Early Education Enrichment one hour class observation

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oh hey all right Jimmy hi you guys yeah yeah guy and and why very good you're right - aye you sponging me you guys ready to check your folders today yeah let's start with jack then should we start with jack okay Jack let's give you your next reading book your next level books you were on Shelley Shelley show and you're moving on to chip the chip we'll put that in there for this week and let's see if you are going to get your cool whip on top of your ice cream scoop for your reading log and you get your cool whip cheering next week and next week you'll be on to the mystery box but let's go ahead and put your cool whip on what school do you want to see what the cool books gonna be it's pretty creative it is cotton ball did you see how it's just a cool whip it's cool cool whip on top of your ice cream what do you think and did you get your homework done this week I did you did I okay oh yeah mom signed off on everything nice job nice job okay Jack's done yeah Bruno's next are you gonna get it Bruno I'm gonna get your cool whip let's see if you did your reading log yes yeah cool whip and not the cherry cherries next week cool whip on so we only have one more week in this session right Gabi yeah why why because then we take a break for the holidays and we start back up in January well I know you guys are all actually signed up again your parents have already signed all you guys up again so you will not be too old hey you will be back in Bruno as they will get and so he's getting their gems of course I remember your sister I had her a couple years ago thousand five thousand you guys have been with me for a while all right Bruno you have your cool hwhip already known you go and Jimmy your next leveled reader is what is out there what are you doing on this book Jimmy is it get are they pretty easy to read are they difficult you think they're pretty easy I'm not like the ocean no you're getting good at these books though he had one you guys all have different books depending on where your reading levels out all right let's see if Jimmy's gonna get his cool hwhip yes nice job I get to cherry the cherry I don't know let's check and see no cherries next week and then when you get the cherry where is he going please leave a mystery box that's right you'll get it next week - why okay yes sweet tale you guys I'll get it next week there you go Jimmy yeah yeah B you're getting look at me but I'll leave the other one in there for ya cuz your mom shakes does she let's see Gaby's mom says she's still working on that book so we're gonna give her the leave it in there for she dies good job yes good job Jimmy and let's check and see oh she's getting all of her homework done - yeah I am rock star yes you did everybody has hey whoops keep your knees down here Jimmy alright let's put a cherry on for daddy she is completely done so next week when she comes she's for sure off to the mystery box okay all right you guys ready to get started yeah yeah okay today we're gonna start off by reviewing coins I want to see if you guys can identify them and if you know how much they're worth so let's check it out first of all before we get started with my piggy bank game Bruno let's see if you guys know how much they know what coin this is raise your hand only raise your hand only if you know what it is I do not know Jimmy I know you know Gabi what coin is it and how much is it worth one excellent okay but may I knew that you did thank you put it in okay right here is my next coin I only have two of these in here darling no witch what is it for now I'm a nickel Jimmy how much is it worth five five excellent stick them back in all right jack what kind of it no done this one it's a nova so it's worth ten it's a diamond it's worth ten okay put it in there now this game is called piggy bank pick rank and so you eat you're gonna get your own little piggy banks there you go tongue - I have three four piggy banks do you have a piggy bank at home who is a pig at home I have my eBay like a pig it's not what's your shape like it's just like a big like it's just kind of like a jar okay all right here let me put these let me give you this money here and I'm gonna put Gaby I'm gonna put a number I'm gonna put an amount up on the board and I want you guys to put that amount of money in your piggy bank but I don't want you to look at your at your neighbor so I'm going to put little blockers in between okay because I want to see if you guys can do it without looking seriously all right so I'm going to see I'm going to try one to see if you can do it without looking so I'm gonna put a number up on the board let's see if you can put three cents in your bag get it the Agee way anyway but there is only one way she's pre-sentence jak3 look three cents these are each worth one how much is that one more so I gotta start all over yeah oh come on okay let's