Mukbang with Kim Chi (Trixie tries Kim's favorite Korean dishes)

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They both look so gorgeous

👍︎︎ 111 👤︎︎ u/Kipaya 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 🗫︎ replies


"A hard-boiled egg"

"Oh, ok"

👍︎︎ 108 👤︎︎ u/DulceEtBanana 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

How dare chipotle

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/yayreddit02 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

i would like to know who the drag queen is that posts the ugly food pics

👍︎︎ 65 👤︎︎ u/vancey 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

I watch all these videos and they bring me infinite joy each time. This one had me cackling out loud by myself in my apartment. Bless us all.

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/ladypolly 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Does Kim say "Second and last time" when Trixie introduces her? Always so brutal lmao

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/astareus 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Love these two together

You can just tell the chemistry and friendship they have from decade ago

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/alieninvadingearth 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Trixie really tried her best with this lol. Props to Kim for all the great selections of dishes... I wanna go eating with her so bad, I would try anything she suggests hahaha

👍︎︎ 86 👤︎︎ u/anadayviez 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Kim looks amazing!

Also, I love how Trixie is living for the free plates from Netflix!

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/lurker__beserker 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
Kim Chi mukbang video take one oh geez god okay three two one everybody welcome back Kimberly Chi second and last time we were getting ready to do a video today and  we were talking about what we were going to   do and i said let's do makeup and Kim was  like people have already seen us do that we've already done makeup there's  so many videos of us doing makeup literally these channels would be like we want you   to come get in drag and we'd  be like what a wonderful idea representation yeah and now those  videos have like 10 million views   and those magazines are just counting the bills   oh we're getting a lot of Postmates today  we're getting a lot of food i wasn't sure   how much food to order so i asked Trixie how  much food should i order and she said go big sis originally um we thought about  doing a Chipotle mukbang but then are you still triggered did you get a pride month thing from chipotle no i did chipotle sent you a pr yeah for pride they sent me like a  gift card with a a lot on it remember chipotle did they still never give me nothing you know  what's really funny right after that video they   reached out to me um and then asked me for  my address and then i never heard from them chipotle chipotle it's like a stuffed knife pulled it out they said we'd love to send you something and you  just every day you went to the post literally i   was like checking the mailbox every single day and  nothing came from chipotle they said you you're   dragged your whole family all the food that i'm  going to be introducing to trixie is korean food   and all of it is vegetarian because i'm vegetarian  yep and trixie is the taste bud of like a 80 year   old wisconsin person yeah i wouldn't say i'm just  one of those people where it's a new food and i'm   like i hate it no like you haven't even tried  it i'm like i know but i know i'm gonna hate it   so this is really me broadening my horizons  i've actually introduced you a lot of food   that you're really true i got you  into jalapenos yes that vary that   more food is here oh tell them about where they  can find your makeup all the makeup i'm wearing   today is kimchi chic beauty we just launched our  get this is crazy oh there's a lot that's a lot of   food this is all on it yeah this is all of it okay  anyways uh my makeup is available for purchase on   kimchi [ __ ] that little brush  applicator for my white striped nose i just draw   a line now yeah that's the white concealer here  too it's amazing here i recommend the concealer   i recommend the lip mask and i also recommend the  the small brown shadow palette it's like chocolate   it's amazing i have also been starving  all day knowing this was coming   yup we're also not doing nails today  there's no shame on this channel so that one is a banana milk i love it you'll  see why you need them what's the difference   between real korean food and the american  interpretation of korean food most dishes   that americans are familiar with are pee bean pop  and korean barbecue but there's so much more to   korean food than that it's a lot of vegetables  a lot of meat prepared different way got it when   you go to korea do you pop off oh i pop off i  eat five meals a day i'm taking five big meals   okay so i prepared food of like various  difficulties i know you'll like this one   because it has cheese on it okay so this one  is called ah is some spicy rice cake look at   that cheese pool that doesn't look like a rice  cake but so this is the rice cake just in here   with mozzarella cheese and if it gets too spicy  you drink the banana milk to cool it down okay   wait do should he have shear plates yeah you  want me to get a plate would you mind yeah you   don't want to get it all over this beautiful  pink costume kitten really thinks i work here well these are nice plates thank you netflix  these are from the set of queens who like to   watch they want us to have tea cups and you  stole them they don't want them back i know   so get that cheese pool and get that rice cake all  up in there like that what happened like this yep   okay wait what is that uh hard-boiled egg  oh okay that's like you look so terrified   what is that a lump in there okay  this looks like italian food to me   is that right a little bit it looks  like it could be a gazini and spaghetti it's spicy this is not even like the spiciest   um flavor okay drink have a  step up banana okay pull it down oh [ __ ] now this island i mean i want more of this i do like this  now take an egg and get the perfect bite   get a little bit of the egg get a little bit  of the um the rice cake and