Trixie Makeup using ELF Cosmetics

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Solidly enjoyable. The Santa makeup video is still her best.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/craftybast 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

The ELF poreless face primer is really good, without that my face slides off in the heat like the dude in "Raiders of the Lost Ark".

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Yurastupidbitch 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

normalize outfit repetition!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/thrash-queen 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
shut up phone i'm having i'm doing  a video oh the clapper get the thing   hi it's trixie mattel doing  her makeup using only elf hi it's me trixie mattel and if you're new here  i'm a world famous drag queen with a passion   for makeup artistry oh my god did i  wear this shirt on a video already   did i wear this in the wet and wild video i  think i just had a flashback of wearing this   exact shirt saying that exact phrase no no it's  a it's a button-up you guys i get worried about   being an outfit repeater but i don't think i've  worn this today we are doing a look using all   elf cosmetic elf cosmetics now on this channel i  believe we've done all maybelline all wet and wild   all nyx and today we are taking on the juggernaut  that is elf so let's get into it i mean listen i'm   a little skeptical because if you don't know  elf cosmetics are extremely affordable now   through wet and wild and maybelline we have  learned that sometimes price tag means nothing   products can be incredible so i'm optimistic but  uh normally in these videos i start out optimistic   and it goes south so i'm gonna glue my brows down  and be right back so my eyebrows are glued down   all right i got some primer items we have the  elf hydrating primer mist i forgot we're doing   a drugstore video i'm going to get the scissors  come on [ __ ] i hate opening makeup i hate it okay i i did break that let's not  blame that on elf it's so broke i i'm still gonna get a squirt out of it oh i feel  like i just went to seaworld i don't know if this   works so i guess well we're off to a great start  okay so now that i've ruined that this is the elf   poreless face primer it smells like a car adhesive  it's if you ever took shop class it smells like   some kind of interior car glue somebody from  my high school is gonna watch this and be like   [ __ ] we didn't see you in shop classes we saw  you in homec i guess i could do the whole face   for me when i apply primer i most of the time just  want like something here because i have so much   texture in my skin you guys are so nice on youtube  you're always like your skin's so beautiful   if you could see me in real life [ __ ] i look  like a piece of cheese it did smooth for sure   like it does look more matte here i can feel it  in the air you guys this is gonna be a struggle   makeup application today my store didn't have any  elf sponges this is one of the leftover halloween   sponges so i'm excited to use that but we have a  foundation folks we have where is it all right we   have the elf flawless satin foundation oil-free  medium coverage now there's already some red   flags here for me because you know for drag i  like full coverage matte finish liquid and this   is a medium coverage satin finish so there's  gonna be some struggle this is gonna be bad   oh i can already tell this is way too light cindy  this is water okay i have a strategy i have a   strategy i don't have a strategy this is bad okay  you know what we're switching to a brush because   i really i really am going to see if this will  like really go on g this christ it smells good   it's okay this is obviously too light for me um  but we're gonna you know what i'm not giving up   i might be giving up oh i hate this okay i  already hate this i'm not a huge fan of like   satin finish foundations in general because unless  you're like 12 with zero flaws i think that they   reveal more than they can heal oh i hate the way  this looks why can't we ever just have anything   nice on this channel do you know what i mean you  know what just keep going keep going keep going   keep going commit i'm going through changes i've  been listening to a lot of kelly osbourne i got   some concealers and i think that will help this is  the elf 16 hour camo concealer i got one in light   beige that i might have to try to use it's thicker  and darker so i'm gonna use this as foundation   there's always a solution folks now we're talking  i feel like in drag like we're painting everything   the wrong color so like you can really get  away with a mismatch foundation for drag   girl so i'm mixing in some more concealer because  you need coverage sis i mean i'm the 31 year old   man who bought a medium covered satin finish  foundation from cvs and then complained that   it wasn't thick enough to do drag that is  more on