MOM WALKS OUT On Dad and Son, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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not sure [Music] what happened this kid just pumped into me I didn't even see it okay excuse me um sorry about that uh don't worry we will clean it up and you two just um you know carry on so sorry Dad it was an accident I was looking for you because that you left me hey hey I'd never leave you okay you never have to worry about that it's okay but just don't step over there until we get this all cleaned up okay uh no no it's not okay bud John a word you cannot turn my restaurant into a daycare center yeah I understand okay I'll keep a closer on Gabriel just duck the glass for my check it's not about the glass it is about the disruption this is the third time something like this has happened I cannot let you keep bringing that kid to work okay I have no other choice I can't afford a babysitter and no one else will watch my ways off from school but it's only temporary okay what about his mother yeah that's a long story she doesn't want him so you thought it was okay to bring your problem it's not a problem okay look that's not what I meant but that I'm just saying that if you cannot find somebody to take care of him then just don't bother coming to work okay it's only temporary I can't afford to lose any more shifts Giovanni please it's the holidays just give him one more chance fine but just because I'm a nice guy and if anything like this ever happens again okay oh this kid you know what I'm done with you get out you okay now but no both of you get out I don't want to hear it get out sorry sorry sorry [Music] I hope yeah I know something there you go Bud dad's famous grilled cheese with American and swiss oh with a pinch of garlic and sea salt just how you like it except cheating wow you should really open up your own restaurant again yeah it's a dream son that's a dream hey babe hey guys I didn't think I'd beat you two here um I thought you were off at nine yeah yeah I was but uh I got let off early can you get dressed tonight if you son foreign [Music] why Giovanni wasn't okay with me bringing Gabriel to work anymore so he let me go [Music] I knew that was going to be an issue so what are we gonna do you know we're already late with rent I know the landlord only gave us 10 days just hear me out maybe it's a good time for me to start my own business again but this time all right a virtual restaurant on delivery apps you can't even pay rent and you want to start a business come on John you got to be realistic okay yeah you're right don't worry I am already applied to a few open chef positions I should have never settled for being a server anyway well I doubt whatever it is they're gonna let you bring your kid to work John I think it's time to reach out to your family I'm sure they'd love to take Gabriel for a while no way I can't leave him he'd be devastated especially after what happened with his mom are you ever gonna tell me about that fine well at least let them help you with a babysitter or daycare no I've never asked my parents for help it's bad enough that I had Gabriel as a teenager I don't need another reason for them to think that I'm a failure look everything's gonna be fine okay I promise we're gonna get through it I hope so look I don't know how much longer I can deal with this [Music] foreign [Music] I wish that we still had the cook position available but we only have a spot for a server now I understand I'm just grateful for whatever opportunity you have available well I think I've heard all I need to hear congrats sorry to interrupt but I've checked on this kid about three times and he says he doesn't want to order anything uh oh I guess now's a good time for you to learn we have a no loitering policy customers have to order food if they want to be here otherwise you gotta go um please go ahead and ask we sorry that that's my son my girlfriend was supposed to watch him but she got called into work you know I see um okay well while we're on the subject it wouldn't be an issue if I brought my son in to work with me sometimes would it her this isn't a daycare this is a workplace you can't have any distractions is that going to be an issue yeah my son's my top priority I just can't leave him home alone when he's off from school you know I well we should have told me from the get-go we could have saved us both sometime all right good luck on the job search [Music] Come On Son chip job you know it wasn't a fit but don't worry I'm gonna find something okay I'm hungry do you think we could get something to eat you know what let's uh I'll make you something from home [Music] John it's not like I haven't been trying I've been to like a dozen interviews what do you want me to do I really didn't want to do this but I texted your parents earlier no wait wait what would you say to them Jessica the truth that you're struggling right now and they should call you look I know you obviously weren't gonna do it so I had to step up do you really want to spend Christmas homeless we need their help oh cool Jess you know how I feel about just answer John answer hey John you okay honey but not at all we're doing fine okay please don't worry are you sure we could send you money yes have Gabriel come stay with us no Mom thank you but trust me I don't need anything I'm good Mr and Mrs Brays he's not being completely honest with you he's struggling right now okay gotta go call you guys later love you bye see I can't believe you me I'm not the problem you are they're willing to help you should just take it no I've never taken a dollar from them and I'm not gonna start now well then at least let them take Gabriel no he's staying with me okay I never want him to feel like I abandon him I know he's had a hard enough time as it is a hard time with what everything that has to do with his mom I've never told you about Tina but I like I might as well now you see a long time ago I was a teenager doing what most teenagers do but then I found out something that would change my life forever Tina was pregnant we went to the hospital and the nurse confirmed everything I was so worried being so young and not knowing if I'd be able to take care of a kid patina was even more stressed than me after Gabriel was born things were