Kiki with Gottmik! (Addressing the "Gottmeek" Controversy)

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Trixie mentioned that Violet was an alternate on Season 7 because someone dropped out...was this addressed before or what because this is the 1st time I'm hearing about this 😯

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/Ok_Object_5761 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

hi balds

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/Homosuxual 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Father and son!

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/FrozenIce7 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I find that they have something similar

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/FrozenIce7 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I watched the whole video and the controversy wasn't addressed at all?😂

👍︎︎ 76 👤︎︎ u/uqmobile 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’m getting James St James Transformations intro vibes when Trixie introduces and hugs who ever is the guest. It’s sooo funny to me!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BubbleKitten9 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi it's me trixie mattel welcome back if you're  new here i'm a world famous drag queen with a   passion for makeup artistry and this hi it's  my son anyway we're gonna get in drive today   we're going in honey honey i'm  using my peep sponge from hip dot   oh you are kind of using new things huh not really  i want to do blue eyes today because i want to   wear this 80s look you must get seriously  like daily daily daily messages from people   yeah it's really crazy but i like all the fan  messages are so cute because it's all like what okay anyway being trans is hard we  have so i have so many things to talk   about okay can you so you were a famous  makeup artist before you did drug race   i mean yeah i was a celebrity makeup famous  well not all celebrities you did katya once   you're a very handsome man you must get a lot of  the dms too a lot of the are you up do you get   a lot of you up yes i'm literally obsessed with  that because i i've been transitioning for like   three years now or something and i guess in the  past year like actually on drag race was like the   first time in my life i had to shave every day i  was like oh the moans want to start kicking now   oh really great timing great timing especially  white face you can't have five o'clock shadow   with a white face oh my god i'm obsessed i have  this vision of you sitting at drag race with a   white face going i'm about to win this [ __ ] oh  yeah was that a read of course that's what i did   it does look like baltimore hurry potter the boy  who lived has come to die that's actually kind   of good thanks so you're freshly bald so anyway  you're bald yeah are you living i'm living for   being bald it's the easiest thing in the world  for drag it really and y'all bald-headed hoes   keep that a secret kind of you look good  do you look like eminem and eight-mile   i can see that you know you actually did drag  race too with a close friend of mine joey j   who's from wisconsin really yeah i  think i met her one of the challenges no i didn't know you guys were friends i have  to say i mean rosie really if i had to compete   against that person i would i would i think i  would get stuck gazing once in a while and i have   to snap out of it you're telling me i was gazing  and raising mama gazing at the gig mama girl which   lip-sync song did you want for the final lip-sync  did you want give me more i kind of wanted work   vegeta like the last minute and then i put on the  outfit that i wore with my second lip sync outfit   and didn't make it there so thank god um i  wore it then and then i was like ah i feel   like this one would work better for work [  __ ] anyway so i'm just gonna manifest that   didn't work i had to lip sync to wrecking ball and  everyone's like why did you wear that outfit i'm   like i was out of clothes it's like that happens  it happens and you guys talked about it and i   felt so seen because people don't understand how  long were you guys at drivers two months literally   on on the for real for real when did you  start thinking about auditioning for drag   race maybe season 10 for the first  time okay and then i did eleven two   oh wow and then took twelve off and then came back  i was like you really said and you you're gonna   love me i'm gonna use the elf taupe blonde eyebrow  is that inguinal no it's not anastasia they make a   black yeah and it's my favorite one yeah anastasia  beverly hills marie jenkins i have never received   that stuff sickening supply you get that for all  stars too yes you give it all the change though   i don't know if i would do all-star i mean i want  to do all-stars but you know like i kind of got   out scot-free i'm like do i want to go biscuits  doing all-stars is really fun because everybody's   already friends you recognize a lot of the same  production people who are like hey i'm senior year   or whatever