kids can't be normal

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happy day i'm glad and it's getting to me guys it's getting to me the other day i uttered words i never thought i would utter i was like i'd do anything to go clubbing right now i've been home for too long i'm starting to feel a little bit blue maybe vitamin d deficiency maybe i haven't seen other people in a long time i don't know what it is but i want to laugh i want to laugh at kids being dumb because at times i'm as dumb as a kid and it just reminds me of myself this kid got stung by a wasp that's actually pretty good because one time i was walking in the coolies with my family and like my dad and my brother were walking with their shirts off and i was walking with my shirt on except a bee came into my shirt and was like right here and i ended up catching it here and i was like ah there's a bear and they were like what did you do what did you do i was like what do you mean what do i do you're older than me and then i took my shirt off and just flinged it and i was like hey this is actually a lot more comfortable this is you know airy i kind of like this and so i was like just walking without my shirt off and they were like you can't walk the shirt off and i was like these double standards oh you can't walk with your shirt off i was walking with my shirt off they told me i couldn't do it and it hurt me it's when i realized i was different in a very normal way fifty percent of people weigh when you're about to record a bid for science and this happens what [Laughter] why did we do those things when we were kids like why did we do it sometimes me and my siblings would just throw things at each other without really thinking about what they were and you would throw like like you know like twilight like do the the almighty leg in the air pitch for it you know you were a kid and your aim wasn't very good so sometimes it would clock your sibling in the face and then you'd get in huge trouble for it ah i hate when play turns into huge trouble it's fun getting into trouble oh she's zooming [Laughter] she's trying to do a cute little drive-by that would have been so smooth if she just went right through the door but wait is this door in the background even open it's not even open this girl was gonna run into a door either way oh that's really bad oh i love it i just i love kids getting hurt dude why does everybody have jackets on it's literally hot outside this is such a universal thing being in middle school and like the guy who's wearing like the shorts or like the t-shirt and like he just absolutely refuses to wear a coat no miss smith i will not put on a jacket i'm literally not cold i'm not going to get sick i don't even think snow is cold like i can just like not even cold at all what i was not i was not shivering i find it strange that guys usually do this thing because i was one of these people i was one of these people who absolutely refused to wear a winter jacket at most i would wear a windbreaker in grade school but i never wore winter jackets for some reason i was just so against it we didn't really have like a good selection of winter jackets so like i always felt really lame in the ones that i had [Music] apparently all kids come to this song that's how you get kids going i feel like the dog would come to that song for the cutest thing ever are you angry he's mad goodbye good boy good engine that was insane he's never done that before [Music] why does this seem like a disaster what did the kids think was gonna happen maybe it's just that when you're super small you don't get as hurt by things like maybe that's it maybe there's less weight to like hit the floor because if this happened to me i'd be i'd be winded couldn't breathe it'd be horrible oh a kid crying with a filter [Music] that's just mean i feel bad for him there's so many tech talks that like make me laugh but i feel really bad at the same time although i can laugh when it's a kid i can't laugh when it's like an animal like an animal running off of a counter and like falling like i don't find that funny i find that very very unsettling jabria are you smart yes what language do they speak in mexico hey how you doing that's what they be saying yeah are you smart yes count to 10 in spanish i can't do that that's it okay okay good job lord jaden are you smart yes how old is a grown-up four to five forty-five that's not bad why because how they have big days no you stopped growing a lot earlier than that you know how do you make mustard i don't know though seeds and you mix it with a strawberry you mix ketchup and strawberries and that's how you make mustard okay good job you know what that's creative i would have never guessed like i only know because i'm older like there's mustard seed and stuff like that but like how does it get yellow is it yellow to begin with i don't know okay so this is a little sister being overly protective she's like don't throw it do not do not throw that so cute thought it was a game then it wasn't a game oh she's checking if he's okay are you okay bud i'm so sorry you got attacked by the hashtag that is so funny oh my goodness i really do applaud her for not like running at the big brother because that's what i would have done i would have like found something to clock him with bowling pin or something and i would just came at him i've said don't three times you're gonna get it now hey alexa when it's valentine's would you be my valentine that's really sweet to ask but i already have a strong connection to