? - I just looked. - You just looked up here. All right, five. Great. All right, Miss Molly are you able to see the movie screen? Okay, would you want to move over to that side? All right, do I still have five people at the movie? - Yes. - Yes, I do. Joseph tell me about my parts. - There's one on that side and there's four on that side. - All right, so I've got one over here. And how many was on this side? - Four. - Four. All right, Miss Isabella, how are you doing? Are you comfortable in that chair? - No. - What's wrong? - It's not right. - It's not right? You think you should move over? And Miss Molly's over there by herself. All right, Hayes what can you tell me about my parts now? - One, two... - How many is on this part? - Two. - And how many is on this part? - Three. - Do I still have five? Two on this side and three over here. All right, two and three. All right, Miss Tyler. - It has gum on the seat. - Gum on the seat, okay. She's been to the movie before I think. All right, Miss Kennedy tell me about my parts. - You have three over there and two over there. - Three on this side. Do I still have five people at the movie? - Yes. - I still have my whole. Three and two. All right, Miss Faith, what do you think? - I think it's too sticky. - Oh your seat is sticky? All right, then you should move over. Jordan, what can you tell me about my parts now? - Four. - And... - One. - One. Do I still have five at the movie? - Yes. - Do I still have my whole five? Okay, so I've got four and one. All right, let's see how Elle's prediction is going. I've got one, two, three— is there still another way I can do this? - Yes. - All right, Miss Elle? What do you think? - Um... - Do you want to... - It was getting to the really good part and I wanted to talk up with them. - I love it. I love it. So do you want to move over with your friends? I love that. Great! So Logan, what can you tell me about my parts now? - Five and zero. - Five and zero. So I'm going to put five over here. And why did you call this zero over here? What do we know zero means Logan? - It means nothing. - Nothing. You're exactly right. Zero. All right, let's look at Elle's prediction. What was Elle's prediction? She said there was going to be how many ways? - Six. - Six. Let's count and see. One, two, three, four, five, six. Now good mathematicians are always looking for something. What is that that good mathematicians are always looking for in numbers? - Part, part. - Part, part, but something else we're looking for? We're looking for a... A pattern. I heard it Miss Maddie. A pattern. What's happening to our number each time? - It's getting higher. - By how many? - One. - By one. Let's look at our numbers too. This one starts with zero, one, two, three, four, five. And what does this one do? Five, four, three, two, one, zero. And something that we noticed the other day is was does this one have a number above five? - No. - No, all it's parts are going to be lower than what? - Five. All these are going to be lower than? - Four. All these are lower than? - Three. - Three. Two. One. Give our moviegoer's a hand today. Great job. And if you will go back to where your chair would be and if your chair is up here if you'll come get your chair. Come get your chair. Great job. All right, my star of the week if you'll hand one of those to everybody. Let's see if we can get our chairs back. If you'll hop up for just a minute so we can get Dalton back in here. All right Joseph, would you go around and let everybody get a tower of cubes? - Is that a cord on you? - I do have a cord on. It is. F-I-V-E spells five you can spell these if you try with a knick knack patty whack give your lap a tap, you can do it don't hold back. F-I-V-E spells five you can spell these if you try with a knick knack patty whack give your lap a tap you can do it don't hold back. - Great job. I like the way you're keeping that tower together. If you have your tower and your little mat right there, your story mat, cause you're going to help me tell a story today. If you'll come out and quietly find your place if you've got your story mat and your tower. Extra? I'll take it. I'm going to give you three snaps one, two, three. Miss Molly did you get one? - Yes. - All right, I need you to turn around this way Mr. Dalton so you can see the story. And if you'll put your story mat on the floor. I'm gonna read one of my favorite, favorite stories and I need your help helping me read this story. This story is gonna be about Mama Duck and her five little ducklings. Huh, five little ducklings. What do you have in that tower? How many is in that tower? - Five. So you're going to start out with five. Will you play my game? - Yes. - Will you pretend those little cubes are little ducks today? - Yes. - So would you help me tell this story? - Yes. - All right, good reader—good listener's eyes are up here. Eyes are