get a huge chunk   of the cheese it's hard to eat and dry  we're sacrificing ourselves for content it's good the egg is good [ __ ] and over here  is what we call kimari which is fried seaweed   inside there's glass noodles so we like to take  this get that cheese pool where's my lashes   my eyes is watering sorry  is it too spicy a little bit it was making me sweaty i had  to take my bottom lashes off   because my eyes were watering from  that okay here get into this one   delicious right it's amazing i love this you  wonder why why because it's plain it is it's just   like a little cracker it's good basically yeah so  i'm going to the next one the banana milk is lit   it's really good it's very banana-y so here's all  the sides this is i thought i was good at spicy   food but that was pretty intense that's probably  the hottest that we have today so it gets easier   from now that we've burned off my taste buds yep  it's so much color remember that one drag queen   we used to talk about where he would always  post food pictures and no matter what it was i really popped off tonight and it  would be just runny like a bowl of like   gray runny like like dog food yup  this is a kimchi fried rice oh   the the um the dish of your homeland yeah  the nationalists of korea full of probiotic   oh is it really oh i made that up then  look at that egg the egg corn pop oxis   how is it this is cabbage pickle rice  it is rice it's kimchi fried rice oh   i'm like okay so there is rice and cabbage  and some cheese because you're from wisconsin   very good very chill vibes only chill  vibes i love the runny egg oh no the runny egg makes everything taste better  so if you want to just try kimchi on its own   this is you this is me this is your brain  on kimchi this is that's my brand if i don't   like it is our friendship over no i don't like  laffy taffy you don't see me coming after you i'm scared of it go for it it's  like sauerkraut sauerkraut okay i'm not going to spit it out that i hate that it just tastes like sauerkraut  what is it about sacral that you don't like it's   rotted erotic got it yeah we're eating rotted food  i know you'll like this then so this is called   modem chi kim um various veggies fried oh i love  that that one might be a squid leg just fine what it was a squid leg but what this is veggies but not that that's a squid look  pumpkin oh these are veggies okay our veggies let   me pop off muddy another one was it a squid thing  i almost ate that well i wouldn't have liked you   i stopped you and here's some dipping sauce  i probably honestly might not even clocked it like i've had calamari in my  life is it like that yeah oh oh i can get into this i wish more american fried  food was like this yeah it's like crunchier and   lighter you ever go to like wisconsin state fair  i wouldn't be opposed to it i do want to try fried   butter yeah wisconsin state fair is like fried  twinkies fried oreos fried butter fried ice cream   but i don't think i have enough white friends to  take me to those kinds of things oh i'll take you   we look good we look good if you're going to  eat and drag you got to do the good lighting   i'm so into whatever this is uh fried pumpkin  really what is this that is some shredded veggies   formed into a patio and then fried [ __ ] got the  sauce they've been going on i feel like many asian   foods the fantasy is it's sauces it's texture  versus runny okay so the next one is called   kimbap kimbap kimbap it looks like sushi is that  stupid basically yeah furumaki like korean version   of furumaki so a lot of koreans make these  for their kids on the days they go for picnic   oh i love it this tastes yeah very fresh  right yes and crunchy the pickled radish   and the carrots really at that pizzazz yeah  this honestly tastes like you know most sushi   restaurants offer like a california avocado  roll and it just is all creamy i'm also not   a big fan of like americanized sushi where it's  coated in like eel sauce spicy mayo yes not the   soft i just want kind of like plain let me decide  what i dip into let me create my own destiny yeah if you died in my video do you know how fast i  would monetize that kimchi dies on camera not   clickbait i love that glad you like it win  win amazing i could like do a whole fantasy   so the next one is pb puff so what we're  gonna do is we're gonna pour the chili paste   all over this whoa and then mix all the  ingredients together i feel like with this   kind of food you would have a really hard time not  ordering too much in korea basically everything is   family style so if you're alone you're just  packing on the pound wait where's the rice   is the rice not in there wow well because this  restaurant didn't give us any rice we're going   to use the kimchi fried rice call them out by the  way they picked the wrong actual korean tonight everybody could use a little kimchi in their life if i was named after my country's national ditch  my name would be like i don't know she's curvy   they tell me ipa beer laffy taffy yeah laffy  taffy all right it's really light and fresh   it's like a good diet food but satisfying  do you feel all the vegetables harmonizing   it's great first thing with freshness if i was  a salad diet this feels a lot more substantial   thoroughly there's a lot of flavor yeah sesame  oil chili oil it's not spicy at all right no   it's like a sweet chili sauce you know in  the uk they're obsessed with sweet chili   remember in brazil how everything tastes like a  cherry cough drop like every candy tastes like a   cherry like coffee what is with that so when i was  in brazil i kind of had a hard time with food but   every time on dairy knife the promoters or people  there where do locals like to go eat here they're   like mcdonald's yeah one of them said mcdonald's  and all the other ones that locals eat at home   and i was like well that doesn't really  hurt am i coming over to your house   all right so what restaurant was  that actually i don't remember   what that restaurant was called i  want their drag who else did we get a lunch gangbang bun not a lunch gang  babe i was like really on this channel we are really being treated tonight wow can you  can you believe i know how to do this you're fancy   all right so first one is called so korean potato  pancake i love potato anything really yes i think   it's gonna okay in wisconsin