KICC 6pm Service | 05-09-2021

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[Music] so [Music] me [Music] you on my way oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] bring me amen i will take your love so deep bring me to your river so deep [Music] bring me to your living [Music] to your water stream like a dying man [Music] [Music] away my constant pain [Music] bring [Music] me [Music] [Music] my [Music] water that i may drink from you [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] from here [Music] [Music] is [Music] come to make me home [Music] let god arise and his enemies arise oh god [Music] warriors [Music] giving the blessing to your people [Music] is [Music] [Music] hungry like a mighty warrior arise like a mighty warrior [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] follow us [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] like a mighty warrior [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] do [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] me [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] so [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] there's [Music] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] now [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] oh so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] so praise the lord amen psalm 95 from verse 1 says o come let us sing to the lord let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with thanksgiving let us shout joyfully to him with psalms for the lord is the great god and the great king above all god in his hand at the deep places of the earth the heights of the hills are his also the sea is his for he made it and his hands formed the dry land oh come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the lord our maker for he is our god and we the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts let's just begin the service by just thanking the lord let's give him thanks let's express our gratitude to god our maker for his protection for his provision for salvation that your name is written in the lamb's book of life giving praise worshiping that we have life we have health let's thank him heavenly father we give you praise we worship and we adore you we thank you o god almighty for your manifold blessings upon our lives we thank you for the opportunity to gather together in fellowship in unity in one accord giving praise to your name lord as we come tonight we ask oh god for your presence your power we live the time of the praise and worship unto you let our praises and our worship be acceptable in your sight heavenly father we pray concerning the time of the delivery of your world we live before you your servant your minister that will be bringing the world tonight we ask god for fresh anointing fresh unction upon him that the one will come forth with power with accuracy with simplicity that lord god almighty shall not speak of himself but he shall speak as the oracles of god we ask oh god almighty that you will use him mightily to bring your word your word of salvation your word of deliverance your word of healing your word of prosperity unto your people we ask oh god almighty that you open our eyes to see that's what you are showing us tonight we pray oh god that you open our ears to hear that's what you are saying to us tonight we ask oh god that you cause faith to arise from the depths of our hearts that we shall not just be hearers of your word but we shall be doers of your word we ask all god that your word will profit us in whichever way that we apply it we thank you holy spirit we ask for your presence that all that we shall do today shall be under your control and influence we ask for impact help us holy spirit to pray the exact man of god for the will of god to be manifest tonight we ask god for signs for healings for deliverance for miracles in the name of jesus let your work become life to us in the name of jesus just pray in the spirit for about a minute or so just begin to intercede for tonight's service [Music] [Music] le kenda courier terrible world revocation delegate oh lord that you will render the heavens and put down your blessings upon us let there be visitation oh god of your presence of a person of your power tonight in the name of jesus we welcome you lord jesus we welcome you king of kings we welcome you lord of lords we welcome you our redeemer our savior messiah oh we welcome you lord jesus the soon coming king the black monaster i provide our healer we welcome you the lamb of god the word of god we welcome you we give you praise we exalt you as we drown with the angels and saying holy holy holy lord god almighty the one that was that is there is to come take your place lord jesus thank you father in jesus name amen [Music] lift up his holy name hallelujah oh hallelujah lifting up only [Music] holy [Music] yes [Music] [Music] lifting up lifting oh is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] lord oh [Music] oh we worship you god we bless your name tonight we give you the glory lord we thank you for your faithfulness oh lord jesus father you put a song in our heart and someone prayed the song of worshipers and some are glorifying your name so we give you all the narration lord jesus we give you praise lord hallelujah thank you father god hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] your lips goddess honor grace [Music] and i i will praise the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] is hello [Music] [Music] is [Applause] is foreign foreign hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] somebody worship worship the lord my father's name is worthy hallelujah we bless