Boys Try POISONING A TEACHER, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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Nobody cares broπŸ’€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Basketball8907 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

He wanted to be his stepdad

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Adrianbeast67 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
I'm going to get you do it you suck bro that's not fair I'm out of ammo Seth or am I that really sucks bro like it's sad how bad you are but you'll get mad I think my mom is doing talking to Mr Gladwell is that about your report card yeah I already got grounded for that last weekend really friendly I know what's going on here my sister told me that Mr Gladwell and his girlfriend broke up recently so come on it's been like what a year since your parents split look at the mess they're dating oh gross no way this is my mom why would you want to date anyone especially my teacher she has everything she needs she has me yeah yeah that's what I said when my dad found someone after my mom died what do you do I put ants in her coffee but okay I know it's bad but if anyone asks I plead the fifths you really think my mom wants to date Mr Gladwell only one way to find out oh I know but it's such a relief to talk to somebody who gets it there you boys are yeah can we go now sure I need to take Hunter too but I'll see you on Saturday at giuliani's then yeah yeah I'm looking forward to it me too gentlemen is that yours yes um so what's Saturday you know that's a macaroni and cheese night yeah don't worry I'll be back to make it for you I'm just gonna go hang out with Mr Gladwell for a little bit okay come on get in the car It This Is War excuse me Ally wow you look great it's not too much I mean I bought this just for this and well I wasn't sure not at all it's perfect thanks and thank you for watching Jackson for a bit uh you're a lifesaver of course have fun I'm sure everything will go great all right um I will be back in a bit you be good okay um [Music] [Music] all right kiddos I got a zoom meeting and it'll be a while but if in case you need anything just ask [Music] um never mind I was thinking I would order the pizza just in case you guys get hungry sounds like a plan then okay oh oh yeah one more time do me a favor keep the noise down while playing fortnite cool man coolest I'm like Mr Gladwell why'd my mom have to pick him of all people this is seriously a nightmare and it's only the beginning it's a date with Mr Gladwell goes well he'll become your step daddy ew don't even talk like that that's not gonna happen yeah especially because I have a plan which is they're meeting at giuliani's right we can walk there from here and instead of Mr Gladwell ruining my life we're gonna ruin his date no we'll get in trouble my dad will find out my Grandma will pepperoni will sleep probably he said it'll be a while we'll be back before the pizza gets here and what are we gonna do if we get there I have a few more ideas we just gotta pick up my backpack final go hey stop wait okay no more eyebrows it's weird it's my signature don't say that again it's not it's my thing it's not yes it is there they are can I help you hi I'm Hunter that's Jackson my friend and can we have a table of course will your parents be joining you this evening we're all dead don't worry very well sir for how many two but um is it okay we see it ourselves I'm very particular about where I sit of course go ahead and have a seat at any open table and your waiter will be with you two gentlemen shortly thank you such a cool Decor I love it yeah grass and ass become alive I think I can get her number after this dude you don't even have a phone the girls in Middle School won't even talk to you so please Focus okay bonjour are you ready I would love to start with the house salad and then of the chicken Milanese and I'll have a glass of merlot oh that doesn't have Paprika in it does it I'm allergic no hey foreign I'm gonna start off with the bisque and then I'll have the rib eye medium rare and I'll also have a glass of merlot perfect I'll be right back I thought this was an Italian restaurant so did I it's a it's hoping you'd know gentlemen uh is there something I can get you to get you started um do you mind telling us what a biscuits it's a crab bisque um yeah we're gonna need a little more than that soup oh yeah that makes sense um is that what you'd like actually I I don't think we're quite ready yet do you mind just bringing over to Shirley temples and um can you tell me where the restroom is uh yes it's uh Downs away across from the kitchen you can't message okay thank you [Music] come on let's go [Music] few drops of this Mr grapple will be begging for Percy now we probably won't cry movie Queen's version hello hi uh is something wrong with your table no uh table's good I just looking for you [Music] couldn't help but notice this magnetic Chemistry