most people are like  german descent so a [ __ ] a potato will go into   everything all right try it do you know how to  make any of this stuff i do i'll make it home   which is all my um food instagram kimchi that's  right okay this is lovely a little plain does   it dip in there yeah okay oh my goodness dipping  the sauce no you're only getting half the story   if you haven't used the sauce you're only  getting half the story dunk it dunk it it's it's definitely strong i love this i just  love it our next mukbang is just going to be   us chugging milk for 20 minutes honestly if you  guys would watch us try different milk flavors   that's also a very wisconsin state fair peanut  butter flavored milk like really beer flavored   milk just disgusting do you remember when the  biggest trend was cereal milk like they'll still   pay for cereal milk oh but you know how you make  it you actually soak cereal and milk milk so you   waste a lot of cereal but look how expensive with  cereal like you can get a giant box for like three   dollars people are dying kim all right what's  in here all right so this is called chiang mai   this is on acorn noodles acorn noodles are they  made from acorns yeah you're lying ground acorn   i'm not kidding this one smells strong it's not  as weird as you think it is it doesn't smell bad   but i know that when this food leaves your body  it's probably next level it's called spice you're   taking the paint off the wall it's called flavor  so traditionally you eat this with pig's feet all   right let's get into it mukbang mukbang what  language is that korean really yeah oh my god   originated from korea i wonder if anybody knows  that i mean like the white house they do but   like the caucasian people on youtube doing like  mcdonald's mukbangs yeah i always cringe at the   way they pronounce that they're like mukbang guys  today we're doing a tic tac thing cheers cheers it's cold mm-hmm it's served cold i don't hate  it i wouldn't order it okay it's like a good like   summertime dish very refreshing full of veggies  nice and cold you know what now that you say it   like that like a noodle dish you could eat in hot  weather i am into that [ __ ] look at you going   in on this monster you better work you more this  does taste different than normal noodles there's   like a nuttier flavor to the noodles yes 100  yeah the acorn noodles wouldn't get them again   i can't wait for you to try the next food  in a good way or a mean way in a good way   because it is actually my favorite korean food  of all kinds okay like anyway it's a dead deer   okay so you eat this with rice what what is that  it's forbidden purple rice purple rice you ever do   a number to chocolate rain no it kind of sounds  like you would do it dressed as like a hershey   chocolate bar yeah back in the day when we used to  do like the dumbest numbers that we could think of   love that all right i would eat that well that's  that's the dish love that my favorite food is   plain rice with no seasoning all right  so this dish right here is called cheong   it is a fermented bean stew i'm gonna serve it to  you i want you to eat it the way i serve it to you okay first of all smell it okay i'ma smell it that smells awful i think it smells good okay  it has like a real like a nutty earthy flavor   yeah earthy because this was buried in the ground  several months ago tofu love that beans zucchini   mushroom kim i'm going to hate this but i'm going  to go and take it don't take a big bite just like   fully savor the flavor okay on count of three  wait there's no you just got the rice on there   don't call me out scoop it out  scoop it out like that scoop it up   is that good yup god okay three two one it's so bad oh it tastes like feet kim oh the banana milk couldn't even save it i gagged as soon as i got in my mouth my body told  me no it smells like feta like yeah like briny   like briny kind of bitter see and now it's killing  her and she loves it this is your favorite food my   favorite korean food the banana milk is here  and this is your favorite food yeah right in   front of my salad i could eat this every day  i'm so glad you don't because the smell of you   this coming through the skin but this is so good  for you i can't even hold this next to my face   i'm taking this is leaving this is  going in the kitchen work for me i guess can i put the cover on this you hate it that much i feel like you came here to troll me with  this did you know i was gonna get this   yeah which is why what's his wife save for  lust i hate you you would have traumatized me   that was so sick is that everything yeah oh  my god it was wonderful we ate through all the   korean food at first it was like what if it's  a vegetable but it's pan fried and i was like   ooh this is crazy getting wild and then you  busted out the toenail soup and it was it was   oil girl that took me back to filing  down people's like corns in beauty school   this is so iconic i mean i'm assuming this isn't  korean and this the plain purple rice i live so if   all the things we ate today plain purple rice and  banana store-bought banana milk was your favorite   if you want to follow kimchi like do you want  home where they can follow you oh yeah um you can   follow me on instagram but also all my makeup is  available for purchase at and   would you like to tell my viewers of where they  can find oh you can find me right here on this   channel because we have free videos every single  week you know we should do next we should do a   we should do a dessert mukbang oh let's do that  because you know with dessert if you guys would   like us to take on like some kind of cuisine like  maybe italian food would be fun i'm just so boring all right here's a pasta there's a chicken  piccata i'll just pick caucasian foods   mukbang yeah let's do it let me bring you my  culture yeah introduce me to caucasian food   i got new veneers me too wow do you  live i live change your life i feel   like i just want to like post like  this in pictures all the time now oh that we're going to get that as a still
Channel: Trixie Mattel
Views: 3,433,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mukbang, meokbang, kim chi, kim chi chic, trixie, mattel, cosmetics, korean, food
Id: bwp47HngHfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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