your name god el shaddai we adore you god jesus we lift up our worship to you lord you are worthy of all honor of our glory of all praise wherever you are just lift up your voice and worship the lord just take a knee and just worship god for a second hallelujah thank you jesus lord we bless your name god thank you father you are awesome you are worthy god abbas [Music] you lord you are worthy [Music] and no one can worship you for me for all that things you've done for me and no one can worship you for me somebody [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i will [Music] [Music] i [Music] am [Music] oh [Music] of you [Applause] i will always [Music] [Music] i will always [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes foreign [Music] give him is [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah foreign [Music] are you new to kicc do you have a view about how we can serve you better have you just accepted jesus christ as your savior is this your first time attending a kicc online service if so we would love to give you a special kicc welcome please go to uk forward slash contact and complete the relevant form we look forward to hearing from you kicc will be 29 years old on monday the 6th of september 2021 amen let us thank god for kicc and the lives of our pastor matthew and pastor yemesi ashimolowo please share your krcc experiences testimonies by emailing kicctv at kicc uk happy birthday kicc global tnt virtual and actual service will resume sunday the 12th of september follow tnt on instagram for more information kingsway bible institute virtual classes join the one hour virtual lesson for baptism membership and stewardship every wednesday at 6 00 pm if you are interested in this opportunity send an email to kbi dot uk the minimum age for the babson class is 10 years old join the kicc global bible study and dig deeper into god's word and enrich your faith with pastor matthew every wednesday at 7 pm you will not want to miss this powerful time of study and join a small group of believers for caring heart fellowship chf as we gather together virtually to learn and grow through studying god's word time 7 pm to 8 pm join morning glo every monday to friday at 6 00 am with pastor matthew and guests as they will be a harvesting of strange testimonies so tell your family and friends to join this one hour of god's unmissable covenant power monday august the 30th to friday 31st of december streaming live on all kicc platforms the krcc book club will be meeting virtually on sunday september the 5th and 19th 2021 to discuss the book goodbye yesterday by cindy trim for the zoom link email kicc underscore book club at have you ordered your igoc products own all 12 messages and more as a package enjoy hd quality recording have exclusive access to messages after the live streaming order your igoc 2021 conference products now mp3 and mp4 are downloads only for dvds and cds the price excludes delivery cost congratulations to sarutsai bikwa and stafford aquate who will be getting married on monday the 6th of september at kicc prayer city congratulations to joshua cocker and kavu batsana who will be getting married in johannesburg south africa on friday the 10th of september congratulations to alera ariengo and adidaio omayeli who will be getting married at kicc press city on saturday the 18th of september congratulations to yuan de olono tade and hola mipo oguntade who will be getting married on saturday the 18th of september at braintree the world is constantly changing how can the christian remain relevant and grounded in the truth the king's college of excellence offers you a virtual bible school with a difference harnessing the experience and knowledge of its global faculty of teachers including kce founder pastor matthieu shamolo students from every walk of life those called to ministry running businesses and employed in the marketplace are empowered with timeless teaching tools and strategies that equip them to make a lasting godly impact on their generation our cutting edge curriculum includes teachings on the principles of faith new creation realities christian ethics in life and ministry personal development and spiritual life coaching family life and ministry and much more enrich your christian life and join a global body of students at the king's college of excellence virtual bible school for details and to register for the virtual opening evening visit mission sunday join pastor mensah during the 9 a.m 11 a.m and 6 p.m services on sunday the 12th of september 2021. this is your opportunity to be a part and get towards the upcoming mission actual services 9 a.m and 11 a.m kicc prayer city and kicc the land of wonders evening actual service is at 6 00 pm create city only also there will be streaming on all kicc social media platforms for more information about krcc or any of these announcements call 0208 525-000 or email event or visit or download the kicc app this ends this week's announcements have an extraordinary week [Music] hallelujah what a mighty god we serve what an extraordinary god we worship the testimonies that are coming through somebody has a testimony hallelujah we all have a testimony hallelujah he's a wonderful god i stand amazed at what he's doing in our lives and his church in these days we're living in we give you glory lord stand amazed in your presence there is nothing you cannot do i stand amazed in your presence there is joy peace and [Music] hope in your presence there is nothing you cannot do i stand on it [Music] in your presence there is joy there is joy peace and hope [Music] there's no one like you jesus there's no one like you in all the earth there's no one