see Jimmy three yes all right let's see if you guys all got it right everybody used let me see Jimmy Cantigny other everybody did the same thing they used three pennies one two three you know a Penny's worth one so that's the only way to do it right all right empty your piggy banks we're gonna try again I think you guys are too smart and I need to get harder you think your partner yeah all right let's do it heard the new murder instead of three cents I am going to Jack I'm gonna put up seven cents can you make seven cents in your piggy bank yourself sorry you can't look okay you guys ready yeah all right let's see how we did it okay let me see all the boys I will say use seven pennies they counted by ones one two three four five six seven nice job that's correct at seven cents look what Gaby did she is a nickel and that's already how much Jimmy five and then she just needed two more six seven so she did a little trickier didn't--she nice job Gaby okay clear your piggy base I'm gonna get trickier I believe gonna be ten you think well no I can't do too much do you think it's gonna be didn't okay here we go my next number is going to be eleven cents eleven hi can you put eleven sent in your piggy bank okay let's see do you have it jack okay let's see what we have let's see what we have here okay Jimmy down here let's see Jimmy's piggy bank he used a dime oh he did the same as Bruno he they both used to dine and then one more to make eleven so that's ten eleven okay Gabi did it a little bit different instead of using a dime she used two nickels they're both together how much are they 5 Plus 5 is 10 plus one more is 11 very good and Jeff let's see guys look it ejected it even different 5 he started with 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 really good job you guys all came up with different ways but it all equals 11 right okay no they equal 11 you know what they did the same way right okay we're gonna do one more maybe one or two more let's see you guys ready okay I'm fine okay fine where you like it huh Jimmy yeah 49 more five moon let's see if you can do 2015 yeah good Gary yep okay let's check them let's see how we did it it's fun to figure out which way is different people came up with 15 all right Jack and Jimmy did it the same way this time they started out with the ten ten cents a dime ten and then five more with the nickel is 15 good all right what did you do Bruno I shudder like 10 then counted dumb then counted the pennies each one so 10 11 12 13 14 15 what about you Gaby hundred rickles and one two three four five nice job you guys are rock stars at this okay we're gonna do one last one make it hard to be so hurt we have other stuff to show all right let's see whoo I think okay I'm gonna put up twenty twenty soon no that would be too easy I'm gonna put up twenty one well this Mitchell's worth then you need to get to twenty oh nice you look you can't look that's these two duck these tentacles are 5 minus 5 is 10 G of 10 what do you got here how much is 10 what right so you have 10 higher plus 5 she said missing one else there is anything wait let's look at them let them look at him hmm okay let's see I might have tricked some of you guys this time okay Jack tell me what you did I did one yep he used two times 10 20 21 okay I'm gonna move over to Gabi and let's see what Gabi did here wait oh you believe it leave it leave it so we can talk about it just so we can talk about it hmm plus five more so 50 good job 16 18 nice job Gabi I like how you figured out that's a trick that's hard to figure out from 10 adding five to it you got it though okay Jimmy let's see what you have all right here's what Jimmy has he has a 10 put the two fives equal what Jimmy that's 20 and then one more is 20 21 okay now we're going to come on back over to Bruno Bruno has a 10 here what else do you need to add to this Bruno to make 21 that's a dime it's worth 10 so you already have 10 and then this five more two of these nickels these are five right so two would equal how much there you go we have a 10 and then two of these would be 10 more and then one is 21 all right good job guys go ahead and clear your piggy banks and put all your money back in your bowls for me okay again another day all right except you have other games too boy if we stay on this thing then we won't be able to do anything else Oh Misha okay I'm gonna work out here Furman we're going to review our Jolly Phonics sounds okay you love Jolly Phonics really all right here's some sounds go from last week all right tell me if you remember what that sound is Bruno Hey ooh I like how he did that with his hand do you guys remember that a a very good all right here's another one from last week raise your hand if you know what it is oh very good can you show me the motion got it hello oh do you remember the snow sheet yeah the good the tree fell on the goat and the kids all said oh okay that's the okay then we have this one Gabby what's that I