Between Us I'm sorry I know it's cliche you know young stud older girl but I could really be something [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that was close how to go that was just playing hard to get no women are yeah here we go so what was I talking about you were telling me the qualities that you're looking for oh yeah that's right so when I really all right I have the bisque for the monsieur in this is there anything else that can get you too wait I I didn't order the Caesar salad I ordered the house salad I ordered the Caesar salad and she ordered the bisque I must have mixed these up I'll be right back with your correct order go [Music] wait are you okay no oh my mouth is on fire this is way too spicy what in the world was put in here oh good thing you didn't eat that yeah you're telling me I can't handle spice at all I'm not kidding I believe that just happened to the next level paprika didn't your mom say she was allergic no the throat won't close up or anything her face will just swallow then she'll have to leave come on bro just stay quiet and don't get seen food hey Ashley you want to have a drink with me [Music] hey I thought you get back here oh this is in the bathroom my bad the waiters actually this is a little hard to understand all right this has to work it looks lovely after you oh as I was saying it was hard getting back out there after Jackson's dad left yeah I can only imagine I'm so sorry yeah but after all this time I feel ready anybody be lucky to have you um is everything okay I I I feel funny could you flag down the the waiter I think there's Paprika in this yes this is uh something wrong is there Paprika in the chicken no it is not one of the ingredients of chicken Milanese are you sure because she seems like oh my God let me go see what happens with you Allison you're a little swollen what oh should we go to the hospital she has to leave to be alarmed I keep Benadryl with me because this happens all the time okay all right yeah taken that out of her purse maybe it was meant to be you know your mom and Mr Gladwell adorable yeah right it's time for the last resort and what's that what we've been training for our whole lives I'm gonna spoon wine all over Mr Gladwell you suck at aiming we are so sorry uh we don't know how uh this happened but uh we'll be bringing out a new plate for you and we're going to take care of your whole meals today don't worry it happens I'm just feeling embarrassed no don't be if anything it shows how great you are under pressure [Music] oh my oh I am so sorry I don't even know how that happened let me just get something it's fine no it's fine really this dinner just isn't going the way it was planned yeah I know full of surprises I should never even pick this place sorry do you mind if we just call it I'm feeling a bit embarrassed here like this of course yeah okay [Music] what is this I have no idea Jackson hey Mom in the world are you and Hunter doing here we were hungry that's not funny did you have something to do with this don't lie to me Hunter tell me what's going on he wanted to ruin your date with Mr Gladwell I'm sorry what wait you think that this is a date um yeah it's pretty obvious Mr Gladwell is looking for someone to do web design work this is an interview what really yes now that it's just the two of us I want to go back into the job market get some freelance work that's all oh I see were you behind the paprika too in the hot sauce classic I'm sorry I just didn't want anyone to get between us I thought you felt that I wasn't enough baby you are my entire world and any man that comes into our life will know that okay good even though I'm not dating Mr Gladwell I am dating what was that [Music] Hunter's dead what hmm there you two are I can't believe you two snuck out I had a feeling you two would be here we were going to tell you guys tonight over mac and cheese hold on you guys are serious right now like you're dating seriously know what this means right yeah I'm glad you're happy about it but don't think you're not in trouble for ruining my meeting with Mr Gladwell and creating this mess I'm so sorry I hope that you can accept my apology I do accept your apology if you accept the job really yes you're more than qualified and if you can handle the shenanigans of these two Rascals I'm pretty sure you can handle anything that comes your way thank you thank you hey how was it it was great yeah hey Dad can I get your phone yep thanks oh for what thanks [Music] hey babe can I get damn digits maybe in 10 years I'll leave it here you go ahead oh there's no ride I'm so sorry I'm late poor Emmy's been sitting here waiting all by herself hi I'm a caseworker with CPS Child Protective Services seriously we received a complain if you're such a great mother then you have nothing to worry about
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 10,425,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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