Best Of Trixie Mattel 👑 RuPaul’s Drag Race

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tomasdez 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

That eggs video is psychotic.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dick_inspector 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
(jazzy music) - This isn't Maury Povich! My name is Trixie Mattel, and I'm 24 years old. - Oh my goodness. - Oh, well, here's another comedy queen. She got her overdrawn lips, and clown makeup. She is ready to go. - I'm a hair and makeup artist. So. I think a lot of the queens don't necessarily get where I'm coming from. Drag queens always say paint for the back row. I paint for the check cashing place down the street. The Maxi Challenge this week is to create resort wear that has a tearaway to reveal a nude illusion. I pride myself on utilizing literally none of my natural features, so a challenge where I have to compete with these beautiful, fishy girls with perfect bodies to me is the worst case situation. (sewing machine whirring) So your partner, are you guys like married or? - Yeah. We got married last year. - My boyfriend's family, I went home for Christmas with them and they really liked me, and then they found out about drag and they called him like in a panic, like, "We don't want you with somebody who does this." - Are you for real? - Yeah. They don't like drag. I don't understand why they don't get that it's just me playing a person. His mom said, "Trixie's clown drag "makes me sick to my stomach," is what she told him. - Oh my god. - They were right about one thing. (person laughs) - [RuPaul] Trixie Mattel. - [Ross] She can't play, she doesn't have any balls. - [Trixie] I'm doing Valley girl, she's at the resort, she's playing a little tennis. - [Michelle] Show us your birdie. - [Trixie] Surprise, I kinda look like a doll, so I'm giving you hinges, life in plastic is fantastic. - [Michelle] A living doll. - [Carson] She's like Skipper's sister, Stripper. (judges laugh) - Hello, hello, hello! (all cheering) Condragulations, ladies. For today's Mini Challenge, you need to give face, face, face while the Pit Crew blows you. (dramatic music) (record scratches) With a leafblower! (RuPaul laughs) The two winners of today's Mini Challenge are Ginger Minj, and Trixie Mattel! (all clapping) Condragulations, ladies. Let's bust a move. Just, don't break a hip. Trixie Mattel. ♪ Got to keep on dancing ♪ - Girl, your (bleep) is on once a month Boniva! (all laughing) Trixie Mattel! Bearded for the gods. ♪ Now sissy that walk ♪ - [Michelle] Heavenly. - [Trixie] It's like I just stepped out of an oil painting, and I'm takin' 'em to church. - [Michelle] And now, with wings. (RuPaul laughs) - Is she a ZZ Top or a ZZ bottom? As I promised last week, one of the eliminated queens is returning. Do you wanna know who? - No. - Yeah. - All right, you ready? Come on out, kitty girl! (all yelling) - [Queen] Oh my god. - Hi, Trixie! - Hi! I look like I'm gonna trade some girls some soap for some new makeup, girl. (all laughing) - Trixie Mattel, that means you're back in the race, girl. - I'm back, yay! I thought I was fourth episode queen, bye. I thought I was Mimi Imfurst, and now I'm Mimi Imsecondchance. Katya, where do you get your outfits, girl? American Apparently Not? (all laughing) Ginger Minj. Girl, did you ever save Carol Anne from the Poltergeist in the TV? (all laughing) Violet, I don't believe the rumors. I don't believe you took Sharon Needles' crown. I don't believe you're taking this one either. (all laughing) - The winner of today's Mini Challenge is Trixie Mattel! (all cheering) - I'm back. Trixie Mattel has way more up her sleeve. - [RuPaul] Ginger Minj and Trixie Mattel in Eggs. Your country breakfast is ready. (judges laughing) (country music) - Babs, I'm so hungry! Please come here. - [Trixie] I'm comin', Mama! ♪ In the mornin' when the sun comes out ♪ ♪ I get hungry like I've never eaten ♪ ♪ Every day I hear her scream and shout ♪ ♪ Always