me let's see what the audience thinks   the color i'm so yellow i look like bart simpson  i look like bart simpson i don't even know i don't   even know all right the eyeshadow selections at my  cvs were not fabulous so this is all i found bite   size eyeshadow and truffles i do like the small  size i think that in america we are obsessed with   giant palettes i mean that's coming from us trixie  cosmetics who make huge palettes but some there's   something very alluring about a very tiny tiny  palette to me like if i had a palette like this   that was good quality i'm like great put it in my  bag i can like go do a gig in another city for one   night and come back and pack very light i love  that so i picked up this liner this is the elf   intense ink eyeliner in blackest black okay not  bad i actually don't hate this it kind of has a   not that i know anything about calligraphy but  like it makes me think of like a calligraphy   marker that's pretty even it's not perfect but  it's just a template because we're about to   put a bunch of eyeshadow on it let's go to okay  let's do it this little brown very good very   good i not gonna lie to you guys that's a good  shadow it's very easy to work with very pigmented   no fallout whatsoever i mean this was probably  like four bucks that's already pretty worth it to   me i don't want to celebrate too soon because as  you guys know the second i start to like something   in these videos everything falls apart if i  already was weird doing youtube now for this long   the weirdness has jumped out and this is the part  in the video where the editor puts up something   that says you think you just got weird we been new  think of the editors who have to watch me do this   for hours and then it's someone's job to sit here  and watch me talk to myself and i can't imagine   the existential crisis that the editors have when  they're like is this my job to watch this bald   put eyeshadow on and talk to himself okay i'm  gonna go in with the darker shade here and uh   let's deepen up that crease a little  bit let's see what the audience needs   this eyeshadow is kind of sickening like it's  doing what i want it to do for sure you click   how soft i got that okay miss elf okay miss elf i  mean this is really working i have no complaints   so far with the eye shadow let's do some brows  i'm gonna use the i don't have a brow product   elf didn't have a brow product at my store so  we're sticking with this folks now what i'm   doing my you guys have probably seen me do this  before when i'm doing my under eye shadow it's so   big and crazy that i like to have the foundation  like wet while i do it so i'm gonna kind of re-wet   that before i go in and start doing listen i'm  gonna go back in with the truffles i mean this   is fierce i'm not gonna lie you guys these have  like zero fallout i'm not gonna lie elfa's kind   of nailed this formula look how opaque and smooth  that is i'm gonna go in with black the black has   a little bit of a glitter let's see is this where  it's all gonna go south so far no i wouldn't say   it's sticking to the glue on my eyebrows in the  most winning way but i mean most people aren't   wearing children's glue on their heads the way i  do so much of the time i'm just gonna do a little   bit of the black up here to even it out from the  bottom but like this is totally serviceable i'm   gonna do the other side and be right back  i just can't believe like i'm just gonna   take a clean brush and like finish this but on a  foundation i don't even like no fallout no fallout   so we've got to do some okay i've got the elf 16  hour camo concealer in fair warm if i had this in   the right color i could see myself using this  like out of drag maybe okay it's not not shape   tape wow who knew this video was gonna take such  highs and lows this is kind of fabulous i mean   i'm surprised i don't wanna say i'm shook i'm just  surprised i didn't think this concealer was gonna   turn the party this hard but it really is look  at how opaque this is opaque this it feels like   acrylic paint which honestly i want concealer  that's like paint wow you guys this is turning   out really good these brows are not even close to  related we'll just like stop there and let's do um   let's do some of the rest of the face so i'm  gonna take that concealer again the lightest one   and it's so far it's working so let's just  run with it okay i might have used too much   i just saw myself on the monitor and i was like  wendy williams like oh no it's gonna be okay   it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay all right  let's do the nose i don't know if this concealer   is gonna work for you guys have seen the crime  against humanity that i do that i call a nose   let's see if that even dries that is so much  concealer i think i made a mistake this is elf   uh 16 hour camo concealer in deep cinnamon this  was the deepest shade they carried at my cbs   i bet they have a bigger range i'm not here to  expose