Messed Up RIDDLES that will test your MIND

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what would you do to survive a kangaroo I mean if it's that small I mean you punch it in the no no I was gonna just like walk away slowly I don't know uh-huh Koff and slowly move back yeah we got a baby lesbo don't run a kangaroo will quickly catch up to you all hag no what would you do to survive an elephant I don't know like throw some peanuts that hide behind that rock girl get behind the rock don't run hide behind a barrier okay there you go I've never seen like an angry elephant though Oh a hippo what would you do to survive uh that hippo is looking thirsty climb that tree branch get on the tree branch you'll be fine yeah yeah see there you go hippos is scary then things is big Hungry Hungry Hippos what would you do spot bees um dang bro this dude looks terrified it's okay man uh III don't know that run dark-colored wait what dark colors attract their attention is not a blood draw Oh No but yes right now we're gonna take a look at messed up riddles that will test yo ma please go ahead just do it real quick give this video a like if you like games video games or board games and make sure to please subscribe to the channel we had 10 million thank you guys so much for your constant support on the videos on the channel thank you for 10 million and we gonna keep it going and click that link in the description below get that out of here merch your man so fresh so comfortable get there and guess but hope you guys are ready to keep going you could play along keep your own score and let me know how you do and comment down below your favorite game I like Call of Duty don't judge me what would you do to survive a gorilla oh dang it is Harambee okay um like I don't know you have to make yourself like look smaller just don't threaten them don't look them in the eye right yeah don't look into the eyes uh-huh and then just don't look yeah yeah just sit down don't look bigger cuz they hate like threats like gorillas really hate like you know they're like oh you bigger than me all those go you know so just gotta you know just gotta act like you know a threat here we go Eric was kidnapped by a psycho no and locked in the basement of a country house geez how do you all yell get kidnapped I feel bad the only chance to escape is pass through one of three doors okay which one which one do you choose but in each room he would have to meet a person he wants hurts dang that's dark his ex-girlfriend who hasn't forgotten him yet oh don't go in that room bro don't do it his business partner who wants to kill him for stealing money wow man you've done wrong some people his current girlfriend with the knife in her hands uh she is ready to kill him for cheating on her bro why are you like wrong in all these people this dude needs to like you know calm down you need to be single for a while yes go with this girl go with this girl you know she seems fine you know she doesn't have a knife this dude's got a weapon the other girl has a knife so yeah you know what we're going door number one door number one she does not have a weapon first doors ex is the only one who doesn't want to kill him yeah and she don't have a weapon how about that but I bet she's still thirsty though Tim and Nick were walking along the forest and got lost man yo eyebrows look like they got lost Adam okay they saw a house and decide to ask for help oh no white people always investigate and it's not worth it don't do it a lot of junk okay yeah geez suddenly the door slammed behind and they got locked see that's what you get for going into creepy abandoned houses they see three doors and there's a trap behind each of them okay what do we got deadly poisonous gas dang somebody don't farted okay all right what else we got okay the crazy owner of the house oh yeah no man dude yeah Texas Chainsaw Massacre killing everyone with his knife okay a bottomless pit oh dang which way should they choose okay all right what do you guys think well there's like a weapon right there at the bottom left so once you take that use it on the dude in the middle and then get up on out of there use the weapon there is a gun yeah I'm on the trans boom and then you're done that's it got him baby got him they should run up and destroy the owner yeah pretty much yeah and then you're done which mom is more stupid uh I would hope none of them jeez all right one babies just eating ice cream on the right and then the big there's like Chili Peppers over there you Dumbo left mom is more stupid you can't do that yes it's too hot for baby there's mom we're gonna take call child services which mom is more stupid the baby playing with fire or the baby in the tree baby playing with fire come on that's dangerous girl she's not even looking yep don't let your baby touch no fire which mom is more stupid okay there's one with the bug and then there's one the baby well the girl on the left she's got like floaties so the mom on the right is more stupid yes another one baby yes see she's not gonna drown with the armbands but then again she still could get hurt out there it's kind of dangerous which mom is more stupid what you got the baby sit in the front oh uh the one on the right the one the right cuz the baby's name is strapped in yeah oh you're not even gonna tell me which one do you guys think it is I think it's the one on the right can you find the odd one out besides me no okay here we go oh we got the odd one out uh there's like a seahorse oh wait there's a croissant right there Oh croissant yeah nice try seashells jellyfish sea horses and a croissant boy that gold can you find the odd one out oh man this is tough okay we got like a bunch of jellyfish okay do you guys see it oh wait wait wait third from the last row there's like a little parachute looking thing on the right side bottle yeah oh okay alright see my eyes are not as bad as I thought mm-hmm can you