I love it everybody do it with me ah captain again I already captain very good okay then we have these two that kind of go together sometimes I know I said what do you think Jimmy he has his hand up so I'm gonna Collin Jimmy boy or very good okay so now you guys ready for your new sounds for this week yeah okay here is our first sound for this week so did you know what is it show me very good since this are you so for this week I am going to play it for you check it to raise on she hates me did you ever make this sound sorry I have to go back to okay let's try this one trains are chugging trains are chugging up the hill choo-choo excellent good job you guys got that one down okay here's another one now this one I always say when I first started teaching a class my guy Jimmy used to sleep right upstairs in the bedroom right over of us and I used to have to tell kids all the time upstairs okay perfect good job we have one more for this week and I think you guys might know what it is it is the rude clown and it's the tea page and the story with this one Jeff Jeff Johnson oh right look the story with this one is there two clowns at the circus and they're down there they get into a little bit of a fight and one clown sticks this tongue out of the other one who goes the other car got even more angry at that and start this time out even further away look can you stick your tongue on it give me that noise oh oh oh that's so rude I'm telling all your parents you stuck your tongue out at me I'm kidding okay let's listen to the on it now we're going to do a game with it oh yeah did you add a clown make this sound and that sound say that that sets up perfect okay you guys ready John activity okay up here on my board I have the cha cha cha and uh and uh yeah okay so I'm gonna pass off some picture cards and you guys have to figure out which of those three sounds you hear in this picture card okay and then we're gonna I'm gonna put it up under the board for you so what do you do you're gonna listen for the Chuck the saw or the sound of your picture cards exactly let me pass a couple of these out and then we'll start the game you guys are gonna be pretty fast yeah I'll give you this one okay okay so Jack I'm gonna take a card from you which card you want to give me oh okay so cheer do I put it under the ch the SH or the th um good job it's a chut chut chut chair Bruno um hafnia card okay teeth through no where does it go nuh uh could you tell me the letters T nice nice job okay Gaby do you have one for me Shu where's that go game be nice you guys are fast at this and Jimmy can I have a card no give me the two letters kick th okay you guys are good at this let's go faster this time Amy card yeah sure where's it go no thorn Mikey yes you got it pick everybody have moss MA TJ's you are fast Jimmy SS it's a Chuck Chin's see shakes you got it okay Jack three no punch no Sh punt is not a punch it's a punch Oh sick you got it all right yeah be what he have okay whoo Thunder the8 whoops take a different one fish where is it it went under the table here I'll get for you Jimmy fish Jimmy tip which one is fish tit fish good okay this round is gonna be a lightning round that means anybody can answer anybody can answer okay shoot oh oh no no h XD yes Jack got it she was SH all right Bruno Viking ground ship hey young guy Gabby chicky waiting around chick Jack got it CH and Jimmy last liking on one church kale you said it - but she was first okay back to a regular round brush jackets you brush I think hey nice Bruno brush um s hey yes brush very good much pitted every shirt sure Thank You Abby sandwich sandwich sandwich yes yes yes good job should we do one more lightning round no no yes yes I always make sure you really get end up the last one Sammy answer all right let's do a regular round then chimney oh cheese ch okay Chucho cheese good job you got it okay chips think about it kids Oh ch good job and Jimmy back okay yes good job all right since you guys want the Lightning run I'm gonna do two lightning round and then two regular round all right this will blaming watch I like to do rush Hey No all right for you you and Jack both got it okay Bruno lady round lunch lunch can have you got it this time alright we'll do a regular round on Gabby since she doesn't want it this is chop just eh ah that's right and Jimmy wants a lightning round this is dog Jack was the first one okay guys very good I like them it is time to read our book and the begun mister I guess this book is called the stray dog looks great okay who knows what a stray is what is this what that mean a stray Gaby what is a stray hey something that doesn't have a home it's a dog it's a stray dog is a dog that wouldn't it doesn't have a home okay kitchen close to mom yeah are you exciting you guys are each going to come up or you just going to hit make your own dog books these are little doggie bowls and what I'm going to have you guys do is I'm going to give this to