them but this is all they had at my cvs   this this might not be dark enough for me to do  what i want to do with it but let's see let's do   like a buffing tool here oh it's a little warm for  me we'll hope it powders down okay struggling on   my channel could you believe i don't know why  i put myself i swear to god you guys the next   makeup video i have planned is like upscale nice  makeup and the views are gonna be like two views   because you guys are only here to see me struggle  that does blend nice though i will say oh okay   it's a lot it's a lot it's a lot it's a lot  okay it's really hard for me to tell if i   hate this concealer because i hate the  foundation so much does that make sense   i mean what am i doing let's see let's  see okay okay i mean it's not my favorite   it's just not dark enough like i think that's  part of what's throwing me off here that this   i know i have this much literally like super  deep makeup on my face and it's not dark enough   for what i'm trying to do but let's just  keep going we are flying though we're kind   of going fast would you guys ever be interested in  watching me do a makeup tutorial with no editing   like i bet i could you guys would laugh if i use  my favorite products i could get this whole trixie   makeup on in an hour would you guys watch that  or is that too crazy all right i'm not mad at it   i'm not thrilled about it but i'm not mad at it  i'm gonna take some of this deeper concealer and   try to do the nose let's just say if i'm not  making jokes about the makeup if i'm so quiet   that i'm focused on it going well it's not going  well so i'm gonna we're gonna do some powdering   now at my cvs we did not have an elf powder  so i have the one size translucent powder from   patrick's daughter i'm glad i picked this powder  today because this powder has for a translucent   powder quite a bit of coverage and we could use it  [ __ ] because this foundation is not the tea okay   apparently i'm horribly allergic to it all  right the powder did make it a little more   functional like we are getting to the  point where i probably could go on stage   like this so i'm gonna take some studio fix powder  from mac and i'm gonna i'm gonna have to do some   reparative dentistry here on my face and do some  pressing i love studio fix powder because like if   you are a shell hag or you go out and you just  need your face to look like a china doll where   you just are like yes i want people to know i  have tons of makeup on this is the powder i'm   sure mac would sell it at the counter like oh it's  so natural like sorry the mary this powder's chalk   um but that's why i love it it has its place in  the world yeah i mean that is that is that is   helping it's helping this was beautiful i had  to try this this is the elf precision airbrush   blender i think this is like 11. so we have  a powder here this is the elf prime and stay   finishing powder in fair and light it seems pretty  sheer i'm just gonna like do a little bit of this   on the high parts of the face just to like blend  everything out with it's a clear compact and   look at the bottom of this you can see the pan  inside i don't know if i like that that seems   like a mistake to me i bought a contour powder  palette this is sculpt and shade contour palette   i guess i'm gonna start contouring i'm gonna take  the lighter color and do some of the forehead very   good very good nice and soft this is definitely  helping it's also adding some coverage which let's   be honest we needed because this foundation was  not enough um i actually have a i want to try this   multi blender massager look at that  odd brush you guys isn't that weird   i would think i bought it with this in mind like  the jaw what do you guys think let's try it okay i   love this it's so soft oh my jawline brush great  now i have to travel with the jawline brush   oh excuse me this is like a house paint brush you  guys ah i love this i'm gonna take the deeper part   of this contour powder and i guess we're gonna  do the deep part of the cheeks you guys this   makeup is gonna turn out it's not gonna be the  best makeup ever but i'm starting to feel like   i'm confident it's gonna turn out i'm gonna do a  little more of the deeper contouring around the   sides because i'm kind of into it like i like this  a face paintbrush for house paint in this economy   all right sis go off i'm gonna do the sides of the  nose with the with the lighter contour color okay   that turned out a little darker than i wanted  it to but whatever you guys didn't come to this   channel for soft nose contour let's be honest you  came to see this [ __ ] put the makeup on like the   world is ending which let's be honest we've all  thought it was that is so dark i went way too dark   the world everything needs to stop you know  what you know what i'm gonna put that finishing   powder to use okay elf finishing powder please  take some of the okay it is taking some of the   contour off love it loves it is