like you jesus [Music] it's your [Music] me [Music] there is [Music] there's no one [Music] there's no one like you [Music] [Music] you're a faithful god awesomeness [Music] is [Music] i know [Music] [Music] [Music] we give you glory you two foreign [Music] does mighty things he's a faithful god and a prayer answering father yes thank you jesus come on lift up those hands to heaven [Music] you have won the victory [Music] [Music] me [Music] yes [Music] oh yes come on raise your voice hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah hold you down [Music] [Music] lift yes [Music] whatever it is she's buying down tonight [Music] [Music] come on for the last time everybody say hallelujah [Applause] [Music] you me [Music] see them [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus come on welcome his presence in this place tonight [Music] thank you jesus we give you all the glory and the praise tonight [Music] thank you for this is our month of all round victories in the name of jesus amen praise the lord just say welcome to the people by right and left and if you are told say welcome to your husband or wife and you may be seated praise god i give honor tonight to pastor matthew parceymc for the privilege to be able to share with us i want us to open to abercromb chapter 2 verse 3. how many were at igoc were you blessed praise god may it stay with you no devil can take it out albuquerque chapter 2 verse 3 it says for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie though it's tarry wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry hallelujah may the lord bless the reading of his word that is at the exact time that god has ordained for that thing to happen in your life nothing can stop it nothing can affect it how many believe that god is god all by himself the same yesterday the same today the same forever the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end is a faithful god hallelujah praise the lord the title of my message simply is wait for it wait for it whatever it is wait for it it will still happen hallelujah this is the most difficult thing because i believe in accelerated victories accelerated blessing something happening for you in a jiffy you know it's something that was meant to take years of god makes it happen in months no why not anybody who does not believe that maybe just like to suffer and i don't think there's any human being like that but there are some things that have an appointed time hallelujah see the most difficult thing sometimes for me as a child of god is waiting i want it now you say it now you want it to come to pass you've been through a conference of our convention a lot of things were spoken and you just began to get terrorists within you of the possibilities that are ahead of you but you must know how to wait for it nothing that god has earmarked for you will fail you i said nothing that god has ordained for you will fail the god we are talking about is credible his word can never fail praise the lord the bible says in job chapter 9 verse 12 it says behold he taketh away who can hinder him who will say unto him what does thou who is going to say to god what are you doing why did you do this before you open your mouth i hope life is not snuffed out of such a person to be a questioning god as to his credibility as to why he made some things happen that's the god will serve go to ecclesiastes chapter 8 verse 4. still in the king james version of the bible it says where the word of a king is there is what power and who may say unto him what does thou nobody can say to god what are you doing is the alpha is the omega and it's also the in between praise the lord everything that god does the scripture tells us in ecclesiastes chapter eight verse four it's psalm chapter three verse 14 in the new living translation says and i know that whatever god does i'm reading from the nlt it's final oh praise the lord whatever god does is what final don't worry let every other human being be doing their own thing but whatever god does is what final god is going to put finality to that situation for you that career that purpose that destiny finality is coming that when god says this is it nobody can change it hallelujah what he says i know that whatever god does is final nothing can be added to it or taken from it god's purpose is that people should fear him hallelujah praise the lord god's purpose is that people should fear him because he is sovereign he makes decisions that you may not be even expecting he does things in his own way because he's god he knows the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning all things consist in him and without him was nothing made that was made in him was life and that life is the light of man his light shines in darkness let me tell you it may look sometimes like the enemy is having an upper hand oh get ready god will have the final say i said god will have the final say whatever situation be that business career opposition challenges you may be facing god is going to have the final say whatever god does is final and that's why you must learn as he says in habakkuk there for the vision is yet for what an appointed time but at the end is shall we speak and not lie how many have had a few people lied to you before it shall not work lie some people have prophet lied though itary he says wait for it because it will surely come so surely come on say surely those who are here and if you are told to say surely that is it cannot fail whatever god wants for you whatever he has ordained for your life is what you are going to become that is a true central essence of prayer so say let your kingdom come let your will be done in my