find the hot one out oh look at the little birds these are some like colorful sick looking birds dang alright there's like a snail next to last row towards the right side snail bone Lego talkin bout come on you can't get me ain't gonna go out like a suck-up mm-hmm oh I scream yeah that sounded really fat right there okay um I scream ah ah there's like an app wait nope nope dang it oh no oh the copy yet see that well I tried how trying guys hopefully you guys found that one riddle for Dad who said you could call me dead okay okay all ri--uh-oh here we go mr. black racism discrimination how does somebody who is white gonna be named mr. black Oh what kind of what what if my last name was white or at light like not like Smith is pretty white but like what if my name was dang Matt white mm-hmm that ain't right mr. black was black or mr. black was back from work sorry his daughter Sophie met him at the doorstep all it is Sophie with your crazy Rapunzel hair daddy I've thought of a riddle for you about well great I don't want to hear it I had a long day at work no I bet you don't solve it I bet you don't use good English come on dang this dude needs to shave okay let's take a look dang dude looking like got that Sasquatch beard Sophie showed her father showed him okay let's see what is it a paper with her drawings okay well we got like a pear pineapple apple point at the biggest one really little girl you've been home all day and this is the best you can come up with mr. black smiled and pointed at the Apple no you dummy it's the watermelon the watermelon it's like the biggest fruit you're wrong dirty watermelon what's the right answer I mean look on paper yes the Apple looks like the biggest but like I'm pretty sure it like the watermelon in real life is the biggest that's what she's going for right yeah the watermelon now why did she have to say the watermelon for mr. black racism discrimination oh yeah I bet mr. black won the watermelon in real life it's way bigger than the Apple find the darkest color on the page there's a theme here very Dart racism discrimination black no one's gonna oh I'm the darkest color on Vietnam Kim left side third row left side third row bus the in the middle in the dark is one is black wait what oh my gosh that lame you said okay fine dang it on the page I get it mm-hmm that's where y'all better not try to trick me again a photojournalist entered the dangerous caves take some pictures and it's a white man investigating suddenly the cave starts shaking why Oh No the journalist had to run out Oh which way do you go left or right but he forgot which way he got there bro come on it's not like forgetting where you parked okay here we go there are four tunnels poisonous bats will kill you in median how do you know that they're poisonous that's why we heat from underground we'll burn anyone oh man that sucks toxic gas will kill any kind of animal mmm what jeez you just don't have any good choices radioactive plants will kill you with one touch hold on plants aren't radioactive which way is safe I'm with the fourth way with the plants plants can't be radioactive what kind of make no damn sense mm-hmm nice try oh shoot wait no too hot okay that's the answer I was gonna go with I was gonna go with that because like the gas kills any kind of animal but like technically humans are animal like we are animals right yeah dang would you rather oh I love would you rather oh yeah save the kitten or save a puppy we gotta save a puppy cuz puppy you know dogs are nicer kasa doesn't mean you're a people person you're a loner if you chose the cat would dang of me would you rather be married to a person who doesn't love you but be married to a person you don't love is the person who doesn't love me hi I'm going with a you rather feel pain than nothing that you value stability and don't like taking risk oh geez okay oh darn would you rather be a werewolf or a vampire uh I'm gonna go vampire you know I saw that movie you know Twilight if you chose werewolf you try to look on the bright side how did y'all come up with that would you rather live in the past and live in the future baby I want to I want to see what technology would come out with I want the iPhone 38 come on you're too enthusiastic and tend to over trust why are all my choices like make me a bad person would you rather drop a kitten or drop your phone I'm sorry Garfield I'm throwing you up here I'm sorry you're a leader and can take responsibility their God right drop the cat yeah and right dropping my phone would you rather be ugly and smart or be astonishing and dumb I'd rather be astonishing I want people to like me you want to live the life for a day oh okay thank you would you rather be homeless that's not funny would you have to be homeless or in prison Dave I'd rather be homeless cause like in prison people you might get shanked you're an idealist yes prison you're materialist good to know thank you which logo is correct Oh No okay I'm so bad at logos all right let's check it out okay BMW the one left with one right it's the one who left I think I'm pretty sure it's the one on the left that doesn't look right to me yes wait what oh I suck gosh dang it okay this one I know I've got an iPhone all right all right all our phone users should know it's them on the left that's the real one yes I got it baby let go oh calling all white girls calling all white girls uh who knows the right answer I think is the one on the left one the left is correct yeah let's go I guess I'm a white girl no Microsoft or Microsoft okay it looks padang singing I'm going with the one on the left again we're going left come on let's go left yay PlayStation or Playstation but what about Xbox account along with the one on the right I think it's go on the right I won't look [Music] welcome to the world's greatest magical tournaments a dang Gandalf what are you doing on stage the winner gets Fame and a million gold coins okay