this my favorite  makeup no could this be functional for a show   yes could i wear it like on camera like a press  day absolutely not it's just if you guys could   see up close i'm gonna try to get closer can you  guys see the texture in the skin like i know i   have some texture in my skin because i'm you know  me but like this is it's this sort of enhancing   texture which is sort of the opposite of what i  want for makeup but um let's keep going so i'm   gonna do the white eyeliner that i normally do  and the black liner and i'm gonna be right back   alright so i got my white lighter on and i want  to do some glitter what do we have here oh we have   the trixie cosmetics pop off this beautiful color  i don't think we've used it on this channel this   came out for holiday this year it's so pretty it's  like a bubbly gold champagne it's supposed to be   the color of champagne in a glass because festive  oh yeah you guys the way i breathe when i oh i   love that ooh i love that the way i breathe when  i put makeup on if you guys could hear me i'm like   i don't know why anybody else when you focus  you like day snore why is that look at that i   love that i love that oh i'm just gonna set it  with some you guys know i love the manic panic   white face powder we have no choice but to  stand oh yes okay i'm getting very into this   makeup now i'm i'm not thrilled with the status  of the skin products but i'm really into this   eye makeup right now so i'm going to take this  pen because i really like this intense ink   eyeliner pen and i'm going to do like a little  bit of like a cut in the crease oh yeah oh yeah   oh yeah absolutely a glitter cut crease are we  professional makeup artists i'm gonna fill in the   black liner quick oh i love it oh my god i love it  you guys this is the truth i test glitter so often   for trixie cosmetics that usually on on youtube  i'm i'm not interested in putting glitter on but   i love myself ah why don't i just like put nice  makeup on more often and then feel good about   myself any time i want cause wow this just  turned my life around i'm going out tonight   everything's closed culvert is in full effect  apparently i'm gonna go ride my bird scooter in   the street and drag because this is lit that is  so pretty the only thing i'm not living for is i   did have a lot of glitter fall out and so the  the shadows you can see the liner is a little   glittery but i actually oh i i'm living okay  i'm gonna do the other eye and come right back   can i just say i know we go through a lot of  journeys on this channel but i didn't expect   this makeup to be looking as cool as it looks  right now so we're just gonna keep going i got   some blushes here you know i love blushes i look  forward to trying a new blush every chance i can   this is the elf blush palette in light i love  being able to to choose my own destiny with   blush some really beautiful shades look at that  i love that okay we have to do the peach right   yeah we're gonna do the peach like this orgasm  kind of color oh oh i'm gonna go the deeper   color in the back you guys know i love to do  like a deep blush in the back of the head and   then a light blush in the front oh i love it i  love it i love it i love it this is pretty but   as usual in these videos i panic i freak out  and then it slowly starts to come together so   i got some mascara this is elf volume plumping  mascara now i have pretty long lashes so i   like a volumizing mascara i like something that  makes my lashes fat and chunky so let's see here   um i'm not impressed to me this is doing almost  nothing right now i know you guys can't really see   because i have all this black liner on you guys  mascaras are really if there's one product that   i am hot or cold on it's mascaras it's either  my favorite thing or my least favorite thing   and right now i am not impressed it is barely  it's not doing anything it's barely covering   them black coloring them black you guys i'm not  gagging i'm sorry i don't even see that mascara   let's try another coat but like this might just  go straight in the trash maybe this one's sat   on the shelf too long you guys it's not even it's  like dry i feel bad because i know somebody from   elf is gonna watch this i bought with my own  money though and you know what it didn't work   i don't want to throw it because we're  going to talk about the end of the video but   all right let's get into some lips  here i have day to night lipstick duo   so i just grabbed this because i thought it  was the most like i love a rosy neutral color   okay yeah it's a very like avon color like a  very kind of warm old lady kind of color but i   mean i like those kind of colors and then we have  the nighttime color okay so here's the two colors   side by side one is like a i mean truly like a  daytime color and the other one is like uh going   out to dinner with your boyfriend's parents or  girlfriend's parents so let's let's try it there   was no lip liners at my cbs so i