Meet the Math Facts - Addition & Subtraction Level 1 (FREE) | Preschool Prep Company
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Channel: Preschool Prep Company
Views: 11,875,391
Rating: 4.2724347 out of 5
Keywords: addition, math facts for kids, math kids videos, math kids, mathematics for kids, math facts addition, math facts, math facts games, math facts song, learn math, subtraction, math facts in a flash, math video, fun math for kids, preschool learning songs, educational videos, preschool learning videos, preschool songs, learning station, abc mouse, alphablocks, math cartoons, alphablocks cbeebies, basic math problems, educational cartoons, educational songs, kid snippets math
Id: 8cR_1Qi-tP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 21sec (3561 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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