How to teach Kids | from a Prague kindergarten, part 1 | English for Children

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please stand up for me stand up stand up stand up very good and sit down and stand up still infinite and sit down very good very good please stand up stand up stand up and oh I didn't say sit down did I I didn't and please very good very good okay can you show me how to walk do you know how to walk you walk like this ready is it just out there we go and we walk left right left we're going to walk around the room that's my bottom okay we walk around the room ready here we go one two three go and let's walk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk and stop and stand up stand up stand up very good can you show me how to how to swim do you know how to swim how do you swim you swim like this yeah you swim like this yeah so let's swim around the room I already 3 2 1 go let's swim swim swim swim swim swim swim swim swim and swim quickly and sit down very good and stand up very good very good now can you show me how to hide how do you fly how do you fly like this you can fly yeah why so are we ready okay let's Ready Steady Go let's fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly fly I am singer hang it and spin up very good hold hunter circle 5 4 3 2 1 very good let's get smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and stop let's get bigger and bigger and bigger and stop and sit up very good ok what is this Oh how many fingers there was one two three four five Oh but look I've got a balloon here I've got my fingers so that was one two three six nine ten Oh what's this it's uh hmm try for me it's aa balloon altogether it's a balloon and again balloon what do I do do I eat it no no that's crazy do I look it no that's crazy isn't it I blow the balloon don't I so ready here we go here we go so sit nicely sit I say sit nicely sit nicely sit nicely move back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back very good very good so I blow the balloon so you ready one two is that okay no that's okay I think it's too small very good I think it's too small shall we make it bigger yes to make it this big this big this big are you crazy okay I'll try it ready one is that okay no it's too small isn't it it's too small so we make it bigger yes no one did like this yeah should make it bigger yes yes okay so ready one two three okay what is that okay no it's too small should we make it bigger yes yeah make it what this big this big this big okay here we go ready one two three is that okay no should we make it bigger should we say bigger please bigger please all together bigger please all together one more time okay here we go ready one two thank you you come my better thank you oh did you see it went over there and you managed to catch my balloon so what's your name what's your name is your name honza no it's your name David is your name Zuka no what's your name what's your name what's your name very good Sammy - Sammy it's very strong Sammy let me see those muscles move Wow pretty strong very good so we say hello Sammy hello Sammy Oh together Sammy say hey very good Reagan but is this ok no yeah should I blow it oh yes here we go 1 2 3 is that ok no it's too small should we make it bigger yes you say bigger please bigger please one more time ok ready here we go 1 2 thank you I got your back you managed to catch my balloon hello what's your name oh sorry I can't hear thank you I can't you see she she she she hello what's your name what's your name something kept very nice to meet you sir the guy who drew this to meet you nice to meet you how do you do brother very good very good so we say hello sir finca hello sir finca very good so thinka how are you are you happy for you sad are you happy or sad how are you happy so stand up stand up come here for me come here for me and we do a happy dance ready do a happy dance too happy she's happy thank you and sit down sit down sit down very good so we got Sammy and Sofia but what what what what what what what what's your name is your name damn it no it's your name who's that what's your name so my name is konzi okay my name's Hansie what's your name very good hunting hi-5 Hansie it's very strong so you say hello Hansie Hansie how are you are you happy lizard are you happy or sad you're sad Hans ich is sad I'm sorry you're sad Hansie okay one more what what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's what's your name is your name Elzbieta no is your name honza very good nice to meet you very good very good very good okay can please stand up stand up stand up stand up set up very good okay can you please show me how to jump one two three four five six times so move back back back back back back back back back back back back are you ready here we go ready you want six times here we go five yeah very good very good okay let's jump one two three four five times are you ready here we go very good very good very good okay now okay now please let's hop one two three four five six seven eight times but hop on one leg okay are you ready here we go jump little jumps one two three four six ten times already here we go little jumps ready here we go oh one two three four five six I said she go again ten times ready here we go one two three four five six time good very good very good very good shimmy out work let's go walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk this is my bag shall I open the bag yes we say open please open please all together you ready here we go you ready one two so should I open the bag yes yeah so we say open please open please Oh together okay ready one two that was my should I open the bag yes yeah you say open please no I hurt my nose I'm not gonna open no yes okay so we say open please okay ready one two okay so shall I open the bag yes yes we say open please ready one two this is my time this is when I'm very hot so how are you are you HOT oh I'm very hot there we go how are you you have yeah are you HOT how are you are you hot how are you HOT women a little okay very good let me put that there but wait a minute what is this here oh let's take these put my bag away what is this nothing we say I don't know what together I don't know what is it I don't know what is it very good it's blue so say for me it's blue it's blue very good Oh with your finger me me me me me me me let's find something new something blue stand up stand up stand up what something blue is something blue something blue look this is blue this is what is this are you ready yeah very good superstars I don't know all together yeah it's ruff ruff ruff ruff it's red it's red it's red it's red very good with your finger me me me me me me try find something red look something red what's red what's red what's red any red oh look look this is red very good and look over there that is red very good well done very good please come here and sit down five four three two one come here and sit down very good sit down nicely okay what color is this I ready to say I don't know what color is it what color is it it's yellow it's yellow okay please with your finger find something yellow something yellow something yellow this is yellow this is that's yellow very good very good please hold hands in a circle five four three two one horn answer circle on answer circle card answer circle very good okay hey lady it's time to say bye-bye so you ready okay please shake shake shake shake shake very good okay stop okay shake shake shake shake shake and stop and we say bye-bye everyone try a la la la bye bye everyone bye bye everyone bye bye very good let's turn around do we say bye-bye everyone Charlie Lila bye bye everyone please send me the lines 29 this half 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 come and stand in line stand in line come and stand in line stand in line stand in line come and stand in line we very good come on stand in line stand in line very good very good very good ok come and stand in line giggity-giggity ok we say ok 9 believe me go left right left right left right and stop okay ready here we go left right left right left right left right left right left say goodbye let's say goodbye let's say goodbye to everyone and see you soon until our next time thank you and goodbye ok stop let's say to this camera come here come here come here ok let's say to this come you say bye bye
Views: 24,493,345
Rating: 4.5760837 out of 5
Keywords: English for Children, الإنجليزية للأطفال, Angličtina pro děti, 英语儿童, Engelsk for børn, Englanti for Children, Anglais pour les enfants, אנגלית לילדים, Engleski za djecu, Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak-anak, Inglese per Bambini, 子供のための英語, 어린이를위한 영어, Englisch für Kinder, Engelsk for barn, Angielski dla dzieci, Inglês para Crianças, Английский для детей, Angličtina pre deti, Inglés para Niños, ภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเด็ก, Çocuklar için İngilizce, Tiếng Anh cho trẻ em
Id: NIk1-ck4c6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2013
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