you you're gonna write the stray dog on this title right here here we go okay because remember when your daddy's like like cheese like okay there we go right dog begin with th very good Bruno you're exactly right so how would I spelled up who can tell me you know um th and then P Dre start with I am what is s toe what's the next letter T to goodness T and it's our K Y and then anybody know how to spell dog yes hey listen L Jimmy let me get it from Jimmy key oh good I'm trying to make that D o G job okay go ahead and write that on that line and make sure you need spaces between words good spaces between your words I like that nice job with spaces good letters look at how your G goes down it has a tail you put dog but what is the whole thing I need to put Jimmy look up at the board you need to say da stray dog try one more time for me start with that on the end hi stranger yep ah right here and you can put dog down here if you run out of space okay tree is fine yep and then leave a space Jimmy you're gonna put stray ah done very good later I need you guys today okay and now your books can wait for just a minute oh man the books there's gonna be six pages 16 you do show me an R there Jimmy my dog turn water baby we have to ask you a couple more to the deck while jimmies finishing up there we related the picture I get to scam I read a little yes you do okay so kids at all yeah I don't know let's see what's in Sunaina Tang to dog yep school d oh good nice job Jimmy okay your books can wait for just a second and you guys can just sit back and listen to this story about this straight the stray dog well it starts out he's in the trash can he's going through the trash and then we have a family they're packing up getting in their car what I know we're gonna find out it was a great day for a picnic what this asked the father it's a scruffy little dog except the mother he looks hungry said the girl I think he wants to play said the boy the children played with him and taught him to sit up they named him Willie they kept playing until it was time to go Jose my brain I don't know let's find out let's take Willie home said the children no said the father he must belong to somebody exclaimed the mother and they would miss him on the way home the girl said maybe Willie doesn't belong to anybody hey cuz he doesn't you don't think so yeah you know because if they called him a stray dog right during the week all the family had Willie on their minds on Monday and Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday then on Saturday they went back and had another picnic Willie they all cried when he appeared but Willie didn't stop Lilly was in a big hurry who's chasing him who's chasing him Gabby y'all catcher would you think you agree with her is that the dog catcher kill me animal Patrol how do you think do you predict what do you predict you predict he's gonna catch him ah don't the dogs too fast yeah thank you thank you gonna kill a couple of dogs too Tim back okay Oh God are in the kitchen all right let's thankful for he has no collar he has no leash said the dog catcher this dog is a stray he doesn't belong to anybody the boy took off his belt here's his collar he said the girl took off her hair ribbon here's his leash she said his name is Willie and he belongs to us now they're dancing around having fun with him they took Willie home and they were alive and after that they introduced him to the neighborhood where he met some very interesting dogs and we'll Willie settled in his new home where he belonged and that's the end now can I ask you as we talked about this in here before what is sequence of events in a story Gabby and story that's exactly right that's exactly right what happens first in the story what happens in the middle what happens next and what happens at the end that's the sequence of events of a story or also we also call it the plot of the story okay so I happen to have here some little cards oh yeah the story and we're gonna make our very own books and I have these little cards with you guys but some fog do you want to change your beans to a D okay here ball straizo here change that to a date okay so we're gonna do the sequence of events in a story and I'm gonna read you this and I want you to tell me Bruno you sit down in your bottom I want you to tell me if this hit this comes at the beginning of the story the middle of the story or the end of the story okay so let's see the first one is the kids play with the dog and named him Willie where do you think he did that happen at the beginning the middle or the end Bruno be kidding is he right you think it happened at the beginning yeah okay did you the sequence of events no this quiet raise your hand without speaking oh that's a that's a good technique isn't it just be quiet and raise your hand okay we'll do that right now the next one is um the kids say the dog belongs to them Gaby Thanks you think that's was the end you got your a good technique