watching, ears are listening, hands and feet are still. The name of this story is Little Quack. This story was written by Lauren Thompson. Can you see Miss Emma? Why don't you come over there and get behind Miss Kennedy so you can see. Why don't you take your story mat and go right over there. Perfect, cause I don't want you to miss. - I'll hold the story back like this. Do you think you'll be able to see? All right, "Little Quack." What's this page called? - Title. - Title Page. It tells me the author and the illustrator. This story was written by Lauren Thompson. Sorry I've got to find my glasses. If you'll listen as we listen to Little Quack. This story was written by Lauren Thompson. "Mama duck had five little ducklings. Widdle, Waddle, Piddle, Puddle, and Little Quack. They all lived together in a nice soft nest." So how many do you see right here? - Five. - Five. Would you show me your five? Your five little ducklings. "Even Mama's littlest duckling was not so little anymore. 'It's time to leave the nest,' she said one day. 'Come little ducklings,' mama called. 'Paddle on the water with me.' The five little ducklings squeezed close in the nest. 'Oh no! Mama, no!' they cried. 'We're too scared.' 'You can do it,' Mama said. 'I know you can.'" So it says, "Count along with me with your Quackulator." So your little tower of five is going to be your "Quackulator". No ducklings are in the pond. How many ducklings are in your pond? - Zero. - Zero. Good job. "All at once Widdle felt very brave. She jumped into the pond." Get little Widdle up. "And Splish. 'Look!' she cried. 'Look at me.'" All right, how many do you have out of the water? - Three. - How many do you have out of the water? - Four. - Four. How many do you have in the water? - One. - One. Do you still have five altogether? - Yes. - Good cause we don't want to lose one of Mama Duck's little ducklings. "Now four little ducklings snuggled close in the nest. 'Come little ducklings,' Mama called again. 'Paddle on the water with me.' 'No Mama, no! We're too scared,' cried Waddle, Piddle, Puddle, and Little Quack. 'You can do it,' Mama said. 'I know you can.' Then Waddle felt very brave. He plopped into the pond." Get Waddle. "Splash. 'Hooray!' he cried. 'Hooray for me!'" How many do you have in the water now? - Three. - Oh listen to my question. - Two. - Two. How many is still out of the water? - Three. - Three. Do you still have five? - Yes. - Keep up with them. "Now three little ducklings clung close in the nest. 'Come little ducklings,' Mama called again. 'Paddle on the water with me.' 'Oh no Mama! No! We're too scared,' cried Piddle, Puddle, and Little Quack. 'You can do it,' Mama said. 'I know you can.' Then Piddle." Get Piddle up. "For a moment felt very brave. She wiggled in the water. Sploosh! 'It's fun!' she cried. 'It's lots of fun.'" How many is in the water now? - Three. - Three. How many is outside the water? - Two. - Still got five? - Yes. - "Now two little ducklings cuddled close in the nest. 'Come little ducklings,' Mama cried again. 'Paddle on the water with me.' 'Oh no Mama! No! We're too scared,' cried Puddle and Little Quack. 'You can do it,' Mama said. 'I know you can.' At last Puddle felt very brave too. He leaped in the water." Got him up? "Splash! 'Wait,' he cried. 'Wait for me!'" How many is in the water Miss Emma? - Four. - Four. How many is still out? - One. - Good job. You still got five altogether? - Yes. - "That left just one little duckling in the nest. Just one Little Quack. 'Come little duckling,' Mama called once more. 'Paddle on the water with me.'" What did Little Quack say? - No. - "'No! Mama no! I'm scared. I'm just too scared.' 'You can do it,' Mama said. We know you can,' said Widdle, Waddle, Piddle, and Puddle. Little Quack looked at the water. He sniffed the water. He touched the water with his foot. Could he do it? Did he dare? Suddenly Little Quack felt just brave enough. He closed his eyes and then Splish, Splosh, Splash, Sploosh! Into the water he plunged. 'I did it!' he cried. 'I really did it!' 'I always knew you could,' Mama said." All right, did you get him in the water? - Yes. - "Then off they went. Five little ducklings proud as can be. Widdle, Waddle, Piddle, Puddle, and brave little Quack." How many do you have in the pond now? - Five. - Five. How many are outside the pond? - Zero. - Zero. All right, if you'll take your little ducklings and take them off your story mat cause Mama wants them to get into what? Mama wants her little ducklings to get into the what? The water. So if you'll take them off the water and if you'll put them, maybe, let's put them above our story mat. So if you'll put them above. All right, we're going to sing our five little ducks song and I want you to act the story out with me. Ready? "Five little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away. When the mother duck