Ms. Shashi Wiltz | Kindergarten ELA | Greenbrier Elementary School

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you [Music] [Music] [Applause] today is Thursday December the 10th 2015 what do we need to do [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right at 82 how do I write in 82 hey 1/8 attitude how do I know my 82 is going to have an 8 first and then a 2 what on the hundreds chart is helping me with that jay-z thornsberry what pattern what about it what does the red number tell me that eat is going to be next in what place first or second first very good so I know that eight comes first because the red number all the way at the end tell me that that next line is going to have an eight first what's another pattern we're seeing in our hundreds chart Christian the ones Julian what are we seeing what's another pattern the two how do we know that that's going to be a two what are we seeing in the column above we see that all the second numbers are what [Music] what is the column tell me the second number is going to be very good today is 10 2015 of today of the tenth what will tomorrow be today also Thursday if today's Thursday will tomorrow oh if i watch that month if last month was November what is this month we are in the month of December what month comes after months of the year in winter it feels very cold and snow fall in so many places where have you seen snow are snowflakes big or small leave with me [Music] [Music] [Music] Joshua what comes at the end [Music] to some threes and some fours let's check this is the Woolley and do I stop here call Julian why don't I stop there Oh what is that thing come I need to do what area Damien I'm going past all these things what are these things called I came to a punctuation mark that's one joshua thrown in the trash please I found another three we have three sentences today oh I see some different punctuation marks what is that function [Music] what do I use that period for a statement when I tell you something and I don't need you to say anything back to me I'm just telling you in winter it feels very cold and it's snowfalls in a lot of places I'm just telling you that okay what does this punctuation when do we use a question mark question when we're asking a question and when I ask a question that means I'm asking you to do something back right London when I'm looking for answers I use a question mark so I asked you where have you think no that means you need to tell me something back in your journals are snowflakes big or small maybe I don't know I asked you to show me in your journal so those are questions oh yes we have some high frequency words hiding in our [Music] [Music] let's see Christopher come on up you're sitting so nice and tall for me with your hands and your lap [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's count how many words we have today and words I mean we have yesterday Oh which one is greater eleven or ten [Music] eleven which one is less eleven or chance [Applause] [Applause] I hear seven students reading these words I see a lot of students are not looking at the words and not reading them Mary oh where should your eyes be oh I need all your eyes up here on me class five yes Joshua's eyes are still not on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a beautifully colored seeing all the way in the sky oh very good I spy with my I something you have to gives with our this is what happens when you students get together and they run really fast their running game right what did you say chase this title begin with it I'll begin with it a I spy with my little eye something that begins with R this is a color that I loved very good I spy with my little eye something that begins with R this is what I do when I have to stretch my arm up to get something very high I this is very good but what did you just say very good what's done here at the beginning of reach I spy with my little eye something that begins with oh I'm saying I buy what are you doing it's not my left hand it's my good oh oh I want you to listen what are you gonna do when you're listening are you talking what it looks like to listen good job JC we're going to listen keep your listening ears on I want you to listen and tell me if you hear the sound at the beginning or the end of a word Oh class oh I see London's listening here I see Julie is listening here I see Leila's listening ear I do not see thank you I see everyone's listening Marielle I do not see you're listening thank you Mary now you're gonna tell me that the Earth's ended at the beginning or the end of the word ready run where was that tell me Thank You Alana showing me thank you t on is showing me good job Tiana all right there were in run without the beginning fast its I want you to tell me where the earth sound is at the beginning or the end in car I love how I heard people sounding out the word was at the beginning or the end show me show me show me I see some people that have their pants up here let's think about the word car car what did they begin with very good I see some people with their fingers here let's sound up the word car where did we hear the sound you're showing me I think in oh you're showing me where the earth sound is in the word rat I don't see the dairy if this are where is your ear sound I don't see the mayas good job everybody else has the earth I'm at the beginning in rat o5o tell me where you hear the first sound in the word pair show me where is it good I see everyone has a first out not eat in let's sound up hair good job that bird sounds at the end okay one more time where you hear that sound in the word right I love how Ilana Brooklyn Logan chase Malin ladarius all have their fingers on their foreheads showing me that they know that that burns down and right I need you to sit up and stay sitting up please look at me is that the beginning right oh yeah right very good oh yes what else do we sound out belly words so that we can write down the sounds we hear ready izombie found out the word wrapped at the beginning but found out the word rat my parents put your jacket on rat [Music] what sound it yours he ends Oh glass I see some people are not participating make sure your hands are on your face when we're participating and bounding out our words everyone what do we need to do you should not check it if you're playing with your fingers can I read the word what I'm doing this no look at the word let's check it again let's spell the word ran with the beginning what makes the earth now ran with the Middletown ran [Music] [Applause] when I give you direction what do you do oh that means I'd ask you to do something you do it quickly if I ask you to stop looking at your hand you stop if I ask you to participate but you do it quickly do you understand marielle's we need to go visit this class let's sound out the