life as it has been ordained in heaven that is the very thing the enemy fights and that's why you must know never to give up to keep pressing him to keep declaring the mind of god until you see the victory become a reality hallelujah praise god now whatever is it for you i.t wait for it it will still happen look at your neighbor tell them it will still happen oh you are not confident i said tell them it will still happen whatever is it and it's not information technology eat whatever is it for you it was still what happened you know i was checking the definition of it you know sometimes we just use words it says it's a word used to refer to a theme previously mentioned what has god previously mentioned to you it is a word referred to what a thing that has been previously mentioned forever oh lord thy word is what settled in heaven something that god has spoken to you about something he says is something that is easily identified if i say you go and take it to that place you must know what it is something that has been previously mentioned concerning you in his word no devil can fight it it will still happen all you need to do is wait praise the lord i said what wait how many are believing god for some things that have not happened yet but you can identify it it has been previously mentioned oh praise the lord then i was checking on the word weight too yeah you can tell somebody oh wait for me you know we can say oh wait i'm i'm going to the loo or something you know but the most important and frequent use of the word weight in the bible is to define the attitude of a soul that is godward that is towards god that is looking up to god for everything in his our life so that i am not stressed even when it appears as if i'm i'm behind but because i am in god and my all demeanor and disposition to life spiritual and bodies god give me the instruction let me know what to do i'm looking up to you my faith looks up to you thou lamb of calvary i'm waiting on you i'm trusting in you i'm hoping in you he says and i continue to read from this bible dictionary that i got this from he says is to define the attitude of a soul that is god's word it implies the listening here a heart responsive to the wound of god that is god is wooing the person a concentration of the spiritual faculties upon heavenly things hallelujah and when we talk about heavenly things we are not talking about oh i just want to get to heaven that's not he said let me tell you i tell people that as far as i'm concerned whatever is in heaven must happen in your life on earth because your destiny everything was already set to where in heaven forever oh lord so when we talk talk about heavenly things it's about holiness it's about purity it's about doing the right thing but it's about if you truly want to get the gist you are from heaven you are an ambassador here the scripture tells us clearly and that's why nothing should be happening in your life that heaven has not mandated so even when it looks like i am tarrying i'm waiting i'm saying god whatever is of heaven let it manifest in my life when it looks like this one something somebody passed by you in a race and you are wondering my leg is like you will still get to the end point when it looks like life is dealing all kinds of issues bringing it up against you you still hold on because you know i am looking up to heaven i believe it's all it's only those who are heavenly minded that will be of earthly benefit because the world is a mess if you are earthly minded you will add to the problems but if your mind is of heaven you bring solution you bring direction you will show them the way things ought to be because when jesus came and he told his disciples in caesarea philippi in the message translation he told them a yes in heaven yes on earth he said yes in heaven a no on earth he said no in heaven that there will be no more barrier between heaven and earth because the earth is god's word full stool then he goes on in this a concentration of the spiritual faculties upon heavenly things the patience of faith it describes an eager anticipation and yearning for the revelation of truth and love as it is in the father you see in psalms 69 verse 5 my soul went down for god only in psalm 33 verse 20 says our soul hath waited for yahweh in psalms 69 verse 3 he says my eyes fail while i wait for my god proverbs 20 22 wait for yahweh and he will save you i told you from beginning that one of the things that is a challenge for me as a person is waiting for anything i thank god for people who do protocol praise god for before you know i'm saying when are we living this when are we moving they are very restful they see the weight important if i was a protocol my head is already thinking where should i so i have to learn to wait especially when you had some things fast in life quit this quick there never worked in any place the first work i was using as a medical doctor no everything was going like that so god asked you sometimes because you can trust in your own strength and your ability to have to wait learn to wait for him for everything nowadays and just say god help me hallelujah abraham had to wait at the appointed time isaac came 75 years old i will make you a great nation i will do this for you you'll be a blessing you will be blessed greatly at a point in time his name was changed from just father to father of many nations he had to wait though itari wait for it i know sometimes the feeling is of you know maybe i'm not praying enough or maybe there's some things i'm just not doing that you know and you find that you go through everything that every message has asked you to do every messenger of god has taken you