Kiki with Heidi N Closet

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Heidi with the short hair looks like Fantasia!

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/phosphene__dream 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

T Boz and Tracy. Name a more iconic duo.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Jon_SS_Targaryen 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

that look on Trivia...just wow. Heidi Aphrodite on the other hand...bless.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/ciguanaba 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

This was one of my favourite videos Trixie has done with another queen by far

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/lunarkitty554 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
well do i get to do it yeah it's heidi and trixie  take one okay find my camera heidi and trixie take   one hi it's me trixie mattel and welcome back to  my channel and today we are very privileged to   have in the studio hiding in closet everybody oh  yes this soft and supple oh and skimpy if you guys   could see skin and bones right now i'm wasting  away i've lost weight and i'm so proud of myself   you must have lost what 75 pounds 70 because you  were big for a minute what whoa now wait a minute   now wait a second i will never i've been  harassing heidi to come over here well we   did the pot in this room with jada yeah yeah yeah  yeah yeah yeah we did bald the beautiful but that   was a long time ago and i've been harassing  her to get over here but covet and this and   that and she's a career woman and then we were  at pit stop and i was like let's finally do this   and here we are and here we are so we're going  to get in drag for no reason we're matching too   oh yes pink honey well i peeped your look and  it's it's a cute look that is something a little   different for me it's a little different  i'm excited so let's go our brows down oh   oh let me blouse your brows aren't even covered  i know i'd like to chase wardrobes yes wardrobe   change honey more jobs i haven't seen a drag  queen in a makeup dress in a while i know   it's a southern thing it needs to come back  i think it's a little off-the-shoulder moment   because you do a makeup dress kennedy mm-hmm  jasmine well it's just because we don't want   to keep washing our clothes with makeup stains  all over them that i understand yes this is   a please dawn not on christmas show please don  not on christmas not on christmas not on chrome   oh i forgot brushes plus a heart oh this is your  ball delusion this is my i'm serving you realness   bald delusion wait are you wait wait  wait wait wait a minute wait a minute   are you putting on the rubber gloves absolutely  just one oh my god i have talked about i have   talked about jasmine masters doing this for years  you are wild girl it's only because i don't like   how makeup feels on my hands i understand that but  it's crazy surgery no surgery show them the glove you think that's cleaner absolutely i stopped  playing the victim it doesn't save you you're such an old [ __ ] how  old are you i'm 26 a delicate 26.   you are on the verge of becoming a man though 26 is a quick turn it's about turn to 30  just i've had a quick what's that good what   you got there good this is elf hydrating  primer serum i use it as a lot of primer   i know i have a lot of face where we do have two  faces whoa i do not i'm a sweetheart all around   i know you won miss congeniality on drag race  eight years ago i understand eight years ago   nobody remembers that you're going to blink and  season 12 is going to be also yes it's going to   be the new season 7 was 40 years ago it'll look at  you and look at me that's the thing i i wouldn't   have aged as fast i know i look old for my age  i wouldn't have aged as fast if they wouldn't do   like three seasons draggers a year i go a year  every time it's also stressful like at least   for me it was very stressful with it looked like  happening yeah it looked like you were struggling   well thank you trixie um you always like you had  a lot going on you always know exactly how to   make me feel good about myself yeah but um  oh uh no i was very stressful being in court   quarantine during my failure we're just watching  the show like we were going to watch if we hadn't   been on the show i'm obsessed with jada winning  drag race and slowly chloe's closing a computer   i won yeah i won and then she probably looked  like elliot with two t's behind that thing just   yes are you watching all-star i am watching all  stars um is that the kimchi this is the kimchi   she puts me on the pr list um you are on the pr list i bet my first dmd on  instagram was can i have your address for the   pr list and it's literally gonna be like ill heidi  your makeup skills on season 12 were horrible i'm   not gonna waste my pr on you yeah i was like  let me help you with the i need to get you on   the pr list so we can get you together could you  imagine oh my god you're about on drag race i mean   you did it you have a very pretty taste thank  you um it's just natural good jeans i guess um   what i'm saying is even with the makeup  you were doing you still looked pretty good okay you look like that lisa simpson meme oh oh  yes you know what i also love in that same vein   miss jackson if you missed it no miss jackson  from that court show where she gets exposed as   