yellin' for her daily feedin' ♪ ♪ All night long I only dream for ♪ ♪ Then at 10:30 I hear her scream for ♪ ♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs ♪ ♪ All I want is eggs ♪ ♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs ♪ ♪ All I want is eggs ♪ ♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs ♪ ♪ All she wants is ♪ ♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs ♪ ♪ Eggs, another dozen eggs ♪ ♪ Mama, do you want them over easy ♪ - No way! ♪ I want them sunnyside up ♪ ♪ Since the sun is shinin' ♪ ♪ Has the egg man come to us today ♪ ♪ I'm sure he'd stop by if you stop your whinin' ♪ ♪ Oh I love him so for bringing what I dream for ♪ ♪ He'll leave another dozen right at the screen door ♪ ♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs ♪ ♪ All I want is eggs ♪ ♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs ♪ ♪ All I want is eggs ♪ ♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs ♪ ♪ All I want is ♪ ♪ Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs ♪ ♪ All I want is eggs, eggs, eggs ♪ (judges laughing) - Deeply, deeply disturbing. Masterqueef Theater presents "The Fake Housewives of RuPaul's Drag Race." - How do I sleep at night? (Trixie laughs) Ask your husband. (RuPaul laughs) (intense music) - Oh honey. Woo, that's how I roll. That is such a (bleep) waste. That would've killed if someone was here. (upbeat music) I'm Trixie Mattel, and I am the crownless drag superstar from season seven. I came here to eclipse people with my talent, but also with my hair. There's nobody in here, it's like a Morgan McMichaels meet and greet. I feel like in the real world I've been a real All Star, but on "Drag Race" I was not an All Star. Howdy, y'all. - You went for the comedy gold, but all we got was bronze. - I need to make amends for the fact that I came in here, and just hit the cement and got dragged out like a dead body. Twice. - It's not about falling, it's about getting back up. - [RuPaul] Up next, the musical stylings of Trixie Mattel! (harpsichord music) ♪ Livin's like a jigsaw ♪ ♪ And the farther in you go ♪ ♪ If you're missin' pieces ♪ ♪ You never really know ♪ ♪ When you're tickin' like a timepiece ♪ ♪ On which you can rely ♪ ♪ Wonder why you wind it ♪ ♪ When you're runnin' out of time ♪ ♪ Sometimes there's a danger of chokin' on the parts ♪ ♪ No one gave a warnin' to the breakin' of your heart ♪ ♪ Pick up all the pieces ♪ ♪ And go back to the start ♪ ♪ Never losin' only usin' ♪ ♪ All your movin' parts ♪ ♪ All your movin' parts ♪ (audience cheering) Thank you so much, you're a beautiful driver. I really appreciate it! Oh my god, that taxi was disgusting. It smelled like a barn. He was gross, he was late, he drove like a maniac. Hi, I'm Trixie Mattel, I'm 27 years old, and I'm from sunny West Hollywood. And some people might say I'm fake, but those people are alcoholics. He's not even that good-looking, I have to go. Hi! - Hi. - Oh my god, you're even cuter in person than you are on TV. - Oh that's very sweet of you. - You kinda have this sexy like Denzel, like Gilbert Gottfried, but like sensual, do you know what I mean? I like my men like I like my coffee. Incapable of loving me back. Bye, Jason. Sorry, Jared. - Jeff, Jeffrey. (Jeffrey laughing) - Oh my god, you are so funny, stop! - Oh, ladies. - Stop, I said stop! You're literally killing me, you're so funny. - I wanna get to know you both a little bit better. (Michelle laughs) - Is this your house? - Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Jeffrey! - This is like the prettiest refurbished like Cheesecake Factory mall kiosk I have ever been to. - [Jeffrey] Thank you very much. - Do you remember when you wore these shirts on "Unreal?" - [Jeffrey] Uh. - I know the stylist. - This is wow, yeah. - Yeah, I've seen every episode of "Unreal." - You don't know Jeffrey like I know Jeffrey! - Hold on, I have to take this. Yeah, I'm here now. No, she's like a weird tourist girl. - Come across as like crazy, though? - Oh. - Like, do