had to byo lip  liner here what did i got i got my sore lip liner   you guys know on this channel we stan so our lip  liner look how little mine is right now i don't   know about you guys i will use a lip liner until  the day it dies to me once they get shorter than   this i put them in my makeup kit for going to set  because then it's like i can put that in my purse   it's like hard to put lip liner on because i have  so many layers of foundation on i'm gonna blend   it out oh god look at that is that normal jesus  christ let's blow this little sucker out would you   guys follow my channel if i had a strong southern  accent or what would you guys do if i just picked   it up one day and kept it and never said anything  alright so let's put on the elf daytime lip color   it's not what i would normally go for but i do  like it it's pretty again i could see this like   put it in your bag because you want a second  make like a like a makeup bag to keep in your car   like makeup you don't really want to care about  like this is nice all right i think that's oh   wait i have to do highlighter and then we're done  so we have one more product left i got the elf   baked highlighter in moonlight pearls so okay  it's just like a i mean it's a it's a highlighter   it it doesn't seem like it's that legit let's  see i'm gonna load up this little brush here i   mean it's soft for like a drugstore highlighter i  don't listen i don't mind a soft highlighter like   i know when we get strong highlighters in this  channel i like scream but like honestly i don't   mind like a subtle highlighter it's not bad right  i'm not living but i like it i mean it did it did   what it said it did right so i'm gonna set this i  got the matte magic mist and set i've actually had   this before because i remember this bottle what  a weird bottle like sort of like a they're trying   to do like a studio product look it's a strong  spray let's see now if you remember we've had   texture problems in other videos and sometimes  the setting spray fixes it let's see what happens   right off the bat i'm gonna guess that there's  acetyl alcohol in here second ingredient   alcohol i knew it it actually did help with  the texture do you guys see the difference   for some reason the setting spray  it actually helped that sort of like   texture a little bit all right i'm gonna put on  some lashes and a wig and we'll be right back   and we are back with the final look now did  i defy all odds did i overcome adversity do   i look incredible absolutely but um we have a lot  to recap so let's get into the products today oh i   forgot i have a gloss ooh i forgot i have a gloss  okay ooh elf lip plumping gloss in sparkling rose   okay oh if i'm gonna write you a letter about  this packaging that i cannot figure out how to   open any of your products oh yeah you guys i've  been really in a gloss phase lately like i went   years of never wearing gloss and now i'm  like an all gloss all the time person oh   first off we had this uh hydrating primer  mist that i broke two seconds into the video   i can't say how it worked so we're just gonna  say we don't know we don't know how it worked   elf poreless face primer i actually quite like  this this reminded me of benefit porefessional   and urban decay complexion perfection which is two  of my favorite primers whoa that lip plumper is   intense my lips are definitely uh i'm feeling  it i'm feeling the burn okay do they look fuller   if they look fuller comment below um what else  did we do oh god oh yes why don't we just take   a moment to talk about this foundation uh elf  flawless satin finish foundation it's an oil-free   medium covered satin finish foundation i might  keep this and like use it on my body like i could   see this looking pretty on my arms in drag because  it has like a sheen to it but honestly this was   one of my least favorite drag foundations i've  ever used then again it's not made for that so   whatever but i i probably will not be using  this on my face server again the camo concealers   you guys i'm not gonna lie for the drugstore  price these are probably a couple dollars each   i was not unimpressed with these i mean look  at the material it kind of built up to enough   coverage i almost wish honestly i almost  wish i would have skipped the foundation   and probably just done my full face with this  because i think i could have just used these   because these were not bad these reminded me  a lot of shape tape this is probably the most   i think that this was created to purposely be like  shape tape the component's similar the consistency   is similar it smells better than shape tape to me  shape tape smells like bug spray this didn't smell   i actually i actually like these these were good  the elf uh face powder you guys i really could   take it or leave it a sheer kind of dusty powder  in a compact i don't like i probably won't be   using that again then again sometimes i like to  like de-pot stuff like this and put it in