Kiki with Jinkx Monsoon | Get Ready with Me

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Jinkx Monsoon uses Dream Matte Mousse in 2021.

👍︎︎ 154 👤︎︎ u/bloodsonly 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jinkx has undoubtedly one of the weirdest mid-makeup application faces I've ever seen. Those white and brown waves across her face

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/thedybbuk 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Their chemistry’s amazing

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

I never realized that Jinkx really just wears a MASK of foundation

👍︎︎ 47 👤︎︎ u/CringeConnoisseur666 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

P.S. I mainly posted this here for people to watch their “Creep” cover at the end of the video - Jinkx’s voice is so beautiful

👍︎︎ 100 👤︎︎ u/hd2800 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE ENDING?????? Ok, we all know they can sing, but Im fucking crying, so good

👍︎︎ 79 👤︎︎ u/lexiebeef 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

I gag at Jinkx‘s brows, FLAWLESS

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/diana_beach 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love Jinkx's giggle lmfao

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/theplasticfantasty 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ok…I should’ve read the comments first Bc I was shocked and gagged when they started the cover

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/docdoc5 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
you got to say what the video is oh this is this  is some makeup [ __ ] for the trixie channel great oh hi it's me Trixie Mattel and welcome  back to my channel if you're new here   i'm a world famous drag queen with a passion  for makeup artistry and we have the fortune   today of having themes yeah we have fortune  feemster here Jinkx Monsoon is here today hi you saw like that jennifer coolidge clip hi  hi hi we're gonna get ready together today and   we've seen a lot of interesting processes  i'm just i don't want to tell your business   this person has a makeup process that is truly  unlike anyone's both in materials used techniques   employed and time elapsed how much water is on  your fingers that you're just flicking at all   i think the person um who has the closest makeup  process to me is monique hart i watched one of her   um makeup videos and i was like she's doing so  much and then kenny my best friend and business   partner said that's literally your makeup process  why are you acting surprised hey i'm gonna glue my   brows down and this browless thing is gonna watch  me do it and we'll be right back today's video is   brought to you by scentbird what do you look for  in a fragrance cologne parfume i personally kind   of run the full emotional spiritual gambit  because i like hyper fem sense for when i'm   no out of drag i like things that are like more  natural more musky like spicy leather you know   more more vibey if you're like me my fragrance  can really change with my vibe at any time how   does wearing fragrance make you feel it honestly  i even wear a few squirts of cologne when i go   run like the marathon your product comes in little  baggies like this you get a 30 day supply of any   fragrance with scent bird so you can try them  out before you commit to a full bottle you can   also upgrade to receive two or three products  a month instead of just one some people are   fragrance people okay start your set bird  journey by taking a quiz and based on some of   your answers and preferences you'll get started on  the right foot finding a new fragrance you'll love   oh it comes in this beautiful little protective  lightweight probably aluminum and then look   you can actually pull it out and see what it  was you had on rachel zoe warrior inspired by   every woman who exudes strength and grace  mandarin magnolia patchouli and cocoa oh it's beautiful i want all my wigs to smell like  this this is so beautiful smell this one oh i'm   gonna love this this is malin and goats plum rum  leather and bergamot see that's like something   i would wear this out of drag make sure you click  the link below and use this code for 30 off that's   just 10 for your first month you get a free  refillable case with your first order download   their ios or android app it's so easy to use click  the link below well thank you and thank you so   much to scentbird for sponsoring today i love to  look beautiful and part of feeling beautiful is   smelling beautiful so find your new fragrance  today wow jinx what an incredible hand mirror   oh thank you it's green you're the first person to  hold it actually really yeah because it came out   yesterday for a moment i was going to be named  heidi heidi destruction can you just imagine if   my whole drag career was built on the name heidi  destruction first of all not a play on words um   no it's not but at least it sounds like something  jinx monsoon well um whatever uh i think i kicked   around the name well and then later in life  i thought um oh before katya hit the scene   do you know this drag queen katya um i wonder  about i know an elderly man and a wig named kanti   i wanted for a second to do to be a russian spy  themed um drag queen and i was gonna be named   pretty pistol um and when i turn  like 60 and i'm still doing drag   i might want to change my name  to madam president i don't know what the can i have some setting powder i forgot  mine yeah oh neutral this is a good product i   don't know why i stopped using this but this is  like one of the things i get made fun of the most   this is what i use as a primer because i don't  my skin's really sensitive and it weeps after i   shave it if i start putting makeup on oh honey  that's called crying um yeah i'm familiar um i   find the only thing that like starts me out right  is to use this maybelline dream matte mousse as a   primer i think that everybody probably in our age  group you guys might be too young but like don't   you think when we were around high school age this  was like what every high school