I look crazy? - It's just a really strong word. - He's like a five. - I can't handle it right now, I can't handle it. - You're a little different. - Yeah? - I know Trixie is playing a fake bitch, but baby, those facial expressions are real. - No he, no-- (Milk cackling) No, he's like a five, he's like an LA two. - Stop talking to me! What? Oh my god. - If steam could come off a wig, she would have those little lines above her head where the heat is risin', 'cause Miss Thing is hot! That Milky is cuttin' her off. (Shangela giggles) - People call me psycho, but I don't think I'm psychotic. I just think I'm really passionate about finding love. - Yeah. - Wow, the leaves-- - And that's why I'm here. - Me too, Milk. - The leaves in your hair are so fun. I wish you would leave. - Milk is just going way overboard. - It's been great, ladies. It's been an incredible pleasure. (Milk sobbing) - Bye, Gerald. - It's Jeffrey. - Welcome to another day at the office. Aren't you feeling gorgeous? Aren't you feeling technically amazing? - Milk someday wants to have a challenge inspired by her, and I betcha next season they'll be like, "This week on the runway "you'll be crying because you're only safe." (Trixie cackles) - [BeBe] How are you? - [Trixie] I really, really wanna win a challenge. - Right. - I've never even been in the top, so I really hope today it can happen. The first time I was on "Drag Race," I kinda just floated until I got flushed. All people knew about me was that I did not excel at "Drag Race," and didn't win any challenges. And I never had my star moments. This time I have to change that. I don't really like need validation, but to have one good week here would really help the momentum for the rest, you know. - I feel you. - Being safe all the time, you start to feel invisible. In the real world, I'm a Beyonce. But in the "Drag Race" world, I'm just a LaTavia. It doesn't matter on "Drag Race" what you've done in the real world. In these four fake brick walls, you are garbage until proven otherwise. - [RuPaul] Trixie Mattel. - [Michelle] Ooh, look who's here, Ru! - It's Lady Bunny! - Yes! - I'm Lady Bunny passed out on a deck chair in Palm Springs, getting a sunburn, and then boom! (judges gasp) Oh my god, it's a Tatianna, "Same Parts," "Dennis the Menace" fantasy. - Take another little piece of my hair now, baby. (judges laughing) Up next, Trixie Mattel! - Hi guys! - When you came out, I was feeling immediately like if Lady Bunny and Kesha had a baby. - Were you doing Lady Bunny? What was that about? - I thought can Lady Bunny become Naomi Smalls? Turns out, yes. (judges laugh) - In "The Bitchelor," your character was so spot on. It was basically Paris Hilton. - I was very impressed from the second you walked out. You were on the phone, and you weren't paying attention. It was like, oh, we know exactly who you are. And it was everything I wanted. - But I felt like you were getting talked over a little bit. - We were advised to try not to talk over each other. It was kind of like jump roping. I was kind of waiting sometimes for the moment. - I felt you waiting. - However, when you did get those lines in, they were hilarious. - All right, well thanks, Trixie. - Oh my god! I didn't even know this was happening. I'm gonna do like a pensive, rich woman. (RuPaul giggles) - Okay. - Oh my god. There's so much going on. (RuPaul laughs) (upbeat music) The Maxi Challenge is to create a soup that reflects who you are as a drag persona. Last week, I believed I was going home, and this week I love sewing, I love making costumes, and I'm actually really good at branding and selling stuff. So, I'm feeling really good. I wanna win a (bleep) challenge. Is anybody else doing energy? - Well, I'm not doing energy, I'm doing sugar. When I think of myself, I think of sweet. - Aja's making something really sweet, because she's sweet? - Like sweets, like come get your sugar rush type. Like, I want my soup to be a candy soup. - A candy flavored soup? It's not interesting, and doesn't really brand you at all. That's like, crazy. - Work for your sister, please. (sewing machine whirring) Oh mother (bleep)! Here we go. Girl! - Shangela, what'd you do? (queens laughing) Can I help you? - I don't know what I did, but I didn't do right. - Oh, that is wrong. (Shangela laughs) This is an opportunity for me to at least, in a small way, thank her for saving me last week. This is what you're gonna do. Put this on your body. 