said, Quack, quack, quack, one little duck came waddling back." So if you'll put one in the water. - No, you mean four little ducks came... - Four little ducks came, no just, you're right, I did mess up on that one, didn't I? All right, so just one's in the water. How many is outside the water now? Four. "Four little ducks went out to play, over the hills and far away. When the mother duck said, 'Quack, quack, quack' one little duck came waddling back." - Three ducks. Only one came back. She called and only one came back. So there's still three out there now. So how many do you have in the water? - Two. - Two. And how many is out? - Three. "Three little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away. When the mother duck said, 'Quack, quack, quack,' one little duck came waddling back." - How many is in the water now? - Three. - Jordan, how many do you have in the water now? - Two. - Oh, another one just came back. So if you add one more how many will you have? - Three. - Three. Can you put three down? Let's touch and count to make sure we have three. If you'll touch and count the one's in the water. One, two, three. How many do you have outside the water? - Two. - Let's touch and count. One, two. "Two little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away. When the mother duck said, 'Quack, quack, quack,' one little duck came waddling back." - Hayes, how many do you have in the water now? - Four. - How many do you have outside the water? - One. - One. "One little duck went out one day, over the hills and far away. When the mother duck said, 'Quack, quack, quack,' no little ducks came waddling back." - Where are all your ducks now Benjamin? Benjamin where's all your... - In the water. How many are outside the water? - Zero. - Zero. Great job. All right, if you'll put all your little cubes back together in a tower and then if you will get... - We forgot the daddy duck part. - Ms. Ramage sang it that way didn't she? And the daddy duck said what? "'Quack, quack, quack, quack,' And five little ducks came waddling back." - If you will get up in your seat and Tyler, if you'll go around and pick up the cubes. And Dalton if you'll pick up the story mats and then back to your seat. - The next time can I hand out these? - We'll sure see. You're gonna take these, our story mats, for us. Would you take these? - Yeah, but she... - Yeah, Dalton's gonna take them up for us. You got to hand them out. Thanks. All right, good job. Let me see while he's picking those up let's see, how many do I have in my stack here? Five. We'll get them out in just a little bit. Just put them down in there and it'll be great. All right, let me see how this side— has this side picked theirs up? If you'll drop yours in. Those are slippery aren't they? Yeah, they've had all those ducks waddling around on them. Great. You don't have to put them together. Just drop them in there and that'll be great. Great. I'll take those. Now if you'll go put those on my desk that will be wonderful. You need Isaiah and Kennedy's. Thanks, we'll still need those in just a minute. - All right, let's see how you're doing. I'm going to check you this afternoon. How many is in my stack here? My whole? - Five. All right, behind my back. I'm gonna go with, hmm, girls first. Ready? How many is behind my back? - Five. - Five. What's my part girls? - Two. - What's my other part? - Three. - Good job. Two and three. Do I still have my five? - Yes. - Yes. All right, back together behind my back. Boys this time. What's my part? - One. - What's my other part? - Four. Three. Four. - Oh, we— Hayes says four. Let's see. How many is my other, what's my other part? - Four, all right. Let's go with this side over here now. Let's see, easy or hard? - Hard. - All right, my first part. - Zero. - My other part? - Five. - Five. You're exactly right. - Hard! - Hard? All right. Here we go. Let's see if you're ready. My first part. - Four. - Four. My other part? - One. - One. Good job. This side over here let's see how they're gonna do. Easy or—cause it's just four of y'all. Easy or hard? - Super hard. - Super hard, she said. All right, are you ready? - Five. - Five. What's my other part? - Zero. - Zero. Good job. Well, I've got a problem. You've helped me out this week. Remember you had to help me with the pencil and the pencil box on one day and then you had to help me with the two sweaters we had and hanging them on the two hooks. Well today I've got another problem. Yesterday you helped me with the candy and which pocket we were going to put our candy in. We had two pockets and four pieces of candy. Well today I've got another problem. Could you help me out? - Yes. - Would ya, could ya? Cause I went shopping with my mother. My mother loves to go to this little grocery store. And when I go to this grocery store and I put my things up on the belt, you know how the belt will move it down to the