alright what about this one the family takes the dog home no Jimmy thinks the end all right let me ask you this does it come before it's made up just listen Jimmy does the family takes the dog home does it come before or after the kids say the dog belongs to them halfway or four we have to after that's right it comes after first the kids say the dog belongs to them and then they take the dog home okay what about this one a family sees a dog for the first time when they go on a picnic Jack the family sees a dog for the first time oh when they go on a picnic that is it's a new beginning beginning middle or end beginning of the story I think it is gonna be over there and then here this one's a tricky one the dog catcher chases the dog what do you think Gaby he thinks middle you think and let me ask you this does it come does the dog catcher chase the dog before or after the kids the dog belongs to them for know before before or after more or after what happened after what happened first the dog catcher chases the dog or the kids say the dogs rates for nose turn you said again I will say it again okay everybody else be quiet what happened first the kids say the dog belongs to them or the dogcatcher chases the dog the dog check captured chase the dog okay you're right and then and then they could save my son here's the last one the family goes home without the dog did that happen before or after before or after the kids play with the dog Jack the beginning okay so here this one says the kids play with the dog and named him Willie and this one says the family goes home without the dog thank you for that this one's before so well let's put it here and let's see if we have the right order I'll read it to you tell me if it's right or wrong okay a family sees a dog for the first time when they go on a picnic yes the kids play with the dog and named and Willie yes the family goes home without the dog yes the dog catcher chases the dog yes the kids say the dog belongs to them yes the family takes the dog home yes did you guys do good yeah very good okay so everybody open your books and turn to page 101 all right I want to give you your little your little pages to go in your book so that you guys can read this again at home go ahead and put that on page number one can you show page number on what what do you think's what's gonna be next Jimmy do you think what's the next page we're going to do page number who's ready on page number two for their next page - we have six pages in our book six I know that if you guys saw a stray dog running around the park what would you do take him home would you take him home - Jimmy my husband's allergic so I can't take him home mmm I I can't do this later I take him home you would everybody would take him home or they'd kill you who's nothing I block I was the Prime Minister if I talk if I took a Christian because she always wanted to have that dog we're going to lie I'll go to my mom's for cane I'm going to buy one with my mom and my dad and my sister kisses 50 witnesses woman when they hit roadway all the way she is now she can get off and shouldn't get a dog my Jesus treasurer Oh hold up she's just saddened by this my sister's eight my sister is nine have towards page number three I said eight okay now what's our next page for our page number four all right me too oh this is easy what would you guys what suit let me ask you this what is your favorite thing to eat yes Gabi popsicle popsicle you leave Lena what's yours um you try chicken and french fries and Jack what's your favorite thing to eat um ice cream ice cream Jimmy what about you chicken french chicken and french fries also about chicken friends Oh chicken on the oh wow that's interesting I don't think I've ever had that before what do you think what do you think you would feed a dog if you if you saw stray dog what would you want to feed him God maybe some dog food day long sometimes they like people food too though don't they oh yeah juicy bone yeah but you see bone that's a good idea I hear my grandma a dog inspect sadeghi is sometimes given ice cubes Oh ice cubes do that lucky I cubes my kids eat ice cubes too and I lock oops your leggings it already go blonde Jen Psaki Gabi Gabi just a second check stringent um I remember my dog it's it's a pretty good walk the steps announced steps oh really laughter I just have to like carry he and ma pull advice collar and it's really hard no this is our last page page number six and then when we're done we're going to turn it to the back and you're gonna write I hear different page numbers that's great no you're gonna write and tell me something that you like to eat your sentence starter can't fry write your sentence starter is going to be I like to eat blank and blank and you have to fill in the blanks I also feed the dog only favorite favorite paper goods what sushi oh my goodness gracious so you can you like sushi honey so here the sentence is turn it to the back and you'll