'Cause if this fits, this could be really cute. - Mama, it ain't gonna fit over my body, though. It doesn't stretch. Go lower, go lower. - It doesn't stretch? - I didn't know the fabric doesn't stretch! - Oh bitch. (Shangela laughs) - Did it fit? - No, bitch! - No. (Shangela laughs) - Happy New Year, everybody. - It's Elimination Day. We're going to present our looks and our soup cans to the judges, and one of us is gonna get canned. Soup can? - [RuPaul] Trixie Mattel. - [Trixie] Open wide, and get a taste of my non-refillable, prescription only, habit-forming, heart-slowing goodness. Just like my soup, I'm inspired by rainbows, little birdies, and the re-emerging dark recesses of a rocky childhood. (RuPaul laughs) Side effects include drowsiness, nausea, depression, suicidal thoughts, or a broken DVR. - Looks like "Children of the Corn" chowder. (judges laughing) Trixie Mattel. A whore by any other name is still a whore. (judges laugh) - [Trixie] O-M-G, girl. Last night I dreamed I was in the front row of Tiffani Amber Thiessen's fashion show, seated between Karen from finance and John Wayne, who's looking better than ever. Then I raced to dinner with Soleil Moon Frye, Betsy Johnson, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and all they could talk about was rhinestoning their lady parts. Wow, I love life. - [Michelle] Ru, who needs a horse toe when you can have a camel? (RuPaul laughs) - Up next, Trixie Mattel! - Hi, guys. - All I can say is R-I-P to this challenge, 'cause you murdered it. (Trixie sighs) - The can came out, and you could've been backstage and I would've known that was your can. - This is definitely giving me disco Barbie. I mean, the whole look is so great. - It tells me a story of a country girl who decided I have to fit in at Studio 54, and the best part about it is you made it! - I did. - You know what your body shape is. The arms, the legs, the width. Even the camel toe. It's all good. - There's not enough money in the world for me to put tape on my dick. - You have a dick? (judges laughing) - I think it's in the back somewhere. - I don't know if you got the invite late, or what, but you RSVP-ed, and you showed up today. - The Trixie that I wanted has finally arrived. Yep, yep, yep. - Yes! (RuPaul laughs) - I tell you what, after Adam Lambert last week I always try to smile at Ross the whole time. - It felt like you were over me being there. - Were you bothered when Adam said that you were standoffish? - Well, only 'cause people have told me before that my tone is just so dry that they thought I was angry. - Sometimes Trixalicious, you don't mean to give that off, but it's unintentional. - Well, oh girl, because perception is reality. I might accidentally sometimes come off as standoffish. I mean, Trixie on stage is fun and bubbly, but me in real life, a lot of the times I'm just like a boring white dude who doesn't like hugs. So I get how that can read. It's something I always have wanted to change about myself. Our whole industry is interpersonal communications. If you're not friendly enough, someone thinks you're a jerk. Remember that thing in West Hollywood, Morgan? I got tweets from other "Drag Race" girls saying that I was acting grand. I'm not super social, so a lot of times I'm just saving it for the audience. - [RuPaul] Trixie Mattel. - [Michelle] She clearly likes to be reamed. (judges laugh) ♪ Sex-sex, sex-sexy drag queen ♪ - Welcome, All Stars. Let's begin with a sneak peek of your movie, which has already been banned in 47 countries. (all laughing) - [Announcer] Glamazon