cashier? And she goes so fast and she puts them over into the basket. And so really quick I have to pick them up and put them in the sack. Well my mother was with me, I had a sack and my mother had a sack, okay? How many sacks did we have? - Show me with your fingers how many sacks we had. We had two sacks. We bought, watch this, we bought one, two, three, four, five things at the grocery store. We had two sacks when we walked out. How many different ways could we carry those things out by putting them in our sack? Could you help me figure that one out? All right. Well, I have a board and you're going to work with your learning partner. I have your grocery sacks. Here's my grocery sack and this one is my mom's grocery sack. And so I'm gonna put—if you'll put your five items up at the top that Ms. Stafford bought. And then we're going to see which way that you can decompose my items and make my part that Ms. Stafford carried and my part that my mother carried in her sack, okay. - And I want you to work with your partner and then we're gonna get back together in just a minute to see which way you decomposed that five so I can carry those grocery things out. All right, Miss Isabella would you and your learning partner come and find your spot on the floor. Uh, Dalton, we just need one. Dalton can you get the clipboard? And Tyler and Jordan, just one, they're all the same. Hayes and Joseph. She's got them for you. If you'll find your spot. Elle is with Dalton. Faith and Brantley. Ben and Miss Emma. And on your marking sheet, if both of you will write your name at the top and then if you would just draw the items and you can just make a big circle there to show the items. - All right, and let's see I need Benjamin and Miss Kennedy, and my three friends right here. Can you find a spot? Can you find a spot? Just somewhere if you'll...class? Hands and eyes. - Hands and eyes. - If you will stop right now and the first thing you're going to do is write your name on your paper. If you'll write your name and if your learning partner, if they'll write their name at the top, all right? Do you have your cubes so that you can use? You've got your cubes. All right, you're ready to start decomposing. Let's see how many ways we can get those things out of the grocery store. Can you put your items up here at the top? Where's your cubes? Can you put your items up there? You can take them apart if you want to. All right, who's going to choose a way first? Who's going to see if they can find a way first? Miss Maddie? Let Miss Maddie move them and then you can record it down. Miss Maddie, how could you move the things and take them out? What would be the part? - Your mother could have . - Oh my mother's going to get two. - And you're gonna have three. - Three. All right, do we still have our five items? We don't want to leave anything at the store. All right, so Riley's going to record that down for us. Great, cause I don't want to leave anything in the store. All right, can you move them back up to the top? All right, then Riley you choose a way that we can take them. See if you can make the part, part and then we'll let Miss Maddie record it. - You do—Maddie you do this side and I'll do the side. - That's a great idea. That's a great idea. Oh, tell me about it. What were you thinking? - It's four and one. - Do we still have all our five items that we're gonna buy? Great. Miss Maddie can you record that down? All right, are we missing? Do we have our five? Let's count. We need our five. Where's your fifth one? - Do we have to draw, um, dots or draw the number? - You can draw dots just to show the items. Where's your fifth one? Do you have it? Let's stand up and see if it's under you. Let's see if it's under you. We're missing an item. Stand up let's see if we're missing an item. Let's get you another cube cause we need our five items. There's you a cube right there. All right, so which, how are you gonna decompose those? How are you going to decompose those? Whose sack is this one? - Yours. - Mine. And whose sack is this one? - Your mom's. - My mom's, yes, okay. So how many is in my sack? How many is in this part? - Three. - How many is in this part? - Um . - Can you touch and count? - Two. - Two. Good job. Do I still have five, do you still have five items that you're leaving the store with? Are you gonna record? So you recorded three and two. All right. Let's put them back to the top. Miss Emma, what's another way that we can decompose? What part's gonna go over here? All right, how many is in this part? - Two. - Two. How many is in this part? - Three. - Good job. Do you still have five items that you're going to carry out? Cause we don't want to leave anything. Okay. - That really was the same thing. - That was the same thing? I think you had three over here and two there. So this time, whose sack was this one? - Two. - Two. And how many