girl slathered on   their face oh yeah it is like it's like a whipped  topping consistency yeah it's because it's whipped   it makes you feel like it's lighter but it's still  just grease paint you're cramming into your pores   well when they whip something like that  they're basically whipping bubbles into it   so it's the same product with bubbles  you're actually getting less of the product   that's absolutely true like when you go to the  grocery store and they have those giant five   gallon like things of or like a gallon of ice  cream and then they have like a fancy brand ice   cream it's often the exact same weight the store  brand is just whip they whip air into it to make   it like feeds more of your family economy isn't  that horrible so the next i do the same process   just slather on even more makeup but this is  ben nye this is my favorite thing this is my   color it's called ultra beige have you ever heard  of anything more boring i know that's sickening well you've got beige but that's basic we need  we need ultraviolet the amount of makeup you   are starting with is shocking but i'll tell  you this queens are always saying to me like   after like we've been in drag for 8 to 10  to 12 hours and everyone else's face is   cracked or the sweat has like caused their  face to get all muddy everyone looks at me   and they're pissed off that my face looks  exactly the same it's because i'm wearing   a second skin i'm basically like creating a  silicone bodysuit for my face and neck cool seriously so i watched we're here and i was shocked to  find myself crying at by the end of every episode   bottle blonde i have that it's right here yes  um brandon said the same thing brandon was like   we make brendan was like we make fun of it the  other day i was watching it hi crying yeah eureka look at this chia misgurro kabuki under  painting an adam [ __ ] butterfly jumanji   impressionist painting pointillism i have to  paint behind my double chin because when i paint   like right under my chin thinking i'm cutting you  know my jawline and making it look sharper what   happens is it just accentuates this like jowl  thing that's starting to happen to me in my old   age you're doing the ginger mince brown turtleneck  of makeup it will be blended what i find is when   i'm in one of those nightmare situations when  i have to be in dragon 45 minutes and i'm a   two-hour painter i just don't even pull out the  makeup i just use the brushes because they've got   they've got years of makeup stored in them that  i don't need to like put new makeup on them i   don't know how i feel about that i like that i  mean i like that for you my skin is sensitive   i think that only dirty brushes from 12 years ago does everybody have an impression of you i  think they do right yeah and none of them seem   i mean they're accurate they're accurate in like  um like the essence of me but no one actually does   my voice correctly alaska does me with a  full-blown midwest like minnesota accent   which i don't have what she's always like oh gosh  you guys oh you betcha i'm jinx monsoon and oh   why do rafi ducks back and what and bianca does  me like i can only whisper i'm like literally what   all my friends complain about is how loud i am and  bianca gets on stage and she's like jinx monsoon   talks like like jennifer tilly she does a jennifer  tilly impression and calls it jinx monsoon now   shut up i have to get ready i don't even remember  what i'm wearing this is my first time seeing your   house and i have to say it's beautifully curated  and the one thing i um the one thing i thought   while i was walking through your beautifully  curated house is like trixie like knows how to   have money like you do good like you like i love  that all of your horse think i'm a billionaire   i'm not saying you're a billionaire but you have  enough money to have beautifully curated like   a complete homework space my homework space  is one ring light and uh one of those fold   up green screens in a closet i'm concerned  that i have hand towels and you're like rich   the toilet flushed oh she's got mine i just  spend my money on different things you know   cats this is my favorite move that drag queens do  when one drag queen's venting to another and then   the one is like agreeing with  her she just goes oh yeah that how long have you been doing drag now 18  years now i i think i mean i don't remember   the month i started but i started at like i  started in earnest at age 15. and i'm gonna be 34   in september but um dala was telling me  that after she walked out of all stars   what she said that people would come up  here on the street and go so like now what   like she like she quit drag because she walked  out of drag race you're close with dale yeah we   were close we were really close collaborators and  great friends maybe two or three years before i   did drag race we've been friends for like 12 years  now it's crazy that you guys came from the same   like town because you're truly two of the  best performers i've ever well we both moved   to seattle at formative points in our lives but we  you know we collaborated together a lot in seattle   i did drag race and then convinced her to do  drag race and then because we had conflicting   schedules for years we only saw each other  in passing or if we were on the same tour   and then about um four years ago we both realized  for the first time ever we didn't have anything   booked for the holidays and we were like this is  obscene like the two times of year a drag queen   three times a year that a drag queen has to be  working otherwise what what is drag is halloween   pride and christmas yeah holiday season at  all and so we had our holiday seasons free   and we just decided to write a show together  and it started out that we were going to just   sit on stage and talk and then do like a variety  show of numbers and we weren't going to script it   or you know like think too big and then like  a week later she calls me and she's like no   we should just write a whole show and then  and then you know you said okay you do that   what is this phase