Studios presents the most important film of all time. (phone ringing) - I know you're busy, so I'll keep this quick. I'm getting the old gang together, and I want you guys to be my maids. - Oh, hell no! I'm a rocket scientist now. - My bridesmaids, I'm getting married! - [Announcer] Coming this summer, all your favorite award-winning actresses come together in "My Best Squirrelfriend's Dragsmaids Wedding Trip." Trixie Mattel is Sharon Frockavich. - Yeah, that's all you got, ladies. Two big feet and ugly (bleep) shoes! - Here comes the bride. - Poisoning the wig water supply? Big mistake. Huge. (whistle trills) - Ladies, don't move! You are all under arrest. Now put your legs behind your head. - Woo! (all laughing) - You're a dirty cop, and I'm a whistleblower. - Okay honey, launch that rocket. - [Announcer] And when these divas let loose, who knows what drama will happen? - How dare you invite another dancer here? I deserve to be maid of honor. Give me that trophy! - He's dead! - You killed him! - Why does this always happen to me? - [Announcer] But when the church organist cancels. - You gotta be (bleep) kidding me! - [Announcer] Will they make it down the aisle? - This is some "How to Get Away with Murder" (bleep). - I made you a pie. - Quack, quack, quack! - If you stay ready, you ain't got to get ready. - Pow! - Girl, you don't need an organist. You've got us. - We ate Octavia's pie. - Hit it! (queens farting) (judges laughing) - You guys really are the best squirrelfriends. - [Announcer] So if you love the poop scene in "Bridesmaids" but also love highbrow award-winning actresses, then you'll love "My Best Squirrelfriend's Dragsmaids Wedding Trip." Rated PU. - Up next, Trixie Mattel. - What's your favorite book, just off the top of your head? - Oh my god. (all laughing) - This outfit is everything. - And then in the acting challenge, you were so much fun. Because every take, you tried something new. - And that moment when you used the baby's hand to wipe your hair, I died. - You are now pushing yourself out of the Trixie Mattel box, so to speak, and you're making yourself do things that maybe wouldn't be in your comfort zone. But I think you taking those risks is paying off in spades. - Thank you, I think so too. Hi, guys! - Boo. - I'm walking in to the deliberation with the jury, and I'm very confident. I know you thought that this would throne me. (queens laugh) - Trix, how do you feel right now? - I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful, I really do. You guys know the first half of the season, I was pretty like, ugh. But then I just got it, it was like oh my god. - How does it change so quickly for you? - When I fell in the bottom for the first time? I sort of emotionally experienced the worst thing that could have happened. So then I was like, well in the next challenge I'm just gonna do whatever I want, and then it worked. Having that break in the middle of the competition where it just all got really bad, it just made me shrug off every piece of anxiety. It's okay to get butterflies in your stomach. You just teach them to fly in perfect formation. - So, out of the top four, is there anybody that you would be really proud to lip sync against that we should choose? - I think Shangela is and was, and will always be an All Star even before she got here. Because she didn't even have a very long run on "Drag Race," and she did the most with it. That's fierce. - Now I have a way more devilish question. - Oh god. - If there was a queen in the top four who you would chop off to make it a top three, who would it be? - I'm kind of torn between Kennedy and BeBe for different reasons. I think many of us have shown so much growth in being off "Drag Race" for a year, five years, two years. BeBe's been off "Drag Race" like 10 years, and I don't think the growth is like, 10 years of growth. And then, like Kennedy's outfit today, for example, on season seven Kennedy's finale runway was like a rainbow dress. That was like light