were in this one? - Three. - Three. Okay, can you write that down and mark it for us? So in this sack you're going to do two. Great job. All right, Miss Kennedy and Benjamin how are we doing? - Good. I did one on that side and four on that side. - Do you still have five? Whose sack is this one? - Your mom's. - And whose is this one? - Yours. - That's mine. Great. And there's still five altogether? Great job. All right, Joseph and Hayes how we doing? Good. Let me see which ways you've decomposed. Tell me about this one. Tell me about this one. How many were in this sack? - We did five. - And how many were in this sack? - Zero. - Zero. Whose sack did this belong to? - Yours. - Mine. So I could carry all the things out. My mom didn't have to carry anything out? Great. Good job. Did we get out with all of our five things? Good job. - We did that too. - You did that too? So you're gonna make me carry all of them? How many is my mom gonna carry? - None. - None. Good job. Good job. How we doing Dalton? - Good. - Miss Elle what'd we find? - Three on that and two on that. - Do you still have five? How many on this side, this part? - Three. - How many is on this part? - Two. - Two. Have you recorded that one? Oh right here. Is that the one you recorded? You marked three on that sack. How many were on this sack? - Two. - Two. So you still had part, part. Great job. Have you finished? Did you tell your partner good job? - Good job. - All right, as you finish up I will take your board up here. Great job. You can go put that in the tub up there. I want you to hold your paper just for a minute. You can go back to your seat. And I want you and Maddie to be picking out what I want you to tell us about in just a minute. Okay. How we doing? - Good. - Jordan, how are you doing? Jordan show me a way that you decomposed these. - We already did all of them. - I know. Can you show me one Jordan? - We did all of them for Ms. Stafford and all for your mom. - Oh good. My mom likes to go shopping. You made her carry all five? And then another time you made me carry all five? - Yeah. - Can you show me how you decomposed one of them? Oh good, you got your name on there? - Yep. - Okay, I'll take your paper. You keep your paper, I'm gonna take this. Can you show me how you decomposed? Show me one. Can I undo these? It just kinda helps me see it a little better when they're undone like that. You can do that. So how many is on this part? - Three. - How many is on this part? - Two. - Do you still, how many do you have altogether still? - Five. - Five. That's what you have. Great job. All right, Class? - Yes. - When you have finished... - Can I clean up the cubes? - I'm gonna take them right here. If you will get back in your seat and I want you and your partner to keep your recording sheet. - Ms. Stafford? With the cube I smashed my finger. - I'm sorry? - With the cube I smashed my finger. - Oh, are you okay? You okay? Did we finish? Tell me about one way you decomposed. - We, um, [inaudible]. - And how many is on this side? - Two and one. - Let's put that on our board and look at it. So put two over here you said. And you said one on that side? Okay, so we still have these numbers up here don't we? So in the grocery cart up here are we gonna leave those? We've got to leave the store with them so which sack are they going to go in? So we have to use all of them. So how many is in this sack? - Three. - How many is in this sack? - Two. - Two. Do we still have all our items? Do we have five? - Can I show you something? - Yes. - On mine I did five right there and zero right there. - Okay, show me with the cubes. Show me with the cubes. - Okay. - Perfect. Five on this part. How many on this part over here? - Zero. - Zero. - Ms. Stafford? And then I did four over here, Ms. Stafford and then I did four over here and then one over here. - Perfect. I love it. Great job. Okay if you'll keep your sheet right there. If you'll take your sheet. All right, if you'll get up in your seat. - Ms. Stafford, what does that say? - It's Maddie's name. It's Maddie's name. I'll take your sheet... - The boys left that and they made me do it all. - They made you do it all? - They let me do nothing. - How about if you help me right now then? Would you help me? That'd be great. All right, my boys weren't letting the girls—Miss Hadley go shopping with them. I'll take your cubes, Miss Maddie, uh Hadley, I'm gonna let you help me then. I'll take your boards right over here. You can just put them right there. All right, got your sheet? Miss... - Uh, where's my sheet? - I think it's right there. Yes, you put it in there. Joseph and Hayes. If you'll turn around. Why don't you sit right back here. Why don't you turn around? Can you sit right here? All right. I'll take them right here Hayes. All right, those boys over there would not let Miss Hadley help them so we're gonna let Miss