through but you still have to work wait you want all your enemies to bow if possible be destroyed psalm 35 you've read it ten times and the enemy is chasing and then you are wondering what is going on god when god says it's time it is time i said when god says it's time it is time the children of israel were in egypt for over 400 years in slavery when god's time to raise a deliverer for them came he decided that the person to deliver them had to be raised by the enemy in the very palace of the enemy just to let you know that he does whatever he wills and nobody can say what dwest down i'm here tonight to tell somebody to rest in god that thing you are waiting for it will still happen okay you're not confident i said it will still happen let them take it to the north to the south to the east to the west it will still what happened as long as it has been ordained by heaven for you and you are not going to engage in things that will make you be like a blessing blocker you are blocking your own blessing hallelujah david had to wait to be king the oil was poured on him at the age of 17. chased around by saul for another 13 years up and down at the cave of engedi hiding running with some reef rafts like job he had to wait for the appointed world time hallelujah israel also after they have been put out there they've gone into the diaspora nations europe everywhere asia even africa they one day came 1948 as prophesied by heaven that they are coming back to be a nation when they've been scattered for well over 2000 years and the day came because god said it will happen and that's why till tomorrow nobody can shift them from that place oh please i want you to be focusing reading some things about israel check on it that some where somewhere there is a time scheme for a lot of things that will happen in our age it's not us it's not czech israel what's going on right now is that they are surrounded up there in the north is hezbollah from lebanon firing rockets to their eastern syria to the west is gaza and to the south the utis are already sending things through saudi arabia very they are surrounded russia already has a place in syria a station with turkey so it's making the bible come alive because they will be surrounded and then that's when they will start to cry to god everything that god spoke about as to how the age will be we are seeing it happen there are some things i re you read in the bible sometimes you wonder that's never going to happen but look at where we are in our world today good is being called bad and that is being called good and you are wondering will the world ever accept this kind of lifestyle would a world ever move in this direction they are moving because whatever god has spoken will become a reality and that's why you must know how to wait for him let him be the center of your joy the center of your life so that you are not surprised at some things no you are not you are not surprised yes you don't want to participate you are not but you know that something this thing is already in god's word hallelujah let me show you a few scriptures because i cannot do a lot of teaching tonight because of time in psalm 119 verse 49 in the tpt translation of the bible it's called the passion translation psalm 119 verse 49 he says lord never forget the promises you've made to me for they are my hope and confidence never forget the promises you've made to me for they are my hope and confidence and that's why whatever is your it i better be connected with what god said something that is identifiable something previously mentioned and it's not something you have cooked up yourself so when you stand before people say i'm head and not here above are not under over not below because you see it in scripture i shall not die believe to declare the works of the lord because you see it in scripture i am blessed and highly favored because you see it in scripture i have come that they might have life and having more abundantly so you are you you are not going to take anything that if it's of a lesser thing you'll say abundance is my portion hallelujah lord never forget the promises if you we're not god doesn't forget but it's a human being who's writing this so he's saying it from a human perspective and say lord never forget the promises you've made to me for they are my hope and confidence if you have confidence without any other thing in your waiting period you'll be stressed because all other ground is sinking sand every other thing will fail you including human beings that you love and are close to you and that's why god has to be the only thing you stand on hallelujah please understand god has to be the only person the only thing that you build your faith upon for they are my hope and confidence oh yes we have measures of trust in other people but absolute trust has to be in god some people may just die on you a father you thought will always be there a spouse you thought will always you know i mean and it's not because they did anything wrong or they didn't believe in you but they're just not there to rest them systems governments things that we do even in life investments and other things that we that it's my your hope better not be in it you do it but your hope is not in it your hope is still in god so that that investment can work because we i did some investment some of my friends some time ago 20 acres of land we are expecting to get 22 bars of yamaha or something the guy who was walking it then one of the friends also did so he did something he had goats at the end of it we were saying where is this 22 bars of yam everything went i said the guy was just eating good till today we can find it twenty thousand