years nicer than the one she wore today. Sometimes I think she just doesn't have full perspective of even her own gifts. - Your brand is very, like, stamped. How can you broaden that with this title? - Ever since season seven, I have done what RuPaul calls stepping your pussy up. I went on tour as a comedian, topped the iTunes charts in folk music in drag, and then I went on to even star in and develop my own television show, and I felt like an All Star before I got here. - Oh, we love you bitch. - Baby, aww! - Thank you guys. (tense music) - Welcome, ladies. Madam Forewoman, has the jury chosen the final two All Stars to lip sync for their legacy? - Yes, Ru. (suspenseful music) - Morgan? You may tell the queens who you, and the jury, have chosen to lip sync for their legacy. (dramatic music) - Well, we tallied up the votes, and the top two All Stars are Kennedy Davenport. (intense music) And Trixie Mattel. - Kennedy, Trixie, the top two All Stars of the season stand before me. Ladies, this is your last chance to impress me, win $100,000, a crown and scepter from Fierce Drag Jewels, and earn your place in the Drag Race Hall of Fame. The time has come (thunder booms) to lip sync for your legacy! Good luck, and don't (bleep) it up. ♪ We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain ♪ ♪ We jumped, never asking why ♪ ♪ We kissed, I fell under your spell ♪ ♪ A love no one could deny ♪ ♪ Don't you ever say ♪ ♪ I just walked away ♪ ♪ I will always want you ♪ ♪ I came in like a wrecking ball ♪ ♪ I never ♪ - I wanna be the top All Star because nobody in the history of "Drag Race" has spun straw into gold from this experience like I have. I've proven that you can have a bad day, and then go on to have so many good days. Me getting to lip sync for my legacy, it feels like a victory lap. ♪ I came in like a wrecking ball ♪ ♪ I never hit so hard in love ♪ ♪ All I wanted was to break you up ♪ ♪ All you ever did was ♪ ♪ Wreck me ♪ ♪ I came in like a wrecking ball ♪ ♪ Yeah I just closed my eyes and swung ♪ ♪ Left me crashing in a blazing fall ♪ ♪ All you ever did was ♪ ♪ Wreck me ♪ ♪ Yeah you ♪ ♪ You wreck me ♪ ♪ Yeah you, you wreck me ♪ (all applauding) - Ladies, I have made my decision. The queen who has earned her spot in the Drag Race Hall of Fame, the champion of "All Stars Three" is (tense music) Trixie Mattel! ♪ You're a champion ♪ - [RuPaul] You're a winner, baby. ♪ You're a champion ♪ ♪ Never gonna fall ♪ ♪ You're a champion ♪ - I just won "RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars!" - My queen. Is there anything you'd like to say? - I know you guys are looking for somebody who can carry a legacy as an All Star. I feel like I've been carrying that legacy since I left the first time, so this means a lot. Thank you very much. - Now prance, my queen! Prance! ♪ Charisma ♪ - I remember being the weird new queen in Milwaukee that nobody even wanted to give a gig to, and now I'm standing here at the very top of drag excellence and I'm so, so proud. ♪ Rhythm within you ♪ ♪ Let your body tell the truth ♪ - Do you want everything "RuPaul's Drag Race" at your fingertips? Then head over to YouTube now, and subscribe to the "RuPaul's Drag Race" channel, and you will get all the episodes of everything you ever want, including brand new episodes of "Whatcha Packin,", hi.
Channel: RuPaul's Drag Race
Views: 1,588,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vh1, rupaul, rupaul's drag race, drag race, RPDR Season 7, Drag Race Season 7, Rupauls Drag Race Season 7, All Stars 3, RPDR All Stars, Drag Race All Stars 3, Trixie Mattle, Trixie Mattel Best Moments, Trixie Mattel Season 7, Trixie Mattel AS3, Pearl, Katya, Ginger Minj, Kennedy davenport, Max, Aja, Shangela, Trixie Mattel Music, Trixie and Katya, Trixie Mattel and Katya, Trixie Mattel Makeup, Trixie Mattel Country Music, Trixie and Katya Unhhh, Trixie Mattel Moments
Id: kR3hDPvhMng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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