Teacher tips- How we do math stations

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] our welcome Darrin's hobbies presents today's edition is going to be a math edition so I've had several questions about how I do math and the first question before I get into stations the first question was how do I address counting and adding with my kids do I use our fingers do we use manipulatives do we do it just in a head we use markers the answer is all of the above my theory on math is that I need to give my kids as many tools as possible to allow them to do mental math or to use manipulatives so the first thing that I do is I teach them to do it with their head so if I told them three plus two we learned to go 3 plus 2 and then we count 3 4 5 or if it's take away 3 and then they take it back to 1 so that's one way that I do that I teach them how to use tally marks and then erase or add more tally marks we use manipulatives where they're having to count on or take away I don't really subscribe to one firm idea I just kind of use what works best for the class that the Year you kind of have to be flexible and figure out are they hands-on are they mental mathur's are they using their fingers and just give them as many tools as you can all right now on to the most important part for me math is all about hands-on the more that you can give them to touch and feel and do and manipulate the better that they're going to understand that math later on down the road so what we do is we have stations and each station is a two-person station so I'm just going to run through these really quick just to give you guys some ideas of what we're doing right now so in this station right here it is a threading station so this works great for hand and eye coordination and their little fingers so they have to thread these on to a string now to make this more challenging what I've done is I have given them number cards and so if they were to put on the number two then they have to match that number two with two manipulatives one two and they thread that on and so they would build on their string two five seven six so as I walk around I can just look at their string and see if they've done the job that they're supposed to all right so before I get into this next station I want to give another teacher tip okay if you go to the Dollar Tree or the dollar store and you buy these little containers the Tupperware containers and you put a foam dice inside it doesn't make a lot of noise and so when the kids roll the dice they shake it and they drop it and they can see the dice inside you know they're worried about dice going everywhere all right so this station is called Lola City and what it is is I sit on one side or my partner sets on the other side I roll for I build one two three four there's one of my city and the kid builds his city I build he builds I build he builds and at the end we have a little spinner that we spin and either the winner is the person who has more the tallest city or the person who has less next station is about learning what number comes next or before so on here we've got some popsicle sticks that we've written two blank four five six and then they need to find the clip that goes with it and put it on there so now it's two three four five six so it's about finding the missing number next station is one of my kids favorite stations and so all you guys do is you go to the party store and you buy ketchup containers at these little mini cups and just write different numbers in them okay you also need to go buy the beaded necklaces and what you do is you cut them into groups so all of my red beaded necklaces I cut into groups of ten all my oranges I cut into groups of five my yellow is I cut in groups of three my green my blues I cut in groups of two and then my greens are ones and so what they have to do is if they pull the cup seven they have to figure out what combinations make seven so I could put in there five and two more or they could build it with three three and one more so this is teaching them the combinations to bed number next station is called Domino parking lot and what it is is I just made a little parking lot that has all the numbers 0 through 12 and so what they have to do is pull a Domino this is 1 and 0 I know that makes 1 this Domino is 6 plus 3 more so that will go 6 7 8 9 and they park it on number 9 and then the winner is the person who can park our dominoes first all right so next station is a chained station and what we've done is we've given the math problem so 2 plus 8 ten and what you do is you have to build two of one color on one side eight on the other side of a different color so I have two on one side and then eight of a different color on the other side and then I tell them you have to combine to make your equal so two plus eight so we combine those and then we change it over equals ten and then to make this harder once they get good the station we have more cards where the equal sign has a blank and they have to use a whiteboard marker to write the answer my other chain station is for kids who are not quite ready for the addition and subtraction problems so this is just sequencing so they would build four then they would build five and they would build six or you can pull another card bill one bill to build three and they just Haven the chains all right so next station inside of here they have little addition problem that says three plus one and so then they set this down and they have to build three plus one so three of one color plus one of another color and then they put in front of it equals to three okay next stations call build a tower so I have a little paper that looks like this so it's got one two three four five six and in here they have a dice they roll the dice if it says six they build six on this stack right here and then their partner goes then it's my turn I roll if it says three I build my tower of three and the winner who is the one who can build all of their towers on their page okay this is another station this is a station that's a variation of the build the tower same idea except it looks like this and what you do same idea you roll it forward so I get four one two three four and I put it with the number four and the winner is a person who can get one two three four five six and I teach them if they roll it and they get four again they go oh well because I don't get to build four again if you want to make this station harder what you do is you put two dice in this and make the dice 0 1 2 3 4 5 and then the combination of the two you can build all the way up to 10 so here's another domino and these giant Domino's you can get from the Dollar Tree and so what they do is they have a piece of paper that they record on that looks like this and what they do is they take a domino for example this one says four and two so they're gonna draw their Domino four and two and then they're gonna write four and two more equals six okay then we've got some bagged stations and usually these bagged stations go along with what activity I'm teaching this week so I've just finished my 2d shapes and so this bag is just a simple sort i've got giant shapes and they have to sort different items that like houses and crutches and tvs and they sort those into the shapes giant deck of cards these are worth their weight in gold also get these at the Dollar Tree and I've taught them how to play war so I take the face cards out and we just I showed them how to get half the deck and then they flip it over one two three four and whoever has the largest number so we're working on number or sequencing and greater than or less than right so we've also taught measurement and so this station I have laminated one of the recording sheets that we've done as a group and then what they need to do is they pull something and then they use unifix cubes to measure the width or the height of something and then they record it on their recording sheet alright and this is one of my favorite stations so you can build these with just beads and Shannel sticks or pipe cleaners and what it is is you make a circle and so this one says number six and there are six beads and so what they have to do is they experiment with six can be six and zero or they move one over six can be five and one more move one over six can be four and two more and so what I've done is after they've had opportunities to play with these and experiment then I've added some laminating recording sheets and so what they do is here's the number six so they're gonna draw whatever combination they built so like four and two and then they write four and two more equals all right so that was a very fast and furious go through of what I do in my stations if you have any questions on the things that I've just shown post those questions down below or if you have any other questions about how I math I'd always love your your questions so every time we learn something new I'm going to put something in this station that practices that skill and I'll take away one of the stations that I know that kids have gotten really good at and so throughout the year these stations are going to incrementally get harder and harder and harder and how I do stations are free choice the kids you know there can only be two kids at each station and if they're finished they clean up and then choose another station I also have iPads and stations and Ozma's and stations so we have technology we also have hands-on and then my student teacher in my we walk around the room and we work with kids who are we can tell are struggling with counting one to one addition whatever that skill is that we're working on I'll go and play that game with the kids so that I can scaffold the the skills that I want them to have all right well that's all I've got for this edition of Aaron's hobbies presents thanks for tuning in and remember post those questions down below
Channel: The Rogers In Motion
Views: 72,748
Rating: 4.9767079 out of 5
Keywords: Math stations, setting up math stations, kindergarten math stations, Teaching math, kindergarten math, Teacher tips, classroom set up, setting up the classroom, teaching kindergarten, early childhood, Lubbock, Vlogging life, Texas landscape, Aaron Rogers, Aaron Rodgers, Aaron's HOBBIES PRESENTS, Aaron's HOBBIES, Vlogging, Vlogger, daily Vlog, teaching, education, male teacher, kindergarten, time laps, teacher life, like Casey Neistat
Id: GXV7F1rmumw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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