word ran let me see your I love Jalen and because I can see that her [Music] it's on her teeth not on her that's good I like Logan what makes it sound very good what do we need to do let's check [Music] very good all right one more let's spell the word great good in silent e how do I know it's an A in silent e what could I hear jaylen what did I hear did I hear silent E hey chase that would pick you but you're not sitting on your bottom Christian what why did I know it was gonna be a silent E what did I hear I'm a what does that mean what do we call it when we hear a no we don't call it silent e chillin what do we call it what does that mean it's which sound very good it's the what everybody though it'll be a long day hey chase show me a long game very good so when I hear a long a sound I know there's going to be a wife oh oh no great what with the ending sound EE what do I need to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now we talked about two different kinds of books some stories we said that when we see a book or story with photographs what kind of book is that usually Julian is the photographs the make-believe one it's called what when it has pictures that are drawn or affected we say that is usually a clue that it is what kind of book if this is nonfiction this is what Hey what does it call Julian what kind of story is that when we see painted or drawn things JC no that is not a book stop playing Damian what kind of book is it say it louder it should mean that's what it should be this say what it means I don't see your mouth what is fiction and what does this one mean not which it means it's real these are things that are real so in the story no in the story how water changes we know that this information is going to be real this is a non fiction story how water changes water can be a liquid a gas or a solid water makes or what makes water change so water can be a liquid a gas and a solid what can water be a good supply you're paying very good attention are waiting for Leila chase it up the water in this lake is frozen water turn into ice when it gets very cold what happens to water when you put it in the freezer and what happens to it and then we call it very good can you pour ice very fluidly and it takes the shape of a cup or is it hard when something is hard is called a solid so that water that used to be a liquid when it gets cold is now a solid baskets ice is a solid what is ice and how does the water turn to Isaac it's very 100 the freezer makes it very very cold and it turns the water to ice Tianna this Ice Cube is melting it turns into water when it gets warm so what happens when we take the ice out of the freezer and we bring it in the Sun in what we call it melting it is changing from a solid into a liquid basket so I changes from a solid into a liquid when it gets very hot or hot rod just needs to be a warmer temperature than freezing right so it's changed water is a liquid the boiling water makes steam how hot does water have to be to be boiling only put it on the stove how hot is it can you touch that pot SuperDuper hot oh don't ever touch a boiling hot super hot as it will burn you so when water basket when water gets really hot not just form it turns into steam what their turns into a gas when it gets very hot the hot Sun will turn the water in this puddle into a gas what is steam called a the water can be a solid when it is iced it can be a liquid when it is water and it can be gas when it is steam I am with my snowman what will make my snowman melt what will make my snowman melt Alana the Sun because the Sun feel towels will make the ice turn into a white wind and it will be called water then what will turn it in a gas when the Snowman mounts to makes a big puddle well make that puddle turn into a gas Lela how hot really hot right so hot that it would be very uncomfortable for us wouldn't it that would turn that snowman's water into a yeah was that what kind of story was that Julian it was a what fast is what kind of story with the mallanna very good well was it fiction it was rebuilt or what do we call it when a story is real samaya the beginning that's not a word I know Damien what is it called not non real fairy hours are called non fiction what is the word what is the word thank you I see four students who are not telling me the word what is the word when something is nonfiction it means is a very real so the changes in water are very very real Oh try that again Chris make sure we're all standing up at this [Music] like the beginning found it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me member em we say and he said me very good you know you this would be you but it hasn't are the end so it is no [Music] good yes JC don't worry about her you do what you need to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's try it good job looking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on you Pete Daryl Impey this is a der Linde it's a day why is that yep because with the very good [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's say the sounds well let's write it again it's not it's not what is it let's say the sounds that you see not this is not as I would have at the end No I want some I just found it out by yourself all my saralyn and logan some isn't it okay what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what are you gonna do business the my it down it out good did that sound like wrecked no because we're means to do what and I mean we can and that would be two different words and now if I put this letter up here now but this was the word we okay let's try it another word ready let's all say this down let you keep saying there is no up here let's try something a little different well I'm gonna tell you the sound you tell me what word it is you're gonna put the stones together fancy you're just using your ears ready ready what about that's right again darlin very good what about [Music] and read let's try it again this is the sound what about now you listen to me say defense now I want you to listen to you say that sounds okay now you're gonna listen to yourself again ready let's try it again let's try it again yeah yeah very good Geralyn you got at that time so make sure you're listening to yourself say the sound okay let's try it one more ready let's say this now again let's try to get what is it okay miss will thank you for allowing us to view your lesson today so four questions for you and the first question is what did you do to prepare for your lesson today well it takes a lot of pre-planning ahead of time even as much as far into the summer because we're kind of mapping out what our reading foundational skills are and how we need to build on those skills throughout the year so once that is kind of mapped out we build centers ourselves we create centers or find donations of centers