Busy DAD PICKS WORK Over SON, He Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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come on Bruno let's break this time go home you got this let's go come on let's go [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Music] good game good job honey that was amazing thanks [Music] where's Dad oh sweetie he was supposed to show up but something must have come up at work how about I make your favorite for dinner hey how's it going is it over already well that was a short game but there's usually nine innings in baseball six in Little League Tom and you would know that if you ever came to a game [Music] so Bruno has been doing really well in school he actually made the Honor Roll oh wow did you hear what I said our son is getting straight A's it deserves a little recognition yeah hey that's great just let me know if you need me to sign the permission slip are you listening to me can you please be present you just left the office this is your time to be with your family I'm sorry okay I'm sorry because we've got this merger going on at work and all right getting really close to locking in this deal and if we wrap it up next week then that's going to take a lot of responsibility off of my plane that's going to leave me with a lot more time I have been hearing that ever since we got married and if anything you're working even more yeah well this time I mean it I mean it and then we hit Q4 it's going to be record-breaking when I have so many more opportunities okay you can do hey no more work talk at the table okay but do you know what is happening next week it's Bruno's birthday and you know what I was thinking we should have your party after the big game so that your teammates can come big game yeah because they won today they're going into the championship really hey that's incredible congratulations bud say since you've been doing such an awesome job at school and baseball I think we should get you a really big gift this year for your birthday anything you want um I think maybe you mentioned a new phone or PlayStation right yeah the iPhone 16 or the ps6 why not both for a pretty good birthday all right Tom both of those items are really hard to get this time of year nonsense I can get you both they make you happy son hey I get it I'm sorry that I missed your game it won't happen again so what you say every time Dad still haven't showed up all season [Music] probably won't even show up the Championships dang why would you say that promise that I will be there you know what tomorrow I'm gonna get off work early I'll pick you up from school we can just hang out maybe even get a burger a little in and out sound good can I get a double double with animal fries yeah you know what I'll even get you a shake favorite chocolate strawberry that's right strawberry all right I can't wait just just please show up [Music] may I please be excused yes thank you thank you my little honor roll student love you Mom I don't know what don't get his hopes up tomorrow and then not show up I'm gonna be there I promise I'm sorry I'll be early not only we're getting away in this can I get five minutes with you without work please don't answer that hello I've looked on every website and all the Playstations and iPhones are sold out everywhere all right well uh keep looking because I have to make that happen for him okay all right I had to pick up Bruno from school I don't want to be late but we have the meeting with NBC in a few minutes remember I forgot about that um Can Marjorie take my place or do I have to be in it I mean do you want the merger to go through I'm pretty sure they want to talk to the CEO all right well uh I'll try to make it quick okay never seen your mom pick you up late before Oh No it's it's not my mom today my dad's picking me up huh yeah we're gonna hang out today your dad whoa I don't think I've ever seen him pick you up before hey I mean I guess there's a first time for everything okay see you boys later oh yeah peace peace thank you well I think we're all done here we're all very excited great so am I and I think with our two companies combining oh my gosh uh that's the time I'm really sorry but I have to go uh I'm looking forward to the next meeting um my Dad's here see you tomorrow yeah see ya hey Bruno need a ride oh no no that's fine you sure yeah yeah I'm sure all right won't you be alone my Dad should be here any minute now all right see ya hey Miss Adams hi Mr Hendrix hi have you seen Bruno yeah he was waiting out here for a while I asked him was everything okay he said he was waiting for you I think he ended up walking home oh he left thank you very much [Music] if you couldn't have gotten him you should have let me know I would have picked him up I know I just got held up I was it was an emergency situation he had to do it was late don't explain it to me explain it to Bruno [Music] you hungry you still want to get in and out I get that you're probably mad at me I had an emergency meeting come up at work I thought it was going to be real quick and the time just got away from me son I'm really sorry and I'm gonna make it up to you and you're going to get the best birthday gift ever and I will be at that game this weekend [Music] I promise I really am sorry foreign [Music] message from Julie where are you the game is about to start don't do this again I'm already on my way ETA 10 minutes send Hey Beth only got a minute what's up you won't believe this a genius store at the mall just got a new stock of iPhone 16s they have one that's great that's great news Bruno's gonna be very happy uh can you go pick it up for me I'm still at the office they'd sell out by the time I got there but if you're by the field you're only a few minutes away I'm sure you could run in and out all right I'm on my way navigate to The Genius store calculating route let's go let's go come on let's go come on [Applause] trophy all right let's go Bobcats