tubers of yam that we could have sold and just somebody would sell it on about i mean praise god just went like that today the case is there's no case i just just let's move on bought land because i was here for a long time couldn't travel before immigration and all that went back as i going back the guy who said take care of it this is your own plot value for come and buy this one too so you can be taken went back after years of being here and we find he himself was looking where is this light and we got to eventually to the place it's a church that is on the land i said who are we going to fight god the church let's just leave it god is providing more than that even in this season more than that you just praise god because those are things in those days my father said hey bye bye this because that's what he did buy that before you took to go because i was going even though he didn't want me to come back you know i said i have to go praise the lord lord never forget the promises you've made to me for they are my hope and confidence romans 8 25 but if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for what eat can you see it again that's the way you're going to wait for it whatever it is the next promotion may be it the next business the next major move of god in your life the next building but if we hope for that we see not then do we with what patience wait for it the word of god already tells us that through faith and patience we inherit the promises through faith and patience now please i know tonight i am not saying anything new to most of us but i pray that the spirit of god will stay up within you to know that you don't have to be miserable you don't have to be depressed you don't have to feel like everybody else is above you doors are all going to open when god says it's time there shall be a manifestation there shall be a performance psalm 130 verse 5 he says i wait for the lord in the kingdoms my soul dot wait and in his word do i hope in his word do i hope that's why that word must become part of your life your daily living that you don't fail to read it to study to show yourself approved unto god a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth it is the word of god in you that gives you confidence against every difficulty against every challenge you don't cower you don't you don't pretend to to to submit to any situation that is against the world in your life you ride above it and speak the word against it hallelujah i wait for the lord my soul dot wait and in his word do i hope in lamentations chapter 3 verse 25 lamentations 3 25 he said the lord is good unto them that wait for him to the soul that seeketh him the lord is good unto them has the love been good to you oh come on say it confidently because you waited on some things i'm glad that i'm waiting on some things that i didn't rush on some things the lord is good to them that wait for him no wonder isaiah said in isaiah 40 those who wait upon the lord they shall renew their strength they will mount up with wings as eagles they will run they will not be weary they will walk they will not fail now please understand me waiting is not easy yeah it's not we're sharing my in our church here there today that he said god wants us blessed there's no doubt or even blessing us responsibility blessing of any kind has responsibility it will make your life fuller richer more satisfied but it does not necessarily make it easier but you will enjoy the ride because you're already committed to the things ahead of you he said the lord is good unto them that wait for him this to the soul that seeketh him the lord is good so whilst you're waiting on god for different things marriage life partner money finances breakthroughs here and there don't let yourself be looked down upon by anybody i'm waiting for god and hope the bible says does not make ashamed when you are open you don't be ashamed because you know you are trusting in god the bible says now abide that three things faith hope and love but the greatest of this is love know that but hope three things that paul said are key faith hope and love you cannot live your christian life outside of those three dimensions hope sometimes can be used synonymously with confidence hallelujah micah chapter 7 verse 7 and that's the last passage i'm going micah 7 7 he says therefore i will look unto the lord i will wait for the god of my salvation my god will hear me he will hear you i don't know what you're facing right now he will hear you his hair is not death that he cannot hear he will hear you and that thing you are waiting for will still happen anna was waiting for children it still happened in spite of all the ridicule sarah was waiting it still happened even though she was 90 rebecca waiting for different things and it has always been the pattern with god with people sometimes that he chooses because it helps to register that your faith truly is in him and nothing else hallelujah no manipulation can stop it i said no manipulation can stop the heat that you are waiting for let them take it to the north to the south to the east to the west nothing can stop it it will not work absalom wanted to be king manipulated the people until some of them joined this camp but it didn't work david is a man on the throne hallelujah no manipulation can work a man wanted to manipulate the king oh the one we would delight to honor should sit on this thinking that it is about him and after he had given a good extra vagrant celebration of this person and how they should celebrate and say okay go and do it for mordecai who is not manipulating anything he's not here talking about how good he is to me let me tell you wherever you