you know it's very chill did you find  utica different off camera oh my god yeah i love   utica but listen we're all different i mean not  everybody's exactly the same on off camera yeah   no it was actually like it's not that bad though  it's like she's not like a [ __ ] she just like   would go off camera and like do the things that  like i was doing and like candy was doing like   being like that type of funny and we're like wait  you're funny and like well i think when cameras   go on people get really scared of um saying the  wrong thing yeah so not me that's something i   need to learn literally yeah stick with me kid  i'll get you canceled every six and a half weeks   i always say with comedy and stuff like if  there's wigs involved take it with a grain   of salt it's probably not cnn it's probably not  dead serious when you got the call for drag race   were you shook it or did you have a feeling  they like called me and they told me i like   wasn't getting on work and i was like rupaul's on  the other line going yeah you're not getting on we don't like you she's like playing a joke  on you well she got me out she got me again   she got miguel and yeah and then they like  called me a few days later and they're like   hey maybe you were an alternate violet famously  was an alternate really and she won yeah violet   was not in the original cast somebody dropped  out same with jada really and i was so close it's   like when i told lisa vanderpump i got top six  on season seven she was like are you trying to   tell me there's five other creatures more divine  than you oh that's cute no but they got to stay   [ __ ] um when when candy stayed where you shook  when she was supposed when she lost her lip sync   yes you went to hug her and then they said her  name and you were like i literally thought i   was in trouble like i was at the principal's  office yeah yeah that was gaggy and then she   turned around like this i was like what woman  artistry was that the second that [ __ ] pushed   play on that denim jukebox [ __ ] that denim  boombox it was the funniest thing i did it was   like i don't think people talk enough about  candy's makeup artistry skills i know it is   literally some of the best makeup i've ever seen  like hands down she loves to switch it up though   i need to tell her to not if it's not broke don't  fix it by the way i'm somebody who like me taking   a huge fashion risk is like me using a slightly  darker brown lip liner oh and i'm like i'm a   totally different person [ __ ] shame i put on  a normal skin tone i'm like whoa i'm crazy today don't look at me got me don't look at me got  me oh my god does people think you're rich yet   everybody thinks i know okay absolutely everyone  thinks i'm the richest person in the world   and it's so crazy like this one um queen did a  full video about like how much drag queens spent   and they literally were like got me full spent  over 60 000 and had like receipts like proving   that i spent over like like a billion dollars on  drag race and i was like no i literally didn't   even spend the most on my season by a lot i  literally think i spent like 20k that's about   what i spent probably for all stars yeah i spent  i think i'm not kidding six hundred dollars no not   for the first time in the driveways oh didn't have  anything oh my gosh i was about to say that you   would be proof that you don't have to spend a lot  of money on drag race but you went home early so i'm just gonna keep doing my  nose are you happy for simone   speaking of being an absolute loser  was it fun watching your dreams   your friend's dreams come true was it fun watching  the lights illuminate her tear-stained face   oh my god it actually was did you  think i mean i'm just being real   did you think there was a possibility you were  gonna win uh yeah i went into the show not wanting   to win because i was like i wanna all stars option  and this and this but i just need to make it to   the end and that's all i truly really wanted and  now a gorgeous tron's romana can come in and be   the first trans winner yeah as opposed to like  a white twink putting on a wig i'm not a twink   not yet a bear cub i'm using a greeting card to  cut my cheeks this is from kitsch culture and   it's uh it's little edie with a raccoon that says  this is the best car for the day you understand   i like that we have a winner who flopped several  times she flopped i know she flopped hard yeah   no true um did you find rupaul scary at first yes  but like we actually got along really well can you   talk about the lollarie bag look in real time you  see la la re in the bags you see what's going on   do you say anything does anyone say anything  does anyone go girl do anything but that well   she had like a different situation going down  first and then like abandon it and i kind of   saw her like holding them up to herself in the  mirror and then by the time it was like runway   time i was like oh that was the full look  oh i'm not doing a good job on this eyeliner   and you know what yeah i'm like it is what it  is santa