see that you'll see your page to write it on your end and your sentence is going to be I like to eat now some of those words are going to be where if you don't know how to spell where with some of those words be up on the board that's exactly right Jack I'm going to have I and then here's like and then we have two right here so I like to eat and then he and she got there no it's not up there you have to sign that one about yourself and sound out and you also have to sound out the food that you like to eat you'll be sounding that one out but we're gonna do oh my I can feel it seeing your right Bruno very good very good you put that together so you can you can use the CH to start to spell it okay but we're gonna do a five star sentence who can tell me what a five star sentences are can you tell me one thing that you need Jimmy and a five star sentence what's one thing you need taking know what does one thing that would be in a five star sentence both of you guys put sit down on your bottoms and put your knees down sit up and get in good writing position what's what it would be one thing in five star sentence what is the summations between your bases between your words is one thing what's another thing in a fiestar sentence it has to be um I'm not perfect letter first write the first letter needs to be capital you have to mm capital letter space between your words right your letter great right you have to write your letters all in the right places so that so the short letters are short the tall letters are tall some letters have tails and then I'll give you one has to have the punctuation or the period or put some type of punctuation at the end and it needs to make sense that's five stars okay so let's see how you do start with the capital I I and don't forget your spaces and I will come around and take a look at them how do you spell chicken well first let's start with I like leave a space Jimmy and then do like like Gabi is right here and if we invite you to my next I next I think oh yeah Jimmy like is right up here for you it's on your site works I like your site works too if I did if I only write draw nigh to be Lou that's it that's nice look at those are perfect letters I like that yeah hi guys exactly yeah you have it just you have it perfect li k yes Julie at the end we for eat yeah what do you think it's actually it's a tricky word it's e a yeah it's EA T like and then show me leave a space Jimmy do too I know you made the wrong word she make sure to eat what do you like to eat runo chicken see ya - good letters Jeff we need space between them I get it I like and then you have to where she got to leave it space is Eric a chicken I like kid white wine easy I just like to in the same stage do it on the side of my fingers okay okay good yeah oh okay chicken right cook sound out the best you can just use your phone let's use your selfie eight I have you have chuck it cook it does he okay whichever one you want is finish it telling you that's to eat what are you gonna read it I told him why you scream that's a good one he told in put what do you need at the end of the sentence a period excellent Jimmy okay now you get to turn it over this is a little doggie ball so put your food for whatever food you want to either give to the dog or your favorite food put it in the doggie Bowl okay I like to eat good good eat over here rabbit are you sure what looks sushi you're trying to spell sushi yeah okay you don't have to sound it out the best you can oh nice put a period chicken and noose you want to pick a different word tick with it yes what sound you think makes the Gabby for high let's see how Jack that ring is beautiful I like to eat ice cream perfect put a period a period you made right some food in your doggie Bowl for yours okay give it your best shot okay I write everybody loaded with cold with colored pencil oh yeah okay look at those beautiful and fries chicken and fries okay you need to you need a period at the end of your sentiment good that's perfect nice job go ahead and put your food inside your your um dogs new Shh what's the shabby here Gary Shh hey that's weird they don't have erasers II Gabi have an e on the end two pencils but what letter makes that sound good and then put a period nice job sweetie all right can you show me some sushi are you gonna feed him sushi are you gonna feed him something else oh look yeah I want to see do you want to see let's see I think I have a simple one for you oh here it is right here I put some dog food in mind but I also put a piece of pizza cuz that's one of my favorite foods and chair and cherries cuz I love fruit okay that's what I never My yes what's how do you make it yourself but wait I did I will here on you can look at Monaco that's how I did it but you can do it any way you want mr. the one way we pro kleh look at my food you have another side Keith Reverend oh no that one too here are you in enough fruit okay another minute to finish your coloring