are god will locate you whatever he has ordained for you will visit your hope it will locate you it doesn't matter who thinks they can get away with dealing you with you anyhow or talking to your behavior oh when heaven comes into the situation for you the devil will be silenced destroyed completely are you listening to me praise the lord but if we hope for that we see not then do we with patience wait for it hallelujah there are some things that i'm still waiting for there shall be a manifestation and i will testify by god's grace on this stage of the goodness of god in the land of the living psalm 130 verse 5 he says i wait for the i mean for the lord my soul don't wait and in this world do i hope we've read that lamentations 3 25 we said the lord is good unto them that wait for him hallelujah nobody can control your destiny no witchcraft no manipulation can affect what is coming in your life no obstruction please stand to your feet let's begin to pray right i said no obstruction even once you are waiting no obstruction can affect what god wants to bring into your family into your home into your business into your ministry into your career in the name of jesus whatever is trying to obstruct it fire from heaven will burn it up no assassination of your character will walk in this season assassination of your character will work the devil is a liar the devil is a liar anyone wants to pull you down they will be down forever i said they will be down forever in the name of jesus no assassination of your character will work oh look at david look at what he's doing oh look at this one look at what he's doing oh look at daniel he's worshipping another god he's so fervent he's so focused he makes us look stupid let's find something against him and they could not find any other fault but at the end daniel got promoted and those who were against him were cast into the lion's den that would be the portion of every enemy that has risen against you against your purpose against your destiny in the name of jesus no opposition and let me tell you no pandemic can stop you either i said no pandemic can stop you either don't itary wait for it that it will still happen i said it will still happen i said it will still happen because some people began to be frustrated with the pandemic i can't travel i can't go oh some people did more things during the pandemic because once it's time it is time praise the lord some things we concluded as a family during the pandemic once it's time it is work the devil can stop what god has in store for you and no government either no government can stop god's purpose for your life you are going to move forward i said you are moving forward come on begin to spread the language of the spirit right now market labor [Music] at home begin to pray in the language of the spirit they karowski brandesha makando [Music] yes [Music] i will wait for all my tea god in the beauty of your whole leaning [Music] i will worship [Music] come on say lord i [Music] [Music] your thirsty my soul will wait for you yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] of you oh come on one more time [Music] almighty god come [Music] wait on it it will still happen the door will still open the breakthrough is coming the blessing is coming change is coming new things are coming the victory all around victory [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you jesus we give you all the glory and the praise tonight thank you father in jesus name come on give the lord a shout of praise if you can i said give the lord a shout of praise hallelujah he's worthy [Music] rest in him is on your side he will never leave you he will never forsake you everything you are going through is giving you strength for the bigger things that god has ordained for you hallelujah give god praise one more time please be seated if you i want us to prepare seed tonight our tithes our offerings let's give confidently cheerfully giving knowing that as you release increases coming into your life on common blessing on common favors praise the lord and god will reward all your seed soul for those who are here if you want an envelope to collect it and those who are giving cash and checks can collect the envelope but we have brethren who are outside of the uk you can give on the account that you see on the screen ibn number the swift code whichever one works for you and so your seed tonight a change is coming a new day new beginning for those of us in the uk can do direct bank transfers paypal that is even for also from any part of the world paypal ksc dona 27085 you can give your offering maximum you can do is 30 pounds on that you can go to the website you can call the number on the screen or 285 525w and then the new one the cash app see the figure on the screen pound sign kicc dona you have downloaded it on your phone you just give easily through that it goes straight into the okay i see account hallelujah god is faithful you know sometimes when we give or give try juice is this god has been so good you saw some seed and before you know before you are even stepping out something tells somebody up to sow into your life because sometimes you were debating this thing oh god this one is i'm extending some things there you know but god will show himself strong on your behalf when you obey praise god let's give two minutes as we [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] god [Music] will be [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] hallelujah please lift up whatever you have used us a device to give tonight and for those of us who have envelopes here in front stretch your hands towards it hallelujah get ready for a super abundant