that man last night yes you know what i always i put all my  makeup in a bucket to come over here and film   and i always forget something wow and i always  bring primer and forget to put that on too how   about so you already have a full coat of girl this  is like the jouer anti-blemish matte primer it has   salicylic acid in it you should just put that  over here you don't need it it's put over here   why did that spr right there wow she did  it finally y'all i feel so good now i send   them home where's this hand coming  from what where did that come from   whoa whoa you are such a dumb [ __ ] you know  absolutely you should see me high i'm using the   word the one size power point made 24 hour liquid  liner i love this liner oh that's really cute   i'm using this lisa frank palette and it's kind  of old it came out a couple months ago but i just   never used it i never buy makeup for myself  anymore and i was like i'm gonna buy this and then   i just didn't use it wow so i want to do big i  don't know like pink eyes i think what kind of men   do you like yes breathing preferably that is what  silky said i love a level man that breathes but uh   heavy breathing too not just a man that breathes  i mean yeah tea my mom said you want to be on top that's the bottom when someone says you want to  be on top i say no no no no no absolutely not   you don't want to see me topping i look like one  of those you know when somebody has a little dog   we didn't want to see you topping on all stars  but we ah this almost just went in your eyes   you know you know when people have their little  choir on their lap and they make it look like   it's driving yeah that's what i look like  topping oh my god we saw the only fans now   i don't see that have you ever slept with  a drag queen a drag queen sister make you   sick no i've never slept with a drag queen  no yeah they don't want it you tried that no   it's not that you jada didn't you she wishes  you bent her right over that couch and she lip   syncs in front of and took it right as she got the  hundred thousand dollars yeah i'm not really sure   what i'm doing here and i can't guarantee that  this is gonna turn out is that what you always   do though but nobody's watching this channel for  like i'm the only beauty channel that no one's   watching for good makeup journey and we'd love  to see it this is a miss fame's channel like i   own a makeup company but i don't claim to be  scott barnes you know what i mean i'm just   vibing i too can look like [ __ ] you know well  that's why i'm here oh i'm trying to look soft   soft-headed let me brush my bra let me feel  my oh you really are thinking you you are a   woman brushing your brows right now i've never  seen a drag queen brush their brows well when   you borrow brows like this but you got to take  care of them so you can my grandma my grandma   should be a trick make sure your brows stay  styled how you want them you take your fingers ah your grandma i hate to tell you did not event  spit but i love your energy keep that same energy   ho people will have discourse about who should  host the pit stop if i ever die would you ever   have sleep me yeah i wouldn't be honored it's  fine it absolutely looks fun it was fun when   i was on it both times even though the first time  i was orange and pixelated and um couldn't really   be heard get to kiki with all the girls and talk  to you about the other girls that are on the show   at the time you know what else is nice about  too you're the host so you just get to be like   what do you think about it and you're basically  leading queens down a path of just yeah so i'm   like what did you think of that knowing exactly  that they hated it this was horrible would you   have won that you know what i want to do on the  channel what would you guys be into this i think   gay bars in west hollywood would partner  with me on this where we get ready like this   and then we go out so it's like a two-part  video where the second time we wear body   mics and go to like a booth at the abbey and  we kiki and drag and talk that'd be cute then   we're not then we're getting ready and going  somewhere would you guys watch that because   like on the housewives their whole life is going  to dinner together and that's where they talk   because that's all that's all it is we could  be the world drag queens of weho i want that   for us i think they already exist though we can  move them out watch out hoes when you saw the   cast announce on all stars who would you want who  did you want to win right away me of course but   since i wasn't there i'd have to be like clearly  there's only one option right serene child ciao you are such a hoe i'm keeping that in i've been  a fan of ginger since forever she is so i feel   i love eureka and eureka's coming to all-stars  with that hbo money back baby costumes are nuts   that she she said watch out ho ho ho honeys watch  out this hb ho max is coming this palette right   here judy's place juvia's place thank you so  much also this one palette in particular i   can almost do my whole face with it can i  see it it's the warrior 2 palette wow and   i love their packaging it's so good i use the  browns to come to my cheeks don't do me this   no i i love this color like it's red brown  such a cute one they're black is so black   oh i want this their white is so white it's  a good it's i can do my whole face with it   i want it