Hadley do some work. Uh, Faith, can you look at your sheet—thanks Hayes. Faith, look at your sheet and tell us one way you decomposed those five items. - We did, um, three over here and... - Okay, so wait. Just go slow so we can let Miss Hadley do that. She said three in this one, on that part. And how many on the other part? - Two. - Two. Did Miss Hadley get it right? Great job. Does she still have her five things then? - Yes. - All right, if you'll pull them back to the grocery shop up here. Miss Elle can you tell us one way that you decomposed? - Five on this side and zero on that one. - Five on one side. And how many was on the other side? - Zero. - Zero. Did Miss Hadley get that right? She did, all right. Can you pull them back up to the top? Um, Boone can you tell us one way that y'all decomposed that number five? - We put two right here and then three over here. - Two on this side. - And three over here. - And three on the other side. Two in my sack and three in my mom's sack? All right, did she do it right? Does she still have five? Two on this part and three on this part. All right. One more. Can you pull them back? Miss Kennedy, tell us a way that you and Benjamin decomposed that five. - We put two on this side and three on this side. - Two on this side and three on the other side. Great job. Did she get it right? Good job Miss Hadley. Good job. If you'll take that paper, if you'll put it under your seat. You did a great job. If you'll raise your right hand and pat yourself on the back and say, "You did a great job decomposing." If you will turn to your learning partner and give your learning partner a fist bump and say, "Great job decomposing." Decompose, decompose, break it on down, break it on down. Decompose, decompose, break it on down, break it on down. Start with a whole, part, part. Start with a whole, part, part. Decompose, decompose, break it on down, break it on down. Decompose, decompose, break it on down, break it on down. - You did a great job. Thanks for helping out. So when I go shopping with my mom I've got it. When we buy those five items I know how I'm gonna get out the store with them now. All right, today you're going to get to go back to the tables and do some work. And so we moved the things around. So yesterday if you got to work with the jewels today you're going to work with something else. So if you sit at the table with Benjamin you'll be doing the beans today. So I'm gonna let Benjamin's table go. And if you sit at Hayes' table you're going to be doing the jewels today. My favorite. And if you're at Maddie's table you'll be working with the number bracelets. And Isaiah and Jordan I want you to come over here with me. Emma, Miss Emma I'm gonna let you come over here with me. And Brantley, would you come over here with me? And then you'll get to go back over there in just a few minutes. - Have a seat right here with me. Class? - Yes? - I like seeing those mathematicians at work. If you'll find the crayon that matches the color so that you can record. If you'll look in your little tub. All right. - So what are we gonna do today? - Well, which one, well let's see. I think we'll do this one right here because I want to see—I've got a spider web. A spider web, are you ready for this? I think so. I think so. Well, how many spiders... - I don't like spider webs. - You don't like spider webs? Okay, we'll keep them on the web. How about that? All right, how many spiders do you think we should work with today? - One. - One? What's our number for today though? - Five. - Five. Five. Across, down, halfway around that's the way to make the five. I think we might just have some spiders. So if you will take those spiders out. Do you know what this thing down here is called? It's called the egg. The egg sac down there. So if you'll take your little spiders out. You've got to check me though to make sure I gave you five. So if you'll put them over in the egg sac right there. And count them as you put them out there. One... make sure I gave you five. Are you counting them? You're not scared are you? You gonna be okay? They're not real. -One, two, three, four five. All right, how many spiders did you have? Can you touch and count? Touch and count for me. - One, two, three, four, five. - Five. Let's do it again together. Can we do it again together? - One, two, three, four, five. - Great job. Miss Em, how many did you have? - Five. - Five. Did you have—you've got to check me. How many did you have? Let's touch and count. Touch and count. - One, two, three, four, five. - Good job. All right. - I have five too. - Five little spiders in a spider web. One crawled out onto the web. Can you move one out to the web? He crawled out onto the web. All right, how many still in the egg sac? How many still are in the egg sac? One, two, three, four. Four - Still in the egg sac? How many are still in your egg