of the makeup  this is when i do my i'm writing   a letter to daddy yeah it's my baby jane phase do  you know what else it's serving it's serving um oh it's serving that old man in the dress um  from conjuring with the veil who kills people i did all stars with bibi who's won drag race  and i guess winners do all-stars now would you   ever do it it depends on the day that they  call me and what if it's a monday you know   that day if it's a tuesday i i mean throughout  the years i've gone back and forth you know like   there's times where i'm like i definitely want  to do it and then there's times where i'm like   ugh i don't think i could handle that competitive  environment again by the way your makeup is the   weird one i'm normal this is normal jinx and  i actually i think this summer we got close my   first summer i worked in provincetown yeah i had  55 shows my first summer i barked every single day   and so did you barking is the soul crushing  what did you tell the children at home what   it is so barking is if your show isn't sold  out you go out onto the cobblestone streets   of provincetown in full drag like a witch and hand  out flyers to your show to people getting let out   of parties who are so drunk and hungry and ready  to like [ __ ] fall asleep that they don't want to   see a drag show and they don't give a [ __ ] about  whoever's trying to hand them a flyer and this is   what makes it soul crushing is they say you're not  really jinxed what would jinx be doing out here   standing on the street handing out flyers to her  show and i'm like nope it's me and then or you   get the people who are like can i take a picture  with you and you're like sure and then they take   the picture and you say so you're gonna come  to my show tonight i can't no no follow-up just   i can't and then you see them in line  for bianca show later and you're like   what is drag um no your shows have gotten me  together i mean your shows make me laugh cry that   ballad you sang um from your album the gingersnap  this town oh my god a cry every time well i'm very   lucky to have um a very talented music partner  i mean who writes the music specifically for   me dale and i you know like i'd say we split  the work about 60 40 with daily maybe 65 35 um   because she's also the producer but as far as like  writing the script it's about 60 40. with major um with major the way we work on music is that um he  writes a song and then i come in and i say what   what i want to see next from the next draft  he's doing all the heavy lifting for our music   all i do is provide the life stories for him  to write a song well obviously the voice i   listen i have all your albums i  mean they're all incredible and   the more music you guys write together the  more you can tell he sits down and writes   for your voice and for your characters like the  songs match your instrument it's the very it's the   very luckiest thing to have as a live singing drag  queen not to mention songwriting is really hard   what are you serving you know what can you just  i'm gonna do my nose quick and i want you to do   what you just did to me so you're non-binary  talk about that that's fierce is that every   interview when you are not identifying  as like cis no it's not every interview   you know it's one of those things where i always  knew this about myself i just didn't know how to   explain it to other people and when i came out i  had this queer teen resource center that i spent   all my time at so it's like i met everyone on  the gender spectrum like fresh out of the closet   but back then we didn't have the words that i  identified with it was like you would say i use   z here pronouns and i was like i'm never gonna  get anyone in my life to learn new pronouns so   when they them pronouns kind of became the norm  i was like that's easy to explain to people   because they already know the word i don't have  to be like now learn this word yeah so basically   the only reason it took me so long to  come out as non-binary is like i was lazy what i've learned from people is like it used  to be so much about surgery and like hormones   and now it's just about how you express  your i mean i know now trans women who   identify as women but like they're like i  don't want a surgery well it was always that   way it was just it wasn't common knowledge  that there were plenty of people who don't   change their body to express their gender  but for me in general the reason why i didn't   like really come out as non-binary until i kind of  knew how to is because i was afraid i wasn't trans   enough to like proclaim a new gender identity  um not new but like you know new for the people   watching me so now you take this kabuki brush oh  my god what do i look like gomez this is derby   we deserve ugly girls um this is what i love  about translucent powder though it doesn't change   anything about the makeup and you know  what's great about it it exfoliates   as it applies you don't find this  relaxing uh this push broom that you're it's everywhere look at that this cake frosting oh my god this is my go-to  palette soft glam by anastasia beverly hills   and you can see the colors i use the most i have  a new one if you want um i have a new one too it just looks like you don't i love dusty  rose it looks like you apply makeup with   your teeth what is going on in here i don't know  i have to really grind the stuff in and sleep   this is what i love about your cosmetics though  is that the names we got we got i got bangs   i don't know why it's purple  well i don't know either honestly when i'm just playing mad libs with you hi wig  give me a noun this one has some really good ones   plant gay because it's all plant themed thorny  on name thorny on maine like horny on me mm-hmm   the kids toad elise this is totally somebody's  pg said what is toad ally i said it's gingerspan i'm a toad ally look at this  oh you do d-e-w oh you do you ever do reality again like not drag race  would you ever do like you know alaska did scared   famous or something like that i would do reality  but i want i would want to be in a position