like they snap on their campaign  images those women are down the make up it's crazy they're so good they're so good  thank you jimmy's place for all that you do   i love them you know we should do a video using  them absolutely because they're more for um   i mean they make products primarily for people  of color but yeah their whole range of stuff   oh yeah they have a wide variety quite wide  wide variety we love a black owned business   we love um beauty bakery on this channel too oh  stunning stop egg where did that one brush go and   i even moved nowhere do you steal my brush trixie  what brush did you steal my double-ended uh brush   what are you talking about i don't have one of  your brothers trixx is gonna stop my brush y'all   and then gave it back over here without showing  me y'all this was it was it was a hard video it   was a hard edit around it was a hard edit around  they tried to make me look crazy no no editor   make sure you go in and show her putting  that down please expose her on the channel they try to make me look crazy they're trying to  make me look crazy they're trying to get the dog   they try to get me girl that is an old thick piece  of cardboard that was my name talking about your   skin old thick oh but this is um femte beauty um  i use it to just darken up my contour a little bit   it's uh i think this is is this nutmeg  no it's called thick mint story my life   let me warm up this face a little bit  too because all these ones are built baby i didn't sign up for this oh no this was not  part of the agreement but did you do music   i have actually i have one single out  that is not made for a music video   la music video award for social commentary called  gap it's a parody of womp um hopefully we'll win   i love that i'm thank you i'm getting a lovely  outfit made for the red carpet event because i   want to win and look sickening while doing so i  hope you win but i give you a hard time about that   but i loved you on that season it's fine everybody  i got to see more of you on that than on season 7.   i'm at peace with it you know what's so funny you  were funny well thank you don't try to backtrack   [ __ ] ish um you know what the morning after i  won drag race said did you do all the interviews   and stuff and whether or not you went all the same  interviews i wouldn't know that the top four you   all did the same interviews but it either ends  with it either starts with i'm sorry i didn't win   or congratulations and it's the same questions  really but they would all be like how are you   dealing with the backlash i'm like what are you  talking about like i had no idea i was like i'm   vibing i'm living also i want a hundred thousand  dollars do you think i care like i was like okay   look i just want 100 i really don't care about  nothing that's a negative person on another level   i want you to pay me one day that's why i want to  see what i look like with trixie makeup though i   think let me see you would look great i don't know  what the [ __ ] i did all season 12 but i actually   have a good place for makeup yeah and it's nice  and um i hope you don't take this as a read   like you don't have a super square jaw yeah  and you have a nice round like situation you're   just like i have more of a feminine face  yeah it converts better with you i have a   i have a softer face you do thank god  because it helps with the makeup skills if you bumped into a gondola at  sephora you'd look like a woman   what's the gondola the gondola  lagandala estrangella i hate it   can we talk about her she was so disrespectful in  that lip sync what happened she was like andrea   what's up she had to go in there and do all that  she did a great job she did but she'd have to do   all that she's so disrespectful oh going in there  and letting the children just let everyone hold it   she's gonna do all that i know she really didn't  she really didn't give them a chance to breathe at   all ever wait can i dip into that paint yeah sure  this is i'm into this lisa frank palette may i   yeah scorch so i finally figured out like my  own like signature eye i'm excited about it   it actually is like almost like a baby version  of yours i did a different thing for a long time   it was a circle and then i started doing  the open yes and i'll probably go back   at some point but now i'm just stuck doing  this i like the open though the open scorch   this pink is so good it is it's nice is that  what i have on yeah i think so beautiful   puppy love oh what's your favorite songs to do  my favorite song uh i have a lot of mixes that   i have made i love see aaron songs sierra is  like my animal so good level up is so good um   got me good i love sierra she's like one of  my great era of women at that time absolutely   you know i'm obsessed with eve  tambourine shake the timber ring girl   it's so good yeah when i was dj closet  case that was one of the songs i would play   dj classic oh yeah do you think that was my djing  name back in the day when i first started drag i   would also dj thumbtail and it was dj closet cave  did you like djing it was different i didn't like   dealing with drag queens because they're bossy i  would never bring their music on time or anything   um so that's why i when i do shows i always  make sure that the dj has my music on time in   the summer thoroughness would you ever dj again  i would i would play uh the o'reilly's commercial   thing