did you look like it oh isn't it just a sushi roll I don't want what the peon has like Thank You week yeah I've had them before this is Vegas pump I learned that in in candy so bad guys can put like this bad stuff in it oh we did your mom tell you about that with Halloween yeah sometimes we have to be careful so Anthony you're putting something bad in your doggy's pin your doggy's candy yeah oh yeah I'm gonna write cheese and put something nice I'm actually put a thorn okay Jimmy's done nice job Jimmy I'll put it down there what are we doing yet we are going to do we're gonna go bowling uh-huh we're gonna go bowling next basketball I gave it a pound sushi an avocado oh that is gorgeous Gabi nice job I'm gonna show they're two of my favorite are you done jack I'll pay for its paper bowling anything I don't like it I like Ryoga me too okay let's count backwards for Jack ten nine eight seven six five four three two one nice job okay this is it we're gonna go bowling and here's Michael here are my bowling cards all right one day in a sec you mean it's the bowl you just made huh yeah oh yeah you guys are going home with them I put it on your folder so that you can take it home okay you're gonna take home those little doggie Bowl he asked me oh I know how to do this okay here we go now the way you play is when you get a with sight-word bowling so when you get a word right you can knock down a pin okay and you knock down a pin by putting one of these on top of the bowling pin oh okay well let me a different smile yet they do okay and if you get this it's called a wild card if you get the wild card then you get to automatically knock down two pins ha ha all right you ready I'm gonna start with Jimmy here's your word Jimmy you write don't and don't anybody else tell him because your gum gets to go right go you get to knock down a pin ready Gaby get good knock down a pin see nice jack Jack got where that's a really that's the toughest one in the pile very good jack back to Jimmy everybody has one pick good but good oh wow you got the wild card you get to knock down two pins all right jack you know at you can knock down a pin go ahead Gaby gets a knockdown one - they're good Bruno tough one oh good you can leave it Gaby there's more connect on night this one is here here everybody look at it cuz staying in the deck Gaby what good you knocked down a pin and good Jim you don't get to knock one down on that one it's good oh good you guys know your sight words you don't get if any other guy don't you my good - good fly can you tell me one more time what is it like like good job knocked down a pin Gaby I know that one don't tell her I don't have a chance no good little oh no you can't get you way yeah no you cannot I put with it what is this one I know what's this one yes well are is it fair he landed on the second Wow come on alright you get the second wow that was more luck of the draw alright Jack what's this one well never deal well I'm never be on the good come on Gaby yeah no good yeah you're good oh my goodness you guys whipped right through yeah yeah I am maybe somebody else will get another Wow let me show ya I have to get well I'm sure no I am saying WOW Shh okay it's Jimmy's turn Jimmy you had this one earlier huh no I just have to know you can't sound it out it's here here here Gaby Wow oh she got a WoW her she gets knocked down two pills she's tied with Bruno Bruno gets this one he wins he has a school strike I have Oh Bruno is the first one with a strike let's keep playing yeah good Jimmy second place our four weeks good Gabi look all right Gabi has a strike I like to eat that jelly there you guys know these really well ooh oh good knock down a pin that gets down to Jack and Jimmy yes Jimmy Oh what good knock down a pin what's this jack go hey guys strike Jimmy yes good what's this one get and see good good job but you got you guys all that it strikes excellent okay um go ahead and put your chips back in here now boy the bowling bowling chef's bowling balls put it back in here I'm bowling ball tournament crush and guess what you guys what it is time you don't have to rush for them to bring the mystery or the treasure chest to you it is time to go to the treasure chest yeah all right so you guys may pick a prize for being so good in class there you go what are those that is a it's a little game that you can untangle it's like a puzzle candy here Jimmy do you want to come around this side so you can see better don't go on the table honey go around no there's no candy in there I think you guys have had enough candy with Halloween don't you yeah all right nice job today guys you guys waved goodbye today goodbye hey guys big goodbye
Channel: Cindy Venckus
Views: 77,940
Rating: 4.7721519 out of 5
Keywords: EEE, Title1
Id: GSQFJipws4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 20sec (3380 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2013
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