of   power i wouldn't want to be competing um so  like a show where you like decide if people   live or die yeah i'd do that um no i i'd love to  be a judge on something i'd love to be a judge   on something and um be the paula abdul you  know just saying that wow i'd be paula abdul your process yields a very  beautiful result so [ __ ] them   so what if it takes three hours it doesn't concern  them um you have to start three hours early it's   all like we talked about can we talk about your  birthday all the birthday posts um people posted   and then the one birthday post that i could  not i mean it broke me was pearl no was monet   in trixie mattel drag but had done it so well  that it just fully looked like you and blackface   and then so much so that she had to update the  caption to say this is me not trixie mattel   oh can you show them the thing with your  chin oh just turn to the side so fierce   like i have to make an ugly face for  something i would always go straight to this   that's pretty bad it's pretty bad i  love that mascara this extra dimension   it's my favorite mess so good all right i'm going  to put some can we i'm going to put on some brunch   blush you haven't done that yet no this is lunch  summer blah blah do you mind i use that one a lot   i believe i use the the the darkest  pink as um eyeshadow though when i   need a bright pink eyeshadow and i i've worn  the highlighter out the highlighter's gone   i love it wow i'm glad you are actually getting  some use out of it it's like i said i always   love sending stuff but i was wondering like  does this immediately go in a bucket because   i get so much pr even if i use a new product every  single day i wouldn't get through it so i get it   but it's only because this channel okay i really  snapped on this makeup today i wish i did have   somewhere to go because i look incredible  this is my favorite eyelash glue the duo   dark tone the little liquid one instead of the  tube of goo that you used to have to squirt on   your lashes and then again and then it bleeds  out and gets onto your contact lenses and then   you can't see out of one of your eyes for your  entire show we were working on trying to make   a basically a hair bonding glue for drag lashes  that was eye safe and everything but i was like   i know drag queens and they're gonna buy the  two dollar glue no matter how good we make   this they're gonna buy the two dollar glue so you  know what happened to jackie once i saw dave and   i think we saw this together it was jackie's  christmas show and she had to sneeze and in   drag can't really sneeze so she sneezed without  moving her face with her eyes open she's like yeah cuz i don't think people know this but if  you sneeze in drag your lower lip will touch   your chin and then you just have a big like  yeah or if you scrunch your eyes that much   you might like dislodge a lash the things  we do the things we do for beauty ladies   i love this uh barbie colourpop  golden beach lip color i have this whole tupperware full of what i do is  i do my lips and red and then i will put on one of   your um one of your glosses over is just to give  it like a like an iridescent sheen over i can't   believe you really are running around with these  that is so sweet i'm so glad they're getting i've   been using them a lot and what i love is that they  smell like um vanilla cupcake frosting yeah they   do is that is that something you like demanded  no i just lucked out really no yes um so now   after all that talk i'm done i'm done too you  don't have lashes on yeah i'm gonna pop lashes   on off camera and then we'll be right back you  made me sit here and glue these things to my feet   yeah you've been horribly mistreated during this  whole we look great we do look really good wow wow   wow did dallas we both love soup yeah dallas made  this dress it's so beautiful dallas is pretty much   everything the lady hide dallas does my clothes  and wig chapel does almost all my wigs well   with your proportions once you've found someone  who understands it you really shouldn't stray what i um one thing i do in drag is i squint  a lot because i think it makes me look more   like marilyn monroe how she always smiled like  and then dayla told me it was easier to edit   our film because you can't tell if my eyes  are open or closed half the time oh mama you   came to the right channel am i asleep am i dead  nobody knows you have to lean back to see yeah yeah oh we have instruments what key are we doing this end g okay you're right trixie thanks for having me   of course i've never heard a song  that more makes me think of you you want me to leave you know what i know  i like when the guest closes out the video   oh look at your one you see that how did mine not  transfer because i'm wearing a gloss just rub it   it looks like one of those you know like when you   paint on the white dot to make  it like it's like a highlight   well i'm gonna go out of frame and you can tell  the children where they can find you and what   you know what i'm leaving i'm jinx monsoon you  can follow me on instagram at the jinx that's   spelt j-i-n-k-x you have to use the k because i  paid extra for it and k is very expensive trixie   check out my patreon channel for exclusive  first looks at all the um stuff i'm churning   out and follow my youtube channel oh patreon is jinx monsoon i got my two albums up   on spotify and itunes and you know just google me  for the rest and check out uh the jinx and dale   holiday special on hulu or if you're outside  of the united states um go to   and you can also find out everything about our  forthcoming holiday tour where we're back on stage   live in front of you thank you so much  for watching me and my friend trixie
Channel: Trixie Mattel
Views: 2,778,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trixie Mattel, Trixie Mattel Youtube, Trixie and Katya, Trixie, Trixie Mattel makeup, Trixie mattel music, Trixie Cosmetics, Bald and the Beautiful, drag, queen, Jinkx
Id: XPI81zjIc-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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