13 Types of Students in Every Math Class

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to school i haven't seen you guys since last year anyway we all know that 2020 hasn't been an easier for all of us we have learned so much not just in studies but also in life so let's not forget about the lessons we've learned isn't that right perry me yes i'm not perry oh i'm so sorry i mean timmy yes to me i'm timmy did you forget my name miss shelly oh no no of course not patrick anyway let's move on alright so we will be doing mathematics today please take out your materials and let's get started [Music] all right students so please solve this easy peasy lemon squeeze wow thanks cleverly but let's give others a chance to test their knowledge okay done [Music] um how about you do you want to try to solve the question yes we need me surely cleverly um how about you the one at the back want to try me shirley okay forget it no where's patrick yes i'm patrick okay you know what just just come up come on all right class so who would like to try this question ah tiffany it seems like you're very excited with your phone right so how about you come out and try this question okay miss shelley thanks so if this has for little apples and six of them are rotten how many apples are still fresh what who has 42 apples and six of them are rotten can she return it at the store isn't there some kind of exchange policy or something are the apples organic if they're not organic how can they be fresh you have a point so let's just move on to the next question okay okay how about this one if jasmine gives vincent 20 for every hundred dollars she makes and she makes two thousand dollars in the end so how much would she have given vincent what kind of toxic relationship is this me sherry shouldn't the question be why is jasmine giving vincent money does he have a job it's just me a money lender or something never mind that okay let's just move on to the next question if then leaves the house at 5 45 a.m and trev leaves his house at 6 30 a.m and then travels at a speed of 40 miles per hour but trev travels at a speed of 18 miles per hour who will reach the destination first ah is this a case where they say that they're on the way but they're actually still home you know what they've just go back to your seats okay it's okay you don't have to answer just okay [Music] let's see sunny okay great come on up i'll take that are you serious oh sorry my bad my bad there we go much better [Music] okay so can i get someone who knows how to solve this question maybe shirley oh great chloe come on up there you go uh it's okay i don't need it i have my phone with me no clue but you're not supposed to use it but why me shirley this is real life application it's much simpler with a calculator and you know we're carrying our phones with us all the time now and so it makes sense for us to use it when we need it so why can't we use a calculator yes chloe you were right but for learning purposes let's not use the calculator today okay but me surely without calculator this will take really long just do it without the calculator okay fine hey siri i didn't catch that could you try again okay so let's get timmy come on up yay it's my turn all right so if you have one apple and that's equivalent of two oranges how many oranges will you have if you have three apples i'll be right back visually where where are you going i'm gonna get me some apples and oranges no you can't do that how am i supposed to find the right answer visualize it oh okay are those green or red apples exactly micheli okay fiera can you please come on up and solve this equation okay go on [Applause] yes fiera do you forget about what we've learned pemdas okay can anyone in class tell me what is pemdas i know [Music] p to the e to the m d a s now relax is parenthesis exponents multiplication division addition and then subtraction pemdas spin the spenders no pemdas pimped us pendants snow [Music] pemdas pemdas pimped us [Music] [Music] wow thank you so much for that tyler you're welcome well i hope everyone remembers pemdas now this song is done in my head he's so talented what a show off so tyler since you are here why don't you help fiera with the equation pemdas spam does pemdas yeah yeah i get it but what does it mean you know like how do you apply it how do you use it in the equation i don't know i don't do math i'm on to the arts [Music] okay crystal can you come on up and show us how to do this [Music] hmm 100 ah great job thank you now show me your working working show us how you get your answers um okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten now i just have to do it nine more times what are you doing my working but that's not the method that you were taught but it works doesn't it one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six so can i get another volunteer to solve this what does time pass release loading mathematics class how about you kai pass pass kai things don't work like that here okay when i ask you to come up and solve the question you come up and at least try who is this arjuna in your life anyways are we just wasting time learning things that we are never going to use in real life okay then isn't it better if i give you a real life example let's see if you take about 60 steps per minute and the principal office is about 200 steps away how long do you think it will take to reach there i don't know then why don't you go and find out now [Music] michelle yes timmy since we are in a math class i have something to say what is it to me why was six afraid of seven because seven eight nine why are plants afraid of mass because plants don't like square roots why did seven eight nine because we need three square meals a day so funny to me and now that you're here solve this equation solve it okay dinah now it's your turn come on up and solve this equation thank you michelle there you go michelle [Music] what's this yay it's finally over okay class before we leave i would like to just remind all of you that your exams are around the corner okay so i would really really need all of you to study really really hard for this because it's not just a normal class test it's an exam that will be graded within the academy we will be taking the exam in class why does class t1 t finally get to do it online while we are doing it here yeah exactly initially well that's because it's your first year in the titan academy okay so you would have to attend the exam here right so good luck all the best and i'll see you guys soon okay [Music]
Channel: JianHao Tan
Views: 4,974,458
Rating: 4.9036069 out of 5
Keywords: jianhao tan, jian hao tan, jianhao, the jianhao tan, thejianhaotan, jian hao, jianhaotan, kim lee, singapore, singaporean, youtuber, youtubers, youtube, Pemdas, song, sing, Arya, bodmas, n4t1, t1t5, principal office, jianhao Denise, exams, maths, mathematics, Diana, liz, titan academy, episode, types of students in math class, types of students, maths class, algebra
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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