on me one two three Bobcat okay [Applause] thing excuse me excuse me can you please grab for me one of the new iPhone 16s please and and just make it fast because I'm kind of a hurry what's uh that's a good one man um sorry it's so funny oh you're serious oh dude we completely sold out of those like like five minutes ago you could try again next month my man next month there's got to be something that you can do I got my kids birthday he needs it so um just go in the closet and get me anyone any color it's not gonna happen my guy I mean she just bought the last one yeah that lady right there good luck oh thank you so much dear hey excuse me ma'am hi um my son is having a birthday and all he wants is that iPhone right there and I would be his hero if I got it for him is there any way that I can buy that one off of you no I'm sorry this is for my granddaughter she's never had an iPhone before this is going to be a very special gift oh well you know what if she's never had one before then she won't know what she's missing if she doesn't get it I tell you what what if I uh just throw in a little extra to sweeten the deal for you would that be okay would that works no I'm not really interested dear okay how about a hundred dollars huh do it for you no do it what if I do 500 maybe come on no way no I will do a thousand dollars I will double it please that is that is a lot of money listen silly man has anyone ever told you some things in life are more important than money excuse me and you have a nice day [Music] hey I have a friend that works at Bullseye he said they just got a bunch of new iPhones and PlayStations in a few minutes ago but they're about to put them out right now really yeah you're a lifesaver thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all ready here we are now just wait in the line here and we'll ring you up as soon as possible oh you kidding me I can't wait in this line unfortunately we're short staffed today but hopefully it moves quick hey excuse me um hey do you mind if I cut you really in a hurry yeah no Army sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry excuse me hey yo hi I will pay you 100 bucks if you just let me cut in front of you I'm really I'm that desperate really yeah okay sure hey my man if you're gonna give him a hundred to cut you got to pay me too yeah all of us yeah that's right all of us ah all right fine fine um two three four five I don't have enough money oh there is an ATM over by the restrooms in the front okay all right uh sorry sir sir you gotta pay for those first um hey can you just hold on to these for me just a second I'll be right back uh sure Bruno you're up hey we have when I left and we need two more runs take it home buddy [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you okay I want to what what happened they opened up another register man the line's moving faster now whoa hey wait a minute where's all my stuff I think he bought them and left he left like five minutes ago no no no no no no no no hey hey please please tell me at least one more iPhone and one more PlayStation back there sorry dude we're all sold out [Music] I know okay I'm sorry you're okay I'll be right back I can't believe you crazy story I swear what happened I lose the game [Music] hey bud you know it's not about winning or losing it's getting out there thinking you did your best if that's the way you feel about it that's all that matters what do you know [Music] hey hey everything all right with a birthday boy oh yeah yeah he's just he's taking the loss kind of bad the loss weight loss I won Bruno the game-winning run it was really awesome should have seen it it's all right I'll record it I'll send it to you yeah thanks appreciate it look what I found Beth oh my God you're a lifesaver 's gonna love me thank you you're welcome hey buddy so I know you're probably mad but I got something for you it's gonna make everything better come on look inside [Music] look I got a new phone you wanted [Music] PlayStation six I got both of the things you want just like I promise I don't get it thought you'd be excited isn't this what you wanted no [Music] look I get you the wrong color I'm sure we can get it exchanged you just you don't understand okay you never will these weren't easy to get very expensive too and does he not care you're missing the point it's not about gifts Tom or the money you spent all he wanted was for you to show up to his game and spend some time with him some things are more important than money and signed I think our companies are going to be so much stronger as one three we were just saying how we already feel like family and that's what we're all about family speaking of which if you don't mind I'm going to need to run after you're done signing those I have somewhere that I have to go of course we can always celebrate another day you know that's the same agreement that the attorneys already went over is there a problem just want to read through all the details one more time you know I'm really sorry but I have to go um I have something really important that I have to do this is a multi-million dollar deal I don't want to rush it what could possibly be more important than this my son I'll let you know if she signs or she doesn't either way I'll keep you updated go to Bruno [Music] hey um my mom's not coming today so I was wondering if I could catch a ride oh Dad what are you doing here that I take off work early some time with you but maybe we can practice some baseball for next season [Music] strawberry shake hold on work can wait hi spending time with my son [Music] she suddenly heard a loud and she turned around yeah it was if I was a little girl I'm not sleeping in a tree snowing the monsters out there I'd be scared Mikey is that you grab the little girl
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 11,849,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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