that are pre done and pre made to help assist us with practicing and then strengthening those skills that were working on in whole group we sort of follow the journeys curriculum but we also add more information with it because it's a not as rigorous as we'd like so we supplement it with words from the adult word list for high frequency words we ask our students to learn spelling words each week they're all words that they can phonetically sound out to make it something that goes with their reading readiness and we make sure we have small group inserted within our center rotations when the kids are working independently I've got a small group session going on to help strengthen any weaknesses that I'm seeing thank you so tell us a little bit about what happened to date with your letter today we worked on our and every reading session is basically the same as far as the structure of it so we're just changing out information that it's providing them new information every week so we always start out with our high frequency words reading a passage that I call the morning message and the children have done as a bell ring or they wrote that in their journals the morning message then they get to search for the high frequency words that we've had so far up to date throughout the year and circle those up they also do student-led activities such as that and such as counting the days that we've been here so some of their activities are student-led we also go through the entire list of high frequency words because I'm trying to build good study habits in them and you know explaining to them that we keep a list of all of our words and we go through them every day so they can kind of do the same thing whether flashcards they're making at home then we go into the sound of the week which this week we were working on the letter R and the sound for that so we do a lot of auditory practice where they're either hearing words that begin with R or end with our there also because at this age you get very limited amount of vocabulary exposure I we play a i spy game where I give them clues and that helps them come up word that I'm looking for that begins with the letter R and then we have our spelling words which which begin with the letter R F okay it encompasses the focus letter of the week but also other sounds that they can sound out so it's really building on the whole alphabet and they're phonetically learning how to sound those words out then once we go through the letter of the day we go to the text for the day and we alternate between fiction and nonfiction and we progressively add text features so today it was a little bit of mixing science standards learning about solids liquid and gas with our literacy component of our reading group after a whole group reading we break out into our Center sessions and our small group learning now can you talk a little bit about how you push students past proficient those students who have mastered some of the skills that you're working on how do you push them past proficient I tend to kind of focus on them in my whole group a lot more I think I provide a lot of whole group pushing past proficiency like learning of the long a sound even though that their journeys curriculum only has them phonetically listening for the long a we are actually at the point where we know what a long a sounds like now we want to be able to read that long words so they know that we're working on silent E as far as spelling words right now when they hear along a they know that it's gonna be a word with a silent e at the end so they can phonetically sound out and then add that silent e when they hear the long a in the middle and then also we've added on the vowel rule of two bells go walking the first one does the talking so now they know when they see two vowels it's gonna make this the long vowel sound so even though we really haven't broached any other vowels except for a so far in our weekly letter of the week they know what the vowels are because we've discussed them the first time the egg came up they know all the vowels and they know when they hear or seem rather silent e at the end whatever the vowel is is going to say his own name because that's the long sound or now they're learning if they see two vowels in a word they will hear the long sound the first one does the talking that says his own name so it's a lot of things like that where I'm pushing them up and we're building words together or I'm building words that they never knew that they could sound out together on the magnet board to push those children past proficiency especially in their weaning and in a small group I helped with the past pushing past proficiency about providing them with text to read independently that are either above kindergarten or on a beginning first grade level to help push them because if the text that we have in class for kindergarten is too easy I go to the first grade teachers and I pull text from them to help the keep the students challenged and also with your struggling students how do you support struggling students I support them a lot more in small group we tend to pull back and I have to give them different clues and we practice a little bit more and a little bit more intensely on our high-frequency words because that's an area where they definitely struggle and I gave them clues for when they're looking at a word on how to do that so we address high-frequency words and the memorization and figuring out clues in the word to help me remember it in our small group then we work on blending sounds because that's something that they're also struggling with in our small group where I put up letters and it's usually the things that they've seen several times like they've seen our spelling word several times so I will put the word up in front of them and ask them to say this sounds and then blend those sounds together to help them start being able to blend words and be able to hear them if they're having trouble I've got a backtrack I'll pull the word away and I'll just say the sounds and see if they can just auditorily put the sound together and tell me what word it was that they were supposed to be saying and then when they're ready when they've got the week's words down as far as the high-frequency words and I feel like they're blending is a little bit stronger I'll give them grade level text and we try to go through and read as many of the words and try to get as much of the information out of the text as we possibly can thank you [Music]
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Views: 10,814
Rating: 4.6734695 out of 5
Keywords: Wiltz, kindergarten greenbrier wiltz
Id: Thddqi5GdlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 47sec (3947 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2017
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