difficulties technical difficulties on   the makeup what in the world is going on i'm  going to use my norvino watch out for her i   know there's a broken one oh gosh i don't know  how i i am the eye shadow breaker i don't even   some of these don't even go on tour and i'll open  it one day and go it's never even left the house   how did it get shimmer's always great though yeah  and i know that because i own a makeup company it's going good we just had an incredible bottle  blonde launch oh yes you got it in the mail i did   i noticed she's not using it cool your name's kade  yeah i was thinking of that today and it's such a   good porn name kade that's where i took it from i  am really getting into the gig i am getting into   [ __ ] oh i love these color icon bronzers from  wet n wild i can't tell you how much wet and wild   i use yeah what i feel like your makeup choices  are so interesting to me well i i i used to wear   a lot of like theatrical and like a makeup forever  mac all that and then when i started this channel   i started using a lot more drugstore and i started  finding all these drugstore products that i like   loved yes my makeup is like very scary today what  filters you got gorgeous i pulled out my summer   of love honey from the stunning trixie cosmetics  i'm gonna take my 188 for mac and just touch it highlight for the girls for  the dolls that's a highlight song so which drag queens do you stand who do you  love who inspires you i love like any drag queen   that just has like their brand like so hardcore  like i just love your stamp the brand yeah like   your stamp and like violet kind of has that bianca  just anyone that's like oh that's bianca like if   someone comes near it's like no that's trixie no  that's no not allowed yeah like how i own white   face paint now you really kind of do you own white  face paint gourd let me see your lash oh my god   yeah about to wild out too i wear my crease  because i'm just pretty beautiful you really are   i need more blush i think we're gonna need a belt  here oh do you love blush i actually oh my god my   makeup today is maybe crazy i i i'm entertained  that you think that you look different than normal your face present this is bliss i've actually  i use this for a while and then fall off it's   like a pink with gold shimmer i feel so into that  pretty cute video you look gorgeous i love myself   wow i love your lashes so cute right not as big  as yours though no yours are more more definition   i gotta watch you put these lashes on you want  me to hold oh sure what that must be nice being   a professional drag queen that's me right now  can i ask a technical question how do you avoid   fallout with all this white and all this black i  just like bake really hard and then wipe it off   that's fierce your makeup really does a good job  the lift the snatch and lift is really strong   yeah it looks like you're wearing face tape  oh my god thanks are you the only trans man   who does drag actually no it's actually crazy  like um so many guys message me now that they   like want to start or like they already have been  doing it it's like crazy i love the mess i created   in your home it is pretty rough i mean i thought  you were going to come in with like this stunning   technical type a makeup artist kit no your kit  looks like thorgy's oh my goodness i don't even   know her i'm like oh my god so we're going  to put some drag on and be right back yes and this is the look yes how do we feel  i feel so gorged and then ready like   we look stunning and then here's the  illusion yeah please don't look at him   don't eat this do you feel masculine  in that i do i do we don't gender here we look great we look like we are in no way going  to the same event want to let these [ __ ] know   where they can find you yes you can find me on  instagram tick tock literally any social media   platform at got mick g-o-t-t m-i-k not got me not  got nick congratulations on a great season of drag   race oh my god thank you drag race is really hard  and you made it look like falling off a log oh   that's nice no yeah i just went in there and had  fun and that's all that matters i mean that sounds   so stupid but if you're on drag race literally  just go in and compete with yourself because   the second you worry about what other [ __ ] are  doing that's where you flop yeah and when you   just start having fun wins just start happening  to you yeah it's so actually the opposite for   me but it was fun yeah do what she did but uh try  yeah but win please unless that's so embarrassing   don't get me demonetized let's get out of here  before she gets me demonetized bye bye gorgeous
Channel: Trixie Mattel
Views: 1,384,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trixie Mattel, Trixie Mattel Youtube, Trixie and Katya, Trixie, Trixie Mattel makeup, Trixie mattel music, Trixie Cosmetics, Bald and the Beautiful, drag, queen, rpdr, dragrace, rpdr13, trixiecosmetics, trixie cosmetics
Id: yOdHoT3UubE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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