increase and breakthrough in your life father i pray right now for all these my brothers and sisters who have released their seed may they increase may uncommand us open for them may father battles that they don't know about lord be exposed and expelled in their lives may father lord on common testimonies attend their giving tonight thank you let somebody who has released their seat tonight have a testimony this week a major testimony they've been waiting for let it happen this week let this week be for them a week of testimonies thank you father give some surprises let it come their way rebates and reforms in the name of jesus thank you in jesus name amen praise the lord please be seated just take the announcements quickly remember the service is here 9 a.m 11 a.m live class same with uh whole street land of wonders and then the evening service 6 pm they're both actual and virtual virtual live streaming on all kscc platform and all uh platforms for pastor matthew hashimolo praise the lord make sure you also uh attend and be part of morning glo 90 days covenant of testimonies i mean i've already started journaling this you know 90 days no matter how small it is record it some of them will be that god will show you things in your dream and give you answers solution praise the lord six a.m every morning monday to friday tell your family and friends to join this one hour of god's unmissable covenant power there will be a vesting of strange testimonies strange strange amen in jesus name and this will be from august 30th to the 31st of december share your testimony on kicctv at or you can send a test or what's up to the phone number i'm not sure if it's on the screen or 7-430-779-284 [Music] happy birthday kicc praise god i was looking for him where is he praise god happy birthday klcc will be 29 years old on monday the 6th tomorrow so pray for the work that's the best gift you can give to kscc chapel's branches enlarged souls being saved on common things happening recovery of a lot of things for chaos amen as we round up the age hallelujah don't forget the global bible study also on wednesday 7 p.m on all kic social media platforms don't forget that be part of that hallelujah 7 p.m global bible study faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of the lord on friday's cairner fellowship 7 pm if you don't have one you'll join already still virtual and just like the global bible study for details on how to join a caring art fellowship call the nob church number o2 85250 or go online at www.ks dot uk forward slash chf next sunday back to school prayer service in the evening 6 p.m so join krcc as we release prayers over our children regardless of their age at the back to school prayer service here next sunday evening 6 pm don't miss it it is a time that you will not regret with pastor matthew don't miss that 6 p.m your children will be propelled to the destiny that god has for them in jesus name there will be head and no tail just like daniel shadrach meshach and abednego they were ten times better than the rest of them that would be what your children are and no devil will be able to stop them in the name of jesus and at the same twelfth this coming sunday is mission sunday in all the services 11 a.m 9 a.m 6 p.m and will be joined here by pastor steve mensah all the way from ghana you will be here to bless us and this is where you need to start to prepare your heart to be a part of the great commission to help and win souls and bless other people the bible says whoever is kind to the poor lens to the lord and he will reward them for what they have done hallelujah praise the lord all newcomers if you're here tonight or online you're welcome we believe that god has great things in store for you i believe that there's a place on our website that they can go and feel their details in and you know make sure we get in touch with you pastor matthew would like to write to you and connect with you if you are watching for the first time online hallelujah praise the lord please let's turn to our faith amen i trust that you were blessed tonight and for those who are watching online get ready you will testify of god's goodness in the land of the living look at your brother and sister from where you stand do it also at home tell them i'm so blessed and highly favored god is on my side and because god is with me i can never feel the greater one indwells me it puts me over and above every circumstance therefore no weapon formed against me my church my family my finances my future no weapon formed against us will prosper and every tongue that will rise against us in judgment they are condemned tell them this is still my year of plenty and progress and i'm going higher say hi say hi in jesus name god bless you [Music] [Music] i foreign [Music] we're glad you've watched today's service for prayer call 020-8525-000 or text to share your testimony prayer works at prayer city see you next time you
Channel: KICCOnline
Views: 2,406
Rating: 4.8961039 out of 5
Keywords: kicc service, Matthew Ashimolowo, Kent Church, Prayer City, KICC live stream, Live feed, live news, live prayers, live stream, stream, watchfree, livestreaming, coronavirus, lockdown, prayer, Covid19, UK, KICCOnline, kicc stream, kicconline,, T.D. Jakes, Elevation Church, Transformation Church, Lakewood Church, Domi Stream, RCCG, The Covenant Nation, Daystar Christian Centre, ICC TV, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Bill Winston Ministries, Jerry Eze, COZA, NSPDD
Id: KkIvnhAkac8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 0sec (7380 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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