sac? - One, two, three, four. - Do you still have five spiders? - Yes. - All right. Well, another spider decided to crawl out. So let one more crawl out onto the web. All right, there he goes. There he goes out onto the web. How many do we have out on the web? How many do you have out on your spider web? Can you touch and count out here? Can you count how many are out here? - One, two. - How many are still in that egg sac? Okay, Miss Emma how many do you have in the egg sac still? - Three. - Three. How many is out on the web? - Two. - Two. Oh we've got to check Brantley. How many is out on the web? - Two. - How many is still in the egg sac? - Three. - Three. Jordan how many is in the egg sac? - Three. - How many is out on the web? - Two. - All right, one more climbed out. He went out for a stroll. There he goes. There he goes. - Mine went farther. - He went way up there didn't he? Brantley, how many do you have out on the web? - One, two, three. - How many do you still have in the egg sac? - Two. - Two. Do you still have your five all together? Jordan, how many do you still have in the egg sac? - Two. - Two. Miss Emma? Two. How many? - Two. - How many do you still have altogether? - One, two, three. - Don't forget these. Another part. - Four, five. - Five. You still have five. All right, one more got brave again. - You have a broken web right here, um, spider will fall out. - You think the spider might fall out? That's kind of the egg sac that mama spider's going to make for them. It kind of keeps them altogether. But one more is ready to crawl out. Jordan's got him out on the web already. Can you make one more crawl out on the web? -Mine is [inaudible] Jordan, how many do you have out on the web? - Four. - Four. How many still in the egg sac? - One. - One. Let's touch and count. Everybody touch and count theirs. Get your finger up let's touch and count. One, two, three, four. - All right, the last one crawled out on the web. How many do you have in the egg sac now? - Five. - In the web's egg sac, in the egg sac, how many do you have? - Zero. - And why do we say zero? Zero means what? - None. - None. Not any. We call that zero don't we. Let's touch and count to make sure we have five out on the web. One, two, three, four, five. - Good job. I'm glad you didn't get scared with my little spiders. If you can see—if you'll count as you put them back in there. If you'll count and make sure you get my five. We don't want them crawling around the room so make sure you count as you put them back in there. [Children counting] You got all five? How many did you get back in there? - Five. - Five. Oh good. How many did you get back? - Five. - Five. How many did you get back? Did you put five back in there? All right, good deal. All right, I'm gonna let you make the bracelets too like our other friends are doing. So if you will write your name on your paper. - I don't have a paper. - I have some right here for you. I've got one for you. I wouldn't forget about you. - I could grab one. - Okay, would you get Brantley one too? Get our handy dandies down. So if you'll write your name. Cause the first thing on my paper is my name. Write your name. All right, let's see what color would you like? - Green. - Green. Do you have a green crayon? Do you have a green crayon? There you go. That's what you're going to need today is a green crayon. What color beads would you like on your number bracelet? - Blue. - Blue. And Brantley? - Red. - I have orange or blue. - Orange. - You've got orange. You've got orange. Orange or blue? - Blue. - Blue. Do you have a blue crayon? - Yes. - Do you have a blue crayon or if you'll take that crayon and remember you're going to put all your beads at the top cause that's gonna be our whole. And what number are we working with today? - Five. - Five. So if you'll go ahead and write five in each of those squares. - We need a pencil. - You've got one right there on your handy dandy. - Why do you call it a handy dandy? - Cause it's right here. It's close and handy. It's got everything we need right there. Close at hand. Can you go ahead and make me those fives on that line? Can you do the ones on the bottom? You've been practicing. I can tell. Great job. Great job. All right, so I want you to get your number bracelet and put your beads at the top. And remember you're going to pull down part to one side and part to the other. So hold your bead up. Hold your number bracelet up and you're going to pull down part, part. Can you pull down part of your beads on one side and part on the other? You get to decide which part, how many you want to pull down. All right, let's lay it down and see what you did. How many did you pull down on this side? What's this part? How many? Let's count. Let's touch and count. - One, two, three. - Three. So can you draw three little green beads, little marks, on that side? How many did you pull down? Why