like in the club at little one in the middle  of the did people love it yes they would always go   oh oh oh oh oh riley's oh ron yeah it's fierce  yeah they loved it i can't believe you can dj   and you don't go make money doing it well i'm  not the best i'm not the best at it that's why   i'm like i want to make sure i'm like but you do  drag you're not the best of that and what period   poo see i'll put the little like contemplative  numbers over my face right there when she says i'm working on a song and you're part of it it  goes something like something from something i'm   they call me whistling dixie and i'm gonna  come up here serving it hotter than trixie oh   are you doing rap music i do i dabble  with the wrap i also wanna wait   dj closet case and my rap name is young gaby i will appear oh you're doing pink too yellow  you're really trying to get cute huh oh i don't   get cute i get dropped it gorgeous speaking of  that hoe i just messed up did you when you first   became a uh drag race queen did you ever  fangirl over some of the older queens when   they would talk to you never oh well would alyssa  ambrose also be i still fangirl a little bit   not you but uh definitely sometimes it was  surreal like when i first started traveling   and i would be like in a dressing with alyssa i'd  be like this is weird yeah absolutely like i was   working with who was that oh my goodness roxy  andrews i was like yeah that's like oh my god   and we just had a good kiki maybelline sky high  mascara it's the one you're the one she's the one   we're gonna look so snatched they're  gonna cause the smashback of notre dame right yeah that probably hello hello uh-huh  yeah she's here i know i saw it too right   when i looked at her i'm trying not to say  anything well maybe she'll get it removed   okay bye it wasn't for you [ __ ] the way  look at the blush palette it's so cute i   really thought it was a phone at first so that  i saw like the colors on this i'm like this   [ __ ] so do you like living in los angeles so  far so good it's definitely been an adjustment   i did see someone almost give someone head  in the in the in the club almost to give them   yeah they were like on their knees already  and they stopped them because it was brunch i'm sorry about that i should have taken him home  i'm so sorry you should you need to start correct   you need to start acting correct this is the gigi  good i have that one so beautiful i'm stuck on it   look at that oh it's beautiful it's so good use  the neuter the rest that's my assist i use both   yeah they're gorgeous we love gg good i like  gigi good y'all please stop messaging me like   why do you hate gigi good real thing because  i don't people think i hate her because we got   into that one little argument on season 12  and i'm like people can disagree and still   like each other look at matrix she  thinks she's beautiful i disagree   that is a beautiful eye you're turning out  right now thank you wow that was gorgeous   this is like brandon this is the signature shape  that i do i usually glue down my brows though is a   lot bigger and cuntier yeah we're going to finish  our eyes and be right back we're serving mama oh   oh oh i love this short little hair on you very  you like those oh you guys think i think it's   cute something's simple you look beautiful you  too this half piece you just went and got the   whole garden put on your head this is from the  summer of love shoot actually it's been sitting   in my closet like two years jacob who did like my  barbie jeep he did jacob mulehouse and he did uh   on drag race all-stars the books on my head  yeah yeah i love that yeah that was so cute   oh where are we going what's the event um  i feel like we need to go like to a picnic   not direct sunlight though no no no we got we have  shade there has to be shade or i can't go i don't   do sunlight very often um like a daytime disco  tea dance brunch yes oh yeah it's a bubbly brunch   we start with tequila and then you end up giving  head on the dance floor dance floor yes yes   we look so cute i think we do too what  do you guys think i you can't hear them   but they just said we think you look great we  think you look like women yes respectable women this was so fun i love you and i always have such  a blast it's always a good time with you um this   reminded me of how much i want us to hang out we  need to hang out absolutely i live like around   the corner we have to hang out we have to you  can find me on facebook youtube twitter uh uh   yeah hi in closet oh my god she forgot who she was  and then you can find it i'll tic like it z honey   in closet because some little helpers stole uh  regular hiding closet and where can i find you oh   i'm just here they're already here and they hate  it they're like why am i here oh my god i love you can i get a little angle brush i'm so  sorry we were we were believing in you   can you give me the anastasia brow  palette can i have a powdered dog   you got a straight edge brandon i'm sorry  i just i didn't i wasn't prepared today
Channel: Trixie Mattel
Views: 932,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trixie Mattel, Trixie Mattel Youtube, Trixie and Katya, Trixie, Trixie Mattel makeup, Trixie mattel music, Trixie Cosmetics, Bald and the Beautiful, drag, queen
Id: Rcbu0yoZR5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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