definitely hard on us he'd be crying throughout the night it would drive Tina crazy so I became the one to always take care of him and then one day Tina decided she couldn't take it anymore so she left us I tried to stop her butt it was too late Gabriel was too little to understand everything that was going on but he could feel it and I was now all alone and having to raise a child by myself so you see Gabriel's mom ran out on us and even though he was really young I know he has a fear of Abandonment and I never want him to feel like I abandoned him too [Music] I'm really sorry you went through all that John I really am but I know I don't want to live like this anymore now I know why they say it's so hard to date a single parent wait what are you saying John I'm done just because you rather struggled and take your parents money it doesn't mean I want to struggle with you um I will come back later for the rest of my stuff [Music] thank you Jessica wait I'm sure is yes sorry this is a bad time but uh I need to give you this that's the holidays Merry Christmas Ted yeah can you turn the heater on I don't know that he takes so much Scott's son take my jacket I have to use the bathroom number two you can't wait till the gym opens up if not I can um I can take you to a gas station that's okay oh wait sorry Gabriel not the life I wanted for you don't be sorry Dad I have everything I need have you I don't need anything else and you're Never Gonna Leave Me right of course not hey you never ever have to worry about that because we're family and family always sticks together [Music] hey this is private property you guys can't be here we have nowhere else so what do you think we're gonna State some warning I'm sorry I don't have to call the cops apparently have any gas I don't even know where to go wait you said family always sticks together right oh hello come on in come on in it's so good to see you boys look how big you've grown Gabrielle [Music] have you been eating oh you lost so much weight let me make you something no I'm fine I'm hungry just give Grandma a few minutes okay can I use your restroom please of course honey come on let's go it's good to see you son let's go oh let me do it come on thanks for having us we're just going to be a few days you can stay as long as you want this house is so normally without you where's Jessica um things didn't work out turns out most girls aren't okay with dating a single dad she told us you were going through a hard time no no things are fine you may be older now but you're still my baby and I can tell when you're lying to me well from being honest I've been having I've been struggling for a while now after my restaurant closed last year I haven't been able to find a steady job most places aren't okay with bringing the kids to work and um after Jessica left yesterday we got kicked out of our apartment so things have been kind of hard [Music] I know what you guys are thinking I'm just a big failure no honey I'm thinking why didn't my son not tell us about this sooner wait what about I just didn't want to disappoint you guys so I mean I remember when I had Gabriel as a teenager how much I felt I let you guys down and I just didn't want to do that again that was a long time ago and although we weren't happy at that time seeing how good of a dad you are to him makes us proud actually doing it all on your own that isn't easy [Music] thanks guys ah I just gotta figure out what to do next why don't you try doing the virtual restaurant you were telling Jessica about you've been listening you heard my conversations with Jess I'm smarter than you think Dad you're right I don't know I failed before I'll probably just fail again it's not true because this time you have something that you didn't have before your mom to help you um what about my help you think I can cook okay fine I can at least spend time with my grandson is that okay Gabrielle yeah what do you say Dad please yeah okay yes okay let's see let's see with the full support of his family John gets inspired to go after his dreams again [Music] while he works on setting up his virtual restaurant his mom helps cook everything in the kitchen his dad takes care of Gabriel and everyone works together as one big happy family even though John still has a hard time accepting help from his parents over time he starts to bring his guard down he learns it's okay to get help from family once in a while because after all that's what family's for as time goes on the business starts to really take off orders keep pouring in and each person does their part to make it successful including Gabriel where are you guys going um well with how well everything's been going we were finally able to afford our own apartment again well thanks to you guys oh honey at least after the new year yeah Gabrielle and I were going to the bookstore later please don't leave ah I don't know I'm sure Gabriel wants to see his new room huh no I'd much rather stay here are you sure well all right then I guess we're moving in next week okay everyone have a I'm gonna make lumpia oh wait before I forget here you go what's this it's your card from the business laughs you think we were doing all this for money oh we were just doing this to spend time with you oh we don't want anything from you okay are you sure because we're family you don't have to pay to pay a thing this has been the happiest we've been in a long time you have no idea put that towards Christmas gifts for Gabriel [Music] are we expecting anyone um no I'll get it [Music] foreign can I help you it's me Tina I found this address online and thought I'd stop by to see Gabriel was here I know this is a lot but nowaday goes by where I don't think about him I was just really young and um anyways is he here um can you hold on for a second who is it Dad um listen it's your mom wait look you don't have to talk to her okay but if I want to see her are you sure she's family she said family always stick together right come in thank you are you hungry I'm making Nubia I was like that [Music] well uh let's eat let's see [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 9,927,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: x3TRXh0iNdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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