don't you use your orange and it will show up a little bit better. Perfect. Great. All right. How many—what's the part on this side? - Two. - Two. Can you give me two marks on the other side? So you've got three on this part and two on this part. How many do you have all together? What's that number right there? What's that number? - Do I know that? - You know that one. What is that one? Uh, Let's touch and count. Let's touch and count. - One, two, three, four, five. - So what's that number? - Five. - Yes. Good job. All right, let's put them all back together. Let's put them all back together. Can you break them again into part, part? Miss Emma, how we doing? All right, how many did you put on this part? How many? - Three. - Three. Can you give me three marks on that side? Just use your blue and it will show up. How we doing Jordan? - Good. - Okay. What did you do your part? - Three, two. - Two. So you're gonna get your blue and let's mark them on there. All right, put it back together. Put your whole back together. Miss Isabella, how we coming? - Good. - Good. Can you go back and add the numbers beside on each side? Can you go back and add the numbers for me? So if you threw the beans down and it was three and two, can you write that for me and record those? Benjamin are you about finished? All right. Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, find your seat. Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, find your seat. - All right, if you'll put your paper in your lap. Put your paper in your lap. If you were at the jewels table, would you hold your hand up? Miss Faith, tell me one way that you decomposed and made the number five on there. - I took five blues. - Five blue beads. Great job. So how many other colors did you have? - Um, zero. - Zero. All right, who else was at the jewels? Dalton. - I colored one blue, and one red, and one yellow, and one black, and one green. - But all my jewels over there, all my blues are hooked together and there's five hooked together. So let's look at yours again. Let's see if you did another one. This one right down here you had the five blues and they're all hooked together. So how many do you have on that one? Count. - Five. - Five. And how many of another color do you have? - None. - None. Zero on those. All right, who was another one who had jewels? Miss Kennedy, tell me a way that you decomposed, you made five. - I put one green and three blacks. - You did two, three black ones and then two green ones hooked together. So you had three and... - Five. - What was your other part? Three and... What was your green? Your two that were hooked together. Three, two, and you made five. All right, if you had the jewels if you'll put that sheet under your chair. All right, who had the number bracelets? Who had the number bracelets? Brantley, tell me one way that you decomposed. - I put two over here and three over here. Two over here, three over here. Three over here, two over here. - Good job. Give Brantley a thumb's up. Excellent. Um, Miss Elle what's another way you decomposed? - I put one over here and four over here. - You did a great job. Excellent on that. If you had the number bracelets, would put those sheets under your seat. All right, if you had my two sided beans— we'll save them and we'll sure look at them in just a little bit. If you had the two sided beans, Riley tell me how you decomposed those two sided beans. - Two whites and three reds. - Two and three were your parts? Did you still have five together? All right, one more. Miss Tyler. - Five red. - Five red. Wow, that is a good throw on those. How many white one's did you have? - None. - None. If you'll take that sheet and put it under your seat. You did a great job. And what did we do today? We took that whole and what was our number we started with? - Five. - Five. And we broke it down into part, part. Decompose, decompose, break it on down, break it on down. Decompose, decompose, break it on down, break it on down. Start with a whole, part, part. Start with a whole, part, part. Decompose, decompose, break it on down, break it on down. - Great job. You did excellent. I am so proud of you. You're great mathematicians. All right, I think we're going to stop now and I'm going to let you go to the restroom and then we're going to come back. You've been working for a long time and you did a great job. Let's give yourself a rollercoaster cheer with a log ride. Ready? Here we go. Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo ppsh.
Channel: Massachusetts DESE
Views: 379,111
Rating: 4.7411208 out of 5
Keywords: Massachusetts, educator evaluation, calibration, observation, feedback, kindergarten math lesson
Id: D2o6MDpL1v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 12sec (3192 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2015
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