your wi-fi oh is that real hey siri will you be my valentine that might be tricky but you'll always have my undivided attention she's leading me on siri am i pretty i know you're great just the way you are what do you mean just the way i am should you like assume i'm going to change something siri how much plastic surgery do i get i found this on the web oh she just like gives me tons of like plastic surgery website plastic surgery for teens okay anyways wait for it okay i'm waiting oh daddy daddy come on there's wall running downstairs oh there's wall running down the stairs wait how did he get that so instantly i feel like this is rigged because if i did that if i was like daddy daddy there's water running down the stairs my dad would like walk and be like what the what do you even think you're do like that's not funny i guess that's like what happens when you have like a really young dad like i don't know how young this guy was when he had kids but probably pretty young he's still wearing his like university hat yeah my dad would be like quit horsing around pull the water away all right he's gone dante [Music] oh he's like a cheerleader not the coach it's a good excuse from paying attention just the kid going around high-fiving that's so cute i don't find that dumb at all i find that adorable i love that i'm here for that you want to try something this looks so cute okay thanks anyone like ooh this is high caliber oh i need this kid to have like a food review channel because that kid is amazing kid eating a cookie through his ah through his mask wondering why it can't go through goes for round two i just why why i know why the kid was like spider-man wore this all the time spider-man had to eat there has to be a way to get this through here and i'm gonna find it out grinding for her slime career my little sister is grinding for her slime career that's so cute she's grinding hard she's like a little camera here is make it oh wow this is a hustler this is an up-and-comer i thought that was a camera but it's not but this is an up-and-comer like she's grinding oh there's a part two [Music] oh she did film it i love how she can't even see what she was filming but she did a pretty good uh little spiral there what's your favorite thing to see at the zoo i used to mingle you like the flamingos i eat it you ate a flamingo yeah oh i eat it why would you eat a flamingo i eat it out of the water no santa how would you do that yeah okay i'm scared i can't but i love the charisma drinking from the fridge filter no no no pretty good aim go down wait how's his mouth not overflowing this kid is full on swallowing this kid this kid is drinking the water stop it that's pretty good how is he not getting a brain freeze this kid's amazing [ __ ] up i'm sorry but how could you not be impressed instead of storybooks we're gonna read about the taco shows okay the kid wants to read about food that is so cute oh he sits in you know i would say this is a sign of maturity because i feel like once you like get a good hold on being able to read you start reading cereal boxes or when you're on the toilet you start reading like your cleansers your shampoo bottles this kid's ahead of the curve ahead of the curve [Music] is this girl's kids like the twitch comments do you know why you're famous because they're beautiful is it a compliment isn't it i don't know are you done oh yeah was this meant to be a compliment or an insult this is from a kid let's find out with such anger all right here's your juice why she got more than me she doesn't have more than you it's just a different cup watch this all right which one has more they're the same exactly now watch this now which one has more that one i mean yeah this is about like kids being dumb and stuff but like come on you can't expect like a kid who's so young then they still talk like this to like know that i feel like i probably didn't even know that until i was 27. okay so this is like a very good trick the mother says hey kids come pick your meal and then the firstborn is like look at this plate this plate have you ever seen such a beautiful plate in your life and then the second born goes well i i want this beautiful white plate then and then the first born gets the cool plate that's how you negotiate you make the piece of garbage look really good and then your younger sibling who's not very smart takes the piece of garbage and then you get the almighty plate that actually only worked for me once and then it never worked for me again and it got to the point where i didn't want to fight over the nice plate i preemptively accepted the crappy plate the crappy toy always second in everything the only thing that i had a pure claim on was the color pink my sister had a pure claim on purple we just knew like pink or purple and because those things were both better to us there was less fighting if there was a pink and a purple option well guys that's enough kids being dumb for today i feel like i was more impressed than um you know just uh about it i had a good time i hope you did too if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 5,367,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, dumb kids, stupid kids, gloomgames, kassie, silly kids, dumb, kids, stupid, kids being dumb, kids being stupid, kids fails, funny kids, funny videos, when kids do dumb things, reaction, best of reddit, back to school, 2021, tiktok, tik tok reaction, tik tok compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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