pallets   that i take to shoot who knows if it'll make it  into a palette i don't know the um intense ink   eyeliner pen this was fun but i mean i do like  it for a brand new liner i find this to apply   not as opaque as i would want like honestly we've  used the nyx i think it's called that's the point   liner which is really similar and that's better  at a similar price point so not my favorite the   elf volume mascara i will never use that  again that was one of the worst mascaras   i've used in a long time pretty bad like to  me great la maybelline i love you great lash   is like if it's not at least better than great  lash which isn't great it's not good and that   mascara was not good and the nerve of saying it's  plumping when it was barely doing anything i said where the elf baked highlighter i mean do you guys  even see it i just don't think i even see it let   me wet a brush and see if i can like smear it on  because i don't even see it okay see wet do you   guys see the difference a lot of times these baked  highlighters if you add water they like reactivate   so when you wet the brush you get like a paint do  you see that do you see the difference like i said   not sure i would use it again it's definitely it's  definitely better wet um but i don't see myself   using this again contour palette this was kind of  a serve i mean we tried the nyx contour palette   and we were like this is pretty great i mean for  how cheap it was like i could do my whole face   including my nose with this i probably could have  done an eye look with this this was a really nice   sheer buildable contour i think with drugstore  contours i get worried about touching the brush   to my face and like seeing dirt instantly this  was like really buttery and very sheer like i   could do my forehead with a lighter color build up  my cheeks with the darker color i'm not even mad   at this i could see myself using this again love  this blush palette love i used two of the shades i   loved it this is probably the best product of the  day in my opinion a blush quad this size with a   full-size mirror in it from the drugstore this is  great like i just think of products at this price   point i think of like the stuff you keep at work  or keep in your car like you don't want to have   to marry like your favorite products you're  not going to like throw around in your life   and like products like this whatever it's five  bucks if it works leave it in your car who cares   if you have a car i don't the lipsticks uh the  double-sided lipstick i'm at peace with it this   color's growing on me i do like what do you guys  think of this like i never wear these middle tone   colors but i kind of like it i'm into it i liked  it it's pretty it's comfortable to wear it was a   nice full coverage definitely has a gloss finish  but um i liked it the gloss i'm living a pale pink   gloss that makes my lip tingle it literally feels  like i put two crest white strips on each lip and   then like drink sprite that's how much my lips are  tingling and i love it cause some plumpers like   girl go try the too faced lip injection extreme  and tell me that that doesn't feel like legitimate   pain this doesn't feel like pain it feels um minty  i bet that the active ingredient in this is mint   the matte spray i mean i actually if you recall we  hated the foundation and this kind of saved it so   i'm into this the problem with setting  sprays is i have so many that even if i   used one every day it would take me decades to  get through the sprays i have so do i see myself   when i need a setting spray reaching for this one  probably not but it's it's not bad it's it's a   good finishing spray for sure finally probably  the best product i've tried in a couple weeks   girl this bite-size shadow palette in truffle look  at my eyes beautiful stunning i did my brows and   my eyes with this this was seriously i don't know  the price maybe five bucks like this is awesome i   think this is great i would be interested if  they have more of these to try the other ones   because this is really nice well i love doing  these drugstore videos if you guys have an elf   product that i couldn't find at my store please  let me know below i'm always looking to try new   stuff and elf kind of turned it i mean i had some  skin issues but the cheeks the lips the contouring   a lot of it came together so oh it's like 9 00 p.m  and quarantine and i am in full drag and i have   nowhere to go and it's one of those bittersweet  moments where like maybe i can put on some nylons   and go get the mail i just want someone to see me  but thank you for joining me we have new videos   every single week here and subscribing is  absolutely free i will see you next week goodbye
Channel: Trixie Mattel
Views: 2,620,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trixie, mattel, cosmetics, ELF, full face, one brand
Id: jRazV_zB1Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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