you will have five tests geez Santa Claus has lost his marbles good luck and may the best wizard win okay whatever you say Hagrid you and two other Wizards are outside hey we got the black wizard okay alright does he use black magic no I'm skip right you need to get over there but there's something in the way oh dang these snakes a huge field of poisonous snakes what do we do you can't teleport fly on your broomstick or hurt the snakes you need the perfect spell to get past this neck's oh okay you could try using these phones what do we got enchanting music okay okay maybe let's see what else trembling earth or cold wind dang this person is an airbender okay you know what uh which spell could work okay what do you guys think we have to get past these snakes I'm thinking trembling earth because like you the earth shakes that's gonna scare the snakes they're gonna freak out hey tremble in earth yeah it's gonna scare the snakes okay we did it snakes aren't scared of music or a cold wind yeah I figure you cross the field safely guys we did it okay nice all right what else what's next what have we got next day why does the black wizard have to be in the bank what's up with that great gnomes good okay the three of you come to three magical doors they're growing out of the ground dang that's weird they're portals okay so one of them leads to the next test but don't open them yet they might not be safe gosh dang the doors have numbers on them 24/7 and ten all right next to the doors is a plate there's a riddle float oh no I'm an odd number take away a letter and I become even what number am i oh shoot I'm an odd number take away a letter let's go seven yes we did cuz the first sentence I'm an odd number we know sevens and odd numbers so yeah yeah yeah top baby let go remove one letter from seven and you get even yeah I didn't think of that but I still got it guys we're on to the next part let's go look through the portal whoa okay all right oh we ain't a smart nasty by a large lake no suddenly see magical eyes there's something in the lake yeah demons Oh mermaids and they seem to be aggressive hmm no schemes getting uh not good the mermaids start to sing they hypnotize you and the other wizards no Ariel what are you doing you need to act fast or the mermaids will control you which spell will you choose fireball hums getting fireball electric shock smokescreen trembling earth oh man this is tough this is tough okay uh yeah what do you guys think I don't know we should just burn them all use the fireball dumb skinny I'm thinking electric shock because you know they're in the water shaaka put a shock to this system fireball won't scare all of them mm-hmm okay trembling earth might knock you down Oh a smoke screen won't save you from there singing yeah but water is an excellent electric conductor uh-huh electric shot even a small electric shock will scare them away that's what you crazy mermaids get you're free to move on we did it yes you come to a high almost vertical mountain yes the black man's in front let's go there's a magical castle at the top okay what do we do you know what's inside I don't know what's inside what is it the most outstanding wizard prize go up and claim it but how you better fly on your broomsticks one wizard changes and do a bird oh that's cool one grows a Beanstalk to the sky and you become a mountain go up bruh cool get there first oh that's a tough the bird the bird just flies right up there boom and you're done mountain goat though they could climb pretty fast but like you know even if you can grow being stuck that black man can't fly bird oh there's strong winds up there so the bird can't do it oh you serious they'll blow the bird off course you didn't tell me about strong winds climbing the Beanstalk will take ages yes seriously but the goat is built for climbing yeah I knew that but like I chose the bird I thought the bird could do it you did it and here's your reward yeah we get the reward anyway it's fine congratulations yes okay where's my money show me mama you overcame all the obstacles and now you're the winner yeah you get a million gold coins they're in oh they're in this huge chest don't ask how they all fit it's magic duh all right well dang Thank You Santa Claus how are you going to open this thing I'm gonna burn it open now there's a lock on it that needs a coat okay we have to figure this out and there's a note on the chest what what is that some sort of weird magic stuff dang that's yeah that's confusing upside down maybe nope what is it um it's a fork and an arrow and a I don't know numbers the code is mirrored four one three two yeah I never we got uh but yeah congratulations you paid everyone so if you guys figured that out yes you got it there are still many adventures ahead yeah man all these wizards using their magic to get to the castle and open up a gold treasure chest boy been bad Adi yes that's gonna do it for messed up riddles that will test your mind really hope you guys enjoyed this video hope you had fun thank you for watching make sure to please click that subscribe button and give this video a like and click the link in the description below get that get that out of here merch the shirts we got kids sizes adult sizes get there and get song linked in the description below but hey when you guys are out there don't investigate be smart be safe and I'm seeing in the next one it's [Music]
Channel: dangmattsmith
Views: 8,045,746
Rating: 4.896575 out of 5
Keywords: infinite, lists, azzyland, sssniperwolf, reaction, reacting, crazy, girlfriend, ex girlfriend, mystery riddles, mystery, riddles, riddle, puzzle, messed, up, to, test, your, brain, brain teasers, riddles with answers, brain teasers with answers, sssniperwolf riddles, test your brain, 24 hours, cheating, prank, gold digger, tiktok, tik tok
Id: ncGcLfSNc5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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